Big book of attracting money. Prayer for money from Natalia Pravdina

Natalia Borisovna Pravdina

Natalia Pravdina was born and graduated in economics in St. Petersburg. However, her passion for creativity and free expression did not allow her to devote her life to dull reports and figures.

Natalia created clothing models, was a member of the club of young designers in St. Petersburg, graduated from acting school, worked at the Fashion Theater, and also studied English, French and psychology.

Liveliness of character and craving for the unknown in the mid-90s. brings Natalia and her husband to the USA. There, in Los Angeles, she graduates from the Institute of Design.

But Natalia finds her true vocation in the study and practice of Feng Shui - the ancient and mysterious teachings of Taoist monasteries. In 2000, a fateful meeting took place in Los Angeles with the Grand Master of Feng Shui Yap Chen Hai. Natalia becomes a certified Feng Shui specialist. The Grand Master personally blesses Natalia for practice, and since then her life has been predetermined.

Natalia herself admits that since Feng Shui appeared in her life, and then New Age psychology, the whole world has become different. “The knowledge that is sent by our High Patrons can change the life of every person for the better. You just need to be open to goodness and people and realize your own value as an expression of Divine love, ”she writes.

Natalia is currently consulting on Feng Shui and Space Abundance in the US and Russia. She manages to inspire people to creatively rethink life. Improving the quality of life, joy, opening up new opportunities and abundance - these are the fruits by which one can judge the effectiveness of the proposed method. Those listeners who attend Natalia's seminars in St. Petersburg note significant shifts leading to transformation and prosperity.

This book is the result of more than seven years of Feng Shui practice and a new worldview.

"I hope that my readers will also be able to transform their lives for the better, as I and all those who have applied this technique in practice have done it."


I express my deep gratitude and appreciation to everyone who helped me create this book. I thank my mentors, teachers and patrons from the Subtle World.

I thank all my family members for their enthusiasm and support. I thank Vika, Sasha and Masha, for their active participation in the preparation of the book, husband of Konstantin for understanding and positive thinking, my father Boris

Nikolaevich for wisdom and patience.

I thank my Persian cats for creating an atmosphere of happiness and complete contentment with life.

Special thanks go to my dear mother Tamara Alekseevna, to whom this book is dedicated.


Hello dear friends. Welcome to a new world, where everything familiar changes its outlines, where previous assessments lose their meaning and everything diffuses and melts, giving way to a new, fresh and radiant one whose name is SPIRIT.

And indeed it is! Such a delightful state of movement along with the stream of life is available to everyone, for it is in the nature of man to clothe his aspirations and desires in material form. All this can be learned, which you and I are going to do.

We live in a unique time. A new century has begun. The new millennium has begun. The era of Aquarius is coming, and the SPIRIT begins to play a leading role in the life of our beautiful planet.

The time has come for all of us to realize that we are one with the world around us, with grains of sand in deserts and stars in the depths of cosmic worlds. All of us are penetrated by the deepest Universal Divine wisdom. Every living being, trees and flowers, clouds and oceans play an important role in this great mystery of life. Just as the forces of the Universe keep entire galaxies and star systems in order, as our Mother Earth balances gigantic mountain ranges and incredible depths of the ocean depths, so our home, our ordinary apartment, being part of the universe, maintains us in a state of equilibrium for throughout life. All this boundless, unthinkable device of the Universe lives, breathes, develops and invites us to dance at the endless ball of Bliss, Delight and Triumph of the Immortal Spirit.

All this is very nice and romantic, you will notice, but what does the above have to do with the real presence of rubles and dollars in my wallet? Surprisingly, the most direct, and you will be convinced of this, I promise. After reading this book, you can:

Change your stereotype of thinking using the above methods (for example, turn the "Thinking of Poverty into Thinking of Wealth and Prosperity"). Changing your mindset and identifying subconscious blockages will help you open the path to abundance. By the way, if you or your family members are already enjoying the fruits of abundance, or, in other words, are rich and wealthy, then knowledge of the basic spiritual laws will help you maintain the achieved prosperity and increase it. It happens that wealth comes ... and goes;

Adjust your living space in the home and workplace environment according to Feng Shui best practices to maximize your firm's success (Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of creating a harmonious life). And knowledge of the elementary "safety rules" of Feng Shui can protect you from troubles and sudden financial losses;

Recognize yourself as a powerful creator of your own peace and success. And most importantly, you will experience an amazing and exciting feeling that your life and the lives of your loved ones are beginning to change for the better.

Realizing this, you will feel boundless inspiration and will generate around you a joyful, pulsating circle of energy of happiness and success, which is extremely attractive to the people around you and to Mrs. Fortune. And there ... only the infinity of the triumph of the fulfillment of desires and the possession of everything you want.

Tempting, isn't it? Dear ones, I have experienced all this on myself and I am simply eager to convey to you what I have managed to learn with the help of the Higher Light Forces. So go ahead, my friends, and may the Divine Truth shine for us on our journey to the wonderful world of Success, Wealth and Triumph of the Spirit!

Mastering the Psychology of Wealth


Will it come true in my opinion? - asked Margarita.

Yes, do it, that's the torment ...

M. Bulgakov. The Master and Margarita

First of all, one must realize one very important thing on which we will build our Abundance: "God created us for happiness and enjoyment." It is in human nature to live in abundance and achieve success. It is believed that success and the achievement of wealth are possible only as a result of hard work. It's a delusion. A person who has mastered the power of spiritual laws and rebuilt his consciousness is the receiver of the flow of material wealth.

In order for this system to work, it is necessary to study the spiritual laws by which the Universe lives, and apply them in life, just as in working with complex equipment, it is necessary to study the instructions for its application. Then the magic will happen - everything will be easy, joyful, with the least effort and excellent results. Your life will turn into a constant experience of the Miracle, and miracles should begin, then they cannot be stopped!

We all, of course, read in the Bible that "your heavenly Father knows that you have a need for all this," and also: "There will be a day and there will be food." For those who are aware of these words, they mean a lot. We all receive benefits from an immense, powerful source. It is important to open up to meet him. You often hear: "I rely only on myself" or: "With my husband, I am like behind a stone wall." In fact, everything is different. Neither a profitable marriage with a wealthy partner, nor parents, nor work, nor business can guarantee a life filled with benefits. The only guarantee is the ability of a person to establish a strong connection with the Divine Source of Abundance and realize himself as a part of the universe and the manifestation of the Immortal Spirit in physical matter.

Yes, my friends, we are all particles of the Great Information Field (Spirit) during the period of experience in the human body. Knowing this fact gives us endless possibilities. Since each of us has particles of the Divine Spirit, on his behalf we can create absolutely everything, no matter what we want. We must realize ourselves as children of God and, accordingly, His heirs, capable of materializing our dreams in physical form. The fulfillment of all innermost desires is possible!

The highest degree of mastery of the power of our consciousness is the materialization of objects, which was demonstrated by such great people as Count Saint Germain, Cagliostro in past centuries and Sathya Sai Baba in our time. And if we think about it and analyze the situation, we constantly materialize our desires, just not realizing it, and each of you can give examples of such materialization.

The most important thing is your commitment to success. Set yourself up for success - achieve success. Set yourself up for failure - failure won't be long in coming.

If you strive for success, but subconsciously do not believe in yourself, doubt yourself, these negative thoughts and emotions will manifest in life. Be absolutely, impenetrably convinced of the inevitability of the success of all your endeavors, and so it will be!

To master the Psychology of Wealth, first of all, one must believe in oneself, in one's own strength. And for this you will have to conduct a small revision of your subconscious mind.

Not a single thought, not a single word passes unnoticed by the subconscious. It is absolutely sure that this is what you want, and it begins to put into practice what you put into it.

Consider if you are familiar with these negative thoughts / attitudes:

Nothing works for me;

I am too old for success. Wealth is for the young;

I’m never lucky;

I can't do anything;

I am constantly deceived;

It can't be;

I don't believe in anything anymore;

I am too tired of this life;

I can not do it anymore;

If I hadn't been so fat (oh) ...;

Well, what can I do with my health ...;

It's too difficult for me.

Familiar words, right? If you are imbued with such beliefs and even express them aloud, they begin to come true in your life. That's what you don't want at all, but nevertheless it is. There are people who just love to whine, deep down they do not believe at all in what they say, but in the end they get it all in life.

A very illustrative incident happened in my life, after which I have never doubted the great power of the word. Our family lived in the summer at the dacha, and all the newly arriving family members considered it their duty to bring as much food as possible from the city. The possibilities of the refrigerator are far from limitless, and one day my mother, having no idea where she could place the next portion of food, begged: “Don't bring me more meat. I don't need more meat! " she said, very emotionally.

