The death of the greatest deception. Osho

Title: The death of the greatest deception.

The death of the greatest deception is this book of Osho about what we are afraid of most, but what is inevitable. Osho invites us to look at death on the other hand. After all, she leads to a new life, is a flourishing at the end of the way. Just need to know how natural to go through this path. Many live unconsciously, therefore dying unconsciously. Osho says that you should not be afraid of death, since this fear generates fear to life itself. We begin constantly fear for her, and completely forget about life itself. The book of Osho "Death is the greatest deception" will teach to live in order not to be afraid of death, which will be the highest peak of happiness.


Part one: Death is the only thing in life is guaranteed
"Stop the wheel!"
Refusal to the ghostly future for the sake of this
Door to Divine
Myth of death

Part two: Savior - this is your death
Pseudoreligia: Fear of life and death
East Yeast, West - Dough
Root of all countries
Easily exploit
Life should not be fiction

Part Three: Watch and you know
Why cling? Just sing!
Life is a prelude; Death is an orgasm

Part Fourth: Traveling to the existence center
Meditation: Road to Eternity
Know death without dying
Cyclone Center
Ancient golden key
Clean awareness brings great joy
Tibetan mantra bardo
Enlightened Prince
Beauty without monster
Part Fifth: Huge pleasure - view from the sunpit
From darkness to light
Eternal reality
Search until the end
Deja vu
Theory of reincarnation
Right to death
Holiday life Death of Nesmy
Put the art while there is time
Wake up and sing
About Osho

Osho and the meaning of death .
Death can become public when it is reported in the column of necrologists in the newspaper, but still it is a purely personal event. There are two concepts with extremely private, intimate character: this is death and dreams. No one will die for me, and no one will see my dreams for me.
Osho believes that the understanding of the phenomenon of death plays an important role in his spiritual development.
Life and death are treated in the West as antagonists as two mutually exclusive concepts. Death is a source of fear, it is taboo, they prefer not to talk about death.

One professor of theology somehow said: "Today, sex questions are discussed openly, and death ... this is vulgar."
Many Western philosophers reflected on death, especially the existentialists were different. The point of view of the Jean-Field of Sartra is a typical Western view of death: "Death will never fill life with meaning; on the contrary, death is something that deprives the life of things in any sense."

Osho has a completely opposite point of view. He says: "Death does not contradict life, it does not mean the end of life, she only brings life to a beautiful top. Life continues after death. She was before birth, she will continue after death. Life is not limited to a brief gap between birth and death; On the contrary, birth and death are small episodes in eternity of life. "
The West is inclined to consider death as evil, he gives her extremely negative features. Life and death are conflicting parties. Such a point of view is based on the Aristotelian postulate "or or, but not together": as well as, and what is not A, becomes anti.

According to this dualistic concept, one who does not oppose abortions automatically becomes their defender. Similarly, death is considered as a denial of life.
The result of a similar approach was the entire exaltation of youth; People began to shove their age, apologize for their age.

Eastern approach to death is distinguished by dynamism, it is based on the background about the integrity, that as well as a plus something else. East adheres to the opinion that there is nothing absolute, everything is relatively, everything is in motion.
Modern science, new discoveries in medicine, intersectoral approach of social sciences ... everywhere we find confirmation today that it is properly considered a reality as "together", not "or or or".
Osho explains that in the east, life is not considered separately from death. He emphasizes: in order to understand life in order to truly live, and not exist, a person needs to know death. No need to be afraid of her, but it is also not necessary to strive to defeat it. It is just necessary to know her, and this "knowledge" itself will restrict the true meaning of death.

Osho considers life and death as part of one higher space life. With each breath we live, with every exhale we die, but also inhale, and exhale - says Osho - harmoniously interact.

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Part One: Death is the only thing that is guaranteed in life

"Stop the wheel!"

Once, my grandfather sick, my mother's father. Grandfather was still early to die. He was not at all old, he was even younger than me today. Grandma just turned fifty years, she was at the peak of his youth and beauty.

I asked her:

He died. You loved him. Why don't you cry?

I do not cry because of you, "she replied. "I don't want to roar in front of a child - she was such a woman - and I don't want to console you." If I start crying, then after me and you will start crying, then it will be incomprehensible who comforts whom.

I'll tell you how it all happened.

On a cart, hardened by the will, we drove out of the grandfather village in the village, where the father lived, - there was a single hospital in the district. Grandfather was seriously sick; He was not only sick, he was unconscious, almost in a coma. In the cart were only with my grandmother. I understood her compassion for me. She did not even silence during the death of her beloved husband; And all because of me - I was there alone, and it was just no one to comfort me.

Do not worry, "I said," if you can not cry, then I can also.

Believe or do not believe, but the seven-year-old child does not cry.

Even she was surprised at this:

Why don't you cry?

I do not want to console you.

A strange group of people gathered in this wagon. Bhura chase oxen. He knew that his owner was no longer alive, but even then did not dare to look back on the sitting in the wagon - after all, he was just a servant and had no right to interfere with the personal affairs of the owners.

That's what he told me then:

Death is deeply a personal matter, how can I interfere? I heard your conversation for my back. I sought tears - I loved him so much! I feel orply, but I can't turn back on the wagon - the owner would never forgive me.

A strange company, and the head of Nana, my grandfather, on my knees. I, a seven-year-old child, was next to death, and not a few moments, but constantly, for twenty-four hours a day. There were practically no roads, and it was very difficult to get to the village of Father. We had to stay with a fixed body for a day ... And he died slowly, gradually. I saw my death was chosen to him, I saw her great silence.

Wagon-hardened Wagon ...

Until now I hear this sound - the wheels are crushing about the stones, I hear Bhura smokes to the ox, I hear a whistle of his whishers ... I still hear everything clearly.

This case is so deeply penetrated into my consciousness that even death will not be able to wipe it out of my memory. Even before his own death, I will hear the creaking of this wagon ...

I knew that other people die, but never saw death. I did not see how people die, and even if she had seen, he would not understand anyway. You love a person, and suddenly he dies - this is when the real understanding of death comes.

I want to emphasize this idea again: you really encounter death only when you lose your loved one.

When love and death surrounds you, there is a transformation, there is a deep change, you seem to be born again. You will never be the same.

But the people of Nevadom love, and without love they are not able to perceive death as me. Without love, death will not open them secrets of life. With love she will give the keys to all doors.

My first death experience was not easy. He had a great influence on me. Died the man I loved. He replaced my father. He brought up me in absolute freedom, he did not command me, did not give any pressure, I did not forbid anything. He never told me: "Stop immediately!" or "do not do this." Only now I realized all the spiritual beauty of this person.

I loved my grandfather because he respected my freedom.

I can only love when you respect my freedom. If you need to bargain, if for love you need to pay freedom, then such love is not for me. Such love for ordinary mortals, and not for those who knew something.

Lord, you gave me life, and I gratitude to you with gratitude.

These were the last words of my grandfather, although he never believed in God and was not a hindu.

Before death, he all the time asked for one thing:

"Stop the wheel ..."

