How many weeks does the 8th month start. Eight months of pregnancy - how many weeks is it? Weight gain: baby is getting bigger

The eighth month of pregnancy, most likely, will not surprise you with anything, because you have already come most of the way. As a rule, with a successful pregnancy, this period will not bring anything new.

Your state of health can be safely called satisfactory, taking into account increased fatigue, especially if you are still working.

Symptoms that may bother you in the eighth month of pregnancy differ little from the manifestations during the previous months.

Among them there are:

  • The ever-increasing activity of the child within you;
  • Braxton Heats contractions are an interesting phenomenon that trains the uterus for the upcoming birth. They are distinguished from real contractions by the absence of acute pain (normally it is moderate) and the fact that the uterus contracts infrequently and irregularly. You can easily cope with these manifestations if you learn to breathe correctly. By the way, this skill will be extremely necessary during childbirth.
  • Disruptions in the digestive system - bloating, heartburn, difficulty with stool, constipation is possible;
  • Ailments accompanied by nausea, dizziness and headaches;
  • Bleeding gums and recurrent nosebleeds;
  • The skin in the lower abdomen itches, stretch marks appear on it;
  • Varicose veins can develop on the legs, and a similar problem can be encountered in the rectal area;
  • Swelling of the face and extremities, and cramps can also constrict the muscles of the legs;
  • Due to the sufficiently large weight of the fetus, the back begins to ache more, and due to the fact that the uterus presses on the lungs, breathing may become difficult;
  • Discharge from the chest - colostrum, leucorrhoea continues to stand out from the vagina;
  • You are likely to experience sleep disturbances and insomnia;
  • The coordination of movements will be slightly disturbed, the clumsiness characteristic of pregnant women will appear;
  • Slight absent-mindedness and forgetfulness will sometimes cause inconvenience and frustration, especially if you have not noticed them before;
  • Conflicting feelings about pregnancy: you have been in a position for a long time, and you are quite tired of the ailments, inconveniences, precautions. Therefore, do not be surprised if pregnancy seems to be a burden for you.

And your baby at 8 months of pregnancy continues to grow and develop at a rapid pace.

The average length of the fruit is 45 cm, and the weight reaches 2.5 kg. The most important systems of life are already well developed, and the baby has every chance of surviving even in the event of premature birth. However, he still needs qualified medical care, because the lungs are not yet fully opened.

The baby's brain is developing at a rapid pace, he can already see and hear, and also actively respond to certain stimuli, for example, your voice.

Nerve cells are actively developing and are covered with a protective myelin sheath, which contributes to the rapid conduction of nerve impulses. Thus, a child becomes learnable even before birth, since his neurons can already form new connections, and the speed of impulse transmission is high enough.

The baby occupies the entire space of the uterus, it becomes cramped in it, so he often begins to be active. The child's body and head become proportional. Interestingly, the first hairs on the head grow exactly at the eighth month, when the baby is still inside you.

He will be born already with cute eyebrows and eyelashes. It can be seen that the child already has a wide range of reactions, which will no longer expand until he is born. He already knows how to blink, clench his fists, puff out his cheeks, suck his thumb, etc.

For starters, visit your doctor regularly for routine check-ups. After that, you will be assigned two appointments a month. This may seem like a lot, but it's actually very sensible, because it will make you feel more confident and understand that everything is under control.

The doctor will write out a referral for standard tests and will carry out procedures that have become familiar during pregnancy - measuring weight and pressure, examining the position of the fetus, measuring the height of the uterus, etc.

In addition, once in the doctor's office, you have a wonderful opportunity to ask him about everything that worries you. In order not to forget anything, make a list of questions.

Then, do your best to maintain a good mood and good spirits. Fatigue from an unusual situation cannot be avoided, but do not let it plunge you into despondency and cause depression, bad mood, and bad thoughts.

Be sure to avoid any stressful situations and remain calm, even though you are emotionally unstable. Get plenty of rest, spend more time outdoors in a pleasant company.

Eat right, indulge yourself occasionally with something tasty but healthy, read good books and watch good movies. Try to get the most out of life!

But if fatigue has taken its toll, and you are faced with irritability and sleep disturbances, for a start, change your position. After all, if you are lying on your back, your voluminous and heavy tummy can pinch the inferior vena cava, which can cause many of the symptoms described above.

Take some time and learn relaxation techniques to help you get your feelings and thoughts in order. Yoga for pregnant women or special exercises are perfect. Remember to master breathing techniques and do specific exercises to help you through the labor process.

Remember that the eighth month is the time for psychological problems associated with the end of pregnancy. You may well feel tired and want to have a baby as soon as possible, obsessively worry about the health of the unborn child and the birth process, be irritated because of forgetfulness, absent-mindedness and problems with focusing attention.

This is a completely adequate reaction, therefore, having caught such thoughts, you should not consider yourself a deliberately bad mother.

Finally, let us remind you of the studies that you will need to undergo in the eighth month of pregnancy to determine the health of both you and the baby. They are no different from previous studies, but they help keep the pregnancy under control. This instills in the mother the confidence that everything is in order, and helps the doctors, if necessary, to react in a timely manner.

therefore at the next consultation, a doctor is required:

  • Will measure your weight and blood pressure;
  • Will write out a referral for a urine test to determine the protein and sugar content in it;
  • Determine the size of the fetus and its position;
  • Measure the height of the fundus of the uterus;
  • Hear how your child's heart works;
  • Examining you for signs of varicose veins and edema;
  • He will be happy to answer your questions and give the necessary recommendations.

