Fortune telling for Easter and Easter week. Signs, fortune telling and rituals for Holy Week and Easter

In this topic:

Bright Sunday is a special day of the year, directly related to miracles. This is not why single women ask Heaven for help on this holiday in order to successfully arrange their personal lives. So, the most effective techniques to find love and get married on Easter.

Popular signs

What Easter signs promise a quick marriage or a fateful meeting?

  • Is any of your eyebrows itchy? Very soon you will meet your future husband.
  • If a girl hit her elbow on Easter Sunday, then her beloved remembered.
  • If your lips burn and itch, then expect fiery kisses and possibly a marriage proposal.
  • You will certainly get married this year if a fly lands on your plate at the festive table.
  • Folk omens insist: it is especially good to hear the cuckoo cuckooing on this day. It promises a successful marriage for unmarried girls, and a quick increase for married girls.

At Easter, lovers especially followed the events that happened during the kiss.

Important: if the weather is bad on Easter, then you should not agree to get married this year. It may turn out to be extremely unsuccessful. But a sunny and warm day promises a friendly and strong family.

Sign-fortune telling

In ancient times, a very interesting tradition developed. It was believed that if a girl managed to try Easter cakes baked by 12 different housewives within a week after the holiday, she would definitely receive the status of a legal wife.

Moreover, everything should turn out by chance; if you intentionally eat 12 Easter cakes, then, most likely, you will remain a girl, at least this year. Therefore, forgetting about calories, enjoy delicious pastries, and just count the number of buns you eat to yourself.

Thursday ritual

Signs for getting married insist: if you want to quickly become a legal wife, then start preparing in advance. For example, there is a special ritual to attract your betrothed on Maundy Thursday.

To do this, a woman needs to take a bath at dawn on Thursday and wipe her body dry with a new towel. And on Sunday, wrap a blessed Easter cake with colored eggs in the same thing and give it to the poor at the church as alms. By the way, the ritual is relevant not only for young women, but also for women who have already been married.

Important: The main thing is that both Easter cakes and colored eggs must be prepared with your own hands on Maundy Thursday.

Simple rituals

Below are simple but effective Easter rituals that will allow you to successfully and quickly become your beloved wife.

You must not be late for the Easter morning service. Sleepyheads and couch potatoes are destined to live alone in the New Year.

It is necessary to endure the all-night service in full, not forgetting to constantly repeat the cherished words to yourself: “Resurrection of Christ, grant a single groom.”

Simple Easter rituals can be performed at home. The main thing is to know a couple of true conspiracies and firmly believe: I will definitely get married.

  1. At Easter, girls can read a plot to get married soon. It is better to do this after visiting the temple or before lunch if you do not visit the temple. “Christ is Risen, he brought me suitors.” There is another variation of the conspiracy “As many candles burned at the service, so many suitors did the servant of God (her name) have.”
  2. In order to get married quickly, girls are recommended to kiss exactly 9 colors on Easter Sunday, and then say: “Just as people love Holy Easter, appreciate and remember their mother’s affection, so men and boys would love me more, appreciate me even more. Herds behind me. God's servant (your name), walked. Christ has risen, and the grooms have come to me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"
  3. Early in the morning you need to go to the window and turn to the Sun and say: “The Sun is floating across the sky, and my betrothed will come to my doorstep. A miracle happened - Christ has risen! Suitors are showing unprecedented interest in me. From among them I will choose the best and most worthy. My family life will be happy and calm.”
  4. For girls who dream: I will only marry a real prince, the following plot is suitable. “God grant me a good groom, in boots and ears, not on a cow, but on a horse.” You can read it both at home and while standing at the all-night vigil.

Important: Do you want to know if your beloved guy intends to propose? Pick a large bouquet of wildflowers for Easter, and carefully hide a strictly red egg inside. Give it to your boyfriend. If he accepts the bouquet without words, it means he will definitely get married.

Fun fortune telling for marriage

Knowing the main signs for Easter for unmarried ladies, you can tell fortunes in a large company.

