Beheading of John the Forerunner of the Baptist. Beheading of John the Baptist: history, traditions, how to celebrate

11 sep-teab-ry Church-kov id-nu-et Usek-no-ve-the head-you Pro-ro-ka, Pred-te-chi and Cross-te-la Gos-pod-nya John on. Day of mu-ch-no-ch-death-death "ve-li-chai-she-go from born-d-n-na-mi" opi-san evan-ge-li-st-mi Mat-fe -em () and Mark-com (). What happened to Iro-dom? Where is this day the head of the holy one? Why to fast on this day means to become free from the slavery of pleasure?

After the death of Iro-da Ve-li-ko-go, the Rom-lians in de-li-ter-ri-to-riu Pa-les-sti-ny on four-you-re parts, meaning in each of them the pra-vi-te-la from their sta-len-nikov. Herod An-ti-pa received from im-pe-ra-to-ra Av-gu-sta Ga-li-ley to his control. John the Baptist ob-li-chal Chet-ve-ro-power-ni-ka is that he, having left his lawful wife (daughter of ara-vii-go -rya Are-phy), illegally co-living with Iro-di-a-doy, the same of his own brother Philip-pa. For this, Herod hooked the saint in the dark. Some is-to-ri-ki assert that Herod did this not so much because of the evil on John of the Cross, how much something that he wanted to protect him from his beloved, knowing her vengeful disposition. Iro-di-a-yes would-la through-you-tea-but angry at the pro-ro-ka.

The beheading of the head of John the Pred-te-chi took place during the feast in honor of the day of the birth of Iro-da, on which sut-va-whether vel-mo-zhi, old-rei-shi-ny and you-sya-che-na-chal-ni-ki. The daughter of Iro-di-a-dy Sa-lo-miya (Sa-lo-meya) tan-tse-va-la before go-sty-mi, ras-po-lo-is alive by that very be Iro-yes, someone swore to give her everything that she didn’t ask for - even if it’s the same and lo-vi-well, his own king state. According to my mother-te-ri Iro-di-a-dy, who-swarm had the opportunity to take revenge on Saint John well, and all-where from-ba-vit-Xia from reproaches and ob-li-che-niy, Sa-lo-meya in-pro-forces give her the voice of John-on-the-Cross -te-la and bring it to the dish. Herod was embarrassed, because he was afraid of the anger of God for the murder of the pro-ro-ka, as well as of the native anger, because Pre-te-cha was lyu-bim zhi-te-la-mi Ga-li-lei. At the same time, it is known from the Gospel-heli that Herod in many ways heard Saint John and understood his words - but, as St. ... John Evil-to-mouth, the sovereign "the kingdom was over the pleasure-I-mi, rather, was the servant of pleasure." Evil-then-lips are la-ha-e, that, most likely of all, the oath-howl Herod covered himself, as a blah-seeming pre-lo-gom - on the very the same de-le, the true reason for his approach was the fear of losing Iro-di-a-du.

And he keeps his oath, given in the presence of you-with-guests: he gives a co-answer with -kaz - and pro-ex-go-dit Usek-no-ve-tion of the head of John Pred-te-chi. Su-che-stu-is a pre-donation, according to the mouth of the dead head-you pro-ro-ka, as before, pro-du-zha whether to ob-li-ch-la-vi-te-la: "Herod, you should not have the same Philip, your brother." After this, Sa-lo-miya, in fury, is-ko-lo-la language pro-ro-ka needle and for-ko-pa-la to the head of the Cross-sti-te-la in unclean place.

Herod continued to rule for a certain time after Usek-no-ve-nia of the head of John Pred-te-chi - Evangelical is-to-riya -de-ts-is about the fact that Pon-ty Pi-lat sent to him the connection of Jesus Christ ().

Dal-nei-shaya fate-ba Iro-da and Iro-di-a-dy lay in the sadness. Lyubov-no-ki bo-I-hoped that St.John would rise from the dead, and Herod, when he began to tell Jesus Christ, horror -nul-sya this-mu, ska-zav: “this is John the Baptist; he resurrected from the dead, and in that way chu-de-sa de la-yut-Xia them. "

After the passage of time after the Usek-no-ve-nia of the head of John Pred-te-chi, Sa-lo-miya, ne-re-go-dya zi-my ice the river Si-ko-rice, pro-wa-li-las under the water and the ice handed it over in such a way that the go-lo-va na-ho-di-las on on-top-but-sti, and body - in ice water. She was in vain, but she tried to get out, but she didn’t succeed - so she lasted until then, until the sharp gla -re-for-whether her neck. The body of Sa-lo-mi did not go, but the go-lo-woo brought Iro-do with Iro-di-a-doy, like-but-mo, like sometime when -whether to the head-wu John-na Pred-te-chi. Truncated the head-you of John the Forerunner from-to-the-el-was, and to the fate of himself, Iro-da - in the place of the devil step of his own do-che-ri, the Arabian king Are-fa sent his troops against him. Herod ter-sang in-ra-ze-nie and for this reason rage-raged the Roman im-pe-ra-to-ra Ka-li-gu-lu. He was co-sent together with Iro-di-a-doy for something to Gaul, and then - to Is-p-nia.

