Lesson summary for the senior group "Modeling fairy-tale characters from plasticine" lesson plan on applique, modeling (senior group) on the topic. Photo report

DIY crafts are the best way to develop a child’s creative abilities, imagination and imagination. Therefore, if you have free time and want to spend it with your child, get creative. Probably every child has a favorite fairy-tale character and for him this will be the best handmade craft.

Crafts from plasticine on the theme “Fairy-tale characters”

Plasticine is the most convenient and easiest material to work with. Therefore, making a craft from your favorite fairy-tale hero will not be difficult. We offer you to make the hero of many fairy tales - the Snake Gorynych:

Crafts on the theme “Heroes of fairy tales” - do-it-yourself bun

For work we will need:

  • balloon;
  • office glue;
  • PVA glue;
  • threads;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors.


Crafts on the theme “Cartoon Characters” - Cheburashka made of corrugated cardboard

To create a Cheburashka we need yellow and brown corrugated cardboard, hot glue and PVA glue.

Both the body and the head consist of two parts - anterior and posterior. We first roll up the two front parts from yellow cardboard and several rows of brown on top. The two back parts are entirely made of brown cardboard. The parts need to be squeezed out a little and glued at the back with hot glue.

Glue two parts of the head and two parts of the body together, gluing them with a strip of paper in the middle.

We twist the legs out of brown cardboard, shaped like in the photo. We make handles in the same way. Each part must be extruded and glued.

We twist the ears in the same way as the head and body. Squeeze out a little and glue on the convex side.

Plasticine is a unique material that will help keep the most mischievous and naughty children occupied. As you noticed, in this article, in which we learn how to sculpt from plasticine step by step, you will find the most detailed master classes that will help parents keep their children occupied and show them an example of plasticine crafts.

For fans of super heroes

A variety of super heroes are in first place in popularity among boys today. A mischievous bully can easily be enticed by such an activity as making his favorite hero, for example, the Hulk. You will learn how to make this green giant from plasticine from the video tutorial below. In the future, such a craft may become a boy’s favorite toy or interior item.

Other movie and cartoon characters are also extremely popular among boys. In this master class you will learn how to make a transformer from plasticine.

Initially, we need to make a frame of sufficiently strong wire so that our product will last longer. So, take a rod of wire and cut it into three parts. From one we make arms, the other will go into arms, the third - legs. The very last wire needs to be wrapped around the torso and arms in a spiral. All that remains is to strengthen the body with a massive piece of plasticine, and our frame is ready.

Now you need to make blanks for the legs and the rest of the body from black plasticine. It's not difficult, just look at the image of the transformer you have chosen and sculpt figures of this shape. The blanks need to be placed in the refrigerator for a few minutes, after which you string them on a wire.

Note! If you suddenly can’t string the workpieces, just sharpen the ends of the wire.

If during work some part is damaged, you do not need to start all over again, just take a special knife for modeling (or an ordinary knife) and correct the damaged element. Now the product needs to be placed in a certain position.

Take yellow plasticine, and before doing this, thoroughly wash your hands and work surface, continue making parts according to the drawing and attaching them in the right places.

All that remains is to complete the finishing touches, the face, costume elements, and so on. The transformer for your son is ready.

If you still have any questions, you can watch the video tutorial.

For the little ones

Boys and girls simply adore the cartoon “Paw Patrol,” and it would be great to do with the children of the heroes of this cartoon. This is a very simple job that is suitable for kids. We offer you photo instructions for creating cartoon characters; no additions are required here, all actions are extremely clear.

Our children also love another animated series – “Smeshariki”; the characters of this cartoon are much easier to make than all the others. We will again offer photo tutorials, since all the steps here are extremely clear and understandable, and you can easily make any of the Smeshariki.

Option for girls

Every little girl loves a variety of dolls; for girls, it would be a great idea to make a princess; you will learn how to do this in this master class.

We take pink plasticine and use it to form the base of the dress. We roll a ball and a cone out of plasticine, these are the blanks of the dress - a skirt and a corset.

Now you need to insert a toothpick into the skirt and put a ball on it, which will later become the corset of the dress.

Now let's prepare blanks for decorating the dress; to do this, take pink and purple plasticine, roll them into sausages, and then cut them into small pieces.

From the resulting pieces we again make sausages and flatten them, you should get long flat strips.

Now these strips need to be attached to the skirt blank, the stripes should be alternated like this - pink-purple and so on.

When you attach the ruffles, do not forget to form folds on them and create a volume effect.

When you get to the base of the corset, you need to take yellow plasticine and form a yellow flat strip out of it, this will be a ribbon. Place it at the base of the corset.

