What names are Irina for marriage. The meaning of Irina

What names are best to be friends, communicate who exactly love Irina? In the culture, it turned out the view of the compatibility of the vibration of names. Especially male compatibility and women's name Causes the greatest interest. Like names communicate with each other, and not people exchange energy and worry together for a minute of happiness, anger. Together develop.

What is a name

The name is the sound, meaning, association. That is, information and vibrations. Energy wave and information cell in the collective unconscious.

The whole amount of information with which a person identifies himself and which then presses \\ affects the unconscious \\ character \\ aura of man.

The vibration and informational code of the name is like a certain part in the electro chain (unconscious programs and the structure of character). And if the item is chosen correctly - then the whole scheme becomes powerful, it works faster.

The body is already conducting not 1 kW of energy of some kind of quality, but allow 5 kW or 10kW. And if the name is chosen incorrectly, the capacity of the whole body is reduced to 0.5 kW, and the rate of development, the achievement of goals is slow.

With the right approach to the question, the name gives a person by force and support, becomes a personal mantra. But the name does not speak about the entire electro-magnetic device, about me as a whole.

Name and fate

No name determines the fate of a person and even more relevant relationship. Name adjusts to "+" or "-" given from birth character. And either the fate facilitates (improving character) or not. Therefore for different people The same names are different.

My name is a tool that affects me. After all, they call me this name. I identify myself with the name. Etc.

Compare comparable, not liters with volts. Compatibility is the interaction of structures of characters (date and place of birth, experience of past lives, crystallization of qualities). The name does not specify the character, the name adjusts the structure of the nature of its owner on a unique program. Therefore, the question named and compatibility is questions from different planes.

By defining the number of names

By the number of the house it is impossible to say who lives in it. Different people live there. Also behind the number of the name are tens of names and millions of different people. What basis can be drawn and make a high-precision generalization? After all, even people born in one day and an hour have different characters and destinies. And it is repeatedly proven.

And then if you even have any observations with what qualities do carriers of one name, you should always understand that one name colors each of each other. A person is a multidimensional set of qualities, and it is impossible to say that a person will increase in you, only knowing his name. A clairvoyant person can define this influence, but for him the name is simply the starting point for analyzing the complex design of characters and AUR, and not the final analysis area.

Irina and compatibility with male names. There are many people, and few names. The truth is even less.

It is very easy to give a general, an abstract description that will contain the full potential of problems and relationships. As in a weekly horoscope in newspapers. It is much more difficult to give a real assessment of people compatibility - what type, level, quality compatibility.

Irina and any male name - maybe maybe something will arise in varying degrees of importance for you and through time, something will change and there will be something else. There is a chance that this meeting will change your life or will not affect it.

Irina and Alexander (people defender)
Irina and Alexey (Defender)
Irina and Andrei (man and protector)
Irina and Anton (enters into battle)
Irina and Arseny (Mougal)
Irina and Artyom (unharmed)
Irina and Bogdan (given by God)
Irina and Victor (winner)
Irina and Vladimir (owning the world)
Irina and Vladislav (owning glory)
Irina and George (farmer)
Irina and Gleb (big)
Irina and Daniel (God's Court)
Irina and Denis (god of life forces of nature)
Irina and Dmitry (God fertility)
Irina and Dobrynya (kind well done)
Irina and Egor (farmer)
Irina and Ivan (God's gift)
Irina and Ilya (my god)
Irina and Kirill (Vladyka)
Irina and Konstantin (permanent)
Irina and Lion (Lion)
Irina and Leonid (Lion Son)
Irina and Maxim (Music)
Irina and Mark (Hammer)
Irina and Matvey (given by God)
Irina and Mikhail (equal to God)
Irina and Nikita (winner)
Irina and Nikolai (winning nations)
Irina and Paul (small)
Irina and Roman (strong)
Irina and Semen (heard by God in prayer)
Irina and Sergey (high)
Irina and Stepan ("Wreath")
Irina and Timofey (revered God)
Irina and Timur (strong as steel)
Irina and Fedor (God's gift)
Irina and Yaroslav (burning glory)

It is very easy to disguise the interpretation of "compatibility" of any names under general interpretation - Perhaps maybe something will arise in varying degrees of importance for you and after time, something will change and there will be something else. There is a chance that this meeting will change your life or will not affect it. Also, life can present a surprise and a person will make what you did not expect from him (see the study called "Barnum's Effect" about generalization in predictions).

