Who suits the bull by year. Perfect pair for a bull

Bull Man caring and responsible for the family. These are hardworking and purposeful people who are reliable in business and in everyday life, strive for peace. This is a practical sign that strives for material well-being and successfully achieves its goals. Patience and consistency in everything makes the Ox man an insistent lover, able to prove to the chosen one that he is the most reliable and wealthy person in every sense. Such men are often successful in military service, they have a pronounced talent for a commander and leader. But in matters of love, they may experience self-doubt. The Ox man appreciates the originality, external beauty and loyalty in a woman. He is jealous himself, but he adores his wife and protects from all everyday troubles. Needs female care, is inclined to allow himself to be loved, but not initiative. He is determined to create a strong, prosperous family, and he himself believes that he must be realized in his career.

For the Ox man, the most suitable and calm will be an alliance with female representatives of the signs of the Snake, Ox. If the chosen one is born under the sign of the Rooster, the marriage will definitely be full of passion and adventure. Marriage with a Horse woman is good for the individual development and formation of each of the partners.

Bull Woman is considered a caring keeper of the hearth. She is able to combine a strong family and motherhood with a brilliant career. The Ox Woman has a talent for management and is very practical. The element of Earth gives the representative of the Ox sign willpower and a clear vision of options for achieving the desired goals. She does not like noisy gatherings, prefers to rationally use her time for the benefit of the business, society and her family. Such a woman will reveal the secrets of her sexuality only to the man she has chosen, remaining for others a treasure behind a closed door.

External inaccessibility hides depth and rich imagination. It always takes time for a woman of this sign to reveal all her talents to the chosen one. The key to the heart of a Ox woman can be found through friendship. She adores her home, creates an unrivaled atmosphere of comfort and provides her partner with a reliable rear. Her rational view of things contributes to the material progress of all members of her family. Modesty and selectivity in communication only emphasize the uniqueness of the friendship of the representatives of the Ox sign. Such a woman seeks to experience love herself, rarely exchanges for a marriage of convenience.

For a woman of the Ox sign, marriage with the Rabbit (Cat), Pig (Boar), Goat (Sheep) is most attractive. She will feel confident in marriage with the Rooster, the Snake and with her sign, the Bull. Marriage with Tiger and Dog can be tricky.

People born in the year of the Ox are modest and diligent, patient and laconic, persistent and hardy. At the same time, under certain conditions and circumstances, they can be eccentric and impatient, they can easily lose their temper. At such times, they should be shunned and avoided, for their anger and rage are out of control, knowing no boundaries or limits. At the moment of an emotional outburst, under the influence of their undeniable eloquence, large audiences, a whole crowd can fall. And most of them have not only excellent mental, but also physical data.

Since the Bull is traditional and fundamental, smart, but devoid of bold fantasies, his desire to create a family is quite justified. In addition, a person born under this sign is by nature a homebody (although he sometimes loves to tinker in the garden). Usually the Bulls have a strong family.

Bull women compatibility

Bull women. Those born in the year of the Ox have a kind and empathetic character. More often than not, you can rely on them. They love their home very much and are proud of it, strive to make it as comfortable as possible. The Ox Woman is pragmatic and prefers reality to romantic dreams. Conscientiously fulfilling everything assigned to her at work (usually unloved), she strives to be the keeper of the hearth. A magnificent and attentive hostess, the Ox woman will do everything in her power for the happiness of her husband and children. Perhaps many will not understand her with this isolation on the family and some limitation of interests, but her sincere devotion to the family hearth, husband and children can only be envied.

Bull male compatibility

Bull Men. Contemplators by nature, they love solitude. Male bulls are happy with an already established life and do not like to change anything. Perhaps these people can be called too conservative and critical: Picasso, new jazz, miniskirts, long hair in men - they will not tolerate this at home (at least at first, while it is an innovation). They also do not need "meaningless" romance: if you want to do something, do it right away, and do not indulge in meaningless romantic nonsense - this is their view of relationships. At the same time, being able to work, the Ox will bring true prosperity to the family. He will be a faithful companion, and you can always count on him.