What more! The dying grandfather asks us to stop the wagon! How can I stop her? We need to get to the hospital soon, we would simply be lost in the woods without a wagon.

Grandfather asked:

Stop the wheel. Do you hear me, Raja? If I hear the laughter of your grandmother, then you should also hear me.

I answered:

Do not pay attention to her laugh. I know her. She laughs not over your request; Here we have our own business, she laughs at my anecdote.

Okay. I am glad that she laughs over a joke. But how is my request for a chakra ... about the wheel?

Now I realize that I did not understand the meaning of what was said. The wheel is an Indian understanding of the cycle of life, this is a wheel of life and death.

For thousands of years, millions of people have committed the same action: they tried to stop the wheel. The grandfather had in mind at all the wheel of the wagon: the wheel of the carts could be easily stopped, on the contrary, the wheel and so hardly moved forward.

Then I could not understand why my grandfather, my nana, so insists at my request.

Perhaps - I thought - the wagon is very noise, because the road was not. All the circle rumbled, and, naturally, when a person stays in agony, he wants to rest, he asks to stop the wheel.

But my grandmother laughed. Now I understand why she laughed. The grandfather meant a completely different wheel: Eternally obsessed with thought about life and death, the Indians symbolically represented a certain wheel of life and death, and in short - just a wheel that spins and spinning without stopping ...

That is why the grandfather spoke about stopping the wheel. If I could, I would stop it the wheel, and not only for him, but for every person in the world. And not only stopped, but it would be broken, so that no one could ever turn it. But it is not in my power.

Where did such an obsession come from? The death of the grandfather made me a lot of conscious ... And it predetermined all my life.

I whispered to him in your ear:

Nana, tell me something before leaving. You have last request? Or maybe you want to give me anything to give me to forever keep my memory about you?

He removed the ring from his finger and put me on the palm.

This ring has always possessed some kind of secret. The grandfather never allowed someone in his life to see him, although he himself periodically did it. The ring had two glass windows on the opposite sides, and it was possible to look through them. From above was a diamond, on each side of which there was a transparent window. He himself looked at these windows, and the other never allowed it to do.

Inside there was a tiny, magnificent figurine Mahavira, Jain Tirthankara. This statuette was very small, and two windows were conceived as a magnifying glass. Thanks to them, Mahavir looked huge.

With tears in his eyes, he uttered "I have nothing to give you. Death will take you all, just as she takes everything now. I can leave you only my love for who I knew yourself."

Despite the fact that I did not save the ring, I realized his dream. I learned this love, I opened it in myself. The ring itself does not mean anything else. But the poor old man ... He loved his teacher, Mahavir, and handed me his love for him. I appreciate his love for the teacher and to me.

Before death, he whispered to me:

Do not cry, I'm not dying.

We all expected that he would say something else, but it was his last words. He closed his eyes, and he did not.

Grandmother, Nani, kept my hand, and I just chopped, not understanding what happened at that moment. The head of the grandfather lay on my knees. I kept my hands on his chest and felt how gradually weaken his breathing. Feeling that he stopped breathing, I turned to my grandmother.

Grandma ... grandfather does not breathe anymore.

All right, "she replied," don't worry. " He lived enough, he no longer need.

She told me also:

Remember, it is very important: never ask God to give you to live yet. It is enough that you are released.

I still remember the silence after that. The wagon crossed the floodplain of the river. I remember everything clearly. I kept silence so as not to disturb my grandmother. She did not say a word.

After a while I began to worry about her and asked:

Tell me something, not silent - it's just unbearable.

You will not believe: she fell a song! This is how I first realized that death should be celebrated. It was the same song she sang, falling in love with her grandfather.

The meeting has its own charm, and the separation - its own.

The separation is peculiar to its own poetry, you just need to understand her language, you need to live, immersed in her depth. Then the sadness itself generates an unknown sense of joy. It seems incredible, but it is so, I myself experienced it.

Osho considers life and death as part of one higher space life. With each breath we live, with every exhale we die, but also inhale, and exhale - says Osho - harmoniously interact.

He claims that we are starting to die from the very birth, from the very beginning of life we \u200b\u200bare approaching death. The seed leads to the appearance of a flower. We call it growth. Similarly, the birth leads man to death.

Osho draws our attention to the fact that death can occur at any time; Death is here and now.

Life and death are inseparable; They are two sides of the same medal.

Osho believes that death is not in the future, she comes every moment. The one who declares that death is connected with the future, just hides from reality and continues to live illusions. We postpone death for the future because our ego is not able to take your death. But Osho explains that you can understand death, refusing to recognize the ego center of our life; The center of our life is consciousness. Death is unable to destroy our consciousness, it is forever. Moreover, death destroys egoism, which becomes driving force in a person's life.

And here we are faced with a paradox of death: on the one hand, there is no reality above the reality of death, everything in the world is mortally. On the other hand, there is nothing similar to death in the sense that even after the death of the ego and physical body Our consciousness does not die and continues to live.

Is it possible to know death without dying?

Osho answers the affirmative. For this, he recommends meditation.

Only in a state of meditation can be understood what death is. He says so:

"Meditation and death are two very similar states. The death of the ego disappears; Only pure consciousness remains. In meditation, the same thing happens: the ego disappears, and only pure consciousness remains, your essence. The similarity is so great that people are equally afraid of death and meditation. On the other hand, the one who is not afraid of meditation will not be afraid of death.

Meditation prepares you to death ... She helps you to know death, not dying, disintegrated with death without dying, you will ever get rid of fear of death.

Even when death comes, you will be silent to watch her, perfectly realizing that she is not able to leave even scratch on you. Death will deprive you the body, mind, but you yourself are unsubstituted. You belong to the immortal life. "

Swami Sathya Vedant

(Dr. Vasant Joshi)


Doctor of Philosophy, Baroda University, India

Ph.D., Michigan University, USA

Rector of the University of Osho, Pune

Part One: Death is the only thing that is guaranteed in life

"Stop the wheel!"

Once, my grandfather sick, my mother's father. Grandfather was still early to die. He was not at all old, he was even younger than me today. Grandma just turned fifty years, she was at the peak of his youth and beauty.

Osho Death - the greatest deception

Osho and the meaning of death

Part One: Death is the only thing that is guaranteed in life

"Stop the wheel!"

Refusal to the ghostly future for the sake of this

Door to Divine

Myth of death

Part Two: Savior - This is your death

Pseudoreligia: Fear of life and death

East Yeast, West - Dough

Root of all countries

Easily exploit

Life should not be fiction

Part Three: Watch and you know

Why cling? Just sing!