Not a man for a name, but a name for a person. Man with man says

People feel sympathy not by the sound of the name. And unconsciously, how comfortable you are wondering together. What mutually exchange with energies, qualities, actions take place between you. What you strengthen each other.

Look at how many different people - with the same names. Also there are similar people - with different names.

Name compatibility is a huge misconception that erases all inner world man, his true nature. And reduces to a simple digital or one property without studying the essence of this person. And what effect has a name on a particular person and how the influence of the name is on the character.

Where real compatibility buried

People's compatibility should be sought in docking, depreciation, interjunction of characters, AUR. And when we dial to the surface and we want to reduce the relationship of people to the melodic \\ digital relationship of names, then we do not even think that in a person reflects his name. As connected with the name and nature of this person.

Name compatibility is the theater of false shadows. Which confuses and takes from understanding the essence of the interaction of people in incorrect scenarios of the interaction of personal tools of self-regulation (names).

How to check people for compatibility only by name?

As well as the compatibility of partners in marriage in size sock. This will be so much common sense and even more, because we select socks under ourselves, comfort and convenience. And it is not for the fact that loving and unstring people called us the name, not knowing the consequences of the influence of this name on fate and character.

In order to actually assess the compatibility of people, it is necessary to leave the surface data taken from the "digits of the name", and begin to calculate the interaction in the characters \\ Auras \\ qualities.

Mystery of real compatibility

You need to begin to consider this question from the individual design of people.

A person has a certain bioenergy design, the shape and content of which is due to a variety of factors such as:

Time, date and place of birth - This is the influence of astrology
Accumulated experience - This is the influence of karma of this and past lives.
Crystallization level - Development of a chakral channel system

It can be imagined that a person is a complex spatial-geometric figure, a certain puzzle of a unique form. This figure is incorrect from the point of view of symmetry and geometry - face, surface, consistency, the density varies within this figure. Accordingly, the energy through different sections is flowing differently. Depending on the purity and degree of crystallization of the plots, the current can flow well, difficult or stop-border. As a result, as a whole, such an individual design will carry out energy at a certain speed and a certain quality.

The task of a person from the point of view of evolution consists in a perfect transformation of its design. In order to pass the figure of divine energy without any difficulty and resistance. Such a goal is impossible in the presence of serious "rough and irregularities" of this figure in comparison with its originally conceived divine unique form.

To embody this task, it is necessary to "complete", compact the desired part of the figure or remove, clean. This can be solved by various ways of self-development: practices, meditation, prayers, asceticism, reading and understanding of the desired literature, lithotherapy, medicine, neurolinguistic programming, self-analysis, self-discipline, work with a master, the use of weak currents and other technical means, the use of compatibility, etc. . This context will consider the use of compatibility.

In the context of our metaphor, the description of the structure of a person compatibility is manifested while in one space of two people whose structures are most suitable and docked with each other, as if suitable for each other multidimensional puzzles. That is, one or more faces of one design as much as possible or ideally complement a certain part of another design, compensating for its consecursions of other people's failures or smoothing out other people's failures.

Compatibility levels. Mutuality and variety of compatibility

Compatibility can be at different levels:

On sensual level - There is joy, confidence, inspiration.
At the physical level - For example, expressed in sex
On mental level - Opened Intelligent Canal

There are different levels of combination, differ in quality and benefits.

Compatibility can be two and unidirectional, can be mutually beneficial, greater or lesser, may be harmful. It all depends on individual structures.

Complement - The ideal combination subject to equal benefit. In general, people feel harmonious together than everyone itself separately. Some "plugging" of each other's holes.