After the Usek-no-ve-nia of the head of John the Pred-te-chi, his disciples, rowing the body of the holy one in Sa-maryan-go -ro-de Se-va-sti. The holy head-va John-na-cross-sti-te-la was-la nai-de-na and in-gre-be-na in the co-su-de on the Yele-on-sky go-re. After-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-v-d-v-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-r-z: one in-motion-nick co-pal ditch for os-no-va -ya temple, found the saint-you-nyu and kept it with him. And before his death, fearing that the saint-you-nya might-be-ru-ha-na, hid her in the earth in the same place , where and about-na-ru-lived.

In 452, the pro-rock indicated in the vi-de-nii the place where his head was covered - and she was again ob-re-te-na, after that it was transferred to Emes-su, then to Kon-stan-ti-no-pol. In the memory of this, another holiday is established, inextricably co-wired with the Ussek-no-ve-ne-it the head of John the Pred-te- chi - about-re-te-nie of his honest head-you. The holiday of the first and second chu-des-no-go ob-re-te-niya from-me-cha-et-Xia Tser-ko-vyu March 8 (February 24- ra-la old-ro-th style).

During the time of the iko-no-bor-che-skikh go-not-ni-va-la you-ve-ze-na in Ko-man-ny (Ab-ha-ziya), from the West -nom as a place of exile and the end of St. John-on Evil-to-mouth, and hide-ta-na in the earth. After the resurrection of the iko-no-after-reading of St. pat-ri-ar-hu Ig-na-tiyu no-chyu at the time of mo-lit-you were-lo pointed out the place where the honorable head is kept. So-kim-ra-zom saint-you-nya was-la about-re-te-na again. This event is celebrated on June 7 (May 25) as the Third Ob-re-te-tion of the head of St. Ioan-na Pred-te-chi

Strictly a hundred day

Truncate the head of St. Ioan-na Pred-te-chi from-me-cha-et-sya 11 sep-teab-rya (29 aug-g-hundred). Mit-ro-po-lit Su-rozh-skiy An-to-niy in one of the pro-po-ve-dei so tract-tu-e the fact that Usek-no-ve-nie head-you are th-th (that is, violent murder) - it is-la-th-Xia name-but-no-one:

“Today we celebrate the day of Usek-no-ve-nia of the head of John the Pred-te-chi ... The word“ idle ”we won-if no-mother as joy, but it also means "to remain without de-la", and without de-la, you can remain, because of something that will overwhelm -shu-joy and already de-la is no longer up to the usual things, but maybe it happens because of the fact that the hands fell from grief or from horror- sa. And here is this this day's holiday: what are you taking in front of the face of that which we have heard of this day in the Evangel -liya? "

Therefore, on the day of Usek-no-ve-nia, a strict fast is foreseen, at the time of something-ro-go it is not consumed in writing me -so, milk-products-you, fish-ba. "We will not be with-general-no-ka-mi-cha-in-ugo-diya Iro-da", - go-rit Ti-pi-kon. The charter is clear, how is it right to relate to this holiday:

“Boo-dem eat me-so or some other exquisite food? And the Baptist lived in a waterless and grassless wilderness - he did not eat bread, he had no other food. Wee-but do we drink? And he did not drink any wine or any other pi-tya of the world. His hundred-and-a-bed and his bed were-la-earth, he tasted only ak-ri-dy (pod-ki rozh-to-de-re-va, according to other sources ni-kam is a genus of edible sa-ran-chi) and wild honey. Instead of cha-shi - pri-pot-no water, te-ku-shi from the stone. That is why we will spend this day in post and prayer. "

Fasting on the day of Usek-no-ve-nia of the head of John-on Pred-te-chi usta-nov-len, ve-ro-yat-most of all, together with the holiday, for- cha-lo ko-to-ro-go from-but-sit-Xia to the first time-me-us of the christi-an-sky Church. The antiquity of a hundred on this day is confirmed by the mouth of the Jeru-sa-lim-sko-th mon-na-st-rya St. Sav-you Osvyaschen-no-go. It says that the fast on the day of Usek-no-ve-nia of the head of John the Pred-te-chi “for-ve-shchan by the ancient saints of the mi ".

Do not eat circle-loe - sue-ve-rie

Relatively-si-tel-but-ni-ka Usek-no-ve-nia head-you Pro-ro-ka, Pred-te-chi and Cross-sti-te-la Gos-pod-nya Ioan- on the essence of the sue-beliefs that have no relation to the essence in-chi-ta-e-my-life ... For example, that on this day it is impossible to put on the table no-thing round-lo-go (no dishes, no ta-re-lok), you cannot eat a round-loy forms (that is - kar-to-fel, onion, yab-lo-ki, ar-bu-zy), use-use-to-use ru-by-by and cut you. For example, according to the white-Russian-by-faith, connected with the day Usek-no-ve-nia of the head of John the Pred-te-chi, in the course of the go-da go-lo-va saintly, almost pri-ras-ta-it-back-but, but how only people on this day begin-nut re - to eat bread - again from-pa-children. In the southern Slavs, on the day of Usek-no-ve-nia, the head of John Pred-te-chi was strictly con-sno-dal-sya-pret on red fruits and pit-ki, since it was believed that "this is the blood of St. John." That is why on this day they did not eat black vi-no-gra-da, po-mi-do-ditch and red pepper.

