Outward signs of drug addicts. Signs of drug addiction

- This is a chronic or periodic intoxication of the body caused by the use of a synthetic or natural substance.

It is characterized by substance abuse or drug addiction by the following signs:

  • the occurrence of social or personal problems that have been caused by abuse;
  • an increase in tolerance to a narcotic substance;
  • an irresistible attraction and an overwhelming desire to continue using the drug and obtain it by any means.

In Russia, about 30 thousand people die every year due to drugs. About 80 thousand addicts are identified every year. The total number of addicted people ranges from 2-2.5 million people aged 19 to 39 years. Over 190 thousand people of them are teenagers and children. In Russia, the annual drug turnover is over 210 tons.

The statistics of drug addiction is directly related to the statistics of robberies, thefts and murders. People commit a lot of crimes of this kind in order to get themselves money for the next dose of a drug. The official data available in Russia cover about half of drug addiction cases, especially this case concerns drug addiction among adolescents.

The main first signs of developing drug addiction:

  • Changes in speech: blurred, slurred speech, slowness, acceleration, or emphasized expressiveness;
  • Changes in salivation: hoarseness, dry lips, dry mouth, or increased salivation;
  • Severely dilated or severely constricted pupils that do not respond to light
  • Glitter of the eyes;
  • Skin discoloration: redness of the upper body and face, or vice versa - excessive pallor;
  • Changes in the coordination of movements: impaired handwriting, swaying of the trunk in a sitting position, unsteadiness when walking, smoothness of movement or speed;
  • Changes in motor activity: striving for rest, relaxation, lethargy, immobility or restlessness, redundancy of movements, increased gesticulation;
  • Change in mood: aggression, anger, talkativeness, giggle, gratuitous fun;
  • Change in consciousness: darkening, distortion, narrowing;
  • The appearance may resemble alcohol intoxication, but there will be no smell of alcohol from a person.

And, of course, you need to sound the alarm if you notice signs of direct drug use in your loved one:

  • Unexplained phone calls;
  • Lost clothes, books, valuable substances from the house;
  • Constant need for money;
  • Unknown powders and tablets;
  • The presence of small spoons, capsules and bubbles;
  • The presence of a large amount of foil and paper rolled into a tube;
  • Cuts and bruises;
  • Injection marks.

Signs of specific drug use


Hemp is a plant that grows in regions with warm temperate climates. The more the plant is grown to the south, the stronger the drug made from it will be. Cannabis affects humans with cannabinoids. Cannabis changes consciousness. A person's clothing and the room in which hemp was smoked retain a specific smell for a long time.

The cannabis user will have dry mouth, red lips, red eyes, and dilated pupils. The addict cannot sit still and is constantly in motion. Speech becomes hasty, appetite becomes brutal, and at the end of the cannabis intoxication, there is a strong thirst.

The consequences of taking cannabis are mental impairments, memory impairments, impaired coordination, feelings of isolation, depression, frustration, and confusion in thoughts.

Adolescents have delayed puberty and development, menstrual irregularities and sperm formation. When taking large doses of drugs, paranoia, hallucinations, and the formation of mental dependence may occur.

Opiate group drugs

These drugs are usually sedative. This group includes synthetic and natural compounds like morphine. All natural opium products are derived from poppy seeds. Heroin is one of the most dangerous derivatives.

Drugs from this group very quickly induce a state of calm, peace and euphoria. After one or two doses, opiates are quickly included in metabolic processes, which means the occurrence of physical and psychological dependence. Opiates are very destructive to the human body.

While taking opiates, a person becomes drowsy. A person can drop a cigarette, periodically fall asleep, and then wake up and continue the conversation. The addict draws out words, can talk about the same thing several times.

A symptom by which you can see intoxication with opiates is a narrow pupil that will not respond to light. The skin will be pale, and the lips, on the contrary, will be reddened, slightly swollen. Pain sensitivity will be reduced. Usually, the time of wakefulness and sleep is disturbed.

