Does the law of tithing work? Universal laws of prosperity

Imagine I make this offer to you: I ask that American Express give me another credit card with your name on it. You can use this card wherever it is accepted and buy whatever you want. There are no restrictions: if you want to update your wardrobe, please; if you pick up a couple of suitable Ferraris and add a Bentley to them - cool! You may even be able to purchase a new home if you find an owner who accepts credit cards. You can buy absolutely anything you want!

There is only one condition: when the bill arrives every month, you will pay 10% of the indicated amount. So, buy whatever you want, just remember that you have to pay 10 cents on every dollar.

Well, do you agree to such a deal? Would you jump at this opportunity? Well, you already have it! It's called the Universe Credit Card, or Universe Express.

Paying tithes is a church law dating back thousands of years; it is simply the act of giving back to the source of your spiritual well-being, which is usually a church, temple, mosque or synagogue. The word "tithe" itself comes from the word "tenth", that is, paying a tithe is returning 10% of what you receive.

And this is a little different from randomly “sowing goodness”, as well as donating money to charity. The principle of tithing is giving back to your source of spiritual food.

In addition to atheists and agnostics, there is another category of people who believe in God, but do not have a permanent spiritual refuge, and therefore wonder who they should pay their tithe to and whether it is necessary to do it at all? Well, you're all big boys and girls, so I'll leave it up to you; Let me just remind you that your 10% should go to the source of your spiritual strength.

If you are still on the fence about tithing, perhaps my story can help you in some way. I did not pay this tribute for 30 years of my life, thinking that this way I was saving money. Hardly—I only made $11,000, $15,000, and $20,000, and now my tithe is many times that amount.

I started tithing only when a crisis came in my life and I re-evaluated all my values. My business was seized by the IRS for nonpayment of taxes, leaving me $55,000 in debt; I didn’t have a job, I didn’t have a car, and I didn’t have a bank account either. For weeks I shot change from friends in order to somehow survive, but gradually these sources dried up.

When I only had $20 left, someone recommended that I buy Katherine Ponder's book, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. I think it cost $12, so if I bought it I'd be left with eight bucks. Therefore, I had a choice: either buy 80 packs of pasta and thereby provide myself with food for another 23 days, or buy a book and eat only 8 days.

I decided that since I was destined to die of hunger anyway, it was better to end this quickly, and I chose a book...

In it, Reverend Ponder said: To attract prosperity into my life, I must pay tithing. I was so desperate that I believed it and put one of my last 8 bucks in the offering basket at church (and watched wistfully as the person carrying it walked away down the aisle).

The next day I received a check for $75 from the electricity company; the letter that came with it stated that the company had verified all the clients' paperwork and since I am such a great client that I always pay on time, they are refunding me my deposit.

This surprised me greatly because I was probably one of the worst defaulters the company had ever dealt with. I was late paying my bill every month, and they, by the way, cut off my power three times for non-payment. I was sure (I am still sure) that I received this check because I donated money to the church that Sunday. However, if you think about it, since I received the check on Monday, it must have been mailed the previous Friday, that is, 2 days before I gave that dollar at the church.

How to explain this? I don't know.

All I know is that I was afraid of not paying my tithe after that check came in, so I paid the church a tenth of it too - and the guy who owed me $200 for 2 years and got lost , suddenly showed up and paid me the debt. And from this amount I also paid tithing.

From then on, I gave 10% of every dollar I earned to the church, and every year I received more and more. Only now I don’t pay this 10% out of fear - now I do it with joy, love and gratitude.

When I talk about tithing, the question always comes up: “Is it 10% of net income or total income?” From general; yes, from the amount you have before taxes.

It is impossible to predict how your donation will be rewarded; money is the most common option. But reward can also come in the form of reconciliation with someone with whom you have long been in a quarrel, or in the form of a gift, a new relationship, healing or career advancement. There are many ways to reward goodness.

And here's something else I believe: the Universe will still receive its tribute. You can tithe voluntarily or forcefully, but you will always have to pay. During all those years of not paying my tithing, my car broke down, I lost paychecks, I was overwhelmed with medical bills, and I was subjected to every imaginable drama and injury that left me broke. In a metaphysical sense, I believe that I was forced to pay additional expenses so that this money would later come to people living according to the laws of the Universe.

Prosperity involves circulation. You need to set the substance in motion to avoid stagnation. When you consciously pay your tithe, you set many other laws in motion, creating waves of reciprocity that, one way or another, return to your shores.

