Everything you can do in Minecraft. Minecraft: crafting recipes

In order to become a real advanced player, every Minecraft fan should definitely learn the recipes for crafting items in the game.

Without this knowledge, it will be very difficult to start playing, because crafting items is one of the most important components in Minecraft.

Crafting recipes in Minecraft will help you not only at the very beginning of the game. In the future, you will be able to find many new interesting blocks from which you can make truly incredible and useful items. And in order to make new items you need to know all the Minecraft recipes.

Especially for you, we have collected all the crafting recipes with which you can learn how to make a portal in Minecraft, or you can get an iron door. And if you are looking for a strong and dangerous weapon, then you can read information about how to make a diamond sword from our article.

The process of crafting items is carried out using the crafting grid in the inventory or on the workbench. The crafting grid in your inventory is necessary at the initial stage of the game so that you can create a workbench. You can also use it to quickly craft items such as sticks and planks.

The workbench is a very important block for crafting; it is with its help that you will make almost all the items in the game. In order to make a workbench you need to have 4 blocks of boards with you. Place them in the crafting grid in your inventory as shown in the picture.

Please note that boards can be of several colors at once. Everything will depend on what type of wood you choose for crafting. You can make colored boards in Minecraft like this:

At the very beginning of the game, you also need to make sticks from the boards. Sticks will be useful to us so that you can create torches, tools and weapons, ladders and a lot of other objects.

The hardest thing in Minecraft is surviving the first night. The nights in the game are very dark, so in order to make them a little brighter, you should create a torch. Torches will also come in handy in caves when you are extracting useful resources. Therefore, never save money and make as many torches as possible.

Your game character's inventory is not endless, and sooner or later you will have a lot of new items that you will have nowhere to put. To store things you will need a chest. Moreover, you can make several chests at once, because it will be easier to store items in groups.

Those who have been playing Minecraft for quite some time and have already visited other worlds may be interested in the recipe for crafting an Ender Chest. If you have all the necessary resources, then feel free to start creating.

In order to cook food in Minecraft and smelt ore, you will need to make a furnace. The recipe for crafting a stove is shown in the image below.

Tools, armor and weapons can be made better with magic. In order to enchant these items, you need to know the recipe for the enchantment table.

It is very important to know that to save space, gold and iron bars, diamonds and emeralds can be combined into blocks. You can make a diamond block by placing your diamonds strictly on the crafting grid on the workbench.

Glowing blocks can also be used as a lighting item. To craft a glowstone, you first need to visit Hell and collect glowing dust there. The recipe for creating a glowing stone looks like this:

The wool we need to create beds and paintings is collected from sheep using scissors, or it can be crafted from threads.

If you have long dreamed of making a trap in Minecraft or quickly removing some unnecessary blocks, Dynamite will come in handy. Moreover, making dynamite in Minecraft is very simple, you only need sand and gunpowder.

In the game you can also make slabs that you can walk on without jumping. You can craft a slab in Minecraft from wood, stone, brick, sand and cobblestone.

It is especially convenient to install steps in mines and in the house. The stairs in the game will help you quickly climb up.

All those who love to build beautiful buildings and maps in Minecraft should definitely know the recipes for crafting decorative blocks. This is what the process of crafting stone bricks, clay, snow and quartz blocks looks like.

But a brick block is created from brick ingots, which can be obtained by melting clay in a furnace.

You can make three types of sand blocks from sand at once. Sandstone in Minecraft can be regular, smooth, or decorative.

Coal in Minecraft can be combined into a single block. A coal block will help you cook food and smelt ore.

To decorate your home, you can use a hay bale. You can make a sheaf of hay with 9 units of wheat.

A bookcase is not only a good decoration element. With its help, you can improve the process of enchanting objects. You can make a bookcase as shown in the instructions below.

A glowing pumpkin will help you decorate your home for Halloween and also illuminate the area on your property. The recipe for crafting a glowing pumpkin is as follows:

In order for you to mine useful resources, precious metals and stones, you will need to create several important tools. At the very beginning of the game you will be able to make a shovel, pickaxe, ax and hoe from wood.

