Speech therapy classes on the theme of winter. Synopsis of a logorhythmic lesson for children with OHP in the middle group

  • Correctional and educational: enrich and activate the nominative (name of clothes) and verbal dictionary (walk, dig, roll, sculpt, ride) on the topic “Winter”; learn to use nouns in the singular and plural; consolidate the generalizing meaning of the word “clothes”; learn to recognize the signs of winter.

    Correction - developing: to develop visual perception; develop fine motor skills; develop phonemic hearing (definition of singular and plural nouns).

    Correctional - educational: to raise interest in the lesson, to dispose the child to active cooperation with the teacher.

    Material: mittens; confetti; winter picture; presentation for the lesson (use of ICT).

    Course progress.

    1. Organizing time.
    2. Finger game "Mitten". The speech therapist holds mittens behind his back.

      Speech therapist: “- Nastenka, what is behind me? These are warm, soft ... shows the child and together they call - mittens! ” The child puts on and then takes off the mittens.

      Speech therapist: “- Repeat after me:

      Nastya put on a mitten (all fingers together, thumb - to the side)

      Oh, where am I doing my finger? (hide thumb in palm)

      I don't have a finger, I'm gone

      Didn't make it to my house! (circular movements of the hands)

      Nastya took off her mittens

      Look, I found it! (show thumbs up on both hands)

      You are looking, you are looking, you will not find, (squeeze, unclench fingers)

      Hello finger, how are you? (show thumbs up)

    3. Main part.
    1. The game “What the artist mixed up” (slide No. 1).
    2. Speech therapist: “What season is it now?” (winter)

      Speech therapist: “That's right! Our artist also painted winter in the picture, but he just mixed up something. What is wrong?"

      The child in the picture clicks on the cherries, on the Christmas tree, on the butterfly, on the flower - they disappear. The winter landscape remains.

      Speech therapist: “Now everything is right, well done!”.

    3. Game "Winter clothes" (slide number 2).
    4. Speech therapist: “-It’s cold in winter, so as not to freeze, we put on warm clothes, but what can’t we wear outside in winter?”.

      On the screen are winter and summer clothes. The child clicks on summer clothes with the mouse, it disappears, only winter clothes remain.

      Speech therapist: “Let's name all the clothes” (jacket, hat, scarf, felt boots, mittens).

      Speech therapist: “- How can you call all this in one word? (clothes)".

    5. Breathing exercise "Blizzard".
    6. Speech therapist: “- And in winter a strong wind blows and a blizzard circles. Now we will blow on the snow so that it spins in the air. A speech therapist with a child blows confetti from their palms.

    7. Exercise for the development of phonemic hearing (slide No. 3,4, 5, 6).
    8. Speech therapist: “- Listen carefully to what word I will call, and click on the picture, if you hear and press correctly, the picture will disappear” (snowman, snowflakes, hat, mittens).

    9. Fizminutka "Snow is flying."
    10. Speech therapist: “Repeat after me!”

      Snow is flying, snow is flying (movement of both hands from top to bottom),

      On houses and roofs (the image of the roof with hands above the head).

      Quietly winter is coming to us (imitation of walking on toes),

      We do not hear it (we move the index finger to the left, to the right).

    11. Game "Winter Entertainment" (slide No. 7, 8, 9, 10).

    Speech therapist: “Let's find out what children like to do in winter?” (walk, dig, ride, sculpt, ride).

    1. Summary of the lesson.

    Speech therapist: “What time of the year were we talking about? (about winter) You did well, well done!”

  • Synopsis of the subgroup speech therapy session

    for children with general speech underdevelopment

    Speech therapy topic:

    Grammar theme: Nouns agree with adjectives in gender and number.

    Lexical topic: Winter .

    Target: The development of phonemic hearing on the material of the sound "U"


    1. Work on the development of prosodic components of speech: breathing, pace

    2. Development of articulatory motor skills

    3. Development of mimic muscles

    4. Development of phonemic perception

    5. Work on the syllabic structure of the word.

    6. Refinement and enrichment of the dictionary on a lexical topic.

    7. Acquaintance with the surrounding reality.

    8. Development of the grammatical structure of speech: work on the agreement of a noun with an adjective in gender, number and case.