The Law of Emptiness or Vacuum. According to this law, if you want to receive something, you should make room for it in your life. This applies to everything. For example, you dream of a new job, but continue to stubbornly hold on to your previous job, which you don’t like at all. You come up with a lot of excuses to justify your inaction: it’s difficult to find a new job, you urgently need money, it’s scary to be in limbo. You hold on to the hated service and do not allow new opportunities into your life. This law also works in relationships.

If someone leaves your life, then let them go in peace. Only after this will someone new come into your life.

Another Law of the Universe - Law of Circulation says that you must be willing to completely give up what you have in order to get what you want.

The Law of Imagination or the Law of Visualization. Learn to dream. Let your fantasies be vivid. Try to imagine your new prosperous happy life in the smallest detail. For example, imagine your life in five years. Your cherished dreams have already come true, you are thriving. Write down all your emotions, what you feel, how you feel, what what you own looks like. Do this in as much detail as possible. Try to reread everything you write as often as possible. You can add new details to your descriptions from time to time. The more emotions you experience each time you read it, the greater the likelihood that your plans will come true.

The Law of Creativity. You can get whatever you want from the Universe through your thinking, imagination and intuition. The creative process is a continuation of visualizing and transforming an idea. Your thoughts are directed towards a specific goal, and the creative process begins, which brings the idea into concrete form.

Law of Tithe. For all gifts, the Universe will definitely take its tithe. This is the law of gratitude and support. The Universe takes one tenth to give it back to you in due time. Tithe to you in the form of reconciliation with someone or meeting a new interesting person, a miraculous recovery, and so on.

The Law of All-Forgiveness. If you do not know how to sincerely forgive people, then you will never be able to get what you want. If your soul is filled with hatred and you are constantly hatching plans for revenge, then love and happiness will never find a place in your heart. It is necessary to get rid of negative emotions that literally devour you and give you no peace.

The universe will always take its tithe

Imagine that I have such an offer to you.

I will give you a copy of my American Express credit card with your name on it. You can use this card wherever it is accepted, buy whatever you like. No restrictions.

If you want a new suit, please. If you want a car, great. You can even buy a house if the seller accepts card payments. You can buy anything!

On one condition only...

When the bill arrives each month, you will be required to pay 10 percent out of your own money each month. So, buy whatever you want, but know that for every dollar you pay 10 cents.

Is this a lot?

Will you miss this opportunity? You already have it! This is the credit card of the universe.

Tithing is a spiritual law that dates back thousands of years.

This is simply the law of gratitude to the source of spiritual support, such as: church, temple, synagogue, etc. This is returning ten percent to God.

This is different from randomly sowing seeds and from charity. The basic principle of tithing is gratitude to a source of spiritual support. This is also one of the laws that people have such a hard time accepting.

Think differently. Instead of thinking that you are giving 10 percent of what is yours, imagine that God is giving 90 percent of what is His.

The question immediately arises: “Ten percent of your abundance or of your lack?”

Of course, from abundance, regardless of all other taxes.

Of course, I didn't pay any tithing for the first thirty years of my life. Think about the money I saved!

I was making $10,000 a month, then $15,000, and then $20,000. Now I spend much more on tithing! (I, who paid duties at customs with displeasure!)

Now, let me prove to you that tithing is a great achievement. It goes something like this...

My business was closed for non-payment of taxes. I owed $55,000 and was left without a job, no car, and no bank account. I borrowed money from friends to somehow make ends meet, and it just went on forever.

I lived only on macaroni and cheese, four boxes for a dollar if I could get it at the supermarket. And so on for several weeks. I was down to my last $20 when someone recommended Ponder's book, which I've already written about. It cost 12 dollars. So if I bought it, I would have 8 left. So the alternative was to buy 80 boxes of pasta and eat it for 23 days, or buy a book and eat it for 8 days.

I decided that if I was going to die of hunger, it would be better to do it quickly. So, I tried my luck with the book.

The book said that I must pay tithing if I wanted to achieve prosperity in my life. I reached such a point of despair that I believed what was written. And I put in my last 8 dollars. (With what despair I watched them disappear!)

The next day I received a check from the electric company for $75. The enclosed letter stated that I was a model payer and they would no longer send me bills.

But it was amazing! I was the worst payer in the world! I was late on my energy bills and my power went out at least three times.

I think I did better because I gave that Saturday. If you do the math, you'll see that if the check came on Sunday, it should have been sent on Thursday, two days before I went to church. It's true. How do I explain this to myself?

