Pearl properties and significance for humans. Pearl

A generous gift from nature is pearls. It belongs to the classification of minerals of organic origin and is highly valued in jewelry.

According to the place of origin, the stone is subdivided:

  • on the sea;
  • and river;

and according to the method of origin on:

  • natural;
  • cultured;
  • artificial.

The properties of the play of light on its surface and the characteristic shine are especially appreciated in the stone. The stone acquires these advantages by numerous superimposing of light rays on wavy layers of mother-of-pearl.

The colors of the gem can be very diverse: white, pink, cream, green, yellow, blue and even black.

The most expensive pearls are considered to be blue - their shade is the rarest variety.

Pearls - the magical properties of the stone

The stone is endowed with magical properties from the Moon. It is firmly connected with rhythms and contains the mysterious power of this heavenly body. But not only the yellow-faced night beauty influenced the value of pearls. Neptune gave him the ability to attract the attention of others, and Venus gave him love properties.

The inhabitants of Ancient Greece began to take an interest in pearls. They composed legends about him and believed that these were petrified tears of the nymphs of the deep sea. The women of this state wore pearl beads, which were supposed to protect them from love deceptions and failures, and gave an attractive and perky shine to their eyes. The people of the Middle Ages believed that all the tears shed by children and pure souls do not disappear without a trace, but are gathered by angels and locked in sea shells, where they become pearls. It was then that this gem began to be used when decorating a wedding dress. People believed that pearls would help strengthen the love of a young family, and if one of the newlyweds made the wrong choice, then the scattering of stones on the wedding dress should have lost color.

The magical properties of pearls favor people who have a clear life purpose and achieve it. He helps such individuals to find true friends and associates in the business. Also, the natural mineral relieves fanaticism, strengthens faith and contributes to an objective assessment of the situation.

For people who are absolutely devoid of personal organization and aspirations, magical properties will become a real hindrance. They will only exacerbate negative personality traits without bringing any benefit.

Sea pearls love impetuous people who act at the first call of the heart. It cools their excessive ardor and helps to achieve positive results in any business. River - will bring longevity to its owner, and to women - unfading beauty.

Healing properties

Pearls have strong healing properties. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lymphatic, autonomic, cardiovascular and nervous systems. The stone activates metabolism in the body, promotes intensive renewal of skin cells.

The healing properties effectively affect the recovery of red blood cells. For periodontal disease, blood vomiting and hemorrhoids, pearl powders and infusions are prescribed as a hemostatic.

Pearl infusion is easy to make at home. It requires five small stones, which are placed in a glass of water and left overnight. The liquid is charged from pearls with alkali and has properties similar to living water. Such an infusion helps well not only with blood loss, but also relieves inflammatory processes in the body.

Women with cardiovascular disease are advised to wear signet rings or rings. The healing properties will be most effective if you put the ring on the left and ring fingers of your right hand.

Sea and river pearls

It is very important to distinguish between sea and river stone. Indeed, depending on the origin, not only its cost differs, but also many medicinal and magical qualities.

The first criterion by which sea pearls can be distinguished from freshwater pearls is luster. The saltwater stone has glossy, luminous hues. River pearls tend to be more matte.

The second difference is form. Freshwater stones most often have an oblong, oval shape. The sea mineral has a perfectly round shape.

The very last factor by which you can recognize the origin of a stone is how much natural pearls cost. It is much easier to grow the mineral in fresh water than in salt water. In sea mollusks, there is rarely more than one pearl in the shell, in river mollusks - from a dozen or more. Therefore, freshwater pearls will cost several times cheaper than sea pearls.

Extraction of pearls

Man has been mining for hundreds of years. Due to this, many sea pearl oysters are completely depleted, and the authorities of the states mining this gem have imposed reasonable restrictions on the capture of mollusc. At the moment, natural pearl deposits are almost completely replaced by artificial farms.

Sea pearls of natural origin, in large quantities, are mined in the Persian and Manar Gulfs, the Red Sea, in the sea expanses of Japan and Sri Lanka. Freshwater pearls are mined in Russia, Germany, China, and the USA.

Cultured pearls are obtained by artificial implantation of a foreign body in a mollusc. The process of birth of a stone is the same as a natural one, but a person eventually learned to master it masterfully. The size, color and even the shape of the stone are completely controlled during the pearl cultivation process.

Recently, cultured pearls have been confused with artificial ones. But this is not the case. Cultivated stones have the same properties as those grown in nature, in contrast to imitating analogues.

How to distinguish natural pearls

When choosing a gem, you need to know the differences between natural and artificial. The modern synthetic analogue acquired a beautiful look, pleasing to the eye, but nevertheless, it remained a fake, which is important to recognize in time.