After the first birth, a girl who gave birth to a seven-month baby was lying in the ward with me. I remember how she argued that it was much better than giving birth at 8 months, since the fetus is more ready for birth. To be honest, it confused me a little, because the more time a child spends in the womb, the more developed he is, right?

I share the information that I was able to find on the topic of how dangerous childbirth is at 8 months.

What are the dangers of giving birth at 8 months compared to seven months?

The opinion that seven-month-old babies are more adapted to independent life than those born at 8 months is based on the physiological characteristics of the development of the respiratory system. According to one of the possible reasons, the amount of surfactant in a seven-month-old is greater than during childbirth at 8 months, and therefore the chances that the baby will breathe on its own are higher in babies born two months earlier.

However, in practice, everything turns out to be quite the opposite - the longer the child has been in the womb, the better for his respiratory system.

Why is childbirth at 8 months dangerous for a baby?

Premature birth is dangerous by the development of respiratory distress syndrome in a newborn - impaired respiratory function against the background of immaturity of the lungs.

From 38 weeks, the baby is considered full-term, and the delivery is urgent. Babies born between 32 and 35 weeks of gestation, that is, around 8 months of age, are functionally immature.

First of all, this concerns the readiness of the lungs - not all newborns are able to take an independent breath at this time, therefore they need medical assistance. This is directly related to the production of surfactant - a special substance that covers the alveoli of the lungs from the inside and prevents them from sticking together during breathing. The surfactant begins to be produced as early as 20-24 weeks of gestation, but the respiratory system becomes functionally mature only at 36 weeks of gestation.

IMPORTANT! Premature delivery is considered to be at 34-37 weeks of gestation with a fetus weighing from 2000 to 2500 grams. There is also the concept of early birth, when a baby is born at 28-33 weeks, and very early birth, with a gestational age of 22 to 27 weeks. Despite a rather favorable prognosis, children born at 8 months should be under the supervision of medical personnel for the first day.

What is the danger of giving birth at 8 months for a mother?

Premature birth is most often due to the pathological course of pregnancy or the presence of serious problems with the mother's health.

The onset of labor in the eighth month of pregnancy most often occurs against the background:

  • urogenital infection;
  • hormonal disorders
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • abdominal trauma;
  • anomalies in the development of the uterus;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • excessive physical stress;
  • having bad habits, malnutrition, etc.

The danger of giving birth ahead of time for a woman is the likelihood of developing many complications that may require prompt delivery as soon as possible. For example, an injury to the abdomen can cause an emergency such as placental abruption with internal bleeding. In the presence of a urogenital infection, there are frequent cases of premature rupture of amniotic fluid against the background of the immaturity of the birth canal and the absence of active labor.

Why is childbirth at 8 months dangerous, and why is it worth prolonging the pregnancy?

The opinion that the premature birth of a child does not entail any consequences is erroneous. Undoubtedly, in comparison with deeply premature babies born before 30 weeks, an eight-month-old baby adapts faster to the world around him and has fewer health problems. However, do not forget about the long-term consequences of premature birth, for example, neurological disorders in the form of poor sleep or increased excitability, as well as respiratory diseases, which most often develop in babies after being on artificial lung ventilation.


The eighth month of pregnancy is the period from 31 to 36 weeks of pregnancy, and there is still a whole month ahead of the birth, although already now you feel tired and all the "charms" of your interesting position. At the beginning of this month, you will have a final prenatal screening to help doctors navigate how your pregnancy is progressing and whether everything is okay with your baby. The preliminary tactics of childbirth will also be determined, and you will have a third planned ultrasound scan, in which it is already difficult to see the whole baby, it is very large, but it is quite possible to clarify the gender and many nuances of its development.

What happens to the body in the 8th month

In the eighth month of pregnancy, just a few weeks remain before childbirth, and the imminent approach of childbirth is increasingly foreshadowed by special training contractions (Braxton-Higgs, false contractions). These are irregular contractions of the uterus that do not lead to the opening of the cervix, which prepare it for active work in childbirth. If during contractions of the uterus there are no pronounced uncomfortable and painful sensations, the frequency of their occurrence has no regularity, they occur in periods, not for long, then there is no need to worry about this. This is a completely physiological phenomenon that prepares the body for early childbirth. If contractions become painful, they last more than an hour in a row, it is worth consulting a doctor, it is necessary to exclude the onset of premature birth.

Fetal development: weight, size and sex (add a photo of the embryo)

At this time, the child is not yet completely ready for birth, and he is supposed to stay in his mother's stomach for a few more weeks, but now it will be much easier for him to adapt to the outside world, if suddenly labor begins this month and the baby is born prematurely. His organs and systems have become much more mature than last month, and the myth that it is better for a baby to be born at seven months, at eight weeks - has no real basis. Each week a child spends in the womb gives him strength and body weight, adds growth and maturity. Therefore, it is important that the baby is not born as long as possible, often doctors do everything to delay the onset of labor and prolong the intrauterine life of the baby. This is especially necessary for the ripening of the lung surfactant and the possibility of spontaneous breathing.

After 35 weeks, babies will still be considered immature, but they have already formed all the main organs and systems, and they can completely avoid most of the problems of previously born premature babies. Usually, with stable weight gain and sucking, they are discharged from the hospital quickly enough and without a nursing stage. If you carry twins, it is quite possible that labor may begin as early as the end of the eighth month, at 35-36 weeks. At the same time, children are born quite strong and viable, grow and develop quite normally.

