Rock and homosexuality, there is the preparation of human bodies for demons. Ritual of “exorcising the demon of homosexuality” (video) How to prepare the body for the Demon’s possession

Brothers and sisters, in this work I will tell you about the worlds of darkness, the path of darkness, the forces of evil and their activities.
The worlds of darkness are, to a large extent, worlds of illusions, delusions, lies, worlds of ugliness, lies, and evil. Let's look at an example. Homosexuals and demons of homosexuality think that they are sexually attracted to beings of the same sex, while people often believe that they are naturally homosexual. In reality, this is an illusion - the attraction they experience is a complex of desires, feelings, thoughts, perceptions, reactions, visions, imposed on people by the demons of homosexuality operating in them, and on the demons by the demons of homosexuality operating in them.

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I conclude that the demons of homosexuality are at work in the demons of homosexuality from what people call erotic dreams. With them, the human body of a lower level of materiality than the body of our world is located in the spheres of special worlds. This body, like the body of our world, is, as it were, clothing for the human spirit; it does not have mental abilities, therefore in these spheres it is guided by the demon or angel operating in it; if it were not guided by them, then it could not do anything there. to do because it is just clothing and as such it is empty, that is, they have no mind, no will, no desires, no feelings, these qualities are possessed only by the body of a person of a higher level of materiality, in other words, his spirit or soul. Judging by the actions, desires, feelings, thoughts, perceptions, reactions, visions of the demons of fornication that acted in my body when it was in the spheres of this world, I see that they did not expend any effort on inducing strong sexual arousal in themselves , desire and pleasure, incommensurable with the existing situations, influencing factors, with what was perceived, done, happened, which these demons nevertheless experienced, for example, they experienced abnormally strong sexual arousal, a desire for sex that reached mania and even orgasm just from the sight of a naked female body. Knowing how bodies of different levels of materiality operate, the fact that they naturally cannot experience this on their own, understanding that without effort, conscious practice, and even only through their own efforts, the demons of fornication could not experience or cause this, one can confidently to say that this was caused in them by the spirits of demons of fornication operating in them. Thus, demons are to a certain extent similar to people who are led and possessed by demons. The fact that the demons of homosexuality are controlled by the demons of homosexuality is also evidenced by the story of Blessed Theodora’s ordeal, which she told when she appeared after death to her disciple, Rev. Vasily the New Rev. Gregory. She tells the following about the world of the sins of Sodom, which includes homosexuality: “The prince of the 18th ordeal - the sins of Sodom, in which all unnatural sins, incest and other nasty deeds committed secretly, which a person is ashamed and afraid to even remember, were tortured. more disgusting than all demons, stained with pus and stench, so were all his servants, the stench from them was unbearable, the wickedness was unimaginable, the rage and cruelty inexpressible” (source: 327.32). The action of the demons of homosexuality in the demons of homosexuality is evidenced by the phrase “the wickedness is unimaginable, the rage and cruelty is unspeakable.” The fact is that the power of anger and rage that demons and people can experience on their own is quite weak, it is not able to transform their appearance so much, it is not able to give them such a look, only the anger, the rage of the demons acting in them, which have much greater force can change them like that. This phrase suggests that these demons often experience very strong anger and rage, and these feelings are unnatural, they cannot be naturally experienced very strongly, for a long time and often, this indicates that these feelings are the feelings of the demons operating in them who test them artificially. The fact that demons act in demons, in particular in the demons of homosexuality, is evidenced by the experience of people whose bodies have been possessed by a demon, this is evidenced by the action of various demons in a person possessed by a demon, which can be recognized by people who have the appropriate experience, knowledge and abilities ( this experience is described in detail in my previous work, it also shows a video of a person in which the action of several demons is visible).
What are the desires, feelings, perceptions, reactions, visions of the above-mentioned complex for the demons of homosexuality?
1. They were organized by the forces of evil during their previous lives.
2. They are prescribed by the world of homosexuality into which the forces of evil have brought them, and they are required to practice it.
3. Demons like the world of homosexuality (usually this “like” is almost completely or completely organized by the forces of evil), these demons have the will to commit perversions, to receive pleasure from them (usually this “will” is to a very large extent imposed on them by the forces of evil), demons desire homosexual relationships, the pleasure from them. These desires and the fact that demons like the world of homosexuality do not refute the statement I proved in my previous work that all beings are always free from all dark, demonic desires, feelings, states, perceptions, reactions, visions. It speaks of the original and permanent freedom of beings as pure spirits from this. Here I am talking about desires, feelings, perceptions that are not inherent in beings, their organisms, bodies of various levels of materiality, their spirit in a natural way, not inherent in their nature, but emanating from their mind, based on the will, on the experience of a previous life, usually in largely organized, imposed by the forces of evil, the world of homosexuality. It is enough for demons to renounce the ideas, the will that produce these desires, feelings, perceptions, and from themselves and the demons will not have them. This is evidenced by the facts of the instant liberation of people from homosexuality and other phenomena organized by the forces of evil when people turn to God.

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The third point tells us that not all feelings, desires, states, perceptions, reactions, visions of demons are completely artificial. Orthodoxy explains these unartificial feelings, desires, states, perceptions, reactions, visions by the fact that demons have “perverted their nature.” There is light in this explanation, but in my terminological system it is not entirely correct; it would be more adequate to say about what this explanation says: “demons have perverted themselves, their mind, will, worldview, desires, feelings, perceptions, reactions, vi ;denia". Neither people, nor demons, nor demons have a natural attraction to either the female or the male sex; their nature is pure spirit, which does not have attractions and desires. The nature of the bodies in which they are embodied, which, as I said earlier, are only, as it were, clothes, spacesuits, suits that allow the spirit of beings to live in worlds of denser matter, also does not have inherent drives and desires (that which is associated with the needs for food , water, oxygen, sleep, rest, calling them desires is not entirely correct, since if they belong to a person and not to the creatures operating in him, for example, with the so-called “desire” for food, we are dealing with the interpretation, designation of physiological impulses; desires I call aspirations emanating from the mind, worldview, will of beings and what is in them desires experienced by angels communicating with them, and desires practiced or experienced by demons and demons acting in them).

I proved in my previous work that beings by their nature are pure spirits. Let me add now that I affirm this primarily on the basis of personal experience. Having experienced the action of demons, demons and angels in myself, I know that most of the desires, attractions, attachments, passions, as well as all the bad, demonic feelings, states, perceptions, reactions, visions belong to the demons and demons operating in people, or caused by them. Some of the desires, drives, affections, passions that are good are associated with communication between people and angels, are associated with the fact that people like something bright, are associated with their worldview, personality, qualities developed in the process of life, they are consistent with the will of people. Desires, attractions, attachments, passions that a person himself can experience are not inherent in his nature, they can only come from the mind, worldview, and will of a person. At the first stages of this experimental knowledge, I separated myself from the actions of demons and demons in me, perceived them as an observer perceives something happening outside of him, I felt the extraneousness, the artificiality of what they experienced and caused in me. Even then, I actually felt like a pure spirit, free from all demonic feelings, states, perceptions, reactions, visions, free from desires, attractions, attachments, passions. At the next stages of this experience, demons and demons, according to Divine Laws, were deprived of the right to experience, to evoke in me almost all demonic feelings, states, perceptions, reactions, visions, as well as bad desires, attractions, attachments, passions.
I feel and from a number of events I know that the demon and the demon constantly acting in him, which I talked about in my previous work, are also completely free from all demonic feelings, states, perceptions, reactions, visions, free from desires, attractions, attachments, passions. Almost all demonic feelings, states, perceptions, reactions, visions, desires, attractions, attachments, passions that they have are practiced by them or other demons or demons acting artificially in this demon, a very small amount of non-artificial things they experience comes from their mind, worldview, will. What I just talked about are not subjective sensations, but are objective facts, immutable empirics, testifying, on the basis of the fact that all people and other beings are created equally, that they are by nature pure spirits. This is confirmed by many cases when people come into contact with any worlds of darkness and involve them in them, for example, in the worlds of the occult, magic, Satanism, worlds of esotericism, false teachings, worlds of illegal, criminal activity, worlds of drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling addiction, worlds sexual promiscuity and sexual depravity, the bad worlds of the Internet, were largely or completely changed, leaving much or everything that they were previously attached to, replacing it with what was organized for them by the forces of evil, the worlds of darkness in which they were involved and operating in them with demons and demons of these worlds. These cases show that the desires, drives, attachments, passions that people had before being drawn into the worlds of darkness were not inherent in their nature, but were desires, drives, attachments, passions formed in the course of their lives, or forces organized in them evil, acting in them by demons, or associated with communication with angels, or emanating from their mind, worldview, will. A similar thing happens when people come into contact and communicate with the worlds of Light, for example, the worlds of religion, philosophy, art, science, only, of course, angels do not organize anything in people, do not impose anything on them, usually people, thanks to communication with these worlds, see Beauty -Truth-Good of the light, good and ugliness-lie-evil of the dark, bad, they choose the light and turn away from the dark. Angels to a significant extent liberate people from the evil imposed on them by the forces of evil, from the demons organized in them by the demons operating in them, and from the very action of the demons in them. At the same time, people often disappear many or all of the bad feelings, desires, states, perceptions, reactions, visions that they had previously, which shows that they were not natural, but were caused by demons operating in them. When people are drawn into the worlds of darkness, people also lose a considerable amount of good feelings, desires, states, perceptions, reactions, visions, but this does not happen in a natural way. Demons and demons deliberately suppress everything good in people, actively use violence, possession, imposition of the opposite of good, for example, during situations in which something good appears in a person, a special demon enters into interaction with him, which with his artificial feelings, desires, states, perceptions, reactions, visions, opposite to the natural, good manifestations of man and the angels acting in him, displaces and replaces them. Christianity also testifies to the fact that demons are pure spirits by nature, according to which, “the evil living and acting in demons is not an original property of their nature, but a consequence of the sinful choice of their free will, which perverted their nature, which in itself is good as one of God's creations. Once upon a time, demons were God's Angels, but “they did not retain their dignity” (Jude 6), fell away from their Creator and Lord in an act of treason and became “the angels of Satan” (Rev. 12:9, etc.), “angels of the abyss” “(ibid., 9:11)” (“Big Explanatory Dictionary of Cultural Studies” Kononenko B.I.).
That beings are in fact pure spirits, who as such are asexual, does not deny or detract from the sex that the bodies of matter of varying degrees of density into which pure spirits are embodied have, the male and female being of divine origin, acting in accordance with the male or female the nature that the form in which the spirit is embodied has is natural, correct, while the opposite is unnatural, incorrect, bad, demonic. This does not mean that people should have sexual relations, create families, they can freely choose this, attracted by the Beauty-Truth-Goodness of the world of love, the world of family, the pleasures, happiness that they can give them, or they can refuse this by choosing the path of spiritual development, as the saints did. The Bible says about this: “His disciples said to Him: If this is a man’s duty to his wife, then it is better not to marry. He said to them: not everyone can receive this word, but to those who have been given it, for there are eunuchs who were born like this from their mother’s womb; and there are eunuchs who are castrated from people; and there are eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven. He who can contain it, let him contain it” (Matt. 19:10-12). The fact that they are pure spirits allows them to completely freely refuse this; this is the case in what Jesus Christ says: “For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but remain as the angels of God in heaven (Matt. . 22:30)". The attraction felt by most people towards the opposite sex in general, towards every representative of the opposite sex suitable for sexual relations, is caused by the demons operating within them. What allows demons to do this is that people have incorrect ideas about themselves, for example, the idea imposed on them by the forces of evil that this attraction is natural, normal, the fact that the forces of evil managed to organize a lot of demonic things in people, to persuade them to periodically commit something -or bad. Positive feelings, spiritual attraction to a person of the opposite sex, a truly suitable person to create a family with him, or to a person with whom creating a family, as God or the Hierarchy of Light knows, will be best for him, are experienced by the angels who communicate with him. A person himself may experience attraction to a person of the opposite sex, wanting pleasure from communicating with him, happiness, seeing the beauty of the world of love, wanting to create a family. These attractions and desires come from the mind, worldview, and will of a person.