Difference criteria:

  • To check for authenticity, run the mineral over your teeth. Do you hear the creak? Then you have natural pearls in front of you!
  • When pearls rub against each other, synthetic stones slip easily, natural ones cling and impede movement.
  • Pay attention to the weight of the jewelry. Natural stones always have a decent mass.
  • Natural pearls have a porous structure. A perfectly smooth surface is a sign of a fake.
  • Examine the hole in the stone. In an artificial one - it is in this place that it is easy to recognize the applied layer of mother-of-pearl.
  • Drop the stone to the floor. If it bounces off the surface with ease - natural pearls.
  • View the stone for the light. Natural specimens emit in this position a gentle blue glow, artificial ones - green or pink.

To distinguish natural from synthetic pearls, you need an endoscope and a specialist. It is impossible to recognize them on your own, since the stones have practically no differences.

Zodiac signs

The value of pearls is directly related to its element - the sea. Accordingly, his patronage significantly affects the watermarks of the horoscope. Especially the precious stone favors people born under the constellation of Pisces. The magical properties of the stone help them to prevail over their impulsiveness, protect from love disappointments and deceptions. Pisces women should opt for sea pearls, which will have a beneficial effect on their love life.

To an open and sociable Aquarius, magical properties will help protect against envious people and ill-wishers. They will be bypassed by gossip, revenge and betrayal. The gem will guide Aquarius on the right solutions to important life problems, while helping to avoid emotional breakdowns and storms. Since natural pearls are protected by the forces of the Moon, Aquarius is contraindicated to wear it during apathy and depression. With their negative energy, they are able to activate the dark sides of the moon, and in this case, not only the owners of the stone, but also people close to them, may suffer.

Gemini is a special zodiac sign of pearls. Interaction with a precious stone grants the women of this sign the fulfillment of all desires, and men - intensive career growth and foresight. Like any sign of the zodiac, Gemini have their own special ailment - this is duality and impermanence. River pearls will bring clarity to their lives and help them adhere to the chosen course of life.

Scorpions, under the dark influence of the planets Mars and Pluto, will find the best harmony with black pearls. For women of this sign, the gemstone will serve as an excellent guide in love affairs and will help to acquire an active life position.

The healing properties are most effective in women with cancers. The stone normalizes blood pressure, relieves fatigue and its negative consequences, and also heals cardiovascular diseases.

Whoever suits a stone in everyday life is Taurus. He helps them cope with their incendiary character, gives calmness and self-confidence. Taurus women, with daily interaction with a stone, begin to better understand people and are sensitive to the mood of others.

Natural pearls, intolerant of unfairness, make it easier to perceive events. It also helps to build relationships between representatives of this air sign and the people around them. For unmarried women of scales, pearls will be an excellent assistant in finding a spouse.

In terms of their value, pearls are perfect for virgins whose activities are associated with a risk to their lives. However, for representatives of this sign, suffering from arachno and agoraphobia, it is better to refuse the gem. Interaction with pearls can aggravate these fears of virgins to the extent of neurosis.

Sagittarius wearing a natural mineral is not only not recommended, but also categorically contraindicated. It can adversely affect the health of the nervous and autonomic systems. These negative characteristics do not apply to wearing an artificial stone.

Capricorns, under the auspices of sea pearls, will gain self-confidence and the ability to objectively assess what is happening. A state of peace and happiness will be received from friendship with a precious stone by women of this sign.

Aries and Leo are signs of the zodiac under the heavenly protection of the sun. Therefore, pearls, representing the failure of the Moon, are a negative talisman for these signs.

Nature can work miracles, and one of them is pearl - a mineral of organic origin. For many years, the gem spends in the oyster of a mollusk, which, layer by layer, covers an inconspicuous grain of sand with mother-of-pearl, before it appears before the human eye in all its glory.

Pearls are capable of dazzling with their beauty and shine, which is why they love to use them in jewelry. The gem is also endowed with amazing energy, and the magical properties of pearls can work wonders.

Magical properties

At all times, various peoples of the world attributed magical properties to pearls and endowed it with rich symbolism. In China, pearls were considered a symbol of wisdom, in India, the stone personified the feminine principle and fertility.

The first Greeks and Romans associated pearls with the goddess of love Aphrodite (Venus in Roman mythology), according to legend, pearls were formed by drops of water that fell from her hair. The Persians believed that pearls are born where the rainbow meets the earth.

Pearls symbolize wisdom, love, beauty

Pearls are endowed with feminine energy and symbolize beauty, perfection and continuation of life. The rich symbolism of pearls also reveals such images as the human soul, hidden in the bodily shell, the highest wisdom, purity.

"The Chosen One wears coarse clothes, but hides a precious stone in his chest."