Tithe Statements:

All I know is that I was no longer afraid to tithe after this experience. Then this guy who owed me $200 for two years suddenly showed up and paid off the debt. And I paid my tithe.

I've tithed every dollar I've earned since then. And every year I earned more than the previous year. Only now I was no longer afraid of anything. I paid my tithes with joy, gratitude, and happiness.

You never know how your tithe will come back to you. Money is a common occurrence. But it can also come in the form of reconciliation with someone you were in a fight with, new friendships, recovery, and so on.

All these years, while I didn’t pay, my car was always broken, I lost checks, I got sick, all sorts of troubles happened to me.

Remember that the energy of prosperity circulates.

Get your substance circulating or it will stagnate. When you pay tithe by your free choice, you put many other laws into action, such as the law of Acceptance and Retribution.

Divine love, through me, perfects and multiplies all that I have, all that I am, and all that I accept.

I give thanks for the blessings that have come to me and continue to come.

I rejoice in the source of my wealth and am grateful for its continued growth.

Financial freedom for me, it’s having assets that generate monthly passive income, which is enough to support my family life.

Assets I consider that which brings money or is valuable in relation to money. For example, real estate, shares, securities, deposits, copyrights, gold, cryptocurrency, etc.

Where did my journey to financial freedom begin?

As I already said, in 2008, my friend, after reading Robert Kiyosaki’s book, decided to save at least a tenth of his income and never spend it, but only increase it. At the time of the decision, he owned 75 square meters of commercial property, which included a grocery store. 7 years later, in 2015, he already owned several thousand square meters of real estate, which brought him hundreds of thousands of rubles a month. I saw my friend achieve financial freedom through his entire journey, and I know for sure that he achieved this through the principle of tithing. Only in 2015, looking at the results of my friend, I decided and formally created my own investment fund into which I contribute at least 10% of my income every month and increase them through various investment projects.

What is the deep essence of the principle of tithing?

Ten in numerology it means perfection and completeness. Completing something means starting something new. Therefore, the tithe should go towards creating something new. In this case, I propose to direct this energy to creating assets in order to always have the energy of money, prosperity and abundance.

Understanding these relationships, we can conclude that without money today it is almost impossible to implement. Many people, when receiving money, try to give it away quickly without paying themselves.

For me, money is a manifestation of energy that has consciousness. And how we treat her is how she treats us. If we respect this energy, love it and joyfully accept it, then it will have the desire to remain with us. Those who are always with money right now understand well what I mean...There is a popular saying: “Money leads to money” and this is true, because the more we save and accumulate the energy of money, the simpler and easier new money comes. But despite this, you need to be able to give money to charity, we’ll talk about this at the end of the article.

The Principle of Tithing in Practice

Let's take, for example, an average person with an income of 25,000 rubles a month and see how much capital he will have through 7 years of tithing.

25,000 rubles - a tenth of this amount = 2,500 rubles.

This is what the natural growth of capital will be due to tithes:

  • After 1 month = 2500 rub.
  • After 2 months = 5000 rub.
  • After 3 months = 7500 rub.
  • After 4 months = 10,000 rub.
  • After 12 months = 30,000 rub.
  • After 84 months = 210,000 rubles.

If we use these tools correctly, this is what capital growth will look like:

  • After 1 month = 2500 rub.
  • After 2 months = 5000 rub. + 500 rub. (%) = 5500 rub.
  • After 3 months = 7500 rub. + 1100 rub. (%) = 8600 rub.
  • After 4 months = 10,000 rub. + 1720 rub. (%) = 11720 rub.
  • After 12 months = 30,000 rub. + 6718 rub. (%) = 36718 rub.
  • After 84 months = 210,000 rubles. + 248823 rub. (%) = 458823 rub.

In 7 years we will getRUB 458,823 capital that can be created by a person with a salary of 25,000 rubles. This is a conditional example, of course, but it still shows what the prospects are in 7 years.

I am sure that the saved 10% of income will not in any way affect the quality of life of this person at the present moment, but after 7 years his capital will bring him 91,764 rubles per month if he continues to invest at 20% per month, which is possible today, rather In just 7 years this opportunity will remain.

“Most people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.”

Jim Rohn

Tithe for charity

In addition to the tithe, which we invest in financial freedom, it is advisable to allocate another tithe for charity and donate it to good causes, for example, once a month you can support some useful projects for society on a crowdfunding site or make a donation to an orphanage by buying clothes or food or something else. Personally, I support yogi monks and donate to the development of Dharmic projects. It is important to be able to give away part of the money you earn in order to start the process of energy moving through us. There is a law of the universe that can be expressed something like this “The more you give, the more you receive” or “Give up the intention to have and replace it with the intention to give, and you will receive what you gave up.” Of course, giving should be from the heart, and not just because it is necessary, then it will work magically.