Once you mine the stone, you will be able to create stronger items from the material. Crafting stone tools is the same as crafting wooden tools.

By making a pickaxe from stone, you can mine iron. After smelting iron ore into ingots in a furnace, you can begin crafting iron equipment.

Gold bars are also used to create tools that are fast when mining resources. Practical Minecraft fans prefer iron tools, as gold tools have low durability.

The most reliable items you can make from diamonds. This is why diamond equipment is very highly valued in the game. Making a diamond pickaxe, axe, shovel or hoe is very easy if you have diamonds.

If you want to make your own fountain, you will need to move the water. For this purpose, the game developers came up with a bucket in which you can also carry lava. The question of how to make a bucket in Minecraft will be answered by the instructions in the image below.

All those who want to go to Hell must be able to create a lighter. Using a lighter, you can activate a portal to the lower world. The recipe for a lighter in Minecraft looks like this:

In addition to the lighter, you can set objects on fire using a fireball. The fireball crafting recipe will not only help you create a good tool, but you will also get an excellent projectile for your traps.

To navigate the terrain in the game, you can use coordinates, a map and a compass. The recipe for crafting a map and compass in Minecraft will definitely come in handy.

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to find out what time it is in Minecraft, then we can advise you to use a clock. The clock in the game will be useful to you if you have been in a cave for a long time and you are interested in the time of day on the surface.

To collect wool from sheep or leaves from trees, it is best to make scissors.

In order to catch fish in the game that will satisfy your hunger, you will need a fishing rod. You can make a fishing rod in Minecraft using the recipe in the image below.

By putting a saddle on a pig, you can ride on it. But you can only control the pig using a fishing rod with carrots. The recipe for a fishing rod with carrots is very simple:

All tools and weapons begin to break over time. But in order, for example, to repair a sword, you will need to make an anvil. An anvil in Minecraft will help you repair even enchanted tools and weapons.

Weapons in Minecraft are necessary to protect against attacks from aggressive mobs. Moreover, it’s better not to appear on the street at night without a sword, otherwise spiders, skeletons, zombies and other dangerous monsters will quickly kill you. Therefore, the first thing you should do is learn how to make a sword in Minecraft. Just like with tools, the attack power and reliability of the sword depend on the material from which you make the item. That's why the diamond sword in Minecraft is so highly valued.

If you don't want to get close to aggressive mobs, you should make a bow in Minecraft. With the help of a bow and arrow you will be able to defeat mobs from a great distance.

You will need armor in Minecraft so that mobs will cause you less damage when attacking. It will also protect you from falls from great heights. Moreover, in the game you will find several types of armor made of different materials. You can also paint leather armor a different color. By mixing several dyes at once, you will get unique colors for your armor. You can see the recipe for leather armor in the image below.

In addition, you can make armor from iron. This type is more durable than leather armor and protects its owner much better.

Gold armor in Minecraft deteriorates very quickly, but it can protect you even from the most powerful mob attacks better than iron armor.

Chain mail armor, or as it is also called, fire armor? is also interesting, because it protects you noticeably better from external damage than gold. At the same time, it is very durable. However, crafting fire armor will require you to have fire, which cannot be obtained as a block. So this type of armor is only available to server administrators or using mods.

Diamond armor, like other items made from this material, is the most durable. Be sure that even a dragon will not be afraid of you in it. But to make a diamond set in Minecraft you will need a lot of diamonds.

But horse armor cannot be crafted in Minecraft. It can be found in treasuries, villages, mines and hellish fortresses. In order to quickly get from one point on the map to another, you can always build a subway in Minecraft. The railway in the game is built using a system of rails and trolleys. You can make rails like this:

To move faster, you can make electric rails in Minecraft. In order for them to work, redstone torches must be connected to the rails.

But rails with a pressure block will allow you to transmit a signal at the moment when a trolley passes along them. The recipe for rails with push blocks is as follows.

A regular minecart allows players to sit in it. To craft a minecart in Minecraft you will need five iron ingots.

In order to be able to move several trolleys at once, you can make a trolley with a stove. To do this, you just need to put coal in the furnace and place the trolley at the tail of the train.