Ox Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Bull and rat: He will be happy with the Rat, who loves and knows how to work no less than the Bull, knows the count of money. The Rat in this union will be attracted by the safety and comfort radiated by the Ox. And if she loves him deeply and deeply, she will be faithful to him until the end of her days.

Bull and Bull: The union of two Bulls can work out quite well. Both are conservative, both materialists. No, they will not destroy each other; on the contrary, they will be happy.

Bull and tiger: Life with the Tiger can end in a real war: partners will simply destroy each other.

Bull and Rabbit: Relationship with Rabbit can develop, especially if it is a woman. She is disciplined and diplomatic and, if she wants, can live in harmony with the Ox.

Bull and Dragon: The materialist Bull will not be able to interest the Dragon for a long time - the latter will become bored with him, and he does not like some roughness.

Bull and Snake: The connection with the Snake will be quite difficult, firstly, due to the fact that the representative of this sign has a rather stormy sex life. Nevertheless, she will not leave her family, and if she can hide all her romances from the conservative Bull, everything can be very good. But God forbid something becomes known!

Bull and Horse: An independent and patient Horse will be afraid of the Bull, and the fact that he constantly restricts its freedom will sooner or later force it to leave.

Bull and Goat: With a capricious and fickle Goat, the Ox will not be able to get along on his own, because he will not understand her eternal discontent, and she will lack refined appeal and constant admiration.

Bull and Monkey: The Ox, like the Rat, can be fascinated by the Monkey, her ability to fantasize (he himself is not very capable of this), but he is unlikely to be happy with her. Perhaps this is exactly the situation where one loves (Ox), and the other allows himself to be loved ... Relations with other signs will develop worse.

  • From 02.19.1901 to 02.07.1902 - the Year of the Metal (White) Bull;
  • 02/06/1913 to 01/25/1914 - Year of the Water (Black) Bull;
  • 01/25/1925 to 02/12/1926 - Year of the Wood (Blue) Bull;
  • 02/11/1937 to 01/30/1938 - Year of the Fire (Red) Bull;
  • 01/29/1949 to 02/16/1950 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Bull;
  • From 02/15/1961 to 02/04/1962 - the Year of the Metal (White) Bull;
  • 02/03/1973 to 01/22/1974 - Year of the Water (Black) Ox;
  • From 02/20/1985 to 02/08/1986 - Year of the Wood (Blue) Bull;
  • From 02/07/1997 to 01/27/1998 - Year of the Fire (Red) Ox;
  • From 26.01.2009 to 13.02.2010 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Ox;
  • From 02/12/2021 to 01/31/2022 - the Year of the Metal (White) Bull.

The corresponding zodiac sign is Taurus.

Bull in love

In dealing with the opposite sex, the Ox is extremely restrained. Fleeting connections, resort romances and flirting are not included in his plans. This person needs a constant partner, not too emotional and bright. The bull is jealous, so he will keep his loved one under control.

The representative of this sign cannot be called romantic. Deep down, he is capable of very strong feelings, but either deliberately hides them, or does not know how to express them in an understandable form. How things really are, only the Bull himself knows, but he is unlikely to share his thoughts on this matter. The same words can be attributed to his plans for a loved one. It is likely that at the beginning of the relationship, his chosen one does not consider the Bull as a permanent partner, but the latter has already decided everything for him and painted a scenario of living together for many years to come.

Ox and Rat (Mouse)

Relatively good compatibility in love relationships. As a rule, such an alliance is maintained through the efforts of a more interested party, which can be both the Rat and the Ox. The Ox's feelings are usually stronger: he likes the Rat's mobility and ability to adapt to any circumstances, on his part it is possible for him to fall in love and strong passion that does not pass over the years. The Rat Ox is seen as a responsible and practical person who can be relied on. This couple has mutual sympathy, respect, and a desire to build a joint future.

Everything would be fine, but the Ox's jealousy sometimes goes beyond all boundaries. The Rat does not like quarrels from scratch, and even more so it does not consider it necessary to make excuses, therefore it hides the facts that can upset the Bull. If you do not take control of the situation in time, over the years these people will move away from each other, but they are unlikely to decide to break off the relationship. For each of them, stability is in the first place, even without special emotional closeness.