Ra-zu-me-e-xia, these super-beliefs are ras-pro-country-nyal-were (and sometimes-ra-pro-country-nya-are-sya sometimes still) among dei small-tser-kov-ny and do not have any os-no-va-nia in tra-d-tsi-yakh Tserk-vi from-no-s-tel-but of the day id-no-va-nia Usek-no-ve-nia of the head of John the Pred-te-chi.

Where is the head of St. Ioan-na Pred-te-chi

In the world of existence, there are several saints who are not directly connected with the things of the world Usek-no-ve-nia of the head John-na Pred-te-chi. These are parts of the head-you of St.John-on-the-cross-te-la: the front-front part of the head-you is in ka-li-che skom ka-fed-ral-nom so-bo-re Pre-saint Bo-go-ro-di-tsy in go-ro-de Amie-na (Italy), part of the head-you temple-nit- sya in the Lav-re of the saint-te-la Afa-na-sia Ve-li-ko-go on Athos, and the coffin-no-tsa pro-ro-ka with part of his head-you dit in the mosque Omai-i-dov in Da-mas-ke. At the site of the ob-re-te-nia, the head-you of John-on-the-cross-te-la - Hele-on, the go-ry of Possibility of the seeding in Jeru-sa-li-me - on ter -ri-to-rii rus-sko Spa-so-Voz-not-sen-sko-mo-na-st-rya-str-e-na cha-sov-nya in memory of this co-existence, and the place of the ob-re-te-niya is from-me-but-but-de-ni-em in the mo-za-ich-n-lu.

In Moscow, parts of St. Ioan-na Pred-te-chi na-ho-dyat-Xia in several temples. For example, in the Ioan-no-Pred-te-chen-feminine mo-na-st-re and the temple of Vla-di-mir-i-ko-ny of God-zhi-ma-te -ri in Vi-no-gra-do-in.

Pod-go-to-vil: Dmitry Bo-ri-sov

The icon "The Beheading of John the Baptist" is associated with fear and grief for many, because it clearly depicts a cruel event. The icon shows an example of what deeds a sinful person is capable of.

On the day of the celebration of the Beheading of John the Baptist, believing Christians recall the events of bygone days. The icon is an integral part of the celebration, showing in detail what human hatred is capable of. The icon "The Beheading of John the Baptist" depicts the cruel execution of the Baptist.

History of the icon

For the Orthodox people, John the Baptist is in second place in importance and love after Jesus Christ himself. John believed in the Lord, walked around the world preaching about the Kingdom of Heaven, preparing people for the coming of the Mission. He also baptized Jesus Christ and called many people to faith and love for the Lord.

At that time, King Herod ruled Galilee. He lived with Herodias in an unmarried marriage. John the Baptist could not forgive him for this and close his eyes to all. He accused the king of a crime. Herod could not kill the Baptist, fearing general publicity and the wrath of God. He put the prophet in prison. But Queen Herodias concealed hatred for John.

The fateful day fell on a feast that took place in the palace. At a noble reception danced the daughter of the queen and stepdaughter of Herod Samolei. The king was captivated by her beauty and promised her to fulfill any desire. Raised by a cruel mother, Samoleia asked for John's head. The king was very upset with this request, but did as she wished.

Where is the miraculous image

It is difficult to say where exactly these days you can find the first icon with this plot. But numerous icons "The Beheading of John the Baptist" are kept in many cities of our country. This is a popular icon among the Christian people, although it carries a terrible story.

Description of the icon

The most ancient icons that have survived to our days were painted in the early era of the formation of Byzantium. Most of the icons depict John bowing to a soldier who raises a sword over his head.

Another popular plot depicts a severed head and a decapitated body, from where blood flows.

How the miraculous image helps

Before this icon, people pray for the preservation of life and health, for the expulsion of demons and evil spirits from the soul, for the healing of the spirit and body, as well as for the strengthening of faith and giving strength and will.

Prayers grant salvation from defilers and slander of ill-wishers and enemies.

Days of celebration

September 11 is the official day of celebration not only of the memory of the icon, but also of the memory of one of the saddest evangelical events, when the head of John the Baptist was cut off. Many Orthodox people consider this day not a holiday, but mourning, but the church marks this day in the Orthodox calendar as a celebration that shows that a person is capable of sinful deeds. On this day, a strict fast is observed and services are held in the temples of God.

Prayer before the icon

“Oh, the Baptist of the Son of God Jesus Christ! I bow before you in prayer! Please do not disregard me, a sinner! Pray before the Lord for me, so that He forgives my earthly sins. Take away from me, O Saint John, troubles, sorrow and anger of the world. Only you can help me and cleanse my sinful soul! Only you have received the honor to baptize Jesus Christ! I bow to you, I turn to you in prayers. Forgive me for my evil and unclean deeds! Pray the Lord for me, for I will stand before His throne when my hour comes. Amen".

The icon of the great prophet is full of pain, but only looking at the terrible plot, we understand that the world is filled with evil, from which only genuine faith and prayers to the saints will save. Do not tempt fate, be true to the word given before the Lord. We wish you peace of mind. take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.09.2017 05:06

There is a special icon in the Orthodox world that is popular in all countries. Its name is "Quick to Listen", ...

The forerunner and Baptist of the Lord - John.

