Conjunctions of planets with lunar nodes. Aspects in astrology

Current page: 13 (total of the book has 31 pages) [available passage for reading: 21 pages]


Astronomically, the conjunction of any planet with the Sun means that the planet at this time is in the same direction from the Earth as the Sun. During such periods, the planet is not visible from the Earth! The Sun prevents us from seeing her.

The most noticeable and common example of conjunction with the Sun is the new moon. During the new moon, the moon passes between the earth and the sun. On this day, the moon is on the same side of the sky as the sun. And this makes her invisible for two reasons. First, the Sun, as the brightest source of light, simply does not allow seeing objects located next to it. Secondly, the Moon, like the planets, does not emit light rays, but reflects the light of the Sun. When the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, then at this time the Sun illuminates the opposite side of the Moon. On a new moon, the Moon is turned towards the Earth with an unlit hemisphere and, therefore, is not visible. It is possible to observe the disc of the moon during a new moon only either through instruments or during a solar eclipse.

For the same reasons, Mercury and Venus are not visible during the lower conjunction. At this time, they pass between the Earth and the Sun: they are facing the Earth with the unlit side and are lost against the background of the bright Sun. During such periods, they can be observed through instruments, especially during an amazing astronomical phenomenon such as the passage of Mercury or Venus across the disk of the Sun.

Mercury and Venus at the upper conjunction with the Sun, as well as the rest of the planets - Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - during their conjunctions with the Sun, are, as it were, "hidden" behind HIM. In this phase, the planet is always behind the Sun. It is not visible from the Earth, because it is physically closed by the Sun from sight.

But what is important is that in all astronomical variants in conjunction with the Sun, the planet is NOT VISIBLE! Due to the physical invisibility of the planet, its conjunction with the Sun in astrology is called BURNING.

In astrology, for burning it is necessary that the Sun and the planet to be burned must be in the same sign of the zodiac. The burning of the Sun does not apply to the neighboring sign! In horary astrology, the following types of burning are distinguished:

The burning of the casimi. Occurs when the planet in ecliptic longitude is at the distance of the visible radius of the Sun. This is roughly 0 ° 15′-16 "in the summer months and 0 ° 17 ′ in the winter months.

The main burning, or actual burning, occurs when the planet is at a distance of up to 8 ° ecliptic from the longitude of the Sun. Burning is possible only when the Sun and the planet are in the same sign.

Burning under the rays. This type of burning occurs when the planet is at a distance from the Sun from 8 ° to 16 ° of the ecliptic.

In the case of all types of burning, one must very carefully monitor the change of sign when the planets move in the perspective of the map. If the Sun or a burnt planet passes into another sign, the burning stops immediately! The planet ceases to be burned, even if astronomically its angular distance from the Sun continues to decrease. But the burning can resume when the planet follows the Sun into the next sign, or in the case of the Sun chasing the planet. If the planet passes into the sign where the Sun is located and is in the burning zone, then it automatically becomes burned.

The most astrologically significant and most severe fatal variant is the main burning. Burning is an extremely powerful defeat for any planet: burning "turns off" the planet from activity on the map.

In the context of a map, burning can mean:

The object represented (shown) by the burned planet is hidden or invisible. Burning is an unshakable guarantee that this object will not be detected.

The object represented (shown) by the burned planet is very weak, helpless, incapable of action. The configurations of the burnt planet indicate events that cannot happen. The burned planet cannot participate in events!

The object represented (shown) by a burnt planet is in a very difficult position or in extremely poor condition. The situation is worse than it could have been. The burned Quesit significator speaks of the futility of the situation.

The object represented (shown) by the burned planet is in someone's power, suppressed, subordinated.

Burning under the rays is also an unfavorable indicator in the card, but to a lesser extent than burning itself. Burning under the rays more often means going over something negative. For example, during one astrological seminar, a participant had a question: "What will be the watermelon that she is going to cut: tasty or not?" - September 13, 2014, 19:13, zone +4, Moscow (55 ° 45 ′ N, 37 ° 35 ′ E). Who is the role of watermelon in the card? It can be given to Jupiter as the ruler of the II house and, therefore, the significator of food. Or Venus as a symbol of something tasty, such as a dessert. The moon in the chart at 21 ° 39 ′ Taurus shows what the querent wants at the moment. Moon in Taurus means that the querent is hungry for Venus. And it is known that the querent is going to taste the watermelon. This means that Venus plays the role of a watermelon. Venus at 9 ° 48 ′ Virgo. She is under the rays of the Sun (which is 20 ° 45 ′ Virgo). This means that the watermelon will be too late in the sun: it is overripe. This is exactly what the querent confirmed when she tasted the watermelon.

The burning of the kazimi is highlighted in a special form, because at kazimi the ecliptic longitude of the planet falls into the region of the directly visible disk of the sun. The kazimi angle is determined by the apparent radius of the Sun, which is maximum in January when the Earth passes perihelion (closest to the Sun, and then the radius is about 17 "), and minimum in July, when the Earth is at aphelion (away from the Sun, radius 15.5" ). Medieval astrologers called the position of the kazimi "on the chest of the king." Unlike other types of burning, kazimi was considered extremely favorable, it could literally mean the fulfillment of desires. "On the king's chest you can ask whatever you want." But astronomically, the duration of the kazimi is short, and this position is surrounded by a zone of burning, dangerous and unfavorable for the planets. Therefore, the value of the kazimi remains controversial ...

