The bearing capacity of the wall is half a brick. How to lay brickwork in half a brick - step by step instructions. The solution consists of two components

Since ancient times, brick has been one of the versatile materials from which the construction of any type of structure can be realized. Any owner of a summer house uses bricks in a wide variety of ways: he builds gazebos, erects auxiliary buildings, implements landscape design and decorates the surrounding area.

Another case is the trivial Indian, which is more of a trinity in that it is an essential unity, an incorporeal absolute, manifesting in three different forms: Brahma of the Creator, Visna of the Conservator and Shiva the Destroyer. For Moramarco, T. is the symbolic number of the Free Link Killer. This is the first number of harmony, the solution of a dualistic conflict, that is, the opening of the peak, the third term that unites two opposite to each other, and the other from the main one. According to Arber, the triadic schema is an ancient type of constructive thought, radically hidden in the mind.

For brickwork, a conventional mortar is used, which includes cement and sand in a 1: 4 ratio. The mortar prepared in this way fixes the bricks well, but remains absolutely thin, which is why it withstands stress, compression and displacement.

To increase the plasticity of the mortar, clay or lime is occasionally added to it, as well as any type of washing powder. From such additives, the solution becomes fluid, but when laying hollow bricks, the use of such a material is not desirable due to the fact that the solution gets into the cracks and the thermal insulation properties during laying will significantly decrease.

The Christian God is a Oneness that exists in three ways. So, the word "Father" leads us into God on its way to the fundamental principle. The words of the Holy Spirit represent us to God in His way of being Love, which comes from the Father, who is known in the Word. Mystical experience tells the Christian believer that the Trinity is the very expression of Love, both in God's relationship with himself and in His relationship with humanity. And precisely because it is love, God is God for us, God is with us, God is in us.

Three questions: They have become proverbial and are generally considered existential. "Who we are, where did we come from, where are we going." However, it must be understood that in response to the answers, the three existential questions represent some essential moments that have always pervaded our existence: the need and desire to achieve consciousness of our essence; The implicit acceptance of travel in life originating from a source and aimed at achieving a goal that is almost never determined; The need and desire to achieve awareness of the path that compels us.

For the preparation of a solution, it is always very simple to take ordinary water, cement, sand are added to it and everything is mixed. It is not advisable to mix 50 liters of solution at a time, since the consumption is rather slow.

With a large volume of masonry and several builders working at the same time, it is more convenient to prepare the solution using a concrete mixer, so the work will go two or even three times faster.

All of this refers to the inevitable end of the journey, where the great ignorant, unforgiving and patient patient awaits death. These three questions are common to all men, although the content of the answers is unique and peculiar to each person. What could be the reasons for these essential points and what are the goals: only in the secret of each person's conscience can an individual answer to a question be agreed upon.

More information on this topic can be found in the Job section of Freemasonry. T. will also be a symbol of various concepts such as "Past-Present-Future", "Freedom-Equality-Brotherhood". They also refer to the Open Compass, whose head point represents the life-giving Sun and the other two represent double universal polarity. They also represent three Persons who do not form a unit unless they are in God. Finally, they recall the three faculties of reason, memory and will; active passive and neutral; eclipse of the Triangle.

The main tools when working on brickwork are a trowel for the convenience of applying mortar to the material and adjusting the brick, as well as a pickaxe for hanging and splitting the material if necessary.

Recently, the use of a grinder with a disc, which is intended for cutting and trimming stone, has gained popularity.

Triangle: a triangular polygon, therefore with three vertices. As a symbol of Freemasonry, he is present in the Temple called "Bright Delta". Usually the holy word comes after T. According to scientists, in ancient times, the rituals T would be important not only psychological, but also physiological, since they would activate and orient psychic forces; therefore, it should be assumed that those who introduced the use of T. at that time should also have been deeply familiar with psychic forces, as well as with the physical points through which these forces more easily penetrate the human body.

Laying in half a brick - how to lay?

