Topics on the theory of physical culture. Theoretical material on physical education for preparing students for the Olympiad Theoretical physical education



1.1. Basic concepts of physical culture and sports

1.2. The history of the development of physical culture

1.3. Physical culture of students

1.4. The values \u200b\u200bof physical culture and sports

1.5. Formation of personal physical culture as a component of students' professional readiness for professional activity

1. 6. Activity as a form of physical culture and health-improving activity in the strategy of the formation of physical culture of the individual

1. 7. The phenomenon of physical activity from the point of view of the evolutionary approach to personality development

1.8. Motivation, value orientations and social attitudes as a factor in sports activity

The study of any academic discipline, as a rule, begins with the development of its conceptual apparatus.

Concept - it is the main form of human thinking, establishing an unambiguous interpretation of a particular term, while expressing the most essential aspects, properties or characteristics of the object (phenomenon) being defined.

The theory and methodology of physical education uses concepts such as "physical culture", "physical education", "physical health", "physical development", "physical fitness", "physical condition", "physical qualities", "physical recreation" , "physical rehabilitation", "physical activity", "norm", etc.

Concepts act as categories in which achievements in various fields of science and practice are consolidated, their understanding, fluency and implementation in practice - the basis for success in the work of a specialist in the field of physical culture.

There are several dozen definitions regarding the definition of the category "physical culture": "Social activity" and its results in creating people's physical readiness for life; "Conscious purposeful formation and maintenance of physical, bodily-motor qualities necessary for healthy, full-blooded human life"; "Creative activity for the development and creation of values \u200b\u200bin the field of physical improvement of the people, as well as its socially significant results", etc.

Physical education - part of the general culture, a set of special spiritual and material values, methods of their production and use in order to improve people's health and develop their physical abilities.

Physical education a person (individual) is considered as a process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities of educational, educational, health-improving, recreational activities for subsequent use in the process of self-improvement, and as a result - the level of physical health that a person was able to maintain or improve due to his desire, knowledge, healthy lifestyle life and physical activity.

Physical education. This is a type of upbringing, the specific content of which is teaching movements, upbringing of physical qualities, mastering special physical culture knowledge and the formation of a conscious need for physical culture classes.

Movement teaching has its content in physical education - the systemic mastering by a person of rational ways of controlling his movements, acquiring in this way the fund of motor skills, necessary in life, and related knowledge.

Mastering the movements that have semantic meaning, motor actions that are important for life or sports, the students acquire the ability to rationally and fully demonstrate their physical qualities. At the same time, they learn the patterns of their body movements.

According to the degree of mastering, the technique of motor action can be performed in two forms - in the form of motor skill and in the form of skill. Therefore, instead of the phrase "teaching movements" in the practice of physical education, the term "formation of motor skills and abilities" is often used. The education of physical qualities is an equally important aspect of physical education.

All physical qualities are innate, i.e. given to a person in the form of natural inclinations that need to be developed, improved. And when the process of natural development becomes specially organized, i.e. pedagogical character, it is more correct to say not “development”, but “education of physical qualities”.

In the process of physical education, a wide range of physical culture and sports knowledge of sociological, hygienic, medico-biological and methodological content is also acquired. Knowledge makes the process of doing physical exercise more meaningful and, therefore, more effective.

Thus, physical education is a process of solving certain educational and educational tasks, which has all the features of the pedagogical process. A distinctive feature of physical education is that it provides the systemic formation of motor skills and abilities and the directed development of a person's physical qualities, the combination of which decisively determines his physical capacity.

Physical education - the process of forming a person's motor skills and abilities, as well as the transfer of special knowledge in the field of physical culture.

Physical development. This is the process of formation, formation and subsequent change during the life of an individual of the morphological and functional properties of his body and the physical qualities and abilities based on them.

Physical development is characterized by changes in three groups of indicators.

1. Indicators of physique (body length, body weight, posture, volumes and shapes of individual parts of the body, the amount of fat deposition, etc.), which characterize, first of all, biological forms, or morphology of a person.

Indicators (criteria) of health, reflecting morphological and functional changes in the physiological systems of the human body. The functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and central nervous systems, digestive and excretory organs, thermoregulation mechanisms, etc. is of decisive importance for human health.

Indicators of the development of physical qualities (strength, speed abilities, endurance, etc.).

Until about 25 years of age (the period of formation and growth), most morphological parameters increase in size, and the functions of the body improve. Then, until the age of 45-50, physical development is, as it were, stabilized at a certain level. In the future, with aging, the functional activity of the body gradually weakens and worsens, body length, muscle mass, etc. may decrease.

The nature of physical development as a process of changing these indicators during life depends on many reasons and is determined by a number of regularities. It is possible to successfully manage physical development only if these regularities are known, and they are taken into account when building the process of physical education.

Physical development to a certain extent is determined by the laws of heredity, which should be taken into account as factors that favor or, conversely, hinder the physical improvement of a person. Heredity, in particular, should be taken into account when predicting a person's capabilities and success in sports.

The process of physical development is also subject to the law of age grading. It is possible to intervene in the process of physical development of a person in order to manage it only on the basis of taking into account the characteristics and capabilities of the human body at different age periods: during the period of formation and growth, during the period of the highest development of its forms and functions, during the aging period.

The process of physical development is subject to the law of the unity of the organism and the environment and, therefore, essentially depends on the conditions of human life. The living conditions primarily include social conditions. The conditions of life, work, upbringing and material support significantly affect the physical condition of a person and determine the development and change of forms and functions of the body. The geographic environment also has a known influence on physical development.

The biological law of exercise and the law of the unity of forms and functions of the body in its activity are of great importance for the management of physical development in the process of physical education. These laws are the starting point for choosing the means and methods of physical education in each case.

Choosing physical exercises and determining the magnitude of their loads, according to the law of the exercised, one can count on the necessary adaptive changes in the human body. In this case, the body functions as a whole. Therefore, when choosing exercises and loads, mainly of selective influence, it is necessary to clearly imagine all aspects of their influence on the body.

Physical qualities - properties that characterize individual qualitative aspects of human motor abilities; strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and others.

Physical health - a dynamic state, characterized by a reserve of functions of organs and systems and which is the basis for the performance of an individual's biological and social functions. An integral indicator of the reserves of the functions of organs and systems is the energy potential of biosystems (energy production reserve).

The physical state - according to the definition of the international committee for standardization of tests, characterizes a person's personality, health status, physique and constitution, functional capabilities of the body, physical performance and fitness.

The indicators of physical condition are: the level of maximum oxygen consumption, the level of maximum physical performance, parameters of the functional systems of the body, morphological and mental status, physical fitness, health. Healthy and practically healthy people have 4-5 levels of physical condition (low level, below average, average, above average, high).

Physical performance- the potential of a person to perform physical effort without reducing a given level of functioning of the body, primarily its cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Physical performance is denoted as PWC and is determined by the readings of power (W) and volume (J) of work.

Physical exercise - movements or actions used to develop physical abilities (qualities), organs and systems, to form and improve motor skills. On the one hand, it is a means of physical improvement, bodily transformation of a person, his biological, mental, intellectual, emotional and social essence. On the other hand, it is also a method (method) of a person's physical development. Physical exercises are the main, "end-to-end" means of all types of physical culture, nonspecial physical education, sports, physical recreation and motor rehabilitation.

Physical performanceis a complex concept. It is determined by a significant number of factors: the morphological and functional state of various organs and systems, mental status, motivation, and other factors. Therefore, a conclusion about its value can be drawn only on the basis of a comprehensive assessment.

Physical fitness - the level of the achieved development of physical qualities, the formation of motor skills as a result of a specialized process of physical education aimed at solving specific problems (physical fitness of students, athletes, pilots, etc.).

Physical training. It is the process of developing physical qualities and mastering vital movements. The term "physical training" emphasizes the applied orientation of physical education to work or other activities. Distinguish between general physical training and special.

General physical training is aimed at increasing the level of physical development, broad motor readiness as prerequisites for success in various types of activity.

Special physical training is a specialized process that promotes success in a specific activity (type of profession, sport, etc.), which makes specialized requirements for a person's motor abilities. The result of physical training is physical fitness, reflecting the achieved working capacity in the formed motor skills and abilities, contributing to the effectiveness of the target activity (to which the training is oriented).

Physical recreation (recovery) - a set of measures aimed at improving the processes of restoring working capacity after physical and mental work.

Physical recreation- implementation of active rest of people using physical exercises, getting pleasure from this process.

Physical rehabilitation (restoration of ability) - a set of measures aimed at restoring a lost or weakened function after a disease or injury.

Sport. It is actually a competitive activity, special training for it, as well as interhuman relations and norms inherent in it. A characteristic feature of sport is competitive activity, a specific form of which is competition, which makes it possible to identify, compare and contrast human capabilities on the basis of a clear regulation of the interactions of competitors, unification of the composition of actions (weight of the projectile, opponent, distance, etc.), the conditions for their implementation and methods. assessing achievements according to established rules. Special preparation for competitive activity in sports is carried out in the form of sports training.

Physical culture is a system of various forms of employment and strengthening of human health. The physical education program consists of three sections:

1. Knowledge about physical culture.

2. Ways of physical culture.

3. Physical improvement.

In physical culture lessons, preference is given to physical activity and physical improvement rather than theoretical knowledge about physical culture.

Theoretical knowledge develops cognitive activity in students. But basically this cognitive process is carried out in the form of lectures, very monotonous and not interesting. And the knowledge that the student should get is not enough. Since the lecture lessons are not perceived and very little information remains in the memory of the students. Primary school students perceive information more vivid, concise, colorful, and interesting. Lecture information is difficult for them to remember. Therefore, so that theoretical lessons were interesting, engaging, I actively developed theoretical lessons with multimedia support for students in grades 1 - 2.

Within 45 minutes, not only theoretical knowledge is given, but also motor skills and abilities of children are tested. The lessons use multimedia accompaniment, which is rich in interesting information, color pictures, riddles, tests, music, psychological relaxation.

I included these lessons in the thematic planning of physical education lessons.

I believe that these lessons are interesting and effective, well perceived by students in obtaining theoretical knowledge about physical culture.

I plan to develop theoretical lessons for grades 3-4.




Slide captions:

World of sports

Test # 1 - on the topic "How a person learned to be strong and agile." (We paint over the correct answer in red) 1. Ancient man could do without running? Yes - No - Could the ancient man do without throwing? Yes - No - Does a person need a weapon to protect themselves? Yes - No - Did the person have to learn how to lift weights? Yes - No - With what could a person instantly jump over a stream or swamp? With a pole - With a ski pole - 6. Why were flat boards tied to the legs? Walk on loose snow - Swim in water -

Test number 2 - on the topic "How the world holiday was born" legends and myths of Ancient Greece. (Paint over the correct answer in blue) 1. What is the name of the son of Zeus? Hercules Vanya Bobik 2. Who was the deity of the competition? Yashka Zeus 3. How did the Olympic Games originate in antiquity? From fairy tales From myths 4. How many feats did Hercules perform? 12 5 5. Where were the competitions organized? By chariot By car 6. What kind of struggle did the participants take place? Fistfight Karate

Test number 3 - "The development of physical culture in the Ancient East, Greece, Rome." (We paint the correct answer in green) 1. What physical exercises did you do in the Far East? Running Jumping Throwing 2. Who from the cities of Greece went in for physical education? Sparta Athens Soviet 3. What battle was fought in Ancient Rome? Fight of Gladiators Boxing 4. What schools were created? School # 2 Gymnastics School 5. What did the Athenians like to do the most? Music Collect stamps

Test # 4 - the topic of the lesson "Traveling around the country of Sportllandia" (We paint the correct answer in yellow) 1. What is athletics called? Queen of sports Korolev and gas stations 2. What do athletes do? Jogging Jumping What is shown in the picture? Basket Ball Hoop What's the name of this game? Salki Volleyball What kind of gymnastics is shown in the picture? Rhythm Ballet Sport. gymnastics 6. What kind of sport is it? Cross-country skiing Gymnastics 7. What is sparked at the Olympics? Torch Light Bulb

Test # 5 - Choose the items you need to exercise. (Color the correct numbers in pink.)