Important: Fortune telling itself is more like fun entertainment, but sometimes this is exactly how you need to treat your dreams. Because excessive focus on what you want most often gives the opposite result. Simply put, they made a wish, created a mental message, and forgot. Heaven will take care of the fulfillment of your request.

So, for fun fortune-telling you will need:

  1. Engagement ring.
  2. A piece of bread.
  3. Saucer with sugar.
  4. Salt shaker.

Blindfolded girls need to take turns standing in the center. At this moment, the other participants quickly place objects in the corners. After which a command is given, and the girl, mentally asking: will I get married, rolls a colored egg at random in any direction. As soon as the paint stops its movement, you can open your eyes and see what you have chosen.

If the holy egg is closest to the ring, then marriage is guaranteed this year. If the egg rolls up to the bread, then the future groom will be wealthy; if to the salt, then get ready for tears and losses; if to the sugar, then no significant changes are expected.

Signs and rituals for pregnancy

Sometimes it happens that marriage is no longer or is not included in a woman’s plans. But the birth of a child is a truly welcome event. Special Easter signs and rituals will help determine whether pregnancy will happen this year.

  1. On Thursday, sew a small bag from plain fabric. Fill it with wheat grain. On Sunday, hang an improvised amulet around your neck and go to church service. During the service, mentally ask the Lord to send a baby.
  2. If going to the temple is not part of your plans, then the ritual can be performed in front of a home icon. To begin, read the “Our Father” three times, and then tell me from the bottom of your heart what you want.
  3. Bless an apple in church. Make a wish on it and eat it with pleasure along with the grains.
  4. The chances of pregnancy increase many times over if a woman manages to bump into a baby.

Ritual to summon the soul

If you want to get pregnant in the near future, make sure that there is an additional plate with cutlery on the holiday table. Place a colored egg and a slice of Easter cake in it. Mentally prepare yourself that you have prepared a place in the family for the child’s soul.

Important: This portion should not be eaten by anyone present. If you don’t keep track, and one of the guests or household members eats an egg or Easter cake, then pregnancy most likely will not occur.

After the family dinner, the Easter cake and the dye should be crumbled and fed to the birds.

As you can see, ritual signs and beliefs for Easter are not so difficult to implement. In fact, the main thing is your own sincere desire, and not any special magic. It’s just that on Christ’s Sunday, Heaven is open to those who suffer, so the chances that your prayer will reach the Higher Powers increase significantly.

Easter is one of the greatest Christian holidays, shrouded in sacred mystery, filled with mysticism and strong religious feelings of millions of believers. However, for young girls and women, Easter is not only an opportunity to cleanse themselves spiritually, but also a chance to at least a little clarify the near and distant future. Fortune telling for Easter is closely intertwined with folk Easter traditions, and some of them originate from the spring pagan rituals of the ancient Slavs. Fortune telling at this time is one of the most exciting and interesting of the year. And you can see for yourself how effective Easter fortune telling is by trying one of the options suggested below.

Fortune telling for Easter based on wishes

Make a cherished wish and break off a piece of Easter cake. Now go to a park or find a secluded place where there are practically no people, but there are birds that you can feed. After completely crumbling the cake, pour the crumbs onto the ground and step aside to watch the behavior of the birds. If the birds actively begin to peck the Easter cake, then soon the wish will come true. If they pecked reluctantly, or something scared them and made them fly away, in order for the dream to come true, you will have to work tirelessly.

Learn about the future on Easter cakes

As soon as the dough for baking Easter cakes is ready, they put it into molds and ask for the names of family members whose future they want to know about. The Easter cakes are given appropriate names and placed in the oven. When they are baked, they are taken out, carefully examined and a judgment is made about the future life that awaits the one whose name the Easter cake is named. So, even and rosy baked goods promise a good and happy fate, but if the cake comes out one-sided and covered with cracks, illness and trouble await the person. A failed or flat cake is not a good sign.

Fortune telling on the night before Easter

On the night before the holiday, fortune telling is carried out by candle flame. To do this, you need to take a consecrated church candle, light it and quickly say:

“You are a candle, burn, burn, talk about the future.”

Take a closer look at how the candle burns:

If the flame is bright and restless, the year will be rich in exciting events and love experiences.

