Favorable days for grafting fruit trees. Timing of grafting trees of different species in your garden

The benefits of the lunar calendar can hardly be overestimated, and even the biggest skeptics in relation to astrology admit that the influence of the moon on our health and well-being is very noticeable. Here are some tips to help you follow the lunar rhythms and choose the right time for any treatment to improve your health and get the best results.

Council number 1. On the new moon and a few days before it (the days of the Hekada), there may be sleep disturbances, nightmares may occur, people often do not get enough sleep. This may be due to a change in energies during the transition from one lunar month to the next. To reduce the negative impact of the days of the Hekada, you should eat on these days only light food (preferably plant-based) and give up alcohol.

Council number 2. When the moon is growing, it is more effective to nourish and heal the body than when the moon is waning. If the moon is growing, choose those foods that are most useful for the organ vulnerable on this day.

Council number 3. Each zodiac sign that the moon passes during the month includes a specific organ or body part for which this zodiac sign is responsible. This organ becomes vulnerable, so it cannot be loaded, tired or operated on. For surgical intervention, it is better to choose organs and body parts that are vulnerable to the opposite sign.

The most vulnerable parts of the body, organs and systems during the passage of the moon of the following signs of the zodiac:

Moon in OBNE: All organs of the head, including the brain, except for the ears and lower jaw, sense organs.Opposite sign: LIBRA.

Moon in Taurus: Thyroid gland, throat, larynx, ears, lower jaw, tonsils.Opposite Sign: SCORPIO.

Moon in Gemini: Hands, fingers, hands, shoulders, lungs.Opposite sign: SAGITTARIUS.

Moon in CANCER: Chest, stomach, liver, gallbladder.Opposite Sign: CAPRICORN

Moon in LION: Heart, diaphragm, back, blood vessels.Opposite sign: AQUARIUS.

Moon in Virgo: Digestive organs, pancreas, abdominal cavity.Opposite Sign: PISCES.

Moon in Libra: Kidneys, bladder, lower back.Opposite sign: ARIES.

Moon in SCORPIO: Genitourinary system.Opposite sign: Taurus.

Moon in Sagittarius: Liver, thighs, veins, blood.Opposite Sign: Gemini.

Moon in CAPRICORN: Skin, knees, joints, bones, spine, teeth, gallbladder.Opposite sign: CANCER.

Moon in AQUARIUS: Shins, eyes, joints, nervous system.Opposite sign: LEO.

Moon in Pisces: Skin, feet, toes, lymphatic system.Opposite sign: VIRGO.

Council number 4. If you do not have time to wait for a sign suitable for the treatment of a certain organ, when it is the least vulnerable, choose the signs of one cross. There are 3 crosses in total:

Cardinal cross: Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn

Fixed cross: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

Mutable cross: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.

For example, if you need to treat the thyroid gland, look for the sign that is responsible for this organ - Taurus, it is included in the fixed cross, which means that all signs, except Taurus, are suitable for treatment or operations on the thyroid gland.

However, there are sometimes exceptions to this rule. For example, if you need to treat your teeth, choose the signs of the cardinal cross, but not Aries, and you cannot choose Capricorn, in which the teeth are also vulnerable.

Council number 5. If the moon is waning, unload and cleanse the organ that is most vulnerable with nutrition. For example, if the Moon follows the sign of Sagittarius, the liver is vulnerable, which means that it is better to eat light food, exclude all fatty and fried foods, and it is also better to avoid alcohol.

Council number 6. With the growing moon, restoration and strengthening of the body and invulnerable organs will be effective. During the waning moon, various procedures for cleansing, washing and removing inflammation of invulnerable organs will be most effective.

Council number 7. On busy days of the moon, it is not recommended to perform operations on even the most invulnerable organs. Among these days, the days of the change of lunar phases, the day of the new moon and the day of the full moon, 29th lunar day, as well as all the days on which the Moon makes negative aspects with the pests Mars and Saturn.

Council number 8. On the days of the waxing moon, it is easier to gain weight, so if you want to lose weight, try to limit yourself in the consumption of foods that are harmful to your figure during the waxing moon (2 weeks) and allow yourself some unhealthy foods, if you cannot do without them, with the waning moon.

