Aquarius in love. Aquarius man: characteristics of the sign, his ideal partner, behavior in love and friendship How Aquarius loves

The Aquarius man is quite changeable in love. He will come up with an ideal image of a woman and transfer it mentally to his partner. In the best case scenario, he will try to understand her actions and justify her. At worst, he will simply begin to alter it to suit his ideals of beauty, which his beloved will not like. He is quite fickle, but at the same time he is not flighty and will not stoop to treason. He has the following qualities: relaxedness, courage, sincerity.

Dreams and plans

The Aquarius guy in love prefers to dream and often builds castles in the air, being in a state of love. He gets so carried away by the sensations that he becomes unpredictable and forgets about work, which negatively affects his career. Feelings, if they are real, sometimes make him a weak person who indulges all the desires and aspirations of a woman. Always remember that he is able to replace feelings with friendship. Friendly feelings mean more to him than love ones.

He very often spends a lot of time with his girlfriends, but does not feel sexual desire for them. He is able to make friends sincerely and disinterestedly, helps many ladies in their work and careers, even to the detriment of himself. This is his weakness. A lover is always vulnerable. If his partner betrays him or cheats on him, he will not trust the girls who come his way for a long time. This may result in coldness in sex and relationships. However, he does not allow himself to take advantage of their trust. After all, he is a noble man.

Romantic nature

He often showers his beloved with flowers and gifts. He is gentle and attentive. He will always support you in difficult times and calm you down, inspiring your beloved with optimism and faith in her strength. Many women blossom in union with him, since he never complains about their appearance or any other shortcomings, so the lady of his heart begins to trust him and transforms before his eyes.

Heart in ice

How does an Aquarius man love? If he has been betrayed often, he becomes a real cynic, his heart becomes covered with ice. And no one can melt such a block. Betrayals make him a bad person. However, if there is a girl who will patiently convince him that everything is not so bad, that she will not betray him, he will melt the ice of his heart. The love of an Aquarius man is always beautiful, like in a fairy tale. And many women appreciate this.

It has the following qualities:

  • vulnerability;
  • vulnerability;
  • sincerity;
  • cleanliness;
  • romance.


An Aquarius man will be unpredictable in a relationship, but only in the good sense of the word. He will shower his beloved with rose petals, dream about family life, and then suddenly buy two plane tickets and go on an adventure with his other half. You will never be bored with him. He will protect, and caress, and give hope for the continuation of the romance.

How can you win him?

If your goal is to have an affair with this person, then this will not be difficult for you. If you dream of marrying him to yourself, then it will be quite difficult to do. You will need to prepare in advance and take action. Decide whether you are able to put up with the fact that he will disappear like that with his friends without even calling you. If you are confident that this person really is of some value to you, then you need to start taking some steps.

His dream girl should have the following characteristics:

  • sincerity;
  • sensuality;
  • tenderness.

Consider the fact that he values ​​girls who are not available to him. He will appreciate your deep inner world if you open up to him. Reveal the secret of your soul, but not completely. You will need to demonstrate that you also value your freedom and independence. He values ​​independent people very much. Do not claim him until he himself declares his love for you. However, do not talk about gender equality, as he will not like it at all. If he earns less than you, then don't mention it. There is also no need to rush him to open his soul to you.

You should also not be the first to confess your love to him; talk about your experiences only in hints; it is not necessary to open up completely. Such an action will intrigue him and will not leave him indifferent. Be sure to follow these recommendations if you want to win him and make him your husband. However, remember that this will be quite difficult.

Continue to take care of yourself and dress with taste, as representatives of this sign love when their chosen one looks good. And even if you have a lot of things to do that are quite difficult for you to cope with, find time to get your nails done, get a haircut, and put on makeup. Follow the stylists' recommendations. But remember that he hates vulgar girls, so you shouldn’t wear too much makeup or wear revealing dresses. This will push him away from you.