How does incineration work?

The querent is an aspiring entrepreneur. In conditions of competition in a filled segment of the market, it is quite difficult for him to find his niche. Unexpectedly, a large businessman offers cooperation on terms surprisingly favorable for the querent. After which the businessman goes on vacation. And the querent begins to be tormented by doubts: "Will a good deal fail?" - April 29, 2014, 16:29, zone +7, Novosibirsk (54 ° 59 ′ N, 82 ° 52 ′ E).

Figure: 31. "Will a good deal fail?" 04/29/2014, 16:29, +7, Novosibirsk (54 ° 59 ′ N, 82 ° 52 ′ E).

Ascendant in Virgo. The querent's signifier is Mercury and additionally the Moon. The question is about a deal, about a partnership. This is in the purest form of the 7th house situation. This means that the significator of the quesite is the ruler of the 7th house, Jupiter. It is symbolic that Mercury shows a beginner (small) entrepreneur in the chart, and Jupiter shows a large businessman.

Moon and Mercury are in the sign of Venus. What does the querent really want? Venus is the ruler of the II house. The querent thinks about money, about income. Venus in the chart hit almost exactly the Descendant. The querent is thinking about the income from this cooperation. That is, exactly what he is asking about.

Will the deal go through? A deal is an event; an agreement that the parties will sign is an action. Therefore, in order to find out whether this event will occur, it is necessary to see whether the Moon or Mercury (the querent's significators) will do (complete) a configuration with Jupiter (the quesite's significator) in the near future. Yes, the fast Mercury from 12 ° 48 ′ Taurus goes straight into sextile with Jupiter, which is 14 ° 44 ′ Cancer. And what's more: the Moon, as an additional querent pointer, also makes a "transmission of light" from Mercury to Jupiter, strengthening their configuration. In the chart, the Moon is at 10 ° 40 ′ Taurus.

The businessman's intentions are also serious: Jupiter (his significator) is in Cancer, in exaltation. This means that the businessman is not going to deceive, set up, somehow use the querent. Don't expect a catch. Moreover, Jupiter is in the sign of the Moon. This means that the querent is interesting to him in some way.

But on this day of a solar eclipse, the Sun, being in the chart at 9 ° 00 ′ Taurus, burns the Moon and Mercury located nearby. It burns the querent's significators. The moon and Mercury are burned - they are unable to act, they cannot become participants in the event.

The deal will not take place, but not because the partner changes his mind - the querent himself will refuse it. Whose significator is burned - that one "leaves the game." If the significator of the quesit were burned, the quesit would disappear, this is a prerequisite for the event.

But why would the querent decide to abandon the deal, because he so wants to conclude it? And the decency of the partner is beyond doubt. In this case, the symbolism of the place of burning and the planets located does not allow us to clarify this, so Uranus, Neptune and Pluto can be connected. Pluto from 13 ° 31 ′ Capricorn rises on the path of Mercury and the Moon to Jupiter. Pluto will be the reason why the querent will refuse the deal. Pluto is a partner's political views, his worldview, money, a thirst for possession.

As a result, the querent really refused the deal. Since the contract led to the fact that, while formally remaining a partner, the querent actually turned into a manager, losing the right to make decisions.

If Mercury had not been burned, then its trine with Pluto would not have been able to prevent its meeting with Jupiter, prohibit the configuration between them. But thanks to the fact that Mercury in the chart is greatly weakened by burning, Pluto was able to block his path, taking upon himself the cause.

When planets conjunction with the Sun, BURNING IS NOT:

Conjunction with the Sun in its own sign, in the monastery. When the planet is in its sign (in the abode) conjunction with the Sun, the principle called mutual reception in astrology is triggered. Mutual reception in its immediate form is the arrangement of two planets in signs of great dignity to each other. And in this case the following is obtained. Burning directly means getting the planet under the force, the influence of the Sun. But, on the other hand, any planet, as well as the Sun, being in the sign of another planet, is on its territory, subject to its influence, power. Therefore, the Sun cannot burn the planet at her home. The sun is there in the power of the planet, and at the same time the planet is in the power of the sun.

The sun in the card is the direct hero, the participant in the card (the signifier of the querent or quesit). The Sun already has a role in this case; it can act as a "burner", a kind of destructive force only when it has no other role in the map.

However, when the Sun is one of the significators, but the context of the situation itself fits into the symbol of burning, that is, it implies destruction, submission, etc., then the burning of the significator by the Sun is taken into account.

"Will I be able to quit smoking?" - December 26, 2013, 23:15, belt +7, Novosibirsk.

Figure: 32. "Will I be able to quit smoking?" 12/26/2013, 23:15, +7, Novosibirsk (54 ° 59 ′ N, 82 ° 52 ′ E).

