Aries horoscope for December

The horoscope for December 2016 for the zodiac sign Aries says - the future looks tempting and luck itself is coming into your hands - this will be the very last month - December 2016. Take action!

Work, career, business

December 2016 is extremely favorable for business negotiations between representatives of the zodiac sign Aries, as well as for stabilizing relations with partners. Connections with colleagues from other cities or countries will gain particular importance - a real breakthrough in both relationships and projects is likely here. A trip, meeting with old partners and friends, as well as the appearance of new persons is possible. You will be sensitive to the mood of your environment, you will be able to find important and necessary words, and this will benefit the cause. And more - in any important matters, enlist the support of colleagues or friends. Teamwork will be more beneficial for the moment than solo efforts. And you will succeed! The employee will have better relations with his superiors, and good support from colleagues is possible. Plan the most important things for the first and second decades of December 2016. The third decade is less productive, but this period is suitable for completing some business, putting things in order for papers, plans, accounts and thoughts. At the very end of December 2016, an unexpected conflict with individual partners is possible, the cause of which will be you. However, it will begin as quickly and as quickly as it will end - common interests will prevail over personal ambitions.


Financial positions in December 2016 for the zodiac sign Aries will improve slightly, but not enough to "rest on our laurels." Questions remain open to partners, not everything has been resolved with the return of debts, the fulfillment of past financial obligations. You can count on some money on December 1, 2, 11, 12, 19, 20, 29, 30, 2016.

Love, family

In personal life, there is a very successful period in December 2016 for the zodiac sign Aries. You will be charming, funny, open and friendly. And with this set of qualities, success with the opposite sex is practically guaranteed. People who are lonely and disappointed in their previous affections can count on a fateful meeting, the probability of which is very high in the first and second decades of December 2016. The last decade of the month is difficult for both spouses and lovers. There may be unexpected disagreements caused by your unwillingness to listen to your partner's arguments. And this time, the truth is just behind him, and on your side there are only unmotivated emotions. Remember this if you suddenly become angry. Friends will be the “dove of peace” this time - they can reconcile both spouses and lovers.

In December 2016, Aries will have many new experiences and interesting meetings. There will be enough opportunities for love and romance, because in your partner's house is Jupiter, the planet of luck. Temptations can appear even where you do not expect them, and it will not be easy to resist them.

Venus, ruler of the house of Aries partner, has been in your house of friendship since December 7, 2016, so that love and friendship are interconnected. Perhaps some of your friends will take a romantic interest in you, or they may introduce you to someone special. Lonely representatives of your sign can get carried away so that a passionate love affair begins. If you have a long-standing relationship, planetary influences will help you refresh and renew. You can open new facets in love, dare to experiment.

The first half of December 2016 orients you to practical interaction with your beloved or spouse, and in the second half of the month love will be more romantic and idealistic. Aries will tend to explore the mysteries of life and strive for a better understanding of life. Spirituality will strengthen your marriage and love bond. Traveling with your significant other can be another way to improve your relationship.

The stars foreshadow Aries a good time in the last month of 2016, but they advise not to rush to agree to dubious proposals of a personal nature (such are also not excluded). It is important not to lose your head and rationally assess the prospects.

Aries career and finance horoscope for December 2016

This is the time when everything is changing rapidly and you are able to quickly achieve your goals. Mars, the patron saint of the Aries sign, forms a positive aspect with Jupiter, so luck may smile on you. To increase your chances of success, you need to be flexible and seek the help of other people. Personal effort and enterprise will work, but the cooperation of others will multiply your potential.

Mars and Venus in Aries' house of friendship and social relations draw attention to social activities. Thanks to social activity, you can promote your ideas and projects, become popular among a wide audience.

December 19, 2016 begins a period of retrograde (reverse) movement of Mercury in the Aries career sector. During this period, it is undesirable to start something new, it is better to work on existing tasks. However, Mercury retrograde is favorable for analyzing the current state of affairs, for developing career and financial plans for the future. Perhaps you decide to continue your education or even change your place of work or profession.

The financial situation in December 2016 is going well. You can make a lot of money through business partnerships and participation in joint projects. This month's profit can be increased by reducing unnecessary expenses. There is a chance that the money will come through friends.


Despite the rapid pace of events, Aries feel quite comfortable. Pay more attention to your health in the last decade of the month. During this time, Mercury, the ruler of your health home, moves in the opposite direction, so that the body's resistance to disease may decrease. Try to find more time for rest and relaxation. To boost immunity, you can use ingredients such as lemon, garlic, ginger, and onion in your daily diet.

Participate in social events, meet new people! You can find followers and admirers.

December 2016 prepares a lot of joint and social activities for Aries. Already at the beginning of the month - December 2-5, Aries will have interesting projects related to communication with other people, versatile communication. Representatives of the Aries sign in December 2016 are inspired by their work. In addition, Aries will perceive such a team and their role in it to be successful and beneficial.

General horoscope for December 2016 Aries

In December 2016, Aries on the 13th and 14th will have to communicate even more. In the days from December 22 to December 25, the positive from communication can reach a peak, and Aries can feel absolute harmony.