    9. Development of coordination of speech with movement.

    10. Development of visual attention, memory.

    11. Development of fine motor skills

    Equipment: audio recording "Wind in the forest", snowflakes, toy "Snowman", snowmen from parts, sticks, magic bag, ball, slides "Snowflakes", "Forest", "Traces of animals", flannelograph, audio recording "Sledging"

    Lesson progress:

    1. Organizational moment. Greetings.

    The speech therapist holds a bag in his hands. Offers to touch to determine what is in it. (Children determine that the object is round, large, warm, fleecy).

    This is a ball. Wherever the ball rolls, there we will go.

    2. Refinement and enrichment of the lexical stock of words.

    They go to the window.

    We have an unfamiliar picture. You can't guess what time of year it is. Do you want winter to appear in the window?

    And what do we need for winter? (Snow).

    Now we will cover our window with snow. Look at my ice tray, there is a whole snowdrift here. Did you know that snow is made up of snowflakes? These are. Extend your palm and a snowflake will fall on them. (puts snowflakes on the children's hands).

    Throw your snowflake and catch it quietly.

    What snowflake? (Light)

    What colour? (White)

    And what does it feel like? (Cold)

    3. Development of general speech skills.

    And now attach the snowflake in the place on the window where you like. (Children attach)

    4. Coordination of speech with movement

    And now 1,2,3 turn into a snowflake.

    A. Barto "Snow, snow is spinning ..."

    5. Development of visual perception, attention.

    Oh, how interesting, I saw the same snowflakes. And you find.(Slide 1)

    6. Development of constructive praxis, fine motor skills.

    Construction from sticks "Snowflake"

    7. Development of articulatory praxis

    I invite you for a walk in the forest. The road is long, we will prepare sponges, tongue.

    Articulation gymnastics.



    "Tube - Smile"






    How can you go to the forest? (Skiing, sledding, driving)

    Let's go by car.

    8. Development of general motor skills

    Speech with the movement "Machine".

    "Beep, beep, the car is humming

    knock-knock-knock, the engine knocks.

    We're going, we're going, we're going, we're going

    the car is moving fast.

    The wheels are spinning fast

    shu-shu-shu-they rustle.

    We press the pedal

    and the car rushes off into the distance.

    9. Development of prosodic components.

    Here we are in the forest.(Slide 2) "Hello, hello miracle forest, full of fairy tales and miracles."

    Breathe the air in the forest. Oh! A-ah!

    10. Development of phonemic hearing

    Listen, what do you hear in the forest? (The recording "Wind in the forest" sounds)

    What did you hear?

    The wind howls in the forest, sings: "woo-hoo." (Clarification of the articulation of the sound "U")

    (Singing in chorus and individually).

    The wind can sing softly (ooh) and loud (ooh) (Children sing in chorus and one at a time)

    Prepare your ears and palms, now I will sing different sounds. When you hear the wind song "U-U", clap your hands.

    11. Development of an attributive dictionary, work on the agreement of nouns with an adjective in gender, number.

    Take a look around, what a forest (big, dark, winter)

    What trees grow in the forest? (high, low)

    What are the snowdrifts in the forest? (large, tall)

    What wind blows in the forest? (strong, cold)

    What is the snow in the forest? (pure, white)

    What can you make out of snow? (Snowman)

    Oh, and I see a snowman. He is lonely and sad.

    Psycho-gymnastics "The snowman frowns, the snowman smiles"

    12. Development of mimic muscles.

    And we also know how to smile. Mimic exercise "Here lives Furry..."

    13. Work on the formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes.

    The snowman is very fond of affectionate words. He does not have a head, but ... (head). He does not have eyes, but (eyes), not a nose, but (nose), not a mouth, but (mouth), on his head is not a hat, but (hat).

    14. Development of the grammatical structure of speech

    The snowman walked in the forest in the morning, saw the tracks of animals in the snow. Help him. Tell me, what animal footprints did he see? ( slide 3 ). (Comparison of a hare and a bear)

    15. Development of phonemic perception, auditory attention.

    Many birds live in the forest and the snowman has a familiar woodpecker. The woodpecker knocks all day long. Repeat the rhythm (* * *; *- -)

    16. Work on the rhythmic structure of the word

    The snowman has a task for you. He knows a lot of words, asks them to slap

    (snowflake, sled, snow, icicle, ice, slide)

    17. Development of constructive praxis

    And so that the snowman is not bored, let's make him friends.