Make the neck and head of our princess from beige plasticine. Attach it to the body (corset).

We take brown plasticine and use it to style our beauty; if you want to make the princess blonde, then take white plasticine.

You should not use yellow color, as we will later make the crown and it will simply merge with the yellow hair.

We make eyes on the face of our beauty; you can use black plasticine for these purposes or take beads.

Now make the sleeves from pink plasticine, and the arm itself from beige plasticine, attach it to the body and make a second one of the same kind.

Now you need to cut out a crown from a flat yellow plasticine strip and place it on the top of our beautiful princess.

The crown can be further decorated - just put bright beads on each clove.

We “reward” our beauty with a radiant smile and decorate her with beads.

Use a toothpick to draw the hairs and decorate the outfit.

For the princess, you can make a royal horse, but it will not be a simple horse, but a fairy-tale pony from the cartoon “My Little Ponies”, it will become a wonderful friend for the princess, and girls love this cartoon no less than cartoons about Barbie and fairy-tale heroines.

Video on the topic of the article

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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The problem solved by the project In the modern world there are so many games, toys and entertainment for children that sometimes children do not notice how many interesting and exciting things surround them. The main idea Plasticine is the first modeling material that every child gets acquainted with. Do we know EVERYTHING about plasticine? We assume that what we can learn about clay will teach us something new that we didn’t know before. Project hypothesis New information, even about familiar things, can open up new horizons for creativity and teach new and interesting possibilities. We assume that we ourselves can create the characters from the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”. Scale of work organization Collective project

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The goal of the project: comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development of children in the process of mastering the techniques of modeling from plasticine. Project objectives: Educational: To develop the ability to follow oral instructions; To develop artistic and plastic skills and skills in working with plasticine; Create compositions with products made from plasticine. Developmental: Develop attention, memory, logical and spatial imagination. Develop constructive thinking and intelligence; Form aesthetic and artistic taste. To develop in children the ability to work with their hands, to accustom them to precise finger movements, to improve fine motor skills of their hands, and to develop their eye. Educational: Arouse interest in arts and crafts. Create a work culture and improve work skills. Promote the creation of play situations, expand children's communication abilities. Improve work skills, create a work culture, teach accuracy, the ability to use materials carefully and economically, and keep the workplace in order.

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Materials: for the hut: plain plasticine, thick cardboard, wire, dry branches, cotton rope; for crafts of the main characters: colored plasticine, toothpicks. Tools: modeling board, awl, stack.

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Work plan: 1. Collection of information from various sources about the properties of plasticine. 2. Selecting a product model 3. Find out what additional material can be used to make crafts. 4. Practical part - making fairy tale characters. 5. Design of the project. 6. Observation, photo – recording. 7. Generalization of experience, creation of a project presentation. 8. Participation in a school design competition.

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Moral of the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” The children's fairy tale “Geese and Swans” teaches in an accessible language how to correct one’s mistakes and make courageous decisions - the sister began to play too much and she had to go after her kidnapped brother into the dark forest. Various challenges await her along the way. The tale of Geese and Swans is a kind of work on mistakes - the girl at first behaves extremely frivolously, but realizing her mistake, she overcomes all the difficulties along the way and rescues her brother. The fairy tale Geese and Swans makes you feel what the responsibility and social significance of the elder in relation to the younger means.

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The bony old woman Baba Yaga is known to everyone from Russian folk tales. The image of Baba Yaga is in demand at all times, because without it it is difficult to introduce a note of evil into a fairy tale, but goodness will definitely defeat it. However, no one is afraid of Baba Yaga. Everyone knows that no matter how hard she tries to annoy someone, eat someone or bewitch someone, she will not succeed. Therefore, you will definitely support the idea of ​​​​making this heroine from plasticine. Baba Yaga

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Take a small piece of beige plasticine and roll it into a ball. If this color is not in the set, dilute the white with a drop of brown or orange. Start creating the elongated face of the evil old woman, gradually stretching out the plasticine. Place a protruding nose at the central point, above it are eyes made of white and black grains. The appearance of Baba Yaga is already emerging. Stick bright plasticine onto the top of your head, forming a scarf or scarf. Roll up lots of thin white sausages and use them to create gray hair and eyebrows. A few additional touches - large warts and a toothless mouth cut by a stack - and the head of the evil one is ready.