Sexual relations

If you want to achieve harmony in bed, don't rush him. If he believes you, over time he will become more gentle and relaxed. Is there something you don't like about sex? Don't tell him about it directly. Hint that you can try a new position or increase the length of foreplay. You will have to do hard work to make him feel at ease and finally express his passion. Such emotions will not arise in him at one moment, so take your time, achieve your goal slowly.

Trust him

You must try very hard not to do anything that will cause negativity in him. He can easily notice that you are rummaging through his things, reading correspondence on the Internet and trust in you will disappear, the relationship can instantly collapse. Try to trust him by all means. Such people are very secretive and do not share their problems. Therefore, in conquest, use slow tactics. Try to ask him about life yourself.

He can accumulate within himself for a long time negative feelings from your bad actions, but he will never show it. And one fine moment, your next action may provoke him to break off the relationship. In this case, you need to explain everything to him; perhaps you did not want him harm, you did not want him to be offended. He will understand you. But try not to do this again, otherwise you may lose it. Never use flirting with someone else to make them jealous. This will lead to the collapse of the relationship.

If he behaves incorrectly from your point of view, you should not scold him or blame him. Just sit down and discuss everything thoroughly, exchange opinions. He will appreciate your patience and ability to listen and understand him. You need to keep your love and carry it through your whole life if you want to be with this person. This will help make your feelings stronger. If you quarrel, try to immediately make peace and apologize for the offense caused.

This video will help you understand the love horoscope for Aquarius in 2015

> Aquarius in relationships

Aquarius expresses itself differently with different partners. However, there are several noteworthy qualities that are noted in all relationships of the sign.

Common Aquarius Relationship Qualities

Despite his sociability, he gradually gets used to his partner, since he needs to be sure of the purity of his intentions and that you will not limit his freedom. If he falls in love, he turns into a reverent and sensitive lover. It’s incredibly interesting to be with him, because he loves life and tries to try everything.

Mental connection

Aquarians look for a friend first, and only then a lover. If you fail to establish this spiritual contact, you are unlikely to get far. This is an intellectual zodiac, so it loves quality arguments. Be prepared for frequent discussions and slow progress.

Even if he knows he will fail, he will still try to please you. They are incredibly sincere in this matter and love the best qualities in a partner. This helps to maintain peace even in the most difficult times, because during times of conflict it does not forget why you are together and tries to focus on the positive. The habit of dramatization rather dilutes the gray everyday life and does not bring much harm.

Feeling superficial

Aquarius sometimes seems superficial, as the chosen topics for conversation seem random and he is constantly distracted. True, he does this on purpose so as not to bore his lover. It gets to the point where you simply cannot predict what he will say next.

Sexual aspect

This is a passionate lover who is ready to give himself physically if he is confident in his feelings. In this regard, Aquarius will not delay the “first night” if he feels that the time has come.

Long term

I'm attracted to his sensitivity, self-confidence, and lack of worry about other people's opinions. Curiosity and interest in everything makes Aquarius a fascinating storyteller with whom you will never get bored.

This is an ideal option for those who need love, sexuality and variety. Even if you separate, you will remember this lover for the rest of your life.

Unusual moments

Aquarius is confident in his physical attractiveness, and this goes beyond simply “looking good.” They know what they like and don't worry about trends. You will have to get used to the fact that self-expression occurs through appearance, namely style. So don’t be surprised if you dare to do something extravagant and unlike modern fashion. Believe me, he will stand out from the crowd, and so will you.

Aquarius relationships with signs

As already mentioned, with each representative he will manifest himself differently. To view this similarly, go to the compatibility pages.

To compare levels of harmony in different combinations, look at the Aquarius compatibility charts. Men and women look at everything differently, so you can also look at the pages of the Aquarius man and the Aquarius woman.

Articles dedicated to Aquarius

  • Peculiarities ;
  • Peculiarities ;
  • How ;
  • Who is Aquarius most compatible with? ;
  • What to expect from

An Aquarius man is a self-sufficient person who is interesting not only to others, but also to himself. A representative of this zodiac sign is always attractive to women. Wit, passion for life, friendliness, sociability and charm - all these qualities are endowed with the Aquarius man, and many representatives of the fairer sex desire a relationship with such a man. In love, a representative of this zodiac sign behaves in a special way.