The rector of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Metropolitan of Vyshgorod and Chernobyl Vladyka Pavel spoke about the celebration.

Beheading of John the Baptist: history

The Baptist John was born a little earlier than Christ the Savior. The Mother of God received the gospel: the Archangel Gabriel revealed to Her that Her aunt Elizabeth was six months pregnant. Although, according to human reflections, it was believed that she could no longer have children due to her advanced age. But "the natural laws are defeated," the Lord does what is necessary for you and me and for His holy glorification. Prophet John is born. And he was removed into the wilderness with his mother Elisabeth, who soon died, and his father, Zechariah, was killed.

“We can't even understand with our meager thoughts who raised him. But we know - only God. We know that the desert was his cover, and father, and mother. He ate akrida (locust) and honey from wild bees. The sky was his cover, the earth was his bed. He never murmured. He was filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit, ”said Metropolitan Paul.

And now the time has come for the preaching of Christ. It is said about him that he came to prepare the way for the Savior, and especially the way of salvation for us. Because the Kingdom of Heaven has approached, which is within us. But before Christ had to suffer, the Holy Forerunner had to suffer. And proclaim to those in hell that the time has come for the coming of the Messiah. He has already waited for the one whom the Jewish people were waiting for. Whoever did not know Christ, He has already come and will be revealed even in the depths of hell and will be pulled out from there after a while, all who desire salvation in the Quiet Landing of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Saint John the Baptist suffered martyrdom in the year 32 after the Nativity of Christ. At that time, Herod was the ruler of Galilee and, although he had a legal wife, the daughter of the Arabian king, he left her and lived with his brother Philip's wife, Herodias.

John the Baptist was locked up in prison for denouncing the wicked. Herod had a holiday - his birthday - and many guests gathered. And the daughter of Herodias, Salome, pleased the whole drunken audience by performing a dance.

“How good it is to please drunks. There is a proverb “If you want to be loved, give everyone a drink and you will see love for you. If you want to love everyone, get drunk yourself and you will love everyone. " So here: the audience applauded Salome, admired the one who would commit a terrible atrocity. And then Herod promised to give Salome everything she wants for a beautifully performed dance, even half a kingdom. She went into the room to her mother Herodias and asked her advice. Instead of taking any temporary benefits, they chose eternal torment and suffering. This is what anger, envy and hatred for a person, your brother, a friend and just the image of God are! She poured out all her anger for the righteous thought, the words of John, that she was a sinner and should not be the wife of Herod, since she was the wife of his brother Philip. She asked for the head of John the Baptist on a platter, ”Vladyka Paul reminded.

Herod, who heard and talked a lot with John, received instructions, blessings - was saddened, he was afraid of the wrath of God, because he considered John a prophet. But he decided not to change his oath and oath. He sends the executioners and they cut off the head of John the Baptist and bring him on a platter.

According to legend, then the Forerunner did not stop, everyone was horrified when he said to Herodias that she should not have Herod as a husband, because it is illegal. Herodias, taking a needle, pricked her tongue and face and buried the head of John in a vegetable garden in a secluded place.

Finding the head of John the Baptist

The disciples took the body and buried it, and the head was secretly taken by the wife of the king's steward Khuza, and, putting it in a vessel, she buried it on the Mount of Olives. “And the Lord subsequently revealed the first, second, and third finding of the head of John the Baptist for our comfort, instruction and admonition - as we should not do,” added the rector of the monastery.

The feast of the first and second miraculous acquisitions is celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church on February 24 (March 9) - in common years, and in leap years - on February 24 (March 8). In addition, the third acquisition of the head is celebrated on May 25 (June 7). The first acquisition took place in the 4th century, the second in the 5th century, and the third in the 9th century.

The first acquisition of the head took place when a pious nobleman was building a church on this place and found a vessel. He understood that this is a shrine from the many miracles and healings that took place. But, fearing reproach by the Gentiles, he again hid the vessel in the same place where he found it.

The second finding of the head happened many years later, when the church, built by a pious nobleman, fell into desolation, and John the Baptist appeared in a vision to the two monks who came to worship in Jerusalem and indicated the location of his head. Taking the shrine and putting it in a sack, they let the potter carry this burden, to whom John the Baptist also appeared and ordered to keep the shrine with him. For a long time, the shrine, being in the family of a potter, was passed down from generation to generation. Then the priest took possession of the shrine, who professed the heresy of Arianism and, using the miraculous power of the shrine, turned many people into heresy. When the deception was revealed, he fled, and buried the shrine in a cave. Soon monks settled in this cave and a monastery arose, and in 452 the archimandrite of the monastery, John the Baptist, indicated in a vision the place where its head was hidden. The shrine was transferred to Constantinople.

The third discovery of the head of the Holy Prophet was in 850. During the unrest in Constantinople, the chapter was transferred to Emesa, then to Comana, where it was hidden during the iconoclastic persecution. And during prayer at night, Patriarch Ignatius was shown the place where the honest chapter was kept. Later, the shrine was transferred to Constantinople, and part of the holy head is on Athos.