The consequences of opium addiction: a strong risk of contracting AIDS and HIV infections due to the use of one syringe by several people, due to the poor quality of the drug, the liver is affected, immunity drops very strongly, tooth decay, vein diseases, a decrease in the level of intelligence, impotence. There is a great danger of overdose and death due to them.


Cocaine is a psychostimulant made from the coca plant. The addiction develops very quickly and stays firm. Cocaine makes the body from chest to eyes numb over time.

Signs of use: lack of appetite, dilated pupils, insomnia, anxiety, agitation, excessive activity. Cocaine for a short time causes increased performance and a feeling of euphoria, stimulates the central nervous system, sweating, increased blood pressure, rapid breathing and heart rate.

Consequences of cocaine use: damage to the nasal cavity, nosebleeds, loss of taste, smell, destruction of mucous membranes, deafness, hallucinations, paranoid psychosis, aggressiveness. Death due to heart attack or respiratory arrest.


Amphetamines are drugs that have a stimulating, psychostimulating effect. This group includes all synthetic substances that contain amphetamine compounds. Most often, they are administered intravenously. These drugs are obtained from medicines that contain ephedrine.

The effect of the drug lasts from two to twelve hours. Physical and mental dependence is formed. Over time, you need to take more and more drugs in order to get euphoria. Aggressiveness, spitefulness, hot temper are becoming more acute. Over time, suspicion and anxiety appear. There may be suicide attempts.

Amphetamines can be taken sessionally or drunk. A person takes the drug for a while, and then rests from it for a while. Over time, the duration of such cold periods is reduced.

The addict, when taking psychostimulants, is very lively. He cannot sit in one place. He speaks very quickly, changes topics. His pupils are dilated. He does everything very quickly. If the addict has money or another drug, then this condition can last up to several days. Some types of these stimulants cause a very strong sexual desire, so these drugs are usually used in conjunction with the opposite sex. For several hours, drug addicts can do the same thing, for example, clean the house.

Signs of hallucinogen abuse

Hallucinogens (LSD) are a heterogeneous group of psychedelic drugs in origin and chemical composition that alter consciousness - sensations, thoughts, emotions and perception.

Hallucinogens (LSD) have a different chemical composition, so they always change perceptions, emotions, thoughts, sensations in different ways. The signs can be guessed by the name itself - a person gets hallucinations of various types - auditory, visual, olfactory, tactile. The addict can hear, see, feel what is not in reality.

When you stop using hallucinogens, psychoses and depression occur. Signs of use: increased pulse and pressure, dry skin, trembling hands, dilated pupils. A person sees a changed world, does not perceive it as it really is. Drug addicts lose self-control and their coordination of movements decreases.

Consequences of use: irreversible changes in the brain, mental disorders of varying severity, sometimes the personality disintegrates completely. Even a single use of these drugs can make irreversible changes in the human brain and in its genetic code. The drug accumulates in the brain cells, so even a few months after quitting drugs, a person can feel the euphoria that drugs felt.

Signs of substance abuse: Similar to alcohol intoxication. The speech is tangled, slurred. There is dry mouth. Impaired coordination of movements. With the abuse of certain types of sleeping pills, hallucinations can develop.

Signs of volatile drug abuse

When taking volatile drugs, a person's state is similar to alcohol intoxication. A person has a noisy behavior, he behaves defiantly. The person smells like glue, gasoline, acetone. Hallucinations are quite common, which is why teenagers start using volatile drugs.

One of the most serious problems of modern mankind is drug addiction. And everyone should know the signs of an addict, which are manifested by changes in eyes and behavior. This will help you quickly identify the addicted person. This is especially important for parents of underage children who are addicted to drugs. Timely detection of symptoms will save a person from serious consequences and will allow treatment to begin in a timely manner.


It is important to prevent the development of addiction in time. You can find out more information about effective treatment and rehabilitation by calling the toll-free number 8-800-200-99-32.

