The page of swords is inverted. Ryder White's page of tarot swords

The meaning of the page of swords in an upright position

Curiosity, ability to learn, personal charm. Uncertainty of the situation, contradictions, instability, superficiality. Changes await you ahead, events will not develop quite smoothly. But you must have the strength, knowledge and ability to cope with the situation.

The Page of Swords of the Tarot may denote a person only playing friendship, although the situation is generally favorable and does not cause serious concern. The jealous gossip around the corner shouldn't get in your way too much. Although caution still does not hurt.

  • keen mind, change, vigilance, fitness
  • usually an indication of an intelligent, intelligent young person
  • espionage, secret mission, authority

The Page of Swords of the Tarot represents an energetic, sharp-witted and self-confident young man with a sharp analytical mind, allowing him to quickly delve into the essence of the matter. Therefore, he is indispensable in negotiations, especially if dexterity and prudence are needed. In a situational sense, the card speaks of upcoming changes. The client will need to make quick and responsible decisions. The Page of Swords Tarot card also warns against deception and advises to be extremely vigilant.

If this card does not represent a certain person, then beware of envious eyes, angry gossip, bad news, future or already received. An indication of illness is also possible.

The meaning of the page of swords in an inverted position

Bad news, quarrel, embarrassment. It is a very dangerous situation when problems can arise at any moment. Deception, betrayal. Serious conflict with a cunning, dangerous and cruel person. You must be on your guard and take steps to protect yourself.

  • a malicious, treacherous young man or woman; a person who will harm (or try to harm) the Questioner out of envy or anger
  • cunning, secret machinations, adaptability, unforeseen circumstances
  • unrestrained and tactless person
  • loss of vigilance, twilight state of mind, illness

The Inverted Page of Tarot Swords means a cunning, insincere person prone to revenge, with which he compensates for his own inferiority and shortcomings. Deception, which is only hinted at by the correct card, is evident here, and the Client needs to take measures to protect it.

If you are not an enemy to the Page of Swords, he will be able to make you an enemy, whether you know it or not (or will do something that guarantees enmity).

Bad intentions, bad news, but more so. All this can arise at the most unexpected moment and from the most unexpected place.

Inner meaning. Given for understanding the direct position of the card

A very young man or woman who has not yet reached maturity, but otherwise has all the qualities of figure cards. The Page of Swords of the Tarot does not have the power and authority of other curly cards, but it can be just as unpleasant: it has all the makings of an overly curious, malicious and malevolent personality.

As his symbolic parents and as a Knight, the Page of Swords can be attractive in its own way - lively, confident, active. But this young man is a master of innuendo, behind-the-scenes intrigue and sharp remarks.

Page - "stuck" - a person who joined power in the hope of merging with it or pretending to be associated with it. He (or she) can feign friendship as long as it suits his interests. As a partner in any enterprise, he will let the Questioner down, either on purpose or out of carelessness and laziness. If the Page of Swords tarot card does not personify a person, then be prepared for bad news, evil gossip, betrayal and treachery.

As you know, Pamela Smith was a theater artist. And many of the maps drawn by her are indistinguishable from theatrical mise-en-scenes. Theater, first of all, is the art of convention. And theatrical reality has little to do with real reality. As, for example, stage fencing with all the external similarity pursues completely different goals than combat fencing.

The Page of Swords is an exclusively theatrical, staged card. Here is what Waite writes in the description of this card: “A lithe, agile youth holds a raised sword in both hands. At the same time, he is in a position of rapid movement. "

I did not work with a two-hander, but I did a lot with a pole. I am simply touched by these unclenched fingers on the hilt of the sword and the playfully set back leg.

And by the way, a two-handed man is a weapon not for flexible and agile young men, but for hefty rednecks who quite reasonably receive a double pay.


