Recipes for therapeutic baths. How to make salt baths for joints? Therapeutic bath with baking soda

The famous 16th-century physician and alchemist Paracelsus said that the same substance can be both poison and medicine at the same time. There is a radioactive gas in nature that does not cripple, but rather treats diseased organs in moderate doses. Moreover, it is also surprising in that it weighs 4 times heavier than iron and at the same time flutters freely in a gaseous state. This is radon, which people have learned to use for their own benefit.

Today, a large number of sanatoriums around the world, among other services, offer their patients the famous radon baths - all doctors know the indications and contraindications for them in detail. So, after consulting with your doctor, knowing what diseases this procedure can cure, you can hope that these miraculous baths will be prescribed for you.

Indications for treatment with radon baths

Before you go into radon waters to treat your ailments, you need to thoroughly study their effect on the body and undergo a preliminary examination in a clinic or the same sanatorium. The doctor will make the necessary instructions and tell you exactly what indications can be used for taking these healing baths. As a rule, they are prescribed in the following cases:

  • heart diseases (ischemia, angina pectoris, myocardial dystrophy, defects, cardiosclerosis);
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • varicose veins;
  • diseases of the peripheral (plexitis, neuralgia, radiculitis, neuritis) and central (sleep disorders and neurasthenia) nervous system;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, polyarthritis, osteitis, osteomyelitis, fractures, osteoarthritis, spondylitis);
  • chronic pulmonary diseases;
  • diseases (mostly chronic) of the female genital organs of an inflammatory nature (fibroids, endometriosis), and radon baths are also very effective for fibroids;
  • prostatitis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney problems;
  • various skin diseases (lichen, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, scleroderma), fresh wounds, keloid scars, trophic ulcers;
  • diabetes;
  • gout;
  • obesity.

This is how radon baths turn out to be useful: the indications for their use cover quite a lot of diseases. In addition to the therapeutic effect, they can also be an excellent preventative measure for these same painful conditions. The main thing is that there are no contraindications, because in this case radon is not something to joke about: after all, the element is radioactive!

Contraindications for this procedure

Possessing a radioactive charge, albeit in small quantities, radon baths also have contraindications, when the slightest dose can turn out to be disastrous. This can result in numerous side effects (dizziness, headaches) and in exacerbation of painful conditions. Therefore, each patient who is planning to undergo this procedure undergoes a mandatory examination for the presence of contraindications:

  • radiation sickness;
  • smoking;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • heart failure;
  • ischemia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmia, extrasystole);
  • leukopenia;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • individual tolerance to radon water (manifests itself in the form of sweating, shortness of breath, dizziness, etc.);
  • occupational exposure to radiation;
  • epilepsy;
  • benign tumors;
  • vegetative-vascular dysfunctions.

Only after a thorough medical examination can radon treatment be prescribed if there are no contraindications. If everything goes well, you will be able to enjoy the healing and rejuvenating effects of these miracle baths.

Method of treatment with radon baths

Having learned how radon baths are useful and what contraindications they have, it’s time to take a closer look at the procedure itself. This will help you navigate during treatment. Understanding how and what exactly is happening to your body at this time is always more pleasant than being frightened by any bubble rising from the bottom of the bath, or any new sensation for you.

1. Natural springs

Firstly, nature has given man natural radon baths in the form of springs, the waters of which are naturally saturated with radon. Such unique sources can be enjoyed at resorts in:

  • Russia: Pyatigorsk, Molokovka, Belokurikha, Ust-Kut;
  • Ukraine: Khmilnik;
  • Georgia: Tskhaltubo;
  • Germany: Bad Nauheim, Bad Brambach;
  • Austria: Bad Gastein;
  • France: Bagneres-de-Luchon:
  • Italy: Ischia - and other famous European resorts.

All natural springs enriched with radon are monitored by doctors within the sanatorium to which these waters are attached. And this is completely justified: as mentioned above, the uncontrolled use of radon baths can result in the most harmful consequences for a person.

2. Artificial baths

Artificial radon baths, which are prepared directly by doctors themselves, are more widely used. The procedure is completely painless and pleasant to the senses.

1. Pour 200 liters of clean, fresh water into the bath, which has previously undergone thorough filtration. Her temperature is 37–38°C and is maintained throughout the procedure.