Life is a prelude; Death is an orgasm

Part Fourth: Traveling to the Center for Existence

Meditation: Road to Eternity

Know death without dying

Cyclone Center

Ancient golden key

Clean awareness brings great joy

Tibetan mantra bardo

Enlightened Prince

Beauty without monster

Part Fifth: Huge pleasure - view from the sunpit

From darkness to light

Eternal reality

Search until the end

Theory of reincarnation

Right to death

Holiday life Death of Nesmy

Put the art while there is time

Wake up and sing

Disease, ailment and suffering is one thing, and death is absolutely different. In the representation of the Western mind, the disease, ailment, suffering and death - together, in one package. Hence the problems arise. Death is beautiful, but not a disease, not suffering, not a parable. Death is beautiful. Death is not a sword disperse your life, it like a flower - a finite flower that flies in the last moment. This is a peak. Death is a flower on the tree of life. This is not the end of life, but her crested. This is an extreme orgasm. In death, there is nothing wrong, it is beautiful - but you need to know how to live and how to die. There is art to live and there is an art to die and second art is more valuable than the first. Only those who know how to live correctly, know how to die.

Very few people on Earth died naturally, because only a few lived naturally ...

With the exception of the few enlightened people, everyone dying in infamous; Therefore, people do not know what death is, do not understand that this is the beginning of a new dawn.

The one who is afraid of death is afraid of life. Such a person will lose everything in life.


Osho and the meaning of death

Death can become public when it is reported in the column of necrologists in the newspaper, but still it is a purely personal event. There are two concepts with extremely private, intimate character: this is death and dreams. No one will die for me, and no one will see my dreams for me.

Osho believes that the understanding of the phenomenon of death plays an important role in his spiritual development.

Life and death are treated in the West as antagonists, as two mutually exclusive concepts death is a source of fear, it is taboo, they prefer not to talk about death.

One professor of theology somehow said: "Today, sex questions are discussed openly, and death ... this is vulgar."

Many Western philosophers reflected on death, especially the existentialists were different. The point of view of the Jean-Field of Sartra is a typical Western view of death: "Death will never fill life with meaning; on the contrary, death is something that deprives the life of things in any sense."

Osho has a completely opposite point of view. He says: "Death does not contradict life, it does not mean the end of life, she only brings life to a beautiful top. Life continues after death. She was before birth, she will continue after death. Life is not limited to a brief gap between birth and death; On the contrary, birth and death are small episodes in eternity of life. "

The West is inclined to consider death as evil, he gives it extremely negative features. Life and death are conflicting parties. Such a point of view is based on the Aristotelian postulate "or or, but not together": as well as, and what is not A, becomes anti.

According to this dualistic concept, one who does not oppose abortions automatically becomes their defender. Similarly, death is considered as a denial of life.

The result of a similar approach was the entire exaltation of youth; People began to shove their age, apologize for their age.

Eastern approach to death is distinguished by dynamism, it is based on the background about the integrity, that as well as a plus something else. East adheres to the opinion that there is nothing absolute, everything is relatively, everything is in motion.

Modern science, new discoveries in medicine, intersectoral approach of social sciences ... We find today's confirmation today that it is properly to consider reality as "together", and not "or-or-or".

Osho explains that in the east, life is not considered separately from death. He emphasizes: in order to understand life in order to truly live, and not exist, a person needs to know death. No need to be afraid of her, but it is also not necessary to strive to defeat it. It is just necessary to know her, and this "knowledge" itself will restrict the true meaning of death.

Osho considers life and death as part of one higher space life. With each breath we live, with every exhale we die, but also inhale, and exhale - says Osho - harmoniously interact.

He claims that we are starting to die from the very birth, from the very beginning of life we \u200b\u200bare approaching death. The seed leads to the appearance of a flower. We call it growth. Similarly, the birth leads man to death.

Osho draws our attention to the fact that death can occur at any time; Death is here and now.

Life and death are inseparable; They are two sides of the same medal.

Osho believes that death is not in the future, she comes every moment. The one who declares that death is connected with the future, just hides from reality and continues to live illusions. We postpone death for the future because our ego is not able to take your death. But Osho explains that you can understand death, refusing to recognize the ego center of our life; The center of our life is consciousness. Death is unable to destroy our consciousness, it is forever. Moreover, death destroys egoism, which becomes driving force in a person's life.

And here we are faced with a paradox of death: on the one hand, there is no reality above the reality of death, everything in the world is mortally. On the other hand, there is nothing like death in the sense that even after the death of the ego and physical body, our consciousness does not die and continues to live.

Is it possible to know death without dying?

Osho answers the affirmative. For this, he recommends meditation.

Only in a state of meditation can be understood what death is. He says so:

"Meditation and death are two very similar states. The death of the ego disappears; only pure consciousness remains. In meditation, the same thing happens: the ego disappears, and only pure consciousness remains, your essence remains. The similarity is so great that people are equally afraid of death, and meditation. On the other hand, one who is not afraid of meditation will not be afraid of death.

Meditation prepares you to death ... She helps you to know death, not dying, disintegrated with death without dying, you will ever get rid of fear of death.

Even when death comes, you will be silent to watch her, perfectly realizing that she is not able to leave even scratch on you. Death will deprive you the body, mind, but you yourself are unsubstituted. You belong to the immortal life. "

Swami Sathya Vedant
(Dr. Vasant Joshi)
Doctor of Philosophy, Baroda University, India
Ph.D., Michigan University, USA
Rector of the University of Osho, Pune

Part one:

Death is the only thing
What is guaranteed in life

"Stop the wheel!"

Once, my grandfather sick, my mother's father. Grandfather was still early to die. He was not at all old, he was even younger than me today. Grandma just turned fifty years, she was at the peak of his youth and beauty.

I asked her:

He died. You loved him. Why don't you cry?

I do not cry because of you, "she replied. "I don't want to roar in front of a child - she was such a woman - and I don't want to console you." If I start crying, then after me and you will start crying, then it will be incomprehensible who comforts whom.

I'll tell you how it all happened.

On a cart, hardened by the will, we drove out of the grandfather village in the village, where the father lived, - there was a single hospital in the district. Grandfather was seriously sick; He was not only sick, he was unconscious, almost in a coma. In the cart were only with my grandmother. I understood her compassion for me. She did not even silence during the death of her beloved husband; And all because of me - I was there alone, and it was just no one to comfort me.

Do not worry, "I said," if you can not cry, then I can also.

Believe or do not believe, but the seven-year-old child does not cry.

Even she was surprised at this:

Why don't you cry?

I do not want to console you.

A strange group of people gathered in this wagon. Bhura chase oxen. He knew that his owner was no longer alive, but even then did not dare to look back on the sitting in the wagon - after all, he was just a servant and had no right to interfere with the personal affairs of the owners.

That's what he told me then:

Death is deeply a personal matter, how can I interfere? I heard your conversation for my back. I sought tears - I loved him so much! I feel orply, but I can't turn back on the wagon - the owner would never forgive me.

Strange company and head Nana, my grandfather, on my knees. I, a seven-year-old child, was next to death, and not a few moments, but constantly, for twenty-four hours a day. There were practically no roads, and it was very difficult to get to the village of Father. We had to stay with a fixed body for a day ... And he died slowly, gradually. I saw my death was chosen to him, I saw her great silence.

Wagon-hardened Wagon ...