Generation of one or more qualities, Status (automatic) - when you find 2 people in each other's field, automatic generation of a certain quality or state occurs.

Antisocability - Harm to both structures up to destruction. The interaction of structures destroys, devouring development. The solution in this situation is to disperse, to move away from each other physically and remove the sonorality. It happens, according to the classroom of love feelings or in debt, as well as work, the question arises about the need to communicate incurred people. In this case, you need to contact good specialists in the selection of amulets, exercises (in terms of Castaneda - magical passes, in yogic terms - assan, cri), mandala, stones and other external additional objects that smoothed incompatibility. But it is still better to limit the interaction, no matter how difficult it seems.

One-sided compatibility - Only one profitable interaction. Distinguish:
With harm to one of the pair - another interaction is harmful.
Without harm to anyone - another person no use, a waste of time in terms of energy growth.
In the first (and ideally, in both cases), the solution and output - to break and no longer support the connection.

Group matchmaker - Combination of 3 or more people.

Karmic combination - Communication for giving duty, which gives rise and delivers "joy" and leads to a lighter state.

Opening canal - If one person has a certain channel, then when interacting with it another compatible, through the latter, the energy also begins to flow, as if this channel itself is opened. One without harm is pumped by the second.

Operation of Quality - If one is worked out and developed any quality, it can put this quality to another, and the latter starts to develop the same aspect processes, which has not previously been developed.

And the names do not have anything to do so.

Learn your compatibility with a person. How do you mean - what you get and give each other consciously and unconsciously

Calculate the future and potential of your relationship.

What are the name of the child?

In doubt, thinking, searching?Learn right now a suitable name for a child! The name is a synchronous child, kind, purpose.

1. Can't choose a nameAlthough already for 3-4 months or even gave birth to recently?
2. WANT name and character And good sound?
3. Think of how name Help in life?
4. Look for a name that will help in communicating and learning?
5. All in doubt and search name that will appeal Do you and family?

In Popov

Thin taste, suspension in words and in the eve of ancient times made Irina in Russia with a symbol of peacemaking and common sense, emanating from a woman.

Sexy portrait of the name (by Higure)

Irina is a woman who is capable of selfless, bordering the sacrifice, love. She is brought up, knows how to own himself, has a huge power of will. Love for her most often - dramatic situation: unique first love, unforgettable last love ... She likes the romance of love as a feeling of something unusual, sublime. She does not seek so much in the love of the exit to his loneliness, how many playing his love drama in life. In love Irina, like no other woman, can give warmth. She claims itself in the world through love, fearing to admit to herself, which is not sure about the correctness of his sexual behavior. She never suggests that he is familiar with spiritual flour and suffering, a feeling of sexual dissatisfaction.

Irina loves light flirt, beautiful courtship, conversations on the verge of permitted, but rarely capture deep feelings, strong passion. Even with the most ardent lover, Irina feels lonely. She does his choice itself, Irina is not from those women who go beyond who is more persistent. In the sexual process, she is looking for equality, without imposing his partner's behavior style, but also without obeying him completely. For the "winter" Irina sex is a way to express yourself, his temper, he is for her to continue communication with a man. Life is full of love adventures, often with a launch of adventurism. Marry coming out very carefully, not wanting to argue with his freedom.

"Autumn" Irina is looking for durable sexual harmony in marriage, but for her sex is not the main thing in life, she wants to see in her chosen one of all the person, worthy of love and respect, and then a skillful and hot lover, Irina can marry unexpectedly For a person who knows only a few hours, but more often - for whom I have known for a long time and with whom is not a passion, but spiritual relationship, common intellectual interests. Irina remembers his first love for a long time and often, having married, can not forget the old affection. It attracts the attention of men for a long time, for ever, even with age, does not lose attractiveness.

According to Mendelev

Good, simple, joyful, gentle and feminine name, perceived by many as typical female.