You can transport items using a trolley with a chest. Crafting a trolley with a chest is very simple.

You can also make a trolley with a funnel that will collect all the objects lying on the rails.

If you like to travel between islands, a boat will come in handy. The image below can answer the question of how to make a boat in Minecraft.

To prevent extraneous mobs from entering your house, you should make a door. There are two types of doors in Minecraft: wooden and iron.

In order to close the underground descent into the mine, you can use a special hatch. In order to make a hatch, you will need six boards.

All those who love to create traps, secret entrances and mechanisms should know how to make a piston in Minecraft. With the help of pistons you can move other blocks from one place to another.

Pistons can also be sticky. Sticky pistons in Minecraft not only move blocks, but also push them back into place. To craft such a piston you will need slime.

Pistons, electric rails and other active blocks operate using redstone signals. To control circuits from redstone, you can make a red torch, repeater or comparator.

To create clever traps, you can make a dispenser. It works using redstone circuits.

If you love music, then you can always make music blocks and a player in Minecraft. The player can play music from records.

There are also electric lamps in the game that will only work when a signal is given. With their help, you can make real electric lighting for the whole house in the game.

In order to activate redstone circuits, you will need to create special blocks: buttons, pressure plates and levers.

Pressure plates can be made from several materials at once. Gold and iron pressure plates produce signals of varying strength, depending on the number of objects on the plate.

Traps in the game can be made using tripwires, but you can learn how to make a tripwire in Minecraft by looking at the image below.

Hunger in Minecraft can be satisfied with food. The game has a range of cooking recipes, as well as ingredients and food items. Beginners should not forget that any raw meat will not satisfy your hunger. Therefore, try to always roast pork, beef, fish or chicken in the oven.

The game also has food items that will not only help you restore your hunger bar, but will also provide various beneficial effects. For example, a golden apple in Minecraft will add extra health points, and an enchanted golden apple will speed up the regeneration process.

Pumpkin pie and cake satisfy your hunger very well. You can find out how to make a cake in Minecraft and pumpkin pie in the image below.

In order to make a bookcase you need to create books. However, you can also make various entries in books. But first you must make the paper and only then the book itself.

Another popular decorative block is a painting. Crafting a painting in Minecraft requires eight sticks and a block of wool.

If you don’t like walking at night and want the morning to come sooner, then you should know how to make a bed in Minecraft. For shelter

In order to label your chest, cave, house or territory, you can use signs. The recipe for crafting a sign looks like this:

To make a wooden ladder you need to arrange the sticks in the crafting grid of the workbench as follows:

All those who want to protect the territory of their home, garden beds and farms from unwanted guests can make a fence in Minecraft. The fence in the game can be made of wood, hellbrick, cobblestone or iron.

Glass in the game is obtained by melting sand in a furnace. But if you want to learn how to make colored glass in Minecraft, you just need to study the crafting recipes in the images below.

Glass panels will be useful to you in the construction of beautiful and unique buildings. Glass panels are created from ordinary glass. At the same time, you can also make colored glass panels.

If you want to make a frame for objects, you will need leather and sticks. Arrange all the ingredients for crafting the frame as shown in the picture.

In order for you to dye wool, glass and other objects, you need to obtain dyes. You can see how to make dyes in Minecraft in the image below:

As mentioned above, you can dye wool in the game. The answer to the question of how to dye wool in Minecraft can be found in these pictures.

You can make not only a bed from wool, but also a decorative carpet. From two blocks of wool you can get 3 carpets. The color of the carpet depends on the color of the wool.

With the advent of Minecraft 1.6, users can paint baked clay blocks in absolutely any color.

In order to brew potions in Minecraft, you should create several very important items at once. First of all, you will need a recipe for crafting a brewing stand on which you will brew potions.

You can store finished potions in glass flasks.

The boiler can be used as a source for water. A boiler installed outside will collect rainwater. Three flasks can be filled with water from one boiler.

The list and recipes of ingredients for potions look like this:

Those who want to celebrate some significant event can set off fireworks in Minecraft. In order to make fireworks, you must first obtain a star from gunpowder and dye.