Until now I hear this sound - the wheels are crushing about the stones, I hear Bhura smokes to the ox, I hear a whistle of his whishers ... I still hear everything clearly.

This case is so deeply penetrated into my consciousness that even death will not be able to wipe it out of my memory. Even before his own death, I will hear the creaking of this wagon ...

I knew that other people die, but never saw death. I did not see how people die, and even if she had seen, he would not understand anyway. You love a person, and suddenly he dies - this is when the real understanding of death comes.

I want to emphasize this idea again: you really encounter death only when you lose your loved one.

When love and death surrounds you, there is a transformation, there is a deep change, you seem to be born again. You will never be the same.

But the people of Nevadom love, and without love they are not able to perceive death as me. Without love, death will not open them secrets of life. With love she will give the keys to all doors.

My first death experience was not easy. He had a great influence on me. Died the man I loved. He replaced my father. He brought up me in absolute freedom, he did not command me, did not give any pressure, I did not forbid anything. He never told me: "Stop immediately!" or "do not do this." Only now I realized all the spiritual beauty of this person.

I loved my grandfather because he respected my freedom.

I can only love when you respect my freedom. If you need to bargain, if for love you need to pay freedom, then such love is not for me. Such love for ordinary mortals, and not for those who knew something.

Lord, you gave me life, and I gratitude to you with gratitude.

These were the last words of my grandfather, although he never believed in God and was not a hindu.

Before death, he all the time asked for one thing:

"Stop the wheel ..."

What more! The dying grandfather asks us to stop the wagon! How can I stop her? We need to get to the hospital soon, we would simply be lost in the woods without a wagon.

Grandfather asked:

Stop the wheel. Do you hear me, Raja? If I hear the laughter of your grandmother, then you should also hear me.

I answered:

Do not pay attention to her laugh. I know her. She laughs not over your request; Here we have our own business, she laughs at my anecdote.

Okay. I am glad that she laughs over a joke. But how is my request for chakra... about the wheel?

Now I realize that I did not understand the meaning of what was said. The wheel is an Indian understanding of the cycle of life, this is a wheel of life and death.

For thousands of years, millions of people have committed the same action: they tried to stop the wheel. The grandfather had in mind at all the wheel of the wagon: the wheel of the carts could be easily stopped, on the contrary, the wheel and so hardly moved forward.

Then I could not understand why my grandfather, my NanaSo insists at your request.

Perhaps - I thought - the wagon is very noise, because the road was not. All the circle rumbled, and, naturally, when a person stays in agony, he wants to rest, he asks to stop the wheel.

But my grandmother laughed. Now I understand why she laughed. The grandfather meant a completely different wheel: Eternally obsessed with thought about life and death, the Indians symbolically represented a certain wheel of life and death, and in short - just a wheel that spins and spinning without stopping ...

That is why the grandfather spoke about stopping the wheel. If I could, I would stop it the wheel, and not only for him, but for every person in the world. And not only stopped, but it would be broken, so that no one could ever turn it. But it is not in my power.

Where did such an obsession come from? The death of the grandfather made me a lot of conscious ... And it predetermined all my life.

I whispered to him in your ear:

- NanaTell me something before leaving. Do you have the last request? Or maybe you want to give me anything to give me to forever keep my memory about you?

He removed the ring from his finger and put me on the palm.

This ring has always possessed some kind of secret. The grandfather never allowed someone in his life to see him, although he himself periodically did it. The ring had two glass windows on the opposite sides, and it was possible to look through them. From above was a diamond, on each side of which there was a transparent window. He himself looked at these windows, and the other never allowed it to do.

Inside there was a tiny, magnificent figurine Mahavira, Jainsky tirthankara. This statuette was very small, and two windows were conceived as a magnifying glass. Thanks to them, Mahavir looked huge.

With tears in his eyes, he uttered "I have nothing to give you. Death will take you all, just as she takes everything now. I can leave you only my love for who I knew yourself."

Despite the fact that I did not save the ring, I realized his dream. I learned this love, I opened it in myself. The ring itself does not mean anything else. But the poor old man ... He loved his teacher, Mahavir, and handed me his love for him. I appreciate his love for the teacher and to me.

Before death, he whispered to me:

Do not cry, I'm not dying.

We all expected that he would say something else, but it was his last words. He closed his eyes, and he did not.

Grandmother, Nani, I kept my hand, and I just chopped, not understanding what happened at that moment. The head of the grandfather lay on my knees. I kept my hands on his chest and felt how gradually weaken his breathing. Feeling that he stopped breathing, I turned to my grandmother.

Grandma ... grandfather does not breathe anymore.

All right, "she replied," don't worry. " He lived enough, he no longer need.

She told me also:

Remember, it is very important: never ask God to give you to live yet. It is enough that you are released.

I still remember the silence after that. The wagon crossed the floodplain of the river. I remember everything clearly. I kept silence so as not to disturb my grandmother. She did not say a word.

After a while I began to worry about her and asked:

Tell me something, not silent - it's just unbearable.

You will not believe: she fell a song! This is how I first realized that death should be celebrated. It was the same song she sang, falling in love with her grandfather.

The meeting has its own charm, and the separation - its own.

The separation is peculiar to its own poetry, you just need to understand her language, you need to live, immersed in her depth. Then the sadness itself generates an unknown sense of joy. It seems incredible, but it is so, I myself experienced it.

Door to Divine

Myth of death

When a person dies, only one chapter is completed from the book of life, which people are mistakenly perceived as a whole life. This is just one chapter in a book consisting of an infinite number of chapters.

Yes, the chapter is completed, but this does not apply to the whole book. Just turn the page, and the new chapter will begin.

A dying person begins to visualize the following life. This is a well-known fact, this happens before the completion of the chapter. Occasionally it happens that a person returns to life literally from the last point of the chapter.

For example, a person is sinking, but somehow saves it. He is in a coma, he threatened water, he needs to make an artificial respiration ... But still he saves him. He was on the verge of death, at the very end of chapter.

Such people talk about very interesting visions.

They say that at the very last moment, when a realization of an inevitable death comes to them, when it seems to them that everything is over, the outbreak is sweeping in front of them - from birth to death itself.

For a split second, they see everything that happened to them in life, everything they remembered and did not even remember that they simply did not pay attention - they did not even know that some event was preserved in the depths of their memory. The entire memory film swears in front of them instantly: a person dies, he has no time, he has no three hours to view the whole film to the end.

But even watching the whole film to the end, you could not tell the whole life of a person with all the smallest details and details. Before dying, all life swears, and this is an obvious and very important phenomenon.

Before completing the chapter of the book of life, a person recalls his whole life. He remembers all the unfulfilled desires, expectations, disappointment, failure, suffering, joy - he remembers everything.

A dying person should see all his life before going on to remember everything, because he says goodbye to his body: this mind will never be with him, this brain will never be with him. But the desires accumulated by the mind brighten to his soul, and these desires will determine his future life.

In his future life, he will steadily strive to fulfill unsatisfied desires.

So your actions before death determine your future life.