Bull and Bull (Ox)

Heavy, but permissible combination of paired signs of the eastern horoscope. At the beginning of a relationship, the Bull sees stability and transparency of intentions in a person of his own sign, and this is exactly what he so often lacks in people. On the other hand, passion between two Bulls is rare. The fact is that the Bull does not seek to look bright and does not know how to seduce, but at the same time he himself is greedy for an attractive appearance, female coquetry or male charisma. However, he is very jealous. It would seem that he will not find a more successful partner than another Ox, who will not give him a reason for jealousy, but here's the bad luck: two Oxen together will be bored ...

If a man and a woman of this sign decide to start a family, they will need to abandon the struggle for power. In a pair where one Ox is significantly younger than the other, the older one usually dominates. In their case, such a union may be more successful than a peer marriage.

Bull and tiger

One of the most unfortunate combinations. There may be many reasons, but the essence of this does not change: the Tiger is afraid of the Ox and, accordingly, does not like it. Tension and mutual distrust will be felt in everything, so this couple simply has no future.

Of course, there are unions in which the Tiger and the Ox have lived under the same roof for years, but even in this case, there can be no question of any compatibility. Frequent quarrels are violent, mutual insults and even assault are not excluded. Even if this couple lives together all their lives, they will still remain strangers to each other.

After the collapse of the love union, both are relieved. The Ox no longer needs to control the dynamic and fickle Tiger, and the latter gets rid of the fear of another scandal or the loss of the Ox's love. As a rule, the initiative to break comes from the Tiger.

Bull and Rabbit (Hare, Cat)

Successful compatibility of the signs of the eastern horoscope: both partners want stability and find it in each other's society.

The rabbit loves his home, does not need adventures and for life is looking for a person with a similar character. The bull leads a measured life and does not suit the chosen one with all kinds of "surprises", from which the head is spinning. If, at the same time, the Rabbit is a woman who does housework, and the Ox is a man capable of providing for a family, the couple can be called ideal.

The Rabbit is an elegant and self-conscious person, not inclined to flirt and make acquaintances for the sake of entertainment, and the Bull dreams of just such a partner. The only thing that can darken this union a little is the tendency of the Rabbit to under-speak and lie where it is quite possible to do without it. In this regard, for the Ox, he will always be a mystery, but perhaps this is what will add the necessary share of emotions to their relationship.

Bull and Dragon

The Dragon and the Ox are an extremely rare combination of the signs of the eastern horoscope. In order for this couple to start a relationship, these people are not attractive enough to each other. The Dragon and the Ox are bored: he loves sociable, bright and uninhibited people, and he simply does not need the stability that the Ox can give. The Bull is simply not interested in the Dragon at best, and unpleasant at worst. External brilliance, playing to the audience and the Dragon's constant attempts to attract the attention of the Bull are annoying. A person who is admired by everyone does not need him. According to the Bull, the Dragon was not created for family life, and the main goal of the Bull is precisely to create a family.

Any benefit is also excluded: both are quite strong and independent personalities, therefore they do not use other people as a means to solve personal problems. If the Dragon is tight with finances, he will work almost around the clock, but he will provide himself with a decent life. If the Bull is in poverty, then he will find a way to adapt or earn money somewhere, but he will not show interest in someone else's wallet.

Friendship and business relations between the Ox and the Dragon are impossible due to mistrust on both sides.

Bull and Snake

The union is problematic, but it has a chance to exist. Both the man and the woman in this pair have a calm temperament, but they have no common interests and they look at the world differently. The snake leads a more diverse lifestyle, it has creative hobbies, friends, including the opposite sex. The bull does not like this - he sees in this a certain threat, and therefore feels tense. The situation is aggravated by the Snake's tendency to flirt, which may not appear after marriage, but was clearly noticed by the Bull at the very beginning of their relationship. He has a good memory and what once touched him to the living will be regularly remembered during quarrels.

The Ox is conservative, and the Snake adapts to circumstances. The bull sees instability in this, even despite the lost relevance of previously set goals, and this annoys him. Only mutual love can become a solid foundation for these relationships, but in any case, these people are far from mutual understanding.