The next morning, it was discovered that all the meat that was in the house had been stolen from our veranda!

Everything is natural - we don't need it, but someone needs it. Now we are very closely following not only our speech, but also each other's.

To effectively master the Psychology of Wealth and apply it, create and cultivate a new, positive image of yourself ... Often a person gets pennies for his work precisely because in his subconscious he has developed his own image of a martyr-failure, doomed to forever pull the strap.

Or, when applying for a job, a classy specialist is simply “embarrassed” to demand a high salary because of the deeply rooted belief that he will not be paid much anyway, since he is always unlucky. And this really happens because the universe always responds to our thoughts.

So let's think to ourselves, talk about ourselves and wish for ourselves only the good, the beautiful, the magnificent and the wonderful!

When you begin to control your words and thoughts, then half the battle is already done. Remember the saying: "If a woman feels like a queen, then she looks like a queen"? So try to treat yourself with such respect, as if you are already a millionaire - and you will immediately have more money!

Remember; that you are absolute strength and energy. The quality of the world around you depends on you and only on you.

PRACTICAL EXERCISES I offer exercises that will help you change your self-image, replace a negative or simply neutral self-image with a bright, lively, radiating good luck and prosperity.

1. Start by controlling your thoughts and words about yourself. Every time you catch yourself on a negative, sad, dreary thought, immediately replace it with a positive one.

It will not be easy at first, but then the process itself will take over you and it will become easier and easier every day.

Here is a sample list of positive thoughts - affirmations.

I'm doing just fine. I enjoy life every day.

I am very lucky. I am always lucky in everything. I attract success.

I can do anything and am not afraid of anything.

I trust people.

Anything is possible, if I want it.

I believe in my lucky star.

My life is wonderful and it keeps getting better and better.

I am overwhelmed with energy and joy of life.

Everything is easy and simple for me.

My health is great.

2. Praise yourself as often as possible. Feel free to talk to yourself about love. Encourage yourself, praise, sing songs of praise and love to yourself.

3. Remember that you are not alone. Many invisible helpers and friends are eagerly awaiting your request for help and support. Do not hesitate to contact your Guardian Angels, they are always with you, and all that is required of you is just to contact them. Know that the more often you turn to the Senior Helpers, the stronger they become!

It is very helpful to meditate on your Guardian Angels and imagine what they look like. Perhaps at this moment you will feel a light touch of the angel's wing. Always end your appeal or meditation with sincere gratitude to your wonderful assistants.

4. Listen only to people who are successful themselves. Imagine what a person who has nothing can teach.

5. Never, under any circumstances, speak badly about yourself, even jokingly. Remember: the Universe does not have a sense of humor, so do not say anything about yourself and your loved ones that could frighten off good luck, only wish what you would like to receive in life.

6. Completely exclude from your vocabulary words. The terrible effect of abuse on the molecular structure of the cells of the human body has already been scientifically proven! And on a subconscious level, the so-called "strong words" are capable of destroying all positive undertakings on the way to success and prosperity.

7. Learn to spread love wherever you are.

You may find these exercises difficult or tedious at first. Don't give in to your first feelings of disbelief. Try it!

Tune in only to the positive result of working on yourself, and when you see the first positive results, it will inspire you to further improve.

Respect and love for yourself will immediately evoke the appropriate attitude of those around you. They, too, will begin to treat you in a new way.

Most importantly, convince yourself that you really deserve to receive any money, and you will feel that money appears in your life much easier than it was before.


Tell me, Shura, honestly, how much money do you need to be happy? - asked Ostap. - Just count everything.

One hundred rubles, - answered Balaganov, regretfully tearing himself away from the bread with skolbasa.

I. Ilf and E. Petrov. Golden calf

The crown of the wise is their wealth, and the folly of the ignorant is folly.

Proverbs of Solomon: 14, 24

In order for money to love you, you need to take the first step and also sincerely love money. So who doesn't like them, you might argue. However, the point is that most people love money in terms of scarcity, not abundance. Often the very thought of money causes so many negative emotions, such a strong sense of one's own inferiority and discomfort that money begins to avoid a person!

Egor, a wonderful, intelligent young man with a wonderful and necessary masseur specialty, is dragging out a completely miserable existence. He gets pennies for his hard work, letting employers literally rip him off. At the same time, he often says that he is familiar with many rich people who have a lot of problems, and that he would never change places with them.

Once in a conversation I heard the following phrase from him: “Maybe I don’t need money at all? I'm fine as it is".

With all my sympathy for Egor, I have to note that he is a typical example of a person who professes the psychology of poverty. Until he changes his attitude towards money and no longer values \u200b\u200bhimself and his time, his income will remain at the same low level.

Money is loved by those who truly love it.

This truth is as old as the world. For example, when some people find themselves in an expensive store filled with beautiful things, instead of discussing the merits of, say, a luxury car, they begin to look for flaws in it, getting annoyed at the thought that they cannot afford to buy it.

The irritation builds up, carries over to the world of wealth in general, and eventually people leave the store in a state of extreme frustration. A familiar picture, isn't it? If only they knew that such behavior literally alienates money. In the Universe, there is an "impression" that money in these people evokes extremely negative emotions, and if so, then, of course, money begins to avoid them!

So, the most important condition for attracting powerful, magical energy of abundance is the awareness of your Divine origin. We are the heirs of the abundance of our Heavenly Father, and our heritage is the whole world with its limitless possibilities!

It is perfectly natural for us to live in whatever luxury we like. The only thing we need to do is relax, join the light, life-giving source of all life's benefits and allow ourselves to be rich.

If you want to direct the flow of money into your wallets and bank accounts, you need to change yourself, your consciousness. Ask yourself the question: "What negative attitudes can block the flow of money?" It is important to do the inner work and completely free yourself from all negative thoughts about money. You have to love money. Money must be attracted. Money needs to send positive thoughts. They will immediately feel it.

Sometimes we ourselves do not even realize how deeply rooted in us "wrong" thoughts about finance. Some of them were received in the family, some are due to the adult experience of life in society, especially from those of our fellow citizens who were raised in the Soviet Union. At that time it was “ashamed” to talk about money, when they were hired they were asked about the salary last, and the small stratum of the population who had money were called “hucksters” and usually did not complain. That is why it is very difficult to change the prevailing stereotypes, but if you are determined to feel all the sweetness of having money, then it is quite possible.

Recently, young people have appeared, on whose consciousness the Soviet past of our country has not left its heavy imprint, and they have no complexes with regard to money. Result? Great! As a rule, these young guys are fine in life and in their twenties have something that their parents do not even dream of. (By the way, in vain. A dream is a very useful thing!) Inner freedom allows this truly new generation of Russians to achieve their goals quickly and efficiently. They are well educated, confident in their abilities, and most importantly, they have a wonderful positive attitude towards money, which brings tangible results.

Choose a free time when no one will disturb you, and honestly answer yourself the following questions.

How do you feel when you see well-dressed people, expensive cars, fancy restaurants?

What happens in your soul when you hear about the financial successes (raising salaries, winning a casino, taking a luxury cruise) of your friends?

How do you feel in expensive stores, you say to yourself: “This is not for me, I would have something easier,” and so on?

When shopping for your family, are you saving things for yourself, saying that the main thing is the child (husband, mother, etc.), and I will manage?

Do you keep old things that are no longer pleasing to you for a rainy day?

Do you save money for a rainy day?

Do you skimp on tips in restaurants and hotels?

Do you come to visit, even just chat with a friend (friend) empty-handed?

Do you serve the poor, at least sometimes?

If you are not repaid, do you forgive your debtors, or do you constantly curse them?

How do you accept compliments? Do you start making excuses in response to praise for your hairstyle (dress, jewelry, etc.)?

How often do you yourself compliment people just like that, and not out of a desire to gain something?

What can you say about you, judging by your appearance, especially if you are at home alone and no one sees you? Are you wearing cute, tidy clothes, or an old robe, or well-worn moth-beaten sweatpants or old-fashioned jeans?

Please write down your answers and try to analyze them. It is important for you to understand the general direction of your thoughts in relation to money and other forms of abundance in our life.

Your task is to learn how to cultivate the psychology of wealth. Its essence is that absolutely all thoughts about money, luxury goods and other attributes of success and abundance should be only positive! And it doesn't matter who is the owner of the state - you or other people. Remember, in the novel "The Twelve Chairs", visitors to a furniture museum are described who, at the sight of luxurious furniture, moan enviously, suffering from the thought that all this does not belong to them? This is a great illustration of the "psychology of poverty." Do not be like the visitors of this museum!