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Learning to breathe correctly

Breathing is the most important function of the body. More often than not, people do not think about how they breathe, and how important it is for their health to breathe correctly. The normal supply of oxygen to the blood depends on respiration, as well as the rhythm of the heart and blood circulation in the body. Even a slight lack of oxygen reduces the efficiency of the brain and often causes headaches. The respiratory system includes the nasal cavity, larynx, bronchi and lungs. Breath

The nasal cavity - consists of the external nose and the nasal system. The entry holes into the nasal cavity are the nostrils. The front I-the upper wall of the nasal cavity is formed by the bones of the skull and the cartilage of the nose. Larynx - performs the functions of breathing, protecting the lower respiratory tract and voice formation. The bronchi and lungs are the main organs of the respiratory system. Respiratory system

Breathing through the nose: When breathing through the nose, cold air is warmed up and freed from dust. There it is warmed, cleansed, moisturized and transported to the lungs. Lungs right and left - occupy most of the chest cavity. The right lung is wider and larger than the left one. The color of the lungs in children is pale pink. In adults, it changes, becoming dark blue over the years, with stripes and spots. This is due to the accumulation of dust and soot in the tissues of the lungs. Be sure to breathe correctly while exercising. Inhale while relaxing the muscles, extending the torso, raising your arms up. The exhalation should coincide with the moment of maximum muscle tension, especially the abdominal muscles, as well as when the trunk is tilted, lowering and bringing the arms together. Breathing through the nose

Inhale, exhale.

Mouth Breathing: Mouth breathing is more shallow, so the body receives less oxygen. Breathing through the mouth in cold weather, during ski training, can cause cooling of the airways and lead to colds. But sometimes there is not enough air when running, doing hard work. Then it is better to inhale with your mouth. To maintain and strengthen your health, you need to develop a habit of proper breathing - breathing through your nose, deeply, evenly, rhythmically. Mouth breathing

How to determine if we are breathing correctly? There is an easy way. Measure your chest volume while inhaling and exhaling. The difference between the maximum volume during inhalation and exhalation should be 4 - 6 cm. The larger it is, the better you breathe. One must learn not only to inhale, but also to exhale air through the nose. During exhalation, the mucous membrane of the nose and nasopharynx is irritated by excretion products (carbon dioxide), and this contributes to the normal regulation of respiration. Each person must learn to breathe correctly and master breathing exercises. You must breathe with all your lungs, not just your diaphragm, your chest, or just the tops of your lungs. Are we breathing right

Abdominal breathing: We carry out a calm deep breath (put one hand on the chest with the other on the stomach), the hand on the stomach rises, and on the chest remains motionless. During exhalation, the abdomen gradually retracts. Chest breathing: We perform chest breathing (put your hand on the chest.) During inhalation and exhalation, the hand moves, lying on the chest. Full breath: We inhale, exhale. Inhalation occurs in waves, that is, it begins with abdominal breathing and smoothly turns into chest breathing. When you exhale, the stomach is drawn in, and the exhalation ends with the lowering of the chest. Calm breathing: After two or three deep breaths and exhalations, two calm breaths are taken, but always in the same way - in waves. Breathing exercises

1. I. p. - the main stand. How does the dough puff? "Puff-puff-puff ..." 2. How does a steam locomotive release steam? "From-from-from ..." 3. How does a goose hiss? "Shhhh ..." 4. How do we laugh? "Ha ha ha ..." 5. How does air come out of the balloon? "S-S-S ..." 6. Modules for dandelion. We blow on open palms, "f-f-f ..." 7. I. p. - sitting on a chair, hands, on a belt. We make a prolonged exhalation, saying "fu-fu" at the end, each time, strongly pulling in the stomach. 8. Walking. 2 steps - inhale, 2 steps - exhale. A set of breathing exercises Who breathes like

To keep the respiratory organs healthy, we should not forget about proper breathing. To do this, you need to remember: 1. Do physical education, sports, breathing exercises, singing 2. Never smoke, do not breathe tobacco smoke. 3. Never forget about the posture, which is directly related to breathing. Correct posture while sitting, standing or walking promotes proper breathing. Healthy respiratory organs

Take a mirror and alternately pinching the nostrils, breathe on it. If the air stain remains large, then your breathing is good. What is your breath


The course of theoretical lessons in physical education for 1 - 2 classes.

(from the experience of the teacher of physical culture Popova S.V.)

Physical culture is a system of various forms of employment and strengthening of human health. The physical education program consists of three sections:

  1. Knowledge about physical culture.
  2. Physical training methods.
  3. Physical improvement.

In physical culture lessons, preference is given to physical activity and physical improvement rather than theoretical knowledge about physical culture.

Theoretical knowledge develops cognitive activity in students. But basically this cognitive process is carried out in the form of lectures, very monotonous and not interesting. And the knowledge that a student should get is not enough. Since the lecture lessons are not perceived and very little information remains in the memory of the students. Primary school students perceive information more vivid, concise, colorful, and interesting. Lecture information is difficult for them to remember. Therefore, so that theoretical lessons were interesting, engaging, I actively developed theoretical lessons with multimedia support for students in grades 1 - 2.

Within 45 minutes, not only theoretical knowledge is given, but also motor skills and abilities of children are tested. The lessons use multimedia accompaniment, which is rich in interesting information, color pictures, riddles, tests, music, psychological relaxation.

I included these lessons in the thematic planning of physical education lessons.

I believe that these lessons are interesting and effective, well perceived by students in obtaining theoretical knowledge about physical culture.

I plan to develop theoretical lessons for grades 3-4.

Thematic planning

Course of theoretical lessons in physical culture 1 - 2 grade






The history of the origin of various sports.

1 class

during the year

How a man learned to be strong and dexterous.


"How the world holiday was born"

Legends and myths of Ancient Greece.


The development of physical culture in the Ancient East, Greece, Rome.


Travel to Sportlandia.


The world of sports.


A healthy child is a healthy society.

2nd grade

during the year

Sun, air and water are our best friends.


Theory for credit on the topic "Physical culture" grades 9-11

    The concept of physical culture, sports, physical education.

In accordance with the state educational standard of higher professional education, physical culture since 1994 has been declared a compulsory discipline of the humanitarian educational cycle.

Physical education Is part of the general culture of the society. Has spiritual, material values. Uses special means, methods aimed at the physical perfection of a person.

Physical culture is based on purposeful physical activity in the form of physical exercises, which allows to form the necessary skills, habits, physical abilities, to optimize the state of health and working capacity.

Physical culture is represented by a set of material and spiritual values.

Material assets include sports facilities, inventory, special equipment, sports equipment, and medical support.

Spiritual values \u200b\u200binclude information, works of art, sports, games, exercise complexes, ethical norms that regulate human behavior in the process of sports activities.

The result of physical culture activity is physical fitness and the degree of perfection of motor skills, skills, a high level of development of vital forces, sports achievements, moral and ethical development.

Sport - this is a part of physical culture, actually competitive activity, special training for it, aimed at achieving the highest sports results.

At the moment, there are more than 20 sports. They are divided into cyclic (swimming, skiing), difficult - coordination (figure skating, gymnastics), speed-strength (weightlifting, cycling), sports games (volleyball, football, hockey), martial arts (fencing, wrestling, boxing), all-around (triathlon, heptathlon), sports of an abstract-logical nature (chess).

Physical education - a type of upbringing, the content of which is training, movement, upbringing of physical qualities, mastering special knowledge and the formation of a conscious need for physical education. This is a pedagogical process aimed at the formation of motor skills and the development of specific abilities (endurance, coordination, strength).

Physical education means physical exercise.

Physical exercise - these are motor actions performed to acquire and improve physical qualities, abilities and skills.

    Physical development, physical perfection, physical fitness and physical activity of a person.

Physical development Is a biological process of formation, changes in the natural morphological and functional properties of an organism during life. These include length, body weight, lung capacity, strength, quickness, endurance, flexibility, agility.

Physical development can be influenced through physical exercise, balanced nutrition, work and rest.

Physical development is due to the laws of heredity, which must be taken into account as factors that favor or, conversely, prevent physical improvement.

The process of physical development is subject to the law of age grading.

Physical development is associated with the law of the unity of the organism and the environment. Depends on the living conditions of the person. Living conditions include social conditions: living conditions, work, education, material security. All this affects the physical condition of a person and determines his development.

Physical development is closely related to health.

Physical perfection - this is a historically conditioned ideal of physical development and physical fitness of a person, optimally corresponding to the requirements of life.

Indicators of a physically perfect person:

    Good health, which provides a person with the opportunity to painlessly and quickly adapt to various conditions of life, work and life.

    High general physical performance, allowing to achieve significant special performance.

    Proportionally developed physique, correct posture.

    Comprehensively and harmoniously developed physical qualities.

    Possession of a rational technique of basic vital movements, as well as the ability to quickly master new motor actions.

    Physical education: possession of special knowledge and skills to effectively use physical abilities in life, in work and in sports.

At the present stage of development of society, the main criteria of physical perfection are the norms and requirements of state programs in combination with the norms of a unified sports classification.

Term physical training emphasizes the applied orientation of physical education to work or other activities.

Distinguish between general and special physical training.

general physical preparation aimed at increasing the level of physical development.

Is a specialized process that contributes to the success of a specific activity, making specialized requirements for a person's motor abilities.

The result of physical training is readiness, reflecting the achieved performance of the formed motor skills and abilities.

    Physical culture as part of the general culture of a person and society.

Physical education - part .

    Health concept. The factors that determine it. The relationship between physical and mental health.

Health Is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

Human health Is a dynamic process of adaptation to the environment.

Health assessment criteria:

    The level of physical performance and development at this stage.

    The presence of chronic diseases and physical defects.

    Social well-being, the ability to adapt to changing living conditions, maintaining stability under the influence of adverse environmental factors.

The level of health and physical development is one of the conditions for the quality of the workforce.

Physical and psychological health must be viewed as a process that changes throughout a person's life.

There are three levels of health value:

    Biological - the initial health and maximum adaptation of the body.

    Social - health as a measure of social activity.

    Psychological - health as a denial of illness.

    A healthy lifestyle and its constituent factors. The role of physical culture in the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

The World Health Organization has shown that health depends on 50-55% of a person's lifestyle, 20-25% of heredity, 20-25% of the environment and 10% of the work of the national health system.

The general lines of formation and strengthening of health is a healthy lifestyle.

The main elements of a healthy lifestyle: observance of work and rest, nutrition and sleep, hygienic requirements, the organization of an appropriate regime of physical activity, rejection of bad habits, the culture of interpersonal communication and behavior in a team and the culture of sexual behavior.

    Social and biological factors. Their influence on the physical development of a person. The impact of environmental factors on the body.

Stages of physical culture formation:

    Formative: from birth to 18 years of age.

    Stabilization of physical culture: from 18 to 25 years old.

    25-40 years old.

    40-60 years old. Extinction of biological functions.

    More than 60 years old. Stabilization of gerontological changes (aging processes).

    Physical culture as a means of combating hypodynamia and hypokinesia.

Hypokinesia (Greek. Hipo - decrease, kinesis - movement) is a lack of physical activity. For the normal functioning of the body and the preservation of human health in modern life conditions, a certain additional dose of physical activity is required. The most adequate expression of the produced muscle work is the amount of energy consumption. The more accessible indicators of physical activity for each person are the number of steps. The minimum required volume is 10 thousand steps per day (1 step - 60-70 cm), i.e. 6-7 km.