2. Add a concentrated solution of radon (100 ml) to this water.

3. Immerse the patient in the bath to approximately the level of the nipples. The dive should be as careful as possible so that no waves arise on the surface of the water.

4. The duration of the first procedure is 10 minutes. All subsequent ones are 15.

5. The patient’s exit from the bath should be as careful as the entrance: without disturbing the water surface.

6. After this, the patient wraps himself in a towel, but does not rub himself with it, so that the decay products of radon remain on the skin and are absorbed into it.

7. After the procedure, the patient should rest for an hour without engaging in any vigorous activity.

8. Depending on the disease, the doctor may prescribe 5 or 10 procedures.

The obvious benefits of radon baths make this procedure very popular and widely used. Moreover, it is carried out exclusively under the vigilant and constant supervision of doctors, excluding errors and side effects. How can one not recall Paracelsus: indeed, radioactive gas, which by definition should be harmful, has such a healing effect on the human body. Thanks to Mother Nature, who gave us such medicine, and to the doctors-scientists who so wisely learned to use it.

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Useful baths at home. Types of baths and their use. Recommendations from the Golden Bee.

Dear readers! In health lesson No. 96 we will talk about the types of medicinal baths and recipes for taking baths at home.

Cool baths

Cool baths with a temperature of 28-33 ° C and a duration of 3-5 minutes are suitable for hyposthenic neurasthenia (apathy, lack of appetite, drowsiness).

Indifferent baths

Indifferent baths lasting 15-20 minutes are used for hyposthenic neurasthenia (irritability, insomnia, headache), skin diseases accompanied by itching, and neurodermatitis. The water temperature in them is 34-36° and higher - 37-39 °C.

Hot baths

Hot baths lasting 5-10 minutes are used for chronic joint diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, metabolic disorders (obesity, gout), and attacks of kidney stones. The water temperature in them should be 39 °C or higher.

Salt (sodium chloride) baths

Salt baths are used for chronic diseases of the joints, spine, peripheral nerves, gout, and obesity. Add 2-5 kg ​​of table or sea salt in a linen bag to a common fresh bath so that foreign impurities do not get into the bath. Water temperature - 37-39 °C.

Alkaline (soda) baths

They are used for certain skin diseases to soften the stratum corneum of the skin. According to some information, they have a tonic and “rejuvenating” effect on the body. To prepare such a bath you need to take 300-500 g of unrefined soda.

Iodine-bromine baths

Iodine-bromine baths are effective for many diseases: neurasthenia with increased excitability, insomnia; vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, cerebral atherosclerosis, consequences of injuries and diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gynecological diseases (salpingoophoritis), allergic dermatoses, eczema, neurodermatitis, scaly lichen. For this bath, take 2 kg of sea or table salt, 10 g of sodium iodide and 25 g of potassium bromide. The water temperature in it should be 36-38 °C. The duration of the procedure is from 5 to 15 minutes.

Baths with potassium permanganate

Baths with potassium permanganate are useful for skin diseases accompanied by weeping and pustular elements for disinfecting and drying effects, and for children's exudative diathesis. Carefully add the solution to the bath at a temperature of 37-39 ° C until a pink color appears.

Baths with ammonia

This bath is good for the skin. It cleanses pores and refreshes the skin. 30-60 g of ammonia are added to the bath at a water temperature of 36-37 °C. Its duration is 20 minutes. Take every other day, 5-6 baths in total.

Glycerin baths

Used for dry skin, making the skin soft and smooth. At a water temperature of 37-39 ° C, add 50 g of glycerin to the bath. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, taken every other day or daily, a total of 5-10 baths.

Vinegar baths

If you have dry skin that is prone to flaking, add a cup of vinegar to your bath. It also relieves itching.

Pine baths

Coniferous baths are used for vegetative-vascular dystonia, diseases of the joints, peripheral nervous system, and osteochondrosis. Essential oils contained in pine extract have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system and nervous system. To prepare a bath at a temperature of 37-39 ° C, add pine extract in the form of powder (2 tablespoons per bath), tablets (2 per bath) or liquid extract (100 g per bath).