The addict can be recognized by external signs

Many of the symptoms are very vivid and cannot be overlooked. Basically, they differ depending on what substance is taken, how it is introduced into the body. But the general signs are always similar, these are:

  • change in pupils;
  • discoloration of the skin;
  • shaking hands;
  • redness of the face.

The constriction of the pupils is due to the so-called opium intoxication, which is characteristic of all drug addicts. However, they do not react to light in any way. Lacrimation appears, accompanied by a runny nose. Due to itching in the nose, a person constantly rubs his face, which immediately catches the eyes of others.

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The face turns red when using cocaine. Injection marks can be found: these include injection marks, pigment pathways, nodular lumps and bruises. They can be seen not only in the elbow bend, but also in any other place, for example, on the leg. Each of the described signs of an addict is primary. But besides them, there are secondary ones.


Under the influence of psychotropic substances, drug addicts are active, cheerful, lively. If the dose was not taken on time, the addict is irritable, lethargic, aggressive.

Secondary signs

They appear much later, when a person has been using drugs for a considerable time. In this case, the following signs take place:

If ulcers begin to appear on the skin, it means that the drug craving is in. During this period, the body begins to gradually fail, the immune system weakens, and as a result, a lethal outcome is possible.

Inveterate drug addicts have significant behavioral changes with heavy drug use. The intensity of the symptoms depends on the type of drug and the frequency of its use. It is important to consider the daily dose and the method of administration. Such a person, as a rule, is talkative and good-natured, but can suddenly change and become aggressive for no reason. Signs of drug addiction can be euphoric and slow to move.

Is it easy to recognize a drug addict?

If the use of drugs continues long enough, then it will not be difficult to identify such a person. Not only the signs described above will help, but also a number of other external signs of the addict, which should be paid attention to. The addict always stands out from other people, but not the beginner. At the very beginning of the development of dependence, there are not so many external signs, but upon close examination, you can see them:

  • aloof look;
  • long-sleeved clothing for any season;
  • unkempt appearance;
  • stooped posture;
  • slow speech;
  • slow movements;
  • irritability.

Signs by which you can recognize a drug addict

The very first sign of drug addiction is a look: it is always glassy, \u200b\u200bdetached and indifferent. At the same time, the pupils are dilated or constricted constantly, they do not react to light in any way. In any weather, the addict wears long sleeves to hide the marks of the injections. Such people often show disrespect and rudeness towards others and even loved ones.

All these signs can easily be detected by the relatives of the addict, with whom he lives together. If this is a child, then one can observe how sharply his academic performance decreases. He is losing interest in almost everything that has recently been interesting to him. In communication, secrecy begins to appear, sleep is disturbed. If there are such signs, then it is likely that the child is addicted to drugs.


Drug addicts are characterized by the dumping of blame on loved ones, others, a sharp and quick transition from defense to attack, extortion of money.

Subjective signs of drug addiction

In addition to obvious signs of drug addiction, there are also subjective ones. These are those that are not visible to others, they are felt and seen only by the addict himself. These include:

  • an overwhelming desire to take a new dose;
  • constant thoughts about a possible high;
  • feeling of euphoria when used.

There is a feeling that after using an intoxicating substance, you can cope with any, even the most difficult task. This is what all speaks about the development of drug addiction. As soon as such signs appear, you need to think about treatment before it is too late. Only a timely solution of the problem will increase the chances of complete elimination of addiction, and the addiction can be defeated.

More often drug addicts become at a young age - from 12 to 19 years. It is this period that is most dangerous, and parents should take a closer look at their child for the timely detection of the first signs of drug addiction in order to take the necessary measures in time. Do not forget that drugs can be offered not only on the street, but even at school or at any party.

The worst thing is that dependence on any drug sets in very quickly. Some species are able to lure forever even with the first dose, while others become a habit after 3-5 doses. If you suspect a loved one in dependence, you do not need to punish him, scold and re-educate him. This will give nothing, and can only aggravate an already unpleasant situation. On the contrary, it is recommended to show support, understanding and care, especially when it comes to the child. And the main thing is to provide all kinds of assistance. Immediately, as the first signs of drug addiction were discovered, one should turn to a narcologist for help.