Lao Tzu

Pearls were perceived in different ways in different cultures: as a symbol of marriage, an image of heaven, a symbol of secret knowledge. Nowadays, few people attach such a complex symbolic meaning to stones, and most of the fair sex appreciate pearls for their beauty, sophistication and uniqueness, because in nature it is difficult to find two pearls of the same shape and identical color.

As a rule, when choosing a piece of jewelry or a souvenir with pearls, we do not think about the hidden properties of the stone and whether pearls are able to influence their owner or mistress. In fact, jewelry with pearls is not suitable for everyone, therefore, before putting them on yourself, you should find out if the stone corresponds to your zodiac sign.

Release of Water

The element of Water is close to pearls in spirit, therefore the stone is more or less suitable for people born under the sign of Cancer, Pisces and Sagittarius.

For Cancer

The gem calms Cancer, distracts at the moment when the owner is sad, taking him to the world of dreams and harmony. Pearls are able to help in the comprehension of knowledge, therefore it will become indispensable for Cancers, who have chosen education or psychology as their field.

At the same time, pearls can provoke depression. If the mood has soured, it is better to change the pearls to a more positive stone. Cancers should also take off their pearl jewelry when they are under pressure from someone, but they do not intend to resist it. Pearls are a very wayward stone, so they will surely provoke a protest and can involve the owner in a conflict.

For Scorpio

Pearls help Scorpios to show their best qualities: a sharp mind, self-sufficiency of thinking. However, the energy of the sign is so strong that it most often suppresses the power of the stone, leading to a conflict between it and the owner. As a result, pearls can push Scorpio to an extravagant act, or destroy the structure of the stone - and then he will begin to obstruct love, at work, in everyday affairs. Therefore, astrologers recommend that Scorpios wear pearls occasionally, and preferably black.

For Pisces

Pearls are considered the stone of the sign of Pisces, it protects the owners from rash acts, protects from the evil eye and acts as a talisman. The gem brings loyalty and love to Pisces. The stone is able to reason the owner, curb his anger, bring harmony to his house.

It is very important for the relationship of pearls and Pisces that the stone is constantly in contact with water - for this it is enough to sometimes dip it into water poured into a cup. Then the energy of the stone will serve for the good of the owner for a very long time.

Pearls need periodic hydration, especially if they are owned by a Fish

Earth release

For Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

It is not recommended for representatives of earth signs to wear pearls. The stone can harm their health, bring discord to the family. If the earthly sign of the zodiac certainly wants to wear pearl jewelry, then it is worth remembering that it is better to wear it for a short time.

In Taurus, pearls can increase anxiety and self-doubt. He will constantly distract Virgo from earthly affairs, remind of the eternal, make him think about his purpose. Pearls add courage to Capricorns, but the stone is able to lead far, "unleashing" Capricorn's tongue so that then it will take a long time to deal with the consequences.

It is enough for earth signs to hold the pearls in their hands to recharge their energy

Fire Release

Fire signs can wear pearls, but they are unlikely to. Passionate and less judicious stones suit them. Although they can have a good relationship with pearls, if you wear it correctly.

For Aries

The stone is able to endow representatives of the sign with prudence and curb their furious, restless nature. Pearls will help Aries to achieve balance in love, save them from scenes of jealousy and fanaticism.

Aries should not wear pearls to work, because the stone cannot stand the daily fuss and can make the owner irritable and intolerant.

For Leo

The gem is able to pacify the pride of the Lions, muffle hot temper, and also protect the owner from possible opponents.

You should not wear jewelry with a stone in the event that its owner holds a leadership position or has an intolerant overbearing character. Pearls will immediately come into conflict with the owner and can deprive him of some of his energy.

Fire signs of the Zodiac are better off choosing pearls framed in gold

For Sagittarius

This zodiac sign pearls are able to tune in a romantic mood, remind the owner of home comfort, create an atmosphere of warmth. However, not all types of pearls are suitable for Sagittarius, so it will take some time to find "their" jewelry. Low-quality pearls can confuse the owner's mood, cause negative emotions, irritation for no apparent reason.

Element Air

The gem can be worn for air signs, but with caution and for a short time. Their relationship can be difficult, as there is a contradiction between the energy of the stone and the energy of Air.

For Gemini

Pearl is preferred by people with strong convictions, conservative and confident in their choice.For twins who have made a decision, pearls will help to strengthen in it.

Moreover, the longer the representative of the sign wears pearls, the more the owner and the stone begin to conflict. The gem recognizes the weak traits of the unstable character of the owner and can "confuse" him, lead to a false target.

Pearls should only be worn by confident people

For Libra

For Libra, pearls show all their friendliness in the case when the thoughts of the owner remain pure. The stone gives a sign of self-confidence, develops a sense of beauty.

Pearls do not tolerate lies and resourcefulness, therefore, when the owner shows these qualities, the gem only aggravates the situation, adding to the owner such character traits as the fear of telling the truth, the desire to live at someone else's expense and narcissism.