Tip # 9... The transition to a healthy diet and restriction in the consumption of starchy foods and sweets, outline for yourself a few days before the full moon, then you will easily lose extra pounds and it will be more difficult to return them if you suddenly allow yourself something harmful in sweat. At this time, the body will assimilate the received substances well and quickly. It is especially easy to limit yourself in food on days when the Moon is in Capricorn or Virgo.

Council number 10. If you are susceptible to pain, it is best not to visit doctors or get tested on Pisces days. It is most effective to go to the doctor's office on days when the Moon passes the Virgo sign. These days it is much more likely that you will be diagnosed correctly, your tests will not get lost and they will be interpreted correctly.

Council number 11. Visit your dentist only when the moon is waning, ideally when the moon is in Libra, Scorpio and Cancer. You should not visit the dentist at a time when the moon is walking in the signs of Aries, Taurus and Capricorn, even if it is in a waning phase. The waning Libra days will take place from November to March of any year; Scorpio is from December to April, and Capricorn is from January to June. ... naturally rises at full moon,

Council number 12. Get vaccinated during the waning moon, the risk of side effects from them increases significantly on the full moon, as well as in the three days before it.

Council number 13. If you need a relaxing, stress-relieving and detoxifying massage, it should be done with the waning moon. A restorative and restorative massage will work much more effectively with the growing moon. The best Moon sign for massages is Gemini. The moon in the sign of Gemini will be in a growing phase from December to May, and in a waning phase from June to November of any year.

Council number 14.If you have severe pain, massage therapy is best started during the days of the Earth: with the Moon in the signs of Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn and with the waning moon. Lymphatic drainage massage is most effective when the moon is waning in the signs of Water: Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer.

Council number 15. Acupuncture for cleansing the body is best done with a waning moon, and for recovery and strengthening - with a growing one. Also consider the position of the moon in the signs. If you need to affect a specific organ, choose the days when this organ will be vulnerable. For example, when treating headaches, it is better to choose Aries days.

Council number 16. Weaning your baby is easiest on a full moon. At the beginning of the lunar month, you should begin to gradually reduce the number of attachments to the breast, and at the time of the full moon, give the baby a breast for the last time. Then the weaning process will not be too painful and it will be easier for you to get rid of milk.

Council number 17. If you are tormented by bad habits that you want to get rid of, as they negatively affect your health and well-being, then it is best to start fighting them in March on the new moon. Of course, good results can be achieved in other months, but it is best to start a new life on the new moon. On the 1st lunar day, you should think carefully about how you would like to see yourself, getting rid of what bothers you. You must be very clear about your feelings and emotions that await you. The stronger your desire to break the habit, the easier it will be for you.

Council number 18... Do all nourishing procedures for the skin and hair on the waxing moon, and all cleansing procedures on the waning one. It is best to cleanse the skin on the days of the passage of the moon of the signs of the Earth: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. It is best to heal sore skin on the days of Water: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Council number 19. It is very dangerous to get sunburn on days when the moon is in the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, as well as when the moon is growing, so these days you are least in the sun. The tan will last longer, it will be even and beautiful if you tan with the waning moon.

Council number 20. All water procedures are best assigned on the days of the passage of the Moon of air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Council number 21. Hair will grow quickly if cut when the moon is growing, especially in the signs of Leo and Virgo. To strengthen your hair and keep your hair in shape for a long time, choose days when the moon is in a waning phase. It is better to dye your hair with the growing moon. Always avoid going to the hairdresser under the Moon in Cancer and Pisces.

Council number 22. It is best to go for a manicure on days when the moon passes under the sign of Capricorn, as well as on Fridays after sunset.

Council number 23. Aromatherapy will be of the greatest benefit. If you use it on the days of the Moon in the signs of Water: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Council number 24. It is best to work with tattoos and tattooing (remove, apply) when the moon is in the waning phase, then the process will be the least painful and the skin will recover faster.

The apple tree is one of the most beloved crops of modern gardeners. More than 10,000 varieties of apple trees are known fruit and ornamental species. The choice is so large that record areas are needed to plant the coveted varieties.

A technique that allows you to place several dozen different varieties even in small areas is grafting.

  • Allows you not only to diversify,
  • Rejuvenate old trees
  • Get more harvest,
  • To become the owner of a culture unconventional for the area.

