Sleep will not save if the Arab soul is tired. Chronic fatigue syndrome! The main causes of fatigue, what to do

A topical question for many from Mary: i am constantly tired, I constantly feel tired, around the clock ... I cannot say that this is depression, but in a sense, yes, I am already mentally tired of impotence and endless fatigue. It started after I was unexpectedly fired from my job and my husband and I divorced, it was hard. In general, now there is no strength for anything, I even wake up already tired, which I do not want to move. Please, tell me what to do, I already went to the doctors and tried different pills - nothing helps, in my heart, as hard as it was, it is ...

We all have a time in our life where we feel on earth and do not feel the drive. We all have times when we feel tired and have a desperate need for peace. But if this condition persists, it could be a sign that your soul is tired.

Even if you always have the recommended 8 hours of sleep a day, when your soul gets tired, you will feel exhausted and energetically drained every day when you wake up. When your soul is tired, it is often a sign. That you are not attached to your destiny.

Your soul energy flows into you, and if you have lost touch with this river, your energy may be affected. It is as if your inner flame will begin to flicker. Most of us know when our soul gets tired of how we feel during the day.

We have already talked a lot on this topic on our website, so I will go straight to the point, to the root causes and the solution to the problem.

Manthis is physical body , which may be out of order (to be ill), then therapy and medicines (medicine) + (consciousness,) are needed. And if something is wrong with a person's Soul, no medicine and therapy will help.

Here's another way to tell if your soul is tired. Rub your hands quickly for a short time, creating an electrical charge between your hands. If you don't feel any energy at all, or feel nothing else before your arms reach shoulder-width apart, this could be a good sign that your energy is depleted and your soul is tired.

  • While rubbing your hands for about 30 seconds, slowly separate your hands.
  • Do you feel warmth and a strong tingling sensation in your hands?
  • Keep your arms to the side until you can no longer feel the energy between them.
One of the ten most important things that make your soul feel tired is this.

4 main causes of chronic fatigue

Fatigue - this is the absence of spiritual, personal, physical energy. When energy sources are either closed (blocked) or not even revealed. If there is no energy, no vitality, everything will be hard, a person will feel tired from everything, from any elementary action. AND proper nutrition pills won't help here. Food is only 3-5% of all human life energy.

Don't be honest with yourself. Yes, although you don't really mean it. Do what doesn't fit your purpose. Engaging in petty debates or gossip. You surround yourself by harming people, partners, or friends. Perform negative self-teaching.

Stick to the past. Surround yourself with clutter. Feel what you want or lack. All of this can be a tribute to your soul and cause you to no longer align and no longer align with your higher life goal. If your soul is tired for an extended period of time, it can also manifest as depression, lack of motivation, loss of mental gifts or intuition, and addictive or obsessive behaviors.

First reason - loss of the meaning of life! When life goals are lost, or when they are basically absent, I don't really want to live and there is nowhere to take energy for life. A correctly chosen goal of life is the most powerful source of energy, it gives strength, meaning to life, joy and striving for development.

Ask yourself - what are you living for? why do you need your life? If you cannot answer anything worthy, you have problems! This is what you need to work on first. You will find a worthy Goal that will delight your Soul - it will remove fatigue as if by hand.

If your soul is tired, it is very important to make some changes in your life. The first step is to identify the root of the problem. Once you have identified the cause, you can fix it with appropriate changes. Here are some additional tips to help revitalize your tired soul.

  • Charge your powers with crystals 2 Purify your aura.
  • Perform spiritual cleansing.
  • Do something nice.
  • Have positive conversation and repeat loving affirmations.
If your soul is tired, it can be difficult to create the energy that will take you from the crisis to the place of healing, but once you start the process, you will be amazed at how quickly and easily your soul regenerates.

Read more about this:

The second big reason is underdevelopment! When a person stops in his personal, physical and spiritual development, his consciousness begins to freeze, internal processes slow down and stop, energy sources turn off, go out. Such a person first loses the joy of life, and then stiffens with his consciousness, thinking, energy and body. Then it begins to degrade, which is often accompanied by loss of strength and chronic fatigue. This is often a consequence of a false program striving for stabilityso that nothing changes in life. The second thing that gives a person energy and removes any fatigue is constant development. Development gives energy, lack of development turns it off.

Your soul is very strong and there is nothing that it cannot process, even if it is a little tired. After years of experience with workshop participants, she realized that the fundamental law of resonance only works well if the person who wishes inspires positive impulses through solid personal interests. Each soul plans its own path. Why do so many people experience suffering such as identity crises, loss, or even abuse? There is a hidden meaning behind even the most difficult destinies, for each soul plans its own path before birth.

  • Be sure to read the article -.

The third reason for chronic fatigue is the lack of positive sources of vital energy! Then the person either wants to sleep all the time, or he always feels tired and exhausted. This topic is covered in great detail in the next two articles, study them and be sure to work out the appropriate recommendations:

Painful or traumatic experiences can shake us, but at the highest level we are always whole. The Radical Middle Path For five thousand years, humanity has lived in the fourth century, the "age of separation." The prevailing diabolical force creates two camps - religious and secular - that fight each other and justify their actions with their respective half-truths.

Everything for your health and vitality. To do this, we must understand how our perception works. And how is our reality evolving? here. Marry me Make peace with you. Choose what strengthens you. here. Learn to love yourself By loving yourself, you are freed from prison for your condemnation and are the greatest blessing to all your fellows! Without love, all "love", especially in our partnerships and marriages, must fail. This lecture has a provocative, stimulating and liberating effect for all who listen with an open heart. here.