Non-artificial feelings, desires, states, perceptions, reactions, visions of demons are divided into non-artificial, non-natural, such as, for example, sexual arousal in homosexuals from the naked body of a person of the same sex, and natural, such as, for example, positive feelings from the fact that the demons managed to accomplish what they wanted (it is worth noting here that usually this “wanting” is organized among them by the forces of evil, imposed by them). The number of non-artificial feelings, desires, states, perceptions, reactions, visions, based on the fact that demons like what they do is different for different types of demons, it is usually quite low, and artificial testing and strengthening of the same feelings, desires, states, perceptions, reactions, visions that are not tested artificially in order to more successfully control, manipulate people and demons, and lead them into committing something bad. Often these non-artificial feelings, desires, states, perceptions, reactions, visions are mixed, permeated with various other artificial feelings, desires, states, perceptions, reactions, visions, which fill most of the lives of demons, demons and people led by them .

Almost all demons almost constantly or very often practice some (usually bad) feelings, states and give their faces some (usually bad) expressions, accompanied by corresponding artificially experienced feelings, states, desires. About the latter, Orthodoxy says: “The image that they (demons - K.A.) take also usually depends on their choice; since demons have perverted their nature and their purpose, continuing to turn against God what they owe to God, this image is a false appearance, a mask. According to the Russian proverb, “the undead do not have their own appearance, they walk around in disguises.” The guises are chosen by demons depending on the goals that they set for themselves in this or that phenomenon” (“Big Explanatory Dictionary of Cultural Studies” Kononenko B.I.). The demons of homosexuality also do this, which we can see in the faces of homosexual people.

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The reasons for this practice for demons are as follows.
1. Protecting people from angels, reducing the ability of angels to interact with people so that this interaction leads to positive results.
2. This gives them greater opportunities to control and manipulate people, allowing them to make people, to a very large extent, actually obsessed with them.
3. Protecting a person from his self, his personality, the qualities formed in him in the process of life, protecting a person from himself as a pure spirit, from everything natural, angelic, divine.
4. This worsens a person’s situation, allows the forces of evil to increase the power of their action in him, increases their power over him.
In my previous works, I argued that the forces of evil are not united, that they are divided into an elite and ordinary demons. The elite includes beings initiated into esoteric knowledge and teachings about the forces of evil and Satan, which are not revealed to most demons, much less demons and people. Satan and these creatures are engaged in the invention of ugliness-lies-evil, forms of anti-life, worlds of darkness, ideas of demons, demons and people controlled by them, programs that are implemented in their lives, ideas of leading creatures to something bad, to destruction, illusions, bad activities and develop ways to bring their inventions to life, ways to organize something bad among creatures, to impose something bad on them. Ordinary demons and demons are a kind of tools, using which Satan and the elite bring to life their vile inventions and ideas. In order to transform them into these “instruments”, a number of disgusting inventions and ideas of Satan and the elite are embodied in their lives and in themselves, which actually makes them victims of Satan and the elite. Earlier, I gave reasons for the frequent or almost constant practice of any feelings, states and giving one’s faces any expressions, accompanied by corresponding artificially experienced feelings, states, desires for demons. Now I will give what Satan and the elite are doing by imposing this practice, what additional goals to the above goals are achieved with the help of this practice, what Satan and the elite wanted when inventing this practice and the ideas of demons, demons and people led by them, in whose lives this practice will be carried out. What I will give is the main goals of Satan and the elite. Their main goal is to create ugliness-lies-evil to the world, people, angels, other creatures, as well as demons, demons and people led by them. In the case we are considering, this goal breaks down into the following goals:
1. Transformation of demons, demons and people led by them into monsters of evil, villains who do evil almost all the time of their lives. Using them to create evil to the world, people, angels and other beings.
2. Bringing demons, demons and people led by them to a completely unnatural state, anti-life, turning them into anti-creatures, biorobots or vessels of biorobots.
3. Bringing people led by demons, demons and demons to destruction, spiritual death, killing their self, personality.
4. Mockery through this practice, which often gives creatures quite unpleasant sensations, discomfort, pain, over demons, demons, people led by them and angels interacting with people.
5. Planting darkness, ugliness, lies, evil, which are these artificially experienced feelings, states, and giving one’s faces any expressions, accompanied by corresponding artificially experienced feelings.
6. Creating and maintaining illusions among people led by demons, among demons and demons.
7. Manipulation of demons and people led by them as puppets.
As you can see, Satan and the elite with the help of this practice create disgrace-lies-evil not only to ordinary beings, but also to those who do the works of darkness, demons, demons and people led by them. I will give you evidence of this.
1. In my previous work, I told you about the demon and the demon constantly acting in him, who experience pain, discomfort, unpleasant sensations from the group of demons and demons imposed on them, which includes the constant practice of hatred and giving their faces evil expressions, accompanied by the corresponding artificial feelings. Now they themselves do not like this practice, however, continuing to follow the path of darkness, the demon is forced to continue it, and the demon is forced to endure it. A being who is part of the elite, who invented the idea of ​​the type of demons and demons to which this demon and demon belong, who invented the activity in which they are engaged, clearly did evil to those creatures that would be made by this type of demons and demons, as well as to the people in whom they will act. Many people talk about heaviness in their hearts, heads, pains and other unpleasant sensations that they had at a time when they were guided by demons, doing something bad, they talk about how these sensations and pains instantly disappeared after they turned to God, refused from what they were doing earlier, lightness and pleasant sensations appeared. Some saints and Orthodox authors have written about the unpleasant satanic fire in the souls of people who do something bad.
2. I will give you quotes from the Bible showing that Satan does evil to those who do the works of darkness, people, demons and devils. Jesus Christ says: “Enter at the strait gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many go in through it” (Matthew 7:13). People led by demons who do something bad in the future can become demons and devils. Transforming them into demons and demons is one of the goals of the demons and demons operating in them.

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As you can see, what the forces of evil lead people to who do something bad - what the forces of evil want, people who actually follow the path of darkness, future demons and demons, Jesus Christ calls destruction. This suggests that the forces of evil do evil to people who do the deeds of darkness, who follow the path of evil, it suggests that the state to which Satan and the elite have brought demons and devils, the life they lead is something bad for them . We also see this among His disciples, for example, the Apostle Peter writes: “There were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will introduce destructive heresies and, denying the Lord who bought them, will bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their depravity, and through them the path of truth will be reproached. And out of covetousness they will entice you with flattering words; their judgment has long been prepared, and their destruction does not sleep” (2 Pet. 2:1-3). The following words of Jesus Christ speak very clearly about this: “Your father is the devil; and you want to do the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand in the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks his own way, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44). The devil is called here a murderer primarily for the spiritual murder of people. The greatest evil for creatures is the lie that he invents and imposes on them, which is spoken of in these words of Jesus Christ. The following passages from the Bible indicate that Satan and the elite are creating disgrace, lies, and evil to the creatures who do the works of darkness: “Then Jesus said to them: For a little while, the light is with you; Walk while there is light, lest darkness overtake you: but he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going” (John 12:35), “Therefore, just as the tares are gathered up and burned with fire, so it will be at the end of this age: the Son of Man will send angels their own, and from His kingdom they will gather all temptations and workers of iniquity, and throw them into the fiery furnace; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Matthew 13:40-42), "darkness blinded his eyes" (1 John 2:11), "But the fearful and the unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and fornicators and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars will have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. This is the second death" (Rev. 21:8), "Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour" (1 Pet. 5:8), "Cast away all your sins from you, with which you have sinned, you will make for yourself a new heart and a new spirit; and why should you die, O house of Israel? For I do not want the death of the dying, says the Lord God; but turn and live!” (Ezek. 18:31,32), “Do I want the death of the wicked? says the Lord God. Is it not that he should turn from his ways and live? And the righteous, if he departs from his righteousness and acts unrighteously, does all the abominations that the wicked does, will he live? all his good deeds that he did will not be remembered; for his iniquity which he commits, and for his sins which he sins, he shall die” (Ezek. 18:23,24), “He said to them: You are from below, I am from above; you are of this world, I am not of this world. This is why I told you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that it is I, you will die in your sins” (John 8:23,24), “I am the door: whoever enters through Me will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I came that they might have life and have it more abundantly” (John 10:9,10).
3. Violence is committed against demons and the people led by them - they, against their will, are forced to experience feelings and states almost constantly practiced by demons, to change the expressions of their faces, expressions artificially given by demons to their faces, accompanied by corresponding feelings. If people and demons knew that this was happening to them, then it is unlikely that many of them, especially people, would agree to such an action of demons in themselves.
4. This practice deprives beings of their natural state, natural feelings, desires, perceptions, reactions, visions. At the same time, creatures are forced to almost constantly be not themselves, it makes them anti-creatures, biorobots, makes their life anti-life. Curious in this regard is the tradition of calling demons unclean spirits. I have previously argued that they are pure spirits by nature. Calling them unclean spirits in the light of this knowledge shows the unnaturalness, the abnormality of their position and life, the fact that they are made by what they by nature are not.
5. Medicine has proven that frequent or constant experiences of negative feelings, states, which are the very feelings and states of the demons and demons operating in people, the practice of which we are now considering, causes various diseases in people. It has been established that the occurrence of bronchial asthma is associated with the presence of pronounced traits of assertiveness and intolerance in the character. Patients with coronary heart disease often exhibit: internal tension, intolerance, desire for constant leadership, and emotional instability. With a peptic ulcer, the following are noted: periodic melancholy irritability, nervous tension, despondency, resentment; with thyrotoxicosis - increased excitability, short temper, irritability, fussiness, frequent mood swings, touchiness, haste; with nonspecific ulcerative colitis, patients experience anger. In medicine, “coronary personality”, “ulcerative personality”, “arthritic personality” are described. With neurasthenia, manifested by nervous weakness, irritability, irascibility, up to deep depletion of a person’s strength, that is, as its symptoms show, associated with the increased action of demons in a person, largely caused by them, dormant foci of infection become aggravated, cholesticitis reminds of itself, gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum. People who constantly experience envy are at higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The likelihood of developing such diseases is two and a half times higher than that of people who maintain a neutral state and are not “green” from the successes of others. “Did you pray at night, Desdemona?” is a common question for potential impotent men. Australian scientists believe that jealousy is accompanied by hormonal imbalances and leads to disruption of testosterone synthesis. An obsessive desire for material values, or, more simply, greed, leads to digestive disorders. Greedy people often develop bulimia or anorexia.
Look at the influence on water crystals that is demonic, organized by the forces of evil, and in which demons enter into interaction with people.