Very emotional, excitable and inconsistent, guided by the so-called female logic (although in fact the logic of women is more formal and prone to rectilinear conclusions than men's). Often it has a strong will, choleric temperament and, which is found in women much less often, a developed sense of humor. Opened, even open, sociable, is not inclined to scrupulous analysis and "weighing" of their own and other people. The decision takes instantly on the basis of its intuition and an emotional assessment of the circumstances and the behavior of the people around it, so some of its actions may subsequently regret bitterly. It is hurt for any business, makes his personal attitude, a personal approach, but does not always bring it to the end. The estimates are very subjective. Unlockable and good, but at insults and insults reacts to the highest degree acutely and sharply. Authority does not feel very silent and has a lot of its own point of view.

Irina's intelligence is high, but superficial: its power is not in the analysis. It usually highlights one or two, as it believes the basic qualities of a person or phenomenon and makes its judgment as a whole, throwing secondary details.

Men enjoys great success, perceived as a source of joy, so Irina rarely happens unhappy love, almost does not arise in the family. He loves holidays and feast. When choosing a profession, it is typically feminine, interest in technology is alien to her. More prone to tense, but short-term effort than to constant, systematic and consistent activities.

In relations with children is as inconsistent, as in many things. The family rarely becomes the chapter, relyingly relying on the spouse. A good mistress, the cook, the homemade master of Irina becomes rare.

A very popular name, in prevalence it is in the first five names, especially in cities. The color of the name is bright blue.

By Higure

The name of ancient Greek origin and means it: peace, peace.

Irina since childhood is distinguished by independence and determination. More reaches the father than to the mother. It is capable of learning well, it does not require special efforts. Soberly approaches the assessment of the world around it. He likes to read detective novels, fiction, visits sports sections. Not sentimental, on the contrary, somewhat harsh. See Irina crying over the suffering of the "soap opera" heroes - rarity. Communicable, easily finds a common language with unfamiliar people. The company behaves relaxed, willingly drink, sometimes a little more than the decency requires. More and easier feels in a male company, they will quickly be boring among women. Direct and cutting in judgments and statements. Jealous.

Compatibility and marriage name Irina

By nature, Irina in love. However, they always retain independence. Women with this name almost never dissolve in a beloved person, family, do not subordinate their lives only to the home hearth. Acquisition of the profession, and then professional growth is an important and obligatory moment for it. And this is usually valuable employees. Irina always knows what he wants. Married Irina easily conquers authority not only husband and children, but also colleagues at work and neighbors. No less thoroughly suitable for choosing a husband. The latter may not doubt her devotion, but only if it constantly gives it to feel its significance. An underestimation of Irina's husband is dangerous - it can push it to treason, although it is unlikely to decide for divorce - because of love for stability and peace.

Irina is well prepared, fond of new systems of raising children, love to read special magazines. Most often, Irina is prone to completeness. The mother-in-law usually dislike Irin for their independence.

Successfully marriage with Leonid, Boris, Andrei, Sergey, Stepan, Efim, Ivan. Less lucky with Dmitry, Konstantin, Yaroslav, Roman, Valery.

According to D. and N. Winter

The meaning and origin of the name: "Peace, Tranquility" (Greek)

Energy and character name Irina

The name of Irina is perfectly balanced such qualities as hardness, cheerfulness, mobility and dedication. At the same time, there is sufficient independence in it, and therefore all of the above properties are few leveled in the process of education. It is also for the better, since a balanced combination of such character traits can make the fate of Irina quite favorable.

Energy named suggests Ira an analytical mindset, but this does not mean that she will grow like a scholatra. Rather, on the contrary, it simply clearly knows what he wants from life, and of all emotions, preference gives the sense of humor. Most likely, from childhood, Ira will not limit his chat with purely maiden companies, it is possible that it will be more involved in the society of boys, where she can even become the start. But still, it is unlikely that the boys of the Games will get too strong and will prevent her studies - usually and in this she knows the measure, not wanting to complicate life once again.

With the age of Irina, it is most often trying to pay enough time to his career, which is primarily due not to ambitious dreams, but with the desire to further strengthen its independence and independence. At the same time, it can be well developed by the intelligent leader's depository, since the internal equilibrium, the prudence and sense of humor allow it to be well laid not only with the bosses, but also with subordinates. It is difficult to imagine that it will raise the voice to their employees, especially since referring to people purely humanly, it can be achieved much more. Irina is a good diplomat and psychologist, because it is able to feel the mood of the interlocutor and often uses this very skillfully.