In order to go to Hell, you need to create a special portal and activate it with a lighter. If you want to know how to make a portal in Minecraft, you just have to look at the image below.

They will go out and will need to be rekindled. One stick and one coal can make four torches.

Cobblestone -8pcs

The furnace allows you to both cook food to improve your standard of living, and smelt ingots from rocks to produce weapons and tools of good quality. A furnace is made from eight units of stone, arranged in a circle in a 3x3 grid.

Boards - 8pcs

In the chest you can store what you are already tired of carrying with you. One chest contains 27 storage cells. If you place two chests side by side, you get a large chest in which you can place your things in 54 cells. One chest is made from eight boards arranged in a circle in a 3x3 grid.

Other blocks:

Fossil blocks.
Gold Ingot-9pcs or Metal Ingot-9pcs or Diamond-9pcs or Lapis Lazuli-9pcs

They can be used for compact storage of metal, gold or diamond, if storage in a box is not suitable for some reason. It can also be used as a building material, or if you, for example, play in multiplayer, to show how rich you are :)

Glowing cobblestone
Glowstone dust - 4pcs

From four units of glowing stone dust, which can be mined in a parallel world, you can make one glowing block, which, like a torch, melts snow and ice within a radius of 3 blocks.


Can be used for storing thread, construction, painting and for making color blocks. A block of wool is made from four units of thread, but it is much more convenient and easier to extract wool from a sheep.

Gunpowder-5pcs Sand-4pcs

With explosives you can not only have fun, but also clear mines much faster, which will speed up the search for minerals. But be careful. Damage caused by TNT can be fatal.

Stone tiles

Wooden tiles
Boards - 3 pieces

It is used as a building material, in particular for the construction of stairs.

Cobblestone tiles
Cobblestone - 3pcs

It is used as a building material, in particular for the construction of stairs.

Sand tiles

It is used as a building material, in particular for the construction of stairs.

Brick tiles

It is used as a building material, in particular for the construction of stairs.

Stone Brick Tiles
Stone brick-3pcs

It is used as a building material, in particular for the construction of stairs.

Boards -6pcs or Cobblestones -6pcs

Brick staircase

Six units of planks or stones form a one-block ladder that can be climbed without jumping. (Also, by placing two empty signs on the sides, you can use it as a decorative chair.)

Stone brick staircase
Stone brick-6pcs

Six units of planks or stones form a one-block ladder that can be climbed without jumping. (Also, by placing two empty signs on the sides, you can use it as a decorative chair.)

Snow block

The snow block is used both for storing snowballs and as a building material in winter.

Clay block
Clay - 4pcs

The clay block is used both for storing clay and as a building material.

Brick block
Brick -4pcs

A block of bricks is used as a more modern building material.

Stone brick
Smooth stone-4pcs

Boards - 6 pcs. Book - 3 pcs.

The bookcase after update 1.9 serves to increase the possible level of improvement of the item on the sorcerer's table, but can also serve decorative functions.


Used as a building material.

Glowing pumpkin
Pumpkin - 1 piece Torch - 1 piece

If you find a pumpkin and insert a torch into it, you will get a great decoration for Halloween.

Glass panel

Flat glass, looks very good.


Stick - 2 pcs. Boards - 3 pcs. or Cobblestones

An ax is the most convenient way to extract wood. The stronger the axe, the longer it will last.

Stick-2pcs Boards-3pcs or Cobblestone-3pcs or Metal Ingot-3pcs or Gold Ingot-3pcs or Diamond-3pcs

The pickaxe is the main tool of Minecraft. With a pickaxe you can quickly dig your way through the stones. The diamond pickaxe is the most durable.

Stick - 2 pcs. Boards - 1 pc. or Cobblestone - 1 pc. or Metal Ingot - 1 pc. or Gold Ingot - 1 pc. or Diamond - 1 pc.

With a shovel you can quickly dig up soil, sand, and gravel. It will definitely come in handy when exploring a mine, because digging with a pickaxe takes longer and is not productive.

Stick - 2 pcs. Boards - 2 pcs. or Cobblestones

The main tool for growing crops, since with the help of a hoe you can find seeds in the top layer of the earth, and when the crop ripens, you can easily collect it with a hoe.