  • Caution
  • Gorebringer
  • Analyst
  • Spy
  • Surveillance
  • Discord

Key ideas

  • Aloofness
  • Indecision
  • Betrayal
  • Seeds of Conflict

Basic meaning

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One of the meanings of the Tarot card, the Page of Swords Waite gives in the description of the card. He writes that the character of the card "looks agitated and alert, as if at any moment expecting an enemy attack." Waite goes on to cite the following meanings: control, surveillance, vigilance, espionage and verification, which, incidentally, goes well with the character's theatrical pose.

For the upside-down tarot card, Waite's Page of Swords lists meanings that, in his opinion, reinforce the negative aspects of direct meanings. Unforeseen situations, unavailability, illness.

Modern ideas about this map generally retain the negative points proposed by Waite. The card is associated with the inability to act, danger, various kinds of threats and negligence. It also retains the meaning of surveillance, exaggerated concern for security, constant expectation of worsening of the situation.

Video: Tarot Card Meaning - Page of Swords

Meaning in relationships

Now consider the significance of the Page of Swords Tarot in relationships and love.

Open - closed card

The Page of Swords is a very hole card. He practically does not show initiative in establishing relations and is in no hurry to respond to other people's signals.

Relationship intensity

A card can indicate a high degree of internal tension, usually negative, and unpleasant external relationships. Moreover, the level of unpleasantness develops on the rise.

Map as a scenario of relationships: love, family, relatives, work

"And I told you!" He is confident that everything will always be bad. The Low Page of Swords rejoices in other people's failures, does not believe in his own success, often lives by the principle "the worse the better." An encounter with a high Page of Swords is a great rarity. But even the high Page of Swords is characterized by misanthropy and disbelief in the positive qualities of people.

The Page of Swords is a very difficult relationship model. It's a painful, exhausting relationship. They are based on the desire to hurt, offend, bite on the sly. Partners are constantly dissatisfied with themselves, each other and in general with the whole world. The partners do not understand each other and do not seek to understand. And at the same time, they do not break off such a relationship, finding some painful pleasure in their continuation.

  • card combination: Dangerous actions
  • combination with the card: The expectation of trouble will be fully justified
  • combination with the card: Business is stupid

Psychological condition

The Page of Swords indicates severe emotional states: depression, depression, paranoid expectation of the worst.
Gloating, skepticism, pessimism are associated with this card.

What is the meaning of the Page of Swords card in combination with other Tarot cards ...

Combined with the suit of Wands

  • c: Be careful during the holiday
  • c: Unwillingness to fight
  • c: Hard and hard work that does not give results

Significance in health matters

The value of the Tarot Page of Swords in matters of health is suspiciousness, that is, there can be all diseases without exception. In fortune-telling, everything is not as bad as you thought it would be. Suspiciousness does not lead to a cure for the disease. A person focuses on the fact of the disease, on the experience of the disease, but not on how to be cured.

Someone must come and heal, and the Page of Swords will whine. Strange, fantastic self-healing methods. Esoteric treatments are very popular, but they don't work. Subconsciously, preference is given to non-working methods of treatment. All doctors know nothing, all doctors are deceivers.

  • c: Very harmonious combination.
  • c: There is no mutual understanding between people.
  • c: Don't act, stay passive.

Business and finance, in professional activities

Stability, manageability, controllability

A fairly stable situation, but not very positive for finance. You can only track its changes (and even then not all), but not manage. More precisely, management and control is extremely unlikely.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

The Page of Swords has nothing to do with raising incomes at all. Rather indicates losses.

The Page of Swords is definitely in the red.

The general state of finance and trends of change

None. There is no state. Between minus and zero. At best, everything will remain as it is.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The question of how pages can influence income growth is rhetorical. You can, of course, focus on the implementation of the most attractive features of the pages, but this still has the most distant relation to business. Nevertheless, let's call it: Page of Swords - scrupulous. Despite the fact that the lack of ambition and motivation, the unwillingness to take responsibility and the fear of making mistakes, cut any actions in the financial field to the root.

The Knave of Swords is a youth who walks with a determined gait on uneven ground. With two hands, the young man holds a sword, directed vertically into the sky. Clouds swirl alarmingly around, and the young man looks so warlike that it seems that he is ready to rush into battle right now.