Bull and Horse (Horse)

Another example of poor compatibility in love. The Horse is a freedom-loving nature, and the Bull is the first owner of all the signs of the eastern horoscope. Regardless of who is a man and who is a woman, the Bull will harass the Horse with jealousy, by the way, not unfounded. A horse, especially if it is a Fiery one, will suppress attempts of total control by a partner in the bud, continuing to lead a familiar way of life.

No matter how hard the Bull tries to keep the Horse in check, nothing good will come of it. The bull will be nervous, alternating scenes of jealousy with attempts to convey his point of view to his companion in a good way, but all this will not give any result. Most likely, the couple will part at the moment when the Horse has another romantic infatuation on the side. Her new choice will be the one on whose side there will be fewer claims than she saw in marriage or meetings with the Bull.

Bull and Goat (Sheep)

Compatibility is not the most successful: there will be no serious conflicts, but no special joys are foreseen. This relationship clearly lacks a spark, since each of this couple can live a relatively diverse life only thanks to the efforts of a partner. The love union of the Ox and the Goat does not have such a future: the Ox is satisfied with the monotonous course of events, and the Goat is too lazy - it is easier for her to go with the flow than to try to change something.

These people will have mutual complaints about finances. The bull is a hard worker and knows the value of money. He does not strive for wealth and is content mainly with average income. This does not suit the goat - she does not like to save, but she does not like to bother herself with work even more.

The bull, although jealous, but the Goat, leading an active lifestyle, will not be jealous - he will re-educate her. In his opinion, she does not want to grow up and learn responsibility, so advice and notations from the side of the Bull will be something like a background that the Goat does not pay attention to.

If a couple breaks up after a long marriage, everyone will regret the lost time.

Bull and Monkey

Promising compatibility of signs, but on condition that the partners have the patience to adapt to some of each other's habits.

At first glance, it may seem that they have nothing in common: the Ox is a stable and conservative person, and the Monkey is restless and unpredictable. Nevertheless, this is the very case when in one person there are those qualities that are so lacking in another, thanks to which they perfectly complement each other.

The monkey really needs constancy, although he is not used to demonstrating it. The bull for her is a strong support, a loyal friend and a reliable shoulder. She values \u200b\u200bthis union, therefore, she will contribute to it, that is, she will direct the Bull to let him succeed.

The monkey sees the shortest paths to the top of a career, knows how to bypass any difficulties and get along with the right people. The Ox does not possess such talents, but listening to the Monkey can reach impressive heights.

This union has everything you need to be happy. Usually, these couples do not collapse and only get stronger over the years.

Bull and Rooster

The union is possible if certain conditions are met: the Rooster must recognize the leadership of the Bull, or at least not provoke him once again to aggression, and the Bull should not get too carried away with the “command of the parade”.

In general, the love compatibility of this couple is successful. The Ox's main dream will come true: he will find an attractive partner who will belong only to him. Despite the Rooster's love for flirting, he is quite pleased with the Bull, and therefore does not look for adventure on the side. For a dynamic Rooster, sometimes inclined to rash actions, the Ox will become a reliable rear. There is no more stable and practical person among the signs of the eastern horoscope, and this explains everything.

As a rule, over the years, this union only becomes stronger. The Rooster and the Bull do not agree only in the business part of life, but a couple in love does not have to work together.

Bull and Dog

Unsuccessful compatibility in both love and friendship. The dog considers the Bull to be an overly conservative person, reacting hostilely to any changes, but she is not ready to perceive him as he is. The dog is sure that anyone can change, and this often becomes the reason for her conflicts with other people.

The Bull's behavior is simply infuriating. He will not tolerate obsessive advice or attempts on the part of another person to change the way of his life. In his opinion, a dog is a revolutionary who, in any development of events, needs to turn everything upside down. No matter how the circumstances develop, the Dog will always be unhappy. She has been looking for justice all her life, trying to improve the conditions of her life and adjust her loved one for herself. Next to her, the Bull will feel like on a volcano, which at any moment can become active, but he does not need such adventures.

Usually the couple breaks up on the initiative of the Bull. After parting, the former lovers will have neither fond memories of each other, nor the desire to communicate.

Bull and Pig (Boar)

Good compatibility of the signs of the eastern horoscope. The feelings of this couple are mutual and strong, there is no desire to benefit from a relationship with a partner on either side. Only love and bright intentions, stability and compassion to build a joint future.