    (composing a snowman from parts)

    It's time to go home. Let's go home on a sled.

    (Audio recording of "Sanochki")

    18. Summing up

    Here we are back with you.

    Did you enjoy walking in the forest?

    And who did we meet there? (Evaluation of the activities of each child)

    I say goodbye to you. Goodbye.

    Abstract developed by:

    teacher speech therapist

    Zadykhina Marina Nikolaevna

    Speech therapy lesson on the topic "WINTER"

    (middle group)

    Hello children, come in, take empty seats.

    Look, today a squirrel came to us and brought such a beautiful chest with her, and we will now find out what is in it.(The speech therapist opens the chest and takes out a snowflake from it.)

    Look - here is a mystery!(reads the riddle).

    Powdered the tracks

    Decorated the windows

    Gave joy to people

    And rolled on a sled.

    Children: Winter!

    Speech therapist: Correctly! And there are also envelopes in the chest, your names are written on them. This envelope is for Edik, this one is for Artyom, for Ruslan, for Dima, for Yura and also for Alyosha. Let's open it up and see what's in them!? There are split pictures in them and the squirrel wants to know what season they depict?(Children collect pictures).

    Speech therapist: Dima, what season is shown in your picture?

    Dima: Winter.

    Speech therapist: Artyom, what about your picture?

    Artyom: Winter.

    Speech therapist: Well! Well done, everyone collected the pictures correctly and pleased the squirrel. Now let's remember what you can do in winter?

    (mobile game)

    We went for a walk in the yard

    One, two, three, four, five.

    We went for a walk in the yard

    They sculpted a snow woman,

    The birds were fed with crumbs,

    Then we rode down the hill,

    And also rolled in the snow.

    Everyone came home in the snow

    We ate soup and went to bed.

    Speech therapist: Guys, go to the easel and sit on the chairs. Look carefully at the picture and answer, who is depicted in this picture? Start with the words "In the picture ...".

    Suggested response from children:There are children in the picture.

    Speech therapist: Where did they go?

    Suggested response from children:They came to the park.

    Speech therapist: What is the girl in the pink jacket doing?

    Suggested response from children:Skiing.

    Speech therapist: What is the boy doing?

    Suggested response from children:The boy is skating.

    Speech therapist: What does the girl in the yellow jacket have?

    Suggested response from children: She has sleds.

    Speech therapist: What else do you see in the picture?

    Suggested response from children: Snowman.

    Speech therapist: What season is in the picture?

    Suggested response from children: Winter.

    Speech therapist: As you guessed, the picture depicts winter.

    Suggested response from children:There is snow everywhere.

    Speech therapist: What words can you choose for the word snow? Snow what?

    Suggested response from children:White, wet, cold, fluffy.

    Speech therapist: Correctly. Well done! You told me well from the picture, and now listen to the story.

    (Speech therapist reads the story).

    Fluffy, white snow lies on the ground, on the trees, on the roofs of houses. It's cold outside, so the children are dressed warmly. Children have rosy cheeks. The children are skiing, some are skating, and the snowman they made yesterday is standing and admiring the children's fun.

    Do you think children like to walk in winter?

    Suggested response from children:Like, they have a lot of fun.

    Speech therapist: Do you want us to make a snowman too?

    Children: Yes!

    Speech therapist: Get on the carpet.

    (Children go to the carpet)

    Today from the snowball

    We made a snowman near the house.

    Our woman stands at the very gate,

    No one will pass, no one will pass.

    She is already familiar to all the children,

    And the Bug keeps barking: "An alien is in the yard."

    Speech therapist: Look at what a beautiful snowman we have turned out to be.

    Now sit down on the chairs, we will play the game: "What is superfluous?". Listen carefully: SNOWFLAKE, FIRE, SNOWDROP, ICUCLE. What is superfluous?

    Children: Fire.

    Speech therapist: Why?

    Suggested response from children:It's hot and everything else is cold.

    Speech therapist: Correctly. Listen further. SOUP, PUREE, ICE CREAM, CUTLETS.

    Children: Ice cream.