Formidable clouds hanging over the page contrast with his elegant and light appearance: he seems to float, almost dances. This is a strong dance; tenderness that hides the core.

The meaning and inner meaning of the card

The young man depicted on the card quite accurately reveals its meaning: vigilance, struggle and readiness to fight. A sword in the hands of a young man is not just a weapon of war, it is also evidence of a strong character and masculine qualities that must be manifested in the fight against the circumstances of life.

Male ones - by no means belonging only to men, we are talking about universal archetypes inherent in all the planes of the universe, because the suit of swords in the Tarot is associated with the element of air. Air is a masculine element, symbolizing, along with fire, active actions directed outward, into the unyielding external world.

The young man is extremely decisive, he looks around, ready to chop enemies into pieces, he will fight anyone who gets in his way. The uneven and bumpy ground underfoot only underlines the trials that befell this fragile but warlike young man.

The card literally screams: you have to fight and you have to fight.

Upright value

The page of swords that fell out during the alignment speaks of an upcoming or ongoing struggle. Trouble is around, and you need to make an effort to cope with life's difficulties.

The map also represents various kinds of government services and affairs: espionage, ongoing investigation; also - authority and leadership, surveillance. Vigilance, sharp mind, observation, ability to manage and lead; strong will, intransigence, destruction of obstacles, dexterity and determination are the qualities of the Page of Swords.

Inverted value

The inverted Page of Swords expresses the dark side of its "direct" meanings: it is leadership that has grown into despotism and oppression; these are the circumstances of life, pulling to the bottom and breaking the will.

There is no strength to fight, everything falls out of hand, life goes downhill, a person is not ready and cannot fight. A gossip and a rascal instead of a warlike youth; treachery and secrecy, blackmail, cynicism, deceit - this is an inverted Page of swords.

Page of swords in various layouts

As mentioned above, swords traditionally correspond to the element of air. This is an activity that changes the outside world. Inner constancy, an unbending core that must be inside, if only a person wants to achieve something.

On the positive side, air is mobility and warmth; persistent wind that fills and transforms the space. In the negative: superficiality, turning into frivolity; a breeze jumping from one to another and not lingering anywhere.

Work and personal affairs

In layouts for work, the Page of Swords personifies skirmishes and conflicts with bosses and colleagues. It can be internal showdowns, working polemics, tensions in the team; struggle for power (including by unclean methods), spreading rumors and gossip.

But at the same time, there is a great chance that all the showdowns and troubles will lead to a constructive solution that entails new and inspiring prospects.

Love and relationships

On the one hand, the Page of Swords denotes various conflicts and clashes between partners: scandals and quarrels that threaten to develop into a real war.

The tense situation in the house provokes new clashes, they do not even need a reason: two people ready to fight are enough. This difficult situation can result in a final breakdown in relations with divorce and the division of property - but everything can be corrected, partners are able to reconcile with each other for the common good and love.


The card can denote both a clear struggle with an illness, and processes hidden in the body that portend illness. A person needs to be prudent and take seriously the issue of their health.

Psychological "troubles" (for example, suspiciousness) can aggravate the disease, so you should also address issues of mental hygiene.

Personality types matching the Page of Swords

The types are very different: they are active people who know how and love to fight. Leaders and influencers who can dispassionately and rationally solve any problem. Clever and dexterous people who overcome a variety of conflict situations, born diplomats and masters of minds.

Sometimes they are also dirty gossips, bowing to someone else's authority; despots and oppressors, petty and superficial people.

Page of swords combined with other tarot cards

  • Card "Fool": tomfoolery, trickster
  • The Magician card: fresh and interesting approach
  • Priestess Card: Arrogance
  • Empress card: rejection of other people's experience, self-confidence
  • Card "Emperor": criticism of the authorities, conflict with the authorities
  • The Hierophant Card: Rejection of Dogma and Tradition
  • Card "Lovers": conflict in relationships
  • Card "Chariot": to achieve personal goals by provocations to conflicts
  • Card "Justice": offense
  • The Hermit Card: Conflicts Leading to Loneliness
  • Wheel of Fortune Card: Seize Opportunities
  • Strength card: being angry and infatuated with it
  • The Hanged Man Card: Empty Fist Waving
  • Card "Death": the withering away of the old and the birth of the new
  • Moderation card: fighting anger and calming down the quarrel
  • Devil card: espionage, intrigue weaving
  • Tower Card: Mental Disorder
  • Star card: an idea evolving
  • Luna card: paranoia, clouding of mind
  • The Sun card: a bright and bold decision
  • Card "Judgment": unclear development of events
  • Map "World": a response to an action, a controversial moment.