Salt-pine baths

They are used for the same diseases as coniferous and salt herbs separately. These baths also help increase metabolism. Coniferous extract in the above dosage and 2 kg of salt are dissolved in the bath. Carry out every other day, a total of 10-15 baths.

Salt and soda baths

Used in folk medicine for weight loss. To take such a bath, dissolve 125 g of soda and 150 g of salt at a water temperature of 39 ° C. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes, taken every other day, a total of 5-7 procedures. After taking a bath, lie down in bed for 15-20 minutes and cover yourself well.

Baths of Cleopatra

Add a glass of milk to the water prepared for bathing. A milk bath has a calming effect on the body and makes the skin soft and elastic.

Protein baths

Add a glass of milk and 1 teaspoon of almond oil to your bath. This bath, combined with intensive rubbing with a brush, cleanses the skin well.

Oil baths

To prevent dry skin and make it elastic and silky, add a few teaspoons of special bath oil to the water. You can prepare it by mixing three parts of castor or almond oil with one part of any essential oil - pine, floral, citrus, rose, jasmine, lavender, mint. You can prepare a mixture consisting of a glass of olive or sunflower oil, 1 tablespoon of shampoo and shake well. For one bath, 2-3 tablespoons of this mixture are enough. After such a bath, the skin will become soft and velvety.

Lemon baths

Squeeze 3 teaspoons of juice from the lemon. Additionally, add 3 teaspoons of lettuce juice to your bath. This bath cleanses the skin well. Baths with orange peels Take the peels of two oranges, put them in a linen bag and lower them into a bucket of warm water. Leave the bag in the water for 10 minutes. Pour the resulting infusion into bathing water. This bath refreshes and cleanses the skin well.

Mustard baths

A mustard bath relieves chills and soothes. It is used for acute colds, bronchitis, pneumonia in the absence of an increase in body temperature. Mustard is first diluted in warm water, the bath is covered with a sheet with a slit for the head to protect the respiratory tract and eyes from mustard fumes. For adults - 100-200 g of mustard per bath, for children - 5-10 g per bucket of water. The water temperature in the bath is 37-38 °C. The duration of the bath is 3-8 minutes. After the bath, you need to wash yourself thoroughly, wrap yourself up and go to bed.

Turpentine baths

Turpentine baths improve blood flow in capillaries located on the surface. They are prescribed for peripheral circulatory disorders, polyneuritis, atherosclerotic lesions of various vessels, rheumatism, myositis, osteochondrosis. Turpentine is a purified terpene oil, which has been widely used in medical practice since ancient times as an irritant and antiseptic (mainly for rubbing, compresses, and wraps). It is obtained from the resin of pine and spruce. A turpentine bath is prepared based on a solution of turpentine and white emulsion.

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Taking a bath can be not only pleasant, but also useful if you enrich the water with additives with various effects

Therapeutic baths prepared with herbal decoctions, with the addition of essential and vegetable oils, salts and other products, have a healing, healing, soothing, restorative and preventive effect. Such procedures relieve joint and muscle pain, cleanse and rejuvenate the skin, strengthen the circulatory system and heart, normalize sleep and help get rid of extra pounds.

Important Rules and Warnings

When taking medicinal baths at home, strictly adhere to the following rules:

  1. Make sure that you do not have any medical conditions that would contraindicate bathing.
  2. The water temperature should be comfortable - 30-35%; you need to periodically add hot water to avoid hypothermia.
  3. The room should be warm and comfortable.
  4. Before the procedure, you need to swim; after taking it, you do not need to shower (unless it is indicated in the recipe and there is no irritation on the skin).
  5. During the procedure you need to relax, think about pleasant things, you can turn on music.
  6. At the slightest sign of discomfort, you should stop taking it immediately.
  7. You can lie down in the water only 1.5-2 hours after eating; after water procedures, you cannot eat for at least half an hour; hot tea and herbal decoctions are allowed.
  8. The duration in each recipe is different, but staying in the water for more than half an hour is prohibited.
  9. During pregnancy, bath treatment is prohibited.

Any doubts are a reason to consult a doctor, at least remotely.