The horoscope for December 2016 for Aries pays special attention to the period from December 19. After the transition of the planet Mars to the sign of Pisces, Aries in December 2016 may no longer feel like a member of a friendly team, but is more concerned with solving personal issues. At this time, Aries can worry too much, even for minor reasons, which is not worth doing.

This position of the planet Mars may have an impact on cases related to the use of alcohol. Most likely, this topic will appear on January 2-3, and therefore, Aries needs to be more careful and attentive to their health. Moreover, starting from December 19, Aries can be extremely emotional and hot-tempered.

Aries at the end of December 2016 will participate in many interesting and memorable events. Some representatives of the sign may have a premonition of an imminent advancement in the career ladder, which will continue in 2017.

In December 2016, Aries should think about their future, about possible prospects. The new moon on December 29 is the best time for this. Despite the noisy events at the end of the year, Aries still need to devote a couple of hours only to themselves and decide what they want most.

Career and money horoscope for December 2016 Aries

The horoscope for December 2016 for Aries is primarily due to the retrograde motion of the planet Mercury after December 19. Therefore, some financial transactions of Aries may be suspended on December 19, requiring additional verification. Only by being confident in the expediency of their financial actions, Aries will be able to continue working in mid-January 2017. So, the first doubts may arise already on December 2 and 11, and the final stop of the project - on 19.

In December 2016, Aries may feel that some things have no prospects or even go in the opposite direction.

Aries in December 2016 will sometimes find it difficult to direct their energy to a specific task. After December 19, Aries becomes more emotional, and the desire to work may disappear altogether.

December 2016 for Aries is preparing a significant event that can influence the career of representatives of the sign throughout 2017. Aries should expect the main deal of the year related to real estate or financial management between December 9-12.

December 29 can be an equally important day for Aries. So, on a new moon, an energetic reboot is possible, liberation from unnecessary thoughts and emotions. At this time, it is most favorable and effective for Aries to think about a happy future, about plans for the next year.

Auspicious days for career and financial affairs in December 2016 for Aries: December 9 - 12.

Love horoscope for December 2016 Aries

Aries' personal relationships will take center stage among other topics in December 2016. Aries in December 2016 is inclined to communicate, and the days from December 2 to December 5 are the most favorable for this.

On December 19, the planet of Aries passes into the sign of Pisces, which is why the representatives of the sign may be a little sad, often think about their past. Despite this, the love relationship of Aries in December 2016 will be full of vivid emotions and interesting events.

The horoscope for December 2016 for Aries pays special attention to days 13-14, as well as December 22-25. At this time, the representatives of the sign may have a clear understanding that their partner is exactly the one they have been looking for all their lives. On December 7, the planet Venus passes into the sign of Aquarius, after which communication with the other half brings special joy and inspiration.

In December 2016, a new round of love relationships may begin for Aries, giving confidence to the representatives of the sign, as well as a vision of the desired future. This month Aries is happy with his partner, dreams a lot.

Auspicious days for love relationships in December 2016 for Aries: November 2 - 5, 7.

Health horoscope for December 2016 Aries

December 2016 is a good time for Aries to relax, as well as to practice new health-improving methods. On December 3, 11 and 21, representatives of the Aries sign need to listen to their body and not miss the symptoms, possibly beginning diseases, and at the first doubts, consult a doctor.

It is also likely that in December 2016, due to the excessive fuss, Aries may feel their physical and emotional fatigue. A healthy sleep, exercise in the morning or a walk in the fresh air will help to effectively get rid of this condition.

The horoscope for December 2016 strongly recommends that Aries give up rush, fuss and any kind of excitement. Even if not all the events of the beginning of this winter will make you happy, do not allow irritation and negativity to guide your thoughts and actions. Know how to be friends, know how to forgive, know how to wait until the troubles are over, and then no one and nothing will prevent you from fully enjoying the unforgettable New Year's fairy tale.

Aries will not like all the events that are destined to happen in the sphere of personal affection in December. You will be outraged to learn that your old friend took and deserted to the camp of your ill-wishers. It will be very unpleasant for you to realize that now this person is spreading dirty gossip about you. However, you shouldn't pay back your abuser with the same coin! People who know you well are unlikely to believe these false stories, and everyone else's opinion shouldn't bother you. If you are single, another major disappointment in December will be a failed love affair. You will meet a person who will cause an irresistible sensual attraction in your soul, but after just a few days your sweetheart will evaporate without a trace. If you are a family man, the main trouble at the beginning of winter for you will be disagreements with your household. Of course, when discussing New Year's celebrations, it is difficult to resist arguing, but you risk going too far in trying to defend the correctness of your position. It is possible that instead of a quiet family dinner, your New Year will turn into a bachelor party ...

Aries in December will be very inert about their careers. As soon as you understand that at the beginning of winter there is no increase in wages or a promising appointment, you will begin to work half-heartedly. You won't even try to hide your yawn by doing your day-to-day job, and your fellow colleagues will start yawning after you. If you are self-employed, slowness and laziness will prevent you from growing your income. You will be left with envy to watch as your more entrepreneurial competitors open a new branch or grow a client base. You, in turn, will be focused on how to pay your staff the latest salary of 2016 as economically as possible.

Aries' health in December will not be at its highest. From time to time, you will experience an inexplicable blues, and also feel that the vital energy has completely left you. An old folk remedy - frequent walking in the frosty air - will help to overcome these troubles.