Tarot cards: age-old wisdom

Over the centuries, people regularly turned to a variety of mantic (from the Greek word "mantica" - divination, prophecy) systems: astrology, fortune telling on the bones and entrails of animals, palmistry, and so on.

Along with the above methods, through the centuries it has come down to us (and gained considerable popularity) and such a magnificent way to see at least one eye your destiny, like Tarot cards.

Where did the tarot cards come from?

Researchers are inclined towards different options: ancient Egypt, Arab countries, India, medieval Roma groups wandering around Europe - this issue remains the subject of scientific disputes to this day. But in any case, this, of course, has nothing to do with the divination process.

Where to start divination of the Tarot?

First and foremost: fortune-telling always begins with a question. Let's clarify: with the correct question. An unclear, vague question like "What's in store for me?" entails an equally vague answer.

A card falls out, another, but to reveal them, you need to lay out more and more new cards, and so on until the cards run out or until the last answers begin to contradict the first.

How to ask the Tarot question?

Ask a clear and specific question. Not "What awaits me?", But "How will my affairs at work go in the near future?" or "How will my relationship with [partner's name] go?"

You need to be clearly aware of your question, keep it in your head, focus on it. In the question, you can specify a time frame, preferably not too distant (for example, a month, half a year or a year).


But where do you get the interpretation for the cards? There are generally accepted (classic) meanings of each Tarot card, certain combinations of cards in the layout. You need to search, read and think a lot, reflect and meditate on the meanings of the cards; and, of course, guess, and the more the better.

The divination process makes the inert process of thinking move and includes an internal intuition, which is so necessary in all mantic systems.

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Page of Swords combined with other tarot cards

With the "Jester" card - childishness.
With the "Magician" card - an innovative approach.
With the High Priestess card - arrogance; reject knowledge.
With the Empress card - reject experience or results.
With the card "Emperor" - to criticize the authorities, bosses.
With the Hierophant card - reject dogma.
With the card "Lovers" - a quarrel in a relationship.
With the "Chariot" card - get your way by inflating conflicts.
With the card "Strength" - succumb to anger.
With the "Hermit" card - quarrels that led to loneliness.
With the "Wheel of Fortune" card - grab the elusive opportunities.
With the "Justice" card - reject reasonable arguments; minor offense.
With the card "Hanged Man" - meaningless "waving a saber".
With the card "Death" - a mental renewal.
With the card "Moderation" - to calm down anger, quarrel or criticism.
With the card "Devil" - a spy, a werewolf.
With the "Tower" card - mental disorder; insanity.
With the Zvezda card, there is hope that the idea will be developed.
With the Moon card - paranoia; strange visions; twilight state of mind.
With the card "Sun" - a bold idea, will receive recognition.
With the "Judgment" card, he who sows the wind can reap the storm.
With the Mir card - recognized information technologies; a timid idea that has found its place.

According to other sources:
V. Sklyarova "The Great Book of Combinations".