The filigree vaccination technique will not help if this procedure is performed at the wrong time. The graft will not take root, the tree can start to hurt, sometimes even die.

Consider the important aspects so that you can decide for yourself when it is best to plant an apple tree: in spring or autumn.

The subtleties of spring grafting

Work related to damage to tree bark, professional growers recommend producing in early spring... While the buds have not yet woken up on the apple trees, and the sap flow has barely begun.

When the apple tree is in a dormant state, processes occur that are aimed only at maintaining life.

The new cutting will not be able to take root if the growing season has not begun and the plant did not direct its energy towards growth and development.

Determine a favorable period, so that, according to the following signs:

  • The buds are slightly swollen, but have not yet begun to grow;
  • The branches of the apple tree turned red;
  • In case of mechanical damage, the bark is detached and cambium (green tissue under the bark) remains on it.

Depending on weather conditions growing season begins in late March - early April.

If you postpone vaccination work at a later date, the excess of nutrients and regenerative substances will not allow the tree to take the graft for a part of the body. It is highly likely that the stalk will be rejected.

TIP: Plant apple trees in the early morning, sap flow at this time of day is optimal for quick fusion of the cambium. After sunrise, the intensity of the movement of the juice increases every hour.

Vaccination work in summer

Most gardeners do not plant trees in the summer. It is believed that the survival rate of the scion is very low, and the summer grafting will do more harm than good to the apple tree.

Spring grafting is not always possible... In early spring, for various reasons, there may simply be no access to the site: the roads were washed out, the orchard was flooded with groundwater, there was no time.

Guided by the above postulate, you will have to lose a whole year.

The impossibility statement is incorrect, especially when it concerns

In the summer there is an extremely favorable period for carrying out vaccinations. This is the time when the second stage of the movement of juices occurs in the body.

  • Fruits begin to pour on the apple tree;
  • The apical bud of the shoots is fully formed;
  • In annual branches, the internodes of the upper part are reduced;
  • The bark easily comes off the wood (just like in spring).

The active stage of summer sap flow occurs at the end of July - the first weeks of August, therefore it is recommended to do it.

ATTENTION: It is impossible to carry out vaccination work in the heat and under the scorching sun. The sections dry out quickly, and vaccination attempts will fail. It will be possible to check the results of vaccination work in the fall.

Secrets of grafting apple trees in the fall

Autumn is not the best time for grafting fruit trees in the middle lane. Early frosts can occur and ruin all work.

If in the spring and summer there was not enough time for grafting apple trees, it is allowed to do this at the very beginning of autumn, namely, in the first decade of September.

Until mid-October, vaccinations can be made in areas where winters are warm and frosts come late.

IMPORTANT: It is impossible to be late with the vaccination in the fall. Before the onset of frost, the autumn grafts should take root so as not to die from the cold.

Since the vegetation of plants slows down, the accuracy of the work is of great importance.

The chances that vaccinations will take root are average, but there are. The durability of such grafting is low, fruiting can not be expected at all.

IMPORTANT: The best stock for an apple tree is a local apple tree.

The vaccination period depends on the stock.

4 seasons: the pros and cons of apple grafting

When carrying out vaccinations, each season has its advantages and disadvantages. Their analysis will make it possible to conclude which period to choose for grafting apple trees.



  1. The regenerative capacity of trees during these periods is increased, so the percentage of survival rate of cuttings in spring is the highest.
  2. In early spring, the tree still does not spend a lot of energy on the life support of the growth of foliage and fruits - the apple tree is less injured.
  3. Small inaccuracies in the grafting technique are compensated for by the ability to quickly splicate the cambium during this period.
  4. You can re-graft and rejuvenate old apple trees.
  5. You can evaluate the result in 2-3 months.
  6. If the scion has not taken root, there is time to repeat the vaccination in the summer and not waste a year.


  • It is difficult to assess the condition of the stock after winter;
  • Due to natural factors, there may be no access to the site;
  • Working conditions are not very comfortable - at this time it is still quite cool outside.

The ways

Great variability in vaccination methods is allowed. The choice is limited only by the desire and skill of the vaccinator.

The following grafting techniques are suitable for spring work:

IMPORTANT: Inoculation with a cuttings is carried out shortly before the beginning of the growing season, approximately in late March - early April!