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Everything demonic has a similar effect on humans and demons, on the substances that make up their bodies. In the 70s XX century Dorothy Retellek from Temple Buell College (Colorado, USA) conducted an experiment, the results of which became a real sensation. She grew various garden plants while listening to classical and hard rock music. Where classical music was played, there were super harvests, and where hard rock was played, all the plants died. Dutch scientists conducted an interesting experiment: 3 identical (in terms of all biophysicochemical soil indicators) fields were sown with the same cultivated plant (seeds from the same “bins”). After the shoots sprouted and stretched out, one field began to be “sounded” with rock music, the second with classical music, and the third with folk music. After some time, in the 1st field, some of the plants completely disappeared (the rest drooped). In the 2nd and 3rd fields the plants developed normally. Scientists have made an unequivocal conclusion: rock music kills living cells. Researchers who studied the influence of music on plants write: “By observing plants, we found that the stems of plant No. 1 (which “listened” to classical music - K.A.) were drawn to the source of sounds.” “The plant tilts at an angle of 60° towards the sound source,” the researchers write in their conclusion. “At the same time, when listening to rock music and continuous drum rhythms, plant No. 2 deviated from the source of the sound, as if it wanted to escape the destructive effects of this music. To ensure the authenticity of this response, plant #2 was rotated 180 degrees, and it again deviated from the source of rock music. During the experiment, it was found that plant No. 1, to which classical music was played, increased in growth by an average of 2 cm every 2 weeks. By the end of the experiment, the first plant was 39 cm long, and the second - 17 cm. The first plant had 21 sheet, the second has only 13. Plant No. 1, under the influence of classical music, bloomed on July 17, and plant No. 2 did not bloom at all.” Stunningly interesting experiments have been carried out on animals. In particular, in the Finnish city of Kotka they suddenly discovered very low quality meat. And it turned out that a rock band had settled next to the slaughterhouse. While rehearsing, she turned on the speakers at full power, which is why the cows were shocked. In such fear that they were given, firstly, rancid milk and, secondly, their meat was filled with biochemical compounds that are released under stress, and its quality was extremely low. A similar thing happens with people and demons into whose lives or into themselves something invented by the forces of evil has been introduced.
6. A mocking trap for demons and demons is that their position in the hierarchy of darkness depends on the strength with which they experience these artificial feelings, states, on how much effort is put into the expressions given to faces and the feelings corresponding to them. Another mocking trap is that demons and demons are required to use violence and possession against people and demons, which forces them to intensively practice these feelings, states and give their faces any expressions, accompanied by corresponding feelings for better implementation of this, for more successful management of people and demons.
7. Look how many lies and illusions the forces of evil impose on people, including those who consciously follow the path of darkness, how much evil they do to them (I talked about some of this in my works), wouldn’t it be reasonable to assume that is Satan and the elite doing the same thing with regard to demons and devils?
8. According to the Divine Laws, the activities that are imposed by Satan and the elite on demons, demons and the people led by them inevitably lead them to numerous and varied suffering, their immersion in ugliness-lies-evil, their complete surrender to the power of Satan and the forces of evil, incarnation in very bad conditions, bodies, worlds, into lower forms of life. In Orthodoxy, it is said about good people that they “gather into eternal life,” while demons, demons and people guided by their lives and activities, which are imposed on them by Satan and the elite in terms of the above expression, “gather into eternal death.”
"The death of sinners is cruel" (Psalm 33:22)

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The artificiality of feelings, desires, states, reactions, perceptions, visions of the demons of homosexuality is evidenced by:
1. That they must practice certain feelings, desires, states, perceptions, reactions, visions whenever the situation requires it, for example, always experience sexual arousal in situations where sex with a being of the same sex with the being they are possible manage.
2. That they must practice a series of feelings, desires, states, reactions, perceptions, visions, regardless of whether they like the being in connection with or in relation to whom they practice them or not, whether they like the situation , in which they practice them or not.
3. A very great strength of experienced excitement, desires, pleasures, incomparable with the situations in which they occur, with the incentives present in them.
4. “Pure” homosexuality, organized by the demons of homosexuality so that the creatures they control, having sex with both men and women, attracted by beauty, the truth of the natural, cannot return to normal life.
5. Negative feelings, disgust towards creatures of the opposite sex to the sex of the creatures they control.
6. Positive feelings, states in situations that can contribute to the development of homosexuality.
7. Abnormal, unnatural facial expressions characteristic of homosexuals.

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8. Sharp, rough, quick movements and actions that are abnormal, unnatural, consciously practiced by demons and demons.

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9. Earlier I gave you a quote in which it is said about the demons of Sodomy sins that their “evility is unimaginable.” Knowing that all beings are born of Gods and are pure spirits by nature, we can understand that evil, that is, evil features and facial expressions, is completely unnatural and is created by the practice of demons of homosexuality artificially giving their faces such expressions and grimaces.
As you can see, homosexuality is an illusion both for people and for the demons of homosexuality and for the demons of homosexuality. The world of homosexuality is not a world that arose naturally, but is a world invented by Satan and the elite and artificially created by them with the help of demons, demons and people led by them, a world of ugliness-lies-evil, a world of illusions that exists largely thanks to artificial feelings , desires, states, perceptions, reactions, visions of the demons of homosexuality and their evil, perverted will.

Let's look at a few more examples. As I argued in one of my works, sexual arousal from the perception of a naked female body is not natural, as evidenced by the life of savages who walk naked or almost completely naked, the practice of naturism and nudism and the experience of artists who paint nudes. It is caused in people by the demons operating within them. A man’s perception of the facts of this excitement from a naked female body is approximately the following. He thinks:
1. “I feel excited.”
2. “I have a desire for sex.”
3. “Excitement gives me pleasure.”
This perception creates the following ideas:
1. A naked female body causes excitement and desire for sex.
2. Excitement causes pleasant sensations.
3. It is natural to be sexually aroused by different women and to desire sex with them. From this we can conclude that sex with various women is natural, that it is natural and normal to satisfy sexual needs with any woman who evokes desire and arousal.
In reality, this perception and these ideas are illusions, delusions created in people by the demons and demons operating in them, practicing or experiencing sexual arousal, desire for sex, pleasure. Such perceptions and ideas cause corresponding actions, for example, attempts to achieve sexual relations with women, which, as a man thinks, cause him excitement and desire, the search for something exciting, for example, watching erotica, pornography, with the help of which the forces of evil organize the so-called perverted tendencies. As you can see, the purpose of creating these illusions is to lead people into committing evil, drawing them into the worlds of fornication, sexual depravity - worlds of ugliness-lies-evil, transforming people into demons, spiritually killing people, leading them to destruction.

When people and demons experience hatred, anger, positive feelings, pleasure, joy from something bad, they think something like this: “I hate”, “This makes me angry”, “Bad things make me feel positive, brings pleasure and joy." This perception of what is happening is illusory. In fact, with the above, there are almost always artificial feelings that are practiced by demons, whose spirit operates in people and demons, therefore, and also because what the demons practice these feelings in connection with is not directly related to them, it is not entirely correct to say , that demons hate, get angry, experience positive feelings, pleasure, joy from something bad since their activity is similar to the functioning of mechanisms, and this does not correspond to the definition of the concepts “hatred”, “anger”, “positive feelings”, “pleasure”, “joy”, to what is inherent in them. Understanding this calls into question the content of the concepts of “hatred,” “anger,” as well as other concepts that denote what is the action of demons in people.

The forces of evil consciously create and constantly support with artificial feelings, desires, states, perceptions, reactions, visions, as well as thoughts and actions in creatures, primarily those who do the deeds of darkness and follow the path of evil, many similar illusions. In addition to what was discussed above, this is the basis for, for example, a positive attitude towards what is ugliness-lie-evil, a negative attitude towards what is Beauty-Truth-Good, darkness, malice, attachments, passions, dependencies, desires.
In addition to this type of illusion, the worlds of darkness are filled with a huge number of ordinary illusions, delusions, conscious lies of the elite and Satan, about whom Jesus Christ says: “there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks his own way, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44). These are, for example, ideas about the normality, naturalness, and benefits of something bad, for example, the previously discussed homosexuality, alcohol consumption, the illusion of freedom, the fullness of life, which are given by Satan, the path of darkness. Much in the worlds of darkness, in demons, demons, people led by them and in their lives are illusions, delusions, lies, invented by Satan and the elite and organized or imposed by the demons and demons operating and operating in them, as well as the forces of evil with the help of false teachings , media, society, culture.

When drawing creatures into the worlds of darkness, directing them onto the path of darkness, transforming them into demons and demons, the forces of evil actively use illusions, delusions, lies, possession, violence, imposition, organizing something bad, causing evil are also used a lot. Let's look at examples.
For the first time, the idea of ​​writing the book that you are now reading appeared after, while my body of matter of lesser materiality was in the corresponding world, I heard the voice of a female demon, who said the following with literal accuracy about what is connected with the sphere of the sexual life of creatures: “Everything dark is soulful, sensual, erotic.” This statement shows what ideas dominate in the worlds of demons and demons, what teachings they are guided by. The fact that demons, demons and the people led by them is perceived as sensual, erotic, sexual is perceived negatively by me, causes repulsion and disgust for the following reasons:
1. I know the ugliness-lies-evil of demons, demons and worlds of darkness.
2. I am aware of the evil purposes that demons and demons pursue, as well as the evil purposes of Satan and the elite achieved with the help of demons, demons and the people led by them.
3. I know demons and demons from the inside, I know about their almost constant practice of any feelings, giving their faces any expressions, grimacing, artificial sharp, rough, fast movements, actions, twitching, which almost all demons and demons practice .
Excerpt from the documentary “Drops of Peace on Evil Hearts”

Video for the book (wmv, 3 MB):
4. I know the organization of demons and demons, the state of destruction, spiritual death in which they find themselves.
5. I know the real coldness, deadness of demons, demons and the people led by them.
6. I see the actions of demons in people who give their facial expressions, postures, voices, movements, actions those characteristics that are perceived by demons, demons and the people led by them as sexual, I know about the artificiality and organization of most of the actions of demons, with the help of which they give them these characteristics. I see these people being led by demons.
7. All this makes for me what is perceived by demons, demons and people led by them as sexually ugly, makes it a lie, evil. Here it is worth remembering the following words of Jesus Christ: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for you are like whitewashed tombs, which appear beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of the bones of the dead and all uncleanness; Likewise, on the outside you appear to people to be righteous, but on the inside you are filled with hypocrisy and lawlessness” (Matt. 23:27,28). For me, ugliness-lie-evil is not only the internal component of these phenomena, but also the external one, because the internal manifests itself in the external, the form and content are one, so, for me, the facial expressions of women in erotic photographs are perceived by demons, demons and people guided by them as sensual, erotic, sexual are ugly, they are lies and evil, because I see darkness in them, I see how they are disfigured by demons that are intensely active in women who earn money in this bad way, I see the artificiality of these facial expressions, feelings, desires experienced by these women, as well as the states in which they are, I see the baseness of their spiritual state, mental and other abilities, the depravity of these women, the presence of bad qualities in them.

Images for the book:
The word “heartfelt” used in the statement we are considering, meaning in this case “excitingly sincere,” as you see, is completely untrue. It usually denotes phenomena that are Light. Mixing Light with darkness is one of the tricks of the forces of evil.
The perception of something as sexual, sensual, erotic is organized by the forces of evil with the help of the complex practiced by demons, desires, feelings, states, perceptions, reactions, visions, thoughts, actions and with the help of false teachings, the media, society, culture. Sexuality, sensuality, eroticism are phenomena invented by Satan and the elite and exist only in the worlds of darkness, thus being illusions. For me there is nothing that is sensual, erotic, sexual. This is not due to any abnormalities; I don’t have any. I’m just a person who has known himself to a much greater extent than most other people, who knows how my bodies of various levels of materiality operate, who knows that I am a pure spirit, a person who has experienced interaction with demons, demons and angels and distinguishes what is in me belongs to them, and what belongs to me and therefore discovered that the perception of something as sexual, sensual, erotic is caused by demons and demons, that I myself completely lack such a perception. Sexual, sensual, erotic are demonic perversions of beauty that can exist in women, men and the interaction between them, therefore worlds are possible that are worlds of Light, where there are concepts that are to some extent similar to those I just exposed, denoting phenomena that are different in their characteristics , free from everything bad and demonic.

We can see a huge number of lies and illusions invented and introduced by the forces of evil into the ideas and lives of people in occult, esoteric teachings, magic and other false teachings. Thus, these teachings create among people who study and practice occultism, magic, and witchcraft the idea that they themselves can accomplish something on their own with the help of some occult, magical, or witchcraft actions. In reality, what occultists, magicians and sorcerers are trying to achieve with the help of these actions is usually carried out by demons and demons, these same actions almost always do not produce the effect that occultists, magicians and sorcerers attribute to them, they are only a kind of rituals that call on powers evil and allowing them to carry out what they have organized in people to desire, what they have imposed on them.. A love spell, which, as a number of these teachings claim, is carried out by linking the biofields of the bewitched and the bewitching or energy-informational influence on the bewitched, is actually carried out demons who, by moving their spirit or entering the body of the person being bewitched, cause in him what the bewitcher desires. The lie in these teachings is the transfer of one’s energy over a distance, when energy is supposedly sent to another person who is not nearby. This person, while carrying out actions that are prescribed for sending energy, feels a surge of strength and energy, but this happens not because the energy sent by another person came to him, but because while carrying out actions to send energy, a demon moved its spirit into his body. With telepathy - reading the thoughts of another person - which appeared as a result of the practice of these teachings, in reality there is a message from the demon to a person practicing esoteric teachings, the occult thoughts of another person about which he learned from the demons interacting with him. In general, transferring energy over a distance and reading the thoughts of another person by a person himself are possible, but for this he needs to be able to move his spirit into the person to whom he wants to transfer energy or from whom he wants to learn thoughts, and only people can do this those who have achieved what saints or conscious Satanists have achieved, who have advanced far along the path of darkness and whose body has been possessed by a demon.