But remember, you do not need to indulge the dependence of your loved one, do not hesitate and seek help from specialists!

Consequences of using drugs

All narcotic drugs, sooner or later, will bring irreparable harm to the body. There will be a dependence on them - the desire to use them constantly. Everything that a drug addict experiences while using them - euphoria, a tonic effect - is a temporary phenomenon, and it does not pass without a trace. As a result, the human psyche is destroyed, he stops thinking and treating others adequately. But this is not the worst thing. More importantly, various diseases and suicidal tendencies appear. That is why most of the drug addicts die at their own hands.

Without the next dose, the addict has hallucinations, and this can lead to unpleasant consequences. A drug addict in this state can harm not only himself, but also those around him, most often close people, those who are always with him. In addition to psychological disorders, physical disorders also occur - weakness, a change in appearance due to impaired metabolism.

Ultimately, it will be possible to cope with this problem only through compulsory treatment. Therefore, it is extremely important to timely determine the symptoms of drug addiction and start treatment. Only experienced doctors can return a person to normal life. But at the same time, the support of loved ones is extremely important, and it is desirable that the patient himself wants to be cured.


The information in the article is for informational purposes only and is not an instruction for use. Please consult your healthcare professional.

Drug addiction is a real scourge of our time, not a single person is immune from it. Such grief can happen to absolutely any family. An excellent student, a lover of club life, an entrepreneur - drug addiction does not spare anyone and there are people affected by it in all social levels and age categories, starting with schoolchildren.

The main difference from alcoholism is that the signs of drug use at the initial stage are difficult to determine. Complicating the situation is that the behavior of a drug addict who has just embarked on a slippery slope is very secretive. However, there are some signs by which one can understand that changes are taking place with a loved one. The sooner you can figure out how to recognize a drug addict, the more chances there will be to save his life.

You can recognize a drug addict by the constant sudden changes in mood from euphoria and peace to aggression and fights.

The consequences of the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances have a heavy effect on the human body

Drug addiction is the most terrible type of addiction, which has a huge number of "faces". Many different types of drugs have been created, each of which affects the body of the user in its own way. Changes occur in physical appearance, mental state, and social behavior. These changes vary considerably among those who use drugs such as cocaine, hashish, or psychotropic drugs. But there are general signs that will help you understand how to identify a drug addict.

External changes

At the initial stages of drug addiction, the following external changes occur:

  1. The skin of the face becomes either very pale, or, conversely, purple-red.
  2. Peeling, dryness or oily sheen appears.
  3. The whites of the eyes are red almost all the time, madness appears in the eyes, the gaze wanders.
  4. The pupils are dilated so much that the iris is not visible, sometimes, on the contrary, they narrow to an almost invisible point.
  5. The face is revived, a whole gamut of emotions is depicted on it, sometimes it does not express absolutely any feelings.
  6. The addict's hands have single or multiple injection marks.
  7. Bruises and purulent wounds appear on the body.
  8. Cracks, ulcers, and scaly sores develop on the lips and tongue.

The appearance of a person also undergoes changes: he becomes untidy, wears the same clothes, which he practically does not wash. She chooses clothes that cover her hands from the wardrobe to hide the injection marks. A typical addict looks like this: greasy uncut hair, regrown and dirty nails, dirty, wrinkled clothes and sunglasses.

Deterioration of health

If you notice some of the above symptoms in a loved one, pay attention to his physical health. Deteriorating health and constant sores are companions of drug addiction. Signs of a drug addict can be as follows:

  • rapid weight loss (up to 10 kg per week);
  • constant thirst;
  • complete lack of appetite, followed by overeating;
  • lack of sleep at night;
  • sharp jumps in blood pressure;
  • cough that does not go away even with medication;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Behavior changes

A change in behavior, a new circle of contacts and interests, an atypical manner of conversation should be a wake-up call that speaks of the development of drug addiction. These changes are characteristic of both mature adults and adolescents:

  1. The addict undergoes a change of interests and hobbies (favorite activities, training, study or work cease to interest the addict).
  2. He tries to cut off all social ties, new people appear in the social circle, many may be suspicious or criminal in appearance.
  3. A person becomes secretive, he has secrets, when close people try to find out something, he will in every possible way avoid answering.
  4. The manner of conversation becomes different, addicts speak reluctantly, get by with short phrases, are often irritated, often break down by shouting at loved ones or are completely silent. Slang words (“plan”, “gash”, “suit”, “salt”, “wheels”, etc.) can slip through the conversation.
  5. There are problems with studies, drug addicts stop attending an educational institution, and receive low grades.
  6. A previously calm person can suddenly become hostile, even towards those closest to them.

A drug is a substance whose systematic use causes mental and physical dependence.

Almost all drug addicts become pathological liars, lie to everyone and for any reason, ask for a loan under any pretext, they can start selling their own and other people's things.

The appearance of strange objects

If you suspect that your loved one has become a hostage of drug addiction, check their room or personal belongings for items such as:

  • medicine bottles, syringes, needles;
  • tablets and capsules (possibly without packaging);
  • pipes for smoking, eggplants with foil instead of a cork;
  • paper rolls with various powders, crystals or a mass similar to plasticine with a pronounced aroma;
  • cigarettes like "Belomorkanal";
  • scales for jewelry;
  • medical rubber bands for pulling veins;
  • teaspoons black from fire;
  • tubes with Moment glue or acetone.

Drug users often use special attributes. Therefore, the appearance of these things can indicate an addiction to this destructive habit.

Symptoms by stage of drug addiction

Any type of drug addiction, regardless of the substances used, has three stages. Of course, this does not apply to those cases when a person has enough willpower, support from relatives or treatment in a specialized institution to give up drugs at the initial stage.

Each of the three stages has its own specific symptoms, which indicate that a person has become addicted to drugs. Let's consider each of them.

Stage one

At the first stage, the signs of drug addiction are difficult to identify. The skin looks normal and does not have acne, sores or sores. Constriction or dilation of the pupils may occur. The main signs at the initial stage are behavior. A person gets annoyed at the slightest reason, gets nervous a lot, changes his social circle.

By the end of the first stage, the addict develops characteristic symptoms in the form of minor health problems: persistent runny nose, watery eyes, weight loss, or coughing. Changes also take place in the emotional state, it becomes unstable, joy is replaced by crying and all this within literally a few minutes.

Drugs that cause pleasant or unusual states of consciousness are usually abused.

Stage two

With the onset of the second stage, the addict depends on substances not only psychologically, but also physically. This significantly affects his appearance and health. The appearance of the addict is unpleasant, repulsive: dirty and gloomy clothes, bags under the eyes, there may be bruises or ulcers at the injection site. Due to a weakened immune system, the addict often suffers from viral and infectious diseases, jumps in blood pressure and insomnia appear. Due to the loss of appetite, the addict is rapidly losing weight.

There are problems in the field of study and work, conflicts and discord with relatives. At the second stage, the addict becomes antisocial, stops communicating with colleagues and friends. Mood swings occur more and more often, tantrums can be replaced by aggression and anger. It is at this stage that the addict begins to lie a lot to others, beg for loans and sell valuables from home.

Third stage

At the last stage of drug addiction, physical and psychological degradation reaches its maximum. The addict is severely emaciated, has chronic diarrhea, and looks desolate. The skin is ulcerated, covered with bruises and sores, teeth decay, greasy hair - this is what drug addicts look like in the third stage, it is almost impossible to determine the age. If a drug addict cannot get the next dose, he experiences the strongest "withdrawal". The main signs of the final stage are: despondency, depression, loss of all interests and connections with society, all thoughts and actions of the addict are directed towards the search for drugs.

Signs with specific drug use

The symptoms, as well as the speed with which the addict develops in the addict, depends primarily on the substance he is using and only then on the psychological and physical state. Knowing the signs of specific substances, there is a chance to recognize drug addiction at an early stage and save a loved one.