Popular general recipes

A honey medicinal bath has a beneficial effect on almost all systems of the body - cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous. Honey removes radionuclides and toxins from the body, improves digestion, relieves spasms and muscle pain. Recommended for people with diseases of the endocrine system and those suffering from nervousness. A standard bath requires a glass of honey. Duration – 15-20 minutes.

Adding beer is useful for combating insomnia, stress, weak immunity, digestive problems, and high blood pressure. Such procedures are indicated for colds and skin defects. One session will require three liters of natural dark beer. Maximum time is 25 minutes.

It is recommended to add dry crushed viburnum roots to baths before bedtime for allergic diseases, insomnia, suffocation, and rheumatism. The roots should be poured with cold water for two hours, boiled for a quarter of an hour, and strained. The course of treatment is two weeks, once every three days.

Thyme helps with joint rheumatism, paralysis, skin injuries, and swelling. Pour boiling water over a pack of crushed raw materials, boil for five minutes, and strain. Take at night twice a week, a total of 15-18 procedures are needed.

First aid for colds and hypothermia

For colds, medicinal baths with a powerful aromatic effect are effective - such vapors are destructive to microbes. The sooner microorganisms are destroyed, the lower the risk that they will attack the body and multiply in dangerous quantities.

Plants such as mint, valerian, yarrow, sage, chamomile, and conifers are suitable for fighting colds. Don’t be afraid to mix several plants; on the contrary, such cocktails are the most effective, since they fight different types of bacteria at once.

Take 30 grams of peppermint, pine needles, nettle, motherwort, pour two liters of boiling water and boil over low heat for 25-30 minutes. Pour the broth into a bath with warm water. After the procedure, raspberry tea and a warm blanket are recommended.

Grind seven unpeeled lemons and add hot water. After 2.5-3 hours, pour the infusion into the bath, place the grounds in a fabric bag and lower them into the water. Add 100 g honey.

A hot medicinal bath for colds can be taken at home only if there is no high temperature or other contraindications. Add three tablespoons of salt to water at a temperature of 37-38 degrees, and place a head of chopped garlic and a piece of grated ginger root in a gauze bag and lower it in this form.

If you want to quickly get rid of a cold at the initial stage, add 100 g of mustard powder to hot water. You can take such a hot bath for no more than 10 minutes and only with a healthy circulatory system.

It is important to “nip it in the bud”, which means there is not always time to prepare decoctions. This is where essential oils come to the rescue; they are made from plants; they are absolutely natural and have all the properties of their “parents”.

Add seven drops of orange, tea tree and sage aroma oil and 15 drops of cinnamon essential oil to two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Dissolve a glass of salt in the bath and pour in the resulting mixture. Relax for 15-25 minutes.

If you are not yet keen and do not store so many essential oils at home, at least buy eucalyptus or pine needle aroma oil - even in a mono version they will help stop the first signs of a cold. These oils are very fragrant, so 10-12 drops are enough for one procedure.

If your throat hurts, then use the ones collected in the selection on our site.

How to relieve fatigue and normalize sleep

Almost all medicinal plants traditionally used in folk medicine to relieve nervous tension can also be used to prepare medicinal baths at home. These are valerian, mint, pine needles, calendula, oregano, and string.

Chamomile decoction calms and normalizes the nervous system, and also relieves skin irritations. First you need to prepare a concentrated decoction of 500 g of dried chamomile flowers, boiling it for 10 minutes. Pour the cooled and infused decoction into warm water and enjoy the aroma and effect.

Dill water helps with insomnia and refreshes the skin. For one procedure you need to take a large bunch of fresh dill or half a glass of dry plant. First you need to prepare a decoction by boiling for about 10 minutes over low heat, let it cool and pour into warm water. Duration of treatment is 20 minutes, no more than twice a week. In total, the course requires 9-10 procedures.

For a medicinal hop bath, grind 200 g of dry hop cones, pour in a liter of boiling water, bring everything to a boil over low heat, and heat for a quarter of an hour. Leave to brew for half an hour, then strain and pour into warm water.

Pour two liters of boiling water over 50 g of finely ground valerian roots and leave for 3-4 hours. Pour into water and relax for 20 minutes. Can be done every other day for a month.