Hypokinesia is dangerous because at first a person not only does not notice its detrimental effect on his health, but even feels comfortable. However, without delay, first, unsharp functional disorders begin to appear, and then persistent manifestations. This is physical inactivity.

Hypodynamia (Greek. Hipo - decrease, dynamis - movement) - a set of negative morphological and functional changes in the human body due to hypokinesia - a chronic lack of muscle load, a weakened body. The lack of a sufficient dose of daily muscle movements creates special unnatural conditions for the life of the human body, negatively affects the metabolism, the structure and functions of all tissues and organs. There are atrophic changes in the muscles, demineralization of bones occurs, the regulation of physiological systems is disrupted. So, for example, the oxygen supply of the body is a harmonious system (coordinated functions of the lungs, blood, cardiovascular system, tissues and cells). Physical inactivity upsets this system, disrupting each of its constituent parts and their interaction. As a result, oxygen deficiency of the body develops, hypoxia.

The muscular, cardiovascular systems, the functional state of the brain and sensory systems especially suffer from hypoxia. As a result, there is a decrease in reserve capabilities and general defenses of the body, an increase in the risk of diseases.

For a state of hypodynamia characterized by increased fatigue, extreme instability of mood, weakening of attention, sleep disturbance, loss of the ability to prolonged mental or physical stress. A person changes even externally - there is a hollow chest, stoop. All of these symptoms can manifest themselves to varying degrees. In chronic hypodynamia, the development of young people is delayed and the aging of the elderly is accelerated.

The most effective alternative to hypokinesia and hypodynamia in modern conditions can and should be a variety of physical exercises.

Hypokinesia not only causes hypodynamia, but also creates a "vicious circle of hypokinesia. The disorders that have arisen in the body due to lack of muscle activity can be an additional reason for the forced limitation of motor activity, which aggravates hypokinesia. The exit of a person from this circle requires additional attention to their health, appropriate knowledge, effort and time.

    The main forms of physical culture in Russia (basic, health, sports).

Currently, the following typological components of physical culture are distinguished:

Basic physical culture;

Sports and tourism (their active motor types);

Applied physical training;

Health-improving and rehabilitation physical culture;

- "background types" of physical culture.

Basic physical culture ... It includes that fundamental part of physical culture, which provides the basic level of physical fitness of a person. It is she who characterizes the presence of the main fund of vital motor skills and abilities along with the level of general versatile development of physical abilities necessary in life (strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, dexterity).

Basic physical culture serves as the foundation for specialized types of training (professionally applied, sports).

On basic physical education, i.e. on general physical training, the process of physical education in all educational institutions is also based.

Sports and tourism ... Sport is a part of physical culture, through which a person seeks to expand the physical and mental boundaries of his capabilities. Competitive activity is a distinctive feature of sport from other physical exercises.Sport - an integral part of physical culture, means and method of physical education, based on the use of competitive activity and preparation for it, in the process of which the potential capabilities of a person are compared and evaluated.

At present, it is customary to subdivide the general concept of "sport" into mass sports and sports of the highest achievements ("big sport").Mass sports - engaging in individual sports or physical exercises in various competitive forms for the purpose of active recreation, health promotion, increasing efficiency and achieving physical perfection. These tasks coincide both with the general target orientation of physical culture, and with a number of provisions of basic physical culture.

However, there is a so-called"big sport" , which, in its focus, moves further and further from the tasks of physical culture. Sport of the highest achievements can already be considered as an independent sphere of human activity, where sport manifests itself both as professional work of athletes, as a show, and as a big business.

Tourism - an essential component of physical culture. Active types of tourism (hiking, cycling, water tourism) are effective physical exercises, very often not only health-improving, sports, but also professionally applied in nature. At the same time, there are commercial types of tourism, which to a greater extent solve cognitive problems and to a lesser extent are associated with physical exercises and health-related loads.

Applied physical training associated with the process of profiled use of physical culture and sports to prepare for a future profession.

Health-improving and rehabilitation physical culture is the use of physical culture for the treatment of diseases, restoration of certain body functions, impaired or lost due to diseases.

"Background" types of physical culture : hygienic (morning exercises, walking); reactive (active rest).

    The main means of physical culture for the prevention of nervous physical and emotional exhaustion of students during the academic year.

    The principles of physical education.

Principle - these are the most important essential provisions that reflect the laws of education, direct the activities of the teacher and the student towards the intended goal with the least effort and time.

The general principles are:

    The principle of promoting the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual.

    The principle of linking physical education with practice.

    The principle of health improvement.

General methodological principles:

    The principle of consciousness and activity.

    The principle of visibility.

    The principle of accessibility and individuality.

Specific principles of physical education:

    The principle of the continuity of the process of physical education.

    The principle of systematic alternation of loads and rest.

    The principle of gradual build-up of training influences.

    The principle of adaptive balancing of load dynamics.

    The principle of the cyclical structure of classes.

    The principle of age-appropriateness of the directions of physical education.

    Formation of personal qualities in the process of physical culture and sports.

Physical culture of a person is characterized by the level of his education in the field of physical culture, optimal physical fitness, which is reflected in a healthy lifestyle, in the types and forms of active physical culture and sports activity.

The criteria for assessing the degree of formation of a person's physical culture include:

The degree of the need for physical culture and ways to satisfy it;

Intensity of participation in physical culture and sports activities (time spent, regularity);

The nature of the complexity and the creative level of this activity;

The severity of emotional-volitional and moral manifestations of a given person in physical culture and sports activities (independence, perseverance, hard work, dedication, self-control, discipline, collectivism, patriotism);

Self-organization, self-education, self-education and self-improvement in physical culture;

The level of physical perfection and attitude towards it;

Possession of the means, methods, abilities and skills necessary for independent physical improvement;

Systematicity and depth of assimilation of scientific and practical knowledge on physical culture for creative use in the practice of physical culture and sports activity;

The breadth of the range and the regularity of the use of knowledge, skills, skills and experience of physical culture and sports activities in the organization of a healthy lifestyle, in educational and professional activities.

    General and special physical training, their characteristics and differences.

general physical preparation - is a process of improving motor physical qualities, aimed at comprehensive and harmonious physical development of a person.

General physical training helps to increase functional capabilities, general performance, is the basis for special training and achieving high results in the chosen field of work or sport. The following tasks can be assigned to general physical fitness:

Achieve the harmonious development of body musculature and corresponding muscle strength;

Gain general stamina;

To increase the speed of performing various movements, general speed abilities;

Increase the mobility of the main joints, muscle elasticity;

To increase dexterity in a wide variety of (household, labor, sports) activities, the ability to coordinate simple and complex movements;

Learn to perform movements without undue stress, master the ability to relax.

Achievement of physical perfection is always associated with general physical fitness, the specific principles and indicators of which are determined by the real needs and living conditions of society at each historical stage. But there is always a requirement for a high level of health, general performance, and the development of basic physical qualities.

Regardless of the sports specialization, the most important muscle groups that determine the normal functioning of a person should be well developed. These are the following muscle groups: extensors of the spinal column, flexors of the legs, extensors of the arms, pectoralis major muscle. A prerequisite for the development of these muscle groups is the preliminary strengthening of the abdominal muscles and the lumbar region.

At the same time, it should be remembered that even a sufficiently high general physical fitness often cannot ensure success in a specific sports discipline or in various types of professional work. In some cases, increased development of endurance may be required, in others - strength, i.e. additional specialized training is required.

Special physical training Is a process of upbringing of physical qualities, which ensures the predominant development of those motor abilities that are necessary for a specific sports discipline (kind of sport) or type of labor activity. Special physical training is very diverse in its focus, but all its types can be reduced to two groups:

a. Sports training (training) is an expedient use of knowledge, means, methods and conditions, which allows to directly influence the physical development of an athlete and ensure the necessary degree of his readiness for sports achievements.

b. Applied physical training - This is the directed use of physical culture and sports to prepare a person for his chosen profession.

    Motives for independent exercise. Dynamics of the content of classes and load depending on age.

Motivation is the most important factor in ensuring consistent, regular independent exercise. It is she who provides the necessary and indissoluble chain of actions: motivation - interest - knowledge - regular classes - efficiency.

Motivation can be different:

For health promotion;

For the correction of deficiencies in physical development and physique;

To improve their functionality;

For psychophysical preparation for future professional activities, for mastering vital conditions and skills;

For outdoor activities.

The forms of independent physical exercise are determined by their goals and objectives. There are four forms of self-study: morning hygienic exercises, included in the daily routine in the morning after waking up from sleep; Exercise during the day, performed in between work or work, to prevent fatigue and help maintain high performance; independent training sessions conducted individually or in a group; passing workouts performed daily throughout the day. The latter include walking up the escalator to the metro or a walk that replaces a trip in public transport.

The means of self-study are precisely physical exercises of various orientations. The most accessible of them are walking and running, swimming, rhythmic gymnastics, athletic gymnastics, walking and skiing, sports and outdoor games, and hiking.

Planning for independent exercise is associated with the availability of free time. However, one of the main principles of physical education is systematic, i.e. constancy and regularity of the classes. Without adhering to this principle, the effectiveness of training should not be expected.

The organization of each lesson of different orientation can differ significantly in frequency and duration. Usually it is planned to conduct 2-7 lessons per week for 0.5-1.5 hours. Exercising less than twice a week is ineffective. The best time to exercise is in the afternoon, but not earlier than 2 hours after a meal or not later than an hour before going to bed.

The greatest health-improving effect is provided by outdoor activities at any time of the year.

    Mass sports and sports of the highest achievements. Their goals, objectives and differences.

Mass sports and elite sports have a single primordial basis. However, at present, these independently developing social phenomena have significant differences in their goals and objectives.

The goal of mass sports is to strengthen health, improve physical development, functional fitness and actively relax. This is due to the solution of a number of specific tasks: to increase the functionality of individual systems of the body, to correct physical development and physique, to increase general and professional performance, to master vital skills and abilities, to spend leisure time pleasantly and useful, to achieve physical perfection.

The tasks of mass sports in many ways repeat the tasks of physical culture, but they are realized by the sports orientation of regular classes and trainings.

The goal of big sport is fundamentally different from the goal of mass sport. This is the achievement of the maximum possible sports results or victories at the largest sports competitions, and now at commercial sports forums. To achieve this goal in sports, step-by-step plans for multi-year training and corresponding tasks are developed. At each stage of training, these tasks determine the required level of athletes' functional capabilities achievement, their mastery of technique and tactics in the chosen sport. All this should be realized in a concrete high sports result.

Along with the growth of sports achievements in sports, the psychophysical load on athletes inevitably increased, as well as the time spent on training and competitions. All this has led to the fact that the functioning of an athlete in modern sports of the highest achievements requires him to have a professional attitude to this activity. Many sportsmen in the field of sports become professionals.

    Medical control during physical education, its purpose. Criteria for physical development and physical fitness.

Medical supervision is an integral part of the system of physical education and sports training.

The main tasks of medical control are to ensure the correctness and high efficiency of all physical culture and sports activities, the widespread use of physical culture and sports in the interests of the comprehensive development, preservation and strengthening of the health of those involved. Medical control is aimed at studying the state of health, physical development, physical fitness of those involved and the impact on them of physical exercise and sports. It makes it possible to timely identify deviations in the state of health and plan training loads without harming the health of the trainees.

The correct organization of physical education provides for systematic medical supervision during training.

Medical control is carried out in the following forms:

Regular medical examinations of those involved in physical culture and sports (primary, repeated, additional);

Medical and pedagogical observation of students during classes and competitions;

Sanitary and hygienic control over the places and conditions for conducting classes and sports competitions;

Prevention of sports injuries and morbidity;

Medical service for mass health-improving, physical culture and sports events.