It is practically excluded that Ira decided to limit his life only with economic and family concerns, and this should be considered her husband or a candidate for the post. Of course, its energy will allow to support the economy at the proper level, but it is unlikely to refuse. Even if the husband is able to provide Irina and children over all measures, all the same, its independence will find some way out, otherwise Ira will just wage. Yes, and the husband, trying to sharpen it in the four walls, soon risks close to face an independent character of his wife: either Irina will soon arrange an active personal life, or sooner or later takes her husband to his mittens. Or then the other will happen. In short, this name is perfect for a modern emancipated woman, which should always be taken into account by candidates for her hand and heart.

Secrets of communication: Sometimes in communicating with Irina, it may be the impression that she is either no problem, or it relates to them quite easily. It is unlikely that it is in fact so, it simply prefers not to show the whole depth of his experiences. That's just if you suddenly noticed these experiences, you should not exercise too obsessive pity. Much better when compassion is combined with a soft humor.

Famous people named Irina

Irina Khakamada

"In political cuisine, do not do without the owners!" "Such a slogan chose Irina Khakamad in the election struggle, and it was the same way to her more close - the image of an elegant charming woman, confident, at the same time fragile, and strong. It is not surprising that the French firm "Carlos Wiyalon" asked Irina Khakamad to represent the teefore toilet water "Gentle Pouazon" before letting it into the Russian market. It so happened that for the creators of Pouazona, a politician, half a Japanese, became a symbol of a modern Russian woman.

In general, the biography of Irina Khakamada Pottit of all kinds of amazing facts. Interestingly, for example, her father, Mutsu Khakamada - Nobody, as a former leader of the Communist Party of Japan, emigre in the USSR after World War II. Irina herself, by completing the Economic Faculty of Moscow State University, to thirty years old became an associate profession, successfully engaged in business, headed one of the largest charitable organizations ... It is difficult to imagine how this woman has time to do everything at the same time: studying the time and for aerobics, reading, Secular rounds, visits to nightclubs, where Rap dances with selflessness. But another Irina Khakamada is a loving wife (though, the third husband) and a caring mother. In a word, for many, she is the ideal of a modern business woman, none of anyone who does not depend on and steadily the next motto: "I should always feel beautiful - and internally, and externally."


The name of Irina has ancient Greek origin. Since childhood, she is determined and independent. Irina Phallev Men's company than women's society. Marriage will be preserved loyalty and devotion than the respect of her husband will conquer. However, give life to a completely home hearth and a spouse Irina is not going.

Irina is compatible with such as Andrei, Alfred, Anton, Anatoly, Walter, Arkhip, Vincent, Boris, Vladislav, Vissarion, Woldemar, Vladimir, Gennady, Vyacheslav, Gerasim, Gabriel, Zakhar, Herman, Ivan, Gordes, Joseph, Igor, Irakli, Illarion, May, Lev, Martin, Leonard, Miron, Matvey, Modest, Metal, Nikita, Naum, Oscar, Nikanor, Ruslan, Plato, Samuel, Rodion, Stepan, Svyatoslav, Tikhon, Sergey, Yaroslav, Phillip, Marat, Tikhon.

Irina is absolutely incompatible with Valery, Arkady, David, Boleslav, Dmitry, Daniel, Valerian, Denis, Makar, Konstantin, Mark, Kuzma, Rudolph, Robert, Semen, Ruben, Fadeem, Timur, Fedot, Trofim.

In Pare Irina and Andrey, there is a certain interchange. At first glance it may seem that they are completely incompatible. Andrei used to control everyone and everything, and Irina does not tolerate rursing. How can people come together? However, in such a union, Andrei leads the situation and makes decisions, and Irina, freed from such duties, creates a favorable environment in the family. This allows you to be confident in tomorrow. It is precisely because Artem and Irina give each other what they are missing, harmony is observed in their family.