For emergency use on days of nervous tension, a medicinal herbal bath is recommended from a mixture of herbs: a tablespoon of jasmine and elderberry flowers, 2-3 tablespoons of hop flowers and mint leaves. Pour the mixture with a liter of boiling water in a thermos or cover for 40 minutes.

If you don’t have time to prepare decoctions, just add half a bottle of valerian tincture to the water. Another quick recipe for a soothing bath is to add five drops of peppermint essential oil to warm water, two drops each of chamomile and orange.

What baths help you lose weight

Therapeutic baths for weight loss are effective only when followed; they help improve metabolism and remove toxins from the body.

Dissolve a packet of baking soda in a liter of warm water, then pour the solution into the bath. Take three times a week for 20-25 minutes.

For salt baths you need to use sea salt, possibly with various additives that enhance the effect. For standard plumbing fixtures you need 0.5 kg of sea salt.

To simplify preparation, add orange, grapefruit, juniper or lemon aroma oil to the bath before water procedures. Just 15 drops, you can mix different essential oils. It is recommended to first dilute the aromatic oils in vegetable oil and then add them to water.

For the herbal recipe, mix 4 parts hops, 3 parts chamomile, 5 parts each knotweed and motherwort. Brew the mixture with two liters of boiling water, strain, pour into the bath and enjoy for 20 minutes.

You can also use them for weight loss by taking their decoctions orally.

The best anti-aging and restorative recipes for skin

Everyone knows that the beautiful Cleopatra bathed in bowls of milk, but some ladies today prefer to use natural products instead of store-bought foam and salts.

Try medicinal baths at home, prepared according to the following recipes:

  • Dissolve 600 g of starch (preferably corn starch) in a glass of cold water, add the mixture to a warm bath and stir. Take 20-30 minutes. For maximum effect, do at least 12 procedures every other day.
  • If you have oily skin, try adding cosmetic white or blue clay to the water. For one therapeutic bath, 400-500 g of powder, previously diluted in a small amount of warm water, is enough.
  • Almond, oat or wheat bran smoothes the skin well and makes it soft. For the procedure, you need to take a kilogram of bran of different types, whatever you have, place them in a fabric bag, pour five liters of cold water, bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Pour the resulting broth into a bath of warm water, and place the bag of bran in it.
  • For the famous milk bath, pour two or three liters of natural milk into the water; if the skin is dry, add three tablespoons of vegetable oil or honey. Instead of fresh milk, you can use 500 g of powdered milk. It is even more effective to add a glass of heavy cream.
  • Dandelion baths are recommended for dehydrated skin. Pour 2 kg of fresh dandelion leaves with five liters of water, bring to a boil, boil for 5-10 minutes, strain after half an hour and pour into the bath for therapeutic procedures.
  • Citrus fruits make the skin elastic. For this procedure, one glass of freshly prepared juice is enough; it is useless to use a store-bought product.
  • A glass of good wine or champagne poured into a bath makes it rejuvenating and healthy, prevents formations on the skin and delays the appearance of wrinkles.

As you can see, home medicinal baths can compete with salon procedures, but do not forget about moderation and precautions. Be healthy and beautiful!

The main types of therapeutic baths include salt, mud, hydrogen sulfide, turpentine and iodine. Some of them can only be taken in spa salons or specialized sanatoriums. But some healing baths are available at home, since their preparation does not require complex ingredients. Below is how to properly take medicinal baths with salt and turpentine.

How to take medicinal baths at home

The most ordinary bath is already a healing procedure. After all, not only various additives have a healing effect, but also the water itself. The physiotherapeutic effect of water on the body formed the basis of hydrotherapy, or hydrotherapy.

Healing baths were known in Ancient Egypt, Assyria, and India. In the temples of Asclepius (a kind of sanatorium in Ancient Greece), priests prescribed baths for the sick. Hippocrates wrote that hydrotherapy helps with many diseases when other means are powerless. Hydrotherapy flourished in ancient Rome, where visiting public baths, or thermal baths, was an integral part of the culture. And today, hydrotherapy remains an important element of rehabilitation programs in hospitals and sanatoriums.

When taking medicinal baths at home, be sure to keep in mind that temperature, chemical composition, and the mechanical effect of water play an important role in these procedures.