    Self-control. Basic methods. Athlete's self-control diary.

Self-control is a system of measures aimed at studying the effect of physical activity on one's own body.

Self-control methods: subjective and objective.

Subjective method: sleep, appetite, well-being (in the morning, in the evening, after exercise).

Objective method:

    Heart rate (at rest, during exercise, after exercise). The difference should be no more than 12 beats per minute.

    Blood pressure measurement (norm 120/80).

    Breathing rate.

    The vital capacity of the lungs (for women about 2.5 liters, for men - 4.5 liters, for athletes - 6 liters)

    Pulmonary ventilation, maximum oxygen consumption (measured with special equipment).

    Measurement of waist, hip, etc. By the girth of the chest, you can determine the volume of the lungs (measure at rest, while breathing).

    The main forms of industrial physical culture.

Forms of professionally applied physical training:

    Industrial gymnastics consists of 10-12 exercises lasting 10-15 minutes. Spend at the beginning of the working day.

    Physical culture break. Every 3-3.5 hours 5-7 exercises for 5 minutes.

    Physical education. As needed. Consists of 1-2 exercises 1 minute long.

    After working recovery - classes in health centers, swimming pools, etc.

    First aid for injuries in physical culture and sports.


Depending on what the wound is inflicted with, there are: stab wounds inflicted with a sharp object; cut wounds inflicted by any cutting object; chopped wounds inflicted with an ax; lacerated wounds, when the wound is like a torn piece of skin or other tissue; bruised wounds received from the impact of a blunt object, when struck or dropped; gunshot wounds. Injuries can be superficial, when the top layer of the skin is damaged (abrasion, small cut), and very deep, when not only the top layer of the skin is damaged, but also deep-lying tissues, muscles and bones. Of particular danger are wounds that penetrate the chest, abdominal cavities, and the skull, as this can damage any vital internal organ. Microbes can enter the body through the wound. In addition, when injured, blood vessels (arteries, veins or capillaries) are damaged, and bleeding is accompanied. Depending on which vessels are damaged, bleeding can be minor or very profuse, life-threatening. Distinguish between arterial bleeding, which occurs when the artery is damaged, venous when the veins are damaged, and capillary when the capillaries are damaged. The orderly providing first aid to the victim in case of injury must first determine the type of bleeding, stop it and apply a sterile bandage to protect the wound from infection. Arterial bleeding is determined by the scarlet color of blood, which is thrown out of the wound in a pulsating stream, sometimes in the form of a fountain. It is life-threatening, especially if a large artery is damaged, as the injured person can lose a large amount of blood in a short period of time. In these cases, immediate measures should be taken to stop the bleeding before applying a bandage. Loss of 1/3 of all blood is life-threatening. Venous bleeding is determined by the dark red, cherry color of blood that flows from the wound in a continuous stream, but slowly, calmly, without jolts. Such bleeding can be profuse, however, as a rule, applying a pressure bandage and giving the affected part of the body an elevated position is sufficient to stop it. With capillary bleeding, blood oozes over the entire surface of the wound, like from a sponge. Usually, this bleeding is not severe, and in most cases, a bandage is sufficient to stop it. In addition to external bleeding, there are internal bleeding, in which blood flowing from a damaged vessel or organ accumulates in any internal cavity of a person. Internal bleeding is recognized by a sudden pallor of the face, pallor and coldness of the hands and feet, and a rapid pulse. Dizziness, tinnitus, cold sweat appear, followed by a state of shock. At the very first signs of internal bleeding, the wounded should be immediately (with due care) taken to a hospital. Providing help and mutual assistance in bleeding, they use the following methods to stop it: finger pressing of the artery above the wound site; using a rubber or cloth cord, as well as twisting; the imposition of a pressure bandage.

The desired artery should be pressed against the closely located bone with your fingers. To do this, you need to know the location of the desired artery and be able to quickly find it by pulsation, with your fingers to feel that the artery lies on the bone, to which it should be pressed if necessary. It should be borne in mind that finger pressure is only a temporary measure to immediately stop blood loss. After a while, the person providing assistance gets tired of the fingers, and the victim has pain in the places of pressure. Therefore, in order to stop the loss of blood, it is necessary to resort to a more reliable method of stopping bleeding by applying a tourniquet or twisting. This will allow the victim to be transported to the nearest medical facility. A tourniquet is a special rubber tube or strip with a hook at one end and a loop at the other. The tourniquet can be made of cloth, 3 centimeters wide and 1 meter long, equipped with a buckle and a tightening device. As a twist, you can use a handkerchief twisted in a cord, a thick rope, etc. The tourniquet or twist should be applied over the clothes (or over several layers of bandage) above the wound and as close as possible to it. Having applied, thus, a tourniquet and thrusting a stick or any object into the formed ring, you need to rotate it until the limb is overtightened and the bleeding stops. The tourniquet must be clearly visible, it must not be covered with clothing or a bandage. The tourniquet should be tightened only until the bleeding stops: excessive tightening unnecessarily increases pain and often injures the nerve trunks. A tourniquet that is too loose will increase bleeding. The tourniquet cannot be kept for more than 1.52 hours. During this time, it is necessary to deliver the victim to the clinic or hospital. If this failed, then after 2 hours the tourniquet should be loosened for several minutes while pressing the damaged vessel with a finger, and then applied slightly higher. In cold weather, it is advisable to relax the tourniquet every hour for a short time. It must be remembered that in all cases of application of a tourniquet or twist, a note is left under the bandage indicating the date and time of the application of the tourniquet. A tourniquet and twist are applied only to the thigh and shoulder. After finger pressing on the vessel or applying a tourniquet (twisting), the wound must be closed with a bandage.

A properly applied dressing stops bleeding and protects the wound from germs, thereby promoting its early healing. For dressings, an individual dressing package is used, and in the absence of gauze napkins or bandages, cotton wool. Before applying a bandage, you should wash your hands with soap and rubbing alcohol. The skin around the wound is smeared with iodine, destroying microbes on the skin. Then they take an individual dressing bag (IPP), find the end of the thread glued between the layers of the paper shell, and pull it with a jerk, cutting the shell into two halves with the thread. The industry produces IPPs in a waterproof rubberized fabric casing. Such a shell is torn at a cut at the edge of the bag. The PPI consists of two cotton-gauze pads and a bandage. One of the pads is sewn to the end of the bandage, and the other is movable. The pads are taken, touching only one side of them with your hands, and applied to the wound with the side that you did not touch with your hands. Depending on the size of the wound, one or two pads are applied to it so that the wound is completely closed. In the absence of PPIs, sterile wipes and bandages are used. If they are not there, you can use a cleanly washed handkerchief or a piece of any white, hygroscopic, that is, having the ability to absorb moisture, fabric. A bandage is applied over the napkins to hold the napkins in place (usually a bandage is used for this), and the damaged part of the body is bandaged in circular bandages. If there is no bandage to hold the napkin, you can secure it with strips of plaster.


The most common type of injury isbruises ... They can be obtained by dropping or hitting with a blunt object. In case of bruises, the integrity of the skin may not be disturbed, but almost always rupture of small blood vessels of the tissues, as a result of which hematomas form, the accumulation of blood under the skin and in the muscles. More often they are called bruises, bruises. They are very painful to touch. First aid consists in applying a cold lotion to the site of the injury and applying a tight bandage. A head injury can cause concussion. In this case, bed rest is required.

Stretching or a rupture of ligaments is most often observed on the ankle joint when the foot is tucked (stumbled, fell, stumbled, jumped uncomfortably, etc.). Signs of sprain include pain, swelling, bruising, and dysfunction of the foot. In this case, you should immediately apply a cold compress and a very tight bandage to the joint area.

Dislocation displacement of the articular ends of the bones is called sometimes with rupture of the articular bag. A sign of dislocation is sharp pain, swelling, a change in the shape of the joint and the impossibility of habitual movements. First aid for dislocations is aimed at reducing pain, which is achieved by creating maximum rest for the damaged joint. In no case should you try to correct the dislocation yourself without a doctor. Inappropriate actions can damage bone, tissue, tendons. If the shoulder is dislocated, it is necessary to bend the arm at a right angle at the elbow and hang it on a scarf or bandage it to the body. If the dislocation occurs in the elbow joint without changing the formed angle of the joint, bandage the elbow to the torso. In case of dislocation in the wrist joint, a tight eight-shaped bandage is applied to the joint and the hand is suspended from a scarf. A leg with a dislocation in the hip joint is bandaged to a healthy leg. Remember that after providing first aid, the patient should be urgently taken to a doctor, since the dislocation is most easily repaired in the first hours after injury.


A fracture is a violation of the integrity of a bone. The main signs of a fracture are very severe pain, which increases with an attempt to move (with a broken leg, it is impossible to stand up), an unnatural change in the position of the limb, its curvature in an unusual place. There are open and closed fractures.

With a closed fracture, the bone is broken, but the skin is not damaged; with an open fracture, there is a wound. First aid consists in ensuring the immobility of the fracture site. This will reduce pain and prevent the debris from moving. The immobility of the fracture site is achieved by imposing various kinds of special tires made of wire or plywood on the damaged area. However, everyone should be sure to be able to make tires himself, if necessary, from scrap materials: boards, plywood, reeds, reeds, straw, branches or tree bark. If there are no other items, you can use skis, an umbrella, etc. Before the tire is applied, it must be modeled, that is, adjusted according to the height and build of the victim. This is done on a healthy limb. The splint must be overlaid (especially in the places of contact with the bone protrusions) with a soft material of cotton wool, moss, leaves, etc., then wrapped with a bandage and applied to the injured limb. The main rule when applying a splint is to ensure immobility of at least two joints: one above, the other below the fracture site. The same help should be provided if there is a suspicion of a fracture, as well as in case of joint damage and extensive injuries of the soft tissues of the limbs. With a closed fracture, splints are applied over clothing, and with an open fracture, you must first stop the bleeding, apply a bandage, and then apply a splint.


Suddenly stopped heart and breathing require immediate help. 4-5 minutes after they stop, an oxygen building develops, and irreversible changes occur in the cells of the brain: it is almost impossible to save a person. Therefore, everyone should master the skills of artificial respiration and closed heart massage. Artificial respiration is done when the injured person is not breathing, heart massage if it stops.

Artificial respiration by the "mouth to mouth" method is the most simple and effective. It is done as follows: the victim is laid on his back, face up, a roller of clothing is placed under the shoulder blades, the head is thrown back. Cover the face with gauze or a handkerchief, pinch the nose. The person performing artificial respiration takes a deep breath, then blows air forcefully through gauze or a handkerchief directly into the victim's mouth (inhalation). The lips of the person performing artificial respiration should be firmly pressed against the victim's lips. Once the victim's chest has expanded sufficiently after inflation, the inflation should be stopped and the chest will collapse (exhale). Do 12-14 puffs per minute.

Before you doclosed heart massage , the victim should be placed on his back and placed on his left side. Place your left hand on the lower part of the sternum slightly above the xiphoid process (lower third of the chest). With the palm of your right hand, cover the left hand and squeeze towards the spine to cause the heart to compress between the sternum and the spine. In this case, the chest should be compressed by 45 centimeters. After each pressure on the sternum, it is necessary to quickly remove the hands from the victim's chest, giving her the opportunity to straighten out. Do 50-60 presses per minute. If artificial respiration "from mouth to mouth" and closed heart massage are performed simultaneously, then for every 4-6 pressures on the chest, one inhalation and exhalation should be taken. Artificial respiration "from mouth to mouth" and closed heart massage can be performed by one person or two: in the latter case, one performs artificial respiration, the other is a closed massage.

For any type of injury, a medical professional must be called immediately to the scene.

    Forms of physical therapy (exercise therapy). Therapeutic gymnastics, massage, bath.

