Rhodiola rosea for children. Radiola pink useful properties and contraindications

Synonym: golden root.

Perennial herbaceous plant with a thick rhizome. It is used as a stimulant to increase physical, mental performance and immunity of the body.

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flower formula

Rhodiola rosea flower formula: *♂Ch4L4T∞P0; *♀Ch4L4T0P(5).

In medicine

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In medicine, rhizomes and roots of Rhodiola are used for neuroses. Preparations based on them normalize the excitatory and inhibitory processes of the central nervous system, improve the condition of patients, they become calmer, discomfort in the heart region disappears, blood pressure and sleep normalize, and appetite improves. The extract of rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea, produced by the pharmaceutical industry, is superior in effectiveness to many stimulants, for example, from lemongrass, eleutherococcus, aralia. At the same time, it has low toxicity, is not addictive and helps with diseases of the stomach, fibroadenoma, malaria, impotence, speeds up metabolism, enhances the functions of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and liver. The golden root stabilizes nitrogen metabolism, increases blood glucose levels, contributing to long-term energy conservation. It is recommended for patients with vegetovascular dystonia and hypotension. Also, preparations from Rhodiola rosea are recommended to be taken by healthy people in the form of tea with rapid fatigue and decreased performance, to restore strength after physical exertion and serious illnesses. Outwardly, the extract is used as a highly effective wound healing agent, as an ointment for pyorrhea, cuts, infusions for rinsing with infectious diseases of the throat.

Contraindications and side effects

Rhodiola rosea root preparations are not recommended for use at elevated pressure or temperature, as well as with strong emotional arousal: emotions may intensify, and the drug will not have the desired effect. In this case, it is better to rest first, and then take a few drops of tincture or drink freshly brewed tea with golden root (Rhodiola rosea).

In cosmetology

Clinical medical studies have shown that Rhodiola extract has a positive effect on sensitive and aging skin. Creams with extracts of Rhodiola rosea have pronounced stimulating and adaptogenic properties. Slowing down the aging process, they increase the resistance and resistance of the skin to X-ray and ionizing radiation, toxic chemical compounds, pathogenic microorganisms, etc., stimulate metabolic processes in tissues and their regeneration, restore and tone the skin, improve cellular respiration, and also have an anti-inflammatory effect. . After applying cosmetics based on the golden root (Rhodiola rosea), the general condition of the skin improves, its aging slows down, the skin rejuvenates, dryness disappears, a feeling of comfort appears, and the level of depression decreases. Fragrant oil from the rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea is used in perfumery and cosmetology as tonic additives in creams, lotions and masks. In dermatology, radiola rosea is used orally for baldness, pustular skin diseases, psoriasis, lichen planus.

Sports nutrition

Rhodiola rosea is used in bodybuilding because of the high content of active ingredients - rhodosin and rhodiolyside, which are the strongest adaptogens.

In some countries, these substances are isolated in pure form and are available in tablets. They have a strong effect on striated muscle tissue, as well as on the heart muscle. Even after a single dose of Rhodiola, muscle strength and endurance increase.

In production

The rhizomes and roots of Rhodiola are used to produce non-alcoholic tonic drinks.


Rhodiola rosea (golden root, pink root) (lat. Rhodiola rosea), a species of the genus Rhodiola (lat. Rhodiola) of the Crassulaceae family (lat. Crassulaceae). Included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Botanical description

Rhodiola rosea is a perennial herbaceous plant with a thick rhizome, turning into a fleshy root. The rhizome is covered with exfoliating bark of a bronze-brownish-gray color. Non-branching straight stems, 25 to 65 cm high at the base, covered with scaly leaves. Stem leaves are green, alternate, sessile, elliptical or oblong, with an unevenly toothed margin or almost entire margin. Apical corymbose inflorescences grow at the ends of the stems. The plant is dioecious. Single-sex small four-membered flowers, collected in many-flowered corymbose inflorescences, have a yellow or greenish color. Rhodiola rosea flower formula - *♂Ch4L4T∞P0; *♀Ch4L4T0P(5).

Rhodiola fruits have reddish or yellow-green leaflets. The golden root (Rhodiola rosea) blooms in June-August, the fruits ripen in July-September. Propagated by seeds and pieces of rhizomes.