The Pig behind the Bull is like a stone wall. The latter, regardless of whether he is a man or a woman, protects the Pig from troubles, in which she often finds herself due to her imprudence. The Ox is a more far-sighted and practical person, therefore it can become a good support for the Pig, who is used to blindly believing people. Thanks to this behavior of the chosen one, she herself, over time, will say goodbye to naivety.

The bull is a serious person, and sometimes even more than necessary. He is not sentimental and does not like to demonstrate the strength of his feelings, but the Pig will help him open up. Only next to the person of this sign, the Bull learns what real passion is and what pleasure can be obtained from the company of a loved one.

The bull is somewhat wary of love. He knows that love disrupts the usual way of life and brings with it many new, unlike previously experienced feelings. A person born in the year of the Ox rarely "loses his head", let alone the fact that he "gave" his heart to another person. One gets the impression that the Bull Man is a completely impassive and unromantic nature. But don't be fooled: he is still capable of deep, strong feelings. The bull can love, adore and will be devoted in soul and body to his partner. If once he was betrayed, after that he will not immediately be able to start a new relationship with another person. Most likely, a representative of this zodiacal animal will neglect various anniversaries, since he is not a particularly sentimental person. However, the Ox will make every effort not to injure other people. He needs to learn to respect the feelings of his partner.

Ox compatibility in love and relationships with other signs

Ox and Rat Compatibility

Despite the fact that there is very little in common between the Rat and the Ox, the relationship between them can be quite positive, especially if the former is financially interested in a "horned" partner. The sensual Rat will constantly admire the serious nature of the Ox, although the bullish stubbornness may annoy her somewhat. In turn, the Ox is attracted by the Rat's intelligence and sincerity. The latter, finally, will be able to find the peace she so much needed next to the balanced Buffalo.

Ox and Ox compatibility

Bulls are inherent in caution when choosing a partner, therefore, a violent passion can hardly immediately flare up between the two representatives of this sign. The development of relations in this pair can be somewhat protracted, but in the end, due to the zodiacal similarity, two Bulls can be quite happy together, provided that one of them takes the first step towards the other.

Ox and Tiger compatibility

It is better for representatives of these signs not to meet at all! Tiger and Bull are real enemies. The first is prone to changes of all kinds and is unlikely to be able to get along with the conservative Bull, who loves neatness and order in everything. These two will constantly argue and clash, and sometimes it may even come to a fight. Moreover, the Tiger in this alliance will strive for a dominant position, and the Bull will direct all his efforts to overthrow the "striped" usurper and defeat him.

Ox and Rabbit Compatibility

These two are quite a harmonious couple. They can easily complement each other: the Rabbit loves to feel safe, and the Ox will be able to provide his protection. The rabbit will like the Buffalo's domesticity and therefore, he will try to create comfortable conditions for him, so that he does not go to the side. They will certainly find common themes of dialogue to fill the long winter evenings.

Ox and Dragon compatibility

These two types do not fit together well. A very rare Bull is able to cope with the freedom-loving Dragon. Any relationship between these signs will be short-lived. The bull is used to enjoying the daily routine of numerous affairs, from which the Dragon by hook or by crook tries to disown. The Dragon perceives the Bull as a too primitive and inhibited person, for which he will constantly reproach him, and he, naturally, will "get over it" even more and show his worst qualities in relations with a "fire-breathing" partner.

Ox and Snake compatibility

This pair is compatible in many ways. They are of a similar nature; both are materialists, have good endurance and a calm, imperturbable character. Bull and Snake love to work on serious projects, moreover, often not autonomously, but jointly. The snake in common affairs acts as the author of the project, and the Bull brings it to life. By tying their destiny to each other, they will be able to live a long life peacefully, although there will be little passion in it, since people representing these signs of the Chinese Zodiac are not inclined to violent manifestations of feelings.

Ox and Horse Compatibility

There is a lack of proper understanding in the relationship between these signs. Therefore, this union is likely to be unhappy and short-lived. A cheerful Horse will not receive the emotional excitement it needs from the Bull; The Ox is not able to give the Horse that portion of the flattery on which it is so stuffed. Among other things, the Horse is too fond of freedom and does not tolerate dependence, it simply cannot tolerate the Ox's authoritarianism for a long time.