If the flame is low and dim, the year will be boring and sad.

If the flame is even and stable, then the near future will be the same. For married women, this promises peace and harmony in the family.

If the candle does not burn so much as smoke, this promises loneliness and failure in love.

Easter fortune telling for love

Girls who are in love, but do not know whether their feeling is mutual, or are not sure what awaits them in the future with their chosen one, can have a love fortune tell for Easter. You need to go to the Easter service in church, where you buy two candles and approach the icon of the Virgin Mary. Make a guess which candle will represent you and which will represent the guy you are interested in. They need to be placed near the holy image and set on fire, and then their “behavior” should be observed:

1. If both fires burn brightly, do not crackle or smoke, then the feelings are mutual, and you will be with this person throughout life.

2. Whose candle went out faster has stronger feelings.

3. If one of the candles goes out immediately after lighting, then you will not be together.

4. If the candles smoke and crackle, then there are many obstacles on your way that will not be easy to overcome. There is a possibility that a strong rival is interfering.

5. The plaque that appears on the candle indicates that despite the reciprocity of feelings, you are unlikely to be together.

Fortune telling on the day of the Resurrection of Christ

Directly on the day of the Resurrection of Christ, you can use Easter fortune telling by eggs. Usually this fortune telling is carried out in the company of friends. The girl who will tell fortunes is blindfolded. At this time, the friends place a ring, bread, salt and sugar in the corners of the room. The fortune teller spins a painted Easter egg and rolls it around the room:

1. If she rolls up to the ring, it promises her a quick wedding;

2. Bread promises a hard-working and homely husband;

3. Sugar - a sweet and cheerful life;

4. Salt – bitter tears and disappointment.

Fortune telling for Easter with money

To find out whether this year will be favorable and whether you will be able to achieve financial well-being, conduct an Easter fortune telling with money this year. To do this you will need coins of different denominations. They need to be placed in a bag of cereal. The grain should completely cover all the coins. Now place the bag under the bed. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, take out the bag and take a handful of cereal. Pour it into a bowl and see what coins you come across. If large denomination coins predominate, you can improve your financial situation. If you get small ones, you will have difficulty making ends meet.

Fortune telling with cards has been widely popular among different nations for many years. During this time, certain principles emerged that regulated the processes associated with such magical manipulations. For many beginning fortune tellers and sorcerers, the question of whether it is possible to tell fortunes during Lent is relevant and exciting.

There is a lot of debate about whether fortune telling can be done during fasting or not.

brief information

The question can be classified as paradoxical, since for most ordinary people any magic, including fortune telling, is a phenomenon absolutely incompatible with the Christian religion.

Practicing magicians may argue, since most, especially Slavic rites of fortune telling, are based on the teachings of Orthodoxy.

The proof is provided by the magical objects used to perform the ritual:

  • icons;
  • crosses;
  • holy water.

Crosses are magical objects used in Slavic rites of fortune telling.

Secrets of the relevance of the issue

The topic of fortune telling and esoteric practice is shrouded in many myths, which over time have taken root in the subconscious of modern man.

Most myths have no connection with reality, and only some of them can be confirmed in reality. This state of affairs leads to the fact that ordinary people begin to get confused and lose the thread that made it possible to distinguish truth from fiction.

The relevance of the topic develops during periods of major church holidays, as well as Lent, which occupies a special place in Orthodox culture. Disputes about the possibility of carrying out rituals increase many times over, developing into serious squabbles.

To obtain the most reliable and up-to-date information, people facing similar questions and doubts should better contact specialists and practicing magicians.

Current opinions

Fasting is a religious tradition that aims to cleanse the body and soul of a person from sins and other things that accumulate during earthly life. The issue of fasting is a matter of personal choice; not all people observe it, even those who consider themselves to be devout and believers.

Fasting is a personal choice for each person.

According to official statistics, the influx of clients seeking magical help during church holidays and fasting does not decrease, which indicates the conviction of people who do not consider turning to the world of magic a crime that such periods do not carry additional restrictions.