Metal ingot - 1 pc. Flint - 1 pc.

With the help of a lighter, oddly enough, you can start a fire. But be careful. Don't burn down your house or nearby trees. And don’t set yourself on fire.

Metal ingot - 3pcs

You can use a bucket to collect water, lava, and milk. Using a bucket you can create not just a puddle, but a source of water or lava. Water is also necessary for growing wheat and cane. A bucket can carry water, lava or milk.

Metal ingot - 4pcs Redstone - 1pc

Does the compass always point north? Heh! And in our case, it always points to the spawn point. So if your house is not far from it, you will always find your way home.

Compass-1pcs Paper-8pcs

Using a map, you can track how you have explored a particular territory. Moreover, you can see the designations of other players on the map if they have a copy of it.

Gold bar-4pcs Redstone-1pcs

When you have a watch at hand, it is always clear when it is safe to go outside.

Fishing rod
Stick-3pcs Thread-2pcs

Using a fishing rod you can catch a fish, which will restore some of your health.

Metal ingot - 2 pieces

With scissors you can collect blocks of leaves, as well as shear sheep without harming them.


Stick-1pcs Boards-2pcs or Cobblestone-2pcs or Metal Ingot-2pcs or Gold Ingot-2pcs or Diamond-2pcs

The sword is your main weapon in the world of Minecraft. The stronger the sword, the longer it will last and the faster it will kill enemies. A diamond sword kills a skeleton in 2 hits.

Stick-3pcs Thread-3pcs

A bow allows you to get rid of enemies from a distance, if, of course, you have arrows for it. A very effective weapon against skeletons.

Flint-1pc Stick-1pc Feather-1pc

From three components, flint, stick and feather, we get 4 arrows. Arrows are never superfluous. Especially during long dungeon crawls.


Leather-5pcs or Metal Ingot-5pcs or Gold Ingot-5pcs or Diamond-5pcs or Fire*-5pcs

Helmet, gives 1.5 units of armor.

Leather-8pcs or Metal Ingot-8pcs or Gold Ingot-8pcs or Diamond-8pcs or Fire*-8pcs

Basic armor, gives 4 units of armor.

Leather-7pcs or Metal Ingot-7pcs or Gold Ingot-7pcs or Diamond-7pcs or Fire*-7pcs

Pants give 3 units of armor.

Leather-4pcs or Metal Ingot-4pcs or Gold Ingot-4pcs or Diamond-4pcs or Fire*-4pcs

Boots, like the helmet, give 1.5 units of armor.

*Chain mail from fire cannot be made in Survival mode, since you can only get a fire block for crafting in multiplayer mode using the admin. commands


Metal ingot - 5pcs

In trolleys you can move along rails. You can also transport some mobs in trolleys. The trolley itself cannot move up. For this you need a self-propelled trolley.

Self-propelled trolley
Trolley-1 piece Oven-1 piece

Used to push trolleys up the rails. You cannot sit in a self-propelled trolley or place mobs in it. If the road is very steep, sometimes you have to use several self-propelled trolleys to push a trolley with a player or a mob or a luggage trolley. A self-propelled trolley runs on coal. In order for a self-propelled trolley to move, you need to right-click on it while holding coal or charcoal in your hands.

Trolley trunk
Trolley-1 piece Box-1 piece

In this trolley you can load items into 27 storage cells.

Metal ingot - 6 pcs. Stick - 1 pc.

If you love building railroads, then you will seriously need to stock up on metal ingots, since they will always be in short supply when building a railroad. 6 metal ingots and one stick give 16 rail units, which will extend your railway by 16 cells.

Gold bar - 6 pcs. Stick - 1 pc. Redstone - 1 pc.

Accelerate (aka "booster") is used to accelerate the trolley (if it is connected to power) or as a brake (if there is no power).

Rails with detector
Metal ingot - 6 pcs. Button-plate - 1 pc. Redstone - 1 pc.

It is used like a regular plate button, only here it can only be activated by a trolley.

Boards -5pcs

The most economical and easiest way to move around the world and explore it. Made from only 5 boards. But if you break the boat, it will split into 3 boards and 2 sticks.