Beheading of John the Baptist: how the story ended

“But back to our story. The feasts are over, the righteous one has suffered for the unrighteous, and the righteous wrath of God is committed. The Arabian king, in revenge for the dishonor of his daughter - the lawful wife of Herod - advances troops against Herod and inflicts a crushing defeat on him. The Roman emperor, in anger, pronounces a verdict and sends Herod to prison in Galia, who takes with him his wife Herodias and daughter Salome. And they settle in a town near the river, where a cheerful life continues. And the Lord shows a miracle. Salome crossed the frozen, ice-covered river and fell through the ice, and the second ice floe cut off her head, and her legs, in dying cramps, “danced” in the cold water, as they once did at a feast during her dance. On a plate and brought its head to the parents. Oh, wondrous miracle, the Lord is not desecrated, the earth opens up - and Herod and Herodias are swallowed up into the underworld of the earth. This is how the short, but at the same time, terrible story about Herod and Herodias ended, ”the Metropolitan said.

Beheading of John the Baptist: sermon

“I want to remind you, brothers and sisters: it often happens that we, being in a disagreeable spirit, take oaths to do our sinful deeds. And when we come to our senses, we feel ashamed that what he said should be done. It is better to refuse crafty promises made even while drunk or in some other state. You will then be more justified by God because you took a sinful oath, encroaching on the life of another person, without having any right to do so.

And remember that with what measure you measure, the same is measured to you.

If you wish harm to your neighbor, you will receive twice as much. Raised your hand with a sword - you will die by the sword, ”Vladyka Pavel emphasized.

Beheading of John the Baptist: what cannot be done on this day

Often asked the same questions, is it possible to cut a watermelon, onion and more? “You can cut everything, you can take a round one in your hands, but do not just take a sword against another person, do not take deceit and cunning on your tongue to condemn others. Anything can be done except sin. Do deeds of mercy, show love and receive love, ”the rector of the monastery called.

John the Baptist: what helps

They often turn to this prophet to relieve physical pain, especially headache, since his head suffered torment and became a shrine that is able to heal the body and calm the soul. Even the image of John, which is served on the holy images in the form of the head of the suffering person, symbolizes an appeal with a request to soothe a headache; find your own repentance, understand your thoughts and understand them; in the old days he was revered for his invaluable help in preserving the human race and economic affairs (crops, fertility, apiary).

John the Baptist: prayer

The Baptist of Christ, a preacher of repentance, repenting not to be contemptuous of me, but copulated with the Heavenly soldiers, praying to the Lord for me, unworthy, despondent, weak and sad, falling into many troubles, burdened by the stormy thoughts of my mind. I am a den of evil deeds, by no means having an end to sinful custom, nailed to my mind is an earthly thing. What I create, we do not know, and to whom I will resort, may my soul be saved, only to you, Saint John, give the same name to grace, as before the Lord, according to the Theotokos, there is greater existence for all who were born: for you were honored to touch the top of the King Christ taking away the sins of the world, the Lamb of God. Pray for him for my sinful soul, that from now on, at the first ten o'clock, I will bear a good burden and receive a bribe with the latter. To her, the Baptist of Christ, the honest Forerunner, the extreme prophet, the first in grace to the martyr, the fasting and the hermits, the mentor, purity to the teacher and the close friend of Christ, I pray thee, I come running to you, do not take me away from your intercession, but raise me up, having fallen by many sins, renew my soul with repentance, as if by a second baptism, before both of you were your chief, you washed away sin with baptism, but preach repentance for the cleansing of some bad deeds; Cleanse me, by the defiled sins, and compel me to take in, but nothing else enters the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

Prayer to John the Baptist for headache relief

How we honor your honest beheading, Saint John, with what tears we will weep, what songs we will sing, the mind does not comprehend and the language becomes exhausted! Herod the wicked cut off thy all-holy head, John the Forerunner of the Lord, on earth; But God Almighty in heaven has crowned you with immortality and has given you His Kingdom. You are great before God and you can ask a lot from Him. Therefore, falling down, we pray to you, the Baptist of Christ: hear those suffering with a headache, relieve and calm their ailment and quench their sorrow, freeing them from pain and healing them, so that they glorify God for you forever and ever. Amen.

This celebration is considered great and is celebrated annually on September 11 (August 29 - Old Style). The holiday is dedicated to the memory of the martyrdom of the Monk John the Baptist (Forerunner), whose head was cut off by order of King Herod.

This significant event, which took place in 32 AD, is recounted in the Gospel letters of Matthew and Mark. On this day, Orthodox believers must observe fasting, expressing grief over the violent death of the most honest prophet of the Christian world.

Church rites of the holiday

On the eve of the celebration, an all-night vigil takes place. The stichera for this event were written by the famous hymnographers: John the Monk and Herman. During Great Vespers, three paremias are sung, which contain the true prophecy about St. John the Baptist.

Icon of the Beheading of John the Baptist

At matins, the clergy read the Gospel of Matthew. The first canon of the celebration was written by John of Damascus, and the second by Andrew of Crete. At the great liturgy, the texts of the Gospel and the Apostles are read, which are dedicated to the event of the beheading.