Watch the video on how to plant an apple tree in spring:



  1. It is not necessary to specially harvest the scion cuttings.
  2. A large selection of cuttings, both in varieties and in quantity. If it is not possible to cut your favorite variety from neighbors, cuttings can be easily purchased at this time of year.
  3. You can clearly see how the rootstock seedlings came out of winter, are there any damage, frostbite, are all the buds awake.
  4. The summer grafting site is almost invisible, the branches are not deformed.
  5. The ability to check the result in the current season.
  6. The ability to try again if the grafting failed in the spring.

Watch the video on how to plant an apple tree in the summer:


  • Vaccination recommended only for young apple trees;
  • Summer inoculation is not done on branches over 1.5 cm in diameter;
  • In very hot summers it is difficult to choose the time for vaccination - the heat significantly lowers the result of vaccination.

The ways

In summer you can use any vaccination technology.

As in spring, these can be techniques:

  • For the bark,
  • Into the cleft
  • In the side cut
  • Bridge,
  • Shank,
  • Kidney,
  • With an eye,
  • Wedge,
  • Copulation,
  • Budding.

Watch the video for the best ways to graft apple trees:



The main advantage of the fall vaccination is that it can be done at all..
On this basis, additional advantages are formed:

  • If the vaccinations in the spring and summer have failed, you can not waste a year.
  • Saplings grafted in autumn will develop faster than saplings grafted next spring.
  • A successful fall grafting will increase the frost resistance of the seedling.


  • Low survival rate of cuttings;
  • It is difficult to heal wounds inflicted on the apple tree;
  • Mistakes in vaccination technique are not allowed;
  • It will be possible to check the result only next season;
  • Possibility of frostbite of the vaccination sites.


In the autumn period vaccination methods are limited.

The main technique for achieving a good result in the fall is the "cleft" vaccination. You can also use: "budding" and grafting "for the bark".

Step-by-step diagram of budding with a shield.



  1. Artificially created conditions create complete control over the grafting process. The influence of weather conditions is excluded.
  2. High survival rate of cuttings.
  3. The growing season is lengthened by almost 2 months. Saplings grow and get stronger faster than those that were grafted in spring and summer.
  4. Comfortable working conditions: warm, dry.
  5. The ability to simultaneously obtain a large amount of planting material.
  6. Vaccination is performed at a time when one summer cottage season has already ended and the other has not yet begun. There is an opportunity to do everything without haste, and free the spring and summer for others in the garden.


Preparation takes a lot of time:

  • Digging and storing rootstock seedlings,
  • Harvesting scion cuttings;
  • A lot of space is needed for storing materials and for carrying out work, where a given temperature regime must be maintained.

The ways

For winter, those are suitable methods that are designed for splicing thin branches.

Gap copulation is considered the main grafting technique. You can also use budding.

Watch the video how winter grafting of fruit trees is performed:


See the nuances of grafting an apple tree from an agronomist:

Assessment of the pros and cons of vaccination in different seasons of the year leads to a number of conclusions:

  • It is better to plant old apple trees in early spring, before the growing season begins;
  • Young trees - in summer, during the second wave of sap flow;
  • Winter grafting is ideal for harvesting a large amount of planting material;
  • Work in the fall should be carried out only as a last resort, when at other times the vaccination failed or was impossible.

In contact with

Here are some facts to help parents make the right decision.

A breastfed baby protects the mother's immunity, so vaccinations are unnecessary. This rule applies under two conditions: if mothers in childhood received all the vaccinations on schedule (and it can be difficult to make sure of this); if the mother has a sufficient amount of antibodies to infections. If at least one condition is violated, an unvaccinated baby is at risk of infection.

Vaccinations do not provide 100% protection against disease. It's true. But the point of vaccination is different. The immunity of the vaccinated baby will be able to quickly recognize the disease and cope with it much more efficiently, without serious complications.

Vaccinations can cause serious complications. Doctors don't like to talk about this, but it's a fact. Parents should be aware of possible complications (encephalitis with measles and rubella, seizures with whooping cough, etc.) and together with the pediatrician, assess the risks and make the right decision. And yet, according to statistics, complications after vaccination are much less common than with previous illnesses in unvaccinated children. To protect the child from complications after the vaccination, first take tests and make sure that he has no signs of SARS on the day of vaccination. At the slightest runny nose, it is better to transfer the vaccination.