Most people cling to life. They do not want to die, and they can be understood. Only before the death itself, the insight is descended: after all, they did not live at all. Life was used by, as if a dream, and then death came. Everything is over, there is no time to live - death is knocking on the door.

When you had time to live, you made thousands of nonsense, you rather corned life than really lived.

Look how people die. Their suffering is not death. Death does not bring pain, it is absolutely painless. She is really pleasant, she looks to deep sleep. Is there a deep sleep can hurt you? However, people do not think about deep sleep and pleasure; They are afraid that the famous slip out of their hands.

Fear means only one thing: the loss of the well-known and immersion in the unknown. The courage is the opposite of fear. The fear of death is indeed the greatest fear, he inflicts a strongest blow to man's courage.

I can advise you only one. Now you can no longer return to your past death, just always be ready to jump from the famous to the unknown, know something new, get a new experience. Just take a jump in an unknown, new ... novelty itself, the freshness itself unknown fascinates.

But the courage comes.

The unknown is always better known, even if it seems to you that you were in the loss, it's not about it.

They say: aLL THAT IS OLD IS NOT GOLD * And I will say so: even if the old and golden, forget about him anyway.

* (not all that is gold that old)

Choose a new gold it or not - it does not matter.

Start with awareness of a simple installation, always remember: if there is a choice between old and new, choose an unknown, risky, dangerous, unsafe - and never lose.

Only in this case, death brings an amazing insight. You will gain courage. Just take yourself as a rule: never part of an unknown. Always choose unknown and boldly go ahead. Even if you suffer - you will benefit it, it will always pay off. From a difficult situation you will leave more mature, more mature, more reasonable.

Part two:

Savior - this is your death

Root of all countries

Favorite Osho,

What is fear?

There are fears and fears; I will not talk about them. I will talk about the most important fear, all other fears are only a distant echo of the main fear, the fear of death.

Life is surrounded by death. You can often see how people die, see how dying what was alive for a second ago.

Every death reminds you of your own death.

It is impossible to get rid of thoughts about your own death; She constantly reminds itself. First of all, it is necessary to understand that you can get rid of fear, just getting rid of the fear of death. And you can really get rid of death, for death is just an idea, not a reality.

Did you see how others die, but did you see how you die?

When you see how someone else is dying, you become an observer: this is not your experience. This is the experience of another person.

You know only that the person stopped breathing that his body became cold, his heart is no longer beating.

But is the summation of the factors listed above equivalent to life?

Is life - is it only breathing?

Does life - is it only heartbeat, blood circulation and body heat?

If this is life, then the game is not worth the candle. If my life is only my breath, then why should I continue to breathe?

Life must be something big. The value of life is that it should be something from eternity, it should go beyond death.

You know her, because it is inside you. Inside you is life; Death is the experience of others, we are only third-party observers.

Death is akin to love. Can you understand what love is, seeing that one person loves another? What do you see? You see that they hug.

But isn't love - is it an embrace?

You see that they keep hands, but is love - it's closed hands?

What else can learn about the love of an outside observer? Any discovery will be absolutely useless. All this will be manifestations of love, but not love itself. Love can know only one who loves.

One of the greatest poets of India, Rabindranat Tagora, often put one embarrassing position old man, a friend of his grandfather. The old man often came to visit them, as he lived nearby, and never left, without disturbing Rabindranat. Usually he knocked in his door and asked:

How is the essay of poems? Did you really know God? Do you really know what love is? Tell me, do you really know everything about what you are talking about in your verses? Maybe you just indulge in words? Any idiot can talk about love, about God, about the soul. I see in my eyes that you didn't feel all.

And Rabiddrana has nothing to answer. Moreover, the old man was right. When they accidentally met in the bazaar, the old man grabbed him for the sleeve and asked:

Well, how is your God? Did you find him or still write poems about him? Remember to write about God and know God is not the same thing.

This man loved to bring people to confusion. At poetic meetings, where everyone with respect was treated to Rabiddrana - and he was a laureate of the Nobel Prize, it was necessary to meet this old man. On the stage, before the crowd of poets and fans of the talent of Rabiddranat, he grabbed the poet for the collar and said:

And yet this did not happen. Why are you deceiving all these idiots? They are small idiots, and you are big; They do not know outside the country, you know you all over the world. But it does not mean at all that you know God.

Rabindranat wrote in his diary:

"He just got used me; he had such insightful eyes that it was impossible to pleasant. His presence has put you before choosing: either tell the truth or silence."

And yet, one day it happened ... Once Rabindranat was released on the morning walk. It was an early morning, the rain passed at night, the sun was applied. The ocean was cast gold, and small puddles remained on the street after the rain. In these puddles, the Sun was reflected with the same solemnity, with the same glitter, with the same joy as in the ocean ...

Impressed by the spectacle, Rabindranat felt some change in herself, there is nothing the main thing in the world, as there is nothing secondary; In the world, everything is one. For the first time in his life, he headed for the house of the old man, knocked on the door, looked into his eyes and said: "What do you say now?" The old man replied: "Well, there is nothing to say. It happened, I bless you."

You can always realize your immortality, your eternity, integrity, unity with the universe. Need only some push.

So, first of all, you need to get rid of the fear of death. Then all fears will disappear. You do not have to get rid of each individual fear, it would not be one life for it, but even in this case you could not get rid of them.

There is nothing unnatural in fear, because everyone knows death.

But the feeling of guilt is unnatural, his religion creates it. The church made each of us guilty guilty of all sins; Because of the painful sense of guilt, people cannot sing, can't dance, can not enjoy life.

The feeling of guilt poisons all his life.

All religions entered into a conspiracy against an innocent man to make him feel his guilt, because without making a person to guil, religion could not turn him into their slave. And slaves they need. In order to satisfy the thirst for the power of a human head, we need millions of slaves. In order for a bunch of people to achieve the level of Alexander Macedon, you need millions of people to turn into amazing creatures.

But all this is conditioned mind that can be erased as easily as the inscription on the sand. Just do not be afraid, because you considered these Scriptures with saints, you believed that they were discovered in very respected sources, they were written by the great founders of religion. It does not matter.

It is important only one thing: your mind needs to be completely cleaned, completely empty, fill the silence.

You do not need to be Moses, Jesus or Buddha. You need complete silence and spiritual cleansing. Then you can come not only to me, you will come back to yourself, by Eternity.

The religions of the world infected humanity with so many diseases that they cannot be counted. One of these diseases is that they spawned a person who suffers to get a reward, if not in this world, so at least in the other way.

Religions created a very greedy man, and at the same time they all oppose greed. But all religions are based on greed ...

Religions struck such damage to humanity that they could not forgive them. They took away from a person all his dignity: the joy of aspirations, the joy of love, the pleasure of waiting, faith in the fact that spring will come. Religions took everything from a person. A person can count on a reward only if certain rituals will be performed that do not have true value.

A simple and frequent religion could change the whole world. But insidious priests would never allow the emergence of clean, childish innocent religion with amazed eyes, with joy; Where there would be no place for stupid ideas about Rae and Herde, where every moment of life would be filled with great love.