  • In the troparion of the celebration, the memory of the righteous is honored with praise. The Forerunner is the most glorious prophet whom the Lord prepared to baptize the Preached. It is sung that the saint, accepting a martyr's death, rejoiced in divine understanding.
  • In the second stichera of the holiday, it is said that the devil's disciple danced at a bloody feast and took the head of the Baptist as a reward. Further, the deceitful actions of the tetrarch Herod, who vowed to take the life of the holy prophet, are criticized. So, the Church does not cease to praise the victim for his faith and to disparage the names of those who kill for pleasure.
  • During the kontakion, parishioners hear that the beheading took place according to the great plan of the Lord, so that the Baptist would announce the coming of the Savior. Herodias, who asked for execution, cries, because she asked for a deceptive life in spite of love for God.
On a note! This celebration is considered a day of remembrance for those who sacrificed their lives for the fatherland and remained faithful to goodness and truth. The ROC established the tradition in 1769 after the wars with Turkey and Poland.

About other great non-twelve holidays:

Celebration traditions

The Genesis of John the Baptist is extremely revered by the Orthodox world, and the date of the beheading is celebrated in a special way. On this day, it is not recommended to have fun, gamble and arrange a rich feast. Believers should give up lavish meals and observe strict fasting.

In the Russian Orthodox Church, the feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist is considered to be great, but not considered to be twelve (referring to the existence of the Savior and the Mother of God). Since the Forerunner led an ascetic lifestyle in the desert, ate modestly, the day of September 11 is fast. It is forbidden to consume not only meat and dairy products, but even fish.

The Church insists on the laity not to be accomplices of Herod's gluttony, but to keep up appearances in their eating. An example of an ascetic life was given to us by John the Baptist, who lived in the wilderness.

John the Baptist - Forerunner of Jesus Christ

Believers pray to the Lord for forgiveness, admonition of all sinners and help to humanity. Festive services are held in numerous Russian churches on September 11. From early morning until evening, parishioners honor the memory of the great prophet who was martyred for the glory of the Lord.

Priests serve prayers for the sufferers suffering from terrible ailments. On this day, it is also customary to pay tribute to all the soldiers who died for their country. Taking an example from John the Baptist, a Christian should preach love for the Most High and place hope in the Creator Himself.

On a note! Fasting, which takes place on the feast of the Beheading of the honest head of the Baptist, was established even during the time of the first Christians. Its antiquity is confirmed by the charter of the monastery, built in honor of Savva the Sanctified. The text says that fasting was bequeathed by the early Church Fathers.

Celebration history

Power over Palestine was split between four Roman henchmen after the death of Herod the Great. Galileo was ruled by Herod Antipas, with the permission of the emperor Augustus. John the Baptist denounced the king (quarter-ruler) of adultery: the henchman abandoned his lawful wife and cohabited with his brother's wife, whose name was Herodias. Unable to endure reproof, Herod locked up the Baptist in prison.

John the Baptist denounced King Herod of adultery

Some suggest that the ruler did this not out of malice, but to save John from the acts of vengeful Herodias.

  • The very beheading of the Forerunner took place at a feast in honor of Herod's birthday. The celebration was attended by noble local nobles, wise elders and commanders of thousands.
  • Salome, the daughter of Herodias, drew great attention to herself, who danced magnificently in front of the guests and won over Herod Antipas, who swore an oath to fulfill her every desire.
  • Herodias, who devilishly wanted revenge, persuaded her daughter to ask the ruler for the head of John the Baptist. Herod was extremely embarrassed by this proposal, since he was very afraid of the wrath of Heaven and the anger of the people who loved the prophet.
  • The ruler kept his oath, which he made in front of the distinguished guests and ordered accordingly. There is a legend that after the cutting off the head did not cease to denounce the adultery of Herod Antipas. Solomia, succumbing to rage, pierced the tongue of the holy prophet with a needle and buried her head in an unholy place.
  • The further fate of Herod and Herodias was covered with grief. They feared the resurrection of the Baptist and accepted the preaching Christ for him.
  • The Arabian king, whose daughter Herod rejected, sent his troops against the latter and declared war. The ruler of Galilee was defeated, which angered the emperor Caligula, who sent the wicked lovers to prison in Spain.

Temples in honor of John the Baptist:

The disciples of John the Baptist buried the body of the prophet in a city called Sebastia. The holy head was found, placed in a vessel and buried on the Mount of Olives.

  1. For the first time it was discovered by a certain ascetic who was digging a place for a temple. He kept his head in his own house, but before his death, fearing the desecration of the shrine, he buried it in its original place.
  2. In the middle of the 5th century, the prophet personally indicated in a vision its location. After that, the head was transferred to Constantinople. In honor of this event, the Church established the triumph of the first and second acquisition - on March 8.
  3. During the period of iconoclasm, the head of the Forerunner was taken to the Abkhazian city of Comana - a place famous for the exile and death of John Chrysostom - and hid in the ground. After the veneration of icons was restored, the prophet appeared in a vision to Patriarch Ignatius and indicated the location of the honest head. The third acquisition of the shrine is celebrated by the Church on June 7.

Icon depicting an event

John the Baptist sincerely believed in the Lord, preached about the Heavenly Kingdom, prepared the people for the descent of the Messiah. The Prophet baptized Jesus himself and urged the majority to recognize him as the Son of God.

The holy face is an inseparable part of the whole celebration. The image demonstrates the line beyond which human hatred is able to step over.

The meaning of the celebration

The date of the beheading is the day that tells about the parting of St. John with this world, where he suffered much from hatred and anger. Martyrdom was unable to destroy the truth that always sounds from the mouth of the Forerunner. A life that is given for the sake of sacrifice is valued by the Church.