    Speech therapist: Why?

    Suggested response from children:Ice cream is cold.

    Speech therapist: That's right - ice cream, and the rest of the food that I named should be warm. And by what signs can you still say that ice cream is superfluous? Remember the taste.

    Children: Ice cream is sweet.

    Speech therapist: What about the rest of the food?

    Children: Not sweet.

    Speech therapist: Right. Well done! And now, guys, let's go to the tables where you collected pictures, I prepared mirrors for you there and now we will play with our tongues.

    (Articulation gymnastics).

    Exercise "icicle" - 3 times;

    Exercise "hill for descent" - 3 times;

    Exercise "hurricane wind opens and closes the window" - 3 times.

    Stara, gray-haired, with an ice stick,

    Blizzard hobbles Baba Yaga.

    The blizzard howls: "U-u-u-u-u-u-u"(with an effort of voice).

    The forest groaned from the blizzard: "M-m-m-m-m-m"(quietly, in a high voice).

    Birch trees moan: "M-m-m-m-m-m-m-m"(quietly, in a high voice).

    Spruces are joking: "Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-t-t-k-t-t-s-t-t-t-t-t-tut The blizzard subsides "U-u-u-u-u-u-u."

    Let's remember how the blizzard howls.

    Children: "U-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u."

    Speech therapist: What is this sound?

    Children: Vowel.

    Speech therapist: What color do we highlight the vowel sound? Show.

    Children show red circles.

    Speech therapist: We know that vowels are sung and now I will sing different vowel sounds, and you clap your hands when you hear the sound "U". Listen carefully "A", "U", "O", "I", "U", "A", "U", "O".

    Children clap their hands when they hear the sound "U".

    Speech therapist: Well done! You did a good job. And now let's see what else the squirrel has in the chest. Look at the picture. It seems to me that in this picture the artist messed something up.

    What doesn't happen in winter?

    Suggested responses from children:

    Do not bathe in the river;

    Flowers do not bloom;

    Berries do not grow;

    Do not go in a dress;

    Butterflies don't fly.

    Speech therapist: Okay, what did the artist draw correctly?

    Suggested responses from children:

    There is snow all around;

    bare trees;

    Bullfinches sit on the branches.

    Speech therapist: Very well told.

    Guys, today at the lesson you did a good job with all the tasks. Ruslan is a good fellow, he was the first to collect the picture. Dima listened very attentively. Artyom most of all answered questions. Edik made the most beautiful icicle. Yura listened attentively when I sang sounds, and correctly singled out the vowel sound "U".

    You know, guys, it seems to me that our squirrel also really liked how you were doing today, and she brought gifts from her winter forest - these are nuts. Let's say thank you and goodbye.


    • Correctional and educational: distinguishing sounds by ear and in pronunciation in syllables, words and sentences; consolidation of skills sound analysis and synthesis, consolidation of ideas about winter and its signs, clarification, improvement of the grammatical structure of speech.
    • Correction-developing: development of phonemic perception, development of visual and auditory attention, thinking; connected speech; articulatory, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, development of speech breathing, development of a lexical dictionary on the topic "Winter".
    • Correctional and educational: formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence. Education of love and respect for nature.

    Equipment: Presentation, a recording of Tchaikovsky's music, a ball, cotton wool, mirrors, pens, notebooks, strips for drawing up sentences.

    Lesson progress

    I. Orgmoment

    Psychogymnastics. Strengthening emotional contact.

    Speech therapist:

    One, two, three, four, five
    Start playing in a circle.

    (Children stand with a speech therapist in a circle, calm quiet music sounds).

    A new day has come.

    I smile at you, and you smile at each other. We are calm and kind, we are friendly and affectionate. We are healthy. Take a deep breath through your nose and breathe in freshness, kindness, beauty. And through your mouth, exhale all resentment and grief. (Children breathe in and out)

    And now, let's wish each other good morning, and help us do this balloon. (Children pass the ball, addressing each other by name and wishing good morning)

    Children: Good morning, Dima! Good morning Alina!

    II. Message on the topic of the lesson. Characteristics of sounds according to articulatory and acoustic features.


    Speech therapist: Guys, guess the riddle:

    The cold has come
    Turned into ice water
    Long-eared hare gray
    Turned into a white bunny
    The bear stopped crying
    The bear hibernated in the forest
    Who's to say, who knows
    When does it happen?

