Lady bug and super cat games. Games Lady Bug and Super Cat Erotic Games Lady Bug and Super Cat

Cartoon "Lady Bug and Super Cat"

Paris is a city of love and beauty. It is not for nothing that the phrase "See Paris and die" has become so popular. Our heroes live there. A young girl, Marinet, studies in a regular school, she is madly in love with her classmate Adrian.

It is a wonderful feeling - at this age, every girl dreams of meeting her prince on a white horse, and the chosen young man is precisely this "embodiment of the heart". He is the son of a very rich and influential man, he lives in a huge mansion, goes to school in a limousine, but at the same time he is a very bright and kind person, wealth and position in society only burden him, but do not spoil him. He is not arrogant, not rude, rather polite and open. And, as it seems, he is deeply unhappy with the lack of parental love and attention.

Marinet's is the opposite: she has a poor warm family, a small house, loving mom and dad. She is a completely ordinary girl in love, trying to get the attention of her "prince". But this is too difficult, since Adrian is surrounded by the first beauties of the school. Marinette melts from any sign of attention shown by Adrian, be it a look, a greeting or a smile.

The girl is afraid to come up and speak, and when he is nearby, she is completely speechless. These moments are not devoid of some comic, forcing you to involuntarily smile and laugh at funny situations. And everything would be so, if not for one circumstance: both have little helpers who are more like small koloboks. They are very funny and funny.

Assistant Marinette eats sweet food, but Adrian loves cheese. And these creatures are completely difficult - with their help classmates can turn into super-heroes when people around are in danger. And now Lady Bug and Super Cat come into play. They are fighting their enemy Hawk, he wants to get them for himself at all costs, doing evil with the help of enchanted Akum butterflies.

And each time, it would seem, the enemy is about to win, but at the very last moment the right decision comes, and together our heroes save the world. Lady Bug and Super-cat constantly work together, protecting and protecting each other, but they do not know who they are in real life, they do not even realize that they are studying in the same class. The cat is in love with Lady Bug, but she is too unapproachable for him, since her heart is given to Adrian. What a pity that she doesn't know that he is so close.

From time to time they defeat the Hawk Moth, freeing the people bewitched by him from evil forces and cleansing the butterflies. Together with our heroes, you can learn goodness and positiveness, empathize with people, help and cope with any difficult situations. Come up with interesting moves, complete quests and constantly learn something new. If you are ready to use your "Super Chance" and "Catoclysm", then our flash games are exactly what you need.

Funny games Lady Bug and Super Cat

Who wouldn't want to live in Paris? If you don't live, then at least visit your friends and experience incredible emotions during the adventures that they are ready to provide you if you play Lady Bug and Super Cat games.
It is not often possible to find such dynamic, entertaining and vivid games in sufficient quantity. In this section you will not feel a lack of themes and directions, because starting from the game Lady Bug and Super Cat adventure, you will visit other familiar and favorite genres.
Everyone loves superheroes, and you will make friends with a perky couple of schoolchildren who are not disturbed by their double life, and also learn how they change under the moment of circumstances.

Characters of heroes

It's time to launch Lady Bug and Super Cat games for free, and start meeting unusual tenth graders who manage to get good grades and save the world.

There are seven talisman stones in total, and our heroes own two of them. Spirits who wield magic live in these stones, and each one commands a certain power. So, Lady Bug is able to create anything from the void, and the Super-cat can destroy anything.

Game genres of Lady Bug and Super Cat games

We have collected the most interesting free games Lady Bug and Super Cat, and you can have fun for a long time in an unusual company.
Train your memory with maps, solve colorful puzzles, clean the lawn and clean up the order in the room. With Lady, you can have a bachelorette party, and Lady Bug and Super Cat dress up and cooking games will help. Bake a sweet cupcake, put on a cute outfit and the fun can begin.
What do you like to discuss with your friends? - probably boys, and therefore romantic stories with kisses are here in a full set. While the Doll is kissing the Super-Cat, Hawk Moth is spying on them, and it is necessary to prevent him from catching them. There will also be games Lady Bug and Super Cat tests, adventure games, rescue Lady Bug, search for numbers and differences.

You are invited to play with brave superheroes, day and night fighting evil. And if anyone thinks that we are talking again about some mighty giants with a mass of unusual talents like Spider-Man, Ironman or Captain America, he is very much mistaken. This time the fate of humanity (at least a decent part of it) is in the hands of two ordinary teenagers. Well, maybe not quite ordinary, but outwardly no different from you and your classmates. Do you want to know how they got to this life? Read the text below, and when you're done, immediately sit down to play exciting quest games about Lady Bug and her super cat. We promise your mood will improve dramatically.

How it all began

The games Lady Bug and Super Cat were created based on the animated series of the same name, produced by two French studios - Zagtoon and Method Animation. It is noteworthy that his premiere took place not at home, but in South Korea on September 1, 2015. In France, the broadcast began later on October 19. Well, then the exciting story set off to conquer the USA, Great Britain, Ireland, Canada and Russia. Literally from the first episodes, the audience liked it, so the producers immediately sat down to write scripts for the new seasons. Work on the second and third parts of the cartoon is just nearing completion, so very soon we will have new pleasant discoveries, and with them new Lady Bug games.

Ruined a party like this, just like adults!

So, the action of the cartoon "Lady Bug and Super Cat" takes place in our time. The very first episode takes the audience to cozy Parisian streets, where Marinette Dupin-Chen is studying in one of the local schools - an unremarkable girl, like many others around. She is a little awkward, although she has excellent physical characteristics, she is very kind, generous and cheerful. She is secretly in love with her classmate, Andrian Agrest. In general, an ordinary tenth grader. But this is only at first glance. In fact, Marinette has a secret that she hides from everyone, even from her best friend.

When trouble comes to Paris, this sweet girl turns into a brave, brave and very dangerous superhero - Lady Bug. And her classmate and secret love Andrian is in the superhero Cat Noir. Together they resist any evil, and, first of all, Hawk Moth - an insidious magician who sends out dark butterflies - Akum - around the city. With their charms, they turn ordinary townspeople into zombie villains. Only the combined forces of Lady Bug and Cat Noir can stop this nightmare. At the same time, the couple are not even aware that in ordinary life they study in the same class and see each other every day.

Games about Lady Bug and her super cat reproduce the brightest moments of the series. Their graphics, entourage and musical accompaniment are identical to those used in the cartoon. And if you are also a fan of cute Marinnet, her best friend Alya, evil Chloe and handsome Adrian, start playing soon - you will not regret it.

For some reason, it is generally accepted that games about Lady Bug and Cat Noir are primarily intended for girls. Of course, among them there are many stylish colorful dress-ups, to which boys, as a rule, are completely indifferent. But here are exciting adventure games, quests, puzzles dedicated to the super cat and Lady Bug, available, like all other games on our site, absolutely free, boys will also like it. And no less than some war games and shooters. Verified many times by hundreds of satisfied users.