John, who lived for a long time in the wilderness, united with his ministry of the Most High and stopped noticing his own needs. The task of the prophet is to proclaim the imminent appearance of the Savior, and there is no more valuable act for him.

John the Baptist loves the Son of God extremely and is ready to forget his own ego, he is able to give everything for the sake of His protection. The Forerunner wants all the glory to go to the Lord, and he himself is completely forgotten. The Baptist became the greatest prophet, because in the fight against fears he relied only on the Power of the Father and did not lose full confidence.

On the day of the Beheading of the honest head of John the Baptist, the Church calls on people to pray for those who died in great suffering. Spiritual heroes bowed down so that others would rise.

On a note! Particles of the saint's relics are located in the Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, which was built in the northeastern part of Moscow in 1772. The author of the church project was the famous architect V. Bazhenov.

On September 11, the Orthodox world recalls the event of the beheading of the honest head of John the Baptist. The church celebrates the martyrdom of the prophet who gave his life for the sake of God's Son and Christian commandments. Following the example of the saint, it is necessary to fight against manifestations of dishonor in one's environment.

Bitter holiday: Beheading of the head of the Baptist of the Lord John

Beheading - the murder of John the Baptist. A terrible crime, an innocent death. Why do Christians celebrate this day?

After all, a holiday is a celebration, but what is it, it would seem, a celebration? A person, and even what kind of person: the greatest, according to the Savior, of all the prophets (Matt. 11; 11; Luke 7; 28) - cut off his head ...

His martyrdom is described in the Gospels of Matthew (Matthew 14: 1-12) and Mark (Mark 6: 14-29).

Surely the episode of the martyrdom of John the Baptist, described in the Gospel, is known to many.

The king had a legal wife, the daughter of the Arabian king Arefa. Herod left her and cohabited with Herodias, the wife of his brother. The Prophet John repeatedly denounced him, but the king did not dare to harm him, as he revered John the Baptist as a prophet and was afraid of the people's anger.

On his birthday, Herod made a rich feast. Many guests gathered. Tables were bursting with exquisite dishes and expensive wines, actors and dancers who came were delighted. Salome, daughter of Herodias, danced in front of the guests at the feast. She so pleased Herod with this that he swore in front of the guests to give her whatever she asked. Salome went to her mother for advice.

“Give me the head of John the Baptist on a platter,” the girl said when she returned to the guests.

Herod was saddened: he was afraid of the wrath of God for the murder of the prophet, but he could not break an imprudent oath.

They cut off St. John the Baptist's head and gave it to Salome.

Beheading (beheading) of John the Baptist (Caravaggio. 1608)

The evil Herodias stabbed the tongue of the prophet with a pin and buried her head in an unclean place. But Joanna, the wife of the king's housekeeper Khuza, secretly took the holy head, put it in a vessel and buried it on the Mount of Olives, in one of Herod's estates. The body of St. John the Baptist was taken by his disciples and buried him.

It is believed that even after his death, John was the Forerunner of the Lord, since before His descent the soul of the prophet appeared in hell and informed the souls of the forefathers who were there that the Savior was soon to come.

He withstood his test to the end, did not hesitate and remained faithful to God.

The life of Herod and Herodias was not happy and calm. They both feared that John might rise from the dead. Herodias even ordered to bury the head of the prophet separately from the body - just in case. How much Herod feared this is evidenced by the fact that when Jesus Christ began to preach, the tsar was horrified and must have remembered the murder committed by his order and said: “This is John the Baptist; he rose from the dead, and therefore miracles are done to him. "

The judgment of God took place over Herod, Herodias and Salome during their earthly life. Salome, crossing the Sikoris River in winter, fell through the ice. The ice squeezed her so that her body hung in the water, and her head was over the ice. Just as she once danced with her feet on the ground, now, like a dancer, she made helpless movements in the icy water. So she hung until the sharp ice cut her neck. Her corpse was not found, but the head was brought to Herod and Herodias, as the head of St. John the Baptist was once brought to them. The Arabian king Aref, in revenge for the dishonor of his daughter, moved an army against Herod. Having suffered defeat, Herod was subjected to the wrath of the Roman emperor Caius Caligula and was exiled together with Herodias to imprisonment in Gaul, and then to Spain. There they were swallowed up by the open earth.

Outwardly, the death of John the Forerunner is a triumph of vice over righteousness: behold, he is dead, and his enemies are alive and triumphant ... But this triumph is illusory, because of the insensibility of the "victors" of their destruction alive. In fact, the death of the last Old Testament prophet was a triumph of the truth of God, which did not disdain neither the poor nor the noble, “did not bend under the changing world”, did not know “double standards” and did not subservience to “common sense,” which persistently encourages us to reckon with power and wealth.

Orthodox Christians spend the Day of the Beheading of the Head of the Forerunner John in strict fasting, even fish and dairy products are excluded from the diet. Strict fasting is established as an expression of grief over the violent death of the great prophet. A time of concentration for all believers.

On this day, it is not customary to have fun, arrange festivities and feasts,because people with sadness and sadness remember everyone who suffered for the truth.

