Medicinal plants in the garden. About the world of plants and suburban life

Why spend money and buy medicinal herbs at the pharmacy or look for them in the meadows or in the wilderness? Moreover, their reserves in nature are not unlimited. Many can be easily grown in your garden!

If you often suffer from sore throats and colds, be sure to sow calendula and sage.

Calendula is also useful for treating wounds, burns, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver diseases, biliary tract, and hypertension.

Seeds can be sown early, calendula is not afraid of the cold. But remember that medicinal properties possess only marigolds with simple orange flowers. Save varietal multi-colored and terry for a flower bed.

Sageirreplaceable for stomatitis treatment of the upper respiratory tract. It is best to sow already germinated seeds in early spring. You can buy ready-made planting material.

When coughing, marshmallow and yellow sweet clover will help.

Preparations from marshmallow rootsalso used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For sowing, it is better to use seeds that have been aged for 2-3 years.

Infusion of herbs sweet clover yellow able to soothe pain, calm the nerves, help with skin inflammations.

Seeds are sown in early May.

The herb of nine powers.

Elecampane high - an old remedy for diseases of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, antihelminthic, hemostatic, diuretic and increasing appetite, and externally - for the treatment of various wounds and skin diseases. Elecampane propagates by seeds and segments of rhizomes, (the change retains germination for 3-4 years.

Suitable for aromatherapy sessions oregano and marigold.

Dried marigold plants are used for aromatic baths and even as a spice seasoning.

Seeds are sown in autumn (in October - early November), buried in dry soil to a depth of 1 -1.5 cm. Motherwort can be propagated by dividing the bush.

Seeds valerian it is better to sow in spring, just remember that for the germination of seeds and the good development of seedlings I need moisture. The soil above the crops must be rolled slightly. If you're lucky, you can buy rhizomes at garden fairs in the fall and plant them in your garden or divide a bush that grows with someone you know or in nature before frost.

On the basis of the roots collected and dried in the fall, you can prepare soothing infusions and decoctions.

Milk thistle (a medicine known to many carsil consists only of milk thistle) have long been treating inflammation of the bile ducts, cholelithiasis, diseases of the spleen and thyroid gland, obesity, allergies. Seeds are sown in early May. This plant, among other things, is also very beautiful, the leaves of the thistle are variegated green, with thorns on the sides.

Winter is the most critical period for apple trees and you need to survive it with minimal losses. In general, the set of measures includes collecting late harvest, collecting and destroying fallen leaves, digging the near-stem strip, feeding, water-charging irrigation, mulching the near-stem zone, removing lichens and moss from trunks, stripping bark, removing dry and interfering branches, whitewashing, processing from pests and diseases, sealing of hollows and insulation of young apple trees.

This article will focus on the water-charging irrigation of fruit crops, which, I think, is neglected by many gardeners, especially in a rainy autumn. It seems to many that the rain that thundered on the roof all night is able to wet the soil to a sufficient depth, and it is possible to do without the use of additional artificial irrigation, without spending extra money on water. But no, you can't, and we will now tell you why and teach you the correct water charging irrigation.

Marinated zucchini for the winter with onions, peppers and physalis - a light, spicy, assorted vegetable appetizer. Zucchini is a neutral vegetable, it perfectly absorbs various tastes and smells. A small handful of onions and sweet peppers, a little aromatic spices are all that is needed to prepare delicious canned vegetables. Physalis has grown in my garden this year. Jam is made from it, but in pickled form, in my opinion, physalis is much tastier.

Soil is not just a plant habitat. Along with carbon dioxide, light and water, it is a vital element, without which most plants cannot survive. The characteristics of the soil, its texture, acidity, water and air permeability, nutritional value play a key role. Mistakes in the selection of the substrate are a source of great problems and risks. The most reliable option for indoor plants are purchased, ready-made substrates.