Due to the hydrostatic effect (pressure) of water, the load on the musculoskeletal system is reduced and muscles relax. The blood volume is redistributed: venous blood flow is stimulated, which reduces blood stagnation in the extremities. Water also activates skin functions.

When using a therapeutic bath, the temperature of the water affects the therapeutic effect:

Cold baths(18-20 °C) tone, excite, help relieve fatigue, and increase the body's resistance. Helps maintain skin elasticity.

Cool baths(21-33 °C) are effective against constant drowsiness and lethargy.

Neutral baths(34-35 °C) help soothe inflamed skin, reduce itching and burning. Also used for headaches.

Warm baths(36-38 °C) have a calming effect. Helps fight insomnia.

Hot baths(more than 39 °C) increase metabolism. They should be taken with extreme caution. Long hot baths are contraindicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, a tendency to faint, or low blood pressure. You should stay in a hot bath for no longer than 15 minutes, and finish the procedure with a cool shower.

Before taking medicinal baths, remember that:

  • the skin should be clean;
  • It is not recommended to eat 2 hours before the procedure;
  • the heart area and neck should be above the water;
  • It’s better to put your head on a cushion;
  • After the water procedure, rest for half an hour.

Below we describe what types of medicinal baths you can make at home, and what components you will need to prepare them.

The benefits of therapeutic salt baths for the body

The combination of microelements in sea salt is unique and has a powerful effect on the body. Sea salt contains potassium, chlorine, magnesium, calcium, fluorine, bromine, iron, selenium, etc. Highly concentrated solutions of sea salt are used to treat various diseases, smaller dosages are used to generally improve the condition of the skin. In any case, the benefits of salt baths are obvious: they improve blood circulation, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and promote relaxation. Also, the benefit of therapeutic salt baths is that they help normalize sleep, increase skin elasticity, relieve swelling, and improve regeneration. Adding salt reduces the likelihood of an allergic reaction to water.

Before taking a salt bath, you should use a scrub. The scrub can also be made from salt: to do this, mix 2 tbsp. finely ground spoons with 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil. Salt baths are taken in courses of approximately 15 procedures, every other day or twice a week, for no longer than 15 minutes. You should not wash the salt off your skin immediately after a bath - it is better to take it after a few hours, and then apply a moisturizer.

To enhance the effect of therapeutic salt baths, salt can be aromatized with essential oils. Salt is poured into a glass or ceramic container and a mixture of essential oils (or one selected oil) is added there. The jar is then shaken and the salt is allowed to sit for a while before use.

For low blood pressure:

  • Rosemary essential oil - 4 drops;
  • Lemon essential oil - 5 drops;
  • Bergamot essential oil - 2 drops.

For high blood pressure:

  • Ylang-ylang essential oil - 3 drops;
  • Clary sage essential oil - 2 drops;
  • Marjoram essential oil - 1 drop.

How to properly take turpentine baths at home

Turpentine baths- a medical procedure that helps with a number of diseases. The benefits of turpentine baths are especially great in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, arteritis (inflammation of the arterial wall), the consequences of myocardial infarction (6 months after it), etc. They also help increase skin elasticity and have an anti-cellulite effect.

Before taking turpentine baths, keep in mind that they come in three types: with the addition of white turpentine emulsion, yellow turpentine solution or a mixture thereof.

Yellow turpentine is indicated for high blood pressure. Improves the condition of muscle atrophy, diabetes, consequences of strokes, infectious diseases, otitis media, polyarthritis.

You can prepare white turpentine emulsion yourself. Yellow turpentine solution is purchased in pharmacies, since its preparation at home is difficult.

How to take turpentine baths at home, and what dosage of turpentine to use?

The initial dosage for both types of baths is 1 tablespoon of emulsion, with each subsequent procedure the dose is increased. For white turpentine baths, the increase in concentration is 5 ml, for yellow ones - 10 ml. The maximum dosage is 120 ml per bath. The initial water temperature is about 36 °C; after immersion, hot water is added to the bath so that the temperature rises gradually, by about 1 °C in 2 minutes. When taking a white turpentine bath, the temperature is brought to 39 °C, and a yellow one - to 40 °C. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes (or until perspiration appears on the face).

Turpentine causes a burning sensation, which is most pronounced when taking white turpentine baths. Therefore, to protect the mucous membrane, it is necessary to first lubricate the genitals with baby cream or Vaseline.