It grows in the polar-arctic and alpine regions, in Altai, in the mountains of Kuznetsk Alatau, in the Urals, in the Irkutsk region, Transbaikalia, on the Chukotka Peninsula. Under natural conditions, it grows in the north of the European part of Russia and in Siberia. In the middle lane, it is successfully grown as a medicinal plant in suburban areas.

Distribution regions on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

Rhodiola rhizomes and roots are harvested from plants with more than 2 stems after seed maturation. The rhizomes, extracted and peeled from the ground, are washed in running cold water, then they are cleaned of exfoliated bark and rotten parts, and the stems are cut. Rhizomes are cut into fragments from 2 to 10 cm long and placed in dryers at a temperature of 50 - 60 ° C, or dried on a stove or in an oven. It is not recommended to dry the rhizomes in the sun. If you scrape the dried root, you can see the lemon-yellow color of the cork, at the break it is pinkish-brown, with a smell slightly reminiscent of the smell of a rose. The taste of dried rhizomes is bitter and astringent. After drying, the raw materials are stored in a dry, ventilated area for up to 3 years. After harvesting, this site is not used for 10-15 years.

Chemical composition

Rhodiola rosea roots and rhizomes contain flavonoids, phenolic glycosides, salidrosides, anthraglycosides, tannins (15.6%), organic acids - gallic, oxalic, succinic, citric, malic and lactone substances, essential oil and a large amount of manganese. The essential oil contains phenylethyl alcohol, P-phenylethyl acetate, cinnamic aldehyde and citral.

Pharmacological properties

Rhodiola rosea preparations normalize the activity of the central nervous system in case of vegetovascular dystonia, schizophrenia, neurosis, neurasthenia, hypotension, overwork. In case of an overdose, the opposite effect is observed - a decrease in efficiency, drowsiness. Rhodiola rosea has anti-tuberculosis and antitumor activity, increases the oxygen content in the cells of all organs and tissues, which in general determines its high therapeutic effect.

Rhodiola rosea extract: raw materials insist on 40% alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 1:1. Take 10 drops 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 10-20 days.
Tincture: 50 g of crushed rhizomes are poured into 0.5 liters of 40% alcohol, insisted for 2 weeks in a warm, darkened room. Take 20-30 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Tea: One teaspoon of crushed rhizomes is poured with 1 liter of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes, infused at room temperature for 30-40 minutes and drunk 1-2 cups a day, adding sugar or honey to taste. Rhodiola tea tones the body and restores metabolism.

Application in traditional medicine

Folk healers advise taking Rhodiola rosea in the form of medicinal infusions for heart weakness, frequent colds, to relieve fatigue, increase efficiency, as well as for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, uterine bleeding and feverish conditions. Externally, a decoction and infusion of Rhodiola are used for seborrheic dermatitis, swelling, acne, sweating. In the form of lotions and rinses, they are used to smooth wrinkles on the face and neck. But most often, the golden root in everyday life among the peoples of Altai was used not in the form of tincture, but in the form of an aqueous extract - a healthy and tonic tea. A drink made from the golden root has excellent taste, has a very delicate pleasant aroma, reminiscent of the smell of a rose. Its taste is slightly astringent, and the color ranges from pinkish brown to deep crimson.

History reference

In ancient times, Chinese emperors equipped expeditions to the Altai for the Golden Root (Rhodiola rosea). In addition, entire detachments of smugglers were exclusively engaged in transporting this valuable drug across the border. Rhodiola rosea root was the greatest rarity and its price was several times higher than the price of gold. An old Altai proverb said: "Whoever finds the golden root will live 120 years, be healthy, rich and happy." In Altai, there were many legends around this plant, the places of growth were surrounded by secrets and were hidden from strangers. And only relatively recently, in 1961, one of the expeditions of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences managed to find a golden root in the Altai mountain taiga.


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  2. Medicinal plants: A reference guide. / N.I. Grinkevich, I.A. Balandina, V.A. Ermakova and others; Ed. N.I. Grinkevich - M.: Higher School, 1991 - 398 p.
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Rhodiola rosea is an indispensable plant for various ailments. "Golden Root" - this is the name of this noble plant for its bronze-pearl root. Rhodiola grows half a meter tall, has oblong leaves with teeth along the edges. The yellow flowers of the golden root are inflorescences. Another name for Rhodiola rosea is rose root. The fruits ripen in August, and the aroma of rose oil comes from them.