Union Irina - Boris He gives her peaceful calmness, which is very important for any woman. But Irina does not remain indifferent, she gives Boris her care, affection and tenderness. This process is somewhat similar to the exchange of energy. Irina and Boris delimit the responsibility among themselves, and it is quite suitable for both of them.

Irina and Vladislav is "happiness." However, each of them has its own. Interests from Vladislav and Irina are common. She gives the idea, and Vladislav implements it. It helps them to overcome household conflicts. From love Irina and Vladislav take selflessness and tenderness, and from friendship common values and principles. Relationships are obtained strong and harmonious.

In Pare, Irina - Yaroslav prevailed passion and vivid impressions. In love it is quite appropriate, but in family life Other qualities are important. And Irina, and Yaroslav do not like to lose and give up. Each of them is important to be a leader in relationships. They have household conflicts, but in intimate terms they are all right. However, Irina and Yaroslav are not alien and compromise.

The name of Irina means "peace", "peace".

Origin of name

The name Irina came from ancient Greek mythology where the goddess of the world and calm was called Aireren. The holy patronage of this name is considered the Great Martyr Irina Macedonian, who endured insults and humiliation for his faith and was burned at the fire in 304.

Despite the Greek origin of the name, it has many forms on different languages: Arina, Yarina, Irena, Irinya. In Russia, the name of Irina was distributed, but was mainly used in the form of Arina.

Characteristic named


This name is ideal for girls born under the following zodiac signs: Sagittarius, fish, Capricorn, Virgin.

Little Ira is a sensitive and emotional child. She responsibly fulfills all the instructions of the parents, thereby showing his love for them. But if it is unfair to offend it, she can drastically change his behavior and show disobedience, laziness, inability.


Ira looks at the world widely open eyes and knows exactly what she wants to achieve. She loves to read, prefers fiction, novels, detectives. At the same time, Irina is absolutely not sentimental, even the opposite is somewhat closed in themselves.

Irina grows by a sociable and sociable person, it is easily a joint language with unfamiliar people. In the company, behavior is distinguished by some frivolism, love for "gatherings". It feels best in male society, she flashes the attention of the opposite sex.

Irina has a practically impeccable woman who has no deficiencies. The only minus of her character is superfluous.


Ira will choose a profession that will be directly related to daily communication with people, for example, teacher, doctor, seller, psychologist, actress, lawyer. She loves her very much when her professional achievements notice and evaluate. It stimulates Irina to new "accomplishments". Any business for which it will take will be brought to the end, whatever it cost.

Personal life

From Irochek, the faithful, loving, caring wife and mother, who will adore her husband and children. In his family, she will use the authority, when making important family decisions, its opinion will always be listened and taken into account. With all this, Irina will not be able to live only by the interests of the family and completely devote themselves to home care. It will strive for independence, which will express in the desire to climb up the career ladder.

Name compatibility

The best compatibility with men whose names Andrei, Ivan, Dmitry, Leonid, Sergey, Boris.

Name day

Orthodox names:

  • February 26;
  • March 7;
  • April 29;
  • 18, 26 May;
  • 10, 17, 22 August;
  • October 1.

Famous people

Our famous contemporaries with the name Irina: Slutskaya, Rodnina (figure skaters); Muravyova, Alferova, Kupchenko, Rosanova (actresses); Hakamada (politician); Charms (gymnast); Allegrova (singer).

Secret named Oculus.ru.

Irina, Arina - World (ancient Greek).
Very popular name. In prevalence, it is in the top five names, especially in cities.
Zodiac name: Calf.
Planet: Venus.
Color name: Pale blue.
Stone talisman: opal.
Favorable plant: Kashtan, Lily of the Lily.
Patron name: Owl.
Happy day: Friday.
Happy year of year: Spring.
Reduce forms: Ira, Irinka, Irishka, Irusya, Irusha, Irenka, Arinka, Arishka, Ayusha.
Main features: Independence, aspiration.