There would be a larger expectation - not a passionate desire, and a decent wait, appeal inside, silence - waiting for the arrival of spring. And not one or two, and the sea colors ...

One Sufi Mystic wrote about it a small poem: "I was waiting for the spring for a long time, and she came. And she brought such an abundance, such a huge number of colors that nowhere had no free space where I could reject my nest."

Life gives us an abundance, you just need to learn to take it.

I want you to completely free from religious abominations and dirt. Strive for silence of the mind, to love and wait for the best. Life is such that it can be studied, but it is impossible to exhaust. This mystery is beyond the time.

Easily exploit

Religion has some value only due to death. If death had not been, then no one would not remember about religion. A person pushes to religiosity is not life, no - to be religious forces death. It is she who pushes him to find what will remain alive after death.

Imagine the world where death does not exist where no one is dying. Then the question "What happens after death?" It will be meaningless, the question of paradise and hell will be ungually. Is God may be higher than who gained eternity? Today, God represents eternal life, and you are only a small episode of life, a soap bubble; In a moment you will not be.

From here and all fear. It is fear that creates the search. You want to know what death is, you want to know if something after death will remain. Those who claim that after death nothing remains is not religious. They do not go to the temples, they do not go to the church, they do not read the Scriptures.

Until today, I called all religions to pseudoreligia. They only seem religious, but this is not the case, because they lack the courage to be holistic, they are fragmented.

Pseudoreligia gave rise to fear of death. Today, for the first time in history, the world approached the global end.

So far, we could only talk about the individual death of a person; The Company continued to exist, the world continued to exist. Yes, people came and left - old people disappeared, youth came to shift, "but the sequence remained, life was preserved. Yes, the life of a separate person was ultimately, but it was worried only himself.

The churches were easy to operate a separate person. It is so small and weak, so limited ... A person knows that sooner or later he will die, so looking for the help of a priest in finding an eternal, in findinging what he does not die, in finding what he will withdraw him beyond death. And the priest promises to help. But death has never threatened to all humanity at once.

Know death without dying

Favorite Osho,

Cyclone Center

Meditation is a whole science for methodical extraction from the darkness of increasing consciousness. The main thing is to remain conscious of all twenty-four hours a day.

Sitting? Sydi consciously, do not be a mechanical robot.

Walk? Walk consciously, aware of every movement.

Listen? Listen consciously to make every word for you crystal clear, undistorted. If you listen to someone, then keep silence so that your thoughts do not take you to the side.

Right now, if you are conscious, if you plunged into silence, you hear how small insects sing their songs on the tree. The night is not empty, she has its own song, but if you are immersed in meditation, you will not hear insects this is just an example.

Having gained calm, you can hear your heart, you will be able to hear blood movement, because blood continuously circulates throughout the body. Immersed in silence, becoming conscious, you will find in themselves greater insight, tide of creative energy, clarity of thinking.

Once died K.E.M. Joad, one of the greatest philosophers of the West. Somehow somehow came to him, the student Georgy Gurdjieva. The philosopher asked each other:

What do you do there with this Chudgi Gurdjiev? Why do you spend time in gift? And not only you, - I heard that many are losing time there.

A friend laughed:

Strange, the few fans of Gurdzhiyev believe that the whole world is in vain loses time, and you say that we are in vain we lose time.

It is a pity that I have left to live quite shortly, otherwise I would come and compared.

A friend replied:

Even if you have only a few seconds, it can be done here and now.

Joad agreed.

Make this: Close your eyes and look inside yourself. Then open your eyes and say that you discovered there.

The philosopher closed his eyes, then opened them and said:

There's darkness and nothing more.

The friend laughed and replied:

Now there is no time to laugh, because you are on the verge of death, but I came just in time. So you say that I saw only darkness and nothing more?


But you are a wonderful philosopher, you wrote such wonderful books. Didn't you understand that you have a darkness. Otherwise, who would see the darkness? The darkness does not see herself - this is not a doubt - and the darkness cannot declare that there is only darkness.

The dying thought a little and answered:

Lord, apparently Gurdjieff with students really do not lose time with the gift. This is true. I have seen darkness.

A friend said:

Our main task is to turn this "I" in the observer, to make it clear, give it a clear form and dispel this darkness. This process occurs simultaneously. As the observer approaches the center, the darkness becomes less and less. When the observer is completely crystallized, becomes a lotus of consciousness, the darkness completely disappears.

To be in the darkness - it means to be content with small. Fill the light - it means to take everything in life.

Ancient golden key

There are thousands of immersion methods into meditation, but on their background especially stand out vipassana; Just as Gautama Buddha stands out for its unique originality among thousands of other mystics. In many ways he became unique, in many ways he made more for humanity than anyone else. In many ways, his search for the truth was greater sincerity, greater authenticity than anyone else.

Gautama Buddha became enlightened due to the meditation. The word "Vipassana" with fell, the language on which the Buddha said, is translated ... literally translates as a "look", and its metaphoric importance is to observe testify.

Gautama Buddha elected such meditation that can be called fundamental. All other meditations are only various forms Observations, however, in any meditation, observation is the main part, without it can not do. Buddha lowered everything and left only its main part - observation.

In the observation there are three steps. The Buddha is quite a scientific approach. It begins with the body, for the body is easier to watch everything.

Easy to observe how my hand moves, how it rises. I can observe myself walking on the road, I can monitor every step. I can monitor how I eat.

So, first of all in vipassana We are watching the movements of the body, it is the easiest step. Any scientific method always starts with elementary.

Once, my grandfather sick, my mother's father. Grandfather was still early to die. He was not at all old, he was even younger than me today. Grandma just turned fifty years, she was at the peak of his youth and beauty.

I asked her:

He died. You loved him. Why don't you cry?

I do not cry because of you, "she replied. "I don't want to roar in front of a child - she was such a woman - and I don't want to console you." If I start crying, then after me and you will start crying, then it will be incomprehensible who comforts whom.

I'll tell you how it all happened.

On a cart, hardened by the will, we drove out of the grandfather village in the village, where the father lived, - there was a single hospital in the district. Grandfather was seriously sick; He was not only sick, he was unconscious, almost in a coma. In the cart were only with my grandmother. I understood her compassion for me. She did not even silence during the death of her beloved husband; And all because of me - I was there alone, and it was just no one to comfort me.

Do not worry, "I said," if you can not cry, then I can also.

Believe or do not believe, but the seven-year-old child does not cry.

Even she was surprised at this:

Why don't you cry?

I do not want to console you.

A strange group of people gathered in this wagon. Bhura chase oxen. He knew that his owner was no longer alive, but even then did not dare to look back on the sitting in the wagon - after all, he was just a servant and had no right to interfere with the personal affairs of the owners.

That's what he told me then:

Death is deeply a personal matter, how can I interfere? I heard your conversation for my back. I sought tears - I loved him so much! I feel orply, but I can't turn back on the wagon - the owner would never forgive me.