John the Baptist - Angel of the Lord

John the Baptist is called the Angel of the Lord and is often depicted on icons with wings. The Savior himself said about the Baptist that he is not only a prophet, but also a greater prophet - the Angel of the Lord: “ For he is the one about whom it is written: behold, I am sending my angel before you, who will prepare your way before you.”(Matthew 11:10). The Holy Forerunner is truly the first Angel in the flesh. By his life, of all mortal people, he came closest to the angelic life and became like the angel of heaven.

In what way did Saint John become like an angel? Saint Nicholas of Serbia (Velimirovich) notes, first, by his obedience to God; secondly, by its freedom from the world; and thirdly, by their carelessness about their bodily life.

Angels are totally obedient to God. And Saint John was completely obedient to God from his very infancy. He completely surrendered to God and relied on God in everything.

In addition, John was like the angels of heaven and his freedom from the world and people. The world for him was dust, which turns green, then turns black, but always remains dust. For him, people were a scattered flock that had lost sight of their shepherd. John, as an angel of God, did not cling to the world in the least and did not have the slightest fear of the world. He does not distinguish people either by dress, or by nobility, or by power, or by learning, or by wealth, or by age — he distinguishes them only by the properties of their soul. His eyes do not see bodily people, but naked human souls, which for other eyes are hidden under the mask of a body. Only the angels of God have such freedom from the world and people.

In addition, John became likened to the angels and the care of his bodily life. Angels do not care about what to eat, what to drink and what to wear. Serving God, they know that God will feed them, and drink, and clothe them. John ate acridae (the tops of some desert plants) and wild honey, his spirit was not disturbed by the concerns of this world. And it is not said that he ever complained of hunger or thirst. It was not akrid and wild honey that nourished him, but the power of God, given to the faithful and obedient servant of God through akrid and wild honey. And John did not care about housing and clothing. His dwelling was the desert, and he wore a garment of camel hair and a leather belt on his loins. Saint John was free from all bodily care. All his worries were about the soul, and the will of God was the only law and the ruler of his soul. In this he became like the angels of heaven.

That is why they call him Angel.

John the Baptist - Forerunner and in Hell

The Holy Forerunner received the testimony of the Lord that he was the greatest of those born by wives, also because he became the first New Testament martyr among all the holy martyrs.

But why did the all-good God allow the great atrocity to be committed 2,000 years ago and why did not the Lord Jesus Christ resurrect Saint John the Baptist? Because the Forerunner was to become the Forerunner also in hell, the kingdom of death, where the souls of all people departed from Adam before the coming of the Savior to this world, in order to proclaim the righteous, who died with the hope of redemption, that the coming of the Savior is near, Who will crush the gates of hell with the Cross.

About the holiday

Day of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist is one of those days of the church calendar that stand out as holidays, albeit sorrowful. On this day, a fast was established to worthily honor the memory of the great fasting man and hermit. At the same time, this one-day fast is intended to remind of the harmful consequences of the passion of intemperance.

Regarding the feast of the Beheading of the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John, there are many superstitions that have nothing to do with the essence of the revered event. For example, that on this day you cannot put anything round on the table (no dishes, no plates), you cannot eat round food (that is, potatoes, onions, apples, watermelons), use chopping and cutting objects. Of course, these superstitions spread (and are still spreading sometimes) among people of little church and have no basis in the traditions of the Church regarding the day of the celebration of the Beheading of John the Baptist.

Troparion, voice 2
The memory of the righteous with praises, you are also enthralled by the testimony of the Lord, the Forerunner: you have shown that you are truly afraid of the most honest prophets, as if you were honored with the Preached in the streams of baptism. There, having suffered for the truth, rejoicing, you preached the good news to those in the hell of God in flesh, taking away the sin of the world and giving you great mercy.

Kontakion, voice 5
Forerunner glorious beheading, seeing was a kind of Divine, and for those in hell the Savior's preaching of the coming; Yes, and weeps for Herodia, asking for the lawless murder: not the law of God, nor love the living age, but pretense, temporary.

We magnify thee, John the Baptist of the Savior, and we honor all your honest heads, beheading.

Prayer to Saint John the Baptist

The Baptist of Christ, a preacher of repentance, repenting not to contempt me, but copulating with the Heavenly soldiers, praying to the Master for me unworthy, despondent, weak and sad, who has fallen into many troubles, burdened by stormy thoughts of my mind: as I am, I am not evil deeds having an end to sinful custom, I am nailed to my mind by an earthly thing: what I create, we do not know. And to whom will I resort, may my soul be saved? just to you, Saint John, the same name of grace, as in the sight of the Lord, according to the Mother of God, there is more to be born of all, for you were honored to touch the top of the King Christ, who takes away the sins of the world, the Lamb of God. Pray for him for my sinful soul, so from now on, at the first ten o'clock, I will bear a good burden and receive a bribe with the latter. To her, the Baptist of Christ, the honest Forerunner, the extreme Prophet, the first in grace of the martyr, the fasting and the hermitages, the mentor, purity to the teacher and the close friend of Christ, I pray thee, I come running to you: do not take me away from your intercession, but revolt me \u200b\u200bwho fell by many sins; Renew my soul by repentance, as if by a second baptism, before both you are the chief: by baptism wash away the ancestral sin, but by repentance cleanse which is a bad deed; Cleanse me with the sins of the defiled one and compel me to bring in, for me nothing bad enters into the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.