Name Day, Holy Patrons

Irina Akvilaskaya, Martyrs, 29 (16) of April. Irina and sisters Her Agapia and Chonya, pious Christians in the IV century martyrs died for faith in Christ.
Irina Egyptian, Martyrs, October 1 (September 18).
Irina Constantinople26 (13) May.
Irina Corinthian, martyr. 29 (16) April.
Irina Macedonskaya, Velomarter, 18 (5) May. St. Irina lived in the first century, she was the daughter of the ruler of Migdonius. According to the orders of the new ruler, Sedkiyia holy thundered for ten days in the ditch filled with snakes. But the angel of the Lord retained it unharmed. Then Sedets commanded to cut out Irina saw, but the saws broke alone after another. Finally, the fourth saw was ordained the body of the martyr. Sedets with laughter said: "Where is your God?" A vortex suddenly rose, a blinding lightning flashed, striking many tormentors. However, Sedets continued torture, but the outraged people expelled the ruler from the city. St. Irina was addressed to Christianity more than 10 thousand pagans. Sv. Martyr in the cave, not far from Ephesus.

Folk signs, customs

April 29 - Irina-Divorces of the Beache, Urvi Snow: For about this time, it begins to melt off the coast: "The hollow water is waved in the shore."
May 18 - Irina-shotgun: burn in the fields in the fields - "Irina Huda-grass from the field Won!"

Name and character

Already in childhood there is some kind of adulthood in Ira, independence. He loves her father, he played with him with pleasure. When the company in the house is adults, does not climb, prefers to engage in its own affairs. It is better not to pay attention to it, do not require reading poems or exponential dances. All this Ira is able, but when it becomes the center of attention, the stool and "swallows the language".

At school, Ira studies well and it does not require great effort. She is talented, well draws, sews, knits. He likes to read detective novels, watch Hollywood films. She is not sentimental, digging over the suffering of the heroes of foreign TV shows will not be, they are just funny. Ira have a lot of friends, but she does not limit their communication with them, she attracts the society of boys, with them it also finds a common language. Loves to attend sports sections, more pool, swimming.

Irina can keep himself in her hands, in her words and deeds is a balance, but in certain situations it can be aggressive. In her words and actions a lot of common sense, it has its own opinion, a subtle taste.

Irina always knows what he wants. If she does not get married early, can master several professions, parallel to the main - learn the language, work on the computer, photographing. Makes everything leisurely, but thoroughly. Irina can be an intelligent supervisor, it will never increase the voice to the subordinate, internal equilibrium and reasonable will allow it to get well both with subordinates and the bosses. Irina is a purely female profession: it works in the design office, music teacher, seller, cashier, nurse, designer, designer, hairdresser, etc. Irina does not always work focus and brings the matter to the end, but always contributes to a personal attitude, it works better When her prases. Irina is a good diplomat and psychologist, knows how to feel the mood of the interlocutor, skillfully uses this.

Irina-Nature in love, but the heads in hobbies do not lose, it always knows what husband she needs and seeks to find his ideal. Irina Kholkin, but herself does not know about it, simply considers himself a reasonable and sober-minded nature. At the same time, it is difficult for her to be alone, and she is ready to go for some sacrifices, just not to stay alone. In men, she enjoys great success. Irina loves a male company, beautiful courtship, conversations on the verge of permitted.

In marriage, Irina is almost always a faithful wife, a good mother who will do everything for his child, but at the same time will never subjugate himself completely homely. The head of the family should not seek, will fully rely on the spouse. Its happiness can find with Andrei, Boris, Ivan, Leonid, Sergey, Stepan.

Name in history and art

Irina Bugrimova Irina (1910-2001) is the famous trainer, the first woman in our country, which has become trained predators.

Irina Bugrimova came to Circus in 1929. Together with A.N. Buslaev she had a theatrical number "Flying to Sanya". Soon she stopped satisfying this number, she dreamed of creating something new.