To achieve the greatest effect after the procedures, it is recommended to lie in a warm place for 1-2 hours. To increase sweating, you can drink a glass of hot tea or herbs.

Before taking a turpentine bath, properly prepare the white emulsion. For this you will need:

  • Natural or medical turpentine - 0.5 l;
  • Baby soap - 30 g;
  • Salicylic acid - 0.75 g;
  • Camphor alcohol - 20 ml.

Pour 0.5 liters of water into an enamel bowl, add salicylic acid, bring the solution to a boil and add grated baby soap. Boil over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 10-15 minutes. Remove from heat and add turpentine. Stir, add camphor alcohol. Store in a dark glass container at room temperature for no longer than 1 month. During storage, the emulsion may separate, so it must be shaken before use.

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The doctors of Ancient Rome knew that water is not only a source of life, but also an excellent doctor. They had more than 100 recipes for preparing baths with healing properties.

And even though medicine has made a giant step forward since then, treatment with baths is still readily resorted to today.

Water is used for medicinal purposes:

  • very cold (below 12°C);
  • cold (18-24oC);
  • cool (24-30°C);
  • indifferent (30-37oC);
  • warm (38-42oC);
  • hot (above 43°C).

Very cold, cold and cool water is used only for short-term procedures (dousing, wiping, contrast shower) that provide hardening and improve blood circulation.

Baths at the temperature of the indifferent zone are an excellent remedy for relieving muscle tension. They owe their relaxing effect to the buoyant force of water. Warm baths “dissolve” fatigue, promote deep relaxation and good sleep. The duration of warm baths is no more than 20 minutes.

Therapeutic baths

There are some substances that, if added to water, have a healing effect. The active elements contained in them quickly penetrate the body through the skin.

Table salt

Very widely used sodium chloride baths(regular table salt). Arthritis, joint dislocations and muscle injuries (their consequences), diseases of the reproductive system in women, obesity - this is the range of their healing effects.

The sediment of salt particles on the skin additionally irritates receptors and nerve endings, dilating blood vessels and stimulating blood circulation. The surge of heat during salt baths is one and a half times more intense than during fresh baths.

The course of treatment with sodium chloride baths is designed for 12-18 procedures, 10-20 minutes each. Take salt baths 3-4 times a week.

Pine bath

Pine baths are a means of combating excessive excitability of the central nervous system. They enhance inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex. The smell of pine soothes and relieves stress.

Pine baths improve blood supply to internal organs and skeletal muscles, have an antispasmodic effect, so they are indispensable for relieving pain in bronchitis, rhinitis, neurasthenia, gastritis, and gastric ulcers.

To prepare a bath, use pine needle extract (50-70 g per 200 liters of warm water).


Starch has a softening, antipruritic effect. It protects sensitive skin from irritation. Therefore, starch baths are prescribed for skin diseases - neurodermatitis, ichthyosis, scaly lichen.

These baths are prepared as follows: potato or wheat starch (0.5-0.8 kg) is diluted in 1-1.5 liters of cold water. The solution is poured into a bath with a water temperature of 36-37 ° C.

Herbal baths

To prepare a herbal bath, pour a kilogram of fresh or 100-300 grams of dry medicinal plants with 3-4 liters of cold water and bring to a boil over low heat, then leave for 1-2 hours. The broth remains to be filtered and added to the already prepared warm water.

  • Mint soothes irritated skin and relieves itching, is considered a very good remedy for the onset of a cold.
  • Rosemary refreshes and tones the skin, treats spasmodic circulatory disorders.
  • Chamomile And hop stimulate skin cell renewal, relieve inflammation and irritation, increase skin resistance to infections.
  • Linden blossom increases sweating, has a calming effect on the nervous system, and improves sleep.
  • Horsetail stimulates blood circulation, soothes kidney pain.
  • Sage And oak bark tighten pores.
  • Melissa And lavender relieve stress.

Herbs can be mixed to achieve effects on different body systems in one go.