The pink root has many. The plant is able to prevent, cure a lot of diseases, as well as strengthen the immune system and speed up mental activity.

Consider the useful basic properties of Rhodiola:

  • the root is able to improve the sharpness of the sense organs, accelerates the fusion of bones in fractures, and quite successfully fights pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • the ability to calm nerve cells has long been the hallmark of the plant. With loss of appetite, overexcitation or severe fatigue, it will have a calming effect;
  • the root of this plant will have a stimulating effect on mental abilities, improve the functioning of heart valves, increasing blood pressure;
  • pink root will help stop bleeding;
  • hypothermia and overheating of the body will easily cure Rhodiola, which has antipyretic properties.

This is not the whole list of advantages of Rhodiola rosea. To appreciate all the benefits of this plant, you need to consider in detail when it is worth resorting to its help.

When the golden root is applied - instructions

Used to treat many diseases. But first you need to figure out whether you should use such a medicine. So, here are the indications for use for healthy people:

  • increased mental work;
  • predisposition to asthenia;
  • various kinds of overwork;
  • the need for recovery after intense physical exertion.

The plant will perfectly cope with the solution of all these problems, these are far from all the healing properties of Rhodiola. In medicine, the root tincture is used to treat various types of diseases. We will consider some of them below.

With vegetovascular dystonia, Rhodiola rosea will have a number of positive effects on the body, namely:

  • increase the body's resistance to weather conditions, stress, nervous disorders;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.

It is thanks to these properties of the plant that it is recommended to be used by patients with vegetovascular dystonia. The root will contribute to the further normalization of nervous processes, the future recovery of the body.

For depression

The use of Rhodiola rosea tincture will help to cope with an unpleasant ailment quickly and without consequences, significantly improving mood and stamina. This is explained by the presence of essential oils, glucose, proteins and manganese in the root of the plant. These components can be taken by people of any age.

Application is possible as:

  • tincture;
  • decoction;

A few drops of this wonderful plant will relieve you of a bad mood and surprise you with the ability to maintain the effect for a long time.

With hypertension

Despite all the beneficial properties of the pink root, you need to know that with hypertension it is categorically contraindicated.

Important! With hypertension, the use of golden root tincture can lead to a severe headache, to a hypertensive crisis.

It is imperative to remember this in order to maintain your health.

Pink root for mastopathy

With mastopathy, Rhodiola rosea is used together with other drugs that are prescribed by a doctor.

To prevent or treat this ailment, it is recommended to take a few drops of root tincture about two times a day. An option for using the tincture is mixing the root with, beets and carrots. The resulting mass is used as a compress every four hours for fourteen days.

Rhodiola rosea for diabetes

Rhodiola contains a large amount of fructose, which is why it is used in the preparation of dietary foods especially for people who are sick. The tincture of this plant does a great job of reducing blood sugar.

15 drops of Rhodiola rosea tincture per day will reduce the chances of developing diabetes to almost zero. However, this drug should not be used for medical purposes for more than 10 days.

Attention! An overdose of the golden root in the treatment of diabetes can lead to unpredictable consequences. You may get the opposite effect of the expected result. In some cases, death is possible. Use the tincture with diabetes very carefully.

Rhodiola rosea is capable of producing antibodies that will not allow infections of various kinds to enter the body and get along there.

The tincture stimulates and strengthens the immune system with two options:

  • direct effect on the immune system, which is produced directly for the body to produce substances that prevent toxins;
  • Improving immunity by developing resistance to stress and nervous tension. Stress can greatly reduce the protective properties of the body and the ability to resist "bad" bacteria and viruses. The medicine reduces the level of stress in the body, increasing resistance to various diseases.

Thus, this plant is indispensable by nature for almost every person who cares about their health and does not want to spend money on the purchase of medicines.