Korean salad with cucumbers for the winter is a hot cold appetizer in a sweet and sour marinade. This recipe is not for sissies, as it contains quite a lot of hot pepper (this is precisely the zest of the workpiece). Spicy vegetables will come in handy for a festive table or as a side dish for a meat dish, especially for a kebab or fried chicken. For a recipe for Korean salad with cucumbers and tomatoes, choose quality vegetables - small pimply cucumbers.

Few people know, but gooseberries are literally eternal and very fruitful culture. From a well-developed gooseberry bush, which you looked after properly, you can collect up to one and a half dozen kilograms of both tasty and large berries at the same time. So, let's first briefly list the activities that we need to carry out during the autumn period with gooseberry bushes, and then describe each of them in detail so that you have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat and how to do.

Primroses are plants ideally suited to the concept of a "lazy" garden. They are unpretentious, undemanding to care, can settle even where, it would seem, primroses have no place at all. Equally beautiful leaves and flowering are a nice bonus for plants that can be planted and forgotten. True, to say that they grow by themselves is not possible about all primroses. But there are many types that allow you to create beautifully flowering accents, making it easier to care for the garden.

Meatballs with tomato and sweet pepper gravy are a classic dish that many have loved since childhood. Whatever the name of the pork cutlets: meat balls, minced hedgehogs, meatballs or meatballs, as in this recipe, the essence does not change. A juicy cutlet in a fragrant thick sauce looks so appetizing that everyone, without exception, salivates. You can add cream or sour cream to the gravy for meatballs and thicken it with flour, but it is better to add more vegetables.

Disputes around the digging of the near-trunk circle of fruit trees have been, are and will be for a very long time, probably as long as the gardens exist. Options for keeping the trunk circle fruit tree quite a lot, here there is black steam (digging), and turfing, and mulching, and each of these activities has both pros and cons. Digging the soil in the near-trunk strip and mulching can be combined, including watering and fertilizing.

It is no coincidence that palm trees have won leadership among the indoor giants. Beautiful, austere and elegant at the same time, they bring clean lines and a tropical feel to homes for decades. And although the belonging of plants to palms is determined at first glance, the palm family is far from homogeneous. And first of all - by its exactingness and capriciousness. Among indoor palms, there are both unpretentious and species that only a select few can grow.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter with bell peppers - delicious tomatoes for the winter. These blanks do not belong to the category "I put everything in a jar, filled it with marinade", no - you have to tinker. But, as they say, the devil is not so terrible as he is painted. Firstly, the skin is easily removed from mature tomatoes. Second, the blender turns tomatoes into puree in seconds. Third, it is better to spend 15 minutes sterilizing the workpieces than the same 15 minutes going to the store.

Long gone are the days when daylilies in every city courtyard and garden looked the same. Today, the variety of delicious beauty can even compete with tulips. And new varieties appear almost every day. Extravagant or touching modern daylilies have taken a leap forward and are firmly entrenched in the lists of favorite perennials. And even the most elaborate and rare varieties still live up to its reputation as an unpretentious culture.

Planting garlic before winter is a responsible event, here you need to choose the right planting material, correctly determine the planting dates, know the subtleties and rules, nuances and features. Let me start with such nuances. Garlic has two different forms: one is referred to as non-shooting, the other as shooting. What is an arrow? The simplest is the peduncle. The arrow is formed only by winter garlic, that is, the one that we sow in autumn.

Zucchini lecho for the winter with peppers, tomatoes and onions is another way to preserve the harvest of vegetables and replenish stocks with delicious vegetable stews. The stew turns out to be similar in taste to the traditional lecho, pieces of bell pepper replace tender zucchini. When you open the jar, the smell spreads out incredibly seductive. I advise you to use containers with a capacity of 500 to 800 g for preparing salads - it is convenient to sterilize and open canned food does not have to be stored.

Sooner or later, a transplant is necessary for everyone indoor plants... But in the case of indoor large-sized ones, it is not carried out until it is possible, since this is not an easy task. And rarely do any adult plants need an annual transplant. In years when the transplant is not carried out, it is recommended to perform a mandatory procedure - partial soil replacement. The topsoil is replaced both for hygiene purposes and to maintain the normal state of the substrate.