The use of the forces of evil in relation to people, drawn by them into the worlds of darkness, led along the path of darkness, transformed into demons and demons of possession, violence, imposition, organization of something bad among them, causing harm to them is evidenced by:
1. So-called addictions, in which people, realizing the harmfulness of any actions, wanting to stop performing them, are drawn against their will by the demons and demons acting in them with the help of a very large force of energy of desires, feelings, states practiced by demons, suppressing the energy of themselves people and the angels operating in them and, thus, actually making a person during such an impact on him spiritually a demon, in the commission of these actions, leading to illness, a significant decrease in mental abilities, memory, suffering, death, spiritual death, actions that often lead to commit other bad actions that also lead to something bad, for example, the so-called drug addiction often leads to theft, for which people are sent to prison. Addictions often lead to dismissal from work, loss of family, place of residence, friends, and to the fact that a person becomes a puppet controlled by demons.
2. The so-called passions, in which the forces of evil impose on people something that is bad, unreasonable, brings evil, is an outrage-a lie-evil, something that leads to something bad, for example, anger often leads to murder, drinking alcohol drinks - to commit crimes, 80 percent of which, according to statistics, are committed while intoxicated, and this dooms people to many years of suffering in prison.
3. The so-called “sacred pains” in the practice of esoteric, occult teachings, a number of yoga teachings, senestopathy - this is what psychiatry calls various painful, painful sensations in different parts of the body, in internal organs; this soreness does not manifest itself as visible somatoneurological defects, instrumental studies also do not reveal the “focus” of damage. Both “sacred pains” and senestopathies are pains and unpleasant sensations from feelings, conditions, actions practiced by demons operating in people. Experiencing uncomfortable states, unpleasant, painful sensations from feelings, states, actions practiced by demons is forcibly imposed on all beings led along the path of darkness, some of them have to endure pain.
4. So-called mental illnesses, in which demons and demons suppress people’s mental abilities or significantly or completely deprive people of them, which is reflected in such designations of people suffering from demons and demons who deal with this as “insane”, “crazy” , “mad”, “possessed”, as evidenced by our language, which has absorbed the wisdom and genuine knowledge of people and the angels interacting with them, in which the words “madness”, “madness” and “possession” are synonymous. I will note here that a decrease in mental abilities almost always occurs when people are led by the forces of evil to commit something bad, they are led along some path of darkness. When demons and demons act in people, causing what is called mental illness, people are brought into a completely abnormal state by them, they are led into committing abnormal, unreasonable, absurd, unnatural actions, various misconceptions, delusional ideas are imposed on them, people are deprived of a normal life and ability to work , are confined to psychiatric hospitals.
5. The states, feelings, perceptions, reactions, visions that most demons practice are such that they cause various errors in demons and people in whom they act, lead to accidents, injuries, for example, people are often killed because of them While performing any actions, they receive various injuries and fall under the wheels of cars.

Demons and demons are like robots because they are similar to identical devices invented (by Satan and the elite) and manufactured by various conveyors (worlds of darkness), functioning according to the same or slightly different (to create the illusion of originality) programs (modes of action, desires, feelings, perceptions, reactions, visions, organized, imposed by the forces of evil) having the same databases (worldviews, knowledge). The forces of evil can be compared to a huge mechanism that functions according to the programs of its creators. At the same time, there are no demons, demons, and partly people led by them to the extent that they are transformed by the forces of evil, because their selves and their lives are almost completely organized by the forces of evil, the world of darkness is the world of death. Demons are the computer software and the engines of this mechanism. Demons are transmission nodes, conductors, mediators. The demon I talked about in my previous work agrees that there is some truth in comparing him to a garbage chute. People controlled by demons are details. Satan and the elite are the developers of the programs by which this mechanism operates. Satan and the elite are actually murderers, demons, demons and the people led by them, those who have transformed their lives into anti-life. It is worth remembering here that in the Bible the devil is called “having the power of death” (Heb. 2:14). They are the ones who made demons, demons and people, led by them, anti-creatures, biorobots or vessels of biorobots, various parts of a huge mechanism, actors who play roles all their lives, depicting unnatural feelings, desires, states, perceptions, reactions, visions, constantly grimacing, grimacing, twitching clowns.

People have always looked for the reasons for the bad things they observed in life. They saw them in incorrect, poor upbringing, in the living conditions of people, in the passions that drive people, in their lack of certain knowledge, experience, poor education, in the negative impact on the people with whom they communicate, the environment, society, the media information, culture and other things. But few people have reached the real, main reason that gives rise to almost all other reasons, the source of almost everything bad in our lives and in us, which is the existence and activity of the forces of evil. But without knowing the cause, the source of problems, we cannot effectively solve, overcome them, or get rid of them. Could we effectively treat and prevent diseases caused by microorganisms if we did not know that they are caused by bacteria and viruses? Look at the progress medicine has made since it was proven that a number of diseases are caused by microorganisms. Look at the activities of various institutions, organizations and people trying to get rid of addictions of people suffering from them without understanding that they are caused by demons operating in people. Most of their patients, some time after treatment, again do what they tried to save them from. Compare these results with the activities of Orthodox centers, organizations and people doing the same thing, who have a partial understanding of what addictions are. Most of the people who go through them gain freedom from addictions. If people had a full understanding of what happens to people suffering from addictions and had certain knowledge about the universe and the laws and patterns operating in it, about the forces of evil and the forces of Light, and also had everything they might need, then effectiveness their interactions with people suffering from addictions would reach 99.9 percent.
People's ignorance of the activities and life of the forces of evil, their misunderstanding is one of the main reasons why there is so much bad in our lives. The forces of evil are actually waging a conscious, purposeful and systematic war against people. Knowing this, it would be right for us to take appropriate action in this regard. I will give you in order of importance what deprives the forces of evil of the opportunity to create ugliness-lies-evil in our world and in people, control people, organize something bad in their lives and in them, deprives the meaning of their activities in people and in our world .
1. Knowledge, worldview and attitude of people towards various phenomena. Of particular importance here is the knowledge of Light and darkness, the worlds of Light and the worlds of darkness, the Forces of Light and the forces of darkness, knowledge of the Beauty-Truth-Good of all that is light and the ugliness-lies-evil of all that is dark, a positive attitude towards everything light and a negative attitude towards everything dark . Tolerance to the dark, the use of the same concepts in relation to what is Beauty-Truth-Good and what is ugliness-lies-evil, the same, similar description of what is associated with Light and associated with darkness is incorrect, is not the Truth.
2. Strengthened communication, co-creativity, interaction of people with angels and the cessation of the action of demons in them or a significant reduction in it. To do this, you need to fill the lives of people and themselves with light: the creation of Beauty-Truth-Good, Light, good activities, communication with the worlds of Beauty-Truth-Good: the worlds of art, religion, philosophy, science, knowledge of them and free the lives of people and themselves from everything dark, demonic: from what is organized in people and our world by the forces of evil, from what is imposed by them, from creating ugliness-lies-evil, bad activities, committing bad actions, communicating with worlds of ugliness-lies-evil.
3. Life, activity, qualities of people, which are Beauty-Truth-Good, Light. The absence in the life, activities and qualities of people of that which is ugliness, lies, evil, darkness.
4. High mental abilities, wisdom of people, criticality of their thinking. To develop this, people need to understand the worlds of philosophy, religion, art, and science. Of particular importance here is the ability to recognize Light and darkness, light and dark, the actions of people caused by the demons and demons operating in them, organized by the forces of evil, associated with their former communication with the worlds of darkness and the actions of people, which are a manifestation of their co-creation, communication, interaction with angels, associated with their former communication with the worlds of Light.
It would also be quite reasonable to take actions to change the very forces of evil, demons and devils, to enlighten them, to turn them to Beauty-Truth-Good, Light, to demoralize them, to stop them following the path of evil. I know about the possibility of changing them from the demon, which I talked about in my previous work. As a result of enlightening this demon, proving to him the ugliness-lies-evil, unreasonableness, unnaturalness of everything dark, proof that his self, his worldview, attitude to various phenomena, goals, meaning of life, the activities that he is engaged in, the actions that he commits, his desires, feelings, perceptions, reactions, visions were almost completely organized in him by the forces of evil, the group of demons and demons, of which he is a member, imposed on him by them, proof to him that in fact he is a pure spirit, free from demonic feelings, states, perceptions, reactions, visions, free from desires, attractions, attachments, passions, as a result of his communication with the worlds of Beauty-Truth-Good, there was almost nothing dark, demonic left in him, except the will to continue that image life, which he led for the last 4 years and laughter from demonic humor, which is 80 percent caused by the demon of laughter or the demon operating in him and 17 percent caused by his will to such a perception of demonic humor, he now does not like a lot of dark things, and most I like the light one. When asked why he continues to agree to the action of the demon in himself, continues to follow the path of darkness, he answers: “I am in the system,” and not, say, “I like this,” or “This brings me happiness,” or “I love what what I do, this activity is the meaning of my life,” that is, the answers that most beings give to such questions. This demon now has many “for” in favor of choosing the path of Light or a normal life and few “against” this choice, few “for” in favor of choosing the path of darkness and many “against” this choice. If now he were freed from the action of demons and demons interacting with him, then he would not feel bad about it, on the contrary, he would feel good. For him, it is quite possible to abandon the path of darkness and choose the path of Light or a normal life. The possibility of changing demons and demons, turning them to Beauty-Truth-Good, Light, their refusal from the path of darkness, stopping their movement along this path, the possibility of their transition to normal life, the creation of Beauty-Truth-Good, to the path of Light testify and numerous cases of the conversion of people who deliberately did evil, their cessation of activities that brought evil, their return to normal life, their choice of Light, because some of the demons and demons were people, some of them were angels, many of them are creatures similar to people, all they are beings who are by nature pure spirits. In the worlds of darkness, demons and demons have a lot of ignorance, illusions, delusions, lies, generated by themselves or imposed on them by Satan and the elite, the self of demons and demons is almost completely organized by the forces of evil, their worldview, attitude to various phenomena, goals, meaning of life , the activities they are engaged in, the actions they perform, their desires, feelings, perceptions, reactions, visions are imposed on them by Satan and the elite, proof of this to demons, exposing illusions, refuting misconceptions, lies, exposing Satan and the elite, enlightening demons and demons , proof to them of the ugliness-lies-evil, unreasonableness, unnaturalness of everything dark, proof to them that in fact they are pure spirits, free from all demonic feelings, states, perceptions, reactions, visions, free from desires, attractions, attachments, passions can change a lot.
When something bad is done to a being, they cause evil, it will be right for him and other people to do it (after all, we are all united and connected with each other, knowing that God is our True Self in everything, we can identify ourselves with all beings except the dark ones , as Jesus Christ does, as can be seen from His statement: “just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40)) in connection with this corresponding actions. These actions could be:
1. Telling other people about what happened to a person
2. Research, study of what happened to a person and the phenomenon to which what happened relates, as well as phenomena similar to this phenomenon in order to find out their causes, what actually happens with them, how demons and demons act with them, how the forces of evil organize them and draw them into them in order to show the ugliness-lies-evil, unreasonableness, unnaturalness, negative consequences of these phenomena, to find ways to free other people from them, to prevent the possibility of drawing them into them. Engaging in activities to free other people from the same thing that happened to a person and similar to this, to prevent this and similar things from happening to other people.
3. Research, study of the forces of darkness and their activities, exposing anything they do, proof of the ugliness-lies-evil, unreasonableness, unnaturalness of something dark, the negative consequences to which it leads, liberation of people from evil organized by the forces, from control them demons.
4. Changing the forces of evil, demons and demons, enlightening them, exposing Satan and the elite, in particular, exposing what they did in what happened to man, in the phenomenon to which this relates and in phenomena like this, exposing the goals they pursue by organizing these phenomena.
5. Enlightenment, correction, change, enlightenment, turning to Beauty-Truth-Good, Light, liberation from all the bad things of people who have done evil to a person and people who do similar things to other people. Encouraging them to understand the world, Light and darkness, the worlds of Beauty-Truth-Good.
6. Protecting other people from people who have caused evil and people who do similar things to other people.
7. Give people something positive, something that is Beauty-Truth-Good, something that will enlighten them, make them better, happier, increase their interaction with angels, reduce the action of demons in them, deprive the meaning of the activity of demons in people.
I will note here that revenge is the deliberate infliction of harm on someone in order to repay for losses, suffering, insults and the like is an outrage-a lie-evil, the world of revenge is a world of darkness, a world of illusions organized by the forces of evil, the same as is written here is based on reason, ethics, which are Beauty-Truth-Good, appropriate actions in connection with causing evil or something bad to a person, in which there should be nothing that takes place with revenge. Demons can try to impose, add to this something bad, something that they organize in people during revenge, impose on them during it, as they do, for example, imposing pride on people when they do something good, something special, something that most people don't do or can't do, so you have to pay attention. If they try to impose any feelings, desires, states, perceptions, visions, then you need to separate yourself from them, protest against this, ask the angels, saints, God to free you from this, demons may try to organize and commit what -or bad actions and any bad reactions, you need to detect this and prevent it. If demons manage to bring something bad into this, then these actions will not be Beauty-Truth-Good. The absence on the part of a person who has been harmed, done something bad and on the part of other people of corresponding actions in connection with this leads to negative consequences for everyone, for example, to the fact that the same thing is freely caused to other beings, similar , as well as much worse, leads to an increase in people doing evil, to the fact that people doing something bad become puppets of demons, leads to degradation and spiritual death of creatures causing evil, their replenishment of the army of evil forces, to an increase in the capabilities of forces evil to create ugliness-lies-evil in our world, to increase evil, darkness and reduce Beauty-Truth-Good, Light in our lives. If people acted as it is written here, especially understanding that almost always the source, the cause of evil and bad things are the forces of evil, then there would be much less darkness and more Light in our lives.