    Children: winter

    Slide 1. Winter.

    Speech therapist: What sound is heard at the beginning of the word winter?

    Sound [h].

    Describe the sound [h]. Tell me how to pronounce the sound [h]?

    The lips stretch, the tongue behind the lower teeth.

    So what is he?


    Now let's close our ears and determine whether it is voiced or deaf?

    Now let's define how the sound is heard [h] in the word winter - hard or soft? Soft.

    In which of the winter houses does sound live [h]?

    III. Development of phonemic hearing. Pronunciation of sounds in words.

    Slide 2.

    In green.

    Speech therapist: Now pronounce the syllables the way I pronounce them.


    Speech therapist: Now let's play the game "Echo". I will pronounce syllables with a hard sound, and you with a soft sound.

    Zy - ... zi
    For - ... zya
    Zo - ... zo
    Zu - ... zu

    Today we will pronounce words with the sound [z] and go for a walk in a winter fairy tale.

    IV. selection of comparisons.

    The music of Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. November".

    Speech therapist: Look out the window, we actually have winter. When I look out the winter window at a blizzard, whirling snow whirlwinds, their charming dance, I imagine a theater and see a dancing ballerina. Let's come up with such beautiful comparisons together: I will name some action for you, and you will name a similar action that takes place in nature in winter: for example: a ballerina is spinning - snowflakes are spinning

    Slide 3.

    A bird is flying - flying ... snow

    slide 4.

    A man is blowing - blowing ... the wind

    Slide 5.

    The ballerina is spinning - the snowflakes are spinning ...

    slide 6.

    Howling wolf - howling ... blizzard

    Slide 7.

    The villain is angry - angry ... frost

    slide 8.

    Say affectionate words about winter (winter, winter, winter). Zimushka-winter invites us to take a walk in the winter forest. Which forest are we going to?

    slide 9.

    In winter.

    What clothes will we wear?

    What boots will we wear?

    What hat are we going to wear?

    Which road will we take?

    slide 10.

    By winter.

    Speech therapist: walking in the winter forest, you can easily get sick. But we are not afraid of a cold. Why? (We do breathing exercises, take vitamins, eat garlic, onions, pour cool water on your hands). And we also do massage "Neboleyka".

    V.Massage of biologically active points "Neboleyka".

    The music of Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. November".

    So that the throat does not hurt, we stroke it boldly(stroking the neck with the palms from top to bottom)
    In order not to cough, not to sneeze, you need to rub your nose(rubbing the wings of the nose with the index finger)
    We will also rub our forehead, we hold our palm with a visor(put palms on forehead and rub)
    Make a “fork” with your fingers, massage your ears and neck(rub the points in front and behind the ears and neck)
    We know, we know, yes, yes, yes, we don’t have a cold scary (rubbing both palms).

    VI.Pronunciation of sounds [h], [h] in words and phrases.

    Finally, we are in the forest. Look how handsome he is. In winter, the forest looks fabulous. What forest are we in?

    Slide 11.

    Do you feel how cold it is? Imagine that our hands are very cold and we need to warm them up.

    VII. Breathing exercise.

    Let's warm the hands, breathe warm air on the palms: "X-x-x" and rub our palms.

    What kind of air do we breathe in winter?

    Winter, frosty air.

    And now let's do the finger gymnastics "Boy - finger."

    VIII. Finger gymnastics "Boy-finger".

    Finger-boy, where have you been (we bend our fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)
    Where did you go with your brothers
    With this I rolled in the snow
    I rode down the hill with this
    Walked through the woods with this
    Played with it in the snow
    We are all fingers friends
    Where they are, there I am!

    IX. Selection of verbs, adjectives and participles of nouns.

    slide 12.

    Speech therapist: “Oh, you winter-winter! All roads covered up! what has winter done to the roads?

    She swept, threw, threw. What has winter done to the forest?

    Bewitched, messed up.

    What has become of the forest?

    Enchanted, fabulous, snowy

    And now we will perform the exercise “Snowflakes are flying” with cotton wool.

    X. Physical education "Winter".

    The music of Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. November".

    Speech therapist: We have been walking for a long time and we are tired. Let's get some rest .