Timely seeking help for any type of problem is the right solution, since both spiritual and physical health are easier to restore or maintain when the damage is not critical. We can conclude that if a problem is discovered, you should not pay attention to the accompanying factors, even in the form of Lent, since delay can lead to serious consequences.

Experts point out that the issue of maintaining cleanliness and body should be relevant not only during such periods, but also every day, so there is no point in focusing on this particular tradition.

A person who tries to observe fasting adheres to certain ideological directions of the system, which is useful for him, and most importantly, effective. In situations where such a system denies the possibility of carrying out various kinds of magical rituals and fortune-telling, their performance can be equated to serious offenses or sins that should not be committed.

Based on this, we can conclude that fortune telling during fasting is impossible for those who do not accept such actions. This behavior is typical of those who are accustomed to absorbing information without filtering and preliminary analysis. Such people have a clear “not allowed” and “allowed” accepted by part of society - the official church responds negatively.

For those accustomed to thinking with their own heads, adherence to the canons is a situational matter. They may decide to switch to a nutritious diet during Lent on the grounds that their body condition or sensations indicate such a need. Fortune telling can be available to these people at any time, because they believe in the need for it. It should be noted that such behavior is not an indicator of a person’s lack of spirituality or immorality.


Is it possible to tell fortunes during fasting? It is impossible to get a definite answer. The decision to tell fortunes using coffee grounds or any other method is individual. Carrying out rituals during Easter, depending on the position of individual people, can be interpreted as both a violation of sacred canons and as a correct decision that can bring certain benefits.

An individual approach to resolving the issue is mandatory, as is the fact that magical rituals must be carried out with one hundred percent faith in the correctness of the decision made, and with the complete absence of doubt that it will not be possible to achieve the desired result. An individual consultation with an experienced specialist will help you “open” your eyes and choose the right decision that will bring positive changes to your life.

Easter is the greatest Christian holiday, on which the soul of a believer is purified. It is shrouded in mystery and associated with many traditions. But for young girls, Easter is also a chance to clarify their destiny through fortune telling. Christianity does not accept magic, but fortune telling is not prohibited during the Easter period. Orthodoxy has many interesting interweavings with paganism. Therefore, very effective fortune telling can be performed during Easter week. As a rule, the main additional attributes in most rituals are Easter cakes and Easter eggs.

Fortune telling on the night before Easter

Usually on the night before Easter they tell fortunes using a church candle. In this case, predictions are formed by the flame of a candle. It is important to consecrate such an attribute beforehand. Having retired to a separate room on the night before Easter, you should light a candle and carefully observe how it burns. For such fortune telling, the correct preliminary attitude is very important. You should sit in silence for a while and think about your life.

The behavior of the candle may indicate the following:

    A bright and restless light foreshadows exciting love events in the coming year. A weak and dim flame emphasizes that the year will be boring and dull, you should not expect any interesting events. An even and calm flame foreshadows a stable life period, the time comes when peace and tranquility will reign in the family. A smoky and crackling flame indicates that the time of loneliness is coming, and life will be filled with failures and adversity.

In addition, at Easter, young girls wonder who their future spouse will be. To do this, in the evening you need to go to a natural reservoir. You definitely need to let your hair down. This is due to the fact that hair has a special energy and can increase the effectiveness of the fortune-telling ritual.

It is necessary to find a comfortable place to sit, so that you can carefully peer into the surface of the water. If you do this for a long time, you can see the face of your betrothed, and subsequently recognize this person in real life.

But if there is no body of water nearby, or you are simply afraid to go to it alone in the evening, then you can try to see your betrothed in another way. To do this, on Easter Sunday evening, before going to bed, place a saucer next to your sleeping place and fill it with water.

Before going to bed, you need to say the following words:

“My betrothed-mummer, destined for me by God, come to me in a dream and we’ll eat Easter cake together.”

When you wake up in the morning, you immediately need to try to remember who you dreamed about. It is the man you saw in the dream who will soon meet you in life and become your spouse.

Easter fortune telling with church candles: prediction for the year

Easter fortune telling with two candles is very popular among young girls. It allows you to clarify how your relationship with your chosen one will develop in the coming period. For the ritual, candles should be purchased in advance from the church. These attributes must be consecrated.