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Behavior in love and marriage

An Aquarius man is a person who finds it difficult to enter into serious relationships with women. The representative of this sign loves lightness in everything. The Aquarius guy often dates several girls at the same time, without promising anything to anyone, and considers such behavior to be the norm. Such a man in a potential chosen one first of all pays attention to the similarity of interests, her intelligence and hobbies. In a woman, Aquarius wants, first of all, to see a friend who will believe in him and share his life goals. Until such a man finds the right person, the search for his soul mate will continue.

If a girl wants to conquer Aquarius, then under no circumstances should she try to arouse jealousy in her chosen one. This feeling does not call a man to fight with his opponent. Having learned that a woman has given preference to another, the Aquarius man will wish his ex-girlfriend happiness and will easily let her go. These guys quickly grow cold towards those who betrayed them.

Representatives of this zodiac sign do not strive to get married, as they have been searching for a suitable partner for a long time. Even if Aquarius was lucky enough to find the girl of his dreams and he confessed his love to her, this does not mean an imminent wedding. At this stage of the relationship, it is important for a woman not to put psychological pressure on her chosen one - this will lead to an inevitable breakup. But a marriage proposal may turn out to be quite unexpected, since Aquarius loves to surprise others.

In marriage, such a man prefers not to lose his freedom, but at the same time remains faithful to his chosen one. This man needs freedom in the field of career and self-development, so Aquarius will not tolerate a woman telling him what to do and how to behave.

To maintain the husband's interest, the wife must constantly remain a mystery to the chosen one. Demonstration of talents that he had no idea about, a new image and initiation of experiments in bed can surprise your partner.

In intimate relationships, a man prefers ladies who are ready to offer interesting ideas. Guys of this zodiac sign pay maximum attention to the environment in which intimacy occurs, so spontaneous sex is of little interest to him. In bed, this man cannot tolerate falsehood and stereotyped behavior - in relationships he values ​​naturalness and sincerity.

How to understand that Aquarius has fallen in love

An Aquarius in love behaves as follows:

  • organizes romantic surprises for the woman of her dreams, reads poetry, gives compliments;
  • does not spare money on gifts;
  • gets embarrassed when eyes meet;
  • tries to tell as much as possible about himself.

The beginning of a relationship with such a guy is ideal, however, the intense love of Aquarius quickly passes, and if he does not see a kindred spirit in the girl, there are no prospects for a romance.

Compatibility Horoscope

If a girl wants to understand how Aquarius will behave in a relationship, she should pay attention to the man’s year of birth according to the Eastern calendar:

  1. 1. Rat: energy and rich imagination are key character traits of a man. Aquarius of this year of birth avoids jealous and domineering women who want to control everything.
  2. 2. Ox: The Aquarius-Ox man loves easy communication and relaxation in noisy companies. She loves girls who are used to being themselves and developing their talents.
  3. 3. Tiger: bright personalities who prefer to fantasize and make grandiose plans. Women with whom they have common hobbies are found attractive.
  4. 4. Cat: a guy born this year is a calm and philosophical person with a strong character. It is difficult to conquer such a man for life, since he is in constant search of the ideal.
  5. 5. Dragon: a person passionate about life who does not tolerate boredom and everyday life. He is attracted to a person as bright as himself.
  6. 6. Snake: Aquarius born this year is secretive to others. His life is planned down to the smallest detail. If a girl becomes a real friend for him, and not just a sexual object, then Aquarius-Snake will immediately fall in love with her.
  7. 7. Horse: Aquarians of this year love sociable girls with the makings of a leader.
  8. 8. Goat: such a man is used to winning in life and being a leader in relationships, but he gives preference to modest girls.
  9. 9. Monkey: a guy appreciates reliability and wisdom in women, but frivolity and immaturity repulse and irritate him.
  10. 10. Rooster: such an Aquarius will be conquered by a soft and friendly girl who is ready to compromise.
  11. 11. Dog: this man has a light character, but in his search for the girl of his dreams he shows maximum seriousness.
  12. 12. Pig: these men have excellent intuition, so it is difficult to deceive them. The opposite sex values ​​openness and the ability to be oneself.