For Aquarius

Aquarius pearls endows with the gift of foresight, helps to solve mysteries, to penetrate into the depths of the past. Long-term wearing of pearls leads the owner away from reality, leads to isolation and indifference.

When not to wear it?

Wearing pearls is worth not only based on the recommendations of the horoscope, but also taking into account the character of the person who wants to wear jewelry with a gem, although it is sometimes very difficult to objectively assess his own character.

The stone suits people with a strong spirit, it disorganizes weak-willed, weak people even more. Pearls can lead to depression, disappointment, and sometimes aggression. Therefore, weak-willed people who follow someone else's opinion should not wear pearls.

Black pearls should not be worn by young girls; they are a stone of depression and sadness that can provoke widowhood. And he helps divorced women and widows find a mate.

Black pearl jewelry is considered widow

Becoming the stone of a low, vile person, pearls are able to give out the impartial features of the owner. The stone quickly fades or even crumbles. The stone can lose its luster, color or transparency even after the death of the owner or separation from him, since it has the ability to become attached to one owner. That is why it is not customary to give pearl dyes if you yourself wore them.

Pearls endows convinced people with objectivity, knocks down arrogance and pride, as well as protects the owner from arrogant people, offenders and traitors.

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Pearls and esoterics

Pearl is the only mineral in the world that does not require additional processing and is of animal origin. When a grain of sand enters the shell of the mollusk, the latter begins to secrete a special organic substance and envelop the foreign body in nacreous layers. It takes years of work inside the shell to grow such a stone. There are three types of pearls:

  1. River pearls - have an uneven surface, cheaper in cost;
  2. Sea pearl - has a perfectly smooth, often round coating, is considered a more expensive mineral in comparison with its river counterpart;
  3. Artificial pearls have an exclusively external resemblance to natural stone, while they do not contain magical and medicinal properties.

In this article, we will only talk about organic natural pearls, which have a number of unique features and characteristics.

Healing properties of pearls

First of all, it is worth noting the fact that pearls can warn their owner against a serious illness. If, with constant wearing, stones begin to fade and lose their color, you should focus on the work of your body and consult a doctor. In addition, the mineral has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, liver and stomach. The stone helps to normalize the nervous system, it has a calming and relaxing effect on the entire body as a whole, and stabilizes blood pressure.

Also, an aqueous solution infused with pearls has long been used to cleanse the body. For this, the minerals are placed in water for 12 hours, after which the prepared liquid can be used for medicinal purposes.

How to wear pearl jewelry correctly

It is believed that pearl jewelry should be worn in pairs. For example, it is good to combine a pearl necklace with earrings with similar stones. White minerals look perfect with almost any outfit - it can be an evening dress or a formal work suit. They go well with precious metal - gold or silver, the main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of jewelry.

The most popular representative of these gems is white pearls. However, along with it, there is a large palette of other tones. The color depends on many factors:

  • A variety of oysters or clams;
  • The temperature, quality and composition of the water in which the sink exists;
  • The color saturation is influenced by the age of the stone - the longer the pearl is in the shell, the richer the color and the larger the size.

Let's take a closer look at the features and properties of different types of pearls.

Magic stone

Pearls have the magical properties of longevity - and not surprisingly. Wearing jewelry made of these gems every day, a person can monitor the state of his body, and the daily contemplation of sparkling minerals will provide peace and tranquility.

In Asia, pearls are credited with the property of increasing material and mental well-being and prosperity; wearing this mineral guarantees profit in all endeavors. So, in China, it is customary to give pearls to newlyweds for the early birth of a child. In India, these stones are also used at wedding rituals to increase the family and wealth of the young. In Greece, pearls are believed to add strength to the marriage union. Be that as it may, pearl products provide wealth in any conceived direction.

It is believed that these stones should not be worn by men. And it is right. Pearls add gentleness and gentleness to their owner, and these are the necessary qualities for a woman in building family relationships. Minerals will provide peace within the family, give the joy of motherhood, guarantee happiness, comfort and financial well-being in the family.

Black pearl magical properties

- a fairly rare type of mineral that has the highest cost among its analogues. For the first time, black pearls were discovered by the conquistador Cortez, who set out on an expedition to the shores of America in the 16th century. Minerals of black color or its shades can only form the oysters Pinctada margaritifera, which live off the warm shores of the Hawaiian Islands.

This type of molluscs secrete a special pigment. Under favorable conditions, at depths off the southern coast of America, it is possible to find a shell with such a stone of a rather large size. Unfortunately, this kind of success is extremely rare, so special farms have been created to provide the necessary conditions for this type of oyster. After 10-12 years, you can "harvest" and get pearls of the desired color. However, the size and shape of each mineral is significantly different, as a result of which it can take years to assemble one necklace, respectively, the cost of such an ornament reaches 100 thousand dollars.