Boards - 6pcs or Metal ingot - 6pcs

I think there is no need to explain what doors are :). Two doors placed side by side form a double door. An iron door, unlike a wooden one, can only be opened using a mechanism (button, button-plate, lever, etc.). A wooden door can be opened by hand.

Boards -6pcs

The meaning is almost the same. The same door only on the floor :)

Plate button
Stone-2pcs or Boards-2pcs

The button is located in the floor and activates a nearby mechanism if you stand on it. Convenient to use for self-opening doors.

Stone button

A small button is located in the wall and a nearby mechanism is activated when pressed. After a second, the button itself deactivates the mechanism.

Redstone Lantern
Redstone - 1 piece Stick - 1 piece

A redstone lantern is located in the same way as a torch: on the wall or on the floor. It can be turned on or off using mechanisms. Flashlights also activate other mechanisms and perform the function of a sensor or LED.

Lever arm
Stick - 1 piece Cobblestone - 1 piece

The lever activates and deactivates the mechanisms. Unlike a button, the lever does not independently deactivate the mechanisms and can be set to ON and OFF. Also used to switch arrows on rails.

Note block
Boards - 8 pcs Redstone - 1 pc

Plays notes when interacting. With the right button you can set the pitch. The sound timbre and even the instrument depend on which block the note block is placed on. A great thing for creating a kind of synthesizer.

Music player
Boards - 8pcs Diamond - 1pc

You can start the jukebox using records. At the moment there are 2 types of records. The gold record plays the song "13" and the green record plays the song "Cat". You can find records in treasuries.

Distributor (Turrel)
Cobblestone - 7 pcs Bow - 1 pc Redstone - 1 pc

The distributor uses a 3x3 inventory grid and when it is running on redstone, it randomly ejects the objects loaded into it. If the Distributor is loaded with arrows, it turns into a turret, arrows fly out of it like from a bow. After using the turret, the arrows can no longer be picked up.

Repeater/moderator for redstone
Redstone-1 piece Redstone lantern-2 pieces Stone-3 pieces

Serves as a repeater for redstone circuits. It can also slow down the signal speed.

Crafting in Minecraft is the process of creating various household items needed in the game. For crafting, you only need to stock up on the necessary amount of resources to create any object: a mechanism, block or tool. To obtain the desired recipe, it is enough to correctly place the resources in 2x2 cells. And after creating your own workshop, it will be possible to create gaming equipment on a workbench measuring 3x3 cells.

Basic Recipes in Minecraft

This picture contains recipes for creating a stick, torch, workbench, stove, chest and end chest, enchanting table and fireball.

Recipes for creating tools in Minecraft

And here are recipes for creating such necessary items in Minecraft as tools: an axe, a pickaxe, a shovel, a hoe, a lighter, a bucket, a compass, a map, a watch, a fishing rod and scissors.

Potion recipes in Minecraft

Potion in Minecraft can be prepared according to the recipes presented in the following picture. You can brew a flask, tripod, potion pot, fire powder, lava cream, spider eye, gold nugget, sparkling watermelon slice for your hero.

How to make weapons in Minecraft

And here you will find out... After all, you will probably need a sword and a bow and arrows.

Recipes for defense in Minecraft

To protect your hero, you definitely need to know the recipes for protection in Minecraft. Take a look and make him a shirt, pants with boots and of course a safety helmet!

Block Recipes

Ultimately, thanks to all the recipes, we will be able to craft ore blocks, various minerals, australia, wool, dynamite, step, ladder, snow and clay blocks, brick block, three types of sandstone, stone brick, bookcase, sand block and glowing pumpkin.

Transport in Minecraft

To move around the map in Minecraft, you can create various vehicles. For example, you can make yourself a simple cart or a cart with a battery, a cart with a chest, rails, electric rails, rails with a sensor, and even a boat.

Crafting mechanisms in Minecraft

Mechanisms in Minecraft are a very necessary thing. Be sure to try making things like the door, hatch, push lamp, stone button, redstone torch, lever, music note block, jukebox, dispenser, repeater, piston, sticky piston, gate, lamp, and tension gauge.