Having secluded yourself in a separate room, you should completely distract yourself from outside thoughts, completely focusing on your loved one. You should make a guess which of the candles in the ritual will represent your loved one, and which one will represent you. After this, the candles are placed nearby on the table and set on fire.

When they flare up, you should carefully observe how the flame behaves and draw the appropriate conclusions:

    If the candles burn with a bright flame, do not crackle, do not smoke - the couple’s feelings are mutual, the relationship will develop successfully, and there is a high probability that a wedding will soon follow. If one of the candles goes out faster, then this indicates that this partner feelings are stronger. If one of the candles goes out almost immediately, then it is not destiny to be with your chosen one. If the candle flames crackle and smoke, then there will be many obstacles along the way and in order to be together you will need to overcome a lot. In addition, such behavior of candles may indicate the presence of a rival. The raid that appears on the candle confirms deep feelings, but at the same time focuses on the fact that being together is unlikely to work out.

Collective fortune telling for Easter for girls

Very often, collective fortune telling is held at Easter. To do this, in the evening, girls and women gather in one room to carry out certain actions.

Ritual for the groom when painting eggs

Very often, fortune-telling of the groom is carried out together during the process of painting Easter eggs. After the eggs are painted, the girlfriends take turns blindfolding each other and perform the next fortune-telling ritual.

The following attributes are laid out in random order at the corners of a large table: a ring, a piece of bread, a salt shaker and a sugar bowl. A blindfolded girl spins a painted Easter egg so that it rolls across the table.

Interpretations of fortune telling are related to which direction the egg will roll:

    To the ring - you should expect a wedding in the near future. To the bread - a hard-working and homely husband will soon appear in the house. To the sugar bowl - the upcoming life period will be filled with fun and joyful events, but you should not expect marriage. To the salt shaker - you should expect separation in the near future with a loved one, which will cause tears and disappointments.

Ritual for marriage on Easter cakes

Fortune telling on Easter cakes is allowed only if you bake them yourself. In this case, fortune-telling begins during the period of laying out the dough into forms. For each prepared Easter cake, you should guess the names of the guys who pay attention to you.

The interpretation is carried out according to the shape of the baked Easter cake:

    If the cake did not rise and remained the same in volume, then this is a warning that you need to be careful with this person, most likely he is deceiving. If the top of the cry turns out to be crooked and ugly, then this indicates that this person is not at all the same person. with whom you will be happy. If the cake is beautiful, well-risen, with a fragrant golden-colored crust, then this means that the person is suitable for you and there is a high probability of successful development of the relationship.

Fortune telling with pies for love

Sometimes, in order to set the Easter table, housewives bake pies with various fillings. They can be used for fortune telling for love directly at the Easter table. You need to take a pie at random and, based on its filling, understand how things will turn out in the love sphere. The interpretation may be as follows:
    Meat filling indicates good luck in love, and also foreshadows a meeting with the betrothed. Cabbage foretells problems in the family; single people should not count on a change in status. Potatoes emphasizes the fact that financial problems may begin in the family; for single people, such filling warns that you will have to part with your partner. The sweet filling indicates that life will be filled with great sensual love.
As a rule, there are always sweets on the Easter table, including candy. They are often used by young girls to find out the name of their betrothed. Such fortune telling is simple. All you need to do is take a candy at random and determine by the first letter in the name what name your betrothed has.

Fortune telling for Easter based on wishes

On Easter Sunday, directly at the festive table, you should make a cherished wish and break off a piece of Easter cake. After this, you need to go to a park or any other secluded place where birds live. They need to be fed Easter cake crumbs. After the crumbs are poured onto the ground, you should step aside and observe. If the birds actively begin to peck the crumbs, then soon the wish will come true. If the birds peck reluctantly, or something frightens them away, then in order for the dream to come true, you will have to work tirelessly.