Application to improve various indicators of the body

The golden root is popular among many people for many reasons. In particular, the plant is used:

  • for libido, which is very important for both women and their life partners. If you are faced with such an unpleasant problem as a decrease in libido, the rose root will surprise you with its intended properties. The root contributes to the normalization of excitatory processes, so for arousal an hour before sex, take two tsp. Rhodiola rosea extract.
  • for potency, it is useful to use the golden root, since it normalizes the functioning of the ovaries, significantly speeds up the work of all the gonads, which helps in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Important! For women's health, the level of libido is an important component. Low libido can negatively affect the quality of the heart. But be careful! Overdose leads to a sharp increase in irritability, which can lead to the opposite result.

Thus, we have seen how many problems the plant can solve, but we should also separately consider how Rhodiola affects athletes.

Application for athletes

As mentioned above, the property of the root is the restoration of the body after strong physical exertion. In addition, the tincture will maintain the tone of the body at the right level, increase strength for new exploits.

  1. With various injuries and pain in the muscles, the root has an analgesic effect and promotes speedy healing.
  2. Alcohol tincture of Rhodiola improves the elasticity of the ligaments. This property will be especially appreciated by gymnasts.
  3. Tincture in bodybuilding will be appreciated by representatives of this sport much higher than others, as it helps to build muscle mass, while being a natural and environmentally friendly product.

We have been able to evaluate a huge number of positive properties of the golden root, so now it is necessary to talk about the method of preparing a wonderful tincture.

The recipe for making golden root tincture is simple to the point of banality. There are several options for tinctures. Choose the one that will be more profitable for you or just like it more:

  1. Pour the golden root with a 40% alcohol solution and leave to infuse in a dark place, preferably cool. Instructions for using this type of tincture are not complicated. It is advisable to use about 10 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  2. Grind the root and pour 40% alcohol, send to a dark place for 25 days, then strain with gauze. How to take such a tincture, said above. The only difference is that in the first case we take the same amount of root and alcohol, in the second - in a ratio of 2: 1.
  3. Another nuance is that if you use vodka instead of alcohol, the effect of this will not change. , described above, only instead of alcohol in the same ratio, you need to use vodka.

Having talked about the beneficial properties, application and preparation of rose root tincture, one cannot fail to say a few words about contraindications, because ignorance of this item can lead to various kinds of bad consequences.

Contraindications for use

The plant has such a great effect on the body that in some cases this plant cannot be used. Contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • hypertension;
  • overexcitation;
  • fever;
  • damage to the cerebral cortex.

Important! Knowledge of contraindications will help to avoid side effects, which are manifested in excessive irritability, pain in the heart and chronic fatigue. As a rule, these effects appear on the third day after the start of application.

In any case, you must not exceed the required dosage, otherwise the remedy can turn into a real enemy of your health.

So, we talked about the beneficial properties of a plant such as Rhodiola rosea. The choice is yours whether to use it or not, but, having made a choice in favor of the tincture, be sure to consult your doctor or read the instructions very carefully to avoid harm to your health.

Botanical characteristics of Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola rosea is a herbaceous perennial plant growing no higher than half a meter. The plant has a thick and powerful rhizome and fleshy roots. On erect stems, cup-shaped leaves are located, which are painted dark green at the top of the stem. At the top of the stem is the apical inflorescence. The leaves of the plant are sessile, may be elliptical or oblong. The edges of the leaves have uneven teeth. Rhodiola flowers are unisexual. Yellow medium-sized flowers of the plant are collected in a corymbose inflorescence.

Rhodiola fruit is a leaflet, the color of which is red and yellow-green. The plant blooms from June to August. The fruits ripen in August.

The plant is found on rocky placers, in the plain tundra, on rocks, on the banks of a mountain river and stream. Rhodiola grows in Russia, in Eastern Kazakhstan and in the regions of Siberia.

Propagation of Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola is most often propagated by seeds. Sowing seeds is carried out either in late autumn or in winter. Seeds are sown in a box with nutritious soil, into which air easily penetrates. At the bottom of the box should be expanded clay. A weak solution of potassium permanganate is poured into the soil and compacted a little. Further, the seeds of the plant are evenly distributed over the entire surface, slightly pressing them. Sand is poured over the seeds with a layer of 2 mm. A film is thrown over the box and the box is taken out to the balcony (you can go to the garden). In March, the box should be moved to a warm, well-lit place. After a couple of days, shoots will appear. Now we remove the film and water the seedlings carefully and slowly. Seedlings are transplanted when they have 2 true leaves. Transplantation is carried out with the help of a match, which needs to be made a hole and a match to hook the plant along with a piece of earth and transfer to a new hole.