At eight months, the position of the fetus may still be incorrect, although from the 32nd-32nd week the fetus should take its final position for childbirth. In breech presentation, special exercises and postures will be recommended to stimulate the baby to turn his head down. This will avoid complications in the future and childbirth will take place naturally. During your term, your baby already has a fairly clearly formed sleep and wakefulness regime, and often it does not coincide with yours at all. He sleeps most of the day, rocked by your movements, and usually wakes up when you are at rest and makes itself felt with clear kicks and movements.

Now, by the end of the month, he will be practically ready for birth, all his most basic organs and systems that ensure his vital activity are fully developed and working, although still imperfectly. But the respiratory system, and especially the baby's lungs, are still undeveloped to the end, a special substance accumulates in them - a surfactant, which will not allow them to subside when the baby breathes spontaneously. If birth begins at the end of the eighth month, the baby will be able to breathe on its own, albeit under the supervision of doctors.

An eight-month-old baby is practically no different from a newborn, except perhaps only in height and in weight, he sees and hears well, can blink, frown, squint, suck his finger, his marigolds have grown to the edges of the nail phalanges, although still thin and delicate. The skin color becomes pink and even due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat and a decrease in translucent blood vessels. Due to the deposition of subcutaneous fat, the cheeks and face, shoulders and buttocks are rounded. Gradually, fluff (lanugo) comes off the body, hairs grow on the head, cilia and eyebrows are clearly visible. The entire body of the baby with an even layer of original lubricant, and it will help him during childbirth to pass the birth canal more easily, protects the skin from the effects of amniotic fluid.

This month, the baby's cerebral cortex is being improved, more and more nerve connections are gradually formed in it, which will help the baby in an independent life, and around the fibers protective sheaths of myelin are formed, a kind of isolation of nerves.

Now the child's skeleton is relatively stronger, the areas of the cartilage of the nose and ears are solid, but the bones of the skull have stitches between them, which will allow the baby's head to safely bypass the birth canal, without causing injury to itself and the mother. Now the important white will be occupied by the child's liver, its role is to accumulate in the last weeks a sufficient amount of iron, which will be consumed in the first months before the introduction of food other than milk to the child. Iron is needed to build new blood cells in the fetus and the baby, to prevent anemia.

At eight months, the fetus occupies almost the entire space of the uterus and its movements are limited, it took an embryonic position with legs and arms pulled up to the chest. And now his movements are very distinct and confident, mom can feel under the ribs and over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen, even distinguishing the outlines of heels and pens. Now the fetus weighs up to 30 g per day, and by the end of the month it can weigh about 2500-2800 g with a growth of up to 46 cm.

Feelings and problems of the expectant mother (use the word wiggle, pulls the lower abdomen, abdominal pain)

In this period, the woman is already beginning to get tired of her position and her belly, which has become literally huge. He interferes with putting on clothes and shoes, it is difficult to walk with him and it is uncomfortable to sleep. But now the time has come to fully devote your time to the future baby, especially since in this period most women are already on maternity leave. Now the feeling of life in your stomach changes your outlook and attitude to life, career problems, work problems and household trifles are relegated to the background, everything is aimed at wearing out and the early birth of a baby. This is the work of the dominant of pregnancy in the brain - it adjusts the physical body of the wife, her psyche, so as to bring the pregnancy in maximum comfort and convenience and safely give life to a new person. Hence the tears of affection, and mood changes, and the special sensitivity of expectant mothers. This is normal, and you should not completely close yourself off from external life and go headlong into motherhood - lead the life you are accustomed to and enjoy your position. If this does not cause you inconvenience or feeling unwell, there is practically no need to change your life - you can walk, travel (only close and strictly with an exchange card in hand), buy little things as a dowry and attend courses for expectant mothers and fathers. The most important thing for you now is your peace of mind and your confidence that everything is fine and there are no problems during pregnancy and your baby's health. Take care of stress and negative emotions, they can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus, and even to the development of premature birth.

The abdomen in this period reaches almost its maximum size, the height of the fundus of the uterus reaches its maximum by the 36th week. After 35 weeks, the uterus can literally press against your ribs, which leads to difficulty breathing. The child weighs almost a kilogram and needs a place to stay, so the internal organs will be squeezed out due to the growth of the uterus. The abdomen can create enough problems with sleeping position, walking and household issues, but the most important sensations from it are fetal movements. Now it should make itself felt at least 10 times in 12 hours, and it is better that you feel the fetal movement every 15-20 minutes. The kid can almost freeze for several hours, slightly stretching in a dream, or can actively push and move. It is worth worrying if the child is overly active and his movements are sharply painful, or if he is very lethargic and barely felt by you. This may indicate intrauterine suffering or hypoxia, it is worth changing position, walking or stretching. If this continues for a long time, it is worth informing the doctor about it and undergoing additional examination. For greater comfort, it is recommended to sleep on the left side - this is the most optimal position for the fetus and blood circulation of the placenta and uterus, and quite comfortable for the mother.

If you are worried about abdominal pain, especially persistent or cramping, periodically pulling the lower abdomen, do not think that this is normal, especially in combination with uterine tone, painful training contractions and vaginal discharge. You need to immediately call an ambulance and be hospitalized in a hospital, this may be the onset of premature birth or problems with the placenta. The situation is especially serious in the presence of smearing, bloody discharge from the vagina, and in the presence of dark cherry or scarlet blood, you need to immediately go to the hospital - placental abruption begins, a fatal complication if you do not immediately help.