Ox and Goat Compatibility

The Ox and the Goat have completely opposite personalities. The bohemianness of the Goat, her contempt for conscientious work, as well as the terrible habit of acting rashly, will terribly irritate the hardworking and economic Bull. Moreover, they have completely different life priorities and views: the Goat is very capricious and carefree, and the Ox requires responsibility and devotion, which, in his opinion, should underlie any relationship.

Ox and Monkey Compatibility

Harmony in the relationship of this couple is unlikely. There is too little agreement between them necessary for a lasting union. Monkey is like a "red scarf" for a serious Bull; she will always piss him off, teasing and mocking him with all sorts of "monkey" antics. The Monkey will begin to break the usual order, for which the Bull is so concerned, and this will definitely not be to his liking. The Monkey is too quick in its actions, which may seem to the slow Ox as a sign of its frivolity.

Ox and Rooster compatibility

It is possible that the Rooster is the most suitable candidate for the Ox. By nature, both are conservative and hardworking. Their characters are similar in many aspects. Therefore, from the representatives of these signs, a great couple can come out. The sociable Rooster will be bewitched by the constancy of the Bull, and he, in turn, will show a loyal attitude to the boasting of the Rooster. They will be strongly held together by a common concern for their well-being.

Ox Dog Compatibility

With a balanced Ox, the dreamer-Dog may not be very happy. The latter will criticize the Bull, for the latter's lack of a sense of humor and his lack of response to his "doggy" ideas about universal justice, friendship and prosperity, since the Bull is concerned only with his own well-being. Nevertheless, if these signs begin to respect each other, then they will have a chance to establish good relations, moreover, one of them is a loyal nature, and the other is a realist.

Ox and Boar compatibility

Both signs love calmness and silence, however, the responsible behavior of the Bull Pig can be considered quite tedious. The boar loves parties and himself; his "horned" partner, on the other hand, prefers to stay within the walls of his home, where he truly rests in body and soul. Perhaps an impractical Pig will think that the Buffalo is too demanding of her, and the latter may be annoyed by her "pig" behavior. Despite this, the Pig will be grateful to the Bull for ensuring material well-being in life together. In principle, the combination of these signs can be considered positive.

What year will be the year of the bull? This question is of interest to many. It will come in 2021. What to expect from a large and stubborn animal, let's try to figure it out

Year of the bull Characteristic sign

Those born in the year of the bull are very different from other signs. These people are very humble, patient, meek, diligent, stubborn and hardy. But these qualities do not at all guarantee that the bull will constantly be silent and endure. It is very easy to provoke and irritate him.

If he is angry, then it is better to just shut up and wait until he calms down. It is not worth continuing to swear and express your displeasure, because he can easily hit. In anger, bulls know no boundaries. They can crush and break anything that comes their way. At these moments, they forget about modesty and make fiery speeches.

Buffalo loves very much when order reigns in the house and everything is laid out on the shelves. He can give in to his principles for the sake of a dear person and, if necessary, change.

At work, he gives himself completely and, thanks to his stubbornness and perseverance, goes to the end. It is these qualities that help him succeed and achieve the desired result.

Bulls are very loyal friends and very reliable partners.

Positive qualities of the mark

A bull, a good leader. He can raise huge crowds with his fiery speeches and lead them along. The buffalo is worried not only about his own benefit, but also takes care of his subordinates, creates comfortable conditions for them;

Very patient;

Workaholic and not afraid of difficult work;


If the bull has set a goal, then he will reach the end in any case;

Buffalo doesn't make hasty decisions. Before agreeing with something or signing a serious contract, he will think it over and work it out.

Negative qualities of the mark

First, people born in the year of the bull are very stubborn people and are in no hurry to give in. Second, they are conservative. Thirdly, there is only one authority for him - he himself. He will not invent idols for himself and act as they once did. The ox does everything as it sees fit. Fourth, he demands a lot from his relatives and loved ones. Fifth, selfish. He loves himself much more than his significant other. Offended, the ox will sulk until they ask for forgiveness and apologize even for what they did not do.