When you see wonderful things and values, do not be overwhelmed with bitter thoughts that this does not belong to you. Rejoice! Enjoy the sight of expensive cars, exquisite jewelry, imposing views of luxurious banks and hotels. Be glad that it is. Bless, not curse, people who are already successful. Expand your consciousness by embracing the world of abundance. Let money know that everything connected with it evokes only joyful emotions in you. Say, “I rejoice and bless rich people. I accept all these wonderful things now. This all is mine. It's all for me. I like it. I'll take it. " Thus, you send a positive impulse to the Higher system of distribution of goods, and, since like is always attracted to like, "the first streams of money will begin to flow to you. And you should be happy and thankful for any surprise from the Universe, be it an unexpected gift, an invitation to dinner. or a small bonus.

This is just the beginning. Often, the Higher Forces make a "test of the pen" to see how a person is ready to accept gifts. Please be careful - do not miss the first manifestations of the psychology of wealth in your mind. Never refuse the most modest gifts and small monetary rewards at first. Accept with gratitude everything that the Universe gives you, and you will have more and more. This is how it works.

Once I was invited to participate in a tennis tournament as part of family teams. For the victory over other married couples, we were given a gift bag containing: toilet bowl cleaner (I'm not kidding), universal glue and shoe polish. Having fraternally shared the trophies with my partner, I thanked heaven for very valuable things in the household. For I know how to receive gifts - joyfully and with gratitude!

Never criticize what you are given!

No need to anger the heavens, otherwise next time they won't give it.

Be prepared to accept gifts and compliments.

How often can you hear this dialogue:

You look great today!

What are you, I'm very tired, my hair is in disarray, and this dress is generally a hundred years old.

Do you feel how this lady repels goodness from herself ?! When someone compliments you, smile and thank you. That's all. The person who told you it was in this case the bearer of the Universal Light. Open up to meet him, smile and thank!


Exercise to raise money

Open your wallet. Look at him with a fresh look, as if from the side. What does he say about you? Are there bills that are neatly matched, or are they wrinkled, crumpled and mixed? There are no trifles regarding money. Money is a very strong energy, and they love to be taken care of and taken care of. Don't forget this. Make it a rule to tidy up your wallet every day, smooth out all crumpled bills, lay them out according to their dignity and with one (front) side to you. During this pleasant procedure, stroke your money, say sweet words to them, and end this “money massage” with an affirmation like:

My income is constantly growing;

Money loves me;

I am attracting more and more money to me.

Meditation to Realize Your Involvement in Cosmic Abundance

Get into a comfortable position, turn on calm music, relax.

Let go of all ordinary thoughts completely, enter a state of comfort and complete security. Say to yourself: “I am a beautiful, immortal, free and Divine being. I accept Divine abundance now. "

Feel the emotional uplift, the joyful anticipation of a miracle.

Now imagine that a golden ray is pouring out on you directly from the depths of the Cosmos. Open up to him. Feel like a part of the universe. Maybe at this moment you will hear the music of the celestial spheres. Trust your feelings.

Then imagine a cloud - a bundle of energy of a beautiful turquoise color - descending from the heavens and envelops you. And another cloud descends from heaven - this time purple - and also envelops you. Now you are in the center of the light, caressing energy of three colors - gold, turquoise and purple. These are the colors of the cosmic energy of abundance.

Feel your security at the center of this energy.

Imagine that gradually these colors fade, but their trace remains in your aura.

Feel deep gratitude to the Source of Cosmic Abundance and the confidence that now abundance is always with you.

It is advisable to do this meditation in the morning or in the evening before going to bed, two to three times a week.

Effective steps to raise money

1. Pay close attention to what you say about the money. Remember, please, that all words and thoughts should only be positive. For example, never say, "I have no money." If I say so, they really won't be. It is much more useful to say: "Money loves me" and "I have more and more money every day." Ask a household member to monitor your speech.

As soon as you say something negative about money or yourself, let them immediately demand that you pay some kind of “fine”. You can, for example, create a special piggy bank for such educational-penalty money and buy something pleasant for you every week with this money.

2. Do not put off for a "rainy day", otherwise he will come in fact. Set aside only for development, for positive material changes in your life, for example, for new furniture, a car, for an interesting course of study, accompanying your actions with affirmations like: "I gladly accept Divine well-being", "My income is constantly growing."

3. Feel rich. This is a very useful exercise in developing the psychology of wealth. Inspire yourself that millions are already in your pocket, and that you ride the subway simply because you enjoy watching people. In fact, no one really knows how much money you have, so imagine that there are a lot of them. Play the game "Royal Person - Incognito".

Behave the way you think a real millionaire should behave. Move with dignity, speak in a way that makes people feel important. Give weight to every word. Do not fuss, but do not look down on people either. Just enjoy your being. Then the arrival of money in your life will become a matter of the near future. Because first you have to learn to be absolutely happy and satisfied now. Money does not come to whiners and sufferers. Become rich in your mind - you will become rich in reality.

I can tell you that I had a lot of fun doing this exercise.

Remember, in Zhvanetsky: "After all, you can imagine everything for yourself." So I imagined that I was the heiress of a huge fortune and deliberately dress modestly so as not to shock the people with family jewels. After that I went about my usual business - to the post office, to the store, etc. Apparently, I quite well entered the role, as my gait and manner of communicating with people changed, my eyes appeared mysterious and significant. But the most interesting thing is that these changes were instantly felt by the people with whom I met. They treated me very respectfully and looked at me with interest.

I advise you to do this enjoyable exercise to increase your self-esteem. You will definitely like it, and the benefits will be tangible!

4. Don't skimp on tips. You are only deceiving yourself. The universe knows exactly how much money you have and how much you need to tip. Usually this is 10-15 percent of the order amount. Be the link in the transmission of abundance. It is very important for your subconscious to know that you are doing everything right.

5. Always be extremely honest about money. Our High Backers often do “fairness tests”. If you see that the cashier in the supermarket is wrong, take this as a ~ little test for you. Be sure to point out the error. Otherwise, you can gain a hundred and then lose a thousand. No matter how tempting it is to succumb to the temptation and remain silent - know that all our actions have consequences, so choose yourself what is best for you.

All deceptions, even small ones, then turn against us.

Once in Los Angeles, I was preparing for a meeting with my client and went to the store to buy special oils to cleanse the space. I chose everything I needed and paid. At the time of the calculation, it seemed to me that the amount was already very small, but since all kinds of discounts are constantly practiced in America, I calmly left the store. Nevertheless, being a meticulous person, I carefully checked the account, and it turned out that in fact the saleswoman was mistaken and knocked out a check for exactly $ 10 less. I had to go back to the store and tell the girl about her mistake.

You should have seen her reaction! She was just shocked that I returned to the store in order to pay more money. The girl thanked me, said that she would be forced to pay this amount from her salary, and admitted that she saw such honesty for the first time in her life. I am telling you about this so that you are always ready to show your decency in front of yourself and the Universe. Needless to say, the consultation was successful and soon I got new clients?

Be open to new things. When a new person knocks on your life - don't reject him! Maybe he was sent by your Guardian Angel to open up completely new, unexpected opportunities for you. Take the first step towards.

Say yes to the new energies in your life and see the result. Even if you already have everything, don't be closed to new people and ideas. Open yourself up to goodness. Accept whatever life gives you with joy, curiosity, and pleasant excitement. You will see that life will not disappoint you.

Zhanna, the wife of a very successful businessman, took along with her well-being and her husband's views on relationships with people around her. “We have formed our own circle of friends, and we don't need new acquaintances. They simply strive to penetrate into our world and get benefits for themselves, or even harm us, ”said this lucky (for the time being) young man. And Jeanne, following her husband, avoided communicating with new people and even with relatives.

A few years later, the spouse's business completely collapsed, the prosperous and influential friends who previously surrounded this family disappeared as quickly as the money. On the other hand, previously rejected people achieved success on their own and actively moved up the social ladder. But, of course, now it was inconvenient to ask them for help.

If Jeanne and her husband knew the laws of the psychology of wealth, they would be more attentive to new people in life.

True, there is one addition to the rule to accept everything new. See what events begin to happen in your life after new people appear. There is such a thing as signals. If everything goes well, everything works out, it means that the Universe gives you the "green light", as if saying: "You are going the right way, comrades." And if after communicating with a person you feel tired, an inner emptiness, if instead of inspiration you feel disappointment, this is a clear signal of trouble.

Be sure to take this signal into account and draw the right conclusions. There are many opportunities for communication in the world. Don't waste your precious time and energy talking with people you don't like. Make room for new acquaintances. By freeing yourself from negative, envious people, you are giving yourself a great gift, as they will be replaced by those who really love you and treat you the way you deserve it.