Construction in a half-brick is carried out quite simply, a brick is laid out on a layer of ordinary mortar, the next row is laid out not at the level of the previous brick, but by shifting the row by half a brick. This type of masonry provides structural strength due to the shear of the joint seams.

Trace: In Masonic it is synonymous with sculpture, which means writing. Usually referred to in the table or in the Work attached by the Annex for its own benefit and in the Workshop. Loggia Staff: Freemasonry uses this expression to define Brothers who celebrate the office or who serve the service that occupies the offices in the Loggia. In addition, you are a Trolling Expert, Outer Copper, Dread Brother, Preparer, Victim, and Censor. In the Loggia, it is permitted to appoint a designated speaker, deputy secretary and junior officers.

The technical process of this masonry is quite simple; anyone can undertake its implementation, even with minimal builder skills. Before carrying out the main work, it is necessary to prepare the materials and the masonry site:

  • The purchase of bricks and their selection is carried out after determining the type of work;
  • If facing work will be carried out on the facade of the building, it is better to buy a front brick;
  • If work is carried out inside the building, you can buy any type of material;
  • You need to calculate before buying required amount bricks, taking into account marriage;
  • Take peeled sand, but only the highest grade cement;
  • Of the tools that may come in handy, you can take a fishing line, a shovel, skillfully and a plumb line.

The first row is the most important, the rest of the type of construction depends on its evenness of the quality of the masonry, and therefore the period that the constructed building will serve. The foundation should be as even as possible, it is additionally treated with waterproofing, markings are made to ensure the level of the masonry. If the base still has inaccuracies and irregularities, it is reasonable to start work from the highest point, a fishing line is pulled from the exposed brick to ensure an even surface of the row.

Offices can accumulate, except for offices. Equality: The term commonly used to represent the principle that all men are considered similar, of equal dignity, worth and importance, without distinction or privilege, especially in the face of the Supreme Being, but also before the laws of the State. This is one of the fundamental principles of Freemasonry, which requires its adherents to recognize the condition of absolute equality among all people, regardless of race, social status, profession, nationality, religion and political ideal of espresso.

Consistency when laying in half a brick

Laying a brick with this method is necessary according to a certain algorithm of actions. It is worth starting from masonry corners. On the sides of the first bricks, you need to lay the next, the resulting row is supplemented in such a way as to make the overlap of one row the next. Such an erection forms a dressing, which is responsible for the strength of the wall being erected. After the corners have been fully formed, you need to apply a layer of mortar, only then lay the brick and carefully press it against the previous row. Check how even the row can be with a level. It is better to press the brick in the center. Half-brick construction is used during construction interior partitions, occasionally - for the construction of main walls, only if there is reinforcement. Walls built in this way do not withstand heavy loads and if this wall is external, then it must be additionally insulated.

In the face of the Great Architheater of the Universe, all people can be brothers without distinction. Humility. A fundamental virtue in a person based on good habits. This is simplicity, she realizes her own weakness, its limits, especially if you compare your abilities and goals achieved with the greatness and perfection of the Creator, that is, a person with the wonders of nature. To better understand the meaning of this word, it is advisable to identify the opposites or opposites that can be represented by pride, pride, indifference, envy, ambition, irreverence and admixture.

This masonry is usually used to save resources. The thickness of such masonry affects the strength and thermal insulation of the building. In terms of strength, such a tub is saved only by reinforcement, which is carried out by means of a reinforcing mesh.

Now on the market you can buy rectangular and zigzag nets. Reinforcement with a rectangular mesh type is carried out horizontally at least 1 time per 5 rows of masonry. Zigzag meshes in adjacent rows, mesh rods are fastened by welding or ordinary wire. During the reinforcement of the masonry, it is necessary to lay the rods in such a way that they protrude from the building by a few millimeters, this is necessary to check their presence. In columns and walls, meshes are always used regardless of the expected load.