    Winter has finally come, stand up, hands to the sides
    The houses became white arms above head, palms together
    Snow on the street sweeps stand up, move your hands from top to bottom
    Janitor sweeps the street portray
    We're sledding portray
    We write circles on the rink hands behind the back, turns around
    Skiing skillfully, portray
    And we all play snowballs! tilt, crouch, stand up, portray a throw into the distance

    XI. Sound-letter analysis of the word "Winter".

    Speech therapist: So, guys, we visited the winter forest, saw a lot of interesting things. Now, look at these scattered letters and try to make a word.

    slide 13.

    A Z I M

    What happened?


    How many sounds are there in a word WINTER, how many letters?

    Clap the word WINTER by syllables, how many syllables?

    Two syllables.

    What sound is stressed in the word WINTER?

    On the [a].

    Now make a suggestion WINTER.

    Children's answers.

    XII. Analysis and synthesis of the proposal.

    slide 14.

    We walked through the winter forest.
    /_ _____ _ _____ ____ .
    /_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

    XIII. Summary of the lesson.

    Speech therapist: So guys, what did we talk about today?

    What should be done to avoid getting sick in winter?

    What happens in winter in nature?

    Well done, you all answered well. This concludes the lesson.

    Used Books:

    1. Volkova L.S. speech therapy. - Moscow, Enlightenment, 1989.
    2. Lalaeva R.I. Logopedic work in correctional classes. - Moscow, Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2004.
    3. Tkachenko T.A. speech and motor skills. - Moscow, EKSMO, 2007.
    4. Pozhilenko E.A. The magical world of sounds. - Moscow, VLADOS, 2002.

    Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson with

    using computer technology on the topic:

    " Winter. Winter fun»

    Compiled and conducted

    Speech therapist: Marchenko Irina Valerievna.

    Members : Middle school preschoolers speech therapy group with a diagnosis of general underdevelopment of speech.

    Amount of children: 6 people

    Duration: 20 minutes.

    Target: Consolidation and generalization of the material covered on the topic

    " Winter. Winter fun".

    Educational area "Social and communicative development".

    1. Stimulate, encourage the speech activity of children during the game, form them communication skills and skills.

    2. Development in the game of communication skills, emotional responsiveness, imitation, creative imagination, activity, independence.

    Educational area "Cognitive development".

    1. Develop visual and auditory attention and memory

    2. To develop and maintain verbal accompaniment of practical actions in children.

    3.Teach children to analyze the sample. Find similarities and differences.

    Educational area "Speech development".

    Correctional and educational work.

    1 .Develop passive vocabulary and activate nouns, verbs and adjectives in speech on the topic “Winter. Winter fun.

    2. To form the rhythm of speech, voice modulation, intonational expressiveness, diction.

    3. Cultivate the correct moderate pace of speech.

    4 . Formation of correct speech breathing and prolonged oral exhalation.

    5. Train to use nouns in the genitive case.

    7. Improving the ability to use verbs in the infinitive in speech.

    8. Teaching how to write simple sentences according to the model.

    9. Stimulation of the manifestation of speech activity.

    Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development".

    1. Teach children to finish drawing individual elements.

    2. Paint over contour images.

    3. To form a positive emotional attitude towards visual activity.

    Educational area "Physical development".

    1. To develop and improve motor skills, coordination of movements with speech ..

    Preliminary work:studying the lexical topic "Winter. Winter fun", Examining photos, slides, films, presentations on the topic, learning winter games.


    ICT, cotton wool snowball, snowman blanks with missing details

    Course progress.

    1. Acquaintance with the topic.

    Speech therapist:

    Now I will give you a riddle. Listen carefully.

    "Look what a miracle

    Everything around is white-white.

    Roofs, streets, trees,

    All paths are covered.

    Ice bound lakes, rivers,

    A blizzard is blowing in the yard.

    The bird freezes from the frost,

    The bird is too lazy to have fun.

    The sun is shining, but it does not warm.

    The days are shorter, the nights are longer.

    What time of year, kids?

    Tell me soon?" (winter)

    • What signs of winter do you know? Look at the picture. She will help you. (Children remember the signs of winter)

    2. Coordination of speech with movement

    Speech therapist: Guys, look, it's snowing. Let's play.