6. Apply your new knowledge every day. Step by step, day by day, you will sow the seeds of a new consciousness and see what a blessed color they will bloom in your life. Just take your time, don't demand big changes right away, don't say that affirmations don't work. It takes time for the changes on the subtle planes to grow into changes on the physical plane, that is, to materialize into the coveted money. This will definitely happen, and when it depends on many factors, including your karma. So be patient and faithful, and you will succeed!


Who is the poorer of the rich and who is richer of the poor? Of the rich, the poorer is the one who is dissatisfied with what belongs to him and suffers from anxiety that the wealth of others is increasing. And of the poor, the richer is the one who is satisfied with what has been given to him, and does not worry about whose income is growing.

Avesta. Ancient teachings of Zoroaster

Another type of manifestation of a negative attitude towards money, that is, the psychology of poverty, is envy of those who have more material wealth. For some reason, it is in Russia that envy of rich people is very common. Isn't that why there are so many poor people here?

Sharikov's principle: “Take everything and divide” - did not work either in times of revolutionary upheavals, or in our days. Do you know why? Because if you take everything away from the rich and give it to the poor, then after a certain amount of time everything will return to normal. The poor will become poor and the rich will get rich again. For the state of wealth is in the heads, not in the pockets. There are countless examples of this. If money gets to a beggar, he instantly squanders it in order to return again to a subconsciously comfortable state of poverty.

It is known that such experiments were carried out in America with the homeless. Charitable organizations recruited the poor and underprivileged from the streets, provided them with decent living conditions, provided them with money, trained and even got many jobs.

And what? As a result, the overwhelming majority of these benefited homeless returned to the streets within a month. Carrying money. No decent clothes. Out of work. But all with the same dislike for prosperous people. Everything that charitable organizations gave them was squandered in one way or another. When journalists asked why, many replied that living on the street is much safer for them (!) Than getting used to someone else's life, where one must bear responsibility for everything.

A poor and envious person is simply not able to properly and reasonably manage money, because his consciousness is tuned not to abundance, but to lack. A person who is determined to succeed will always prosper, and his fellow, exhausted by envy, will always be poor. Moreover, all negative thoughts directed at prosperous people act as a brake on the wealth of the person experiencing such thoughts. The more you resent looking at luxury foreign cars flying through the streets, the less your natural ability to attract money to you. Embrace abundance. It can be yours very soon.

I can confess to you that in any periods of the state of the economy, my friends and others have always envied me. From a very young age, when I still had no idea about the existence of the energy of abundance, I had the feeling that I can literally isolate beautiful things and other attributes of prosperity from myself. It turns out that everything is correct, and not only I am able to materialize wealth for myself. It is available to everyone. You just need to feel rich1.

The famous American billionaire Donald Trump has lost all his fortune several times, and nevertheless he is doing well again. This person knows that he is a millionaire in essence.

We are responsible for our choice of wealth or poverty. If a negative attitude towards money and success (including other people) prevails in your mind, then most likely money will avoid you. The power of consciousness is limitless. Control your thoughts, otherwise they will control you!

It is difficult to admit that you are jealous of someone, but, in all honesty, does your heart overflow with stormy joy at the news that your best friend “picked up” a wealthy husband and left for the Canary Islands?

Dear ones, it is this unpleasant feeling that appears somewhere in the soul and brings a feeling of one's own failure, and then a spoiled mood - that is envy. Envy, anger, and fear are the feelings that stand in the way of success. Your job is to learn to recognize these negative feelings and consciously reverse their polarity. As soon as you feel jealous of someone, immediately change your mindset and claim that you are happy with the success and abundance of other people, that there is a lot of money in this world and enough for everyone, including you.

Let not immediately, but gradually your subconscious mind will get used to a new type of thinking, and a positive program will be laid that will attract success and prosperity to you. Build up your positive potential, which will eventually turn into a wide stream of abundance in real life. It even becomes interesting to catch yourself with envy and translate this ignoble feeling into a fruitful channel of your own luck.


1. Never allow yourself to worry about other people's success. Remember: there is more than enough material wealth in this world, including for you. If you do not receive something right away, be sure that your heavenly Father has a special plan for you and at the right time you will receive everything.

Envious people are immediately visible, and of course they do not evoke sympathy. Do you know how you can instantly recognize whether a person envies you or not? Tell him some good news about you (for example, that you are traveling abroad) and look him in the eye. An envious person will instantly lower his eyes to hide the storm of indignation in his soul. At the same time, he can say all sorts of good things, but you know that in fact this person is not your friend.

Everything would be fine, but in addition to his own soul, the envious person also harms you. He sends poison arrows of negatively charged "energy in your direction, and these arrows can interfere with the implementation of your plans. I recommend that you do not speak out loud about your plans and desires to envious and unfriendly people. There are such people in my own environment too, and I try not to spread about my successes and plans, because I know how strong the psychic energy is, and I do not need obstacles at all.

Agree, it often happens that our plans are frustrated for reasons that seem to be beyond our control, and the blame for everything is some “well-wisher” who has successfully worked here. There are quite effective methods of protection against such harmful influences.

After communicating with people, it is very useful to wash with running water and at the same time say any prayer or simply ask the Lord to cleanse you of all evil, all evil thoughts and words, ask that water wash you and take all the bad things to Mother Earth. Do this washing three times.

Ask the church for holy water or holy oil. Wash your face with water, especially in the evenings, and with oil paint crosses on your face, neck, arms and on all exposed parts of the body. At the end of the procedure, thank the Higher Forces for their help and say three times: "Amen."

End of free trial snippet.

Feng Shui expert Natalya Pravdina, author of the book I Attract Money, reveals the secrets of quickly attracting abundance into your life. In her advice, she focuses on the correct awareness of herself, her capabilities and abilities.

5 steps to raise money

  1. Pay close attention to what you say about money. Remember that all thoughts and words should be positive. Never talk badly about money, that it is not there, that you do not have enough, otherwise it will always be so, nothing will change. It is much better to say: "Money loves me" or "I am ready to increase my wealth" .
  2. Never put off for a rainy day, or it really will come. Many postpone for a rainy day. A “black day” usually means a crisis, dismissal from work, ruin, theft, financial losses and other troubles that can leave a person without a livelihood. By saving money for this day, we, thereby, program ourselves for its approach. We are waiting for him, we talk about him, even though we are afraid. But it comes, as we were waiting for it and preparing. It's much more beneficial to set aside money to buy something you need.
  3. Feel rich. This is a useful exercise in developing the psychology of wealth. Imagine that you are a millionaire, imagine that you have a lot of money. And, accordingly, behave like a rich person. Sign up for a test drive of the car of your dreams, go to the most fashionable shops, pick out expensive jewelry. This will bring you closer to your desires psychologically and insist on getting money.
  4. Give us a tip.Become a link in abundance and don't forget to tip. Then even more money will come back to you, as this flow is constantly moving and growing.
  5. Be honest about your money.If you see that the cashier in the store mistakenly gave you a hundred rubles more change, tell him about it, return the money. Otherwise, today you can gain a hundred, and tomorrow you lose a thousand. Remember that all your actions have consequences.

Everything will work out if you tune yourself to the right wave and will not only work on your subconscious mind, but also on making money, constantly improving in this matter. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.05.2015 09:17

Feng Shui expert Natalya Pravdina shared interesting facts about the compatibility of a person and monetary energy in feng shui. According to her, a person's relationship ...

Probably everyone has seen a figurine of a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth. According to feng shui, this figurine attracts ...

Ritual from Natalia Pravdina for urgent fundraising

There are situations when money is urgently needed. In such cases, there is nothing left to do but use magic tricks to attract money. To quickly raise money, a ritual from Natalia Pravdina is suitable. With the help of simple actions, you can quickly activate the monetary energy around you and attract the desired amount.

This ritual for money does not include any magical attributes or conspiracies. All you need to get money urgently is your desire and your left hand.

Remember the popular omen that the left hand always itches to receive money. This sign has a very reasonable justification from an esoteric point of view. According to Natalia Pravdina, our hands are transmitters of energy. With their help, we can take energy, or maybe, on the contrary, share with it. The left hand is considered the taker. It takes energy. That is why, when she itches with us, we know that money will come to us soon. Itching of the left palm in this case is nothing more than a sign warning of imminent financial gain. And when a person starts scratching his palm, the monetary energy becomes active.

Ritual Money hand from Natalia Pravdina

If you want to establish a connection with financial flows and attract money to your home, then the Money Hand ritual from Natalia Pravdina will help you with this.

Natalia Pravdina revealed a completely new method of attracting money to life.

This technique was built on the knowledge that the hands are naturally given magical properties.

The fact is that the level of tactility of a person's hands is much higher than expectations, so you need to train every day and perform special exercises that will help develop extrasensory perception and hand sensitivity.