Medicines will protect against diseases. The vaccination schedule has been carefully designed and implemented at the national level for a reason. As you know, it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. In addition, the complications after some medications are much more severe than after vaccinations. And for most diseases (measles, rubella, poliomyelitis, mumps), there is simply no cure for today.

The vaccination schedule must be strictly observed. The vaccination schedule is developed taking into account the age of the baby and the formation of his immunity. It is advisable to observe the schedule from the first days of the child's life, if there are no contraindications. All vaccinations are free and are given at the local polyclinic. But parents should be aware that the vaccination calendar is a minimal list that can be expanded at will after consulting a pediatrician. Thus, the list of free vaccinations does not include current vaccinations against rotavirus infection, meningitis, chickenpox, and human papillomavirus. WHO recommends these vaccinations (paid), since many diseases are extremely dangerous for babies.

Whether you are a supporter of vaccinations or not, in any case, take measures to strengthen the child's immunity. Breastfeeding, proper nutrition, massage and exercise, and walking in the fresh air will reduce the risk of illness.

We have written more than once that grafting trees is a rather serious operation that requires certain knowledge and skills. However, the ideal grafting technique may not play any role at all if the procedure itself is performed at the wrong time. It's very important to know when to plant trees.

General principles

Based on the experience of knowledgeable gardeners, it is safe to say that grafting is best done during the warm season. It is at this time that it is highly likely that the stalk will take root well, the wounds from the cuts will germinate well, and by next year new fruits can even be expected. Often novice gardeners ask the question: "When to plant trees in spring, what days and months?" We advise you to carry out this procedure in april or may month. Plus, if you do it at this time of year, even if the cutting doesn't take root, you can re-graft the plant again. For grafting, it is best to choose a not hot, cloudy day, no precipitation. In such weather, it is easier for the plant to survive stress. The wound must be treated with garden varnish or special oil.

Lunar calendar

Those who have been vaccinating for several years already know when to plant trees according to the lunar calendar. Many skeptics distrust this method. But in practice, it has been proven that a vaccination given on the so-called "favorable" days takes root faster and better. And in those days when it is not recommended to carry out any operations with plants, the cutting does not take root and perishes. We advise you to take a closer look at this method, because people turned to the lunar calendar many years ago and consulted with it every day, before starting any business.

Fruit garden

You also need to know when to plant fruit trees. Spring and summer are more suitable for their grafting, less often autumn and winter. More precisely, it is not recommended to carry out winter grafting at all, since there is a high probability that the stalk will die under the influence of low temperatures, without having time to take root. A procedure of this kind at this time of the year is acceptable only if the plant is in special conditions: it grows indoors or in a special greenhouse, but not outdoors.

You should always consider when it is best to plant trees, because each variety of a particular plant has its own characteristics. In addition, we must not forget that the preparation of cuttings must be taken care of in advance. Usually they are harvested a year before the procedure itself. And throughout the entire time they are stored in special conditions. Usually the best place to find them is in wet sand, sawdust, peat or any other substrate. The storage place must be humid and cool.

We hope that, thanks to our article, you understand when to plant trees and when not to. Also keep in mind that such a complex procedure should be performed by a professional who understands all the intricacies of the structure of a tree and understands the processes taking place in it. Vaccination also requires certain skills and adherence to certain rules. Therefore, if you know little about this issue and are afraid of not being able to cope with the task, contact the specialists of our website - we know for sure when to plant the tree is best!

How and when to plant trees video:

The most popular weather signs for April include the following:

  • At the beginning of the month, there is a big spill - for a good harvest.
  • Thunderstorm in early April - for a warm summer and the harvest of nuts.
  • If a lot of sap flows near the birch, then the summer will be rainy.
  • If the birch has opened before the alder, then the summer will be sunny, if on the contrary - cold and rainy.
  • If a nightingale sang on bare trees, then you can expect a good fruit harvest.
  • What the weather is on April 1, the same will be on October 1.

These folk omens of April come true with an almost 100 percent guarantee.