It is believed that the term drug (ναρκωτικός) was first used by the Greek healer Galen

Opium group drugs

Heroin, methadone, codeine and other opiates plunge the addict into a state of indifference. The addict becomes indifferent to everything that happens, slow, speaks quietly, draws out his words. Opiates dull all feelings and will, he ceases to be interested in carnal love, any entertainment, his appetite disappears. The main reason why drug addicts consume a lot of sweets lies in the fact that they are simply sick of simple foods. The following symptoms can also indicate the use of drugs of the opium group:

  • drowsiness (may fall asleep while talking);
  • inability to follow the topic of the conversation;
  • docile behavior, up to complete submission;
  • desire to be alone;
  • constriction of the pupils;
  • slowing breathing and heartbeat;
  • loss of reflexes.


Cannabis (hemp) first gives the user energy, he becomes happy, open to communication, speaks a lot. Then, as a rule, depression rolls over the person, it is difficult for him to concentrate on any task, mental abilities decrease. Often the addict develops paranoia, he sees surveillance everywhere, panic overcomes.

From external manifestations can be distinguished: redness of the whites of the eyes, dilated pupils. It is possible to identify a cannabis addict by a brutal appetite and a very strong "dry forest".


When using psychostimulants, the addict experiences a huge surge of strength and energy, this state can last 2-3 days. The user becomes lively, talks a lot, often changes topics of conversation. Tries to do several things at once, usually to no avail. Aggressiveness, anxiety, or panic may then occur. With the use of some psychostimulants, the addict becomes suicidal.


A characteristic sign that a person is using hallucinogens is constant hallucinations. The addict begins to communicate with himself or with the surrounding objects, or sees something that is not really there. A person may experience visual, auditory, tactile, or olfactory hallucinations while consuming these substances.

External signs of use can be indicated: increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, dilated pupils, dry skin, tremors of the upper extremities, loss of coordination in space. A drug addict can completely lose control of himself, become embittered, aggressive, screaming, crying. There have also been recorded cases of attempted suicide under the influence of hallucinogens.

There is a conditional and controversial division into soft and hard drugs, according to the rate of addiction formation


At the initial stage of the use of sedatives, as such, there are practically no symptoms. Systematic use is characterized by mood swings. Violent joy can be replaced by despondency or anger (there have been cases of physical violence) in relation to loved ones. The addict cannot concentrate even on elementary things, hand motility is impaired, and intellectual abilities are reduced.

Of the external signs are: slowness, quiet slurred speech, impaired coordination, the appearance of acne on the face, seizures as in epilepsy, hyperhidrosis. With prolonged use of substances, persistent depression develops, panic often rolls over, visual and auditory hallucinations appear.


Substance abuse is manifested primarily by external changes: a person smells of a strong chemical odor, it comes from clothes, from the mouth. Over time, intellectual abilities are impaired, chronic headaches appear, coordination is impaired, speech becomes confused and slurred. The addict is rapidly losing weight, his appetite completely disappears. Constant insomnia leads to depression, hallucinations, and suicide attempts.

Addiction can be called a slow suicide, and this suicide is very long and painful. Drug addiction is a person's dependence on narcotic substances and the sensations caused by these substances. Being under the influence of drugs, a person feels euphoria for some time - a very pleasant state. But it passes, and completely opposite sensations come to replace the "high". To get rid of the suffering caused by withdrawal symptoms, the addict must again take a dose of the drug, a slightly larger one.

If the drug does not enter the body, pain comes - strong and excruciating, from which it is impossible to get rid of. The addict is forced to seek a new dose to avoid suffering. For the sake of the drug, he is ready for anything, even for a serious crime.

In the life of a drug addict, everything except drugs becomes unimportant. He puts these chemicals first, pushing into the background all the good things he had - family, love, human priorities, friends. It is easy to subdue a drug addict by giving him the drug - the only thing he needs.