Nobody, as you know, likes to get sick. And the easiest way to fight diseases is to prevent them. Medicinal plants can often help us with this. You can buy them at the pharmacy or on the market, but even better - grow them yourself. It really is not difficult. So, what can we easily grow in our country house?

Today we will focus exclusively on perennials, which, once planted, you can use for several years, or even decades. To the proposed list sibmama included medicinal plants that are undemanding to growing conditions, easy to grow and propagate.

1. Echinacea purpurea - an excellent tool for enhancing immunity. The easiest way to harvest is to prepare an alcoholic tincture from the flowers, stems and leaves of the plant. To do this, the crushed plant material just needs to be poured with medical alcohol and insisted for two weeks. Use for prevention in the morning and evening for ten days in spring and autumn with the whole family. The dose is calculated from the following principle: for children under sixteen years old, the number of drops of tincture is equal to the number of full years of the child. Adults - twenty to twenty-five drops. Can be diluted in water. The effect of such a tincture is much stronger than that of the eponymous one purchased at a pharmacy. Echinacea is an unpretentious plant. Easily propagated by both seeds and rhizomes. It takes root quickly, loves sunny places more, although it is not particularly picky and will grow where you plant it. Does not require special care. Loosening and weeding - whenever possible. In addition, echinacea flowers and even the "thorns" remaining after flowering are quite cute and look good even on flower beds. The only limitation is that you should not place it next to plants that you plan to feed with mineral fertilizers. After all, a flower that is used for medicinal purposes is absolutely unnecessary. The same goes for the rest of the medicines in your garden. You can also plant them on a flower bed, only do not add mineral fertilizers to decorative flowers.

2. Badan Altai - an excellent tonic, helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, treats blood diseases and much, much more. Be careful: this is not the same thing with hybrid incense, which is often used in flower beds as a decorative one. The latter practically does not possess medicinal properties. An excellent tasty and healthy tea is brewed from dry berry leaves. Its extract was once, before the era of continuous chemization, used by the Soviet food industry in the production of the famous drink "Baikal". Badan is easy to grow, easily tolerates our winters. It is also interesting in that it is not at all necessary to procure raw materials for use. Throughout the year, and even in winter, you can use it right from the garden - after all, dry leaves are used for brewing, which dry right on the plants. These leaves do not rot, decompose or deteriorate. Therefore, you can always go to the bed, find such a dry leaf, rinse it under the tap, crush and brew delicious and healthy seagulls. Badan easily reproduces by dividing the rhizome, grows quickly, and is unpretentious. But we do not recommend propagating by seeds - a long, tedious and often fruitless exercise. There is practically no need to take care of it, it will grow on its own to your delight. For the winter it remains a green mound, leaves and shoots do not die off, and in early spring it will delight you with pinkish flowers.

3. Hyssop officinalis - an assistant for coughs, colds, inflammation. You can ferment vegetables with hyssop. For example, by overlapping pickled eggplants with hyssop stalks, you will avoid unnecessary excess mold on the surface. A decoction of dry grass, flowers or fresh green shoots will relieve you and especially your children from bronchitis and fight coughs. In addition, even a simple bundle of grass hanging from the bed can contribute to this. You can give the children just a breath of hyssop. This is a pleasant and rewarding procedure. The grass reproduces well by seeds, grows as a heap of shrubs, if you give him free rein, it will take all the place offered to him. Neither loosening, nor watering, nor shelter for the winter is needed. It grows anywhere on the site, even in the most "pernicious". Exudes a wonderful aroma almost all summer. The smell will intensify as soon as you touch the bush. Children use this with pleasure, which does not bother the plant. The essential oils of hyssop, which make it smell so wonderful, are an excellent antiseptic.