In addition, many uncomfortable manifestations can be disturbing - many of them require a change in regimen, nutrition or consultation with a doctor, or even inpatient treatment. One of the common complications is edema, which is mainly formed on the extremities and can be the onset of nephropathy in pregnant women or gestosis. Particularly dangerous are severe edema right in the morning, spreading to the face and body, and combined with protein in the urine and increased pressure. Immediately in the hospital for preservation and decision on the further management of pregnancy.

A large uterus presses on the abdominal organs and causes a host of unpleasant symptoms and sensations such as nausea, especially with heavy meals, infrequent meals, or for no reason. This is due to the pressure of the uterus on the walls of the stomach. That is why heartburn can also occur, with the throwing of the acidic contents of the stomach into the esophagus. It is possible to reduce such sensations if you eat often and in small portions, immediately after eating, stay in an upright or semi-recumbent position, rest after eating for at least an hour, without bending over. If you are at home, taking the knee-elbow position for 10-15 minutes and relieving the pressure of the uterus on the intestines will help alleviate the condition. In this position, the internal organs receive more blood, and food is easier for the stomach and goes into the intestines. With an abundant intake of food, vomiting may also occur, if it is single and without fever and diarrhea, you can not worry much and revise your diet, and if you have the described symptoms, immediately see a doctor, food poisoning in pregnant women is extremely dangerous.

It is worth monitoring the discharge in this period. Due to a change in the hormonal background, there may be some increase in secretions - they are transparent or slightly whitish, odorless and pathological impurities. An increase in secretions that are clear as water with constant wetting of the laundry is a sign of a possible leakage of amniotic fluid. It is worth purchasing a leakage test pad at the pharmacy or visiting a doctor. In the presence of water leakage, hospitalization is immediately needed and a decision on the management of pregnancy further is needed. Everything with bloody discharge is no less serious, this is an occasion for immediate consultation with a doctor. Also dangerous are discharge with a smell, green, gray, yellowish or any other color, with admixtures of mucus, pus or bubbles. These are signs of genital tract infections that can threaten the baby and pregnancy and require immediate treatment.

Due to the pressure of the uterus, there is an increase in urination, which requires frequent trips to the toilet, as well as an increase in such a delicate problem as constipation. It is important to monitor the amount of fluid and fiber in the diet, to move more, so that it is easier for the intestines to work. Also, dyspnea may be painful when climbing stairs or active walking due to the contraction of the diaphragm by the uterus and increased breathing rate, which has become superficial. Bleeding of the gums, severe sweating, sensations of heat and stuffiness in the room, congestion of the ears and nose, numbness of the limbs, especially fingers, increased hair growth on the body are possible.

Dangers of 8 months of pregnancy

The most dangerous now is the onset of premature birth or placental abruption, these conditions can threaten the well-being of the mother and baby, since both are not yet ready for childbirth and there may well be serious complications. Therefore, any discharge, bleeding or abdominal pain is a reason for an unscheduled visit to the doctor or an emergency call. It is immediately necessary in the family when the amniotic fluid flows or leaks from drops or a trickle, if the integrity of the fetal bladder is violated, the fetus may become infected.

Colds are no less dangerous in this period - with an increase in temperature and coughing, the tone of the uterus increases, and a runny nose leads to a lack of oxygen in the tissues of the mother and fetus. Contact with colds should be avoided and less crowded places during the cold season.

Analyzes and examinations

During this period of pregnancy, you will have to visit the doctor twice for routine examinations and have passed two urine tests before them. When visiting a doctor, the weight and abdominal circumference are measured, the fetal heartbeat is monitored, and the presence of edema is checked. In the analysis of urine, the amount of protein, glucose and leukocytes, microbes is examined. In the same period, the third planned screening ultrasound is performed. It checks the condition of the fetus - its weight and height, the state of internal organs and the absence of malformations, and also clarifies the state of the placenta, uterus and cervix, specifies the duration of the PDR and many of the nuances necessary for childbirth. Also, according to indications, dopplerometry of the fetus and placenta can be prescribed, as well as CTG of the fetus to determine the state of the uterus and fetal circulation, and the sufficiency of oxygen.

Mom's diet and weight

In this period, nutrition does not differ much from that in previous months, you need a sufficient amount of protein and vitamins with minerals, fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits. Through proper nutrition, you can maintain a stable weight, avoiding the accumulation of excess fat reserves. It is worth giving up the use of such products as fast food, a large amount of sweets and light carbohydrates, fatty, spicy and salty, semi-finished products and much more. You need to eat quite a bit, in small portions, but often. When a large amount of food is consumed, heartburn and belching, nausea and even vomiting may immediately occur, it is worth eating fractionally and not overeating at night, refusing to eat two to three hours before bedtime. If you want to eat, light snacks with fruits or vegetables, fermented milk drinks and dishes are permissible. Immediately after eating, it is not recommended to go to bed, it is worth walking or sitting so that the contents of the stomach are not thrown into the esophagus, and heartburn does not develop. It is important to restrict sugar in the diet of salt, it has the specificity of retaining water in the body. For drinking, it is worth using non-carbonated drinking or mineral water, herbal teas or infusions, fruit drinks. It is worth drinking because of thirst, without greatly restricting yourself in drinking, since edema is almost not associated with the amount of fluid you drink, but is associated with hormones and metabolism.