The most common drug in Russia is hemp. It grows everywhere, and practically no one fights against it. Getting the simplest drug will not be difficult, but when it is not enough, the addict will need a new, stronger one. And getting it is already much more difficult. For this, drug addicts take any steps, which drug dealers skillfully use.

None of the parents would wish for their son or daughter the fate of a drug addict. Addiction to psychoactive substances does not manifest itself after a single dose, if you do not take into account very strong drugs. Addiction to the drug usually lasts about six months. During this time, attentive relatives and friends may notice the first signs of drug use in a teenager or their loved one. In the early stages of drug use, a person can still be saved from terrible addiction.

What are the signs of drug use? It:

  • a sharp change in mood that occurs for no apparent reason;

Mood swings are not affected by the weather, or by quarrels with loved ones or friends. There is nothing that can affect the change in a person's mood, but he can become irritable or too joyful for no reason.

  • change in sleep rhythm;

Previously, a person went to bed and got up early, during the day he was vigorous. And during the period of addiction to drugs, his rhythms change. During the day he can be sleepy and lethargic, and at night he can be cheerful.

  • change in appetite;

Previously, the person had a good appetite, he ate quite a lot. Now there is little, no appetite. Or vice versa - I used to eat little, but now there is a "wolfish" appetite, and it is an exorbitant amount of food. The mode of food intake is also violated - a person may not eat all day, and in the evening greedily pounce on food.

  • change in eating habits;

Those who previously ate measuredly and slowly, now eat food greedily and impulsively. He does not want to cook his own food on his own.

  • change in the rhythm of life;

Drug use affects a person's behavior and condition. He comes home less often, and when he comes, his inhibited state is noticeable. Most often, he immediately pounces on food.

These early signs of addiction will help to suspect a person of drug use, but they are too general, and other reasons may affect this behavior of a teenager. Therefore, you should more closely monitor your child or loved one.

The main signs of drug addiction in adolescents are associated with changes in their behavior.

First of all, this is a change in the circle of communication. The teenager forgets old friends, refuses to communicate with them, instead he has new acquaintances with whom he speaks in quiet, vague phrases. The teenager seeks solitude, often closes in his room. Leaves home for a long time and returns late.

The teenager loses interest in his earlier favorite activities; instead, he may begin to be interested in the contents of the home medicine cabinet and read books or articles on pharmacology.

Mood swings appear more and more often, there is aggressiveness, increased excitability, and sometimes - excessive gaiety. They give way to indifference. The teenager's movements become poorly coordinated, abrupt.

One of the main signs by which drug addiction can be suspected is the teenager's increased need for money. Under various pretexts, he increasingly demands them from his parents. Valuables and other items begin to disappear from the house.

Needles from syringes found in the house, used syringes, foil, candles, lighters, smoked spoons, and cigarettes are direct evidence that the teenager got involved with drugs.

In addition to the above changes in the rhythm of life and well-being of a teenager, he may experience surges in blood pressure, intestinal disorders. A sharp, unpleasant odor can be felt from the mouth - a sign of smoking cannabis. Those who use heroin may have a persistent cough and runny nose.

External signs of addiction - blurred look, unhealthy shine in the eyes, severely constricted or dilated pupils. The complexion of drug addicts is pale, even earthy, the hair is lifeless and brittle. Smokers of marijuana may develop a butterfly-shaped stain near their nose and cheeks.

A person who uses drugs develops sloppiness in clothes and a desire for black things. Drug addicts wear long-sleeved shirts and pullovers, even in hot weather, so that no injection marks are visible.

If you notice a few of the above signs in your teenager, try talking to him. In the course of such a conversation, you can determine whether your suspicions are confirmed. If you start talking about drugs, the teenager will immediately be alert, and after your question there will be a long pause before the teenager answers it. Maybe there will be no answer at all, or he will be slow to answer questions. With drug addiction, even the simplest question can cause difficulty in a teenager.

There are several signs by which one can judge that a person has developed drug addiction, and it is possible to fight it only with the help of specialists.