Lunar calendar for April 2017: signs of the zodiac and phases of the moon

According to the lunar calendar for April 2017, the moon will pass through the signs of the zodiac on the following dates:

Zodiac signs 2017 April
Aries 24 (3.34), 25, 26
calf 26 (4.57), 27, 28
Twins 1,2, 28 (4.40), 29, 30
Cancer 2 (21.28), 3,4, 5,30 (4.49)
a lion 5 (1.14), 6, 7
Virgo 7 (7.21), 8, 9
Libra 9 (15.35), 10, 11, 12
Scorpio 12 (1.43), 13, 14
Sagittarius 14 (13.28), 15,16, 17
Capricorn 17 (2.06), 18, 19
Aquarius 19 (13.53), 20, 21
Fishes 21 (22.44), 22, 23, 24

Moon phase according to the lunar calendar for April 2017:

The nature of the moon in the period Growing Decreases
Date and time of the beginning of the period 3
Moon phase IIIIIIV
Recommendations sowing, weeding, spraying in II and IV phases
planting, watering, feeding in phases I and III

Gardening in April: pruning and grafting trees

The most important gardening work in April is tree pruning, but it must be done in time at the very beginning of the month. Start with blackcurrant bushes, gooseberries, and honeysuckle.

Cut the black ends of the branches, rejuvenate the bushes by cutting out the old branches. From the gooseberry, cut out all young shoots growing in the middle of the bush. Leave only those that grow along the edges of the bush. In red and white currants, the tops of the branches are not cut off, but only old branches and those branches that branch into the crown are removed. In honeysuckle, thickening crown or broken branches are cut, but fruiting or young shoots are not pruned.

Do not rush to prune cherries and plums, wait until freezing after wintering is clearly visible, or even better, leave pruning for autumn. The same goes for apple trees. After a harsh winter, the ends of the branches could freeze, but some of the branches will be able to recover from the buds on the bark, so do not rush to cut the branches, leave it at the end of summer. The frozen wood has a light brown color on the cut. Start pruning from the end of the branch, and gradually moving from the end to the skeletal branches, you will get to the place where the cut is light. From this point on, the tissue of the tree is alive and no further cutting is necessary. In general, pears have beige wood, not white, like an apple tree. The frozen wood tissue of the pear is brown.

At the beginning of the month, remove spruce branches from young plantings of strawberries, roses, irises, clematis, lilies, especially from oriental hybrids, since under a warm shelter they will quickly grow and their flower buds may freeze out during recurrent frosts. But do not rush to remove boxes from roses and clematis.

Besides pruning trees, April is a good time for grafting. At the very beginning of the month, cut the cuttings for grafting, wrap them in newspaper, put them in a plastic bag and dig in the snow from the north side of the house, but so that they are not flooded with melt water. At the end of the month, use them for vaccinations. You can do the same with plant seeds.

In the gardener's calendar for 2017, April is a responsible month. First of all, you need to drain excess water from the site, for which you dig grooves along its slope so that the water flows into the ditch. If there is no slope on the site, then simply lay a shallow groove, gradually deepening it so that the water flows in the direction you want. Stagnation of water is especially dangerous for raspberries, strawberries and clematis.

If the compost heap is in the sun, then you can sow early greens (chervil, watercress, cilantro, parsley, lettuce, spinach, dill) and early carrots, as well as radishes on it. To do this, spill last year's pile of compost with hot water, sprinkle a layer of soil about 7-8 cm thick on top of it and sow the seeds. I usually do it like this: 1 tsp. I mix seeds with 0.5 cups of sand and sow in the furrows in the same way as salting food. You can use special seeders, in which the hole is adjusted according to the size of the seeds. In this case, the seedlings will not thicken. Cover crops from above with foil until shoots appear. Heat and moisture are retained under it, and seedlings appear faster. Then the film must be removed, otherwise the seedlings may burn under it. If you cover the crops with lutrasil or spunbond, then the covering material can not be removed until the plants grow up. But before sprouting, water the crops directly over the material, if the weather is dry or windy, so that the hatching seeds do not dry out in the upper drying layer of the soil.