Ascendant in Virgo. The querent's signifier is the ruler of the first house, Mercury. Smoking is a bad habit, addiction, it is a factor that destroys health. Everything that destroys health is related to the XII house. Neptune is also in charge of potent drugs, psychotropic substances, any drugs that affect the psyche.... The signifier of smoking is the ruler of the XII house, the Sun.

The moon, emotions of the querent, is in the Chart at 18 ° 03 ′ Libra, in the sign of the fall of the Sun. The querent hates his bad habit.

Mercury (querent) has an ecliptic longitude of 3 ° 34 ′ Capricorn; Sun (smoking) - 5 ° 03 ′ Capricorn. Mercury in the Burning Zone! But the Sun is the significator of the quesit, the hero of the card. Is there a burning in this case? Usually, in a situation where the Sun is the significator of a querent or quesit, burning “does not work” (the Sun has a different role, other things to do). But in the context of this situation, smoking as a bad habit is what draws in a person, subdues him. This context fits perfectly into the symbolism of burning - getting into addiction: a person needs to smoke a cigarette. Here we see that smoking, a bad habit (the Sun) literally burns the querent (Mercury). Mercury goes to the upper conjunction with the Sun, Mercury approaches the Sun - it enters the burning zone more and more.

In the near future, it will definitely not be possible to quit smoking. Quitting smoking will not give depression: the Sun and Mercury in Capricorn.

Conjunctions of planets with lunar nodes

Lunar nodes are the points of intersection of the Moon's orbit with the ecliptic. There are two nodes, and they are always strictly opposite to each other (up to fractions of a second of an arc). One of them is called the Ascending, or northern, node: as it passes through its orbit, the Moon is above the ecliptic (its ecliptic latitude becomes positive). Another is called the Descending, or southern, node: passing through it in its orbit, the Moon is under the ecliptic (where its latitudes are considered negative).

Of the configurations of lunar nodes with planets in horary astrology, only conjunction matters.

Lunar nodes are never map participants (heroes). They cannot be significators of anything. For this reason, the conjunction of the planet with the lunar node is the position of the planet within the ORBIS of the conjunction with the lunar node.

The orbis of the conjunction of the planet with the lunar node is 8 °. Thus, if a planet in the chart is located at a distance of 8 ° [along the ecliptic] from any of the lunar nodes, then it is in conjunction with it. In the horary chart:

The ascending (north) node has a STRENGTHENING effect.

The descending (south) node has a DESTROYING effect.

The location of the Ascending Lunar Node in the house of the quesite is favorable. It has a beneficial effect on quesit, improves its condition. The descending node brings losses, failures to the house in which it is located. If he gets into the house of a quesit, it worsens the condition of the latter.

The planet's most favorable location is its conjunction with the Lunar Ascendant Node. The ascending lunar node has a beneficial effect on the planet, supports it, helps it, strengthens it. Conjunction with the Ascending Node contributes to the best, most harmonious manifestation of the planet.

If a planet is located in a sign of its damage (exile, fall, disharmonious elements), then its conjunction with the Ascending Node will completely neutralize the adverse effects of damage. The planet stops being flawed. Her status becomes as if she were not just in a sign neutral for herself, but in her own small dignity. The state of the object that it represents in the horary chart becomes good.

If a planet is located in a sign that is neutral for itself, then its conjunction with the Ascending Node significantly increases its status. The planet becomes favorable, just as if it was in a sign of its great dignity (abode, exaltation, or native element). The conjunction with the Lunar Node indicates the excellent condition of the object it represents in the chart.

Of course, the best position for a planet is its position in its great dignity (abode, exaltation or native element) and in conjunction with the Ascending Node at the same time. In this case, the planet manifests itself in a super favorable way. This position of the planet speaks of a very successful state of affairs. If the querent's significator completes the configuration without hindrance with the quesit's significator, which, in turn, is in great dignity and on the Ascending lunar node, then the querent will have a very favorable event, a successful completion of affairs. Much greater success awaits him than he expected.

The planet's passage of the Ascending lunar node always portends a very favorable event associated with the object indicated by it in the map, a lucky break.

The conjunction of the planet with the Descending Node is one of the worst locations for any planet. The descending lunar node negatively affects the planet. It suppresses and weakens it, does not allow the energy of the planet to manifest itself in a harmonious way - only destructive.

If the planet is in the place of its great dignity (abode, exaltation, native element), then the conjunction with the Descending Lunar Node destroys its dignity, significantly worsens its position. The planet is getting weak. The state of the object that it represents in the map is also weakened.

If a planet is in a neutral sign for itself and enters into conjunction with the Descending Lunar Node, its position drops sharply in the map. The planet becomes defective, as if it were in exile or fall.

But the worst option, without a doubt, is the position of the planet in the place of damage and simultaneous conjunction with the descending lunar node - the influence of the planet is super-negative, worse than ever. The state of the object designated by the planet is “in complete minus”.

The planet's passage of the Descending lunar node promises an extremely negative event for the object indicated by it on the map. In the case of the querent, this often portends injury, accident, illness.

Antis and kontrantis

In addition to configurations, there is another kind of relationship between the points of the zodiac - antis and counterties.