In this period, sex is permissible with the agreement of a doctor, there is no unequivocal prohibition or permission - everything should proceed from the state of pregnancy and her well-being and desire. If there is no threat of premature birth and the placenta is located normally, if there is a desire, there are no prohibitions. But it is worth limiting the intensity of intimacy, choosing optimal positions and abandoning harsh forms of sex. In case of intimacy, it is worth using a condom so as not to infect the cervix, as well as to monitor your health after intercourse. Orgasm with intimacy does not affect the child in any way, and positive emotions from sex will only benefit the baby.

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This means that very soon you will have the main meeting in your life - a meeting with your child! This means that everything is surmountable! The main thing is positive emotions and no stress ...

8 month pregnant. What happens in the body of the expectant mother?

You are growing in size quite quickly this month. Now the uterus has risen to the ribs, and it seems that there is not enough air, and the child is pounding its legs literally under your heart. During this month, the bottom of the uterus (its apex) will rise 38-40 cm above the pubic joint and will take its highest position.

You should not compare your belly with the bellies of your “comrades-in-arms” by expectation. After all, there are no identical bellies, just as there are no women with the same figures. The shape and size of the abdomen during pregnancy depends on many reasons, and the size of the child is not decisive. An appropriate assessment of the development and condition of your baby can only be given by a doctor on the basis of both direct measurements of the abdomen and pelvis, and data from a vaginal examination and ultrasound.

Your weight continues to increase. Weight grows by an average of 300-400 g per week. If in a week the increase is more than 500 g, then this may be due to hidden edema, it is better to consult a doctor: perhaps the doctor will prescribe fasting days. On average, by the end of the eighth month, you can add 8-13 kg, depending on the initial weight - the less the weight was before pregnancy, the more you can add.

Some women notice another not very pleasant phenomenon that accompanies late pregnancy. The hormonal background helps to increase the amount of hair on the skin. In pregnant women, significantly less hair falls out than new ones grow, in the normal state, these processes are synchronous. Conversely, after childbirth, "excess" hair will fall out faster and you may be concerned about the amount of hair remaining on the comb. But don't be scared, these are all natural processes.

8 month pregnant.Future child

The child is gaining weight every day, he is already cramped in the uterus. Therefore, his movements are now not as intense as they used to be, and more like rolling and stretching. Sometimes you may experience discomfort when the baby moves, especially in the hypochondrium. By this time, most children have already turned head down. Upon examination, the doctor can easily determine this moment.

The final touches remain in the development of your baby's organs. The shoulders acquire an infant roundness, thick cheeks have appeared, the face has become smooth - there is a predominant accumulation of fatty tissue. On the fingers, the marigolds have reached the edge of the nail phalanx, but on the legs - not yet. The layer of lubricant covering the baby has become even more abundant, and the germinal fluff (lanugo) is gradually disappearing. The cartilages of the nose and ears become harder.

The child already knows a lot, he has mastered breathing, sucking and swallowing movements, sleeps a lot and, probably, dreams, in any case, his pupils move during sleep in a manner characteristic of REM sleep. Now a great many nerve connections are being formed between the cells of the brain, the nervous system is actively developing.

The bones of the child's skull are quite soft: during the passage through the birth canal, the head will decrease in size (one might say, it will flatten a little). In the liver of the fetus, iron accumulates, which will participate in hematopoiesis in the first year of life. The adrenal glands reach their maximum development, their size in an eight-month-old fetus and an adult is the same, and they produce ten times more hormones than the adrenal glands of an adult. After birth, the size of the adrenal glands will decrease significantly. The boys showed clear testicles.

During this period, the lungs are fully developed, the level of surfactant - a substance lining the lungs necessary to ensure respiration - is sufficient for spontaneous breathing in the event of childbirth. Such a child is often called not premature, but "prematurely born". The difference lies in the maturity of the lung tissue and in the overall maturity of the fetus. Premature babies breathe on their own and do not require any intensive care.

During this month, the child will grow from 40 to 45 cm, his weight by the end of the month will exceed 2500 g. He grows by leaps and bounds, gaining on average 15-30 g per day (1% of his body weight).

8 month pregnant.Feelings of a future mother

This month is not called "difficult" for nothing. Whatever you do, you always have discomfort. Pregnancy fatigue builds up and you can't even get enough sleep. When you go to bed, you start to choke or get worse back pain. To get comfortable, you have to pull a lot of pillows and bolsters into bed, and as soon as you can ... you have to go to the toilet. While falling asleep, you may be disturbed by cramping painless or slightly painful sensations that appear in the upper part of the uterus, then spread down and subside. These are Braxton Hicks contractions - contractions of the uterus, which are training. While you decide if this is the beginning of a premature birth, a lot of thoughts appear in your head that will not let you fall asleep for a long time. You should not take sleeping pills, especially without a doctor's recommendation. Try going for a walk before going to bed or doing whatever physical labor you can and drinking less at night.

Heartburn is common - even with small meals. This is due to the fact that the fundus of the uterus has risen to the highest point in the entire pregnancy. Heartburn can be dealt with if you eat in small portions, then the evacuation of food from the stomach will be faster and less content will be thrown back into the esophagus. If this does not help, ask your doctor for advice on safe medications.