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7. Fashion a shirt from any color. Make an egg shape with a bump to imitate the hump of an old woman. 8. Place sleeves on both sides. 9. To create the illusion of a ragged skirt, flatten the clay into a cake shape. Then roll into a cone, trimming off any excess if necessary. Carefully trim the bottom edge. Attach the skirt to the shirt. 10. Attach the head to the torso, not forgetting that there should be a hump. 11. Insert a few matches under the skirt, then the figure will be stable. Also add a few details to complete the composition: palms, collar, buttons, belt.

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In order to make a log hut, you will have to roll out a large number of rollers of equal length and thickness. From these rollers you need to build walls, cut out windows and a door in them. Making a hut is quite difficult. You will need a lot of plasticine and all your acquired modeling skills.

Do-it-yourself plasticine “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.” Master class with step-by-step photos

Samoilenko Tamara Vladimirovna, teacher-defectologist of the Borisoglebsk Boarding School for Orphans and Children Without Parental Care with Disabilities.
The master class is designed for children of primary school age, teachers of preschool and additional education, teachers, children and their parents.
Purpose: characters for puppet theater, participation in school exhibitions, fairytale therapy classes
Target: creating images of the Old Man and Goldfish
- introduce children to Pushkin’s fairy tale and the character of the main characters.
- improve sculpting technique
- development of children's creative abilities, attention, imagination and fantasy;
- development of fine motor skills, eye;
- fostering perseverance, accuracy, and interest in working with plasticine
- learning how to create crafts with your own hands
Description: The work can be done with children of primary and secondary school age. The material may be useful to preschool and additional education teachers, teachers, children and their parents.

Tales of Pushkin
Since childhood we know
According to friends' tales
We choose for ourselves.
We grew up with them
And the enemies were distinguished,
Through life with fairy tales
They walked to Pushkin
We were friends, we loved,
Laughed, joked
And in Pushkin's fairy tales
Heroes were loved.
There is a fairy tale about a fisherman,
His wife is an old woman,

I was not happy with everything:
I didn't want to be a peasant
I didn't want to be a noblewoman
I didn't want to be a queen.
She had a dream -
Become the mistress of the sea,
But the mistress of the sea
The old woman could not become
She wanted a lot
And to the broken trough
Her greed led.

“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” was written by Alexander Pushkin on October 14, 1833 and first published in the magazine “Library for Reading” in May 1835.
The plot of the fairy tale is based on the Russian folk tale “The Greedy Old Woman” and also echoes the Pomeranian fairy tale “About the Fisherman and His Wife” from the collection of fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm.
The charm of fairy-tale fiction was first felt in full force by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. He brought the fairy tale out of the category of secondary literature, as it remained before him. From Mikhailovsky he wrote to his brother: “What a delight these fairy tales are! Each is a poem." The poet's own fairy tales retained the main thing - the charm and freedom of a fairy-tale miracle.
The name of Pushkin and his facial features enter our consciousness in very early childhood, and we carry the poems or fairy tales we hear for the first time throughout our lives. Pushkin lived in the heyday of oral fairy tales, communicated with many storytellers, saw the creative style of various performers, so fairy tales became one of the most interesting areas in his work. Pushkin's fairy tales are direct heirs of folk tales, but not an imitation of them.
The tale condemns the desire to rise above one's wretched condition. The old woman wants to get a new house instead of a dugout, then become a lady from a peasant woman, and then a queen.
In Pushkin's fairy tale, the fate of the old man is separated from the fate of the old woman; he remains a simple peasant fisherman, and the higher the old woman climbs the “social ladder,” the heavier the oppression experienced by the old man becomes. Pushkin’s old woman is punished not because she wants to live as a lady or queen, but because, having become a lady, she beats and “drags” her servants by the chuprun, and sends her peasant husband to serve in the stable; Having become a queen, she is surrounded by formidable guards, who almost chopped up her old man with axes; she wants to be the mistress of the sea so that the goldfish will serve her and be on her errands. This gives Pushkin's fairy tale a deep progressive meaning.
The fairy tale is written in a special verse created by Pushkin, with which he wrote one of the “Songs about Stenka Razin” (“Like the wide Volga Rock ...”) and most of the “Songs of the Western Slavs.”

In my work, I tried to convey the image of an old worker, with a hunched back, but a kind soul, to whom, as if by magic, the Golden Sorceress Fish was caught in his net.
Before starting work, I introduced the children to Pushkin’s fairy tale, the students decided on the character of the main characters, and became acquainted with Bilibin’s drawings. I also had conversations about greed and virtue, work and kindness. The children themselves illustrated the fairy tale, and an exhibition of children's works was organized. And then we decided to create the characters we liked.

For work we will need: a sheet of colored cardboard, plasticine, stacks, scissors, glue, pencil, plate, painting mesh.