In this and my other works, I exposed the worlds of darkness and the forces of evil. Do you think there will be people who, having the knowledge that I have, having experienced knowledge of the worlds of Light and the worlds of darkness, will choose to commit actions in any world of darkness, to live in this world, to choose the path of darkness? If there are such people, will there be many of them? As you can see, the light of knowledge, the experience of interaction with the worlds of Light and the worlds of darkness have a destructive effect on the worlds of darkness in our world. Unfortunately? due to the fact that there is a lot of ignorance in our world, due to the activity of the forces of evil in it, in the worlds of Light there is also the wrong, erroneous, bad, dark, but in them there is a lot of true, correct, good, that which is Beauty - Truth-Good or that which, while not being fully Beauty-Truth-Good, contains Light, a share of Truth, a spark of Truth. If the worlds of darkness in our world can theoretically be completely destroyed, so that, as they say, no stone will be left unturned, then it is impossible to do the same with the worlds of Light; criticism can only make them flimsy or destroy some small parts of them, but their foundations always remain unshakable. I will note that in worlds of a lower level of materiality than our world, there is much less of this in the worlds of Light, and in the higher worlds there is none at all. The worlds of darkness in our world are like ugly, barely holding up fragile buildings without a foundation (their quasi-foundation is the activity of demons and demons in people, their will, their desires, feelings, states, perceptions, reactions, visions, most of which are artificial, organized and imposed Satan and the elite; demons and demons organize in people such phenomena as passions, needs, addictions, the desire for bad things and the pleasure of doing it; the quasi-foundation is also the will and activity of Satan and the elite) with a frame and walls made of rotten materials (these are knowledge, worldviews people led by demons, the knowledge of demons and demons, in which there is a lot of false, untrue, incorrect, which is an outrage-lie-evil, in which there is a lack of true knowledge, in which there is a lot of ignorance, they are also weak mental and other abilities of people led demons, devils and demons, as well as their experience of life, in which there is a lot of darkness and little Light), buildings, the inside of which is filled with ugly products from unnatural mixtures, artificial materials, vomit, sewage, stench (these are unnatural irrational activities, actions, thoughts , desires, feelings, states, perceptions, reactions, visions of demons, demons and people led by them, which are ugliness-lies-evil). The Worlds of Light are like beautiful, very strong buildings with an unshakable foundation (these are the true will, desires, feelings, states, perceptions, reactions, visions of people and angels, the will of God and the activities of the Gods) with a very strong frame and walls (true extensive, systematic knowledge of people, angels, omniscience of the Gods, worldview, which is Beauty-Truth-Good, high mental and other abilities of people and angels, their experience of life, in which there is a lot of Light, which allows them to act wisely), buildings whose interior is very beautiful, filled with beautiful products made from natural mixtures, natural materials, filled with plants, flowers, their aroma, fresh air (this means natural, reasonable activities, actions, thoughts, desires, feelings, states, perceptions, reactions, visions of people and angels, which are Beauty -Truth-Good).

Eduardo Galeano

A modest contribution to the fight between Good and Evil

Trying to make his contribution to the battle between Good and Evil, the author compiled several verbal portraits, thanks to which we can recognize the Prince of Darkness in his various incarnations. The selection includes only the longest-lived of the devilish images, which have not left the world alone for centuries or even millennia.

The devil is a Muslim

Dante also knew that Mohammed was a terrorist. Otherwise, he would not have placed him, doomed to eternal torment, in one of the circles of hell. “How one’s insides here gaped/From the very lips to where they stink....” - the poet rejoices in The Divine Comedy.

The Popes have repeatedly confirmed that the Muslim hordes tormenting the Christian world are not a collection of people made of flesh and blood, but a huge army of demons, growing with every blow of a spear, swing of a sword or shot from a squeak.

Today's weapons create far more enemies than they kill. But what would happen to the Lord God if there were no enemies? Fear rules the world, wars feed on fear. The threat of hell, as experience proves, is always more effective than the promise of heaven. Welcome, enemies! Whenever the throne began to shake during the Middle Ages, due to bankruptcy or popular anger, Christian kings announced the Muslim threat, sowed panic, organized another crusade, and everything was miraculously corrected. And now, quite recently, George Bush was re-elected president of the planet thanks to the timely appearance of the main Satan of the kingdom, Bin Laden, who announced on the eve of the vote from the television screen that he would swallow all children alive.

So in 1564, demonologist Johann Wier counted all the devils working tirelessly for the destruction of Christian souls. It turned out that there were six million, four hundred and nine thousand, one hundred and twenty-six, and they acted, divided into seventy-nine legions.

Since that census, a lot of boiling water has flowed under the bridges of hell. How many are there today, messengers of the kingdom of darkness? The theatrical props make it difficult to count. These rogues still wear turbans to hide their horns, and toe-length robes to cover their dragon tails, bat wings and bomb clutched under their armpits.

The Devil is a Jew

Hitler didn't invent anything. It has been known for two thousand years that the Jews committed the unforgivable murder of Christ and are to blame for everything.

What? Was Jesus a Jew? And all twelve apostles? And all four evangelists? What are you saying? This cannot be true. Once spoken, truth allows no doubt and requires no other proof than its own existence. Everything is exactly as they say, and if they say it, it’s for a reason: the Devil teaches in the synagogues, and the Jews have always been desecrating holy relics and pouring poison into holy water. Because of them, economic collapse, financial crises and military defeats occur. It was they who brought yellow fever and plague, and indeed all the troubles from the Jews.

Accused of serving evil spirits, the Jews wandered like the damned for centuries - from one exile to another, from one massacre to another. After England, they were successively expelled from France, Austria, Spain, Portugal, as well as from many cities in Switzerland, Germany and Italy. The Catholic monarchs of Spain, Isabella and Fernando, drove out the Jews, and at the same time the Muslims, in order to preserve the purity of the blood. The Jews lived in Spain for thirteen centuries before their expulsion. They left with the keys to their houses, and some families still have these keys. But they never returned.

Hitler's massive massacre was the culmination of a long history of persecution and humiliation. Hunting Jews has always been a European sport. And the Palestinians, who never did this, are now paying the price.

The devil is a woman

The book Malleus Maleficarum, also known as the Witches' Hammer, advised the merciless exorcism of the devil wearing a skirt and long hair. Two German inquisitors, Heinrich Kramer and Jakob Sprenger, wrote this treatise commissioned by Pope Innocent VIII to counter demonic conspiracies against Christianity. First published in 1486, this work was used in several countries until the end of the eighteenth century as the legal and theological foundation for the trials of the Inquisition.

The authors argued that the witches from Satan's harem represent women in their natural state: “Any witchcraft comes from bodily debauchery, which is insatiable in women.” They argued that “these creatures, pleasant to look at, disgusting to the touch, and deadly in communication,” could bewitch a man and lure him—with a snake hiss, a raised scorpion tail—to his death. “Worther than death is a woman, because she is a snare, and her heart is a snare, and her hands are fetters,” they warned the unwary with words from the Bible.

This criminology treatise, which sent thousands of women to the stakes of the Inquisition, recommended the torture of all those suspected of witchcraft. Those who confessed deserved to be burned; and those who are not, too, for only a witch, whose spell is enhanced by the Devil himself, her lover, can endure such torment without uttering a word.

Pope Honorius III decreed that the priesthood was for males:

A woman shouldn't talk. On her lips is the mark of Eve, who destroyed the male race.

Eight centuries have passed, but the Catholic Church still does not allow the daughters of Eve to approach the pulpit.

Motivated by the same panic fear, Islamic fundamentalists mutilate female genitals and force women to cover their faces. And devout Jews, feeling relieved that danger has passed them by, begin the day with a grateful whisper:

Thank you, Lord, that you did not create me as a woman.

The devil is a homosexual

Beginning in 1446, homosexuals were sent to the stake in Portugal. Since 1497, people began to be burned alive in Spain. These fiends of hell, who came from fiery Gehenna, deserved punishment by fire. In America, meanwhile, the conquistadors preferred to feed them to dogs. Vasco Nunez de Balboa, who did this to many, believed that homosexuality was contagious. Five hundred years later, I heard the same words from the mouth of the Archbishop of Montevideo.

Before the conquistadors appeared on the horizon, only the Aztecs and Incas in their theocratic empires provided for punishment for homosexuality, and the death penalty, while other inhabitants of the American continent treated it tolerantly, without any prohibitions or punishments, and in some places are even favorable.

Such outrageous behavior was intolerable and was bound to provoke the wrath of God. Smallpox, measles and influenza - diseases unknown in America, from which the Indians died like flies - were, from the point of view of the invaders, not of European, but purely heavenly origin. The Lord punished the dissolute Indians because they sinned against nature so spontaneously. Neither in Europe, nor in America, nor in any other part of the world has it been calculated how many homosexuals have been sentenced as criminals to torture or death simply for being that way. We know nothing about those distant times, and little or nothing about very recent history.

In Nazi Germany, these "degenerates guilty of a perverse crime against nature" were forced to wear a pink triangle on their clothes. How many of them were sent to concentration camps? How many of them died there? Ten thousand, fifty thousand? The figure remains unknown. No one kept a count, there is almost no mention, as it is still unknown how many Roma were killed.

On September 18, 2001, the German government and Swiss banks decided to “correct the previous exclusion of homosexuals from the list of victims of the Holocaust.” It took more than half a century to correct this omission. From this date, homosexual survivors of Auschwitz and other camps, if anyone was still alive at that time, could demand compensation.

The original message is on the website

or the spiritual nature of homosexuality

“Democracy” entered our lives unprepared for it, with permissiveness and lawlessness. What was previously unthinkable, what was considered abnormal, immoral and simply degenerate, is now freely presented as achievements of democracy, freedom and human rights.