The antisome of each point of the zodiac is its reflection relative to the axis of the solstices. The place of the contrantis for a given point of the zodiac will be the point strictly opposite to the antisu.

Antises and counterties, as well as configurations, define those points in the zodiac where planets can “see each other”, interact, and come into contact. Antisas and counterties appear as a special kind of configuration. They embody the same principle - MEETING. Planets can be found in the zodiac not only in configurations, but also by means of antis and contrantis. And as you know, esoterically meetings of the significator planets in the horary chart with each other mean events.

Thus, events in the horary chart can occur not only when planets meet in configurations, but also when they meet in antisas and counterparts of each other. The only difference between antis and kontrantis and configurations is that they add an attribute to the meeting "hidden"... In questions about the relationship of the meeting of the hero planets, the maps by means of antis (counter-antis) indicate not just a meeting, but secret meeting... So in all other cases, contacts of the significators with each other by means of antis (contrantis) cause events that will occur secretly from others. Antis and kontrantis always point to secret affairs.

"Antis" in translation means "reflection". The axis of the solstices (points 0 ° 00 ′ Cancer - 0 ° 00 ′ Capricorn) divides the ecliptic into two half-arcs symmetrically to the equator. You have probably noticed that the length of the day on the 20th of April is always the same as in mid-August, and in early October - as in the first ten days of March. This is due to the declination of the Sun - an astronomical coordinate: a value that shows the distance from the equator. The ecliptic points located symmetrically to the solstice axis have the same declination. For any place on Earth, celestial objects with the same declinations move along the same trajectory relative to the horizon. Thus, the points of the ecliptic, equally distant from the equator, are reflections of each other in the zodiac, or antisami... Contrantis is always the opposite of antisu.

The calculation of the antis can be decomposed into two stages. The first is the definition of the antis sign. The second is to calculate the place of the antis in the sign: degree and minute.

The antis signs are determined by symmetry about the solstice axis. The result is shown in Table 12.

Table 12. Signs of antis and kontrantis

The degree of antis is determined by the formula:

GA ° \u003d 30 ° - λ p °, where:

λ p is the ecliptic longitude of a given point in its sign (λ p< 30°);

GA is the ecliptic longitude of the antis (or contrantis).

1. Determine the antis sign. According to Table 12, Taurus' antises are in the sign of Leo.

2. We calculate the degree of antis. GA \u003d 30 ° - 19 ° 27 ′ \u003d 11 ° 23 ′.

Answer: the antisome of a point with coordinate 19 ° 27 ′ Taurus will be a point with a longitude of 11 ° 23 ′ Leo.

1. Determine the sign of the contrantis. According to Table 12, Libra serves as a counterpart for Virgo.

2. We calculate the degree of contrantis. GA \u003d 30 ° - 2 ° 48 ′ \u003d 27 ° 12 ′.

Answer: a point with a longitude of 27 ° 12 'Libra will be the counterthis of a point with a coordinate of 2 ° 48' Virgo.

If in the first case one signifier planet passes the point with the coordinate 19 ° 27 'Taurus, and the other signifier at the same time turns out to be at the point 11 ° 23' Leo, then these planets come into contact according to antisu. In the second case, it is the same: when, during the movement of the significators, one of them passes 2 ° 48 ′ Virgo, and the other at the same time 27 ° 12 ′ Libra, then a contact arises between them by means of counterntis. The principle of forming contacts (meetings) by means of antis and contarantis is exactly the same as by means of configurations.

To the interaction between the signifying planets, which took place through the antis or counterntis, it is necessary to add the postscript "hidden" or "secret". If the contact between the significators presupposes a meeting of subjects, then the antis emphasizes that this was or will be precisely a secret meeting. If we are talking about an event, then antis / kontrantis determines that the event will occur in secret from others, will be hidden from prying eyes. In the matter of relationships, the contact of the antisu / contrantis signifiers means a secret love affair.

Antis and kontrantis symbolize, denote mystery.

The querent is a woman who suspects her husband of treason. "Is my husband cheating on me?" - December 8, 2014, 20:38, zone +3, Yaroslavl.

Figure: 33. An example of antis. "Is my husband cheating on me?" December 8, 2014, 20:38, +3, Yaroslavl (57 ° 37 ′ N, 39 ° 52 ′ E).

The querent's signifiers are the Sun (ruler of the 1st house) and the Moon. The signifier of the Quesite husband is Saturn (ruler of the 7th house).

The moon is in Cancer, in its sign. The querent is literally at home: she asks a question from home. The moon takes place in the XII house. The situation oppresses her: she feels lonely, abandoned. The moon is at the site of Saturn's exile. This is the significator of the husband. The querent is offended by her husband. But the Moon is also where Mars fell. The querent moon also hates a certain Mars. The sun in the chart falls into the V house: the querent's thoughts are focused on the children.