Food in Minecraft

War is war, but lunch, as they say, is on schedule! Craft yourself a plate and put delicious stewed mushrooms, bread, sugar, cake, cookies, golden apple, watermelon, watermelon and pumpkin seeds in it and eat to your heart's content!

Minecraft Paint Recipes

Before starting a story about how to make things in Minecraft, you need to understand what it is to craft? Let's try to give this a succinct definition:

Crafting in Minecraft means creating new blocks, objects, elements of weapons and armor protection, and tools.

This article will be especially useful for newbie crafters.

Making things in a fantasy crafting world is perhaps one of the most basic activities of your virtual character. At the same time, he will be able to create and repair not only weapons, equipment and armor, but also everyday and household items, new materials with original properties, and tools through which the game character will obtain resources. All of the above things have their own service life (service life), therefore, in order to successfully survive in the virtual world of Minecraft, you will have to make all these items constantly. For example, the pickaxes alone will need to be crafted in almost the same volume as the minerals mined with their help.

In order to do anything in Minecraft you need the following:

  • have the ingredients or blocks necessary for crafting;
  • place them correctly in the window to create an item (opened from the crafter’s inventory).

Window for creating things

The window through which an object can be made comes in two types.

1) 2 by 2 cells. This is what it looks like:

It is worth noting that in order to obtain complex items, special tools, better weapons and armor protection, the crafter must have a workbench. Using a workbench, you can craft (make) the above items, which, as a rule, consist of more than 4 (four) elements.

A workbench can be created in a 2x2 window by connecting four blocks of boards of any type of wood.

2) 3 by 3 cells(such a window appears for the crafter only after he has installed a workbench), it looks like this

In order to create any item of weapons, armor protection, tools, etc. – you need to place it in a certain order (if done in the field, the placement of elements is not of fundamental importance) in the crafting window and click the button. All! The item the crafter needs has been created. Do not forget to take the crafted item from the window into your inventory before closing the workbench (window in the field) to avoid losing it.

We can already sum up a brief summary of crafting in Minecraft.

So, a short universal (suitable for creating any thing) rule on how to do crafting in Minecraft.

  1. In order to do something you need to put something down and lose it.
  2. In the field, and if the order of placing the ingredients in the recipe is unimportant, then you actually need to do it “on your knees” (directly in the inventory), thus, the gamer will significantly reduce the time for production and significantly speed up the Minecraft sandbox gameplay. This applies, for example, to various dyes, colored wool, stewed mushrooms, fireball, etc.
  3. In a grid (not on a workbench), it doesn’t matter at all how the ingredients are placed in the squares. For example, a torch can also be made using equipment, while coal can be placed over a wooden stick.

Today, crafters know about 180 (more precisely 174) recipes for how to make different things (weapons, protective equipment, household items, various tools). The process of adding new recipes never stops; with each new patch, new ones are added to the Minecraft world.

To obtain each item, there is only one specific recipe for its manufacture. Moreover, it should be noted that it sometimes indicates not only the necessary ingredients, but the order of their arrangement in the squares of the grid. For example, to use scissors, you need to connect two silver bars to each other. In this case, they should be located exactly diagonally (right or left - it doesn’t matter). Using crafted scissors, it is possible to shear a sheep and, accordingly, extract its wool. It is better to tame sheep, etc.

It makes no sense to list all the recipes for creating objects and things for various purposes; for this there are special tablets that contain all the recipe wealth for today. The gamer only needs to remember that when producing a tool, the arrangement of the ingredients for its manufacture should, in its outline, slightly resemble the outline of the tool being manufactured. Eg:

  • pickaxe - three blocks are placed on a row of a square at the top and two wooden sticks are placed down the central row;
  • vessels, bucket - obtained if the material is laid out on a workbench in the form of a triangle;
  • etc.

How to repair items (things) in Minecraft

Even beginners who have just started the game, and even more so experienced crafters, know that each of the crafted items in the craft world has the maximum possible number of uses. Then this item breaks and you have to craft a new, similar one.