And a person has his own “rights” in everything, even in the choice of gender, or, as they now say, in the choice of sexual orientation. What was considered a sexual minority, “thanks to” literature, video, cinema... is increasingly invading our lives.

Even children already know what “queer” is and, as if by the way, can call you a “pederast.” Popular talk shows and their TV hosts happily savor different aspects of homosexual life. And the homosexuals and transvestites invited to them openly and advertisingly talk about the “charms” of their lives, about how they can “love,” about the “families” they have created, about mutual understanding, etc. Masmedia will report the latest news from the gay carnival, show interviews with pop singers who are proud of their gay identity and “decorate” their talents with unusual, extravagant hairstyles and outfits, give a tour of gay clubs and much, much more. And we are swallowing with interest what we could not even talk about before. We are in a hurry to catch up with Western democracy and freedom, their way of life, way of thinking - there is something to “learn” and something to “adopt.”

In 1992, the World Health Organization (WHO) even removed “homosexuality” from its “list of diseases,” believing that homosexuality and homosexuality could be considered “normal.” In the same year, following the article “An Empirical Basis for Rejecting the Mental Disorder Model” (Gonsiorek, 1991), which argued for the absolute equality of homo- and heterosexuality, homosexuality was also removed from the International Classification of Diseases.

And even earlier, in 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) excluded homosexuality from its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), that is, from the list of mental disorders. Moreover, the 1994 edition of the Directory (DSM-4) completely changed the long-used definitions of all paraphilias (sexual perversions).

Now, for a person to be considered a paraphilia, the DSM requires that, in addition to having and acting on these urges, his fantasies, sexual impulses, or behaviors cause him to have “clinically significant experiences or impairment in his performance of his urges.” functions in social, professional or other important areas of life.” In other words, a person who engages in deviant sexual intercourse and does it without any remorse, if his functioning in other areas of life is not affected, cannot be considered in need of treatment... The words “homosexuality” and “homosexuality” and completely removed from the “Reference Book” because, as stated in the commentary to it, this diagnosis was recognized as “discriminatory”.

This attitude towards paraphilias in the West is caused, first of all, by the fact that despite the mental disorders that accompany all paraphilias, the nature of these disorders remains undisclosed and inexplicable. Thus, psychiatrist and neurophysiologist William Byne argues that there is no connection “between brain abnormalities and genetic factors on the one hand, and sexual orientation on the other. We cannot talk about causality here.” Byne argues that "our sexual desires and behavior are determined to a greater extent by social rather than biological factors."

And, conversely, fighters for “human rights” and all three branches of the US government that defend these “rights” argue that “all psychological phenomena ultimately depend on biological factors,” that is, it is natural and natural. The media promoted the idea that the "gay gene" had already been found (Burr, 1996), but despite repeated attempts, none of the widely publicized studies were scientifically confirmed (Gadd, 1998) and "do not even have a scientific basis "(Byrne, 1963; Grewdson, 1995; Coldberg, 1992; Horgan, 1995; McGuine, 1995; Porter, 1996; Rice, 1999...).

There are also suggestions that paraphilias involve "traits that reflect cultural stereotypes rather than biological factors, although neither temperament nor family environment plays a decisive role here."

The assumptions that paraphilias are caused by hormonal abnormalities, etc., etc. turned out to be unfounded. And, as a consequence, “since homosexuality, although accompanied by some mental disorders, is not a mental illness. The therapy is unethical (helps to perpetuate prejudices and promotes homophobia), ineffective (success results are questioned because the cause of the disease is unknown), potentially dangerous (can lead to deterioration and health problems)<...>and, in the end, it is everyone’s right to realize their sexuality as they wish.” This is from the demands of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), sent to the US Human Rights Commission, which considered issues of gender and sexual freedom. GLSEN has called claims by religious organizations that homosexuals can change their orientation “outrageous.” “This is a normal alternative lifestyle. I’m gay and I’m happy about it” - this is an example of real democracy and human “rights”.

By the way, the word gay in English is gey , abbreviation good as you -“no worse than you” is the ideological slogan of the homosexual movement. And since “no worse”, then, as “Details” reported on 06/08/2000 in the article “The American school curriculum encourages homosexuality,” “by adding the terms “sex” and “sexual orientation” to anti-discrimination laws, legislators provided public schools with the opportunity to consider homosexuality is a “normal” phenomenon. Sex education programs have been constantly redesigned to ensure that children learn about sex as early as possible. Now they need to “instill tolerance(!) towards homosexuality...”

Even the very liberal Catholic Church, in the revised version of its Catechism, is forced to write: “Tradition has always maintained that homosexual acts are caused by and are fundamental internal violations, for no reason can they be approved” (Cat. 2333), “All the baptized are called to chastity "(Cat. 2348), "Married people are called to a life of marital chastity, others must show chastity in abstinence" (Cat. 2349).

In Ukraine, too, we have democracy and in schools, instead of “chastity,” they instill in children in valeology classes the skills to use contraceptives. As for homosexuality, then... let's remember recent history. “In the summer of 1917,” writes Viktor Sedykh in his research book, “more than 200 thousand emigrants, mostly people of Jewish nationality, returned to Russia from the USA and other Western countries. They pinned great hopes on the revolution, many freedoms, and sometimes those that were not accepted by the Russian people, in particular homosexuality. This phenomenon has long been considered vicious and criminal among Russians. Those who returned from the West did not want to reckon with the age-old moral principles of the Russians, but Lenin justified their hopes - he abolished the strict tsarist law on criminal liability of homosexuals. However, Stalin, well aware that homosexuality had not been encouraged in Russia since ancient times, overturned the leader’s decision. He believed that freedom of sexual minorities will be dangerous for the spiritual health of the nation, and therefore homosexuality should be considered a state crime. Meyerhold fell under such a law...” (13). Well, now we have...

* * *

However, what happens to a person who is sexually unconventional? To answer this question, it is necessary to recall the following. Man, as a personality in its entirety, is considered and studied by the science of man - anthropology. Christian anthropology considers man in the unity of all his manifestations: spiritual, mental and physical. And this unity is achieved under the condition of the predominant influence of the sphere of spirit. “Your spirit, seeking the God of Heaven, - writes Rev. Nikodim Svyatogorets, - let him rule over the soul and body, the purpose of which is to arrange temporary life.”

In this unity lies health, the norm of human existence, and in these same words an explanation of why the WHO and the APA do not consider homosexuality a disease, a pathology. “Scientists and psychologists in the world, being themselves spiritual-carnal people, always study spiritual-carnal people and only from a spiritual-carnal point of view. They became so immersed in fleshiness that the study of psychic phenomena with the help of psychometric methods and various machines began to be considered the highest achievement of science. This amazing narrowness of worldview and slavish subordination to the materialistic trend, which makes them similar to a convict chained hand and foot to his wheelbarrow, in this case - by various “authorities” and the spirit of the time, does not give them the opportunity to see and believe that there is, except their classrooms, and experimental institutes, and offices, another life, where freedom of spiritual thought reigns, a life filled with the radiance of the eternal day and the fragrance of heavenly revelations.”(10)

This was written by Bishop Barnabas (Belyaev), an outstanding Christian writer and apologist of the twentieth century, who believes that secular psychology considers only what relates to the external side of the human soul, without taking into account those levels and properties of human nature, access to which is open only to Christians revelation of the Spirit, revelation of spiritual side of human manifestations, which determines all human life. This spiritual side is usually not known, or those who consider the pathology of the human psyche do not want to know and notice.

“The spirit is, first of all, a person’s ability to distinguish between the highest Values: good and evil, truth and lies, beauty and ugliness. If the choice V this area is made, then the spirit strives to subordinate the soul and body to its decision.”(Orthodox Catechism).

Based on this Christian concept of personality, we will try to consider issues related to non-traditional sexual orientation, using for this purpose both the results of official research by foreign scientists and recognized official sources, and a very insignificant part of that huge layer of Orthodox patristic literature, which allows us not only to look into the most remote corners of the human soul, but also, having determined its condition, indicate the path to its healing.

* * *

Before we begin, let us first remind ourselves that Firstly, words of Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov: “In modern society, mainly in educated society, many doubt the existence of spirits, many reject it. Even those who recognize the existence of their souls doubt it and reject it... The existence of spirits remains a dark subject for those who have not studied Christianity, or have studied it superficially, literally<...>Our ignorance of something does not in any way serve as a sign of its non-existence” (1).

This reminder is important because it speaks of a factor that is missing in the research of scientists on this issue - about a really existing spiritual world. And, meanwhile, the spiritual world not only exists as the world of Light spirits - angels and spirits of darkness - demons, but is also actively trying to influence us, our soul, damaged by sin. Denying the existence of the spiritual world, especially evil spirits (demons, demons, Satan), is not a harmless opinion. St. rights John of Kronstadt wrote in his diary: “Stubborn disbelief in the existence of evil spirits is real demonization, for it goes against Divine Revelation. A person who denies the evil spirit is already consumed by the devil” (14).

We will talk about the influence of the spiritual world on a person and his soul below.

Secondly, We should remind ourselves that Christianity views the human soul as created in the image of God: “...made in the image I mean not in relation to the body, but to the soul, which is invisible, - writes St. Isaac the Syrian, and adds, - the nature of the soul was light and pure.”(2)

But by the Fall, "bringing the soul into passionate movement" By disobedience, turning it away from God, man violated the harmony in himself - the unity of spirit, soul and body - upsetting his nature, the entire composition of man, tearing the soul away from the spirit, this “particle of the Divine,” according to the word of St. Gregory the Theologian. A spiritual-carnal person has lost unity goals, aspirations and will. Having deviated from the unity of the truth of God, man, carried away by the unclean spirit, deviated into the multiplicity of his own thoughts, his own desires, not concentrated in the will of God, and deviated into lust.

Svschmch. Irenaeus of Lyons says: “A perfect man consists of three: flesh, soul and spirit, and in which one (spirit) saves and forms, the other (flesh) is united and formed, and the middle one between the two (i.e. soul) when it should spirit, is elevated by it, and when it pleases the flesh, it falls into earthly lusts.”(15) “ is certain that the soul is outside its nature as soon as it comes into passionate movement.” (

The isolation of the soul from the spirit in man, first of all, exposes it to the strong influence of an alien spirit (demon), which directs its movement towards sensuality, lust, and sin. This is clearly expressed in the words of St. Apostle Paul: “I don’t do the good that I want, but I do the evil that I don’t want. If I do what I don’t want, I no longer I I do this, but sin dwells in me.”(Rom. 7.19-20). “Whoever does not voluntarily withdraw from the causes of passions is involuntarily drawn into sin” (

In the “Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church” (M, 2000), in particular, it is said that “the Church considers mental illness as one of the manifestations of the general sinful corruption of human nature.”

Third, It is worth briefly dwelling on the passions that captivated the soul, of which the godly ascetic fathers: - St. John Cassian, St. Nile of Sinai, St. Ephraim the Syrian, St. John Climacus and many others - define, in the words of St. Nila, how "eight spirits of evil": the spirit of gluttony, the spirit of fornication, the spirit of covetousness, the spirit of anger, the spirit of sadness, the spirit of despondency, the spirit of vanity, the spirit of pride.

“Pasions are those evil inclinations of the human heart that attract him to do what is contrary to common sense and reason, and a clear conscience, and the Law of God. From the indignation of evil passions to which the soul is subject, darkening of the mind and corruption of the will occurs.<…> Passions are indignant- from a bad upbringing, from one’s negligence, from the example of people devoted to passions, from the flesh warring against the spirit<...>from the tempter the devil, who deceived Adam and dared to tempt the Son of God Himself” (3). “Pasions are evil skills; virtues are good habits” (11).