Walking is also hard. In addition to the aforementioned shortness of breath, fatigue and increased urination, during a walk, the fetus can push hard, movements are actively felt in the upper abdomen, in particular in the liver area - it is in the upper abdomen that the baby's legs are located in the head presentation of the fetus, which occurs in most cases. This is quite painful, but there is no way to deal with it.

After long walks and trips, pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back may appear. In this case, you definitely need to lie down, you can take a NO-SHPA pill. If pain persists for more than 30 minutes, see a doctor.

Psychology of the Eighth Month

Anxiety and concern come to the fore in your emotional state. You are alternately overwhelmed by a variety of fears: either you are afraid of childbirth, then you fear for the health of the unborn baby, then you worry about whether you will be a good mother, or about whether you will be able to return to work. You will be preoccupied with various little things, you will become worried about completely unnecessary things, your own appearance annoys you, you do not get enough sleep, and it is already difficult to do the usual things.

However, this happens to all pregnant women, so you are not alone. Moreover, all this is temporary. In order not to allow negative emotions to take you prisoner, remember that pregnancy is a very short and unique moment of your life. Discuss your fears with your future dad, your mom, your friends, talk to your doctor, or even better, sign up for psychological support groups in School of motherhood. By saying all your worries there, you seem to be sharing them with others.In addition, it will allow others to better understand your sudden mood swings and will contribute to creating a supportive comfortable environment around you. exhibition, to the theater. Watch your appearance. If you already have children, prepare older children to meet with the baby, let the children touch your belly and talk with the future brother or sister.

Possible deviations from the norm

One of the most formidable complications of late pregnancy is gestosis. This disease is also often called late toxicosis, nephropathy, or preeclampsia. The causes of preeclampsia are not exactly established. It is known that factors predisposing to its appearance are: high blood pressure before and during pregnancy, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, stress, hereditary predisposition, multiple pregnancies, too young or mature age of a pregnant woman, and much more.

The symptoms of this disease are the appearance of edema, protein in the urine, and increased blood pressure. The first thing that a woman herself can notice is swelling. If you have added more than 500 g in a week, cannot take off your wedding ring or notice a trace of rubber bands on your legs and waist - this is a signal for an extraordinary visit to the doctor. It is to exclude gestosis that the doctor so meticulously assesses your weight gain and measures your blood pressure. The insidiousness of gestosis is also in the fact that if a woman does not have obvious edema, she may not feel an increase in blood pressure at all: the headache joins already at the later stages of the disease. A severe form of preeclampsia of pregnancy is evidenced by the appearance of symptoms such as headache and dizziness, tinnitus, flashing "flies" before the eyes, nausea and vomiting, pain in the stomach and right hypochondrium. Any of these symptoms is a reason to seek help immediately, especially if you have problems with blood pressure during pregnancy. If left untreated, these disorders can lead to a deadly complication - eclampsia. Eclampsia is characterized by the sudden onset of seizures and loss of consciousness due to cerebral edema. The seizure begins suddenly, with violent convulsions throughout the body. This complication can lead to the death of the mother or the fetus.

Timely initiation of treatment avoids dire consequences for the mother and fetus. Treatment begins with the creation of maximum rest and bed rest with the admission of activation only when necessary (to eat, go to the toilet). Lying on your side, preferably on your left, helps your kidneys work more efficiently and increases blood flow to the placenta. Most often, drug treatment of pregnancy preeclampsia is carried out in stationary conditions. If, against the background of treatment, the woman's condition worsens, then it is necessary to resort to early delivery in the interests of preserving the life of the mother and fetus.

Necessary medical measures at 8 months of pregnancy

You should see your doctor every two weeks, even if you are well and not worried. At each visit, the following indicators are monitored:

  • Your well-being.
  • Weight gain.
  • Blood pressure.
  • The height of the uterine fundus and the circumference of the abdomen.
  • The position of the fetus in the uterus.
  • Fetal heartbeat.
  • The presence of edema.

By the end of the eighth month, you will be offered a routine chair examination. During the examination, they will take a control smear analysis. Based on the results of this study, the question of the need to treat identified infections will be decided. Now many tests are repeated just before childbirth: for example, a general blood test, blood sugar, biochemical analysis and blood clotting analysis. Before each visit to the doctor, it is necessary to take a urine test.

A brief description of the visit is entered into an exchange card, which you should always carry with you when you leave home.

In the eighth month, the last scheduled ultrasound examination is performed, during which the size, weight and position of the fetus, the location and condition of the placenta, the amount and transparency of amniotic fluid are specified. In addition, it allows you to identify some types of fetal pathology that could not be detected at an earlier date, a possible delay in fetal development, and also to judge the maturity of the fetal lung tissue.

In addition to the usual ultrasound, which reveals anatomy, i.e. static characteristics of the fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid, there is a research method based on measuring the velocities of moving objects based on the Doppler effect. This technique is called Doppler. During this procedure, the blood flow in the vessels of the mother, placenta, umbilical cord and fetus is examined. According to the results of the study, one can judge the presence of circulatory disorders in these organs and predict oxygen starvation in the fetus.