The main signs of drug addiction and substance abuse:

  • the emergence of personal and social problems associated with drug abuse;
  • growth of tolerance (tolerance) to drugs;
  • an irresistible craving for drugs and the desire to use them, leading to the commission of any actions to obtain drugs.

Signs of specific drug use


Causes dry mouth, redness of lips and eyes, dilated pupils. The addict becomes restless, constantly moving. His speech is unhurried. The appetite is "wolfish", after the intoxication has passed, there is a strong thirst.

Opiate group drugs

They cause a state of calmness, serenity and euphoria. One or two doses of these drugs cause psychological and physical dependence. Opiate addicts are drowsy. They can talk, then fall asleep, and then wake up again and continue the conversation. When talking, they stretch the words and can repeat the same thing several times.

Opiate use is evidenced by a constricted pupil that does not respond to light, pale skin and reddened, slightly swollen lips. Reduced pain sensitivity is observed. The mode of sleep and wakefulness changes.


Long-term use of drugs made from coca plants causes numbness in the body from the chest to the eyes. Signs of using this drug are: dilated pupils, loss of appetite, insomnia, agitation and anxiety, hyperactivity. Cocaine causes a short-term increase in performance and a feeling of euphoria, stimulates the central nervous system. In drug addicts who use cocaine, there is an increase in blood pressure, increased heart rate and respiration, and increased sweating.


Signs of using these drugs: spite, aggressiveness, anxiety and suspicion. Suicidal tendencies may occur. The addict is very lively, he speaks quickly and changes topics of conversation. All affairs are "burning" in his hands. Some types of psychostimulants induce intense sexual desire.


They cause hallucinations of various types: visual, auditory, tactile and olfactory. There is an increase in pressure and an increase in heart rate, hand tremors, dry skin, dilated pupils. Self-control is lost and coordination of movements is impaired.

The state of an addict in the absence of drugs

A person who has recently fallen into a drug trap does not want his relatives to know about it. He tries to avoid communication so that no one will notice that something is wrong with him. And this isolation sometimes reaches the extreme. A teenager can avoid and ignore not only friends and acquaintances, but even parents. When someone tries to start a conversation with him, he gets annoyed, acts out a resentment, or does other actions to get away from the conversation.

When a drug addict stops leaving the house, he or she does not receive another dose of drugs. This quickly affects his condition - his sleep worsens, anxiety, irritability appear, he does not find a place for himself. Spots on the skin, a runny nose may appear, although many consider these signs to be the result of a cold. After 6 hours, the head starts to hurt badly, the muscles become constrained, and the addict begins to rub them. Then comes the state of immobility, and the person falls into a state bordering between wakefulness and sleep.

This condition is withdrawal, and it is very painful for the addict. In another way it is called "breaking". Many believe that you can die during withdrawal, but this is wrong. In drug addiction practice, there were no cases of deaths from withdrawal symptoms. Addicts sometimes exaggerate their suffering in front of other people in order to beg for a dose of the drug.

Breaking, of course, delivers severe pain, but giving the addict another dose is also not an option. But it is impossible to save the addict from his addiction by completely isolating him from drugs and leaving him alone with his pain from abstinence. Drug addiction can only be cured by narcologists, and the treatment will be less painful and effective.

At the beginning of treatment, the patient is given a lot of vitamins and minerals to restore the body's strength to further fight drug addiction. In the first few days, the patient cannot eat anything, he has indigestion and lack of appetite. Then there is a loss of strength and long depression, when the patient is not interested in anything except the next dose of the drug.

In the first period, he does not even understand the meaning of the words that are spoken to him, and then he is quite capable of listening to the doctor's instructions. Let it not be the first time, since the consciousness of the addict is still clouded, but the words repeated several times still reach his consciousness. It is useless to intimidate a drug addict in the hope that he will come to his senses. In this state, he is indifferent to the future, since after recently suffered bodily sufferings, he is not afraid of other punishments.

Do not try to treat the addict at home. You can not force him to endure withdrawal by force, as this can do more harm than help. In such cases, only specialists from drug treatment clinics can truly help a drug addict.