Versatility. In philosophy, there is a general and abstract concept that applies to a collection of individuals, and is the opposite of concrete terms that refer only to individuals. The name of the Massive Upper Class Rite, also called the American Rite. Zodiac: 12 constellations around the ecliptic. They are with them distinctive features: Aries - Ox - Gemini - Cancer - Leo - Virgo - Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces. Astrology is still widespread in the world and is widely used in all media.

Each of the offices of twelve dignitaries and logistics officers is usually associated with one of the signs with the exact meaning of function and responsibility. Thus, outside their physical location, the internal location for each of the twelve functions is similarly inferred. Each Master Brother, called to serve in addition to fulfilling his urgent tasks stipulated by the Constitution and the Order of the Order, can unite the inner state of consciousness and the quality of energy corresponding to the zodiacal sign, under the chairmanship of the analogue.

Summer is a hot time for builders, especially bricklayers: the warm season is short-lived, and at least the walls of the house need to be built in time before damp and cold come. Therefore, it is often difficult to find specialists, everyone is trying to do the maximum amount of external work.

I don't want to postpone construction, because next year the same thing may happen again, there is a way out - to find out everything about the masonry and try to learn how to lay it yourself!

Therefore, they are a real call for a consistent and reasonable application of the Principle of Tolerance. This operation T becomes complex and delicate when the layman knocking on the door of the Temple is considered. It consists in checking the regularity of the members of the Brothers of other Loggeses or Obsessions who intend to participate in the Works as guests. Therefore, it is necessary to find out whether the postulant possesses qualities, psychophysical characteristics, an embryo of ideals, cultural backgrounds, tendencies and ethical and evolutionary interests compatible with loggias in order to give the best guarantees possible for success in the integration process.

If you already have experience in construction, for example, you know how to mount something with your own hands and can even calculate the weight of a cube of masonry, then with stone work there is every chance of coping with a solid "four". If the house is planned to be clad in the future, then more is not required.

Types of brickwork

There are many of them, because the history of using bricks for construction goes back more than one thousand years. The most famous are chain, English, Gothic, Dutch, multi-row, etc. This variety allows for a dramatic design and a solid, reliable wall that will last for decades. The differences in the methods are mainly seen in the dressing methods, i.e. connecting rows to each other.

It will therefore be with utmost concern that the Reverend Master will personally select the three Brothers who are believed to be eligible for the T, as he will be very careful to separately inform them of their purpose, providing each with the information necessary to identify and locate the postulant. ... Each Brother Tagger will then contact the stakeholder to meet with him in time and place to analyze and evaluate the qualities. The objective will be achieved through smooth discussion, asking the most appropriate questions to identify the actual character of the person being audited.

Masonry is also made depending on the thickness of the wall - half a brick, brick, two. The last option is usually chosen for external walls; you can put interior partitions in a half-brick.

Such an economical option as well masonry is often used. This method consists in the construction of two walls in a half-brick, which are connected by bridges, and insulation is laid in the resulting space - mineral wool, foam, slag or expanded clay, lightweight concrete, etc. The wall can also be installed hollow - the air gap also successfully serves as a heat insulator.

Each Togolator will evaluate the ability to provide information on the postulates of the Masonic institution, its ideals, principles and rules, and the standard time required to complete bureaucratic practice and initiation. When the Reverend Master received three lectures, calling them to the Late Brother-Brothers if necessary, he would give them a direct reading in the Apprentice's Room, thereby giving the entire Lodge a chance to evaluate the postulate and finally decide through two different voices if the application for a new member of the Workshop.

Types of suture dressings

This is a prerequisite that you need to familiarize yourself with in order to lay out a reliable wall with your own hands. There are several ways to bandage sutures:

  • Chain (it is single row).
  • Lozhkovaya.
  • Cross.
  • Multi-row.

It should be noted that usually in the Scandinavian countries a seminar is held every week, but once a month it works in the Temple once. Other backs can be defined as "white" or "open" as they gather around the table where drinks are served, usually beer and food. The participation in white is reserved for the Brothers, and at the head of the table is the Reverend Master, who holds the shirt in front of him. At the other end of the table, there is a reader accessible by a turntable. There are topics of general interest and these are used to evaluate postulates.