Rhodiola can be propagated by dividing the rhizomes. This requires plants that are at least 2 years old, and whose rhizomes weigh at least 30 grams. The rhizome is divided into 2 parts, and the cut is treated with ash. Ready rhizomes are planted in prepared holes, in which there is already humus in the amount of 900 grams. Compost or humus is also poured over the rhizomes, but renewal buds should be on the surface. A little watering the rhizomes, make mulching with peat.

Useful properties of Rhodiola

Rhodiola has many beneficial properties, for example, it improves heart function and increases blood pressure, promotes the release of bile. The roots of the plant contain substances that are used to stop bleeding and restore the body's strength after great overwork. Rhodiola is used as an excellent tonic and sedative.

Rhodiola is used for poor appetite, metabolic disorders and inflammation of various kinds. Rhodiola preparations are also used as an antipyretic or anti-allergic agent. Rhodiola treats acute and chronic radiation injuries, overheating or hypothermia. Rhodiola heals quickly, improves eyesight and increases hearing acuity.

Rhodiola tincture is used as a stimulant for the central nervous system. Rhodiola has a good effect on lung, skin diseases and bone fractures. Rhodiola also has a general strengthening effect. It is used not only inside the body, but also externally, it has also found application: they make lotions and baths.

The use of Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola treats many diseases and ailments, and this is due to the beneficial substances contained in it. It is used for diarrhea, headache, scurvy, menorrhagia, scrofula and diabetes. Externally Rhodiola is used to treat conjunctivitis, abscesses, skin rashes. Its juice can lubricate the gums with pyorrhea. Rhodiola juice cleanses wounds. Rhodiola preparations help with gynecological diseases and anemia.

Rhodiola tincture. To prepare it, you need to take 50 grams of the root of the plant and grind it into powder, pour it with 2 glasses of vodka. Leaving to infuse for 14 days in a dark place, shake occasionally. After straining the finished tincture, it is taken 20-30 drops three times a day for half an hour before meals. This tincture is also taken by people who have a tendency to hypotension, although at first the tincture should be taken no more than 5 drops three times a day (but over time, the tincture is taken up to 10 drops).

Collection to improve immunity. Take 20 grams of rhodiola roots, the same amount of lure roots and rose hips. Here, add 15 grams of hawthorn and nettle fruits as much. It remains to add only 10 grams of grass to this mixture. Now we take 1 tablespoon of the collection and pour a glass of boiling water. Put on fire for 10 minutes and remove from heat. Leave for 4 hours to infuse and filter. The raw material from the broth must be squeezed out and thrown away, and then add boiling water to make it about 200 ml. Take a ready-made collection of 70 ml three times a day.

Rhodiola infusion for colds, heart weakness. We take 10 grams of the roots of the plant, grind them and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 4 hours to brew and filter. Take a ready-made infusion of half a glass three times a day. This infusion is used for nervous diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In folk medicine, for the effective treatment of such serious diseases as diarrhea, menorrhagia, fever, scurvy, decoctions containing Rhodiola rosea are used. This herb is often prescribed for respiratory infections, to relieve fatigue and effectively increase efficiency. Rhodiola rosea is effective for scrofula, anemia, stomach disorders, impotence and strong.

With conjunctivitis and all kinds of skin problems, the plant is prescribed externally in the form of poultices and lotions, which are also effective for the treatment of pyorrhea (gum festering). Moreover, preparations with pink rhodiola are indicated for various gynecological diseases.

To increase immunity, it is recommended to mix 20 grams of pink rhodiola roots, 20 grams of fruits, 15 grams of ripe fruits, 10 grams of St. John's wort, and 20 grams of dense roots. For one and a half tablespoons of this mixture, you should take a glass of boiling water. Pour the mixture with boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. After 4 hours of infusion, it is necessary to strain the product and squeeze out the raw materials. Add boiling water to the resulting broth to make a glass. The decoction should be taken 60-70 ml 3 times a day. This tool can also be used for lotions.