However, it is absolutely not necessary to craft a new item in Minecraft - you can repair it! First, we'll look at how to repair things that aren't enchanted. There are certain rules:

  1. In order to repair a thing or object, you must have the same second one.
  2. They must be placed on a workbench or mini workbench.
  3. The put things are combined into one new one.

Repairing enchanted items will have to be done differently. If they are repaired in the manner described above, then they lose their magical qualities. Therefore, to repair them, we will craft an anvil.

The further repair procedure will look like this.

Using an anvil, it is possible to combine the enchantments of two objects, but only if these enchantment properties do not contradict each other.

Creating things in a game is a process that requires certain information and step-by-step execution of actions. Next, players will be able to learn how to make all the necessary things in Minecraft, but for now let’s start with the basics!

As you already know, the process of creating and building the necessary items in the game is called crafting. Today we will figure out how to build things in Minecraft that are necessary for survival or playing in normal, standard mode. Certain resources (blocks, tools, mechanisms) will help you create gaming equipment in your own workshop. This requires only the correct placement of elements during operation.

How to craft a workbench?

A workbench is a technique consisting of nine squares that forms a field on which items will be created. To craft, i.e. To create objects, you need to arrange the components in a certain way. This procedure is not difficult, because just by opening your inventory in the game, you can find the desired function. The advantage is that you don’t have to go back to your house to get the tool.


The process of searching and obtaining resources is of the most important nature. This is very captivating and takes you headlong into the world of virtuality. Most raw materials are hoeed from mines or mines. You may also need items that were created earlier. For example, in order to get water, you need to find metal and create a bucket from it. After this, you can safely go to the source and collect water in a bucket. It seems that this process is complicated, but it is precisely such situations that bring their own flavor to the game.

Another evidence of this is fishing and cattle breeding. They are necessary for the extraction of some animal resources (cow, sheep, rabbit, horse, chickens, pig). During fishing, you can catch not only fish (puffer fish, clown fish, raw salmon), but also valuable treasures: a bow, a fishing rod, an enchanted book, a tag, a saddle and much more.

Cattle farming provides you with wool and meat, and in the case of cows, also milk. Caring for animals will bear fruit in the form of raw materials from the pet. During the battle with the enemy and in the event of further victory (the death of the warrior), all items and materials will go to you. In the game, the user will meet magical creatures, witches, skeletons and even creepers, which are silent and also called kamikaze mobs. Be prepared for the fact that resource extraction may take quite some time.

Recipes for crafting things

It is absolutely impossible to do without knowledge of recipes in Minecraft... It is necessary to remember some points - from the very beginning the player is given a crafting window two by two cells. Only after creating a workbench (discussed above) does the player receive a three by three window. The Internet is replete with various schemes for creating things, initially created by selecting certain materials in combination. Now everything is much more convenient. There is a database about items and their crafting, which is also full of recipes for mixing ingredients in certain proportions. It’s better to start with simple recipes to make it easier to understand.

Make planks of wood, and from them - workbenches and sticks. During the first time of the game, while you have not yet mastered the techniques for crafting the most common items, keep the recipes at hand. This way you will set your priorities and will not waste time looking for materials that you can wait with. Don’t forget: to create items in Minecraft, you need not only a workbench, but also other equipment: a stove, an anvil, a steam rack, etc.

The oven can be built from nine cobblestones and is necessary for cooking. Tools have different degrees of strength, for example, wood is weak, and it is better to make only the first pickaxe from it, then replacing the material with stone, iron and diamonds. It is also worth mentioning a big advantage - some items can replace each other. The sword can be made from gold, cobblestone, diamond, wood, iron.

What to do if you're tired of collecting resources?

Crafting is an activity that requires a considerable amount of time. Many Minecraft players often lose interest in the game due to the fact that they need to constantly collect resources... They want to get everything at once. This is possible by using one secret - using a variety of cheat codes that help you acquire a huge amount of resources of all types. This method is popular, but it greatly facilitates the game process and reduces interest in the strategy. After all, now all that’s left is to find out the recipe and mix the necessary ingredients.

Try to get resources yourself, feel like a true Minecraft player! If the article was useful to you, you can rate it or leave a comment, thereby thanking us. Share the above tips for playing with your friends! Thank you!


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