Due to the special brilliance of the mineral, black and gray pearls are assigned a variety of magical properties:

  • He is able to scare away evil spirits;
  • Supports the youth and beauty of the hostess of the decoration;
  • Wearing black pearls develops eloquence and helps to develop the necessary communications with the people necessary for the owner of the gems.

White pearl magical properties

White is the most demanded category among pearls; it is rightfully considered the finest jewelry in the East. There are both river and marine species of this color. Given the difficulty of finding the required shell in the depths of the sea, pearls are often a gem, created and grown under the control of people. The first white pearl plantation used akoya oysters. Subsequently, all white minerals began to be called by this name. Such pearls are actively grown in the People's Republic of China, Vietnam and the Japanese islands. Mainly has a clear white color, small deviations in shades are also acceptable, for example, a silvery sheen.

The mineral has strong healing properties:

  • Normalizes the work of the abdominal organs - in particular, promotes the healing of stomach ulcers, it is recommended to wear white pearls in the treatment of gallstone disease;
  • Provides stabilization of blood pressure - hypertensive patients feel significant relief when wearing minerals;
  • Wearers of white mineral jewelry are usually long-lived.

In ancient Egypt, white and yellow pearls were especially famous. Cleopatra preferred earrings as jewelry that contained large white pearls. It was believed that, among other things, they provide the beauty and youth of the Queen of Egypt. In ancient times, it was believed that to prevent the evil eye, one should drink buffalo milk with white pearls crushed in it.

Red pearl magical properties

Red pearls are found off the coast of Mexico and the Caribbean. Just like all other colors of minerals, most often you can find a cultured stone - it is formed by artificially introducing a grain of sand or other foreign body into the shell of a mollusc. Later, the oyster grows pearls on its own for many years. Such farms are located in the habitats of oysters that have a special pigment in the released organic matter. Red pearls are a symbol of love and fidelity. It is optimal for married women to wear such stones, gems will bring peace and loyalty to their family from the other half. It also ensures the preservation of the girl's beauty and youth, has a large number of medicinal properties - it normalizes the nervous system, has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and pancreas.

This mineral is less durable than other precious and semi-precious stones. Average life expectancy is 100-150 years. Red or crimson color is rarely found on store shelves, so lovers of this particular shade will have to work hard to find natural pearls of a rich crimson hue.

Pink pearl magical properties

Pink pearls are a favorite gem of oriental beauties. In Japan, it is assigned the property of maintaining eternal youth. The presence of air, earthy and water elements in the stone has a calming effect on the body of the owner of jewelry made of pink mineral. Such jewelry often serves as an amulet to prevent the development of various types of diseases. These minerals are especially recommended for women with cardiovascular problems, they also improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Great importance is attached to the choice of this color in India, since for them it is a symbol of longevity and prosperity. can be of both river and marine origin. However, due to the difficulty of obtaining and finding the required shape and size, jewelry manufacturers choose the cultivated species. At the same time, the cost of an artificially grown mineral is much cheaper than its analogue, accidentally found in the ocean, and the quality is practically the same. Protect pink pearls from sudden changes in temperature and harsh cleaning agents as they can prematurely lose their shine, shine or even crumble.

Yellow pearl magical properties

Yellow pearls are found off the coast of Sri Lanka, in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. It, like all other species, is mainly grown on special marine plantations. At the same time, grains of the future mineral are introduced into the shells of oysters with a special yellow pigment. The longer the mineral has been in the shell, the richer its color will be. Even in Ancient Egypt, yellow pearls were famous for their magical properties:

  • They ensured longevity and youth for their owner;
  • Minerals have a calming effect;
  • Stabilize blood pressure - while having a positive effect on the body both in hypertension and in hypotension;
  • Improve blood circulation - used in the treatment of coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis;
  • They normalize the work of the abdominal organs - they have an enhanced effect of drugs in diseases of the duodenum, reduce the signs of gastritis, when treating urolithiasis it is recommended to wear yellow pearls.

Golden pearls magical properties

In the region of Panama, in the waters of the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, mollusks live, creating. Jewelry made of such a mineral gives a truly luxurious royal look to its owner. Natural golden pearls have a high cost, so this type of product is not available to everyone. However, for those who seek to gain a high status in society and establish the necessary communications, jewelry made of yellow pearls will be very useful. These stones look perfect when paired with gold jewelry. They also have healing and soothing properties.

Green pearl magical properties

Green and pale green pearls are found off the coast of Indonesia and Japan. It is quite difficult to meet such colors in the sea, therefore they are considered rare representatives of the pearl family. They are rarely found on artificial farms, so jewelry made from minerals of green shades is a rarity.