To stimulate the central nervous system, it is recommended to use alcohol tincture.

Rhodiola rosea root

For medicinal use, rhizomes are isolated from Rhodiola rosea. They should be harvested in July or August. To do this, it is necessary to dig up the roots, thoroughly wash them from particles of earth in cool water, then clean them from brown cork and rotten parts. After that, you need to cut the rhizome across into small pieces, the length of which will be about 10 cm. And only then dry the raw material at a temperature of at least 50 degrees.

Rhodiola rosea tincture

For the correct preparation of such a remedy, it is recommended to take 50 grams of crushed plant roots, which should be poured with 400 grams of vodka. After that, set aside the mixture to infuse in a dark place for 14 days. It is advisable to shake the container once every few days. Before use, we filter the finished tincture and use it first, 5 drops each, gradually increasing to 20 drops. The tool is used orally 20 minutes before each meal. Such a wonderful tincture is indicated for patients prone to hypotension.

Infusion of Rhodiola rosea

Therapeutic infusion of pink rhodiola is prescribed for heart weakness and frequent colds. To prepare it, we take 10-15 grams of roots, which we carefully grind and pour 250 grams of boiling water. After 4 hours, the mixture must be filtered through a fine strainer or gauze. A ready-made infusion is taken at 80-100 ml 3 times a day. It should also be noted that this remedy is indicated for ailments of the gastrointestinal tract and for nervous diseases.

Rhodiola rosea decoction

Miraculous decoctions of pink rhodiola significantly improve the functioning of the heart and the important cardiovascular system. Vessels become stronger, more functional and more resilient. Often a decoction is prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, uterine bleeding, and also for impotence. Such a remedy contributes to the effective treatment of the thyroid gland and regulates the level. With toothache and anemia, such a wonderful decoction will greatly alleviate the patient's condition. And also a healing decoction from the upper part of pink Rhodiola is used for cosmetic purposes to wipe the skin.

Rhodiola rosea for children

Various decoctions and tinctures of pink rhodiola, as well as numerous preparations containing this herb, are not recommended for children who are under 12 years old. Otherwise, skin rashes, nausea and may appear.

Rhodiola rosea contraindications

Despite the fact that Rhodiola rosea normalizes blood pressure, both low and high, nevertheless, it should not be taken in severe hypertensive crisis! Since this herb has a stimulating effect.

In addition, the dosage of the drug prescribed by the doctor should be strictly observed.

Expert editor: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna| Phytotherapeutist

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

The herbaceous perennial Rhodiola rosea is also known as the golden or pink root due to the shade of the root system and the aroma of the rose, which can be felt when the rhizome is broken.

Siberian ginseng is also called this medicinal plant.

Rose Rhodiola has pronounced medicinal properties.

Belongs to the genus Rhodiola and the Tolstyankovye family. The plant is rare and included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Where does it grow?

Prefers cold and temperate climates. In our country, rhodiola can be found in Altai, the Urals, beyond the Arctic Circle in Yakutia, in mountainous areas in the East and West of Siberia, the Far East, in humid areas along the shores of the White and Barents Seas.

What is useful?

Rhodiola rhizome has medicinal properties. The chemical composition of the plant is very rich, so Rhodiola rosea is a storehouse of various substances and compounds.

The composition of the golden root found:

  • glycosides;
  • phenols;
  • various aromatic compounds;
  • carbohydrates;
  • organic acids;
  • saturated essential oil;
  • terpenoids;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • anthraquinones;
  • alkaloids.

These substances heal the cardiovascular system, help to calm down, are a diuretic, i.e. have a diuretic effect.

You will learn more about the benefits of Rhodiola rosea from the video:

Rhodiola rosea tincture, how to take?

Based on the root of Rhodiola rosea, an alcohol tincture is prepared. To make the product, you will need a piece of root weighing 50 g, which must be finely chopped and pour 1/2 l. vodka. The tincture gains strength within 3 weeks.
It is necessary to take tincture of Rhodiola rosea 1/2 hour before the start of the main meals, 20 caps. about a month.
It is not necessary to strain the tincture. Store in a refrigerator.
This natural remedy has a curative effect on the body with pulmonary tuberculosis, female ailments, impotence in men, and strengthens the entire body.