This ritual from Natalia Pravdina will make money go straight into your hands. It is called the "Money Hand".

This method of attracting finance will be especially useful for those to whom money does not go well, as well as for those from whom they constantly disappear.

The essence of this ritual by Natalia Pravdina is to link the cash flow to the human biofield.

It is important to know that this method of attracting wealth will only work if you really need money and are trying to improve your financial situation.

In other words, this ritual will not help lazy people.

For the ritual, you will need two sheets of paper and regular paint for painting.

It is best if the color of the paint is "money": red or gold.

Paint a sheet of paper with a thick layer of paint.

Before the paint has time to dry, quickly attach your left palm to this sheet (it is she who takes it) and press it against a clean sheet of paper so that your print remains on it.

Taking your hand off the sheet, say the money prayer of Natalya Pravdina: “Here is my hand, a river of money flows to it. Do not swim across this river, do not drain. "

After these words, close your eyes and imagine leaving your energy on a sheet of paper. Visually draw a picture in your head, as if some golden substance separates from you and remains in the place of the print.

The printed sheet should be hidden in a paper folder, and the folder in a cabinet or table.

There is another way to create the "Money Hand" talisman according to the advice of Natalya Pravdina

To conduct it you will need:

It is necessary to rub the pencil lead on a sheet of paper to a powdery state.

You can do it in any way convenient for you.

After that, spread the powder more or less evenly over the sheet of paper.

Put the hand with which you usually take money, put your palm into the powder and then leave a palm print on another sheet. Try to do it as well as possible.

Keep the palm print sheet only in a paper folder. Place three bills of any denomination on the palm print and put the folder in the closet.

After the ritual for money from Natalia Pravdina, the vibrations emanating from the money will be energetically connected with you through your handprint.

After some time, a connection will arise between your aura and cash flow, and the money will go into your hands.

Prayer from Natalia Pravdina for immediate receipt of money

Natalia Pravdina is widely known in the circle of people engaged in self-development, first of all, for her positive affirmations aimed at creating positive attitudes in the subconscious.

Natalya Pravdina's prayer for money, which I want to introduce you to, is incredibly effective!

Goddess Fortune

Prayer from Natalia Pravdina

Prayer from Natalia Pravdina

Natalia Pravdina She is widely known among people engaged in self-development, first of all, for her positive affirmations, aimed at creating positive attitudes in the subconscious.

Natalia pays special attention to the sphere of welfare and prosperity, as she believes that without success in this area, human happiness cannot be complete.

Not everyone knows about this, but Natalya Pravdina has special prayers for attracting the energy of Abundance into her life.

Prayer of Natalia Pravdina for moneywhich I want to introduce you to is incredibly effective!

This prayer is to the goddess Fortune (Abundance). As Natalya writes in her book "Wealth is in my hands", she herself used this magic prayer more than once to improve her financial situation.

There are two versions of prayer for money - Russian and English. According to Pravdina, she herself pronounces it in English. A little bit you will find both options.

This prayer should be used in cases when you URGENTLY need money, when you really need it. According to Natalya Pravdina, Goddess Fortune will definitely hear your request and will certainly help in a difficult situation.

English version

Release thy treasures from the san

Attune our consciousness with thee

Who look to God and make the call

Copying is possible only if there is an active link.


Do you already know the Main Secret of Desires?

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2 Responses to Prayer from Natalia Pravdina

Forgive me, but this is a prayer from the book Elizaet Claire Profit, what does Pravdina N. have to do with it?

Tatyana, this is not a question for us, but for Natalia Pravdina.

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Prayer for money from Natalia Pravdina

Natalya Pravdina advises reading this prayer for good luck in money to those who urgently need money. The miraculous words of this prayer are designed to attract finances in a short time.

If you do not believe that after reading a prayer for money, your desire will come true, then you should not waste your time and energy. According to Natalia Pravdina, Feng Shui consultant, it is important to believe in the power of prayer and sincerely hope for its effect.

Prayer for money

“Hear me, Almighty! Hear my plea! Not much I desire, not much I ask. Let the sun shine for me, let the moon shine for me, And let all the blessings in the world be with me!

I will share with you, I will share with others, And there will be happiness with us, and there will be happiness with them! My consciousness grows stronger, and my thought strives upward. God, I love you, thank you for your success! "

Natalya Pravdina advises reading this prayer for money exactly seven times. While reading, you need to imagine how the Almighty sent a rain of money to Earth, and how you felt good about it. It is important to feel during the recitation of the prayer a sense of joy and boundless happiness.

Do not think about how the desired amount suddenly appears in your life. She will definitely appear. And it will happen so unusual and suddenly that you yourself will not believe that this has happened to you.

It is important to know that this prayer for money only works in those cases when a person urgently needs money, and the financial issue has become a matter of life and death. You should not read this prayer for the sake of curiosity, as in this case it will not give the desired result.

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Ritual from Natalia Pravdina for urgent fundraising

There are situations when money is urgently needed. In such cases, there is nothing left to do but use magic tricks.

Dreams Come True!

When money is urgently needed

Hear, Goddess, our call,

let the sun shine for everyone!

treasure fabulous breakthrough

it will rain on us like a golden rain!

and those hearts that are in unison

from all over the universe beat in rhythm

riches will reach and heights,

and the soul will touch the Angels,

what gifts have prepared,

for everyone - untold riches,

join the divine brotherhood!

Fortune! Revive consciousness!

to receive manna from heaven!

the bottom is equal to the top in the age of knowledge,

enough miracles for everyone!

When money is urgently needed, and receipts are not expected, this prayer from Natalia Pravdina will help. This prayer just works AMAZING. Moreover, I gave it even to skeptical people who were far from positive thinking. So what? - they called, they say. you know. I read it two or three times because of nothing to do in the morning.

and then - wow! money!

GOOD LUCK! It works!

It helped me. Money was urgently needed. (And for some reason, only in the absence of a decision does a person resort to God. Why do we so rarely turn to God, and only when we need it).

I found this prayer and read, read, read. And lo and behold. No, they (money) did not fall on the head in the sky, it was just that the decision came easily and naturally.

Natalia Pravdina's affirmations for working with the subconscious

Natalya Pravdina suggested affirmations that help people achieve success in all areas of life. Consider the most popular and effective positive affirmations for working with the subconscious.

How Affirmations Work

Affirmations are well-formulated positive statements that are used to work with the subconscious. It is believed that by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, you can change the reality around you for a more favorable one.

Natalya Pravdina believes that the surrounding space is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. What you radiate is what you receive. Therefore, it is so important to strive to exclude negative attitudes from the subconscious and add positive ones.

How to use Natalia Pravdina's affirmations

There are certain guidelines that you need to follow in order to get the result. It's great if you learn how to write the correct affirmations yourself, but not everyone succeeds on the first try. Therefore, you can first work out the already prepared statements of Pravdina.

  1. When you wake up in the morning, you can arbitrarily take any affirmation - it will become your motto for the next day. Read the text thoughtfully and carefully, ponder why the choice was made on this particular statement. Perhaps the Higher Forces want to give you some kind of signal
  2. Also read bedtime affirmations that are appropriate for your situation. Out loud or inwardly - it doesn't matter. The main thing is that you fully concentrate on thought, fill your consciousness with it, believe in the magic power of your own subconscious
  3. After repeating the affirmations, close your eyes and start visualizing: draw in your imagination pictures of a happy future that you are dreaming of. Imagine happy events are already happening in your life.

After that you can go to bed. Reading affirmations before bedtime will fill you with positive energy, you will receive a huge reserve of strength that you will need to solve the problems of the next day. The quality of sleep will also improve.

Examples of positive statements

In her book, Natalya Pravdina spoke about 48 affirmations that are suitable for all occasions.

Here are some of them:

  • To gain self-confidence: “I believe in myself, in my abilities and in the powerful power of my thoughts. It helps me get what I want and achieve my goals every day. "
  • To call for help from the Higher Forces: "I believe that my guardian angel always protects, protects me, helps in all endeavors, fills me with love and faith"
  • To fill with vitality and energy: “My strength is growing every day. I attract love and luck. I accept and give love to all who inhabit this planet "
  • To create positive energy radiation around me: “I fill all the space around me with goodness. I receive exactly as much as I give. I love people and they love me "
  • To attract Divine help: “I believe that God is within me. He is always with me, he guides me on the right path, I found my destiny and my lucky star protects me "
  • For the fulfillment of desires: “All my desires come true easily, for my and the general good. I know what I want and I get it in simple ways "
  • To change the attitude towards everything that happens in life (change of negative to positive, exit from the role of a victim): “I always have time for important things for me. I have clear goals and desires that meet the needs of my soul. Everything in my life happens on time "
  • For spiritual growth and harmony: “I grow and develop, become stronger spiritually every day. My thoughts are free of limiting beliefs. I am an example of inner strength and harmony for the people around you "
  • To find happiness: “People rejoice at my appearance. When I am in the world, everything around me blooms and fills with light. I radiate happiness and harmony and share them with the people around me "
  • For the search for purpose and life mission: “My highest goal is before me and I do my best to achieve it. I know what I want and go to it step by step "
  • For gaining youth, health and beauty: "I am getting younger every day, my skin is smoothed out, health is getting better and better, I become more attractive and I look fresh"
  • For forgiving myself and offenders: “I am free from offenses, I sincerely forgive everyone, all my negative thoughts dissolve in a stream of light. I and the people around me are one whole in the world of Divine truth. I can forgive and I do it all the time "

Watch the video on how to write your own affirmation:

How to write a positive statement yourself

Once you've gotten enough practice with the ready-made examples, you can start writing your own affirmations.