The fourth common cause of fatigue is the influence of unresolved internal problems that block a person's energy. From an esoteric point of view, this is the influence of certain negative forces, their effects, which simply simply download all the vital forces from a person, drink all the juices. Definitely, such an impact is given to a person as a punishment. The root cause of this punishment - you need to find out individually, with in work with good or.

Cancer spontaneously healed by near-death experiences In the face of many miraculous death events that were publicly last years, it seems that “outside” has launched a spiritual offensive to unite humanity collectively. Cancer is a disease of civilization, the roots of which are often psychosomatic and therefore cannot be "cured" by chemistry. here.

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Love is the answer to everything! Especially when the problems of life are knocking. Stop pointing to others. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Join 568 other subscribers.

The primary reasons for which such punishments can be given can be very different, there can be hundreds of them:

  • to Destiny and to the Higher Forces for something that happened in a person's life and he could not adequately accept it, pass.
  • Self destruction

"Sleep will not save you if your soul is tired."

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Well, it’s not stupidity said here, friends. Many would look superficially at this saying, but ... it would be the greatest disrespect for the power of the word. And to the power of thought.

Just think about the phrase "tired soul". You know, for me this is identical to the phenomenon of "metal fatigue". When, after multiple changes in the stress state, the material begins to collapse ... It cracks and just breaks. It is unrealistic to endure the brutal onslaught of external forces forever. But the same happens with the soul. But the metal can be melted, but the soul cannot. She will bear the scars all her life. Scars that will persistently remind of themselves at the most inopportune moments, exhausting and crippling even more. And maybe soon they will finish off at all.

Anyone who acts quickly and brings a doctor or rescue has a very good chance. "Avoid" a violent stroke and avoid serious disorders such as paralysis! How you successfully challenge your stroke and your fears. before its consequences in a very short time.

The best way to avoid a heart attack is to use it. following symptoms and treat immediately. Shortness of breath, cold complaints, chest pressure. Weakness, sweating and dizziness, tiredness. Tears are healthy for body and soul, they are relieved of mental stress, keep your eyes clear and wash away fears. There are reflexes and emotions, tears, and there are tears that produce the hormones of happiness. Why are tears so important, what active ingredients they contain, what you need to do to avoid dry eyes.

A tired soul ... What is it all the same?

It would be nice to live if this very essence could be felt physically and somehow correct the situation. As, for example, the usual overwork. Indeed, it’s true, it’s enough just to get enough sleep ... Does the soul know how to sleep? ... But no one can boast of a completely “pure” history of their attitudes, actions, thoughts. On these sheets of your "world" everything is written, from ridiculous deception to brutal betrayals. And after that we believe that our soul is free and carefree? Is it fresh? How naive we are, friends ... No physical manifestation of relaxation can affect the tranquility of our inner world.

How do you react when you see someone crying in your immediate vicinity? Or do you feel this as a sign of weakness? Or do you just find it funny? Many cry out for joy, for sorrow, for emotions. Whatever the case, we must point out that tears are a valuable natural remedy that can do a lot for our physical and mental health. American scientists even believe that someone who cries often - be it a woman or a man - lives healthier and longer.

Many people find it indecent to shed tears in public. Polls have shown that most of us do not feel comfortable in the company of crying people, feeling unpleasant. No one knows how to react, because one is of the opinion: crying thereby shows his helplessness. Most associate tears with the terms depression, grief, unhappiness, separation, farewell, loss and death. This is why so many people try to cry in front of others. And when this happens, they are confused.

A tired soul ... A soul that can no longer resist. A soul that gave too much, but received critically little. She has exhausted herself. People with such a soul are open and sincere. They are gullible and kind ... which is what everyone else uses.

One day you will have to fall asleep and never wake up ... No, you will not die, she will die - your Nature, your Nature, the real You will die. And all because if you have tired your soul so much that you no longer feel anything, then turning back time will no longer be possible. It is impossible to give the soul a rest. This is a one way ticket. Sorry. Tired - goodbye. And dreams are useless.
I often say: “Please don’t hurt yourself. Stop. You make things worse, you kill yourself and those who love you ... ”. But, you know, some people like me, on the contrary, get better from the realization of their inevitable mental suffering. Yes, internally we will die much earlier, yes, we do very wrong and make the souls of our dear people languish ... And we apologize for this, but it is very difficult for us to change. Almost impossible. And often we simply do not know how and to whom to express all the blackness that has accumulated inside and eats the "world" through and through. Therefore, we are silent. And our soul works, raking the archives of unnecessary thoughts and experiences. And we know she will get tired again. Again, she will not be able to rest. And again it will collapse like a metal tired overnight, only now, alas, left without a return stamp: "For remelting" ...

It used to be especially for a person how indecent it was to cry in public. Therefore, under the motto "Indians know no pain!" Even today, the environment still very often expects men to lack such feelings. It is still used today as "uncontrollable" to show tears.

On the other hand, there is a saying: "Tears cleanse the soul!" or "It's good to cry from the bottom of my heart!" Psychologists and psychiatrists are convinced: "Tears can free the soul from stress!" In this context, it is also interesting that tears cause irritation with antibacterial agents. In the same way, one can imagine deb utilization in the shower. Someone who experiences stress, anger, grief and depression produces certain substances in the body that affect both the soul and the body. Tear gas specifically targets these substances.