That's all for today. In the near future, I want to write an article and talk about my magical achievements in the matter of attracting money.

I wish you the determination to begin applying the principle of tithing in your life in 2017 and become financially free in 7 years.

Happy New Year to you! 🙂

The Law of Tithing I was asked the question: “How important is it to apply the “law of tithing” in life? Is this a church principle or one of the laws of the Universe? It is believed that the Universe will always take its tithe and it is better to give it to it voluntarily)) Does it matter to whom you give it: to homeless animals, sick children, to churches, to the homeless... and is it necessary to do it at all? Let's take responsibility for creating this law. Since it exists, then we need it for some reason) My vision of this law is as follows: When we, as Souls, began to flirt with matter and property, we could create similar rules so that they would remind us of the unity of all energies, of fluidity, of non-attachment to the material. At first, perhaps it was better reasoned and perceived more beautifully, divinely. Later this turned into a process based on the fear of losing one’s material possessions.

But let's go deeper and see ourselves instead of the formidable Universe, which “will still take its toll”)) Why should we deprive ourselves of material things? Then, if we begin to plunge into accumulation, into the ego, into the material, then the loss of this material is a good way to reboot! There is a zeroing out, a transition to thoughts about God, the Soul. It is the process of loss of the material that, most often, leads us into the immaterial spheres. Where the questions begin: why, why, how to fix... Here comes active introspection and a desire to learn more! That is, when we flirt, we begin to be very sensitive to matter, money, things - it’s most difficult for us to give and share. And this may be a sign for our Soul to reset through the loss of material things. By creating such laws for ourselves, we wanted to remind ourselves: give, share, remove boundaries, be open, don’t get attached, everything is fluid, everything is changeable. You give, it comes to you, you give again... Energy is always in motion, there is no mine or someone else’s. Everything is one. And if someone needs help, and I found out about it or was nearby, then I can help! That is, the cause-and-effect relationship between stinginess = loss exists, but we have clothed it in the image of the Universe, which for some reason must take away what we have if we do not tithe. And we put the tithe itself in monetary form and perceived it all quite narrowly. We have simplified it and made it into a terrible story of obligation, duty and retribution. When we reach levels of consciousness where there is only energy, where there is fluidity, where there is unity, the issues of tithing and energy exchange expand for us. We give energy, we receive, we share, and something comes back to us...

We are not stuck on the template of giving 10% of our income to the church. We give where it is needed, we receive from where it comes. We are broader and more than just people living in fear of heavenly punishment for unfulfilled instructions. We are broader and more than just people tithing to avoid greater losses. We came out of fear, we chose the joy of being, the joy of sharing with others everything that happens. We bring positivity, good energies, Light! And for us it is the same “tithe”, but given in Love, and not in fear. Given, not because it is “necessary”, but because it is our Essence, our Being, our Happiness! Giving “voluntarily” seems like some kind of obligation that we did not understand and did not fully accept. But this law contains more meaning and beauty than we perceive with human perception alone. This is not a law that limits us. He just is. There is a principle, there is a meaning inherent in it. But what is this principle for us? How do we perceive it? What do we put in it? This is already the creativity of each individual Soul. And only what we believe in always happens. If we get out of the limitations of consciousness, resources, energies, we will understand that everything is limitless, for us such questions will cease to be a stumbling block and mentalization. What is right? Which is correct? In what form? In what size? Is it necessary or not? We feel with our hearts, with our Essence. And we decide what and how works for us in our reality. Question about spiritual growth trainings. Your spiritual growth is your choice, it is what is important to you. And if you come to masters or trainers, then the payment will be an energy exchange, during which you receive something important for yourself. Tithing simply involves giving away part of your energy, without expecting anything in return. This is the ability to be in trust, knowing that the Universe (you, as the creator of your Universe) will always take care of you. This is the ability to feel unity and community with people, being for them support, help, synchronicity. This is emancipation and going beyond personal matters and energies. How does this principle manifest itself in my life? I do what I can do if someone asks for help. I feel like the energy that brings the necessary vibrations to the planet. I flow with the flow of life and intuitively do what is important. For me, giving is a creative process. The process that I build in a way that suits me; the way I feel it at every moment. With Love, knowing Who You Are, Anna Komkova