    Fluffy white snow, (hands in front of you. Movements with the hands)

    Spinning in the air. (circling around)

    And on the ground quietly (slowly squat down)

    falls down, falls down.

    3 . Selection of definitions and verbs. Snowball game.

    Speech therapist: Guys, what can you say about the snow? What snow? (Speech therapist throws a snowball to each child)

    (Children are fluffy, white, wet, cold, soft, sparkling...)

    Speech therapist: What can snow do?

    (Children: spin, shine, melt, fly, sparkle, lie down, crunch. Shimmer ...)

    Speech therapist: Guys, I will turn you into a cold breeze, and you will blow on snowflakes, and they will spin in a dance. (Speech therapist distributes snowflakes).

    Do you know how to blow properly? Remind me how to do this. (We inhale deeply with our nose, do not raise our shoulders, do not puff out our cheeks. Children blow on a snowflake, holding it by the thread at mouth level).

    Speech therapist: Such a strong wind has risen! Everything swirled in the air. A blizzard has risen. The wind howled: woo.

    How the blizzard subsides.

    Speech therapist. Oh how cold it got! Let's warm up our hands. Let's blow warm air. (Children "warm" their hands with a warm air jet).

    5. Surprise moment.

    Speech therapist. Guys, guess the riddle. If you guess right, we'll have a guest.

    "A mischievous little man,

    He is inseparable from the broom,

    He is not used to living in warmth.

    Who came to us? (snowman)

    Speech therapist: Well done, guessed the riddle! And the snowman showed up to play with us.

    / A slide appears on the multimedia device /

    4. Guessing riddles.

    Speech therapist: Winter is a frosty time, but very fun! Lots of games, entertainment fun in winter! The snowman will make riddles about his favorite winter fun. If you guess the riddle, the answer will appear.

    • Two birch horses

    They carry me through the snow.

    These red horses

    And their name is ........ (skiing)

    /slide appears on media device//

    • Winter gives us a gift

    Ruddy days.

    Hurry to the snow, hurry to the ice.

    On skis and ...... (skates)

    / the answer appears on the multimedia device /

    • I sit down and roll

    I'm running down the mountain.

    But it's not a sled

    But just .......... (ice)

    /a slide appears on the multimedia device/

    • Oh, it's snowing!

    I'm taking out a horse, my friend.

    For a rope - a bridle

    I lead a horse through the yard.

    From the hill down I fly on it,

    And I'm taking it back. (sled)

    / a slide appears on the multimedia device /

    Speech therapist: What winter fun do you like? Remember those that the snowman forgot about. (Children answer one at a time).

    1. Coordination of speech with movement. Development of general motor skills.

    Speech therapist:

    Winter has finally come. (Children spread their arms to the sides)

    Houses became white (show a roof over their heads)

    It's snowing outside (Shaking movements of the hands from top to bottom)

    Janitor sweeps the street (motion imitation)

    We are sledding (Children squat)

    We write circles on the rink (imitation of skating)

    Dexterously skiing (motion imitation)

    And we all play snowballs. (children make and throw snowballs).

    1. The development of visual attention, "nonsense"

    Speech therapist: Guys, I drew a snowman interesting picture but I think it has a lot of bugs. Find them.

    /a slide appears on the multimedia device/

    1. The use of nouns in the genitive case.

    Speech therapist: Guys, our snowman is very sad alone.

    Let's make him friends, just like our snowman. I started drawing them, but didn't have time to finish. Help me.

    Speech therapist, addressing each child: What does your snowman not have?

    (My snowman does not have a bucket, .... broom, hands, nose, eyes.

    I will draw a bucket for a snowman ....... Children draw snowmen.)

    1. Summary of the lesson.

    Children thank the snowman for interesting game and donate drawings.


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    Slides captions:

    Two birch horses carry me through the snow. These red horses, And their name is ........

    Winter gives us Ruddy Days as a gift. Hurry to the snow, hurry to the ice. Skiing and...

    I sit down and roll, I rush from the mountain. But this is not a sled, but just .......... (ice)

    Oh, it's snowing! I'm taking out a horse, my friend. For a rope - a bridle I lead a horse through the yard. I fly down the hill on it, and I drag it back. . (sled)