  1. The proposal must be in the present tense and in the affirmative
  2. Only in a positive way - you cannot wish bad either for yourself or for someone from your environment
  3. Avoid denials and negative language
  4. Your desire should be truly yours, ask only what you want yourself, do not try to meet the expectations of other people (mother, boss, husband or children)
  5. Start simple - first ask the Universe for little, and only then increase the "difficulty level"
  6. Repeat statements regularly. It is advisable to devote time to practice at least 10-15 minutes a day.
  7. Pleasant music will enhance the efficiency of working with thoughts, which will relax your mind and allow you to fully concentrate

You can use affirmations for meditation. In a state of meditative trance and relaxation, the subconscious mind is most receptive to whatever you want to put into it.

There are situations when money is urgently needed. In such cases, there is nothing left to do but use magic tricks to attract money. To quickly raise money, a ritual from Natalia Pravdina is suitable. With the help of simple actions, you can quickly activate the monetary energy around you and attract the desired amount.

This ritual for money does not include any magical attributes, or conspiracies, or prayers. All you need to get money urgently is your desire and your left hand.

Remember the popular omen that the left hand always itches to receive money. This sign has a very reasonable justification from an esoteric point of view. According to Natalia Pravdina, our hands are transmitters of energy. With their help, we can take energy, or maybe, on the contrary, share with it. The left hand is considered the taker. It takes energy. That is why, when she itches with us, we know that money will come to us soon. Itching of the left palm in this case is nothing more than a sign warning of imminent financial gain. And when a person starts scratching his palm, the monetary energy becomes active.

If you want to attract money to yourself, but quickly, then you need to independently awaken the energy of money. To do this, Natalya Pravdina advises how to scratch your left palm. In this case, you need to think about the amount of money that you need. Close your eyes and imagine that you already have what you want: lying on the table, in your wallet or bag. Scratch your left palm and imagine money. Your intention to get what you want at this moment must be very strong.

Remember that you cannot attract millions in this way. This technique won't work if you use it for fun. This ritual for money from Natalia Pravdina will only work in emergency situations when a person really needs money. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.09.2014 09:55

Money is an important component of human life. But often we all have to face material difficulties. Find out which talismans ...

Current page: 1 (total of the book has 9 pages) [available passage for reading: 7 pages]

Natalia Pravdina
I attract money!


I express my deep gratitude and appreciation to everyone who helped me create this book. I thank my mentors, teachers and patrons from the Subtle World. I thank all my relatives for their enthusiasm and support, for understanding and positive thinking, for wisdom and patience. I thank my Persian cats for creating an atmosphere of happiness and complete contentment with life. Special thanks to my dear mother Tamara Alekseevna, to whom this book is dedicated.

about the author

Natalia Pravdina was born and graduated in economics in St. Petersburg. However, her passion for creativity and free expression did not allow her to devote her life to dull reports and figures.

Natalia created clothing models, was a member of the club of young designers in St. Petersburg, graduated from acting school, worked at the Fashion Theater, and also studied English, French and psychology.

Liveliness of character and craving for the unknown in the mid-90s brings Natalia and her husband to the USA. There, in Los Angeles, she graduated from the Institute of Design.

But Natalia finds her true vocation in the study and practice of Feng Shui - the ancient and mysterious teachings of Taoist monasteries. In 2000, a fateful meeting takes place in Los Angeles with the Grand Master of Feng Shui Yap Chen Hai. Natalia becomes a certified Feng Shui specialist. The Grand Master personally blesses Natalia for practice, and since then her life has been predetermined. Natalia consults, conducts seminars, meetings with readers throughout Russia and abroad. Since 2006 Natalia has been studying with the Grand Master of Feng Shui Lilian Tu annually.

Natalia herself admits that since Feng Shui appeared in her life, and then New Age psychology, the whole world has become different. “The knowledge that is sent by our High Patrons can change the life of every person for the better. You just need to be open to goodness and people and realize your own value as an expression of Divine love, ”she writes.

Currently Natalia conducts seminars and consultations on feng shui, positive thinking and spiritual practices in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Cyprus. She manages to inspire people to creatively rethink life. Improving the quality of life, joy, opening up new opportunities and abundance - these are the fruits by which one can judge the effectiveness of the proposed method. Those listeners who attend Natalia's seminars note significant shifts leading to transformation and prosperity.

"I hope that my fading readers will be able to transform their life for the better, as I and all those who have applied my advice in practice have done it."

Natalia Pravdina


Hello dear friends. Welcome to a new world, where everything familiar changes its outlines, where previous assessments lose their meaning and everything blurts and melts, making way for a new, fresh and radiant one whose name is SPIRIT.

We live in a unique time. A new century has begun. The new millennium has begun. The era of Aquarius is coming, and the SPIRIT begins to play a leading role in the life of our beautiful planet.

The time has come for all of us to realize that we are one with the world around us, with grains of sand in deserts and stars in the depths of cosmic worlds. All of us are penetrated by the deepest Universal Divine wisdom. Every living being, trees and flowers, clouds and oceans play an important role in this great mystery of life. Just as the forces of the Universe keep entire galaxies and star systems in order, as our Mother Earth balances gigantic mountain ranges and incredible depths of the ocean depths, so our home, our ordinary apartment, being part of the universe, maintains us in a state of equilibrium for throughout life. All this boundless, unthinkable device of the Universe lives, breathes, develops and invites us to dance at the endless ball of Bliss, Delight and Triumph of the Immortal Spirit.

Knowledge of basic spiritual laws will help you maintain the prosperity you have achieved and increase it

All this is very nice and romantic, you will notice, but what does the above have to do with the real presence of rubles, dollars and euros in my wallet? Surprisingly, the most direct, and you will be convinced of this, I promise. After reading this book, you can:

Change your thinking pattern using the above techniques (for example, turning the Poverty Mindset into the Wealth and Prosperity Mindset). Changing your mindset and identifying subconscious blockages will help you open the path to Abundance. By the way, if you or your family members already enjoy tasting the fruits of Abundance, or, in other words, are rich and wealthy, then knowledge of the basic spiritual laws will help you to maintain the achieved prosperity and increase it. It happens that wealth comes ... and goes;

Adjust your living space at home and workplace environment according to Feng Shui best practices to maximize your firm's success (Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of creating a harmonious life). Knowledge of the elementary “safety rules” of feng shui can protect you from troubles and sudden financial losses;

* recognize yourself as a powerful creator of your own peace and success. And most importantly, you will experience an amazing and exciting feeling that your life and the lives of your loved ones are beginning to change for the better. Realizing this, you will feel boundless inspiration and will generate around you a joyful, pulsing circle of energy of happiness and success, which is extremely attractive to the people around you and to Mrs. Fortune. And there ... only the infinity of the triumph of the fulfillment of desires and the possession of everything you want.

Tempting, isn't it? Dear ones, I have experienced all this on myself and I am simply eager to convey to you what I have managed to learn with the help of the Higher Light Forces. So go ahead, my friends, and may the Divine Truth shine for us on our journey to the wonderful world of Success, Wealth and Triumph of the Spirit!

Part 1
Mastering the Psychology of Wealth

Chapter 1
Where to begin?

- Will it come true in my opinion? - asked Margarita.

- Yes, do the same ...

M. Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita"

First of all, one must realize one very important thing on which we will build our Abundance: "God created us for happiness and enjoyment." It is in human nature to live in abundance and achieve success. It is believed that success and achievement of wealth are possible only as a result of hard work. It's a delusion. A person who has mastered the power of spiritual laws and rebuilt his consciousness is the receiver of the flow of material wealth.

In order for this system to work, it is necessary to study the spiritual laws by which the Universe lives, and apply them in life, just as in working with complex equipment it is necessary to study the instructions for its application. Then the magic will happen - everything will be easy, joyful, with the least effort and excellent results. Your life will turn into a constant experience of the Miracle, and miracles should begin, then they cannot be stopped!