In China, pearls have been used for thousands of years in the treatment of a number of diseases. A particularly valuable component for this was a green mineral. Due to its rarity and usefulness, it was also used as a cash equivalent. Alternative Chinese medicine infused green pearls on various herbs and then used these tinctures to treat the following conditions:

  • Nervous system - atherosclerosis and other vascular problems, relieve symptoms in chronic diseases;
  • Improving immunity, including reducing the signs of seasonal allergies;
  • For anti-aging purposes.

It was believed that the owners of jewelry made of green stones lived longer. Like other types of these minerals, they have a calming effect, give confidence to the owner, and drive away evil spirits.

It is worth noting that the Black Sea mussel is also capable of growing pearls, some of which have a greenish tint. However, their shape, size and quality are significantly inferior to their Indonesian counterparts, so the cost is disproportionately lower.

Blue pearl magical properties

Another representative of a rare type of mineral is. In recent years, a rich color has been artificially given to it. In theory, the original stone of this color can be found off the coast of Tahiti. Blue pearls are of great importance to people striving for longevity and a healthy lifestyle. Like all other similar minerals, they have the following properties:

  • Calming property;
  • They have a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, promote the healing of gastritis and colitis, have a beneficial effect in the treatment of stomach ulcers;
  • They improve blood pressure;
  • Young owners of blue pearls have a great chance of conceiving a child, as a result of which jewelry made from such stones is often presented to young people for a wedding.

Blue pearls magical properties of the stone

Blue pearls are grown exclusively in the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean. But it is so rare that it is almost impossible to find information about it. In fact, this mineral is light gray in color and shimmers with blue tints in the light. Manufacturers often lighten their blue counterpart to obtain blue pearls. To do this, they place the mineral in a solution of hydrogen peroxide under ultraviolet light. In any case, jewelry made from this pearl has a large number of magical and healing properties, such as longevity, increased immunity, the ability to conceive, and financial wealth.

Brown pearls magical properties of the stone

has similar properties to the golden species and is also grown in the region of Panama, Mexico and the African coast. Jewelry of this color looks great on women with dark skin. The stone has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and digestive organs, normalizes blood pressure, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Also, the owners of the mineral are distinguished by longevity and great wealth. It should be noted that brown pearls do not have a special luster and, as a result, do not have a special value in comparison with their golden counterparts.

Beige pearls magical properties of the stone

Beige pearls belong to the minerals of the South Seas. It is grown in large species of molluscs. Such a stone has the thickest layer of mother-of-pearl, which makes it expensive. The pearl has a matte silk shine with hints of champagne. A beige specimen is most often an artificially grown mineral due to the fact that it is almost impossible to find a large number of identical pearls at the bottom of the sea. This can take years. The stone has medicinal and magical properties:

  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system - it prevents the occurrence of a stroke, reduces the symptoms of hereditary diseases of the nervous system, helps to stabilize the condition in epilepsy;
  • preserves the beauty and youth of the owner;
  • brings financial well-being.

Pearls got their name, which means "sea shell". The stone does not have a transparent surface and is not enlightened. Its peculiarity is the mysterious mother-of-pearl and dazzling iridescence, which play with all their reflections, both in the rays of the sun and in the moonlight.

It takes more than one year for a pearl to form from a grain of sand that has entered the shell of a mollusk. Larger stones take ten years. The process of formation is interesting in that when it gets into the body of a sea inhabitant, a protective reaction is triggered and thereby wraps a grain of nacre. This is how a gem of unusual beauty is formed.

The people who wore pearl jewelry belonged to the noble and wealthy category, who had their own large houses, furnished according to the latest trends. In such beads and earrings, many secular ladies attended events, causing the admiration of men.

Pearl colors and varieties

There are over 100 different shades of this stone. It is extremely rare to find pure white pearls; they often have a silvery sheen. Just like white, it is almost impossible to find a bluish-green gem. The most expensive pearl is black. This demand and cost is due to the fact that white colors are more common than colorful and stylish dark colors.

By its origin, the mineral is divided into sea and river. Its origin occurs in a natural and cultivated way. During natural formation, sea shells are naturally grown in the body. But during the cultured method, the bead is specially introduced into the mollusk and favorable conditions are created for the growth of high-grade and expensive pearls. In this way, not only pearlescent gems can be obtained, but also pink, purple and brown.

The popularity of pearls is due to the fact that regardless of their color and size, these products will ideally be combined with any outfit and celebration.

Black pearls are famous for the fact that people are completely absent from its creation, nature itself was favorable to create such a beautiful masterpiece. Such a stone is able to conquer the heart of any woman.