  1. To get the most out of your bath, wash with soap first. This way you will remove the protective fatty film that prevents the penetration of biologically active substances into the body.
  2. Do not take a bath immediately after eating.
  3. Drinking alcoholic beverages (of any strength and in any quantity!) before taking a bath is strictly prohibited!
  4. You need to immerse yourself in the bath up to your chest, leaving your head and heart area above the water. People suffering from heart or coronary insufficiency should only be immersed in water up to their waist.
  5. Do not try to increase the procedure time (on average 10-15 minutes): the effect may be the opposite.
  6. After a therapeutic bath, you need to rest for 20-30 minutes, wrapped in a warm terry sheet.

Baths for pain and fatigue in the back, osteochondrosis

  • Bath with different herbs. Mix equal amounts of black elderberry, oregano, nettle, burdock, juniper, tansy, wheatgrass, black currant leaf, pine buds, violet, horsetail, thyme and hops. Pour eight tablespoons of the mixture into two liters of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Add the strained and cooled broth to a warm bath (37-40 degrees).
  • If preparing such a complex herbal mixture is tiring for you, then use simpler recipes.
  • Bath with chamomile flowers. Pour 300 grams of stems with chamomile flowers into five liters of boiling water, leave for two hours, strain and pour into the bath.
  • Bath with calamus. Pour 250 grams of calamus rhizome with three liters of cold water, bring to a boil, strain and pour into the bath. Oh, how incest between mother and son is so exciting via this link. Here relatives fuck without taboos. Passionate sex between mother and son will excite anyone from the first minutes of viewing.

Bath temperature - how it works

  • Warm bath(34-37° C) has a relaxing effect on muscles and internal organs and at the same time has a calming effect. It is recommended for increased excitability and neuroses. The calming effect of the bath can be enhanced by adding chamomile, linden blossom, thyme, creeping thyme) or pine extract to the water.
  • Positively affects the nervous system cool baths(28-33° C) lasting 5-10 minutes, and you need to start with a warm bath, and then gradually reduce its temperature.

What else should I add to the water?

  • Refreshes the skin face and body, smooths out premature wrinkles with a warm (35-37°C) salt bath (500 g of salt for a full bath). Such baths are especially useful in early spring, when the skin is pale, flabby, and unhealthy. But they are tiring, so if you are tired and not feeling well, abstain.
  • Softening effect A bath of oatmeal infusion (Rolled oatmeal) helps dry, flaky skin with signs of inflammation. To do this, hang a gauze bag of flakes (250 g) from the tap and run hot water, and then add cold water.
  • General strengthening and stimulating baths made from a mixture of chamomile (4 parts), sea buckthorn fruits (5 parts), horsetail (3 parts), arnica (3 parts), pine needles (12 parts), birch leaves (5 parts), nettle (3 parts) have an effect. , coltsfoot (6 parts) strawberry leaves (6 parts).
  • Cleansing and soothing There are baths made from equal parts of linden flowers, juniper, mint, lingonberry leaves, pine cones, rose hips, roses, creeping thyme and pine buds. The bath has a good effect on insomnia. After it, you should immediately go to bed without taking a shower.
  • Bath with sea salt. Pharmacies sell many types of salt rich in magnesium, calcium, iron, and iodine. Dead Sea sea salt is very popular. Take a bath for 15 minutes once a week.
  • Bath of rose petals. Collect more rose petals and place them in hot water. Your skin will be soft and tender, and this bath is a wonderful relaxing remedy.
  • As calming They use baths with the addition of linden blossom, black elderberry flowers, lavender, eucalyptus, and chamomile. For children before bedtime, baths with chamomile, mint, and meadow clover are recommended as soothing ones. To cleanse the skin and treat skin rashes, baths with string and thyme are used. To remove salts - from the stems and leaves of Jerusalem artichoke.

Baths can be not only general, but also local. For example, mustard foot baths for a cold. For pain in tired legs and after fractures, local baths made from wild rosemary herb are used as a pain reliever.

It is not necessary to prepare a decoction or infusion. If the raw material gets wet easily, it can be poured into fabric pouch and place under running hot water while filling the bath. This bag can be used instead of a washcloth. Especially often, bags of bran or oatmeal are prepared in this way, which, instead of soap, are used to wash very sensitive skin and are used in the treatment of some of its inflammatory diseases.

S. Troitskaya, pediatrician