It is also an excellent tool for strengthening the body. This plant is one of the most powerful natural immunomodulators used to prevent and treat colds, inflammatory processes and deficient conditions.

For men

Rhodiola activates the work of the nervous system and prevents the appearance of problems with potency in men, exacerbates sensations, relieves erective dysfunction, heals the genitourinary system.
The medicinal properties of Rhodiola rosea for men are due to the presence of flavonoids in the chemical composition of the rose root. These valuable substances help to make the walls of blood vessels more elastic and flexible, respectively, the potency improves.
The form of reception is infusion.

The pink root contributes to the treatment of prostatitis, adenoma and other male ailments. For their treatment, a liquid extract of Rhodiola rosea is used in the amount of 25 caps. several r./d.
Rhodiola rosea is an excellent remedy for restoring potency.

Rhodiola rosea for women

The golden root also stands guard over women's health. The plant has the ability to stop the blood, so its use is indicated for uterine and postpartum bleeding.
Rhodiola will help with imbalance of hormones, eliminate cycle failures, reduce the manifestations of menopause, give vigor and normal sleep, and help recover after childbirth.

In the postpartum period, it will also be useful to take. After childbirth, centaury helps the uterus to return to its natural state as soon as possible.

Sports loads

Preparations based on Rhodiola rosea are successfully used in power sports. The plant gives the body energy, increases its endurance, stimulates the regeneration of muscle tissue, improves coordination, and is a natural alternative to anabolics.

Athletes are also advised to take. All components of bee bread-perga are completely absorbed by the body. It is a rich source of high quality carbohydrates and protein. Therefore, bee bread for athletes becomes a real lifesaver in the search for effective and safe means that increase physical endurance and muscle mass.

The effect is achieved by using tincture of Rhodiola in alcohol up to 2 ml 1 r. / 8 tsp.


Rhodiola rosea is a popular ingredient in anti-aging creams. Suitable for sensitive skin, noticeably improves its condition.
The presence of the extract of the golden root in cosmetics provides the skin with hydration, protection from harmful external influences (UV rays, wind, cold), increases its elasticity, stops age-related changes in the skin, and treats inflammation.

Rhodiola rosea will transform the skin

To cleanse the skin of acne and the subsequent narrowing of the pores, you can wipe the problem areas with a tincture of the plant.

And will help get rid of acne. The product is applied locally to pimples and acne - the foci of inflammation quickly dry out, the skin is cleansed and acquires a normal color.

The use of the pink root inside will have a positive effect on the quality of the skin.
Also in this area, an aromatic essential oil obtained from the root of Rhodiola is used.

For kids

Rhodiola rosea is given to children older than a year with weak immunity, as a stimulant for inactive children, for the development of good memory and concentration, with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Externally, the herbal remedy helps to heal abrasions and cuts.
A decoction of the golden root soothes toothache, is useful in the treatment of angina.

It is also an excellent remedy for angina. Tea from agrimony contains tannins that help to defeat the disease.

Before using the plant internally, you need to consult a pediatrician.

Application in oncology

The pink root is an important component of herbal preparations used for tumor diseases due to its antimetostatic and immune-stimulating properties of the rhizome.
Siberian ginseng supports the body after chemotherapy and surgery.
It is better to prevent any disease, therefore Rhodiola is recommended for use in cases of predisposition to oncological diseases (hereditary factor), in diseases that can lead to cancer: ulcers, colitis, gastritis, etc.

Gastrointestinal diseases can lead to cancer

With oncological problems, it interacts most effectively with Rhodiola rosea.
To do this, use an industrial alcohol extract of Rhodiola (20%) with a similar preparation of propolis in the proportion of 10 × 10 drops. both drops. The received funds are taken some time before meals. Treatment lasts 21 days, then a break is made for 7 days.

Rhodiola rosea is a plant source of nutrients, has a number of medicinal properties for the treatment of ailments, but this remedy also has contraindications.

Among them:

  • hypertension during an exacerbation;
  • fever;
  • sleep disorders;
  • pregnancy and HB;
  • children's age up to 7 years.