Strange company and head Nana, my grandfather, on my knees. I, a seven-year-old child, was next to death, and not a few moments, but constantly, for twenty-four hours a day. There were practically no roads, and it was very difficult to get to the village of Father. We had to stay with a fixed body for a day ... And he died slowly, gradually. I saw my death was chosen to him, I saw her great silence.

Wagon-hardened Wagon ...

Until now I hear this sound - the wheels are crushing about the stones, I hear Bhura smokes to the ox, I hear a whistle of his whishers ... I still hear everything clearly.

This case is so deeply penetrated into my consciousness that even death will not be able to wipe it out of my memory. Even before his own death, I will hear the creaking of this wagon ...

I knew that other people die, but never saw death. I did not see how people die, and even if she had seen, he would not understand anyway. You love a person, and suddenly he dies - this is when the real understanding of death comes.

I want to emphasize this idea again: you really encounter death only when you lose your loved one.

When love and death surrounds you, there is a transformation, there is a deep change, you seem to be born again. You will never be the same.

But the people of Nevadom love, and without love they are not able to perceive death as me. Without love, death will not open them secrets of life. With love she will give the keys to all doors.

My first death experience was not easy. He had a great influence on me. Died the man I loved. He replaced my father. He brought up me in absolute freedom, he did not command me, did not give any pressure, I did not forbid anything. He never told me: "Stop immediately!" or "do not do this." Only now I realized all the spiritual beauty of this person.

I loved my grandfather because he respected my freedom.

I can only love when you respect my freedom. If you need to bargain, if for love you need to pay freedom, then such love is not for me. Such love for ordinary mortals, and not for those who knew something.

Lord, you gave me life, and I gratitude to you with gratitude.

These were the last words of my grandfather, although he never believed in God and was not a hindu.

Before death, he all the time asked for one thing:

"Stop the wheel ..."

What more! The dying grandfather asks us to stop the wagon! How can I stop her? We need to get to the hospital soon, we would simply be lost in the woods without a wagon.

Grandfather asked:

Stop the wheel. Do you hear me, Raja? If I hear the laughter of your grandmother, then you should also hear me.

I answered:

Do not pay attention to her laugh. I know her. She laughs not over your request; Here we have our own business, she laughs at my anecdote.

Okay. I am glad that she laughs over a joke. But how is my request for chakra... about the wheel?

Now I realize that I did not understand the meaning of what was said. The wheel is an Indian understanding of the cycle of life, this is a wheel of life and death.

For thousands of years, millions of people have committed the same action: they tried to stop the wheel. The grandfather had in mind at all the wheel of the wagon: the wheel of the carts could be easily stopped, on the contrary, the wheel and so hardly moved forward.

Then I could not understand why my grandfather, my NanaSo insists at your request.

Perhaps - I thought - the wagon is very noise, because the road was not. All the circle rumbled, and, naturally, when a person stays in agony, he wants to rest, he asks to stop the wheel.

But my grandmother laughed. Now I understand why she laughed. The grandfather meant a completely different wheel: Eternally obsessed with thought about life and death, the Indians symbolically represented a certain wheel of life and death, and in short - just a wheel that spins and spinning without stopping ...

That is why the grandfather spoke about stopping the wheel. If I could, I would stop it the wheel, and not only for him, but for every person in the world. And not only stopped, but it would be broken, so that no one could ever turn it. But it is not in my power.

Where did such an obsession come from? The death of the grandfather made me a lot of conscious ... And it predetermined all my life.

I whispered to him in your ear:

- NanaTell me something before leaving. Do you have the last request? Or maybe you want to give me anything to give me to forever keep my memory about you?

He removed the ring from his finger and put me on the palm.

This ring has always possessed some kind of secret. The grandfather never allowed someone in his life to see him, although he himself periodically did it. The ring had two glass windows on the opposite sides, and it was possible to look through them. From above was a diamond, on each side of which there was a transparent window. He himself looked at these windows, and the other never allowed it to do.

Inside there was a tiny, magnificent figurine Mahavira, Jainsky tirthankara. This statuette was very small, and two windows were conceived as a magnifying glass. Thanks to them, Mahavir looked huge.

With tears in his eyes, he uttered "I have nothing to give you. Death will take you all, just as she takes everything now. I can leave you only my love for who I knew yourself."

Despite the fact that I did not save the ring, I realized his dream. I learned this love, I opened it in myself. The ring itself does not mean anything else. But the poor old man ... He loved his teacher, Mahavir, and handed me his love for him. I appreciate his love for the teacher and to me.

Before death, he whispered to me:

Do not cry, I'm not dying.

We all expected that he would say something else, but it was his last words. He closed his eyes, and he did not.

Grandmother, Nani, I kept my hand, and I just chopped, not understanding what happened at that moment. The head of the grandfather lay on my knees. I kept my hands on his chest and felt how gradually weaken his breathing. Feeling that he stopped breathing, I turned to my grandmother.

Grandma ... grandfather does not breathe anymore.

All right, "she replied," don't worry. " He lived enough, he no longer need.

She told me also:

Remember, it is very important: never ask God to give you to live yet. It is enough that you are released.

I still remember the silence after that. The wagon crossed the floodplain of the river. I remember everything clearly. I kept silence so as not to disturb my grandmother. She did not say a word.

After a while I began to worry about her and asked:

Tell me something, not silent - it's just unbearable.

You will not believe: she fell a song! This is how I first realized that death should be celebrated. It was the same song she sang, falling in love with her grandfather.

The meeting has its own charm, and the separation - its own.

The separation is peculiar to its own poetry, you just need to understand her language, you need to live, immersed in her depth. Then the sadness itself generates an unknown sense of joy. It seems incredible, but it is so, I myself experienced it.

Refusal to the ghostly future for the sake of this

From the very day, when my grandfather died, death became my ... permanent companion. That day I also died, because it clearly realized: it doesn't matter, you will live seven years or seventy - then it was seventy years later, "you will still die ever.

He was a good, beautiful man, and so just died. What was the meaning of his life?

This question did not cease to torment me: what was the meaning of his life? What did he achieve?

Seventy years he remained a good manBut what's the point of all this? Life disappeared without a trace, without leaving even the trace. Grandfather's death puzzled me.

I began to think about serious issues Even before his death. At a four years of age, I began to think about problems that people begin to think, as a rule, only by the end of life. But I did not want to lose time. I began to ask questions to my grandfather on the maternal line.

Usually he answered:

Oh, these questions! You have all my life ahead, you are still very young, do not rush.

Grandfather, I saw the boys die in the village: they never asked such questions, they died and not finding an answer.

Can you guarantee that I will not die tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? Can you guarantee that I die only after I get answers to my questions?

I can't guarantee this, because death does not obey me, as, however, life too.

Then do not suggest me to wait until I grow up. I want to know the answer immediately. If you know the answer, I ask you to answer the phase. If you do not know, honestly and say.

Soon he realized that it would not work in a different way. Having said "Yes" ... you start hard time, for you have to answer backway questions, dive into the topic - you will not spend.

Grandfather honestly admitted that he did not know the answers to my questions.