* * *

Before moving on to consideration of the spiritual nature and data on mental diagnoses associated with homosexuality, let us also recall the influence of the spiritual world on a person. Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov writes about it this way: “The holy spirits have shied away from communicating with people, as with people unworthy of such communication, the fallen spirits, who carried us into their fall, mixed with us, and in order to continue to keep us in captivity, they try to make themselves and their goals invisible to us.” (1) “... avoided communication...”, - wrote Saint Ignatius, but this does not mean at all that the holy spirits refused to help us. It is we who often cannot accept their help, because, “When a person is in pride, then the providential Angel, who is near him and arouses in him concern for righteousness, moves away from him<.. >then a stranger (demon) approaches the person, and from that time on he no longer has any concern for righteousness” (2nd verse 34).

The fallen spirits “mixed” with people also try to take possession of a person in different ways, carefully watching each of us. “The enemy stands before our eyes day and night, notices, waits and looks out for which entrance of our feelings is open for him to enter.” (

What are these “entrances open for him”? It can affect a person's soul. “Fallen spirits act on people, bringing them sinful thoughts and sensations” (1). This is expressed, for example, in blindness of the mind, inability to see and perceive the truth. St. Apostle Paul says: “The god of this age has blinded the minds of those who do not believe” (2 Cor. 4 A).

Evil spirits can influence the will and arouse vicious desires in a person. Thus Satan put into the heart of Judas the desire to betray the Savior.

They can influence a person’s feelings, causing unkind feelings in him: anger, envy, laziness....

Wanting to make their influence on a person invisible, evil spirits can take the form of Angels of light (2 Cor. 11.14), i.e. evil can act under the guise of good.

Quite often in the Holy Scriptures, evil spirits are depicted as entering and leaving people (Matthew 4.24; Mark 1.23; Luke 4.35...). “Satan always has the custom, like a rider, to sit on the mind, take with him a bunch of passions, with them enter the unfortunate soul and plunge it into confusion.”(

The most obvious influence of fallen spirits on a person for those around him is demonic possession. Possession is no longer an effect on the soul or body, it is an effect on the very personality of a person, when the unclean spirit removes it from the control of its nature and uses human nature as if it were its own, with all its abilities, including even speech. But anyway, “fallen man is subordinate to demons, submitting to them arbitrarily" (1).

This is a non-communication when a person, being "prisoner of passions" and through this he becomes a slave to a demon, fulfilling all the whims of his master, “For whoever is conquered by someone is his slave”(2 Pet. 2.19).

“People who have given themselves over to sinfulness and have departed from God enter into this fellowship for the most vicious motives and for the most vicious purposes” (1). “The presence of demons gives rise to an overwhelming force of despondency in a person, in which he feels the depression of the soul, and this is the temptation of Gehenna (hell)<...> This induces a spirit of frenzy on a person, from which thousands of temptations emanate: embarrassment, irritation, blasphemy, complaints about fate, evil thoughts<...>, there is no peace of mind<...>, confusion usually takes away the taste from meaning and intelligibility, and plunders thoughts like a leech sucking life from bodies with the blood of their members” (,34,75).

* * *

Let us now move directly to the consideration of data on mental diagnoses accompanied by same-sex attractions, published in the “Statement of the Catholic Medical Association” in November 2000:

  • neurological depression (Fergusson, 1999);
  • suicidal tendencies (Herrell, 11,1999);
  • anxiety disorder, alcohol and drug addiction (Pariss, 1993; Zubenko, 1987);
  • schizophrenia (Gonsiorek, 1982);
  • pathological narcissism (Bychowski, 1954; Kaplan, 1967).

We begin our consideration with a description of the manifestations of neurological depression in clinical psychiatry: “Despondency, joylessness, melancholy<...>A person’s mood decreases, nothing makes him happy, sometimes everything irritates him, he falls into despondency, melancholy, sadness, the surrounding appears in a gloomy light...” Isn’t it true, there is a lot in common in the description of depression and the patristic description of the demonic influence on the soul, which was given above. At these moments a person feels unbearable spiritual bitterness and despair. These minutes clearly indicate that the entire spiritual direction is wrong. But since the basis of passions is pride, a person does not heed saving advice and does not take any measures to heal himself. Time passes, and attacks of despair (depression) become stronger, and finally, despair turns into insanity and can end in suicide. “The destruction of the soul is a fall into despair after perfect lawlessness,”- writes John Climacus.(5)

Now consider suicidal tendencies (suicide). Sadness in The soul of a sinner is driven not by the intention to correct life and cleanse oneself of passions, but by the most destructive despair. It was she who did not allow Cain to repent after fratricide, nor did she allow Judas to seek means of satisfaction after betrayal, but drew him, through the despair she inspired, to strangulation” (4) - writes the expert on human souls, St. John Cassian the Roman.

And the Holy Scriptures speak very clearly and precisely about what and who is the source of suicidal tendencies; “Jesus answered: the one to whom I dip a piece of bread and give it. And having dipped the piece, he handed it to Judas Simon Iscariot. And after this piece Satan entered into him<...> He accepted the piece and immediately left...(John 13.26,27,30). Judas, led by Satan, went to betray Christ, and then "having betrayed Him, seeing that He was condemned en<...> throwing the pieces of silver in the temple, he went and hanged himself.”(Matt. 27.3,5), driven by the same Satan.

The Gospel points not only to Satan, who took possession of Judas, not only to the despair that took possession of him and pushed him to suicide, but also to the passion that captivated him, opening his soul to Satan, "... because he was a thief"(John 12.6) - the passion of love of money.

Official statistics show us “that among homosexuals, suicide attempts are 6 times (!) more than average” (Remafecli et al. 1998). However, maybe suicide attempts are caused by some other reasons? For example, some researchers (Still, Saghir, Robins, 1978 and Belland, Weinberg, 1981) have suggested “that the main reason for suicide is the breakdown of a relationship with a gay partner.”

In second place, in their opinion, is “the inability to accept oneself.” But it is worth recalling that a break in relationships, like the relationships themselves, is caused primarily by the fact that a person is a “prisoner of passions,” and through them of demons, which, hiding behind external reasons, such as a break in relationships, attract a person to suicide. And “the inability to accept oneself” is nothing more than a denunciation of conscience: “You see that conscience does not give its consent to such thoughts that obey sin, but immediately denounces them, for it does not lie and, always denouncing, testifies that there will be speak before God on the day of judgment” (17.127). Feeling the conviction of conscience, the soul feels hopeless, as if it does not know God, and, having no repentance, is brought to sadness by the demon, who “instills into the soul that has sinned not the intention to correct life and cleanse itself of passions, but destructive despair,” leading to suicide, about than has already been written. We will write below about how demons make their presence invisible, hiding behind external circumstances.

Now consider an anxiety disorder, as psychiatry describes it and which is characterized by “involuntarily and intractably arising fears, doubts, apprehensions, actions, ideas that are recognized by the patient as painful and alien; patients remain critical of them and try to fight them; this type of thinking disorder is predominantly found in obsessive-compulsive neurosis...” Let’s compare how Saint Ignatius describes the presence of demons: “Their presence causes fear in the soul, confusion and bewilderment, melancholy in the thoughts,<...>despondency,<...>fear of death, then sinful lusts, cooling of jealousy for virtues, moral disorder<...>And let the following serve as a sign for you. If fear does not recede from the soul, then this is a sign of the presence of enemies. Demons never take away fear.”(1) Fear from the presence of demons "generated from a previous passion<...>, writes John Cassian, - by the influence of the crafty enemy, such sorrow and fear suddenly seizes us<...>filling all the curves of our heart with bilious bitterness.” (4)

When considering the issue of alcohol and drug addiction, it should be pointed out that unclean spirits, for greater enslavement and control of souls, use spiritual emptiness, dissatisfaction with life, loss of meaning in life, sadness, despair and, as a consequence, depressive states, anxiety disorders, etc. ., leading to the desire to forget, escape from reality and conviction of conscience. Demons are not all together arouse their passions, and alternately, depending on how the time, place and acceptability of the tempted require.”(6), and also “they try to conform to the circumstances, to the person’s way of thinking, to his inclinations, to the impressions he received”(1).

And, noticing the desire of the fallen soul to forget, using the passionate desire for bodily pleasures, they immediately slip in the means for this - drunkenness or drugs. “Bodily pleasures not only intensify passions and stir them up in the soul, but even uproot it from its very roots, and at the same time inflame the belly to intemperance and the boundlessness of extreme debauchery, and force it to untimely satisfy bodily needs.”( Demon, this one “the disgusting organizer of all lawlessness, walks<...>and in what passion he sees each of us more ready, accordingly he brings and gives the drug to each<...>; having tasted it, he is inflamed with passion,” writes Saint Theodore the Studite (7).

“The unclean spirit, sitting in those members through which the soul acts, and imposing an unbearable burden on them, closes the rational feelings of the soul with a terrible darkness and suppresses their activity (through such suppression of the organs of this activity). Which, as we see, also happens from wine”(3), Let's add from ourselves - and from drugs.

Thus, through its passions, bound by alcohol and drugs, the soul becomes even more dependent and controlled by demons.

Now let's briefly look at schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a disease called in psychiatry the “Oracle of Delphi.” This very title already indicates what most characterizes this disease - the substitution of a person’s own “I”. Oracle, from the Latin “oraculum” - I speak, I prophesy. Among the pagans, it is one of the means of communication between deity and man, in which, regardless of the will of a person, the spirit spoke through his lips.

In the Acts of the Apostles we find a description of how an unclean spirit that took possession of a woman forced her not only to follow the Apostle Paul, but also cried out to her for many days with the voice of prophecy. “It happened that when we were going to the prayer house, we met a certain maid possessed by a spirit of divination<...>Walking after Paul and after us, she shouted, saying: these men- servants of the Most High God who proclaim to us the way of salvation. She did this for many days. Paul, indignant, turned and said to the spirit: in the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her. And the spirit went out that same hour" (Acts 16: 16-18).

Psychiatry gives the following definition of this disease: “Schizophrenia is a serious progressive mental illness, leading to splitting and disorganization of mental functions, their gross distortion and disruption, as well as emotional flattening, impoverishment with inappropriate behavior and a decrease in energy potential.”

The word schizophrenia itself is translated from Greek: “schizo” - I split, split, divide and “phrenos” - the concentration of feelings, mental properties, the human mind.

To describe it more simply, the disease is characterized by the presence in the patient of the following fundamental, most specific disorders for this disease:

autism- immersion in the world of personal experiences with weakening or loss of contact with reality, loss of interest in reality, isolation, difficulty communicating, paucity of emotional manifestations;

split- loss of mental unity, parallelism, duality of mental and mental processes, illogicality, absurdity or meaninglessness of motivations and actions;

emotionally- volitional disorders- lack of will, lack of initiative, inaction, aimlessness, loss of all interest in the environment.

What is written already shows the demonic nature of the disease. It is enough to compare with what we cited above about the influence of demons on the human soul. And this nature is visible in the splitting itself. After all, the meaninglessness of homosexuality itself, as, indeed, of all paraphilias (sexual perversions), is obvious.

Discussing why the Lord created man and woman, St. Augustine wrote in his treatise “On the Book of Genesis”: "If same we ask why this assistant had to appear, the most likely answer will be that (she appeared) for the sake of giving birth to children...”(8). That's why “A man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24), “and will be attracted to your husband yours...” (Gen. 2.16). And in homosexuality...? It is not for nothing that in Orthodox liturgical creativity, which contains the fullness of theology, demons are called “molders (i.e. destroyers - author) of meanings" (Akathist to the Annunciation, ikos 10.).

Splitting, as the main symptom of schizophrenia, is clearly contained in homosexuality itself, as such, where someone who is born of one sex feels like a representative of the opposite sex, thereby splitting, meaninglessly changing his life, behavior, appearance, his personality... image and likeness God's. It's a demonic personality change “actually directed against God, and therefore He especially deserves to be an adversary” (9). This is an open rebellion of the creature against the Creator, an open destruction of the image and likeness of God in man and changing it into a demonic image and likeness.

Pathological narcissism also follows from this rebellion. In the Greek myth, Narcissus, a beautiful young man, saw his reflection in the water, fell in love with him, and, realizing the hopelessness of this love, stabbed himself and committed suicide. The myth contains all the tragedy of homosexuality, where a person falls in love with his own sex, understands the absurdity and hopelessness of this love, and... kills his soul.