In early April, while working in the garden, pre-grow weeds on the vegetable beds, covering them with an old film and securing it so that the wind does not blow away. Weeds will quickly sprout under the film. As soon as they appear, remove the film and loosen the beds, leaving them open for a day. Then cover with plastic foil again and repeat the operation. Now, there are no weeds in the top layer of soil in your garden. It is important not to dig up the soil, but only before sowing, loosen it with a Fokin flat cutter no deeper than 5-6 cm, then make the sowing furrows with the sharp end of the flat cutter.

In the north-west, at the very beginning of the month, while the buds have not yet awakened, to destroy lichens on tree trunks, try to have time to spray with iron vitriol (1 tsp without top per 100 ml of water). In addition, you can also spray against hibernating pests with a urea solution (700 g of substance per 10 l of water). Spraying should be done along the ends of the branches, along the branches, their forks and skeletal branches, along the trunk and near-trunk circle, along the soil.

Towards the end of April, before fertilizing, those plants should be sprayed in which the scales of the buds have moved apart, and a green cone of leaves has appeared, since the first pests lay eggs at this very time in the green cone.

Feed with nitrogen fertilizer (3 tablespoons of urea per 10 liters of water) lovage, rhubarb, sorrel. Instead of urea, you can use an infusion of manure or bird droppings diluted with water 1:10 or 1:20, respectively.

At home, water the tomato and pepper seedlings sparingly so as not to overmoisten the soil. Remember that seedlings need good lighting. In April, a weak solution of "Uniflora-Bud" (1 tsp for 5 liters of water) is recommended as plant nutrition, which should be watered instead of water.

When caring for seedlings in April, do not forget to spray the leaves of tomatoes and eggplants with a very weak solution of a copper preparation (the easiest way is to use copper oxychloride - HOM, dissolving 0.2 tsp powder in 5 liters of water). The solution can stand, you will use it 2 more times about every two weeks. This is a good preventive measure against late blight. But the often recommended spraying with a manganese solution can not be done, since it does not save from late blight, and other diseases rarely appear on tomato seedlings. A solution of potassium permanganate is suitable for spraying pepper, especially if it is annoyed by aphids. Pepper is difficult to protect from aphid attack if there are indoor plants in the same room where the seedlings grow. However, if you have a "Healthy Garden", then use it (6-8 grains of the drug per 1 liter of water). This spraying can be done in the room. It is great for dealing with aphids on any plants in the garden.

Another important event planned in the gardener's calendar for April 2017 is the removal of potatoes from storage. Dip it into hot (45 ° C) water until the water cools down. When the water cools down, add potassium permanganate until bright pink and hold the tubers in this solution for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse the tubers, dry and lay out on vernalization in a bright and cool place. At the end of April, remove the potatoes in cardboard boxes, sandwich each layer with newspapers, and put the boxes in a warm place so that they will sprout well. You will plant sprouted tubers, thereby accelerating the ripening of the crop by 2 weeks.

Sowing seeds in open ground in April

At the beginning of April, seeds of parsley are sown on greens and bush dill. If you cover these plantings with lutrasil or put arcs over them and stretch the film, then by the first of May there will be the first greenery.

Sowing in open ground in April of seeds of all cold-resistant crops (carrots, lettuce, black onions, dill, parsnips, radishes, cabbage, chervil) can be carried out at the time of flowering coltsfoot, that is, at the end of the month (at northwest). To get early strawberries, cover the bed with a film tunnel on arcs or a double thin lutrasil directly over the bushes.

In mid-April, sow marigolds, marigolds, zinnia, and spurge on seedlings.

At the end of April, the seeds of annuals, which are not afraid of frosts (poppy, escholzia, cosmea, cornflowers, Iberis, catchment, forget-me-nots, marigolds), are sown into the ground in a permanent place. The rest of the flowers can also be sown directly into the ground, even such as tobacco or petunia, but their crops should be covered with a film stretched over small arcs. Arcs are easy to make yourself from willow twigs, from which you immediately need to remove the bark. Or place the film on 300-gram plastic bottles filled with water and stuck with the neck into the soil. It is important that the film does not lie on the crops.

At the end of the month, you can remove the shelter from all ornamental plants, except for clematis. It is better to cover their growing shoots, for example, with lutrasil.

As soon as the soil thawed, moles immediately appear (they fill mounds of earth) or their relatives, mole rats (make moves without hills of earth). It is difficult to deal with them, but recently a new drug Alfos-mole has appeared - try using it.