Saturn (husband of the querent) is in Scorpio, in the place where the moon falls. Saturn cannot tolerate the moon. And the Moon personifies the psyche of a woman, her feminine principle, her emotions. The husband is tired of the querent's emotions, of her desire to completely control him. Since the Moon is located in Cancer, in the sign of motherhood, the reason for this is that the querent, instead of remaining a wife, partner, has entered the role of "mother". Thus, she went too far: she stopped perceiving her husband as a man, as a breadwinner. He was tired of pressure, control, hysterics on her part.

In this case, Saturn is in the sign of Mars. Literally, Saturn the husband is carried away by a certain Mars, the very same whom the querent hates. But was there any contact between them? Saturn has a location of 28 ° 20 ′ Scorpio. And Mars is in Aquarius: in the sign of antis for Scorpio (table 12). Mars is now at 2 ° 54 ', but most recently it passed 1 ° 50' Aquarius. Just the point of antis for 28 ° 10 ′ Scorpio, where Saturn was at that time, Mars and Saturn had antisu contact! Antis means secret contact, secret meeting. Consequently, Saturn the husband secretly met with a certain Mars. Who can you meet in secret? Perhaps with a mistress. It looks like Mars and Saturn have a mutual reception: each in places of great dignity for each other - Saturn in the sign of Mars (loves Mars), and Mars at the same time in the sign of Saturn (loves Saturn). Scorpio is the X derived house from the VII house (husband): most likely, the secret lover is somehow professionally connected with him.

The querent's suspicions are not groundless.

Laura Winkler

© Winkler L. Astrology: the key to self-knowledge. - M., 1992.

The planets occupy different positions in relation to each other, forming aspects, under the influence of which their basic properties change.

Thus, the position of each planet in relation to the others should be considered, as well as the position of the Ascendant and the Midheaven meridian.

According to Kepler's definition, "the planetary aspect is the angle formed by the rays emanating from two planets that meet on Earth and can have any natural effect."

These mutual angular positions change all the time, and in all cases it is necessary to take into account the sign in which this aspect is located.

Planetary aspects are subdivided into major and minor, which have a harmonious or discordant quality, respectively.

If you divide the circle into 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6 parts, you can get the longitude differences corresponding to the major aspects:

360: 1 \u003d 360 °, or conjunction,
360: 2 \u003d 180 ° - opposition,
360: 3 \u003d 120 ° - trigon,
360: 4 \u003d 90 ° - square,
360: 6 \u003d 60 ° - sextile.

Planetary orbs

If it is said that the planetary aspect is formed by a difference in longitudes of 60 °, then this figure is arbitrary, since in practice exact aspects are rarely found. The tolerance limit for the active planetary aspect is called the planetary orb.

Sun moon:

10 ° - for conjunction and opposition,
9 ° - for trigon,
8 ° - for quadrature,
6 ° - for sextile.

Conjunction Sun-Mercury valid only if the deviation is less than 5 °. For other planets, the orbs are as follows:

8 ° - for conjunction and opposition,
5 ° - for sextile.

For ascendant and mid sky - 5 °.

Ascending and descending aspects

The aspect is called ascending if the fast planet has overtaken the slower one and moves away from it (in this case, it is between the slow planet and its opposition). The aspect is called decreasing when the faster planet catches up with the slower one (in this case, it finds itself between the opposition of the slower planet and this planet itself).

The growing ("dividing") aspect means the propensity for action, exteriorization.

The diminishing ("bringing together") aspect leads to awareness, to inner work, that is, to the development of understanding.

The cycle of aspects

To better understand all aspects that are part of one general process, you can compare their action with the cycle of the lunar month. The starting point will be the new moon - an analogue of the conjunction. This is the time when the two planets are on the same zodiacal degree (the moment when the Moon, as seen from Earth, is directly in front of the Sun).

Having passed a quarter of a circle, that is, 90 °, the Moon is in its first quarter and corresponds to an increasing quadrature, which determines repolarization of an individual... Continuing to move in a circle, we reach an angle of 180 ° in relation to the Sun, that is, the full moon corresponding to the opposition. Then, as you advance another quarter of a circle, the waning phase of the moon begins, similar to the waning aspect of quadrature. And finally, there is a return to the starting position.

Just as the Moon grows in size during the increasing half-cycle of the lunar month, so the dimensions of the aspects between two planets within the half-cycle increase, expressed in angular distance. But the intermediate phases between two alternating aspects are just as important as the aspects themselves.

The cycle of changing aspects between two planets corresponds to the process of development of the functional interaction of the planets as a result of mutual influence. In the conjunction that begins the cycle of aspects, the functional role of the slower of the two planets is to develop a new direction of the creative impulse to activity in the faster of them. As the faster planet moves away from the slower one, it "carries away" this new impulse, making it part of its activity. Gradually, this impulse gives rise to new forms of behavior and interpersonal relations, that is, new sociocultural forms. As you move away, the faster planet reflects more and more "light" from the slower one, just as the waxing Moon reflects the light of the Sun. At the moment of opposition of the two planets, the fast becomes in a sense "equal" to the slow: it expresses, in its own way and in full measure, a new non-direction, which gave impetus to its actions during conjunction, and at the same time can fully manifest its own potentials.