We all, of course, read in the Bible that "your heavenly Father knows that you have a need for all this" and also: "There will be a day, and there will be food." For those who are aware of these words, they mean a lot. We all receive benefits from an immense, powerful source. It is important to open up to meet him. You often hear: "I rely only on myself" or: "With my husband, I am like behind a stone wall." In fact, everything is different. Neither a profitable marriage with a wealthy partner, nor parents, nor work, nor business can guarantee a life filled with benefits. The only guarantee is the ability of a person to establish a strong connection with the Divine Source of Abundance and realize himself as a part of the universe and the manifestation of the Immortal Spirit in physical matter.

Yes, my friends, we are all particles of the Great Information Field (Spirit) during the period of experience in the human body. Knowing this fact gives us endless possibilities. Since each of us has particles of the Divine Spirit, on his behalf we can create absolutely everything, no matter what we want. We must realize ourselves as children of God and, accordingly, His heirs, capable of materializing our dreams in physical form. The fulfillment of all innermost desires is possible!

Set yourself up for success - achieve success

The highest degree of mastery of the power of our consciousness is the materialization of objects, which was demonstrated by such great people as Count Saint Germain, Cagliostro in past centuries and Sathya Sai Baba in our time. And if we think about it and analyze the situation, we constantly materialize our desires, just not realizing it, and each of you can give examples of such materialization.

The most important thing is your commitment to success. Tune in for success - achieve success! Set yourself up for failure - failure will not be long in coming.

If you strive for success, but subconsciously do not believe in yourself, doubt yourself, these negative thoughts and emotions will manifest in life. Be absolutely, impenetrably convinced of the inevitability of the success of all your endeavors, and so it will be!

To master the psychology of wealth, you must first of all believe in yourself, in your own strength. And for this you will have to conduct a small revision of your subconscious mind.

Not a single thought, not a single word passes unnoticed by the subconscious. It is completely confident that your thoughts are exactly what you want, and it begins to put into practice what you put into it. Therefore, in order to realize the desired joyful events in life, you must, first of all, carefully analyze your thoughts.

Consider if you are familiar with these negative thoughts / attitudes:

I can't do anything.

I am too old for success.

Wealth is for the young.

I’m never lucky.

I can't do anything.

I am constantly deceived.

It can't be.

I don't believe in anything anymore.

I'm too tired of this life.

I can not do it anymore.

If I weren't so fat.

Well, how can I go with my health ...

It's too difficult for me.

Familiar words, right? If you are imbued with such beliefs and even express them out loud, they begin to come true in your life. That's what you don't want at all, but nevertheless it is. There are people who just love to whine, deep down they do not believe at all in what they say, but in the end they get it all in life. Such whiners hope that some Higher Powers will hear their groans and complaints and the time for happiness and good luck will begin. But the opposite happens!

A very illustrative incident happened in my life, after which I have never doubted the great power of the word. Our family lived in the summer at the dacha, and all the newly arriving family members considered it their duty to bring as much food as possible from the city. The possibilities of the refrigerator are far from limitless, and one day my mother, having no idea where she could place the next portion of food, begged: “Don't bring me more meat. I don't need more meat! " She said, very emotionally.

The next morning, it was discovered that all the meat that was in the house had been stolen from our veranda!

Everything is natural - we don't need it, but someone needs it. Now we are very closely following not only our speech, but also each other's.

To effectively master the psychology of wealth and apply it, create and cultivate a new, positive image of yourself ... Often a person gets pennies for his work precisely because in his subconscious he has developed his own image of a martyr-failure, doomed to forever pull the strap. Or, when applying for a job, a classy specialist is simply “embarrassed” to demand a high salary because of the deep-seated belief that he will not be paid much anyway, since he is always unlucky. And this really happens because the Universe always responds to our thoughts. So let's think to ourselves, talk about ourselves and wish only good, beautiful, magnificent and wonderful for ourselves!

When you begin to control your words and thoughts, then half the battle is already done. Remember the saying: "If a woman feels like a queen, then she looks like a queen"? So try to treat yourself with such respect, as if you are already a millionaire, and then a new, invisible program will turn on, which will eventually lead to the fact that you will actually have more money!

Remember that you are absolute strength and energy. The quality of the world around you depends on you and only on you.


I offer exercises that will help you change your self-image, replace your negative or just neutral self-image with a bright, lively one, radiating good luck and prosperity.

1. Start by controlling your thoughts and words about yourself. Every time you catch yourself on a negative, sad, dreary thought, immediately replace it with a positive one.

It will not be easy at first, but then the process itself will take over you and it will become easier and easier every day.

Here is a sample list of positive thoughts - affirmations.

I'm doing just fine.

I enjoy life every day.

I am very lucky. I am always lucky in everything.

I attract success.

I can do anything and am not afraid of anything.

I trust people.

Anything is possible, if I want it.

I believe in my lucky star.

My life is wonderful and it keeps getting better and better.

I am overwhelmed with energy and joy of life.

Everything is easy and simple for me.

My health is great.

2. Praise yourself as often as possible. Feel free to tell yourself about loving yourself. Encourage yourself, praise, sing songs of praise and love to yourself. This will help your subconscious mind to be in a positive and joyful mood. Do not hesitate, because you are alone with the universe!

3. Remember that you are not alone. Many invisible helpers and friends are eagerly awaiting your request for help and support. Feel free to contact your Guardian Angels. They are always with you, and all that is required of you is just to turn to them. Know that the more often you turn to the Senior Helpers, the stronger they become!

It is very helpful to meditate on your Guardian Angels and imagine what they look like. Perhaps at this moment you will feel a light touch of the angel's wing. Always end your appeal or meditation with sincere gratitude to your wonderful assistants. Angels love being polite!

4. Listen only to those people who have achieved success themselves. Imagine what a person who has nothing can teach.

5. Never, under any circumstances, speak badly about yourself, even jokingly. Remember: the Universe does not have a sense of humor, so do not say anything about yourself and your loved ones that could frighten off good luck, say only what you would like to receive in life.

6. Completely exclude swear words from your vocabulary. The terrible effect of abuse on the molecular structure of the cells of the human body has already been scientifically proven! And on a subconscious level, the so-called "strong words" can destroy all positive undertakings on the way to success and prosperity.

7. Learn to spread love wherever you are. Give people smiles, make gifts, pay for a stranger in a cafe. The universe must see that you are a person who gives good!

Wish for yourself only good, beautiful, magnificent and wonderful!

You may find these exercises difficult or tedious at first. Don't give in to your first feelings of disbelief. Try it!

Tune in only to the positive result of working on yourself, and when you see the first positive results, it will inspire you to further improve.

The universe has no sense of humor. Only speak positively about yourself!

Respect and love for yourself will immediately evoke the appropriate attitude of those around you. They, too, will begin to treat you in a new way. Most importantly: convince yourself that you really deserve to receive any money, and you will feel that money appears in your life much easier than it was before.

There are many opportunities for communication in the world.

Don't waste your precious time and energy talking with people you don't like.

Make room for new acquaintances.

Chapter 2
How to make love of money mutual

- Tell me, Shura, honestly, how much money do you need to be happy? - asked Ostap. - Just count everything.

“One hundred rubles,” answered Balaganov, regretfully looking up from the bread and sausage.

I. Ilf and E. Petrov. "Golden calf"

The crown of the wise is their wealth, and the folly of the ignorant is folly.

Proverbs of Solomon: 14, 24

In order for money to love you, you need to take the first step and also sincerely love money. So who doesn't like them, you might argue.

However, the point is that most people love money in terms of scarcity, not abundance. Often the very thought of money causes so many negative emotions, such a strong sense of one's own inferiority and discomfort that money begins to avoid a person!

Egor - a wonderful, intelligent young man with a wonderful and necessary masseuse specialty - is dragging out a completely miserable existence. He gets pennies for his hard work, letting employers literally rip him off. At the same time, he often says that he is familiar with many rich people who have a lot of problems, and that he would never change places with them. Once in a conversation I heard the following phrase from him: “Maybe I don’t need money at all? I'm fine as it is".

For all my sympathy for Egor, I have to note that he is a typical example of a person professing the psychology of poverty. Until he changes his attitude towards money and no longer values \u200b\u200bhimself and his time, his income will remain at the same low level.

Money loves those who really love it

This truth is as old as the world. For example, when some people find themselves in an expensive store filled with beautiful things, instead of discussing the merits of, say, a luxury car, they begin to look for flaws in it, getting annoyed at the thought that they cannot afford to buy it.