Easter fortune telling with raw eggs for health

Very often during the Easter period, fortune-telling is carried out using a raw egg. Or rather, you only need to use protein from it. First you should boil the water, and then carefully pour the protein into it. Next, you should wait a little while it brews and interpret fortune telling. The following image interpretations must be used:
    The church predicts that serious health problems may arise; for older people, such a symbol can become a symbol of death. Ship - indicates that if health problems arise, you will need to go to distant lands for treatment. The tree is an emphasis on good health, in you should not expect any problems in the near future. The heart indicates that problems with the cardiovascular system may arise. The flower indicates that any health problems, if they arise, will be successfully resolved. The human silhouette indicates that nearby There is a friend you can completely rely on.
When conducting Easter fortune-telling, it is very important to listen to your own intuition. Fortune telling for Easter requires a serious attitude and does not tolerate frivolity. They cannot be used as a game. Even the most comic fortune-telling carries a deep meaning. In addition, it should be remembered that any ritual must be carried out with pure thoughts, resentment and anger must be removed from the soul. If this is not done, then using fortune telling for Easter it will be impossible to obtain accurate predictions.

In Rus', people treated Holy Week, Easter and the week after Easter very responsibly. At this time, conspiracies were read, signs and Christian customs were observed, which could help throughout the next year. Here are some of them.

Rituals performed on Maundy Thursday:

Washing on Maundy Thursday from diseases and illnesses

You need to wash yourself with water before sunrise, dousing yourself with water 3 times. You don’t have to run to a river or pond; you can do this at home. Draw cold water from the tap in the evening so that it comes to room temperature. And before sunrise, wash your head with it 3 times, reciting the following spell with each wash:

“Clean Thursday, cleanse my body of illnesses, and you, fast river, take my illness (list all your ailments) into the blue sea. Amen".

Money ritual on Maundy Thursday

After ablution, collect all the money in the house, put it on the table and start counting (without being distracted by conversations, computer, telephone, etc.), saying the plot 3 times out loud when the count reaches a large round sum:

“A thousand, half a thousand, six hundred, my master hand will take everything everywhere. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

You can speak during the count not only at the end, but also during the count, do not forget to count the money 3 times. To consolidate the result, count the money 3 times every first and last number of subsequent months (at least three), there is no need to read the plot.

For beauty and wealth

Take water on Maundy Thursday, put a silver thing at the bottom, preferably a silver cross or ring, for wealth, put a coin at the bottom. Leave it in a dark place until Sunday, and on Easter morning wash your face with this water.

Ritual h to get married quickly

On the morning of Maundy Thursday, wash your face with cold water, dry yourself with a new towel and set it aside until Easter. Go to church on Easter morning with some treats wrapped in this towel and some money. Give the collected gifts to the poor begging people, and you will soon get married.

Ritual to get pregnant

At the festive table, the girls put an extra plate next to them and put the blessed Easter cake there, saying: “Easter cake is for the kids.” After the festive meal, they give this piece of Easter cake to the birds on the street.

Ritual to protect home and family

On the evening of Maundy Thursday after dinner, each family member should take a handful of salt and pour it into a common bag or bag. After the Easter holidays, this salt can be added to food so that no one gets a bad cold or gets sick, and it can also be used to make amulet bags.

Fortune telling on Good Friday morning

When you wake up, look out the window. By who you see outside the window first, you can predict the future for three months. If you see:

man, the next 3 months will be successful, what you did not plan for this time will come true. And if you are sick, you will soon recover.

If you look young girl– you will live these 3 months without problems.

To failure to see first old woman.

Family or couple- to well-being in the family.

cat- to prosperity.

Dog- to sadness, melancholy

Birds – to a pleasant acquaintance and love affair.

Well, what if you won't notice anyone alive– you will live 3 months exactly, without any major shocks.

A sign from any trouble

Get up as early as possible on Easter and watch the sunrise, then you will not know trouble and grief all year

A sign for good luck all year

Seeing a bright sunset on Easter day means good luck all year round.

Ritual h so that there is prosperity and well-being

After the Easter morning service, quickly go home, without going anywhere and without being distracted by other things and shops, but not forgetting to greet the people you meet: “Christ is risen!” And at home, begin to celebrate and praise the Lord, and then the whole year will be prosperous for you.