White pearls are considered to be a classic option that will suit everyone, regardless of age. A pure white shade is almost impossible to find, but its shades with overflow are very common among jewelers who make jewelry out of them. In order to acquire an exclusively white stone, it is required to avoid direct rays of light from falling on it, only then can its color be realistically evaluated. A white gem is appreciated in combination with the same classic black dress, which should be in the wardrobe of every socialite.

River pearls - it is difficult to find them, but they are much more valuable than sea pearls. Basically, its popularity is associated with the presence of many healing properties of the gem, as well as the variety of shades. In addition, river pearls predominate magically.

Extraction of pearls

The color of a gem depends entirely on its mining location. So near the Indian coast, you can find soft pink pearls. In Sri Lanka, the gem is exclusively yellow. In Austria and Japan, lovers of exquisite stones can get a mineral of snow-white tones, but golden pearls on the beaches and shores of Panama.

Healing properties of the stone

It is believed that it is pearls that are capable of curing many internal organs of a sick person with their energy. So if you have kidney, stomach and liver problems, you should definitely wear gem jewelry. Among other things, the mineral has a beneficial effect on the owner's nervous system, helping him to forget about irritation and small trifles. The stone will also promote relaxation after a hard day's work, relieving fatigue and heaviness in the legs.

It was noticed that pearls are able to feel and warn a person about the disease. The gem instantly fades and loses its attractiveness, thereby notifying the owner of an impending disease. Basically, this sign indicates a change in acidity or a possible tumor at an early stage of formation.

Also, the stone is used to raise immunity and protect against viruses and microbes.

The magical properties of pearls

Even in ancient times, such a stone as pearls was considered an excellent talisman and protection against old age and a means for rejuvenation. There are legends that Cleopatra used the juice of a pomegranate in which the pearl was located every day, in addition, she constantly wore products and all kinds of jewelry from this gem. It is with this ritual and a passion for pearls that the eternal beauty and unfading youth of the queen are attributed.

During the wedding, the husband or relatives from his side presented the bride with a string on which pearls were strung. Such a sign was supposed to protect the young from infidelity and rash acts that could somehow affect the honor of the family.

It is very important that such jewelry cannot be passed on from generation to generation, as this is fraught with attracting many troubles. Especially if the previous owner had a bad fortune, life with serious problems. It is generally accepted that each pearl attracts and retains the negative energy of the owner for a long time.

Who is suitable for the zodiac sign

The extraordinary gleam and flicker of the stone allows it to be attributed to the signs of the moon. That is why, the gem is in perfect harmony with the zodiac sign of Pisces. It is known that not all stones are suitable for Pisces, and exquisite pearls will be in perfect harmony with the owner and emphasize his dignity favorably.

Aquarius will not do any good or harm, the gem will not bring, pearls in their hands are absolutely neutral. But representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer can safely wear jewelry made of pearls, since the stone can bring many positive qualities and add confidence.

Everyone except people born under the zodiacal signs of the Earth can wear the mineral without fear of negative consequences.

Black pearls are suitable for the fire signs of the zodiac. He will calm down their ardor and overly bright manifestations of passion. Also, pearls will have a beneficial effect on getting rid of addictions such as drinking and excessive smoking.

Times go by, and pearl jewelry is still relevant and desirable. True connoisseurs of fashion should definitely have at their disposal at least a few items made of pearls.

Since ancient times, pearls have been endowed with magical characteristics. Pearls are considered the patron saint of travelers and merchants, an amulet against infidelity and lies, a talisman of beauty, tranquility and longevity. But the stone is not suitable for everyone - it will not help stubborn and stupid people. The use of pearls for the owner also depends on the sign of the zodiac under which he was born.

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"Girl with a Pearl Earring" painting by the Dutch artist Jan Vermeer

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      Stone or Mineral?

      Pearls are traditionally referred to as stones, but they are not. A mineral is formed in the shells of mollusks. When small grains of sand get inside, the mollusk secretes mother-of-pearl and envelops the speck so that it does not irritate the mantle.

      The resulting precious "stone" is not durable, most often its life is limited to a couple of hundred years.

      • Pearl myths

        Pearls are considered a symbol of purity, femininity, nobility and motherhood. Different peoples around the world keep their tales, myths and legends about the magic gem. In China, the birthplace of the name of the mineral, it is believed that pearls - it is moonlight passing through water and stuck in shells. In India, they believe that God Krishna found the pearl at the bottom of the sea and gave it to his daughter. Needless to say, pearl jewelry is a traditional gift for brides in India.

        The ancient Slavs believed that pearls were frozen drops of water that fell from water lilies. In Russia, the mineral has been known since ancient times. River pearls were mined in huge quantities for the setting of icons, clothing, kokoshniks, and jewelry. Pearls were called “pearls”, “Kafim stone” (Kafa, the present Feodosia), “pitched grains” were nicknamed the Persian “orient”.