I told him:

You old and soon you can die. What did you do all your life? On the threshold of death you will be only with your ignorance. I ask you not simple questions, they are very important to me.

You go to the temple. I ask you: Why do you go there? What did you find there? You went there all my life and try to persuade me go there with you.

He built this temple. Once he realized that the whole answer was that "I built this temple. If I can't go there, then who will go then? But you will tell you frankly: Yes, it was all in vain. I went there all my life But I did not find anything there. "

Then I said:

And you try something else. Do not die with a question, dying with the answer.

But he died with a question.

When in last time We talked - and it was ten hours before his death, - he opened his eyes and said:

You were right: do not postpone anything tomorrow. I am dying with a lot of questions. I admit that you gave you a bad advice. You were right: you can not postpone tomorrow. If you have a question - look for the answer to it as soon as possible.

Door to Divine

Vipassana was alive, very energetic sannyasin. She lived in Ashra. She was a musician, a magnificent singer.

Suddenly she got sick. We were shocked by news that she had an inoperable brain tumor ...

When someone dies when he dies with the one who you knew who loved, with whom he lived, who became part of your life, then something in you dies. Of course, you will miss her, you will feel a vacuum - it's natural. But the same vacuum can be turned into the door. After all, death is the door to God.

Death is the only thing that has not spoiled a person. The man has already spoiled everything, all defiled. Only one death remained untouched, unscrupulous, impaired human hands. A person would gladly play and death, but she remains uncompressed, not given to him in his hands. Death is elusive, she remains a mystery. Man is confused. He does not know what to do with death.

Man does not understand death; She is not amenable to scientific analysis, that's why it still remains unknowable.

Death remains the only exception: Everything else in the world is already spoiled by a person.

Use these moments. When death suddenly penetrates your consciousness, all life seems meaningless.

She is really meaningless. Death exposes the truth.

When unexpectedly meet with death, it seems that from under the feet goes soil. Suddenly comes awareness that the death of this person means both your own death. Every death is the death of each of us.

Vipassana accepted his death.

Make it is very difficult. This can only be done in a state of deep meditation; Otherwise, you will not work: the mind, the human mind will oppose death.

Over the centuries, we were taught that death against life that death is our enemy that death means the end of life. Naturally, we are afraid, we cannot relax, we do not feel safe.

If you can feel safe next to death, then your life will not be tense, because death is not separated from life.

Death is not the end of life; On the contrary, it is its highest point, its climax. If you are afraid of this climax, then you will not be able to make peace in your life, for everywhere in life you will feel the deathly hidden, who wait for you. You will be scared.

The one who is afraid of death can not relax and in a dream, because sleep is a little death, coming daily.

He who is afraid of death is also afraid of love, for love is also death.

He who is afraid of death is also afraid of extreme situations, for ego perishes in every extreme situation.

The one who is afraid of death is afraid of everything in life. Such a person will lose everything in life.

Vipassana relaxed. She died as I wanted: in a state of deep relaxation. She took her death. She was not involved in conflict, she did not fight for life.

It is very significant: you know something amazingly beautiful inside yourself, and it is not amenable to death.

Only feeling something immortal, you can relax in death.

As long as you do not accept death, you will remain half, fragmented, one-sided. Taking death, you will gain balance. You will take everything: day and night, summer and winter, light and darkness. When you accept both when you take both polarity of life, take a balance. You get calm, you become a holistic, harmonious.

If you think about integrity, you need to pay tribute and death.

Life is beautiful, but death is no less beautiful.

Life is blessed, but death is blessed in his own way.

There are many colors in life, but there are no less in death.

Everything that God gives us should be taken with gratitude, even death. Only then you become religious, with gratitude, readily perceiving everything.

Death is the Holy Saints; She is not desecrated, not spoiled by man.

Myth of death

When a person dies, only one chapter is completed from the book of life, which people are mistakenly perceived as a whole life. This is just one chapter in a book consisting of an infinite number of chapters.

Yes, the chapter is completed, but this does not apply to the whole book. Just turn the page, and the new chapter will begin.

A dying person begins to visualize the following life. This is a well-known fact, this happens before the completion of the chapter. Occasionally it happens that a person returns to life literally from the last point of the chapter.

For example, a person is sinking, but somehow saves it. He is in a coma, he threatened water, he needs to make an artificial respiration ... But still he saves him. He was on the verge of death, at the very end of chapter.

Such people talk about very interesting visions.

They say that at the very last moment, when a realization of an inevitable death comes to them, when it seems to them that everything is over, the outbreak is sweeping in front of them - from birth to death itself.

For a split second, they see everything that happened to them in life, everything they remembered and did not even remember that they simply did not pay attention - they did not even know that some event was preserved in the depths of their memory. The entire memory film swears in front of them instantly: a person dies, he has no time, he has no three hours to view the whole film to the end.

But even watching the whole film to the end, you could not tell the whole life of a person with all the smallest details and details. Before dying, all life swears, and this is an obvious and very important phenomenon.

Before completing the chapter of the book of life, a person recalls his whole life. He remembers all the unfulfilled desires, expectations, disappointment, failure, suffering, joy - he remembers everything.

A dying person should see all his life before going on to remember everything, because he says goodbye to his body: this mind will never be with him, this brain will never be with him. But the desires accumulated by the mind brighten to his soul, and these desires will determine his future life.

In his future life, he will steadily strive to fulfill unsatisfied desires.

So your actions before death determine your future life.

Most people cling to life. They do not want to die, and they can be understood. Only before the death itself, the insight is descended: after all, they did not live at all. Life was used by, as if a dream, and then death came. Everything is over, there is no time to live - death is knocking on the door.

When you had time to live, you made thousands of nonsense, you rather corned life than really lived.

Look how people die. Their suffering is not death. Death does not bring pain, it is absolutely painless. She is really pleasant, she looks to deep sleep. Is there a deep sleep can hurt you? However, people do not think about deep sleep and pleasure; They are afraid that the famous slip out of their hands.

Fear means only one thing: the loss of the well-known and immersion in the unknown. The courage is the opposite of fear. The fear of death is indeed the greatest fear, he inflicts a strongest blow to man's courage.

I can advise you only one. Now you can no longer return to your past death, just always be ready to jump from the famous to the unknown, know something new, get a new experience. Just take a jump in an unknown, new ... novelty itself, the freshness itself unknown fascinates.

But the courage comes.

The unknown is always better known, even if it seems to you that you were in the loss, it's not about it.

They say: aLL THAT IS OLD IS NOT GOLD(not all that is gold that old). And I will say so: even if the old and golden, forget about him anyway.

Choose a new gold it or not - it does not matter.

Start with awareness of a simple installation, always remember: if there is a choice between old and new, choose an unknown, risky, dangerous, unsafe - and never lose.

Only in this case, death brings an amazing insight. You will gain courage. Just take yourself as a rule: never part of an unknown. Always choose unknown and boldly go ahead. Even if you suffer - you will benefit it, it will always pay off. From a difficult situation you will leave more mature, more mature, more reasonable.