Pregnant lifestyle

It is advisable to buy or rent a bathroom scale. Make sure that there are no sudden jumps in weight. This is a kind of indicator that shows any deviations. If the doctor has not limited the amount of fluid you consume, drink in total (including first courses, fruits, vegetables) at least one and a half liters of fluid per day, but give preference to pure water, excluding sugary and salty drinks. But salt in the diet must be limited: no more than 3-5 g per day, which is one teaspoon without the top, since the use of salt provokes the appearance of edema. It is better to cook food without salt, adding some salt to it just before eating. Give preference to protein foods, significantly limiting readily available carbohydrates and fats. It is correct to eat not 2-3 times, but 6-7 times a day, but in small portions: this way you will feel better, the feeling of heaviness in the stomach will go away, and heartburn will decrease. Plan the last meal 2-3 hours before bedtime, and choose "light" low-calorie foods - low-fat dairy products, fruits, vegetables. Remember that the placenta allows many substances to pass from you to the baby, so obligate allergens, that is, foods that very often cause allergies (tomatoes, citrus fruits, strawberries, food colors, chocolate, honey, chicken eggs and chicken), in late pregnancy better to limit. If you or your future dad yourself suffer from food allergies, then these foods, like those to which you have ever been allergic, must be completely excluded.

Walks are still part of your daily routine, they should be short and short. It is advisable to walk 2 times a day. Better if you start and end your day with a leisurely stroll.

Household affairs at 8 months of pregnancy

At the end of the eighth month, start preparing for the birth of your baby. It's time to choose the maternity hospital where you are going to give birth, it would be nice to get to know the doctor who will be with you during childbirth. Find out in advance what kind of service awaits you at the hospital and how to get there. Check if the maternity hospital you have chosen is closing for a scheduled preventive wash. If you are about to give birth in a natural way, think over the birth plan in advance, your attitude to the stimulation and pain relief of labor, discuss with your husband a possible partner birth. If for any reason a caesarean section is indicated for you, discuss the date of the preliminary hospitalization with your doctor.

By the end of the month, collect the things that you would like to take to the hospital for the time of delivery, and separately - which will be useful immediately after delivery. In the bag prepared for the delivery place, put cotton socks, washable slippers. The second bag will include hygienic pads with high hygroscopicity, breathable (2-3 packs), mesh panties or regular loose cotton, a bra for nursing mothers, clothes of your choice. Prepare disposable diapers for the baby, baby cream - under the diaper and moisturizer, baby soap, compact packaging of wet wipes. It is better to stock up on nipple cream, which relieves pain from cracks and abrasions. It can be PURELAN, BEPANTEN, SOLKOSERIL, ACTOVEGIN.

The eighth month of pregnancy is the time when a woman is already very much waiting for the birth of a long-awaited baby. I am glad that almost the entire pregnancy has passed and that there is little that can harm the development of the child. But at the same time, and at this time, it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations, since there are still some dangers.

Many questions can arise that relate to pregnancy and impending childbirth. What week does the 8th month of pregnancy begin? What is happening with the child now? How to eat right? Is sex allowed during this period? Is it dangerous if labor has begun and the baby is born at 8 months?

Child development

When answering the question: “8 months of pregnancy is how many weeks?”, It is imperative to clarify which weeks are in question, obstetric or calendar. These systems for calculating gestational age are quite different. Women are most often guided by the calendar. In this case, the 8th month of pregnancy starts at 32 weeks, and ends at 36.

What happens to a baby at 8 months of pregnancy:

  • It weighs about 2.5 kg and is 44–45 cm tall.
  • The central nervous system continues to develop. At this time, it has already formed, but the number of neurons continues to increase, connections are built between nerve cells, and a protective shell is formed.
  • The immune and endocrine systems are being improved.
  • The skin color changes, the pink tint softens, the baby becomes more and more like an ordinary person.
  • There is still fluff on the body.
  • The nail plates have already reached the edge of the toes and can protrude beyond them.
  • A developing baby already has the same facial features that he will have at birth.
  • A skin pattern has already appeared on the palms and feet, which will remain throughout life.
  • The tummy is growing, the umbilical cord is now located approximately where you can usually see the navel in adults. Prior to this, the location of the umbilical cord was lower.
  • By the end of the month, the lungs are ready for spontaneous breathing.

The formation of the basic body systems is almost complete. Only the finishing touches remain.

During the last month of pregnancy, the child will grow rapidly and gain weight. He has a few more weeks to get into the most comfortable position for childbirth, if he hasn't already.

Condition of the future mother

For some women, 8 months is one of the easiest periods. This happens if there are no signs of toxicosis, the expectant mother is positive, not afraid of childbirth. But in the presence of pregnancy complications or constant worries, the lack of support from relatives can be very difficult.

What almost every woman has to face:

  • Big belly. He may already interfere with your daily activities. It is inconvenient to lie on your back, as in this position the state of health worsens.
  • Heartburn and nausea after eating. The stomach is already very much compressed by the uterus. Usually a woman at 8 months pregnant has a good appetite, but she has to eat in very small portions in order to feel comfortable later.
  • The baby's movements and pushes are not only strongly felt, but sometimes painful, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ribs.
  • Squeezing the bladder makes it very difficult to control urination, especially when laughing or sneezing. I have to go to the toilet very often.
  • Dyspnea. The lungs are also compressed. Some pregnant women find it difficult to even make a bed.
  • Clumsiness. The center of gravity is noticeably shifted. The stomach makes it difficult to pass in a narrow passage, to bend over.
  • Breast enlarges. Colostrum secretion may already begin.
  • Slight swelling. This also happens during the normal course of pregnancy, but if the edema intensifies, you should definitely consult a doctor, since at this time there is a risk of developing late gestosis, which is often manifested by edema.