Appeal to the beasts was no coincidence. Irina Nikolaevna's father was a veterinary doctor of the Kharkov Circus, and she was still a girl, constantly helped him in his work. "And who just did not bring, did not lead to us: dogs and cats, goats and geese, cows, pigs and horses. Somehow even led camels," the artist wrote. Irina Bugrimova was offered to take a ready-made group of animals. But Bugrimov refused, stating that she was more interesting to raise the beasts. "Just to tame, then the king beasts," said Irina Nikolaevna and asked her to give Lviv. She went to meet, gave to the upbringing of the first three lion, who had "imperial" names - Kai, Julius, Caesar. The first number of Bugrimova in 1940 appeared very effectively. When the actress appeared in the arena, torches broke out in the hands of the assistants, the room had a lot of noise, sharp soures, snapshots. All this emphasized the image in which the teller protruded: Beautiful, with iscin-black hair, an excellent figure, she played a bold, exotic, somewhat mysterious woman, conquered the audience with her courage and romanticity. And the tricks in the room were selected appropriate. The most spectacular of them is the "Chair of Death". The actress sat in the chair, two lions with the front paws relied on his armrests, and the third - on the back, and the actress fed them with meat - a very risky trick!

But these external effects did not interfere with Irina Nikolaevna to be a humane trainer taking care of their pets. She wrote: "... We must be a bit and remember every moment that we have a living creature with your complex peace". Everyone understands that the beasts should be fed, drinking. Of course, they should be well-groomed, healthy. But Bugrimova still claims" with his complex world. "In every animal she saw a person, every one she knew many stories about each." For example , Caesar. Somehow Lev Timur has risen Kai's mouth. The patient lion expired with blood and did not let anyone in anyone, but Caesar approached the sick comrade and began to lick him the wound. So it lasted for a few days - until the complete recovery of Kai. "

Thirty years was Bogrimova on the Manege and about a hundred "lion's individualities passed through her hands. And how much tense situations were during the ideas or rehearsals, often dangerous. Irina Nikolaevna had a unique trick, during which she, together with a lioness, rushes on a swing literally The heads of the audience. The trick from the side seemed rather dangerous, as the Bugrimov and the lioness stood on the board-swing without any fence.

Are you sure that the lioness does not jump down? - asked the trainer.

Absolutely sure. First, because the lion features a point spotlight, and secondly (or it is first), with all its power, the lioness is afraid of heights, although it can take a jump in a few meters upwards.

So once during a stunt with swings, Bugrimov accidentally moved forward a few centimeters, taped at the same time with a sock of a paw standing ahead of a lioness. That instinctively to keep on the board, dug into the claws in the leg of the Irina. The sharp claws pierced through the thin skin of the boot and the trainer felt that the wound was bleeding. He immediately filed a sign to his assistants. They immediately lowered the swing and sent a lioness outside the arena, in a cage. The hall burst out from the applause, without even suspecting that the trouble could happen.

Bugrimova was not only an excellent trainer, a magnificent artist, but also before the desperation of a bold, weathered. That's what she once wrote in his memories: "With the age of the lions, like olders, become capricious, welded, do not like young lions, with difficulty take them in their environment, do not want to work. There was, for example, I have a nine-year-old Lion Nero in the group . Previously, he was distinguished by discipline, and now it was literally to hunt me. I was rehearsed: after the execution of the trick, Nero goes to the place and suddenly, instantly unfolded, rushes at me. But now he clearly replayed, entered the excitement Character. And it was impossible to guess which minute he rushes at me again. Now I installed Nero Mizanssen, but I didn't tell me! " And Nero fulfilled his Misaneszen, rushed back at the trainer, "... My White Triko now became red, blood swallowed in boots. But I took myself in my hands and brought the number to the end ..."

Since 1976, Bugrimova did not work in the arena, but led an active social life. Irina Nikolaevna was the chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Russian State Circus Company, a member of the Presidium of the CDRI, animal protection society. In 2000, he was awarded the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" III degree.

In the history of the world circus, a strong, courageous, charming woman will remain in the history of his will far from the most good-natured fauna representatives. Woman among Lviv, earthly "Queen over kings", Artist Irina Nikolaevna Bugrimova.