Best birth dates, months and times

The time when we are born is considered fateful. Every parent wants their child to live a happy and rich life. Babies who are born in the year of the bull, at different times of the day and different months, will acquire completely different fates and character traits.

Newborns who are born at lunchtime and in the evening will be friends with good luck, she will accompany them in any endeavors.

The lucky numbers are 11, 13, 25, 25, 27.

Those born in September, March, August and July are no less happy and fortunate in life. In spite of everything, they are lucky.

March bulls don't have to worry about money. They themselves stick to them. All their lives they will live in abundance and excessive luxury.

July buffaloes are very intelligent and creative individuals. They are very attached to the family and try to help their relatives in everything. But loved ones do not stand aside when they need help.

Those born in August are blessed with good health. They never have any pain. But luck does not leave them on the path of life.

The bull, which was born in September, is a careerist. From early childhood, he tries to study well. He chooses a specialty to his liking and all his life has been doing what he loves, which brings him a good income.

Most suitable professions

According to the eastern horoscope, the bull is a sign that must constantly work. But it is very important for them to find a job that will be interesting and they can devote their whole life to it. If such a profession is found, then the buffalo will give all of himself and put all his strength into achieving the goal.

He will not leave work and look for himself in another business. If the choice is made, then you need to go to the end and strive to be needed and useful.

It is important for these people that the soul is quiet and calm. Comfort and good conditions are important to them. Quarreling groups, where they constantly intrigue and gossip are not for them. Bulls love long business trips to different cities and parts of the world. If at work they cannot afford this, then they must go on vacation to some unfamiliar country.

Bulls are suitable for professions related to:

  • Financial sector (economist, accountant);
  • Agriculture;
  • Art;
  • Sports (football, athletics, running).

But no matter what profession the buffalo chooses, it will always be interesting for him to engage in agriculture. You can meet many people born in the year of the bull who left the big and noisy city and devoted themselves to agriculture. But if it is impossible to get to the village, then they buy small plots and all weekend cultivate a vegetable garden and take care of the garden.

Love and relationships

According to the horoscope, the bull loves silence and does not seek to be in a noisy company. He does not meet on the street and would rather be left alone than spend an evening with friends. They enjoy silence and solitude.

The oxen have friends, but there are not so many of them. They treat them very well and are always ready to help in difficult times.

If the bull meets his soul mate, then he will try to strengthen and maintain the relationship. Short meetings are not for them. He begins to worry a lot and feels bad when he changes lovers.

Women born this year are devoid of femininity. They are indifferent to love and do not show initiative. To start a family and truly fall in love, they should work hard on themselves.

But if she fell in love, then the family will come first for her. She will willingly give up her beloved work and devote herself entirely to children and soulmate. She always has order in her house and a delicious dinner is ready. Very often, a bull woman takes the reins into her own hands and leads all family members. She is a very loyal and devoted wife. But it is impossible to get romance and sentimentality from her, such a wife looks at everything with sober eyes.

Men born this year are firm and unwilling to obey. They love their family, but even with close people they behave strictly and confidently.

Children born in the year of the bull

As a child, buffaloes do not want to be alone, they are constantly looking for their company. But they do not strive to be friends with everyone in a row. It is important for them that a friendly union brings comfort and not as traumatic as possible.

In companies they try to lead and this does not go away over the years. It is impossible to re-educate bulls. From an early age, they show stubbornness and do only what they like and what is right, in their opinion.

What their parents laid in them in childhood remains with them for life.

Children who were born in the year of the bull have excellent health. The character is solid and it is impossible to break them. They will never show their tears, no matter how offensive and painful it may be.

They quickly become independent and try not to depend on the opinion of their parents. Financially, they also try to provide for themselves.

Bulls are peaceful and quiet until they hurt them and their interests. Then they show themselves in all their glory.

Teachers love these students. They are interested in a lot, but they prefer art. They like to attend concerts, theaters and various exhibitions.

Which of the five types of bull is your

Like other animals, the bull is protected by five elements: water, earth, fire, metal and wood.

The water buffalo differs from other species in its extreme tenderness towards others and friends. He tries to make his home as comfortable and beautiful as possible so that the other half does not think about anything else.