Page of swords in an upright position with the Major Arcana

Jester (lane) - Cunning in a stupid way
Magician - Suffering, Inquiry
Priestess - Woe from lack of discernment, intuition. Suffer from carelessness
Empress - Restriction of children's freedom by their parents for their own good
The Emperor is a young man with great potential. "King of the Young Years"
Priest - Devotion to an idea
Lovers - Motive Impulse
Lovers (lane) - Some driving impulse
Chariot - Unexpected changes in plans and projects
Justice - Legal Activity
Hermit pr and lane - Sense of danger in connection with a responsible task
Wheel of Fortune - First Lover
Strength - Hired Assassin, will be killed immediately upon completion
Hanged Man - Special Hazard, Chemical Weapon
Death - The death of a soldier before arriving at the destination
Moderation - Aggravated relationship
Devil - All warnings are in vain, son is a drug addict
Tower - Child Seduction
Star - Home Supervision
Luna - Poor studies, bad reviews from teachers, probably expulsion
The Sun is the Secret Enemy. Disguise
Judgment - Conflict, Fall, Sins
Peace - Return (prodigal son)
Jester - Foolish Cunning

The main meaning of the Page of Swords Tarot is quarrels, conflicts and disagreements. However, it can have many aspects depending on the combination of Tarot cards with each other, the type of layout and the position of the card in it.

In the article:

Tarot meaning - Page of Swords in layouts

In a straight position the meaning in the Tarot of the Page of Swords may lie in clarifying the relationship or the essence of the problem, regarding peace negotiations, as a result of which the cause of the conflict will be brought to the surface.

The threat of conflict does not mean that plans will have to be abandoned. All conflicts end sooner or later, and despite the fact that the path will be difficult, the ending is worth it. The fortuneteller must show determination. You should not avoid the conflict, in its process a question that has long interested you will be solved. This quarrel is necessary, and in the end it will not bring anything bad. Pages often mean getting information, and in this case it will be revealed during a conflict.

A period is coming, favorable in order to get rid of all unnecessary - illusions, unfulfilled expectations, unnecessary connections. This is the time to leave all unnecessary behind and start from scratch.

Inverted The Page of Swords of the Tarot speaks of a violent scandal or quarrel. In the process of finding out the reason for a certain situation or solving a problem, there will be clinging to trifles, nit-picking, a transition to personalities. A dirty scandal can cause a break in relations or an end to cooperation. Moreover, he talks about troubles or bad news that will suddenly fall on the fortuneteller and put an end to his plans for the future. In addition, it means a loss of vigilance to the fortuneteller, which his enemies can use.

Inverted card can also mean gossip that a certain person from his environment spreads about a fortuneteller. Perhaps they are discussing you behind your back, and not in a positive way. Rough insults to the fortuneteller are likely. There is a high probability of observing a fortuneteller in order to collect information. These can be ill-wishers whose purpose is to collect compromising evidence.

Page of Swords Tarot in the layouts for work and business

The main meaning of the Page of Swords Tarot card, if it falls in the alignment with business, work and career, is a tense situation in the team. You will have to participate in some kind of conflict, to understand the relationships of colleagues or the problems of the team. There may also be sharp controversy about an aspect of the workflow. Disagreements with business partners are also possible. If you are going to sign a contract, you should weigh all its pros and cons.

The Page of Swords of Tarot can warn of a reprimand from a boss received unfairly, the beginning of rivalry between colleagues or fierce competition. Sometimes this card warns of the dangers of participating in a risky assignment. Perhaps the guidance of the fortuneteller will set him a goal that is contrary to the law or requires serious risks. For the creative profession, this card warns of harsh criticism.

There is no need to be afraid of the conflict or disagreement that portends the meaning of the Page of Swords Tarot card. This is always a necessary fresh stream, a dispute in which one can find the truth. In other words, a conflict that was really necessary for all its participants. An understanding of what was previously hidden from the fortuneteller will be obtained. Sometimes this card speaks of the completion of the current activity, which is not always successful.

Page of Swords Tarot - meaning in relationships

The value in the relationship of the Page of Swords Tarot card speaks of an unstable, full of troubles period in personal life. Quarrels and other troubles are possible. The fortuneteller must show determination and either end his obsolete relationship, or find out everything and continue to live on under one roof, having achieved a compromise. Now is a good time to start from scratch with an already familiar or new person.

This card promises that the fortuneteller's partner will start the quarrel. Its reason may lie in the exacerbation of a certain long-standing controversial situation or the accumulation of many reasons for the conflict - coldness, irritation, daily routine, old resentments. A large number of previously unresolved problems threaten to fall on the spouses.