Healing Fitness - a type of physical culture aimed at restoring the body after injuries and diseases.

Exercise therapy forms:


    Dosed walking (at least 500 m).

    Dosed ascent (terrenkur).

    Near tourism (2-3 days).

    Classes on simulators and block devices.



Massage techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration, tapping. All techniques are alternated by stroking.

    Physical Culture and sport. Their values \u200b\u200bfor modern people and society.

Physical culture is an organic part of human culture, an independent type of activity, the significance of which in the development of society is very diverse. It has a certain influence not only on the versatile formation of a person as a person, but also on the development of family, industrial and modern social relations.Physical culture is represented in society by a set of spiritual and material values ... The first includes relevant information, works of art, various kinds of sports created and being created, games, complexes and systems of physical exercises, ethical and moral norms that regulate human behavior in the process of physical culture and sports activity. The second includes the created and constantly improving sports facilities, inventory, outfit, and special equipment.

The formation of physical culture and its development are largely due to the material conditions of society.

Physical education - part general culture of society, aimed at strengthening and improving the level of health, the all-round development of the physical abilities of the people and their use in public practice and the daily life of each person .

This phenomenon of the life of a modern person at every stage of the development of society has always had and has deep biological roots that feed the crown of the tree of active life of every person. Movement (active motor activity) is one of the main components of the biological support of the life of the human body (cells, tissues, organs, physiological systems).

In evolutionary terms, all components of the human body have developed and improved on the basis of movement and therefore require it constantly both for their development and for maintaining the functional capabilities of each person. A weak physical background is dangerous for human life, as it disrupts the normal metabolism in the body, the necessary balance between mental and physical stress. That is why there was a need for a culture of using movement - this basis for the life of the human body, i.e. development of a whole complex of social, biological, physiological, pedagogical and other aspects of knowledge about the effective use of movement to ensure human life in modern constantly changing conditions.

All this knowledge, each person's own attitude to their implementation, the attitude of society to this phenomenon and created modern physical culture.

Thus, at its core, modern physical culture has a purposeful motor activity in the form of a variety of physical exercises that contribute to the biological development of a young organism, allowing the formation of the necessary skills and abilities, develop physical abilities, optimize health, mental stability and, in general, ensure high performance during all life.

In modern systems of physical exercises, sports, numerous elements of the main forms of human physical activity in ancient times are clearly observed. Many modern systems of physical exercise are rooted in religious, ritual, traditional actions of the peoples of the Ancient world. Associated with strengthening and maintaining the performance of a person or individual systems of his body, as well as with the stabilization of mental processes.

In the historical development of individual sports and various systems of physical exercises, their connection with the conditions of the external environment, with the socio-economic factors of work, life and rest of a person is clearly visible. In addition, many changes in the internal structure of each sport depend on the progress of technique.

    The relationship between physical and intellectual development in the process of becoming a specialist.

For the normal functioning of the brain, it is necessary that it receives impulses from various systems of the body, the mass of which is half muscles. Muscle movements create an enormous number of nerve impulses that keep the brain healthy. Therefore, mental performance is inseparable from the general state of motor activity.

The psychophysiological essence of the connection between movements and mental activity is characterized by the following patterns. During the period of intense mental work, people usually have a concentrated facial expression, pursed lips, and a tense neck. The more difficult the task is, the stronger the muscle tension. Impulses from tense muscles to the central nervous system stimulate the activity of the brain and help it maintain the desired tone. But if this process goes on for a long time and monotonously, then the cerebral cortex gets used to these stimuli, the process of inhibition begins in this part of the brain, and the efficiency decreases. Active movements "quench" nervous excitement and release the muscles from excess local stress.

It has been established that emotions signal the benefits or harms of this or that phenomenon to the body.

An optimally dosed muscle load increases the overall emotional tone, creating a stable cheerful mood, which serves as a favorable background for mental activity and an important preventive measure against overwork. The principle of active rest is the basis for organizing the restoration of working capacity, and the regularities of using the means of physical culture in regulating the psychoemotional and functional state of a person apply to the rather intense educational work of students.

Cyclic exercises (swimming, skiing) of moderate intensity with a pulse of up to 120-140 beats per minute have the most favorable effect on students who are tired of academic work during exams. This effect is the higher, the more muscle groups are involved in vigorous activity. After the exam, in order to accelerate recovery processes and relieve nervous tension, it is useful to perform moderate cyclic exercises.

At the same time, it has been established that muscular activity, which causes a sharp exacerbation of the emotional state (competitions, responsible sports games), leads to inhibition of mental performance. In addition, when participating in competitions during the exams, students often show far from the best results.

Thus, the orientation of classes during the examination period for the bulk of students should be of a preventive nature, and for student-athletes should have a supporting level of physical and sports-technical readiness.

Among the various forms of physical activity of students, morning exercises are quite effective for accelerated inclusion in the school day. It helps to mobilize autonomic functions, increase the efficiency of the central nervous system, and create a certain emotional background.

An effective and accessible type of physical activity at the university is a physical culture break. It is designed to solve the problem of ensuring active recreation of students and increasing their performance during the school day.

Passing workout consists in the targeted use of any opportunities for additional physical training during the working day: partial replacement of transport trips by walking and going up and down the elevator.

    Specialist motor mode. Methods for the prevention of occupational diseases.

It has been statistically proven that a healthy, physically prepared person is less susceptible to accidental and occupational injuries due to a good reaction, sufficient speed-strength capabilities. It has a higher resistance against diseases, penetrating radiation, etc.

The main task of preventive physical exercises is to increase the body's resistance to the effects of unfavorable labor factors. These include: hypokinesia - limiting the number and range of movements; monotony associated with performing the same operations, with continuous concentration of attention (it is in this state, similar to half-sleep, that the likelihood of injury increases); working posture, which becomes the cause of a number of adverse deviations (diseases of the pelvic organs, kyphosis, scoliosis, weakening of the abdominal muscles); increased neuro-emotional tension of work, vibration and motion sickness, unfavorable sanitary and hygienic conditions (dustiness, gas pollution, poor lighting).

To reduce these adverse effects, so-called preventive gymnastics is carried out in their free time. This is a set of exercises, selected for the prevention of adverse effects in the labor process and the reduction of occupational injuries. The number of exercises, the pace of their implementation, the duration of the complex in each case are different.

    Healthy lifestyle and future work activity.

A healthy lifestyle is typical forms and ways of human life, which consolidate and improve the reserve capacity of the body, ensuring the successful performance of individual, social and professional functions.

The components of a healthy lifestyle are:

    Optimal work and rest. A well-organized mode of work and rest, based on the regularity of the course of biological processes in the body, should take into account in every possible way the peculiarity of the objective conditions of educational work and everyday life, as well as the individual characteristics and abilities of a person to perform various types of work. The best conditions for the course of physiological processes in the body are created with a clearly organized lifestyle, while observing a constant sequence of various types of work and rest. With the daily repetition of the habitual way of life, a chain of conditioned reflex connections is quickly established. This contributes to a more economical and faster execution of primary tasks. The established regime will be more realistic if its individual planning is built taking into account the inevitable dynamics of life and the possible occurrence of unforeseen circumstances.

    Rational nutrition is a physiologically complete intake of food by people, taking into account gender, age, nature of work and other factors. Nutrition should be based on the following principles: achieving energy balance; establishing the correct ratio between the main nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates; balance of minerals and vitamins; rhythm of food intake.

    Sleep organization. Sleep is a kind of psychophysiological state of a person, a form of inhibition of the central nervous system. During sleep, nerve cells get rest and restore their performance. The same processes occur in other tissues and organs. Sleep is an obligatory and most complete form of daily rest. Sleep should be at least 7.5-9 hours.

    Optimal physical activity. One of the most essential factors of a healthy lifestyle is the systematic use of physical activity consistent with the state of health. They can represent both organized and independent exercise and sports, and household physical activity.

    Rejection of bad habits. A healthy lifestyle is incompatible with bad habits. The use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs is one of the most important risk factors for many diseases that adversely affect human health, and is completely incompatible with regular exercise and sports.

    Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and hardening. Personal hygiene includes: body hygiene, clothing hygiene, shoe hygiene. Hardening can be in the form of air hardening (cold baths, moderately cold, cool, indifferent, warm), water hardening and sun hardening (light rays enhance the course of biochemical processes, increasing the immunobiological reactivity of the body; infrared rays have a thermal effect; ultraviolet ones have bactericidal properties) ...

    The culture of interpersonal relationships. Human satisfaction in relationships with people is one of the keys to mental, physical, emotional, intellectual and social well-being and personal development.

Physical qualities - functional properties of the organism, which determine the driving capabilities of a person. Physical qualities are: strength, speed, agility, coordination abilities, flexibility, endurance.

Force - the ability to prolong external resistance or to counteract it through muscular efforts. Strength is absolute and relative.

Strength training methods:

    The best effort method. Exercises with weights up to 90% of the maximum are performed. 3-5 series of 1-3 repetitions are performed. Rest interval 4-8 minutes.

    The method of repeated efforts. Weighing 30-70% of the maximum; 4-12 repetitions; 3-6 episodes. Rest interval 2-4 minutes.

    The dynamic effort method involves the use of small and medium weights. 3-6 series of 15-25 repetitions. Rest interval 2-4 minutes.

    The isometric method provides for a static maximum stress of 4-6 seconds. Approach 3-5 times with a rest interval of 30-60 seconds.

Rapidity - the ability to perform exercises in the shortest possible time.

The speed consists of:

    From a simple motor reaction.

    From the speed of a single movement.

    From the frequency of movements.

Methods for the development of speed:

    Competitive special exercises performed at maximum speed. Perform multiple times until complete recovery.

    Speed-strength exercises.

    Outdoor and sports games.

Endurance - the ability to endure fatigue for a long time. Endurance is general and special.

General endurance Is endurance in continuous work of moderate intensity, including the functioning of the entire muscular apparatus. The physiological basis of general endurance is the aerobic capacity of the body.

Special endurance - this is endurance in relation to a certain activity chosen as a subject of specialization.

Endurance development methods:

    Uniform exercise.

    Continuous exercise.

    Repeated exercises.

    Variable exercises.

Agility - the ability to quickly master new movements, as well as quickly rebuild motor activity in accordance with a rapidly changing environment.

Agility development methods:

    Application of unusual starting positions.

    Mirror exercise.

    Changing the speed or pace of movement.

    Changing the spatial boundaries in which exercises are performed.

    Changing the way you do exercises.

    Complication of exercises with additional movements.

    Changing the counteractions of those involved in group or pair exercises.

    Performing familiar movements in previously unknown combinations.

Flexibility - the ability to perform movements with maximum amplitude. Flexibility is active and passive.

Active flexibility - the result of their own muscular efforts.

Passive flexibility - application of external forces to the moving parts of the body: partner efforts, weights, gymnastic walls, block devices.

Flexibility depends:

    from the elasticity of muscles and ligaments;

    from outside temperature;

    from heredity;

    from the time of day;

    from fatigue, i.e. active flexibility decreases, but passive flexibility increases.

Flexibility training methods:

    Stretching exercises.

    Static exercises.


    Fixed exercises (bridge).

    Weight exercises.

Theoretical material on the subject of physical culture to prepare students for the Olympiad.

Games in ancient Olympia

On the land of Ancient Greece, near the village of Olympia, competitions of Greek athletes were held, which went down in history as the Olympic Games.

The earliest information about ancient games dates back to 776 BC. e. The Olympic festival was held every four years at Olympia, where the famous Temple of Zeus was located and where numerous gymnasiums and exercise halls were built, as well as a stadium with a hippodrome. During the Olympic Games, a sacred truce was declared throughout Greece. In the ancient Olympic Games, only men competed and were spectators, and only free-born Greeks. Slaves and foreigners were not allowed to play. At the first Olympic Games, athletes competed only in running

at a distance of 192.27 m in the current dimension. This distance was called "stadium", from this word the name "stadium" came from.