You also need to pay attention to the zodiac sign of your potential chosen one, Aquarius. This will help determine compatibility in a relationship:

  1. 1. Aries: the partners have common ground, but the relationship in the couple does not work out due to selfishness and the desire for leadership of both. If a lady becomes insightful and attentive to the emotional state of her chosen one, then such a union has a future.
  2. 2. Taurus: ladies of this zodiac sign are practical and too down-to-earth for Aquarius, who loves to live in the world of their own dreams.
  3. 3. Gemini: partners will always have common interests, as they are attracted to everything new.
  4. 4. Cancer: the Cancer girl must give up the idea of ​​​​taking control of the life of her chosen one, otherwise he will immediately end the affair.
  5. 5. Leo: The Lioness wants to be the only one for Aquarius, but this man is not ready to stop searching for the ideal, which can greatly offend his partner.
  6. 6. Virgo: Virgo’s thriftiness and pedantry attracts Aquarius only in the first stages of a relationship. Later, these qualities will seem boring to a man, and he will want creativity from his girlfriend.
  7. 7. Libra: a girl with a passion for creativity will seriously interest a guy. For a couple to be harmonious, the man must be given complete freedom.
  8. 8. Scorpio: a Scorpio girl wants to completely subjugate a man, which will make the man withdraw into himself even more. These are different people who find it difficult to build promising relationships.
  9. 9. Sagittarius: such a girl needs to become softer and more tactful, because her partner does not accept harshness and excessive expressiveness.
  10. 10. Capricorn: representatives of this sign are self-confident, wise and purposeful. The reliability and calmness of Capricorn will have a beneficial effect on Aquarius.
  11. 11. Aquarius: representatives of the same sign in this case can only become excellent friends. They will not create a harmonious couple due to their mutual desire for leadership.
  12. 12. Pisces: Dreamy and soft-spoken Pisces will make Aquarius fall in love with them, but as the relationship develops, these women will have to be proactive.

Aquarius man in love and sex- this is a complete disappointment for every girl who dreams of getting married. Here we can say frankly - the most unsuitable option for family life. Aquarius loves to wander freely through life with minimal baggage behind them. They love their freedom more than any woman. Indeed, why be with one woman all the time, when there are four billion of them in the world and it is possible to get to know each of them. Aquarius doesn't like:

  • rules;
  • laws;
  • conventions in relationships.

He only tolerates friendships with some distance relatively well. Aquarius men love to remember the words of one song: “There must be some kind of mystery in a woman...” You should always be a little out of reach for him. You should have a new secret every day to keep your spouse interested. If you get too close and expose your soul and body to him, he will relegate you to the category of “read book” and leave you forever. After all, if one mystery is solved, then it’s time to go in search of a new one. That's allAquarius man in love and sex.

Platonic lovers

It seems that Plato himself was an Aquarius. After all, he invented this pure intellectual platonic love without a hint of carnal desires. Aquarians are not very interested in sex, so they are not strong in it. The peak of sexual activity occurs in early adolescence and then subsides. Aquarians sincerely believe that there are much more interesting things in the world. Therefore, they do not suffer from long-term abstinence as much as other signs. They are intellectuals, they need a common hobby and a lot of communication on a variety of topics. To other zodiac signs, they seem like the guys on their own.

A woman is man's best friend!

Aquarius's attitude towards a woman can be described as condescending and loyal. They really see women as the “weaker sex” who should be given a head start and not taken seriously. Not a very flattering opinion, is it? However, a woman's quotes may increase if she:

  • will become a true friend for Aquarius;
  • will not load;
  • to nag;
  • and eat it out.