The second half of the cycle is the transition from involution to evolution, which consists in the development of consciousness. As the life force diminishes, consciousness, symbolically awakened by the light of the full moon, develops. After the opposition, when the faster planet has reached the point of greatest distance from the slower one, it begins to return to the latter and the distance between them decreases.

Major and minor aspects

The full cycle of changing aspects is divided into 12 phases, covering all characteristics of increasing and decreasing aspects.

Phase 1. Conjunction. 0 ° - subjective existence.

Conjunction means an activity that is born from its source. An exact conjunction is a moment of pure potency, a real release of new energy and new strength, a new opportunity for the development of the relationship between the two planets.

This phase corresponds to the first house - the potential of the personality, which is to be realized. With an involutionary conjunction (an increasing distance between two planets) in the chart, a person may be unable to distinguish subjective desires, dreams, or feelings from real events in the external world. With this aspect, bias is very strong and there is a danger of wishful thinking.

It is also necessary to take into account in which house a given conjunction is located, because only simultaneously taking into account the characteristics of the conjunction and the characteristics of the house can a person find the best opportunity to understand and realize their joint influence. Only in this case can he get an impetus for the manifestation of his true potentials, symbolized by the conjunction of the planets.

The sign of the zodiac, in which this conjunction is located, indicates the nature and quality of the released force (energy).

With the involutionary (increasing) aspect, external activity is more important than the activity of consciousness. Thus, the main meaning of the conjunction lies in action or preparation for action, in other words, it is necessary to give this energy the opportunity to manifest itself in a person's personal life, and especially in those areas that are affected by the house in which the conjunction is located.

The second phase (semi-square) reflects the reaction of the environment that the subject faces, similar to the Taurus-Aries relationship. From the subject-object collision, a new perception of reality and awareness of the need for a specific organization is born, which occurs in the third phase, expressed by the sextile.

Phase 3. Ascending sextile. 60 ° - organization.

Sextile corresponds to an angular distance between two planets equal to 60 °. With this aspect, the action of the first phase and the reaction of the second phase are combined into a wider field of activity. Sextile means the ability to intelligently and thoroughly organize and comprehend everyday life. This is a relationship "by sympathy", because we are talking about the signs of the same polarity.

It should be remembered that attraction is observed if the polarities of both signs are positive or negative. In sextile, the properties of the third house are manifested, associated with the immediate environment, close forces that allow you to quickly act in a specific environment. Thanks to these characteristics, the aspect is considered harmonious.

Phase 4. Increasing quadrature. 90 ° is the solution.

The fourth phase reflects the change in polarity and corresponds to an angular distance of 90 ° and the first quarter of the moon. Squaring means a break, a departure from the origins, a significant change in the direction of movement, a decision, a crisis of activity. It is about looking from a distance at what is known and familiar.

Anyone who has increasing quadratures in the horoscope, at different periods of life will be faced with the need to make an unambiguous decision (in particular, the renunciation of the outdated experience of his own past). To act means to take a certain position, take on any obligations and work on the basis of them. Quadrature is an aspect of individualization.

Every decision and every crisis presupposes a choice between different options, abandoning one path and entering another, and this requires courage. If this phase brought negative experience, fear is born, generating patterns and limitations. A person can make a decision and resolve the conflict, or remain a prisoner of stereotypes and fail the test. The difficulty of this aspect gives it a dissonant character. It is interesting to note the connection of the quadrature with the fourth house - the bottom of the sky, the pole of the past, the parental axis, the stepfather's house. A person must part with his past if he is too attached to it.

A new consciousness is being born. Will and courage play the main role in this process. A person needs to self-regenerate in a new situation generated by his past actions, and if he does not pass this test, he will remain chained to obsolete forms. This is how a person who respects traditions turns into a conservative. (It is from the moment when tradition turns into dogma that the decline of civilizations begins, and defeat in trials gives rise to the uncomplaining slaves of the old rules. Continuation of this conservation process is modernization - the destruction of old patterns to release the energy of a new cycle.)

Ascending quadrature is a practical aspect that involves the concrete use of the qualities of the planets that form it.

Phase 5. Ascending trigon. 120 ° - presentation, vision of the goal.

Trigon symbolizes the vision and vision of the goal. This is an active aspect, in which the potential is laid, striving for self-fulfillment.

Trigon denotes the fifth and ninth phases - the development of the relationship between the planets, which began in the first phase, associated with origins and being, with an initial impulse similar to Aries. In the fifth phase, the properties of the fifth house (and the fifth sign - Leo) are manifested - the house of self-expression and deeds, and the ninth phase is associated with Sagittarius and a clear perception of the goal that must be achieved.

Trigon is one of the most harmonious aspects. It is based on three signs of one element (Fire, Air, Water or Earth). The fifth phase means the individualization of consciousness, which achieves clarity, moving away from the sextile and resolving the conflict hidden in the square. However, an immature or inflexible soul can limit or distort the most perfect creative process.

In order for this aspect to work beneficially, two qualities are needed: patience and perseverance.

The ascending trigone creatively focuses the nature of the slower planet through the manifestations of the faster one. The action of the fifth phase is a manifestation of the impulse of will.