The quarrel threatens the future of the couple and can cause a breakup if the spouses are unwilling to compromise and try to maintain the relationship. It can become a so-called cleansing conflict that will change attitudes for the better, or it may be the last time this couple spent together. It is also possible betrayal of one of the partners, and even in this case there are two variants of events - the final rupture or the solution of all problems in relations between partners.

The meaning of the Tarot card Page of Swords in divination by personality

In a straight position The Page of Swords suggests that the one you are guessing at has espionage inclinations. He is curious and smart, knows how to quickly make decisions and analyze the situation. Such people are rational and dispassionate. They are distinguished by their energy and ability to negotiate. Such individuals prefer the work of a mediator, consultant, scientist. They only notice personal gain and do not pay attention to ways that will help achieve it, are inclined to travel and cannot sit still.

In addition, the Page of Swords can mean a person who had to grow up early. This card often appears in layouts for children and means that it is quick-witted and a high level of intelligence in a child, as well as his sociability and originality.

In an inverted position card means that in front of you is a tongue-tied and not too smart person. He is used to bowing to authority, but when he believes that a person occupying a less advantageous position is in front of him, he ceases to observe tact and restrain emotions - this way he compensates for his inferiority. Such people rarely achieve great success in life. They love to take revenge and collect enemies. Sometimes this card indicates the ill-wisher of the fortuneteller.

This detractor does not have special opportunities and power. However, with all his might, this person is trying to pretend that he is associated with great powers. Such people always try to exaggerate their importance in the eyes of others. Despite this, do not lose your vigilance, because the inverted Page of Swords will go to great lengths to compensate for their complexes.

Princess of Swords in Tarot Tota

The Princess of Swords Tarot is a card that replaces the Page of the suit of Swords in the Tota Tarot. Its main meaning is the destruction of everything that interferes with further development, fetters the fortuneteller's freedom and does not allow him to move towards the goal. Princess of Swords from Tarot Thoth does not accept any restrictions and seeks to destroy the framework into which she is being driven.

This card represents a rebellious nature that has no fear of society seeking to make someone else out of her. Such people avoid what suppresses their true self, which makes them stand out from the crowd.

The Princess of Swords can also rebel with the help of creativity. This card often points to scandalous writers, artists, musicians, whose behavior shocks the vast majority of people. However, this does not mean that they are behaving badly. We are talking about people who try to express their emotions and feelings, not paying attention to other people's opinions.

However, the meaning of the card remains the same. It consists in conflict with those who are trying to suppress the fortuneteller. It can be a possessive spouse, strict parents, a boss prone to tyranny, a friend who considers her opinion to be the ultimate truth. The fortuneteller endured the suppression for too long, and it was time to part with the framework.

Page of Swords and Tarot Combinations

Combinations of cards with each other can clarify the layout. Combinations in the Tarot of the Page of Swords with other cards can both change the value of the layout as a whole, and add accuracy to it. So, together with lasso the Hierophant this card means the denial of dogmas and the struggle with generally accepted truths. However, the result is unknown, but with the Sun card, the Page of the suit of Swords means a bold idea that will receive recognition, perhaps not immediately. A similar meaning would be when combining the Page of Tarot Swords with the World - bringing a controversial idea to life that would be of great benefit.

Together with the Ace of Wands, this card indicates that someone will add fuel to the fire of an already existing conflict. Beware of ill-wishers who are just waiting for the chance to take advantage of your troubles and make them more meaningful.

Together with the Seven of Wands, this card means provocations, rudeness and arrogant behavior that can cause serious conflict. In this case, the relationship will either be severed, or the parties will come to a compromise. The combination of this card with the Eight of Wands has a similar meaning - it says that the fortuneteller will be outraged by someone's behavior.

In general, the Page of Swords predicts conflicts and quarrels, but this is not always a bad thing. Sometimes conflicts lead to compromises that have a positive effect on future communication. Sometimes it's worth clarifying all the troubling issues, even if in the process of a violent scandal.

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