In order not to harm your body, you need to use Rhodiola Rosea in any form only after studying the instructions for using the product and after visiting a therapist.

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Rhodiola rosea, or golden root, or pink ( Rhodiola rosea) is a perennial plant growing in cold regions of Europe, Asia and North America. This plant has been used for centuries to treat many diseases, especially disorders of the nervous system.

Although its use is most often without side effects, the herb can still cause dizziness, insomnia, and anxiety. As with other herbal preparations, always consult your doctor before starting treatment.

To relieve anxiety and depression

Recommended for the treatment of anxiety and depression. The herb relaxes muscles and stimulates blood circulation, which can help reduce anxiety symptoms such as abdominal pain and muscle spasms. Increases the level of serotonin and dopamine, thereby eliminating depression and lack of energy. Improves mood, concentration and mental alertness.

In recent years, a number of studies have been carried out on the adaptogenic properties of Rhodiola rosea. Confirming its effectiveness in combating stress, depression, increased anxiety and chronic fatigue, publications can be found in the journals: "Affective Disorders" (July 2010), "Psychopharmacology" (2009), "Scandinavian Journal of Psychiatry" (2007), "Phytomedicine" ( 2003) and some others.

For altitude sickness

Belongs to a class of substances under the general name adaptogens. These are phytochemicals that help a person adapt to stress. The plant owes such wonderful properties to the active ingredients in the composition: rosavin, rosarine, rosin and salidroside.

The work of the nervous system improves without disrupting the activity of other organs and systems. This property makes the plant an effective treatment for altitude sickness. Altitude sickness occurs when the body does not have time to adapt to extreme conditions at high altitude.

Rhodiola rosea stimulates the immune and nervous systems to help the body adjust without the associated side effects such as anxiety and insomnia.

For heart health

The plant contains a number of heart-healthy substances: flavonoids ( rhodiolin, rodinin, rhodiosin and tricine), catechins and proanthocyanidins. These natural compounds are responsible for the beneficial properties of Rhodiola rosea associated with heart and vascular health. Its extract prevents damage to cells and tissues, reduces oxidative damage to the coronary arteries.

In the treatment of fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a disease that occurs due to the malfunction of the adrenal system. This system includes the adrenal glands, which regulate the production of hormones responsible for metabolism and blood composition. Rhodiola rosea normalizes the production of hormones, improves the functioning of the adrenal glands and, as mentioned above, reduces anxiety and stress - symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.

To quit smoking

If you are a heavy smoker but want to quit, try Rhodiola rosea as a dietary supplement. The beneficial effect of the plant on the nervous system helps to reduce the side effects of nicotine deficiency: anxiety, depression and insomnia. Smoking negatively affects the level of dopamine, and Rhodiola neutralizes this effect and reduces the severity of unpleasant symptoms that accompany smoking cessation.

For weight loss

The plant increases energy production in the body, as well as endurance during physical exertion by increasing the level of glycogen in the muscles. In addition, the accumulation of lactic acid, the main cause of muscle spasms and discomfort, is significantly reduced when taking Rhodiola rosea. The overall energy expenditure rises, which means that the body burns more calories.

But even at rest, this food supplement can boost your metabolism.

Cosmetic properties

Rhodiola rosea extract prevents premature aging of the skin, protects it from the harmful effects of sunlight, according to a study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology (June 2008). It is a reliable barrier against ultraviolet rays, even for sensitive skin.

The plant contains 2 types of molecules that our body needs to produce elastin and collagen: hydroxyproline and hexosamine. Cosmetic companies have invested a lot of money in researching some of the properties of Rhodiola. It has been proven that already after 8 weeks of using skin care products containing plant extract, there is a significant reduction in wrinkles.

The presence of antioxidants, such as rosavin, helps to cope with oxygen starvation, various types of stress and immune failures that usually undermine skin health.

The recommended dose of Rhodiola (100 mg capsules) is 1-2 capsules per day. It is considered safe to increase the dosage to 200-600 mg per day. Evening intake can cause insomnia. With a further increase in dosage, dizziness, dry mouth are possible. Do not take the drug during pregnancy and lactation, as well as people with bipolar and manic-depressive disorders.

- a strong adaptogen.