Phase 6. Opposition. 180 ° is the culmination.

This is the end of one and the beginning of another cycle, which are expressed in the need to lead to completion, to the objective manifestation of the function of the two planets, that is, to the harmonization of contradictions in order to consciously participate in life.

The main question that arises when considering the growing opposition that marks the culmination is how to harmonize the contradictions in the consciousness of existence? Let us recall that the zodiacal circle is composed of signs complementing each other (Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, etc.), where each complements the missing properties of the opposite. The opposition of two planets requires a recipe for realization, that is, organization at a new level, so that a person can conduct the energies of both planets in order to learn how to use them together and unite. The sixth phase is similar to the sixth house - the house of work and worries - and consists in a critical reassessment of individual creativity, in resolving the conflict by objectively harmonizing the two opposites. In the natal chart, the opposition of planets means specific groups of interrelated actions, houses - spheres of life, signs of the Zodiac - approaches that make it possible to repolarize. It means the transfer of the center of attention from the material to the more subtle planes of existence. To achieve a clearly realized goal, it is necessary that objectivity and conscious understanding at this stage dominate and control all activities. A person must reach inner maturity, be reborn and, having resolved his personal conflict, begin a conscious path in that part of the house, which means conscious integration with society and the outside world.

The two planets, which are in opposition, are called upon to help a person accomplish what was previously impossible for him. At the end of the increasing half-cycle, opposition acquires a new meaning in human life. Here he must realize the previously impossible in a concrete, objective form. We are talking about that aspect of the impossible, which is symbolized by a specific opposition. A person in whose horoscope it is present must acquire and assimilate an experience that requires the manifestation of a special inner strength that makes it possible to break psychological complexes.

The presence of opposition implies the need for "reconciliation" of opposing planets in order to bring their action to complementarity. At the same time, other aspects must be taken into account. The sextile or trigone can promote harmonization through practical cooperation or understanding, respectively. With quadratures, the situation will be more dynamic and more difficult.

Phase 7 is a phase of decreasing opposition, a phase of realization.

First of all, you need to allow each of the opposition poles to manifest objectively, even if at first it will lead to conflict or neurosis. Growing dissatisfaction will help the person identify the root of the problem. A person must rise to a level of consciousness where the conflict situation will cease to dominate.

This aspect has a truly therapeutic effect. A person must allow planetary forces to influence him, even if at the same time he will have to go through crises, but he only needs to extract these crises from the depths of the unconscious, make them manifest and objective, in order, having realized them, to resolve the conflict. It is necessary that the tense situation is discharged and the heavy pre-storm sky burst into rain, after which the Sun will shine again.

In Socratic maieutics, for self-knowledge, a person must admit, realize and even experience a state of ignorance. Only then will he be able to find the true path leading to Wisdom. The same happens in alchemy, where through the "Black Deed", or decomposition (putrefaction), a person discovers in himself all the lowest and darkest, in order to then be reborn thanks to purification - the "White Cause" - and then move on to the "Red Cause" ( reintegration).

Opposition, like square, is called the discordant aspect, because it requires a person to repolarize consciousness and overcome obstacles in order for him to conquer and overcome himself. We believe that the purpose of each trial is to contribute to the spiritual evolution of a person, and therefore there are no "good" or "bad" aspects. If the repolarization of a person does not occur normally, then he becomes a victim of an involutionary process, within which crystallization (fixation in the old framework) and degradation dominate.

The seventh phase is analogous to the seventh house, which is responsible for interpersonal relationships, as well as the sign of Libra, symbolizing, according to the Egyptian religion, the judgment before which a person is responsible for his actions.

It is necessary for a person to become himself. Initiative education leads a person to consciously passing tests, which allows him to fully realize his involvement in the Universal Laws.

Phase 9. Descending trigon. 240 ° - giving back to others.

The decreasing trine and the ninth phase are identified with the harvest, "harvesting", the work on the achievement of a clearly realized goal. The activity of a faster planet enriches the nature of a slower one, symbolizing goals and objectives for a long time, gives it a new meaning, as if "rejuvenating" it.

This phase, the phase of "understanding" and giving to others, is analogous to the ninth house - the house of wanderings, a long spiritual search for the true goal, gaining a new vision of the world. Since this is a diminishing aspect, the active energy has already been spent and it is about harvest time: the past cannot be changed, but a lesson can be learned from it.

Often the presence of a decreasing trigone in the natal chart indicates a new relationship that destroys the existing order of things. If there are several such aspects in the card, then this indicates the process of opening and expanding consciousness, leading to an ascent to a higher level.

Phase 10. Decreasing quadrature. 270 ° - revaluation.

This phase resembles the third quarter of the moon, when the new moon (conjunction) and the time of a new repolarization are approaching. In the presence of this aspect, a tense situation is created, the purpose of which is to finally do away with everything that has become obsolete. The aspect corresponds to the tenth house, when a person takes his destiny in his hands, frees himself from everything superficial and goes forward to fulfilling his vocation. Here there is a struggle with habits and a new awakening of the will, for in this phase the "Middle of Heaven" is reached.