But maybe, after all, homosexuality is not of a demonic nature? After all, a number of authors argue that a variety of factors are to blame. Thus, in the life history of people with homosexual orientation one can more or less often find the following:

early separation from the father: the father is perceived as an enemy, distant, abusive, or an alcoholic (Fisher, 1996; Pillard, 1988...);

the mother was too protective of the child (boys) (Bieber, 1971...);

mother was emotionally unavailable (girls) (Bredley, 1997...);

parents failed to help the child identify with their gender (Zucker, 1995);

failure to identify with same-sex peers (Hockenberry, 1987);

sexual violence or rape, fear of society or particular shyness, isolation from a parent, etc.

Of course, these and other factors have a certain impact on a person’s mental state. However, if we compare what is written with the words of St. Isaac the Syrian about how the desire for bodily pleasure shapes the inner world of a young man, who wrote that “bodily pleasure, as a result of the softness and tenderness of youth, produces passions that soon seize the soul and surround it with death, and thus a person falls under the judgment of God.. .”(2, f. 75), then in all the listed cases one can easily notice this desire.

About the reason for this desire, St. John Cassian writes this way: “No one is ever forced to sin, even if the bad example of others excites us to it, if he does not have the matter of that sin hidden in his heart” (L). The reasons “hidden in the heart,” passions, were written above. However, how, in this case, should we consider the factors we have mentioned?

The Gospel text about the healing of a youth possessed by a strong demon explains this to us perfectly. Let us briefly recall this event. A man came up to Christ and knelt down and said: "God! Have mercy on my son; he goes berserk during the new moon and suffers grievously; for he often throws himself into fire and often into water (Matt. 17:14,15), throws himself to the ground, emits foam, and gnashes his teeth, and becomes numb...” (Mark 9:18; Lk. 9:39 ).

People, seeing that this disease happened on a new moon, thought that the moon was the cause of this disease, and therefore those suffering from this disease were called sleepwalkers. “However, the moon, - John Chrysostom testifies, - not the cause of lunar madness; but demons, noticing lunar times, attacked people during the full moon, so that they would show that the works of God were the cause of their misfortune...> the spirit itself resorts to such cunning, slandering nature. Hence, an erroneous opinion was established among the unreasonable, and, going into deception, they called demons by this name” (12).

A similar thing happens with the indicated factors that demons use to hide, disguise their presence, participation and enslavement of a person through his passions.

The demonic nature of homosexuality, like any paraphilia, is evidenced by those possessed by this illness.

Thus, in the recommendations of the gay organization GLSEN, which we have already mentioned, the following advice is given: “Religion is a source of personality conflicts (probably, first of all, with oneself, as in schizophrenia - author). The client should first be convinced that morality is transitory and depends on the type of social attitudes, then the concept of sin should be destroyed and the client should be convinced that religion should be modified or changed.

The Orthodox Church is especially hateful to apologists for homosexuality. Thus, the gay writer V. Rozanov, in his book “People of the Moonlight,” classifies many saints of the Orthodox Church as homosexuals. Referring to the “Lives of the Saints”, the author, with a clearly sick imagination, writes: “Through the template hagiographic formula inherited from Byzantium, and through the influence of the biblical story about Joseph and the wife of Pentephry, in the “Life of the Venerable Moses Ugrin” the story of medieval homosexuality shines through, punished for refusing to enter into a heterosexual marriage...” There is no need to repeat what the author has written about saints, monks, clergy, Russian princes, sovereigns... writers, poets. What is written only once again illustrates the demonic, demonic nature of homosexuality, this open hostility against God and His Church.

But, obviously, what is written in this article will be incomplete if we do not touch upon the question of the possibility of healing from a destructive passion.

Orthodox patristic literature indicates the means of spiritual healing of human nature, and it is in it that we must look for answers to the spiritual needs of our lives. And these remedies are the same as those used in the treatment of other “illnesses of the soul.”

First, we need to realize that healing is only in Christ Jesus: “...without Me you can do nothing” (John 15.5). “The soul can resist evil, but without God it cannot defeat or eradicate it,” writes St. Macarius of Egypt. (16.47)

Secondly, you must really want to be healed. Christ Himself speaks about this: "...Whoever wants to come after Me..."(Mark 8.34). "Who wants"- The Lord does not rape anyone. The will is free. The choice is voluntary, because “if the Lord or Satan took a person into power by force, then the person would not be the culprit of falling into Gehenna or receiving the Kingdom” (16.95).

Thirdly, decide where to fight. “For from within, from the heart of man, come evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications,<...>malice, lewdness<..„> pride, madness - all this evil comes from within and defiles a person” (Mark 7.21-23). “A person must cultivate the soil of his heart and make war there with Satan, for inside, as it were, two faces appear, light and darkness, peace and sorrow” (16:48).

Fourthly, "...deny yourself..."(Mark 8.34), crucified "flesh with passions and lusts" (Gal. 5:24). “David asks: “Cleanse me from secret passions of the mind and heart.”(Ps. 18:13) that is, from lust, vanity, man-pleasing, hypocrisy, covetousness, flattery, ill-will, hatred, unbelief, pride, arrogance, etc. To swim across the mental sea of ​​passions, you need longsuffering, humility, vigilance, abstinence” (6.63).

Fifthly, “...take up your Cross...” (Mark 8:34). “Through patience, sorrow and much labor, grace reigns, but before that, the spirit of wickedness, the veil of darkness, the old man crawls within. As soon as you begin to seek God, you will begin to suffer, because you need to fight with your nature and morals. Then you will find thoughts opposing you and there will be a battle against thoughts, mind against mind, soul against soul, spirit against spirit, for some hidden and subtle power of darkness is revealed that resides in the heart” (16:42).

At sixth, "...and follow Me." (Mark 8:34). “The five mental spiritual senses, having accepted the grace of the Spirit, are no longer children of the world, no longer holy fools, but brides of the Bridegroom, for as souls clinging to the Lord, they abide in Him with their thoughts, offer prayers to Him, and walk with Him” (16:99). ...

Fasting, prayer, repentance, Communion, participation in the Church Sacraments... patience and obedience... internal warfare with one’s passions... and “spirit, soul and body will be mutually pacified in God” (16.53).


Since this article dealt exclusively with the issue of the spiritual nature of homosexuality, it did not contain quotations from the Holy Scriptures and the teachings of the Orthodox Church condemning homosexuality and other forms of paraphilia. However, this can be read in the appendix to this article, which contains an excerpt from “Fundamentals of the social concept of the Russian Orthodox Church” ch. 12, paragraph 9.


XII.9. Holy Scripture and the teachings of the Church unequivocally condemn homosexual sexual relations, seeing in them a vicious distortion of the God-created nature of man.

“If anyone lies with a man as with a woman, then both of them have committed an abomination” (Lev. 20.13). The Bible tells about the grave punishment that God subjected to the inhabitants of Sodom (Gen. 19.1-29), according to the interpretation of the holy fathers, precisely for the sin of sodomy. The Apostle Paul, characterizing the moral state of the pagan world, names homosexual relations among the most “shameful passions” and “obscenities” that defile the human body: “Their women replaced natural use with unnatural; Likewise, men, abandoning the natural use of the female sex, burned their flesh against each other, men committing shame on men and receiving in themselves the due retribution for their error” (Rom. 1.26,27). “Do not be deceived... neither the wicked nor the homosexuals... will inherit the kingdom of God,” the apostle wrote to the inhabitants of corrupt Corinth (1 Cor. 6.9-10). Patristic tradition is equally clear and definitely condemns any manifestations of homosexuality. “The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles,” the works of Saints Basil the Great, John Chrysostom, Gregory of Nyssa, Blessed Augustine, and the canons of Saint John the Faster express the unchangeable teaching of the Church: homosexual relations are sinful and subject to condemnation. The people involved in them do not have the right to be members of the church clergy (Vas. Vel. Ave. 7, Grig. Nis. Ave. 4, John Potn. Ave. 30). Addressing those stained by the sin of sodomy, the Monk Maxim the Greek cried out: “Know yourselves, wretched ones, what vile pleasure you have indulged in!... Try to quickly get away from this foulest and foulest pleasure of yours, to hate it, and whoever claims that it is innocent will give him eternal anathema as an opponent of the Gospel of Christ the Savior and corrupting its teaching. Purify yourself with sincere repentance, warm tears and feasible alms and pure prayer... Hate this wickedness with all your soul, so that you do not become sons of curse and eternal destruction.”

Discussions about the position of so-called sexual minorities in modern society tend to recognize homosexuality as a non-sexual perversion, but only one of the “sexual orientations” that have an equal right to public expression and respect. It is also argued that homosexual attraction is due to individual natural predisposition. The Orthodox Church proceeds from the constant conviction that the divinely established marriage union of a man and a woman cannot be compared with the perverted manifestations of homosexuality. She considers homosexuality a sinful damage to human nature, which is overcome through spiritual effort leading to healing and personal growth of a person. Homosexual aspirations, like other passions that torment fallen man, are healed by the Sacraments, prayer, fasting, repentance, reading the Holy Scriptures and patristic works, as well as Christian communication with believers who are ready to provide spiritual support.

While treating people with homosexual tendencies with pastoral responsibility, the Church at the same time resolutely resists attempts to present the sinful tendency as a “norm,” and even more so as a source of pride and an example to follow. That is why the Church condemns all propaganda of homosexuality. Without denying anyone the fundamental rights to life, respect for personal dignity and participation in public affairs, the Church, however, believes that persons who promote a homosexual lifestyle should not be allowed to teach, educate and other work among children and youth, as well as occupy leadership positions in the army and correctional institutions.

Sometimes the perversions of human sexuality manifest themselves in the form painful feeling of belonging to another sex, resulting in an attempt to change gender (transsexualism). The desire to renounce belonging to the gender that was given to a person by the Creator can only have detrimental consequences for the further development of the individual. “Gender change” through hormonal influence and surgical operation in many cases does not lead to the resolution of psychological problems, but to their aggravation, giving rise to a deep internal crisis. The Church cannot approve of this kind of “rebellion against the Creator” and recognize artificially changed gender as valid. If a “change of sex” occurred to a person before Baptism, he can be admitted to this Sacrament, like any sinner, but the Church baptizes him as belonging to the sex in which he was born. The ordination of such a person to the priesthood and his entry into church marriage is unacceptable.

Transsexualism must be distinguished from incorrect gender identification in early childhood as a result of a medical error associated with a pathology in the development of sexual characteristics. Surgical correction in this case is not a gender change.

Literary sources

Holy Scripture of the Old and New Testaments;

1). St. Ignatius Brianchaninov. "A Word about Death." M, 1991. p. 3-6;

2). St. Isaac the Syrian. Ascetic words. Sl.Z.

3). About the action of evil passions. S-P, 1898. With. 7-9;

4). St. John Cassian the Roman. About the spirit of sadness;

5). St. John Climacus. About virtues and passions. Sl. 7;

6). St. John Cassian. Fighting thoughts and spirits of evil. Sl.170;

7). St. Theodore the Studite. Instruction for monks. Sl.179;

8). Bl. Augustine. Creations. S-P, 1998. p. 533;

9). St. John Cassian. Fighting the spirit of pride. Sl.138;

10). Bishop Varnava (Belyaev). Fundamentals of the Art of Holiness. T. 1, chapter 2, par. 2;

eleven). St. Ignatius Brianchaninov. Ascetic experiences. Shit. mon. 1996, vol. 1, p. 380;

12). St. John Chrysostom. Commentaries on St. Matthew the Evangelist. M, 1993. T. 2, p. 588;

13). V. Sedykh. Turned the story around. Mariupol, 2000, p. 544-545;

14). St. rights John of Kronstadt. Diary for 1899. S-P, 1999;

15). Svschmch. Irenaeus of Lyon. Against heresies. Book 5;

16). St. Macarius of Egypt. “About the development of sin and the fight against it. (Sat. Create a pure heart in me, God”), Ross, 1993, first centurion.

17). St. Macarius of Egypt. Spiritual conversations. M.1998.