Money loves those who really love it

The irritation builds up, carries over to the world of wealth in general, and eventually people leave the store in a state of extreme frustration. A familiar picture, isn't it? If only they knew that such behavior literally alienates money. In the Universe, there is an "impression" that money in these people evokes extremely negative emotions, and if so, then, of course, money begins to avoid them!

So, the most important condition for attracting powerful, magical energy of Abundance is the awareness of your Divine origin. We are the heirs of the Abundance of our Heavenly Father, and our heritage is the whole world with its limitless possibilities!

It is perfectly natural for us to live in whatever luxury we like. The only thing we need to do is relax, join the light, life-giving source of all life's benefits and allow ourselves to be rich.

If you want to direct the flow of money into your wallets and bank accounts, you need to change yourself, your consciousness. Ask yourself the question: "What negative attitudes can block the flow of money?" It is important to do the inner work and completely free yourself from all negative thoughts about money. You have to love money. Money must be attracted. Money needs to send positive thoughts. They will immediately feel it.

Sometimes we ourselves do not even realize how deeply rooted in us "wrong" thoughts about finance. Some of them were received in the family, some are due to the adult experience of life in society, especially from those of our fellow citizens who were raised in the Soviet Union. At that time it was “ashamed” to talk about money, when they were hired they were asked about the salary last, and the small stratum of the population who had money were called “hucksters” and usually did not complain. That is why it is very difficult to change the prevailing stereotypes, but if you are determined to feel all the sweetness of having money, then it is quite possible.

Recently, young people have appeared, on whose consciousness the Soviet past of our country has not left its heavy imprint, and they do not have any complexes with regard to money. Result? Great! As a rule, these young guys are fine in life and in their twenties have something that their parents do not even dream of. By the way, in vain. A dream is a very useful thing! Inner freedom allows this truly new generation of Russians to achieve their goals quickly and efficiently. They are well educated, confident in their abilities, and most importantly, they have a wonderful positive attitude towards money, which brings tangible results.

Choose a free time when no one will disturb you, and honestly answer yourself the following questions.

How do you feel when you see well-dressed people, expensive cars, fancy restaurants?

What happens in your soul when you hear about the financial successes (raising salaries, winning a casino, taking a luxury cruise) of your friends?

How do you feel in expensive stores, do you say to yourself: "This is not for me, I would have something easier", etc.?

When shopping for your family, do you save on things for yourself, saying that the main thing is the child (husband, mother, etc.), and I will manage?

Do you keep old things that are no longer pleasing to you for a rainy day?

Do you save money for a rainy day?

Do you skimp on tips in restaurants and hotels?

Do you come to visit, even just to chat with a girlfriend (boyfriend), empty-handed?

Do you serve the poor, at least sometimes?

If your debts are not repaid, do you forgive your debtors or constantly shower them with curses?

How do you accept compliments? Do you start making excuses in response to praise for your hairstyle (dress, jewelry, etc.)?

How often do you yourself compliment people just like that, and not out of a desire to gain something?

What can you say about you, judging by your appearance, especially if you are at home alone and no one sees you? Are you wearing cute, tidy clothes, or an old robe, or battered moth-worn sweatpants, or old-fashioned jeans?

Please write down your answers and try to analyze them. It is important for you to understand the general direction of your thoughts in relation to money and other forms of abundance in our life.

Your task is to learn how to cultivate the psychology of wealth. Its essence is that absolutely all thoughts about money, luxury goods and other attributes of success and abundance should be only positive! And it doesn't matter who is the owner of the state - you or other people. Remember, in the novel "The Twelve Chairs", visitors to a furniture museum are described who, at the sight of luxurious furniture, moan enviously, suffering from the thought that all this does not belong to them? This is a great illustration of the "psychology of poverty." Do not be like the visitors of this museum!

You have to love money. Money must be attracted. Money needs to send positive thoughts

When you see wonderful things and values, do not be overwhelmed with bitter thoughts that this does not belong to you. Rejoice! Enjoy the view of expensive cars, exquisite decorations, imposing views of luxurious banks and hotels. Be glad that it is. Bless, not curse, people who are already successful. Expand your consciousness by embracing peace AND abundance.

Let money know that everything connected with it evokes only joyful emotions in you. Say, “I rejoice and bless rich people. I accept all these wonderful things now. This all is mine. It's all for me. I like it.

I'll take it. " Thus, you send a positive impulse to the Higher system of distribution of goods, and, since like is always attracted to like, the first streams of money will begin to flow to you. Moreover, one should be happy and thankful for any surprise from the Universe, be it an unexpected gift, an invitation to dinner or a small bonus. This is just the beginning. Often, the Higher Forces make a "test of the pen" to see how a person is ready to accept gifts. Please be careful not to miss the first manifestations of the psychology of wealth in your mind. Never refuse the most modest gifts and small monetary rewards at first. Accept with gratitude everything that the Universe gives you, and you will have more and more. This is how it works.

Bless, not curse, people who have achieved success!

Once I was invited to participate in a tennis tournament as part of family teams. For the victory over other married couples, we were given a gift bag containing: toilet bowl cleaner (I'm not kidding), universal glue and shoe polish. Having fraternally shared the trophies with my partner, I thanked heaven with a smile for very valuable things in the household. For I know how to receive gifts - joyfully and with gratitude!

Never criticize what you are given!

No need to anger the heavens, otherwise next time they won't give it.

Be prepared to accept gifts and compliments.

How often can you hear this dialogue:

- You look great today!

- What are you, I'm very tired, my hair is in disarray, and this dress is generally a hundred years old.

Do you feel how this lady repels goodness from herself ?! When someone compliments you, smile and thank you. That's all. The person who told you it was in this case the bearer of the Universal Light. Open up to meet him, smile and thank!



Open your wallet. Look at him with a fresh look, as if from the side. What does he say about you? Are there bills that are neatly matched, or are they wrinkled, crumpled and mixed? There are no trifles regarding money.

Money is a very strong energy, and they love to be taken care of and taken care of. Don't forget this. Make it a rule to tidy up your wallet every day, smooth out all crumpled bills, arrange them according to their value, in increasing denomination, and with one (front) side facing you. During this pleasant procedure, stroke your money, say sweet words to them, and end this “money massage” with an affirmation like:

My income is constantly growing.

Money loves me.

I am attracting more and more money to me.

Meditation to Realize Your Involvement in Cosmic Abundance

Get into a comfortable position, turn on calm music, relax.

Let go of all ordinary thoughts completely, enter a state of comfort and complete security. Say to yourself: “I am a beautiful, immortal, free and Divine being. I accept Divine abundance now. "

Feel the emotional uplift, the joyful anticipation of a miracle.

Now imagine that a golden ray is pouring out on you directly from the depths of the Cosmos. Open up to him. Feel like a part of the universe. Maybe at this moment you will hear the music of the celestial spheres. Trust your feelings.

Then imagine a cloud descending from heaven - a bundle of energy of a beautiful turquoise color - and enveloping you. And another cloud descends from heaven - this time purple - and also envelops you. Now you are in the center of the light, caressing energy of three colors - gold, turquoise and purple. These are the colors of the cosmic energy of abundance.

Feel your security at the center of this energy.

Imagine that gradually these colors fade, but their trace remains in your aura.

Feel deep gratitude to the Source of Cosmic Abundance and the confidence that now abundance is always with you.

It is advisable to do this meditation in the morning or in the evening before going to bed, two to three times a week.


1. Pay close attention to what you say about money. Remember, please, that all words and thoughts should only be positive. For example, never say, "I have no money." If I say so, they really won't be. It is much more useful to say: "Money loves me" and "I have more and more money every day." Ask a household member to monitor your speech. As soon as you say something negative about money or yourself, let them immediately demand that you pay some kind of “fine”. You can, for example, create a special piggy bank for such educational-penalty money and buy something pleasant for you every week with this money. Children will be especially active in helping you!

2. Do not postpone for a "rainy day", otherwise it really will come. Set aside only for development, for positive material changes in your life, for example, new furniture, a car, an interesting course of study, accompanying your actions with affirmations like: “I gladly accept Divine well-being”, “My income is constantly growing”, “My future sumptuously!"

3. Feel rich. This is a very useful exercise in developing the psychology of wealth. Inspire yourself that millions are already in your pocket, and that you ride the subway simply because you enjoy watching people. In fact, no one really knows how much money you have, so imagine that there are a lot of them. Play the game "Royal Personality - Incognito".

Just enjoy your being!

Behave the way you think a real millionaire should behave. Move with dignity, speak in a way that makes people feel important. Give weight to every word. Do not fuss, but do not look down on people either. Just enjoy your being. Then the arrival of money in your life will become a matter of the near future. Because first you have to learn to be absolutely happy and satisfied now. Money does not come to whiners and sufferers.