4. Peppermint - a wonderful sedative, reduces pain of various nature, including spasmodic. Decoctions from it are useful for menstrual pains, headaches and even toothaches. It grows beautifully in our climate. However, it can freeze out in frosty, snowless winters. It multiplies quickly by dividing the rhizome, so plant it away from everything that is especially dear to you, otherwise it will "crawl" everywhere and everywhere. All greens and even rhizomes are used in mint for medicinal purposes. Drinking mint seagulls will be useful for people suffering from insomnia and stress. And in many ways it will help you, and it will not be difficult to grow it yourself. In addition, when you begin to dry mint, the whole room will be filled with its special, light scent. Dried plant bags will scent your wardrobes and nightstands. Can be sown from seed. But it is easier to propagate by rhizome.

5. Savory - more a spice than medicinal plant... Used for coughs and colds

It is used in the preparation of any dish, from soups to desserts. Often added to marinades. Its peculiarity is that during drying, the aroma increases, so the plant is cut, dried, crushed, and only then used, although when it grows right in your garden, you can also use it freshly cut. It propagates both by seeds and by dividing the rhizome. Moreover, sometimes it will begin to appear in different places: the seeds transferred by the wind easily take root. There will be no fuss with him either: he will not require you to weed or loosen himself. If you still loosen it, it will thank you with abundant rapid growth. Just prune it regularly so that young shoots always grow, they are more pleasing to the eyes and taste. But if you don’t do this, the savory will not be lost.

6. Lavender - extra class antiseptic. You can use it a lot, often and thickly. More than a dozen articles can be written about this. You can grow it in the garden. However, it is not as easy to grow as the above plants. First of all, the seeds require mandatory stratification (dormancy period at low temperatures), germinate slowly. In severe winters, it will freeze if it is not covered. Will not grow in the shade, rather picky about the soil, so if you do not want to mess around, buy a lavender at the pharmacy.

7. Schisandra chinensis - curly liana, with valuable berries... Leaves and even stems of this plant are used. In addition, it will decorate your site. Propagated by seeds, layering, cuttings. Until the plant gets stronger and the trunk does not become well lignified, lemongrass will have to be covered for the winter, maybe even tied. Lemongrass does not like windy places, open direct sunlight, stagnant moisture, requires regular pruning, organization of support. Therefore, he can be capricious, but if you still find a suitable place for him, you will not regret it. But be careful, there are contraindications for using lemongrass berries (for example, pregnancy). They are also not recommended for children under 12 years old. Lemongrass is a stimulant. Increases the reflex activity of the central nervous system, stimulates cardiovascular activity, stimulates the respiratory function, tones up, refreshes, stimulates mental activity and a lot of what "increases" and "accelerates". This wonderful tree is also used in cosmetology.

8. Calendula - will help with inflammatory processes. It is noticed that calendula has a bactericidal and choleretic effect, relaxes the smooth muscles of the liver, stomach, intestines, thereby stimulating the activity of secretion production. It is easy for her to grow from seeds, although this is an annual plant, but you can prepare yourself calendula flowers for several years in advance by sowing it in your country house right under any fence. Unpretentious, it will grow and will not disturb you in any way. Do not forget to just collect and dry all the useful material from calendula in time. Her broths contribute to the healing of wounds, babies are bathed in them, sometimes adding a string and chamomile to calendula. The effect of such bathing is healthier than the recommended bathing in potassium permanganate.

9. Milk thistle - another annual, about which I can not help but say. If you have liver problems, be sure to plant it. Able to grow absolutely anywhere in your garden, it will be very useful. Propagated by seed, simple, grows quickly. I want to warn you that the plant grows into a large thorn, so plant it somewhere on the side, where it will not interfere with you or other plants in your beds. Beneficial features milk thistle:

  • Restores the membranes of liver cells. It contains silymarin. It renews liver cells, helps protect it from toxins.
  • Good for our blood vessels.
  • It contains minerals - zinc, potassium, selenium, manganese, iodine, calcium, chromium, boron, etc.
  • It also contains vitamins: A, D, E, K, F, group B.
  • Prevents premature aging.
  • Normalizes digestion, bile secretion, metabolism.
  • Wound healing agent.
  • Lowers blood sugar levels.
  • Helps with female diseases (erosion, vaginitis)
  • Removes toxins and toxins.
  • Promotes active weight loss