Decreasing quadrature presupposes the specification of the ideal symbolized by the trigon. It transforms performance into conscious action. It is necessary to overcome your own inertia, fear, despair, eliminating everything unnecessary for the next cycle. This radical reappraisal gives rise to insight, which leads to the development of real values \u200b\u200band a new philosophical stage.

Phase 11. Descending sextile. 300 ° - reorganization.

"What else remains to be done?" - reorganization. The decreasing sextile corresponds to the eleventh house - the house of friends, the return to the origins, the ascent of matter to the Spirit - like Ganymede, who was kidnapped by Zeus.

All negative things have been eliminated, but there is a danger of “resting on our laurels,” following the path of least resistance. Upon successful completion of this stage, a person ascends to the source of origins, "the ocean of all potentials" and reaches the twelfth phase.

Phase 12. Connection. 360 ° - liberation.

Liberation is the moment when energies meet, which are to produce new potentials. This value of the diminishing conjunction is the bearer of the seed-form, generated by the accumulated experience, allowing to start a new cycle of development. All planetary interactions carry out a full 360 ° cycle in the sky, which we have already talked about, and the natal chart gives us its synthesis at a certain moment in life.

When studying aspects, it is also necessary to take into account the retrograde motion of the planets. A planet is retrograde when its motion appears to be opposite to the direction of motion of other planets in their orbits. Retrograde is an optical illusion generated by geocentrism - the view from Earth. For some astrologers, this means mutation or repolarization; for others - the inhibition of planetary energies.

Lunar nodes are the points of intersection of the Moon's orbit with the ecliptic. There are two nodes, and they are always strictly opposite to each other (up to fractions of a second of an arc). One of them is called the Ascending, or northern, node: as it passes through its orbit, the Moon is above the ecliptic (its ecliptic latitude becomes positive). Another is called the Descending, or southern, node: passing through it in its orbit, the Moon is under the ecliptic (where its latitudes are considered negative).

Of the configurations of lunar nodes with planets in horary astrology, only conjunction matters.

Lunar nodes are never map participants (heroes). They cannot be significators of anything. For this reason, the conjunction of the planet with the lunar node is the position of the planet within the ORBIS of the conjunction with the lunar node.

The orbis of the conjunction of the planet with the lunar node is 8 °. Thus, if a planet in the chart is located at a distance of 8 ° [along the ecliptic] from any of the lunar nodes, then it is in conjunction with it. In the horary chart:

The ascending (north) node has a STRENGTHENING effect.

The descending (south) node has a DESTROYING effect.

The location of the Ascending Lunar Node in the house of the quesite is favorable. It has a beneficial effect on quesit, improves its condition. The descending node brings losses, failures to the house in which it is located. If he gets into the house of a quesit, it worsens the condition of the latter.

The planet's most favorable location is its conjunction with the Lunar Ascendant Node. The ascending lunar node has a beneficial effect on the planet, supports it, helps it, strengthens it. Conjunction with the Ascending Node contributes to the best, most harmonious manifestation of the planet.

If a planet is located in a sign of its damage (exile, fall, disharmonious elements), then its conjunction with the Ascending Node will completely neutralize the adverse effects of damage. The planet stops being flawed. Her status becomes as if she were not just in a sign neutral for herself, but in her own small dignity. The state of the object that it represents in the horary chart becomes good.

If a planet is located in a sign that is neutral for itself, then its conjunction with the Ascending Node significantly increases its status. The planet becomes favorable, just as if it was in a sign of its great dignity (abode, exaltation, or native element). The conjunction with the Lunar Node indicates the excellent condition of the object it represents in the chart.

Of course, the best position for a planet is its position in its great dignity (abode, exaltation or native element) and in conjunction with the Ascending Node at the same time. In this case, the planet manifests itself in a super favorable way. This position of the planet speaks of a very successful state of affairs. If the querent's significator completes the configuration without hindrance with the quesit's significator, which, in turn, is in great dignity and on the Ascending lunar node, then the querent will have a very favorable event, a successful completion of affairs. Much greater success awaits him than he expected.

The planet's passage of the Ascending lunar node always portends a very favorable event associated with the object indicated by it in the map, a lucky break.

The conjunction of the planet with the Descending Node is one of the worst locations for any planet. The descending lunar node negatively affects the planet. It suppresses and weakens it, does not allow the energy of the planet to manifest itself in a harmonious way - only destructive.

If the planet is in the place of its great dignity (abode, exaltation, native element), then the conjunction with the Descending Lunar Node destroys its dignity, significantly worsens its position. The planet is getting weak. The state of the object that it represents in the map is also weakened.

If a planet is in a neutral sign for itself and enters into conjunction with the Descending Lunar Node, its position drops sharply in the map. The planet becomes defective, as if it were in exile or fall.

But the worst option, without a doubt, is the position of the planet in the place of damage and simultaneous conjunction with the descending lunar node - the influence of the planet is super-negative, worse than ever. The state of the object designated by the planet is “in complete minus”.

The planet's passage of the Descending lunar node promises an extremely negative event for the object indicated by it on the map. In the case of the querent, this often portends injury, accident, illness.

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