In a relationship, he will not take on obligations as a husband, however, as a true friend, Aquarius will do everything that is needed. He may even propose marriage, and this will be a real surprise and shock for both. However, even the treasured stamp in the passport means nothing. For Aquarius, this is not an obstacle to leaving.

Say no to jealousy!

The most remarkable quality that Aquarians have is their rejection of jealousy and the complete absence of the possessive instinct. They are sincerely confident that each person belongs only to himself, and others do not have the slightest right to encroach on the freedom of an individual. Aquarians value personal space, both their own and that of others, so they will not pester you with questions: “Where were you until 3 a.m.?” and “Whose number is this in your phone book?” They expect the same respect for personal freedom from their girlfriends and wives. He needs solitude periodically. He may disappear from home for a couple of days, and when he returns he wants to be greeted warmly and friendly.

Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends

And again, to the point about Aquarius! They're not really that interested in money. I remember a conversation with one typical Aquarius. He, an experienced and professional system administrator, works in a company on a very modest salary for his position. He has been working for a long time, and he didn’t even think about looking for a new job with career growth and generous pay. He was absolutely fine with everything! One gets the feeling that spiritual food seems more satisfying to them than physical food. The same cannot be said about their companions. A woman next to Aquarius will once again have to take a philosophical view of this trait of their companions and go out and earn money herself in order to provide for herself, her children and .

For world peace

Aquarius men in love and sexthese are cosmopolitans and philosophers. Aggression and combat pressure are alien to them. Therefore, it is difficult for them to realize themselves and break into any field. Aquarius would rather leave an environment that is hostile to him and go on to try his luck further. They are not leaders, nor subordinates - they are on their own.

How to find out what awaits you with an Aquarius man?

Well, if you want to know what future is in store for you with an Aquarius man:

  • Will he agree to marry you and how soon?
  • Will he be prone to cheating and how to prevent this?
  • If you marry an Aquarius man, what will it bring you?
  • What scenario will your relationship develop in?

then take a 5-minute course to find out the answers to any questions yourself.

Communicating and establishing contact with an Aquarius man is an entire art. Indeed, many women who have already known their beloved Aquarius for many years continue to be surprised by their unexpected actions and extraordinary behavior. Most representatives of this zodiac sign are capable of confounding the most observant and experienced people. Aquarius suddenly leaves or very quickly proposes marriage, sometimes breaks up without explanation, without even quarreling. And the woman is unable to gather her thoughts to come up with some way to return him.

How does an Aquarius man love? How to find the key to the heart of this mysterious person, master the secrets of communicating with him? It is important to independently study the inner world of your loved one. It will be useful to know some of the character traits inherent in many Aquarians. The main thing is to try to adapt to the variability of your loved one and find that very “wave” on which you can communicate.

We unravel the Aquarius man and get used to the nuances of the character of the most changeable sign
Indeed, it is the Aquarius man who can be called the most changeable representative of the zodiac signs. This person is so unstable that sometimes trying to keep track of his transformations simply does not make sense. It is important to take into account that Aquarius will probably often surprise you, shock you a little, and sometimes offend you. Even if he really loves you.