At different periods of time, the program included running at various distances, long jumps, javelin and discus throwing, wrestling fistfights ("pankration"), pentathlon and horse chariot competitions. The start in the race was given on a signal, and the person who made a false start was punished. The runners used a special plate (balbis) to support their feet at the start. Each athlete ran on a separate lane, and preliminary and final races were arranged to determine the winner.

Long jumps were carried out in a somewhat peculiar way. Participants in the Olympic Games ran as in our time, but jumped holding dumbbells in their hands, the weight of which ranged from 1.5 to 4.5 kg. The Greeks threw a spear and disc weighing from 3 to 5.7 kg. It is believed that the predecessor of the disc was a flat stone. For the convenience of throwing the spear, a leather loop (emma) was attached to the shaft.

The nationwide popularity of the Olympic Games, the high achievements that the athletes showed, were explained by the whole system of life, the system of physical education that existed in Ancient Greece.

Statues of the winner of the Olympic Games, called the "Olympian", were erected in the city where he was from, images of the champion were minted on coins, hymns were composed in his honor.

The most famous of the heroes of the ancient Olympic competitions were Leonidas from the island of Rhodes, who won 12 times in running, Hermogenes from Xanthus - 8 victories, Astilos from Croton - 7 victories.

The games were led by the "Hellenodics" who simultaneously performed the role

and coaches and judges, and they were followed by the Olympic Council. The order at the games was maintained by rabdohs - stick insects. Athletes were forbidden to use dishonest methods in wrestling, to injure, to collude with rivals.

At the Olympic festivities, poets read poetry, orators made speeches in honor of the Games. The program also included art contests. Such famous cultural figures as the historian Herodotus, the philosopher Socrates, the orator Demosthenes, the mathematician Pythagoras performed at Olympia.

June 23, 1894 is a historic day: the Congress decided to hold the first Olympic Games of our time in 1896 in their homeland Аф in the Greek capital Athens.

Olympic principles, traditions, rules

Olympic Charter the basic law of the world movement, a kind of constitution of the Olympic movement, a set of basic laws by which the world of modern Olympic sports lives. It sets out the principles of Olympism, the rules for organizing and conducting the Olympic Games, and the structure of the Olympic movement.

"Olympism"is a philosophy of life that uplifts

and uniting in a balanced whole the virtues of body, will and mind.

Olympism, combining sport with culture and education, seeks

to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, on the nurturing value of good example, and on respect for universal basic ethical principles.

The goal of "Olympism"is the widespread establishment of sport at the service of harmonious human development in order to contribute to the creation of a peaceful society that cares about the preservation of human dignity. "

The concept of "Olympiad".According to the Olympic Charter, the term "Olympics" means a period of four consecutive years, which begins on the opening day of the Summer Olympic Games and ends

with the opening of the next Summer Olympics.

Olympic symbol.The first symbols of the modern Olympic Games originated in the olympiads of antiquity, for example, the laurel wreath with which the winners were crowned, or the olive branch. They were replaced by the modern Olympic symbol. It represents five intertwined multi-colored or one-color rings and represents the unity of the five continents and the meeting of athletes from all over the world at the Olympic Games. The intertwined rings are shown in the following order: three rings at the top (left to right)  blue, black, red and two below  yellow and green.

« OtitisAItlliS Fortius» Olympic motto.The Olympic motto "Faster, Higher, Stronger" expresses the aspirations of the Olympic movement. The motto was written by the priest Dido, director of one of the colleges

in France. He was one of the first to appreciate the beneficial influence of sport on the education of young people. Olympic emblem.The Olympic emblem is a combination of five rings with some other element. For example, the IOC emblem is the Olympic rings combined with the Olympic motto "Faster, Higher, Stronger".

Olympic flag.His idea, like many other things in the Olympic movement, was proposed by Pierre de Coubertin. The IOC approved it in 1913. It was decided to raise the flag at the Games in 1916. However, the First World War prevented it!

And the flag is really beautiful: on a white satin cloth two by three meters in size, the Olympic symbol  five multi-colored rings. The white field of the flag complements the idea of \u200b\u200bfriendship of all, without exception, the nations of the Earth.

Olympic flame.Lighting the Olympic flame is one of the main rituals at the opening ceremony of both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Olympic fire, born from the sun's rays at the ruins of the Temple of Zeus in Olympia, and its delivery by a torch relay to the Olympic stadium at the time of the opening of the games was born to Pierre de Coubertin in 1912.

For the first time, the ceremony of lighting the Olympic flame was held at the Games of the XI Olympiad in 1928 in Amsterdam, and at the Winter Games in 1952 in Oslo. The Olympic torch relay, the first of which flashes at Olympia, was first held in 1936.

Oaths of athletes andjudges... The first text of the Olympic oath of athletes was proposed by Pierre de Coubertin in 1913. In our time, the oath reads like this: “On behalf of all athletes, I promise that we will participate in these Games, respecting and observing the rules by which they are held, in a truly sporting spirit , for the glory of sports and for the honor of their teams. "

For the first time, the Olympic oath was taken at the 1920 Olympics. The oath is pronounced by one of the outstanding athletes of the country where the Games are held.

Mascot of the Olympic Games.The tradition of inventing a mascot for the Olympic Games has arisen not so long ago. Athletes and fans are a bit superstitious. They half-jokingly, half-seriously believe in different signs, carry talismans with them. It is known, for example, that the best football goalkeeper of all time, Lev Yashin, kept his first cap for many decades.

For the first time this happened at the Olympic Games in Mexico City  a mascot appeared. But not someone's personally, but for everyone, common: to bring happiness to any Olympian, to any fan.

Usually the mascot is declared to be an image of an animal popular in the country hosting the Olympic Games. Moscow Olympics  brown bear Misha.

Olympic awards.Special awards are given for athletic performance at the Olympic Games. Among them, first of all, medals and diplomas. They are awarded in each issue of the program  to the winner and prize-winners: gold, silver and bronze.

For the third place the medal is really bronze, for the second place it is really silver. But for the first place, too, silver, but covered with a thick layer of gold (at least 6 grams)!

When the Olympic Games are held.The charter stipulates that the Olympiad Games (sometimes called summer games) are held during the first year of the Olympiad. Thus, the four-year period of the XXII Olympiad began in 1980, so the Moscow Games were held in that year.

The Winter Olympic Games, since 1994, are held during the second calendar year after the year in which the Olympics begin. Therefore, the XVII Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer were held in 1994, the second year after the 1992 Barcelona Games.

Duration of the Games of the Olympics and Winter Olympics

must not exceed sixteen days, including the day of the opening ceremony. If there is no competition on Saturday or Sunday, the duration of the Olympic Games will increase accordingly.

Where the Olympic Games are held.The choice of the city where the Olympic Games are held is the exclusive right of the International Olympic Committee. But the city's candidacy must be approved by its country's national Olympic committee.

Olympic Village.The Olympic Charter prescribes that athletes, coaches, officials and other team personnel must live in one place at the Games. The organizing committee must provide them with an Olympic Village. Of course, "village" is a conventional name.

Who participates in the Olympic Games.Athletes participating

in the Olympic Games, must respect the spirit of fair play, not use substances or wrestling techniques prohibited by the IOC rules

and international sports federations. It is, first of all,

Olympic program.The charter stipulates that only so-called Olympic sports are held at the Olympic Games.

The scale of the Olympic Games.The Charter states that the program of the Games of the Olympiad (hereinafter the Games) must include at least 15 Olympic sports. This required minimum applies to the Winter Olympics program.

So that the scale of the Olympic Games does not grow indefinitely,

in certain sports, international sports federations organize qualifying competitions before the Games or, in other ways, establish the permissible number of participants in the Olympic Games.

Number of competitors from one country in individual competitions

should not exceed three. An exception is made for certain winter sports such as cross-country skiing.

Who hosts the Olympic competitions.The Olympic Games are hosted by the International Olympic Committee.

International federations appoint referees, referees, timekeepers

and juries of appeal in each sport. It is they who hold the Olympic competitions and determine the winners.

Olympic facilities.For Olympic competitions, the most modern, equipped with the latest technology sports facilities,  stadiums, sports palaces, competition channels must be provided

rowing, shooting range, course and distance for competition on the ground.

Olympic movement one of the most significant international social movements. It unites tens of international and thousands of national organizations in nearly two hundred countries of the world.

Purpose of the Olympic Movement promote peace and friendship among all peoples by educating young people in sports

in the Olympic spirit - in the spirit of mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and fair play.

International Olympic Committee

The IOC is an international non-governmental organization. The term of its activity is not limited. The IOC Secretariat is permanently located in Lausanne (Switzerland).

The role of the International Olympic Committee is to lead the Olympic movement and to develop Olympism in accordance with

with the Olympic Charter.

Membership in the International Olympic Committee is individual. The IOC itself elects its members.

The history of Paralympic sports: formation, events, facts.
(From IPC materials)

Paralympic sport dates back to the 1880s. However, it was only the development in 1945 of a new treatment regimen for people with spinal cord injuries that led to the development of the worldwide sports movement for the disabled, known today as the Paralympic Movement. After World War II, sports for the disabled took a step forward, aided by the work of Ludwig Guttmann, a German physician who fled Nazism to England in 1936. He approved sport as a means of physical, psychological and social rehabilitation of the disabled with spinal cord injury. Sir Ludwig Guttmann of Stoke Mandeville Hospital (England) has revolutionized the theory and practice of rehabilitation with a focus on sports. In 2003, the IPC adopted a Vision that reflects the main goal of the Paralympic Movement: to create all the conditions for Paralympians to achieve sportsmanship, inspire and delight the world.

Fundamentals of Olympic knowledge The emergence of physical culture in the primitive communal system

The basis of all primitive physical culture as part of the general culture was labor, which was of a collective nature. Primitive labor, despite its primitiveness, required a certain skill and dexterity. Great endurance and physical strength, the ability to hunt, fish, dig up roots. Therefore, adults taught children to jump, swim, first throw stones, and later - darts, spears, climb trees.

With the improvement of the forms of economic management and the invention of new instruments of labor, the means of physical education were also enriched. So,

With the invention of the bow and arrow (XII - VI millennium BC), archery exercises appeared. With the domestication of animals (bull, horse), games with a bull and horse riding are born. The oldest form of organization of physical education was games. For the first time, G.V. Plekhanov. In their games, children tried to reproduce the work of their parents.
Physical culture in ancient Greece

The bulk of the population of ancient Greece, which consisted of slaves,

who did not have any human rights, was deprived of the opportunity to engage in physical culture. Physical culture has acquired a class character. The most characteristic in this respect were the ways of forming the system of physical education in Sparta and Athens.

The term "Spartan education" is still widely known. The children were educated by the older Spartans. Little attention was paid to the mental education of young Spartiats. A lot of time was devoted to dancing and singing choral songs. In Sparta, physical education spread and

on girls.

In the upbringing of young men, exercises in discus and javelin throwing, wrestling and fist fighting, in running and jumping, hunting for wild animals and war games, developing courage and resourcefulness, took a large place.

Thanks to well-delivered physical education

and a perfect military organization, the Spartans created a strong army of hoplites (heavily armed infantry), which was considered the best in Greece and for a long time was invincible. Spartan athletes have participated in many Olympic Games and often won.

In the Athenian system, an attempt was made for the first time to combine mental, physical, moral and aesthetic education.

From 7 to 16 years old, the young Athenian attended public or private music

and gymnastics school. *

In the gymnastics school, which the boys began to attend at the age of 13, physical education was carried out. For two to three years, children were engaged in running, jumping, wrestling, swimming, javelin and discus throwing. Upon reaching the age of 16, the children of the wealthiest parents entered the so-called gymnasiums, where, along with physical exercises, they studied philosophy, politics, and literature.