These animals strive to help everyone in need, they can give their last penny. He will not talk about love, he will act and achieve a loved one not with words, but with beautiful deeds.

As for money, he can make money in any case. The family of this animal will never know the needs and save.

The wooden bull, on the other hand, is too secretive and reserved. He never shows true emotions and even if he loves, he will try to hide it from his beloved and others.

He cares about his career, he strives to rise to the very top and lead. For him, order is important in everything, not only at home, but also at work. He can never quit his job and go on a journey, for example.

Nothing is possible to persuade or persuade a buffalo. He firmly stands his ground, even tears in this matter will not help. Before making any decision, he will think, weigh everything.

But this is just a mask for others. In fact, they want to be constantly supported or loved.

Those born in the year of the earthen bull adopted all the qualities of the animal. All these qualities of character help him to carry out all plans and achieve high results. He may not have the money to develop the business, but if he decides to start, then he will succeed.

If an earthen buffalo chooses a sport, he will become a good and outstanding athlete.

In family life, he is a very reliable and loyal partner. It can endure for a long time, but if it breaks, then it is better to stay away.

The metal bull very actively expresses its love and does not hide feelings from strangers. If he fell in love, then he can scream about it at every step.

This animal has a strong and strong-willed character. He loves to travel and can easily go through the move. He quickly copes with the difficulties that have arisen.

He will never be bored with him, he can cheer up even in the most critical situation. Knows many interesting stories.

Fire makes the buffalo a passionate lover, decisive and excellent leader. He can express the whole truth directly to his face and at the same time he will not even think that he has offended a person.

In family life, everything is fine with him. He commands everyone and is always in the spotlight. If he finds out about the betrayal, then he can never forgive.

Bull compatibility with other signs

Chinese horoscope of compatibility of a bull with other animals

The bull will be friends with only if the second, in turn, behaves in an appropriate way. The buffalo cannot keep up with the fast rat. In love, everything will be boring and ordinary for them. This routine does not allow the relationship to develop and they soon part. In a business environment, a bull must necessarily lead, then a joint business will be good.

Two bulls perfectly find a common language, they see themselves in a partner, but only in family life. But they will not be able to be friends. These two stubborn animals constantly compete and strive to overtake each other. The business relationship is going well.

The bull will never be able to live under the same roof. The buffalo will suppress the tiger and constantly interfere with its development. They will not be able to be friends either. In general, no relationship between them is possible. They will constantly swear and remove each other from affairs.

With relationships are possible. Of course, they cannot be called ideal, everything will depend on the patient rabbit. If he can adapt to the stubborn bull, then their union is a place to be. In business, they are both cautious and hesitant to take the first step. It is possible that the rabbit will decide to take advantage of the bull's silence and take the reins into their own hands. Then their union will end.

With the bull, too, there will be no peace of mind in the relationship. The dragon has a completely different character and they simply cannot exist in the same space. These two signs will not become friends either. The bull simply cannot trust the dragon.

With a buffalo can be friends and start a family. But the snake will have to learn to remain silent and forget its past. They know how to understand each other perfectly. But things will not go well for such a couple. Everyone will pull the blanket over themselves, and soon this couple will fall out.

He tries not to mess with the bull and bypass him. They have different worldviews, different tastes and different social circles. But they know how to do business and develop business. Their joint venture will be successful, but in this case the horse will have to slow down a little and learn to work in pairs.

Neither friendship, nor doing business, nor family is possible. This couple has no future. The goat is a dreamer, and the bull lives in the real world. He will never be able to adapt to her rhythm of life. There is no understanding in their relationship, only squabbles and endless quarrels.

- it is a good partner for creating a family and an aspirant for friendship. The bull very quickly becomes attached to a cheerful monkey and begins to help her in everything. He soon gets used to her taunts, although he suffers from it. It is absolutely impossible for them to work together. The monkey will just use his friend.

- a perfect friend for a bull. They can carry their friendship through their whole lives and never reproach each other. Family life for this couple will be pretty good. They both know how to understand the partner. But work and financial relations will not develop. The rooster does not like to work, but the bull, on the contrary, is a hard worker. On this basis, conflicts can arise.