  1. Why is he sad? Many women are concerned about one question: why is their beloved Aquarius man so often sad, falls into thoughtfulness, and does not answer questions? What is the reason for his absent-mindedness and apathy? Of course, a woman, especially a jealous one, will instantly find a thousand reasons for such strange behavior. He doesn’t love, he’s bored, he liked another girl - he dreams of her... In fact, the Aquarius man sometimes likes to be silent, he values ​​​​peace, and at times he is overcome by melancholy. There is no need to prevent him from being in this state unless it lasts too long. Questioning is also unlikely to lead to anything. The Aquarius man could remember his first day at school, the girl he played with in the sandbox, or the first time he went to an interview... He was immersed in nostalgia, but this probably wouldn’t last long. Wait.
  2. Overly demanding and overly clean. When an Aquarius man makes another remark regarding a microscopic speck on a blanket or dust on a table, you do not need to suspect him of betrayal, cruelty, or indifference. It’s just that Aquarians are indeed often sickly, they are afraid of any germs and strive for sterile cleanliness and ideal order. A woman's reluctance to comply with related requirements can lead to conflicts. It is best to get used to this feature of the Aquarius man and also make efforts to create ideal conditions in the house.
  3. Impressionable and touchy. When an Aquarius man loves, he becomes especially vulnerable. It is important to remember that you must behave with double caution when dealing with this person. Any unfortunate word, ambiguity, or even a harsh tone can instantly set Aquarius off. Try to find contact with your loved one, be more tolerant of his condition and learn to change his mood at the right time and infect him with positive emotions.
  4. Lover of castles in the air. Most representatives of this zodiac sign enjoy daydreaming. Don't be upset if you don't have a place in them, but try to change the situation. The ideal option is to dream and talk about the future, build castles in the air together with Aquarius. Then he will always be interested in you, he will understand that you “breathe the same air” with him. Just don’t try to destroy his mirages and become a strict judge and skeptic! This will push your chosen one away, even if the Aquarius man loves you.
  5. Elusive. It’s not easy to keep track of mood swings and radical transformations in Aquarius’s temperament. The ideal option is to try to predict upcoming changes or quickly adapt to them when they turn out to be completely unexpected. The Aquarius man can be very active or apathetic, sociable or withdrawn, compromising or conflicting. He has practically no midtones, and transitions from one extreme to another occur in an instant.
  6. Violent or emotional? If he suddenly made a scandal, struck with a flash of causeless anger or jealousy, made a sharp remark, almost indecent, right in front of people, this should not convince you that the Aquarius man does not love you. It’s just that many Aquarians are extremely emotional and find it difficult to control. It is worth noting that sudden manifestations of irritability and cruelty are characteristic of Aquarius, who has deep feelings for a woman. It is the behavior of the woman he loves that is most important to him and evokes strong emotions, from admiration to anger.
  7. Experimenter. Another trait inherent in many representatives of this sign is usually categorically disliked by women. When an Aquarius man is in love, he cannot resist experimenting. He wants to find out exactly how a woman will behave in various situations, and Aquarius is ready to “rehearse” anything, even breaking up. We must try to come to terms with this and react to such a game as adequately and restrainedly as possible. Otherwise, your loved one will be offended. Pretend that you believe him, and try to show your best qualities. After all, this is also a kind of opportunity to demonstrate your advantages.
Many Aquarius men love women who are able to show maximum flexibility in communicating with them. Change with your chosen one, you can be one step behind him, but you should not try to limit him. Overcome difficulties in everyday life so that they do not become an obstacle to your relationship. The sudden changes in mood of Aquarius should not confuse you, nor should the various demands of your loved one.

Aquarius man's dreams: who will he love?
Many Aquarius men strive for life with a balanced and calm, but at the same time interesting and elusive woman in her own way. It is important to be able to surprise your loved one, but not shock him with sudden changes. Everyday life and the ability to level out conflicts and make the atmosphere relaxing and pleasant also come to the fore.

  • Talented hostess. The Aquarius man dreams of a wife who will become an ideal housewife. You need to make the home the coziest and most comfortable, think through all the nuances so that your loved one enjoys every minute of their stay within their own walls.
  • Capable of taking responsibility. In a relationship with an Aquarius man, you will have to regularly take responsibility and make decisions on your own. Let your word be decisive if Aquarius himself desires it. It’s just that representatives of this sign do not always want to analyze the situation.
  • An interesting conversationalist and a reliable friend. The Aquarius man loves it very much when his chosen one not only becomes part of the family, but also supports him in business, gives valuable advice, and delves into all matters. He enjoys talking about abstract topics and sees a friend in a woman.
For Aquarius, it is important to constantly discover something new in their beloved, gradually study her and understand more and more. You should not completely reveal your inner world to him - he may become bored. Let something remain a secret. Then the Aquarius man will always be interested in you.