In general, the system of physical education that developed during the heyday of Greek ancient society was called gymnastics. It consisted of three sections:

Section I - Palestrika (from the words "pale" - struggle). Its main content was the Greek pentathlon - five types of physical exercises: running, jumping, javelin and discus throwing, wrestling. The palestrika also included pankration (a combination of fighting with fistfighting), swimming, fistfighting, horseback riding, archery, chariot riding, games

Section II - orchestics - consisted mainly of dance exercises performed to music.

Section III - games with a stick, a wheel, a stick and a ball and other outdoor games for children.

The ancient Greeks distinguished two methods of using and applying physical exercise: gymnastics, or general physical development,

and agonistics - special training for performances in competitions

Features of physical education in ancient Rome

In the VIII - VI centuries. BC. the territory of Ancient Rome was inhabited by a large number of tribes living in a tribal system.

Individuals accumulate wealth gradually

and stratification into classes. Physical education was different from the methods that were characteristic of ancient Greece. Great attention was paid to physical training only when training soldiers.

Basic terms and concepts of physical culture and sports

The purpose of introducing different sports into the school curriculum for physical education is all-round physical development.

Under the physical (motor) qualities of a person understand the totality of biological and mental properties of a person, expressing his physical readiness to carry out active motor activity.

ForceIs the ability to overcome external resistance or to counteract it through muscular efforts (stresses).

Absolute strength - this is the ability of trainees to show maximum muscle tension, overcoming external resistance or opposing it.

Relative strength - this is the strength that a student can display in relation to his own weight, i.e. the ratio of absolute strength to body weight.

Rapidity it is the ability to perform motor actions

in the minimum time period for these conditions.

Flexibility it is the ability to perform movements with greater amplitude.

Endurance - it is the ability to resist physical fatigue during muscular activity, such as running for a long time

without speed reduction.

General endurance is part of the athlete's general physical fitness (GPP). It serves to develop special endurance.

Special endurance - the ability of an athlete to perform specific work for a long time, provided for the requirements of the chosen sport.

Agility- the ability to quickly and firmly master new, difficult coordination movements (able to learn quickly) and the ability to quickly rebuild motor activity in accordance with a sudden change in the situation.

- this is a certain measure of the impact of physical exercises on the body of those involved, causing an active reaction of its functional systems, which consists of the alternation of physical work and rest.

Physical education - the type of human culture, the process and result of human activity aimed at achieving physical improvement of the individual, the totality of material (sports facilities, sports equipment, medical care, etc.) and spiritual values \u200b\u200b(information, various kinds of sports, ethical standards of athlete behavior).

Physical culture of personality - this is the achieved level of physical perfection of a person, his personal qualities, the degree of use by him of the special knowledge, abilities, skills, acquired in the process of physical exercises, as well as physical qualities in everyday life.

Physical perfection (the highest level of physical education)- the historically conditioned level of health and the all-round development of the physical abilities of people that meet the requirements of human activity in the conditions of production, military affairs and other spheres of social labor, ensuring high performance of a person for many years.

Sports - it is a specific type of activity, a specially organized process aimed at identifying the limiting capabilities of a person in a sports competition.

The purpose of physical education - education of a healthy, harmoniously developed person.

The physical culture of society includes components - sports, physical education (education), physical recreation (intended for active (motor) rest and entertainment) and physical rehabilitation (restoration of partial or temporarily lost human motor capabilities)

The goal in sports is achievement of the highest result, development of reserve capacities of the organism. Health in sports is only one of the conditions on the path to success (often an athlete has to pay for the winner's laurels with health).

Physical exercise - these are motor actions used for the physical improvement of a person.

Physical education - the pedagogical process aimed

to acquire a stock of vital motor skills and abilities,

on the diversified development of physical abilities, on the improvement of body shape (posture, development of the chest, muscles).

Physical development - the process of changing natural morphological

and functional parameters of the human body throughout his life.

Posture - this is the usual posture of a person, in a standing position, sitting and while walking.

Physical training -the process of motor skills formation and the development of physical qualities necessary in a particular activity (professional, military, sports).

At the opening ceremony of the Games, they pronounce two vows:

on behalf of the athletes and on behalf of the judges.

Figure skater Nikolai Panin-Kolomenkinbecomes the first Russian Olympic champion in figure skating (1908).

The first Olympic champion in the history of Soviet sports became the discus thrower Nina Ponomareva (Romashkova) - 1952

The most titled athlete of the planet -american swimmer Michael Phelps ( tenfold Olympic champion in swimming).

American Carl Lewis nine-time Olympic champion

(track and field athletics - 100 m, 200 m, long jump).

Larisa Latynina is the most titled sportswoman of our country!

She is the owner of 18 Olympic awards: 9 gold, 5 silver and 4 bronze.

Gymnasts Viktor Chukarin, Boris Shakhlin and Nikolai Andrianov each have 7 gold awards.

Lidia Skoblikova (skates) and Lyubov Egorova (cross-country skiing) each won 6 gold.

5 gold medals won by gymnasts Polina Astakhova and Nelly Kim and skier Larisa Lazutina.

Modern Olympic Games -it is a worldwide celebration of youth, physical perfection, beauty, an arena where a person again and again confirms that there is no limit to his capabilities.

The Olympic Games are competitions between athletes

in individual or team forms,and not between countries. They bring together athletes who have been selected by the NOC for this purpose, whose applications have been accepted by the IOC, and who are under the technical direction of the IF concerned (as the charter says).

The Fair Play movement (translated from English - “fair, fair play”) appeared.Fair Play is a philosophy that athletes, coaches, fans and everyone involved in sports must adhere to.

For honesty, the Fair Play Committee awards awards to:

"Trophy of Pierre de Coubertin for a noble gesture"

"Pierre de Coubertin Trophy for generosity throughout a sports career."

Now these awards are awarded in our country by the NOC of Russia.

Professional sports - is an entrepreneurial activity, the purpose of which is to satisfy the interests of professional sports organizations, athletes who have chosen sports as their profession, and spectators (Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation" dated April 29, 1999).

it is a definite measure of the effect of physical exercises on the organism of those involved. Dosing a load means strictly regulating its volume and intensity.

It is regulated by:

    duration of execution;

    the number of repetitions;

    changing the speed of execution;

    decreasing or increasing rest intervals between exercises;

    a change in the weight of the shells;

    a change in the power of the applied efforts.

Physical development Is the process of becoming, forming

and subsequent changes in the course of an individual life of the natural morpho-functional properties of the human body.

Motor activity Is a purposeful manifestation of physical activity to humans, with the help of which motor tasks are solved.

Physical activity Is the number of movements performed

for some time (day, week, month, year).

The general physical activity of children with admission to school falls by almost by 50% and declines from junior to senior.

Exercise technique - represents the most rational, effective way to solve the set motional task.

Vis - this is the position of the body on the apparatus in which the shoulders are below the grip points.

Emphasis - this is the position of the body on the apparatus (or the floor), in which the shoulders are above the fulcrum.

Motor skill - this is such a level of mastering a motor action, at which the control of movements is carried out with an active role of thinking.

Motor skill this is such a degree of mastery of the action at which the control of movements is automated, i.e. no special attention is required to them.

Health - this is a state of complete physical, psychological

and social well-being, not just the absence of disease or disability.

(from the charter of the World Health Organization)

Health - it is, first of all, the process of preserving and developing mental and physiological qualities, optimal performance and social activity with a maximum life expectancy.

Healthy lifestyle Is the process of a person's compliance with certain norms, rules and restrictions in everyday life, contributing to the preservation of health, optimal adaptation of the body to environmental conditions, a high level of performance in educational and professional activities.

Personal hygiene- this is the observance of the basic principles and rules of this science by each person in the process of his individual life (daily routine, hygiene of food, clothing, housing, useful leisure, a combination of work and rest, etc.)

Hardening - it is a system of measures aimed at increasing the body's resistance to the various influences of the external environment.

Modern sports and health systems:

Athletic gymnastics - a system of physical exercise

with weights (dumbbells, barbell, exercise equipment), developing strength in combination

with the achievements of a harmonious, beautiful physique.

Rhythmic gymnastics - performance of traditional gymnastic exercises in combination with dance elements accompanied by musical accompaniment.

Shaping- a system for improving, correcting a woman's figure through exercise, diet, massage, etc. The goal is a directed analytical effect on the muscle and subcutaneous fat tissue of those involved in the individual formation and correction of the body relief.

Bodybuilding, or bodybuilding - exercise system

with various weights (dumbbells, barbells, etc.), with the goal of developing muscles.

Classical wellness aerobics - sets of exercises of a sports - gymnastic style, performed continuously to a musical soundtrack in a dance style.

Water aerobics Is a system of physical exercises in water performed to music, which combines elements of swimming, gymnastics, stretching, and strength exercises.

FitnessIs a system of health-improving physical culture plus rational nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Self-control - regular observation by an athlete and sportsmen of their health, physical development and well-being during physical culture and sports (recorded in the observation diary - well-being, heart rate, blood pressure, sleep ...).

Basic rules for self-study:

From simple to complex;

From the known to the unknown; - from mastered to undeveloped;

Regularity of classes (3-4 times a week);

The increase in physical activity in the classroom is gradual.

Speaking of the rules of self-control, it should be noted:

All measurements should be taken at the same time, under the same conditions.

Enter all data in the diary.

It is enough to fill it 2 times a week.


The best times to exercise are between 10 and 13 hours and 16 to 20 hours;

It is advisable to do it at least three times a week.

HR (heart rate) -an important objective indicator of the work of the cardiovascular system.

It is believed that if, after exercise, the pulse:

120-130 bpm - this is a moderate load;

140-160 bpm Is the average load;

170-190 bpm. Is a high load.

Regular exercise can help improve physical performance. The most effective are physical training classes. Basic exercises are exercises to develop strength and endurance. Classes should last at least 30 minutes, three times a week, with a heart rate of 60-80% of the maximum (120-160 beats / min).

To achieve a training effect, it is necessary to practice, for example, walking for at least 40 minutes, four times a week at a heart rate of 60% or more of the maximum indicator.

As the level of fitness increases, the body will recover faster after each session, therefore, the recovery time can serve as a measure of the level of fitness.


for tests on the Olympiad in the subject "physical culture"

1 . Adaptive physical education -it is a type (area) of physical culture of a person with disabilities, including a disabled person, and society.

2. Autogenic training -it is a self-regulation of a mental state aimed at relaxing all muscles, relieving nervous tension, calming and normalizing body functions using special formulas of self-hypnosis.

3. Adaptation -adaptation of the organism, its functional systems, organs and tissues to the conditions of existence.

4. Avitaminosis - a specific metabolic disorder in - in, caused by a prolonged absence (deficiency) of any vitamin in the body

5. Anabolics -chemicals that stimulate protein synthesis in body tissues and increase muscle mass, accelerating the body's recovery.

6. Aerobic metabolism -the process of breakdown and oxidation of nutrients with the participation of oxygen.

7. Amplitude of motion -the range of movements of individual parts of the body in relation to each other or the whole body in relation to the projectile.

8. Athletic gymnastics (bodybuilding)Is a weight training system aimed at all-round strength training and improving physique through muscle development.

9. Aerobics -system of cyclic exercises., requiring the manifestation of endurance and contributing to the improvement of the functional capabilities of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

10. Acrobatics -a system of physical exercises associated with the fulfillment of body rotations in different planes with support and without support and maintaining balance by one athlete, two or groups.

11. Running -this is a method of accelerated movement, in which the single-support and flight phases alternate, i.e., the support with one foot on the ground alternates with the flight phase (with the unsupported phase).