It is very important to maintain a positive attitude, get good sleep, walk in the fresh air and be very attentive to your well-being. It is important to remember that signs such as flies before the eyes, increased blood pressure, severe edema should not be ignored in any case.

These are signs of a serious complication, pregnant women with such symptoms should be hospitalized.

If there are no alarming signs, you can safely continue to enjoy the expectation of replenishment in the family. At this time, women are already given maternity leave, so you can start buying things for your baby, listen to lectures on preparing for childbirth and early development of children. The only thing is that it is already undesirable to travel, even if you really like it.


Childbirth at 8 months of gestation is an undesirable phenomenon, but still quite common. When there is a threat of premature birth, doctors advise to immediately go to preservation in order to be able to deliver the child the required number of weeks. But sometimes it is undesirable to continue the pregnancy for medical reasons.

Indications for immediate admission to the hospital with suspected preterm labor:

  • Sharp pain in the lower abdomen or lower back.
  • Bleeding.
  • Water discharge. The situation is especially dangerous when the umbilical cord falls out (it happens with breech presentation).
  • Heaviness in the abdomen, "petrification" of the uterus.
  • Uterine contractions with increasing rhythm. They increase or remain unchanged, but last more than an hour.

Why can't you give birth at 8 months? How can this end? And why does it sometimes turn out this way? Every woman needs to know the answers to these questions.


There are many reasons that can provoke labor ahead of time. Almost everything can be eliminated in advance if you pass all examinations and treat all weak points in time.

The most common factors causing preterm labor are:

  • Infectious diseases of the genital organs. If a woman becomes infected with something during pregnancy, this can lead not only to abortion, but also to infection of the fetus, which complicates the prognosis.
  • Exacerbations of chronic diseases, eclampsia. When a woman's well-being sharply worsens, the body may try to get rid of the additional load that arises from carrying a child.

  • Anomalies in the structure of the uterus or its cervix.
  • Pathology of the placenta development.
  • Labor can be stimulated by doctors if the continuation of the pregnancy threatens the woman's life.
  • Any stressors. Therefore, sometimes women who are forced to work in emotionally difficult conditions during pregnancy are prescribed sedatives.
  • Physical overload. This can be weight lifting, intense sports.
  • Overheat. It occurs if a woman is in direct sunlight for a long time in hot weather, takes hot baths, and visits a sauna.
  • The use of substances that stimulate uterine contractions (some medicines, herbs).
  • Having bad habits.
  • High water or multiple pregnancy.

You need to try to immediately eliminate all risk factors, when the threat of termination of pregnancy has not yet appeared. And at the same time, it is important to try not to worry too much if such a situation arises. Unrest will only make the situation worse. Therefore, you need to take a weak sedative, for example, valerian, No-shpu and call a doctor.


You can hear a variety of opinions about how childbirth can end at 8 months of pregnancy. Some say that it is very dangerous, even a child born at 7 months has a better chance of surviving. Others, on the contrary, believe that the child has already formed and there will be no problems if he is born early. But what do experts say about this?

We can say that by the end of 8 months, the baby is almost ready to be born. He can only have one problem - low weight. Usually such children quickly catch up with their peers in weight and get sick no more often than others. Of course, they have a slightly higher risk of newborn disease, but with good care, there should be no serious problems.

If childbirth occurs at 32 or 33 weeks, it can be dangerous for the health and development of the baby for the following reasons:

  • Too little weight.
  • At this time, there is still not enough surfactant to fully breathe on its own.
  • The formation of most systems did not complete. All organs have already formed, but some are still unable to function well.
  • Very weak immunity. There is a high risk of complications even with mild infections.

In addition, preterm labor is usually more rapid than normal labor. This can also be dangerous for the child.

It is important to remember that if you react to what is happening in a timely manner, you can avoid most of the complications.

During 8 and 9 months of pregnancy, the baby grows very quickly. He can take nutrients only from the mother's body. Therefore, it is very important for a woman to eat right. This will help both her and the child to feel better.

Here are the main doctors' advice on how and what to eat during this period:

  • It is important to ensure that there is enough meat, fish, vegetables, fruits in the diet. This will provide the child with protein, trace elements and vitamins.
  • On the recommendation of a doctor, you can additionally drink pharmacy vitamins.
  • You need to drink enough liquid, especially in the form of fruit drinks, natural juices, but not before bedtime.
  • It will be useful to reduce the amount of salt consumed and give up fried, smoked, salty. This will be a good prevention of edema.
  • It is undesirable to drink strong tea and coffee - they increase heartburn.
  • Less flour, sweets, fast food. They are of no use, but the woman is gaining excess weight.
  • You need to eat in small portions, but often.
  • Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited.

Sex at 8 months

There is no definite answer to the question of whether sex is allowed for a period of eight months. Some doctors do not see anything wrong with sexual intercourse if the pregnancy proceeds normally, without complications. Others believe that this can provoke premature birth, if there is a predisposition to them.

When intimacy is prohibited:

  • Incorrect location of the placenta, dysfunction.
  • Soreness during intercourse.
  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • Poses in which pressure is exerted on the abdomen.
  • Established threat of premature birth.
  • The partner has infections, especially sexually transmitted infections.

In order to make a decision, you need to independently weigh the pros and cons. And it is best to consult a doctor who is managing your pregnancy and knows all the health problems that you have or may arise. Close cooperation with good specialists in this and other matters will help to endure pregnancy without problems and give birth to a healthy baby on time.