We take a sheet of yellow cardboard, trace it around the plate, cut out a circle, cut it in half and glue one half to the plate. We have a sand background.

To make the old man and the fish, we take plasticine in yellow, brown, red, pink, and white colors. I didn't have much white plasticine, so I used pink. Knead well and roll into flat cakes.

For arms and legs we roll out sausages from pink and brown plasticine. Thinner for arms, thicker for legs.

We make hands from pink sausages and flatten them at the end. We sculpt a head from a pink ball; for the neck I used a smaller flagellum.

We connect all the elements. Using a stack we make a face.

Roll out two small circles from white plasticine for hair, mustache and beard and shape with a stack

For the shirt, we take a white ball of plasticine, heat it in our hands so that it becomes very soft, and apply the resulting mass to the old man’s torso and coat it.

We attach a piece of our net with blue plasticine to the plate on one side, and put the other end in the old man’s hands.

To create the sea, we take blue plasticine, pinch it off in small pieces, flatten it in our hands to give it the shape of droplets and apply it with strokes to the other half of the plate. We ended up with a sea made of plasticine and land made of yellow cardboard.

To make a fish, we take yellow plasticine. For the body, take a larger piece, use a stack to cut out the shape of the mouth, and flatten the fins with your fingers.

We make a crown from a piece of red plasticine and cut out the scales on the body of the fish using a stack. The fish turned out.

Now we need to throw her into the net and make a wish, only a good one and it will definitely come true. I wish you all to achieve your dreams, and for this you need to make efforts, do good deeds, and we will no longer need a goldfish. Let's free her from the net and let her swim into the blue sea! Good luck, Goldfish!

Fairy-tale heroes of the fairy tale "Teremok"




Degtyarnikova M.G.


Subject: Modeling of the heroes of the Teremok fairy tale.


To develop children's interest in modeling from plasticine.

To develop accuracy and perseverance in children.


Strengthen the ability to work in a stack, placing heroes in a certain sequence.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Enrich your vocabulary.


plasticine, stacks, boards for modeling, pictures depicting the characters of the tower.

Dictionary: fairy tale, tower, hero, mouse. frog, hare, fox, wolf, bear. sculpt, roll up, ball, oval.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Sit correctly. Speak well, listen carefully. 2.2. Phonetic and auditory exercises.

Educator: Can you hear me...?

Student: I hear well.

Educator: What is your lesson now?

Student: Now the class is modeling.

Educator: What do we need for modeling?

Student: plasticine, modeling board, stack.

Educator: Control sound: Say this sound well. Listen to the syllables, read. (The teacher reads, in chorus, one at a time)


Listen to the words, read


(Summarizing phonetic and auditory exercises)

3. Message about the topic of the lesson:

Educator: Today we will go on a visit to the Russian folk tale “Teremok”, and everyone will blind a fairy tale hero.

4.Reading a dictionary:

Fairy tale, tower, hero, mouse, frog, hare, fox, wolf, bear. sculpt, roll-up ball, oval.

5. Conversation:

Educator: I tell the children a fairy tale, and during the story I give the children pictures depicting the heroes of the fairy tale.

Educator: What fairy tale did we read?

Students: The fairy tale “Teremok”.

Educator: Guys, what heroes did you hear in the fairy tale?

Students: A mouse - a little mouse, a frog - a frog, a bunny - a runner, a fox - a sister, a wolf and a clubfooted bear.

Educator: That's right, well done! Where do fairy-tale animals live?

Students: Animals live in the forest.

Educator: Now look who has what picture on the table, he will sculpt such a hero (children's answers).

Educator: Let's remember what parts the mouse consists of?

Students: From the head, torso, paws, tail, ears.

Educator: How many legs does a mouse have? How many ears does a mouse have?

Students: The mouse has two ears.

Educator: Correct, what shape is the head and body?

Student: The head is round; the body is oval.

Educator: Well done guys, choose a color, take plasticine. Let's sculpt. Roll a round ball, this wakes up the head, then an oval, this wakes up the torso, then the paws, the tail. We carefully apply all parts to the body so that they hold tightly. We put the finished crafts on boards.


7. Summary:

Educator: Guys, let's look at our fairy-tale heroes of the tower. What kind of ones did we get?

Students: Beautiful, colorful.

Educator: What material did you work with today?

Students: To work, you needed plasticine, stacks, a modeling board, pictures with fairy tale characters.

Educator: Did you like our crafts?

Students: Yes, I liked it.

Educator: All the guys were great, they did well, they all tried.