12. Block -a technical defense technique in volleyball, with the help of which the path to the ball flying after the opponent's attacking blow is blocked.

13. Biorhythms - cyclical changes in biological processes occurring in the body, independent of external conditions.

14. VitaminsAre biologically active organic compounds necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

15. Vis -the position of the student on the apparatus, in which his shoulders are below the grip points.

16. Recovery -the state of the organism that arises during work and is especially activated after its completion and consists in the gradual transition of the altered functions to the initial state, as a rule, through the phase of supercompensation.

17. Actuation -a state that occurs in the initial period of work, when there is a transition of body functions and exchange in –w from the level of rest to the level necessary for the performance of this work.

18. Lunge -position with an extended and bent supporting leg, the other is straight, the body is vertical.

19. Sport Is a type of activity that is the subject of rivalry and has historically taken shape as a way of identifying and comparing human capabilities.

20. Hypokinesia - insufficient physical activity of the body.

21. Hypodynamia - a set of negative morpho-functional changes in the body due to insufficient motor activity (atrophic changes in muscles, demineralization of bones, etc.).

22. Hypervitaminosis- occurs with an excess intake of vitamins.

23. Hypovitaminosis- lack of vitamins in the body.

24. Hypoxia - oxygen starvation, which occurs when there is a lack of oxygen in the inhaled air or in the blood.

25. Grouping - position of the student, in which the legs bent at the knees are pulled up by the arms to the chest and the hands grab the knees.

26. Breathing - a complex of physiological processes that ensure the consumption of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide by a living organism.

27. Motor experience -the volume of motor actions mastered by a person and ways of their implementation.

28. Discipline - withknowledgeable submission of their behavior to social rules.

29. Motor actions is a movement (movement of the body and its links), performed with a specific purpose.

30 . Physical activityIs the number of movements performed during some time (day, week, month, year

31. Doping - these are prohibited pharmaceuticals and procedures used to stimulate physical and mental performance and thereby achieve high sports results.

32. Dolphin - a method of sports swimming that arises as a type of breaststroke.

33. VC (vital capacity of the lungs) -the maximum amount of air that a person is able to exhale after maximum inhalation.

34. Healthy lifestyle -the process of a person's compliance with certain norms, rules and restrictions in everyday life, contributing to the preservation of health, optimal adaptation of the body to environmental conditions, a high level of performance in educational and professional activities. (this is a way of human activity aimed at maintaining and improving people's health).

35. Hardening- this is an increase in the body's resistance to the influence of external factors when using the natural forces of nature.

36. Immunity -immunity of the body to infectious diseases.

37. Individual -a person as a subject of relationships and conscious activity, capable of self-knowledge and self-development ..

38. Somersault - rotational movement through the head with successive contact of the supporting surface with separate parts of the body

39. Circularm method of organizing activities practicing, providing for the sequential execution of a series of tasks dosed individually on the basis of the maximum test.

40. Amateur sports - a multilateral mass sports movement in the general system of physical education of citizens, which makes it possible to improve their sports skills and achieve the highest results in various sports.

41. Personality - a person as a subject of relations and conscious activity, with a stable system of socially significant traits that characterize the individual as a member of society or community.

42. Pulmonary ventilation - the volume of air that passes through the lungs in a minute.

43. Massage- an effective means of restoring and increasing the working capacity of the body, improving its functional qualities.

44. Maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) - The largest amount of oxygen that the body can consume in a minute during extremely strenuous work.

45. Mass sports - part of physical culture, which is a mass sports movement that contributes to the development of physical culture among the population in order to attract to physical exercises and identify talented athletes in various sports.

46. \u200b\u200bMotor density lesson -this is the time spent just doing the exercises.

47. Methodical principles of physical education understand the fundamental methodological laws of the pedagogical process, which express the basic requirements for the structure, content and organization of the educational and training process.

48. Methods of physical education - a way to achieve a set goal, a certain way of ordered activity. The main methods are conventionally divided into three groups: verbal, visual and practical

49. Methodology -a system of means and methods aimed at achieving certain results.

50. Muscles - antagonists -muscles acting simultaneously (or alternately) in two opposite directions.

51. Muscles - synergists -muscles that jointly carry out one specific movement.

52. Myositis- muscle inflammation

53. Max - withfree movement of the body about the axis of rotation.

54. Perseverance -striving to achieve the intended goal, energetic, active overcoming of obstacles on the way to achieving the goal.

55. National sports - a part of physical culture, historically formed in the form of competitive activity and representing a kind of physical exercises and folk games with original rules and methods of organizing physical activity.

56. Poor posture- these are minor deviations in the position of the spine.

57. Striking blow -an attack technique in volleyball, which consists in interrupting the ball with one hand to the opponent's side above the upper edge of the net.

58. Olympic Charter is a collection of IOC statutory documents, which formulate the goals and objectives of the modern Olympic movement, the principles of Olympism, a set of laws and rules that govern the participants of the Olympic movement.

59. OlympismIs a philosophy of life that uplifts and unites in a balanced whole the dignity of body, will and mind.

60. Rest- This is a state of rest or vigorous activity, leading to the restoration of strength and performance. (active and passive).

61. Ordinaryrest interval - full restoration of working capacity to the original level.

62. Burdeningit is an external resistance to movement (kettlebell, barbell), complicating the exercise, contributing to an increase in muscle efforts.

63. Training - an organized, systematic process aimed at acquiring certain knowledge, skills and abilities, under the guidance of teachers.

64. Lifestyle features of everyday life of people in specific socio - economic conditions.

65. Metabolism (metabolism) is a complex, constantly flowing, self-occurring and self-regulating biochemical and energy process associated with the intake of various nutrients from the environment into the body, ensuring the constancy of the chemical composition and internal parameters of the body, its vital activity, development and growth, reproduction, the ability to move and adaptation to changing conditions of the external environment.

66. The main exchange is the minimum amount of energy expended by the body to maintain a basic level of vital activity.

67. Orthostatic test -transfer of the body from horizontal to vertical position to study the reactions of the body and orthostatic stability.

68. General physical fitness - this is a human condition, which is acquired as a result of physical training and is characterized by high physical performance, good development of physical qualities, versatile motor experience.

69. Olympic Movement - is a joint activity of people, carried out for the benefit of strengthening peace and friendship between peoples in the spirit of mutual understanding, respect and trust, designed to actively contribute to the humanistic education of peoples on the ideals of sport.

70. The overall density of the lesson isincludes time to explain exercises, transition from one sports equipment to another, etc.

71. JumpingIs a way to overcome distance and obstacles (vertical and horizontal) with the help of an accented phase of flight after pushing off with legs.

72. Risetransition from hanging to support or from a lower position to a high one.

73. Turn -rotational movement of the body around the vertical or longitudinal axis.

74. The density of the occupation -it is an indicator of the effectiveness of the use of training time, defined as the ratio of the time spent on the exercise to the total time of the exercise.

75. Overwork - This is a state of the body characterized by a significant increase in the duration of the recovery of working capacity after exercise in combination with negative symptoms of a mental nature.

76. Preparatory medical group - a group that is formed from students with minor deviations in physical development and health, as well as insufficient training.

77. Flat feet - drooping of the arches of the foot.

78. Prelaunch state - it is the mental state of an athlete that occurs immediately before performing in a competition.

79. Jumping ability -the ability to jump with a high elevation of the OCMT or with a significant range without a run.

80. Overtraining -a pathological state of a student, characterized by a significant decrease in the level of physical performance, negative symptoms of a functional nature in combination with mental depression.

81. Professionally applied physical training - witha specialized type of physical education, carried out in accordance with the requirements and characteristics of the profession.

82. Competition position - it is the main competition document that guides the main panel of judges and provides all aspects of the organization of the competition.

83. Determination - withability to make well-grounded and sustainable decisions in a timely manner, without unnecessary delays to move on to their implementation.

84. Rhythmic gymnastics -this is a type of gymnastics of a health-improving orientation, the main content of which is ORU, running, jumping and dance elements, performed to music mainly by the flow method (almost without interruptions, pauses and stops to explain the exercises).

85. Daily routine - this is the rational distribution of all types of activity and rest during the day, the automatism of life processes repeating from day to day.

86. Diversity (heterochronism) - different functions and qualities reach their maximum development at different ages.

87. Reflexes -these are the reactions of the body that arise to irritation of the receptors with the obligatory participation of the nervous system (the main mechanism of the central nervous system).

88. Resistance -stability, body resistance to external factors.

89. Sports uniform -an adaptive state is considered the final phase of the body's adaptation to extreme - limiting work with the manifestation of a phase of maximum performance with the highest functional training.

90. Sports training is the main form of training athletes.

91. The physical education system is the way of social practice, its foundations, combined into an integral structure.

92. Sports - part of physical culture, which is a specific form of competitive activity, preparation of athletes to participate in competitions.

93. Sports of the highest achievements - the field of sports, which ensures the achievement of high sports results, the setting of records.

94. Sports classification - a system of sports titles, grades and categories that determine the level of skill in certain sports, as well as the level of qualifications of coaches, athletes, instructors, methodologists and judges.

95. Stretching -a system of static exercises that develop flexibility and increase muscle elasticity

96. Sports discipline -it is an integral part of a sport that differs from other components of disciplines in the form or content of competitive activity.

97. Specialization - akcentirovannoe mastery of elements, any sports discipline.

98. Scoliosis -this is a lateral curvature of the spine.

99. Well-being -subjective feeling of the state of one's health, physical and spiritual strength.

100. Stress - states of mental tension arising under the influence of strong stimuli.

101. Special Medical Group - a group that consists of students with deviations in health, in which increased physical activity is contraindicated.

102. Self-control - it is a system of monitoring the state of one's health, physical development, physical performance and their changes under the influence of physical culture and sports.

103. Self-control- these are regular independent observations of those involved in their health, physical development, the impact on the body of physical exercise and sports.

104. Special physical training -process aimed at educating physical. qualities in accordance with the requirements of the specificity of a particular sport and the characteristics of competitive activity.

105. Sports injury - this is the effect of an external factor on the human body, violation of the integrity and functional state of tissues and organs, and the normal course of physiological processes during exercise.

106 .Courage - ga person's responsibility to go towards achieving the goal, despite the dangers, infringing on personal well-being, overcoming adversity, suffering, and deprivation.

107. Socialization - the process of mastering a system of knowledge, norms and values \u200b\u200bof physical culture by a person, contributing to his functioning as a full member of society (Formation of a person as a person in the process of physical culture and sports).

108. Recession -fast transition from stop to hang.

109. Sports fitness - the condition of an athlete, acquired as a result of training, allowing to achieve certain results in competitive activity.

110. Sports category -the criterion for the special preparedness of an athlete, the level of his sportsmanship.

111. Pthe periods of ontogenesis, within which the most significant rates of development of certain human abilities are ensured, especially favorable prerequisites for the formation of certain skills and abilities are formed.

112. Technical and applied sports - a part of physical culture that requires a special preparation of an athlete for competitions with the use of technical means.

113. Fitness - this is the state of the organism, characterized by progressive functional changes that occurred under the influence of repetition of motor actions.

114. Training Is a process of physical exercises fulfillment in order to improve the quality of competitive activity.

115. Test -a measurement or test conducted to determine the state, processes, properties or abilities of a person.

116. Physique -it is the integrity of the morphological and functional characteristics of the organism, inherited and acquired under the influence of the environment.

117. Tactics -the organization of individual and collective actions, according to the interaction of team players according to a certain plan, allowing to successfully fight against an opponent during the competition.

118. Exercise physical cyclic it is an exercise consisting of movements that are continuously repeated for a certain period of time.

119. Exercise physical acyclic Is an exercise consisting of non-repetitive movements.

120. Morning exercises (exercise) Is a complex of physical exercises that provides a gradual transition from sleep to wakefulness.



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