        Properties of pearls and their purpose

        At different times, pearls were attributed to various magical and medicinal properties:

        • the mineral protected from deception and lies;
        • the stone could prolong youth and life;
        • the pearl was a symbol of the loyalty of the spouses;
        • the decorations darkened and lost their luster if the owner of the gem got sick;
        • the stone calmed and helped to relax.

        It was believed that vain, stupid, self-righteous and stubborn people cannot wear pearl products, the stone will not help such owners. A weak-willed person will only increase his sadness and sadness by wearing a pearl jewelry. The stone is suitable only for a brave, strong spirit and honest owner, with whom he will share his strength, will protect his health and peace.

        Mineral, depending on the place of formation, comes in a variety of colors. In the Persian Gulf, the best-quality and most famous Orient pearls are mined in cream or pink, in Australia - silver-beige, red - in Mexico, white - in Japan, gold - in Panama, dark gray or black - in Tahiti. It was the rare black pearls that had the greatest value. It was believed that they bring unprecedented luck to women, and, on the contrary, misfortunes to men.

        Nowadays, natural pearls are practically not mined. More than 90% of the jewelry on the market is made from cultured pearls. Its cost is much lower than the cost of natural.

        What zodiac signs are suitable for pearls

        The mystical properties of stones and minerals have been known since ancient times. For some, gems are beneficial, for others - troubles and failures, and still others do not notice the influence of stones on their lives at all.

        Over time, this strange behavior of precious stones and metals was compared with the horoscope, and their effects on people were classified according to the signs of the zodiac. What signs are worth wearing pearls, and which ones are better to abstain?


        Aries are bright and charismatic people, their element is fire. The sign opens the zodiacal cycle, so Aries are brave and do not succumb to difficulties. Aries women love to wear expensive and eye-catching jewelry.

        The mineral can give calmness, dull jealousy, help in the search for love and soften temperament. Pearls do not like fuss and vivid emotions; you do not need to wear them to work. Representatives of the Aries sign should not get carried away with a pearl stone, in everyday life it can cause a feeling of anxiety and excessive irritability.


        The element of the sign is earth. Taurus are patient, stubborn and purposeful people, their gift is the embodiment of fantasy into reality. The energy of pearls has a negative effect on Taurus. Balanced and collected representatives of the sign do not need reassurance.

        For Taurus women, pearls can bring disappointment, family quarrels and even health problems. To avoid possible depression, it is worth giving up pearl jewelry.


        Gemini is an air sign. Its representatives are energetic, overly curious, sociable and independent. It is very important for Gemini to be able to establish connections with many people and direct the flow of information between them.

        Pearls will save fussy and temperamental Gemini from rash acts, envy and revenge. Mother-of-pearl jewelry will help women calm down and make informed decisions when choosing a profession and a spouse. The mineral will pacify the ardor of obsessive Gemini communication.


        Representatives of the water element Cancer are very vulnerable and touchy people, capable of strong empathy and empathy. If in childhood Cancers were treated unfairly, they grow up insidious and cruel. Cancer men make shrewd leaders who cannot be deceived.

        Pearls love and protect watermarks. Cancer mineral will warn of deteriorating health, help to normalize blood pressure, and soothe at the right time. For Cancer women, black and blue pearls will bring good luck in love.

        a lion

        Leo is the solar zodiac sign. The active nature of Leo is subject to strong emotions and experiences. Pearls are capable of both balancing the ebullient energy of the sign, and introducing even greater imbalance.

        Leos should not wear black pearls, as they are considered moonstone. The black mineral will become a source of quarrels and troubles for the sign. Leo leaders should avoid the stone so as not to share energy with it. Pearls of a different color will help calm the nerves, improve health, relieve stress, dull Lions' aggression, and give prudence.


        The sign of Virgo strives for order and harmony in everything. Those born in Virgo are doomed to seek and notice flaws everywhere during their lives, and then strive to correct them. Light colors of the stone are suitable for them: white, cream or pink.

        The mineral softens the hard lines of Virgo, attracts luck in financial matters, promotes career growth, helps in communicating with others and wards off troubles.

        It is better not to give pearls to virgins with a weak character, there will be no benefit from it, a gem is undesirable for Virgins-travelers.


        The pathological desire for harmony and balance is manifested throughout the life of the representatives of the zodiacal sign. Persistent and unbending in spirit Libra often choose a career as a judge and lawyers of all levels.

        Libra women should wear pearls to find family happiness or to heal heart grievances. The mineral has a positive effect on the representatives of the zodiacal sign, curing heart diseases, disposing others to the owner, dulling pride and vanity.


        The strong character of Scorpios gives them an unprecedented magnetism for the opposite sex. Faithful and able to keep secrets, Scorpios personify victory over their own weaknesses, endurance and moderation in emotions.