Basically, the dressing consists in alternating laying bricks in a row with a spoon (i.e. long side) and poking (end side). The place on which the solution is directly laid is called the bed. The simplest is a multi-row dressing, which consists in the constant alternation of one butt and five spoon rows.

On two or three different evenings, the laymen, clearly invited to participate, are surrounded by different brothers and thus gloomy. Obviously, the entire operation takes several months. Lodge's fitness vote, still unanimous, underscores the opinion reached by the T. staff. It consists of a confession made by the Masonic state guards of all those who attend the work. In Scandinavian obedience there are a number of precise questions that need to be answered with some answers.

In the absence of these, or some of them, access to the Works is entrusted to the common sense and tolerance of the Trolling Brothers, who are still considered the guarantors of the Troll Brothers. During an economic crisis, it is natural to think less about how much we are spending and how we are spending our money. The same money is more expensive from yesterday. Therefore, their judicious use makes us choose products with big amount advantages at almost the same or similar price. Especially when it comes to the things of our life that are vital and that are bought "once in a lifetime and for generations", we must consider what we actually buy.

Tools, materials for brickwork.

  • Trowel, pick.
  • Square, plumb line, cord for breaking lines, tape measure.
  • Bucket, shovel for mixing the solution.
  • Cement-sand mortar in a ratio of 1: 4-1: 6.
  • Ordering (such a stick with nails driven at a distance of the height of the stone + seam)

Types of masonry joints

There are several of them, there are three main ones:

When we build, we are interested in how much the final product will cost - square meter finished wall. Since masonry is not so important, how much does brickwork cost and how much it costs all other costs, including masonry solution, labor, etc. Traditionally, in Bulgaria there is a so-called quaternary brick or brick with horizontal cavities, available as an offer and price, but construction works go so cheap with them?

Here are their main technical capabilities. Another phase of the project, we get from their lower mass weight. Basic structure designed for lower constant load and requires less gain. In the rough construction phase, they are handled much faster due to their large size. Consequently, labor costs are reduced.

  • A brick is placed in the washer so that the mortar does not go out of the seam - this is done when the wall is planned for plastering in order to increase the adhesion of the plaster layer to the wall.
  • Undercut, i.e. flush with brick, seams are made when laying stoves and chimneys to obtain a smooth surface.
  • Concave and convex are made as decorative seams - they have no practical purpose.

Operating procedure

The most important and difficult thing is how to lay brickwork - lay out the first row of bricks. To do this, mark the foundation with a cord, observing right angles and measuring them out with a square. Laying always begins from the corners, and several rows are first laid out in them at once. This is done in order to obtain beacons, which can then be guided by when laying the wall. Sometimes special orders are used, on which the levels of the rows are marked. They are attached to corner bricks, and cords are tied to them - moorings, which indicate the plane of the masonry and the height of the row.

After installation, each brick must be checked with a building level for horizontalness and strictly follow the tensioned cord in order to avoid the formation of a "gut" or hole in the masonry.

It will not be superfluous for interior walls after every 5-6 rows, lay a plaster mesh - this will significantly strengthen the masonry and avoid the formation of cracks, on the outer walls this condition is mandatory and a masonry metal mesh is used, it has one coefficient of thermal expansion with the solution.

Rule: the first row is always laid with a bonder, i.e. short side towards you. Violation of this rule is a violation of standards (unless, of course, the masonry is decorative or front), at a construction site it is punished severely by technical supervision.


A solution is poured onto the surface and leveled. The brick is laid on top, knocked well so that its upper outer edge coincides with the cord, excess mortar is removed - to the end next brick, which is immediately stacked next to the first. Thus, vertical seams are formed. The brick is tapped, leveled and checked for horizontalness together with the first - the building level is placed on both of them at once. Thus, even with only theoretical knowledge, laying masonry is possible without the involvement of specialists.